The Community Colleges of Ventura County District Board of Trustees Area 1 Ms. Mary Anne Rooney, Chair Area 2 Ms. Cheryl Heitmann, Trustee Area 3 Dr. Larry O. Miller, Vice Chair Area 4 Mr. Robert O. Huber, Trustee Area 5 Mr. Arturo D. Hernández, Trustee Student Trustee Ms. Tanya Pulley District Administrators Chancellor Chief Executive Officer Dr. James M. Meznek Vice Chancellor Business Services/ Financial Management Ms. Sue Johnson Vice Chancellor Human Resources To Be Named Associate Vice Chancellor Human Resources Ms. Patricia Parham Associate Vice Chancellor Information Technology Mr. Vic Belinski College Administrators President, Moorpark College Dr. Eva Conrad President, Oxnard College To Be Named President, Ventura College Dr. Robin Calote Student government officers with their scholarship awards and President Calote (rear). 2006 • 2007 General Catalog and Announcement of Courses Ventura College 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 654-6400, 986-5855, 378-1500, 656-0546 Ventura College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 CommercialBoulevard, Suite 204, Novato, CA 94949, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accreditingbody recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. The College Catalog is available in alternate formats upon request from the Educational Assistance Center, (805) 654-6300. Ventura College has made every reasonable effort to insure that the information provided in this generalCatalog is accurate and current. However, this document should not be considered an irrevocable contractbetween the student and Ventura College. The content is subject to change. The College reserves theright to make additions, revisions, or deletions as may be necessary due to changes in governmentalregulations, district policy, or college policy, procedures, or curriculum. The College will make everyreasonable effort to inform students of significant changes that occur after publication of this document. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 FROM THE PRESIDENT As the President of Ventura College, I am pleased to welcome you to an institution that has a proud tradition of innovative instructional programs and support services, an outstanding faculty and staff, and a beautiful campus! Ventura College has served four generations of students since we opened in 1925. Students attending our College can earn associate’s degrees or complete certificates in more than 75 programs, learn a new profession or sharpen their vocational skills, all while participating in student activities, leadership opportunities, and athletics. VC is very successful at transferring students to four-year universities. We are among the top 23% of all California Community Colleges (CCCs) transferring students to the University of California (UC) system, and in the top third of CCCs transferring students to the California State University system. Officially designated a Hispanic-serving institution by the U.S. Department of Education, Ventura College is among the top 7% of CCCs accounting for Hispanic students transferring to the UC system, and we are nationally recognized for our success rate in awarding associate’s degrees to Hispanic students. In 2004-2005, the most recent year for which statistics are available, we were second in the state for community colleges with enrollment between 10,500 and 12,500 in transferring students to the CSUs and the UCs. More than 12,000 students enroll at Ventura College every semester. Our students range in age from high school students earning early college credits to retirees exploring new fields, and all those in between who are pursing degrees, sharpening their professional skills, or just learning more about a topic of personal interest. Our goal is to continue to provide educational programs that will meet the life-long learning and employment aspirations of our diverse student population. Ventura College is receiving a $117 million face-lift as a result of the recent passage of a bond measure. Many buildings on campus are in the process of being renovated or replaced. The campus is very proud of its new, magnificent 100,000 square foot Library and Learning Resource Center that offers students 525 computers for both laboratory and drop-in use. An upgraded Sports Complex is in the final stages of completion, a one-stop Student Services Center will open this fall, and the new Advanced Technology Center and Health Sciences Building will follow in the next couple of years. We offer a variety of support services to ensure your success, including academic and career counseling, tutoring, financial aid, and a center for students with learning and physical disabilities. Our child development center provides developmentally appropriate toddler and preschool programs. Education can fit into your busy schedule, with choices of day, evening and weekend classes at a variety of locations including the Ventura campus, the East Campus in Santa Paula, and other sites in Ventura and Fillmore. We also provide flexible, quality educational opportunities by offering a full range of general education and CSU transferable online courses. On behalf of the administration, faculty and staff of Ventura College, welcome! We wish you every success in your academic endeavors. Robin Calote, Ed.D. President Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 VISION STATEMENT * We believe in the power of education to change the lives and economic futures of our students and their communities. * We succeed when our students can apply what they have learned to create new knowledge, to engage in meaningful employment, and to actively participate as informed members of society. * We celebrate the power and diversity of ideas, cultures, races, lifestyles and learning styles. * We expand educational opportunities and enrich the learning environment through traditional classroom instruction, distance education technologies, experiential learning, and meaningful co-curricular activities. * We have a passion for excellence, and hold ourselves and our students to the highest standards of conduct and performance. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Ventura College is: to offer academic and vocational programs leading to the completion of associate degrees or certificates; to prepare students to transfer to four-year colleges and universities; to provide remediation to those who need to improve their basic skills; to support the state and region’s economic viability through workforce development; and to provide continuing education opportunities that enhance personal growth and life enrichment. The college serves high school graduates and others who are able to benefit from the academic and vocational opportunities it offers. Courses are provided using both traditional and distance learning delivery systems. The faculty and staff of Ventura College are committed to student success and strive to create an environment of continuous improvement through the establishment of measurable and/or observable student learning outcomes that can be used to assess student performance, improve instructional and service delivery, and guide institutional decision-making. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 STATEMENT OF VALUES The Ventura College community is committed to following a set of enduring core Values that guide it through changing times and give rise to its vision, mission and goals. * Respect We believe in the personal dignity and full potential of every individual and in fostering positive human values in the classroom and in all our interactions. * Integrity We are committed to maintaining an open, honest and ethical environment. * Quality We are dedicated to achieving excellence in the broad range of academic programs and services we provide to our students and the community. * Collegiality We are committed to creating a professional and supportive environment where students, faculty, and staff can achieve personal growth and fulfillment. * Access We believe it is essential to provide and nurture learning opportunities for all individuals. * Innovation We recognize that change is constant and that it is imperative that we continually evaluate our performance and seek new and improved approaches to providing educational programs and services. * Diversity We are dedicated to embracing and responding to our increasingly diverse student body. * Service Ventura College values its importance to the community and is dedicated to enhancing the community’s quality of life and to meeting its needs. * Collaboration We believe that better results are achieved by working together, whether as colleagues on College issues and decisions or by actively seeking to form partnerships with other organizations to address mutual Goals. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 VENTURA COLLEGE PLANNING GOALS To assure that there will be no financial barriers to education for lower and middle-income students, Ventura College will: • Work with the Ventura College Foundation to develop a program to underwrite the first-year enrollment fees for all qualifying graduating high school seniors in our service area. • Develop systems that will provide increased awareness of financial aid processes and greater assistance in completing financial aid forms and requirements. • Work with the Ventura College Foundation to expand public awareness of scholarship opportunities at both the community college and transfer levels. To reach non-traditional and underserved populations, the College will: • Expand outreach efforts at the East Campus. • Expand the offering of online and hybrid classes. • Identify meaningful incentives to encourage more faculty to develop online classes. • Expand outreach efforts to increase concurrent enrollment of qualified high school students. • Provide opportunities for the faculty to become more aware of the multiple intelligences / learning styles. • Expand efforts to make those with a limited ability to speak English feel welcome on the campus. • Examine the structure of course offerings to ensure that the college can accommodate working adults. • Offer fast-track, low-unit classes that will appeal to retired adults. • Work with the Ventura College Foundation to expand the Dare to Dream scholarship program to encourage non-high school graduates to consider attendance at Ventura College. • Expand support services for a wide variety of unique student populations, including foreign students, re-entry students, out- of-state students, etc. To improve the ability to respond more rapidly to the changing occupational needs of the community, Ventura College will: • Examine both campus and district curriculum systems to identify bottlenecks in the approval process. • Examine the number of units required for certificates and the course scheduling patterns for occupational programs to assure that the pathway to a career can be completed in a reasonable amount of time. • Reactivate occupational advisory committees for vocational programs. To increase the visibility and viability of the college’s occupational programs, Ventura College will: • Revise the organizational structure in order to provide better support for career education. • Develop and pilot one or more modular, fast-track occupational programs that will lead to employment within six months. • Participate in the development of a district-wide occupational brochure (with companion program-specific brochures) for recruitment and outreach purposes. • Market occupational programs in appropriate arenas; i.e., Chambers of Commerce, local newspapers. To increase the visibility and viability of the college’s occupational programs (continued) • Host on-campus meetings with employers, faculty, and counselors to discuss career trends. • Host meetings with counselors and faculty to increase understanding of vocational programs and requirements. • Increase faculty and administrative participation in local business organizations; i.e., Chamber of Commerce, Ventura County Economic Development Association. • Provide information on employment trends at flex day activities. • Increase services of the Career Center. • Encourage newspaper articles on successful students and programs. To expand the opportunities for students to connect with others outside of the classroom, Ventura College will: • Take steps to re-establish an attractive, centralized social hub for the campus and to create pleasant study spaces for students at various locations throughout the college. • Develop a formal Arts & Lectures program and expand awareness of the college’s consolidated calendar of campus events. • Continue to seek funding for and offer campus/community cultural programs. • Increase internships and work experience offerings. • Provide service learning opportunities and credit. To reach the predominantly younger student population served by the college, Ventura College will: • Improve the usefulness of its Web site, using input from faculty, staff and student focus groups. • Expand its recruitment efforts to include greater use of the Web and other technologies designed to appeal to younger students. • Expand the use of technology as a teaching and learning tool. • Conduct research to identify how Ventura College students currently gain information about the college. To improve student retention, Ventura College will: • Conduct institutional research to identify the major variables impacting student retention. • Develop and pilot programs that encourage students to identify and declare a commitment for a specific educational or occupational goal. • Develop and pilot systems to recognize benchmark levels of student achievement as they progress toward their identified goals. • Increase the opportunities for students to identify with a cohort and/or to work in a learning community. • Provide intervention programs to identify and assist students who may be falling below the expected level of student achievement. • Expand efforts to acquire funding to support tutoring and supplemental instruction. • Include the issue of student retention as a central focus for professional development activities. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information .................................................................................................. 9 Campus Telephone Numbers ................................................................................... 11 Admissions Information............................................................................................13 Academic Calendar...................................................................................................21 Academic Policies .................................................................................................... 22 Instructional Support Services ................................................................................. 29 Student Services.......................................................................................................31 Special Programs ..................................................................................................... 37 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information ................................................................ 39 Announcement of Courses ....................................................................................... 81 Credit Courses .......................................................................................................... 85 Non-credit Courses .................................................................................................. 211 Faculty and Administration ....................................................................................... 213 Appendices: Student Conduct Code ....................................................................................... 221 Student Grievance Procedure ............................................................................ 223 Privacy Rights Governing Student Records.......................................................224 Academic Freedom ............................................................................................ 225 Solicitation ......................................................................................................... 226 Publicity Code and Information Dissemination .................................................. 226 Use of Student Image, Likeness or Voice Captured at Public Events................226 Parking & Campus Traffic .................................................................................. 226 Equal Opportunity Statement ............................................................................. 228 Student’s Right-to-Know Completion and Transfer Rates ................................. 229 Policy on Harrassment/Discrimination .............................................................. 229 Sexual Assault....................................................................................................232 Student Financial Services ................................................................................. 235 Student’s Right-to-Know Campus Security and Crime Awareness ................... 238 Glossary of College Terms ....................................................................................... 240 Index ......................................................................................................................... 243 Maps ......................................................................................................................... 245 CREDITS Cover Design – Barbara Harvey Photos – David Breslin, Robert Chaparro, Nelson Emery, Fernando Flores, Barbara Harvey, Elizabeth Kohr, Alisa Sparkia Moore, John T. Moore, Angelica Ramos-Navarro, Swimming World Magazine, Jay Varela, Psychology Club and Paramedic Photos, courtesy of respective departments. Production – Christina L. Garcia Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 GENERAL INFORMATION Accreditation Ventura College is one of California’s 109 public community colleges and is subject to the legal provisions of the state. Ventura College is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. U.S. Department of Education, General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) Ventura College (VC) is in compliance with all applicable Federal and State laws, and welcomes students for admission to any course of study for which they are otherwise qualified without regard to age, marital status, race, color, creed, gender, sexual preference, national origin, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era. VC embraces both the letter and the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. VC fully informs students of the availability of services to ensure equitable access. Access information is disseminated in both printed and electronic form throughout the College’s expansive service area. College Services At Ventura College, there is a strong commitment to equal opportunity for all students who choose to attend and can profit from the educational courses and programs. All people are welcome to the college family. Various offices and associations promote the efforts of underrepresented people to become students. Students interested in assistance from these support groups and offices may make the appropriate contact. The Advantages of a Community College Ventura College offers students some very special opportunities not found at four-year colleges and universities. We put students and teaching first, with smaller classes and more individual attention from staff, counselors, and instructors. We are the convenient equivalent to lower division university studies and provide smooth and secure transfer to four-year schools. We welcome all students, whether just out of high school or returning to school after a period of work or home responsibilities. Any student who can benefit from our classes is welcome to attend. We are the obvious “best-buy” in higher education—fees are low, quality is high. College and the Community Though Ventura College draws students from other California regions, as well as other states and foreign countries, there is a particularly strong bond between the campus and the communities which surround it. For decades, Ventura College stood alone as the only postsecondary institution in the county, and, as a result, the College counts as friends, supporters, and alumni, thousands of people from across the Oxnard plain and the Santa Clara, Ojai, Conejo and Simi Valleys. In many of these areas, but particularly in the west county, Ventura College is known as “the College.’’ Today, Ventura College maintains the same strong commitments with its community. The performances of College drama, music, opera, dance, and athletic groups and teams draw enthusiastic support from the community, as do professional and student artists who exhibit in the two College galleries. In addition to these curricular activities, special noncredit courses and other events, performances, and excursions keep the community focused on the College as an exciting cultural and recreational center. In 1981, the Ventura College Foundation was established by the College President and a group of education-minded business and professional people from the community. The purpose of the Foundation is to support the goals and services of the College by building and shaping community support. By the end of 1986, the Foundation’s base of support had grown to the point where it appointed an executive director, and set as a capital project goal a new campus building to house tutoring and testing services in addition to providing a place for community meetings. Guthrie Hall was dedicated in November 1989. The Foundation continues to build support for its ongoing projects of student scholarships, staff study grants and program support. If you would like to be part of the tradition, call the Foundation at (805) 654-6461 and become involved. Alumni Association The Ventura College Alumni & Friends Association was created to foster a spirit of friendship and philanthropy among alumni and friends for scholarships, newsletters, reunions, and special events. For additional information, contact the Ventura College Foundation at (805) 654-6461, or visit the Web site foundation/index.htm History Community college education in Ventura County began in 1925 when a junior college department was added at Ventura Union High School, on the site now occupied by Cabrillo Middle School. In 1952, responding to recommendations from a commissioned study concerning population growth and building needs, the Ventura High School District adopted a 3-3-2 organization. Ventura Junior College became Ventura College, a two-year institution for the freshman and sophomore years of college. In 1955, the College moved to its present 112-acre hillside campus at 4667 Telegraph Road in the eastern part of Ventura. The current student enrollment of the College for day and evening classes both on-campus and off-campus (Fillmore, Ojai, Piru, Santa Paula) is approximately 12,000. The East Campus has been added in Santa Paula. The citizens of Ventura County voted in 1962 to form a community college district separate from any other public school entity. Ventura College has since grown into a comprehensive community college serving a diverse population of college-age and adult students who pursue a wide variety of transfer, vocational, and other educational goals. Today the Ventura County Community College District includes two additional colleges—Moorpark and Oxnard. The District Offices are centrally located in Camarillo. In March 2002, the Ventura County voters approved a $356 million general obligation bond to renovate and expand all three campuses and the District training facilities for police, fire, and sheriff’s officers. The first Ventura College building using bond funds was the Library and Learning Resources Center which opened in January 2005. The new Student Services Center and the Ventura College Sports Complex are currently under construction. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 General Information -9 - PRESIDENTIAL HISTORY Over the past 80 years, Ventura College has had exemplary leadership. That leadership was provided by: H.O. Wise................................1925-1928 Melrowe Martin ..................... 1928-1929 Amos E. Clark ........................ 1929-1931 D.R. Henry .............................. 1931-1953 Hugh Price .............................. 1953-1956 Phil Putnam ............................ 1956-1960 Ed Rowins ............................... 1960-1966 Dr. Richard E. Loehr ............. 1967-1974 Dr. Richard A. Glenn ............. 1974-1985 Dr. Robert W. Long ............... 1985-1992 Dr. Jesus Carreón ................. 1992-1995 Dr. Larry A. Calderón ........... 1995-2004 Dr. Robin Calote .................... 2005-current ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES President .................................................................... 654-6460 Executive Vice President of Student Learning ... 654-6464 Vice President of Business Services .................... 654-6354 OFFICES OF THE DEANS Arts and Sciences.................................................... 654-6339 Business, Resources Development, Community Education, Off-Campus Programs ......................................... 654-6368 Criminal Justice, Technology, Music and Reserve Academy ........................................ 654-6470 Evening Supervisor ................................................. 654-6483 Health and Human Performance ........................... 654-6348 Liberal Arts and Learning Resources ................... 654-6468 Student Development ............................................. 654-6455 Student Services ...................................................... 654-6487 EAST CAMPUS East Campus at Santa Paula.................................. 525-7136 IMPORTANT CAMPUS PHONE NUMBERS For general information call: From Ventura, Ojai, Saticoy, all others not specifically listed: (805) 654-6400, (805) 656-0546. From Oxnard, Camarillo, Port Hueneme: (805) 986-5855 - connect to Ventura College From Moorpark, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Agoura: (805) 378-1500 - connect to Ventura College Admissions and Records ....................................... 654-6457 Assessment/Testing Center...................................654-6402 Bilingual College Services ...................................... 654-6484 Bookstore .................................................................. 654-6485 Business Services .................................................... 654-6354 CalWORKs ................................................................. 477-2021 Campus Police .......................................................... 654-6486 Career Center ........................................................... 654-6411 Child Development Center ..................................... 648-8930 Community Education............................................. 654-6459 Counseling Center ................................................... 654-6448 East Campus ............................................................. 525-7136 Educational Assistance Center (formerly Disabled Students Center) ................ 654-6300 TDD only.. ............................................................. 642-4583 Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS) ................................................... 654-6302 Financial Aid Office ................................................. 654-6369 Human Resources .................................................... 654-6465 Institute of Comm. and Prof. Development ........ 648-8904 International Student Center ................................. 654-6323 Learning Center ........................................................ 654-6320 East Campus Branch ........................................... 525-7136 Library ........................................................................ 654-6482 East Campus Branch ........................................... 525-7136 Math Center ............................................. 654-6400 ext.3255 Matriculation Office ................................................. 654-6493 Public Relations ........................................................ 654-6462 Re-entry and Women's Center .............................. 654-6365 Reserve Academy .................................................... 987-7413 Scholarships (Foundation) ..................................... 654-6461 Student Activities Office......................................... 654-6487 Student Business Office ......................................... 654-6488 Student Business Fax.......................................... 648-8950 Student Health Center ............................................ 654-6346 Student Payroll.........................................654-6400 ext.1351 Transfer Center......................................................... 654-6473 Tutoring Center ........................................................ 648-8926 East Campus Branch ........................................... 525-7136 Ventura College Foundation .................................. 654-6461 Veteran’s Affairs ....................................................... 654-6457 Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 General Information -11 - ADMISSIONS INFORMATION Eligibility Admission to Ventura College is open to any California resident who possesses a high school diploma or equivalent (certificate of proficiency, GED), any adult 18 years of age or older who may benefit from instruction offered, and any person who is an apprentice as defined in Section 3077 of the Labor Code. Exceptions are considered by petition for special admissions programs noted elsewhere in this section. High school graduates under 18 years of age shall provide an official transcript verifying their graduation or its equivalent. Students entering any of the public community colleges of California are subject to the residency requirements as determined by the state of California. A student who is a resident of another state may be admitted under conditions stipulated by the governing board and on payment of nonresident tuition, enrollment, health fees and other applicable fees. A student who is a citizen and resident of another country (international student) may be admitted under conditions stipulated by the governing board and on payment of an application processing fee, nonresident tuition and foreign student surcharge, enrollment, health fees and other applicable fees. Consult the “Fees” section and “Appendix XIII” of this catalog for more information on nonresident tuition, fees and refunds. The right of a student to attend any community college in this District is conditioned by certain admissions and residency qualifications as provided by law. Students disqualified from other institutions must petition to be admitted by the Office of the Registrar. Further information is listed under residency requirements. Admission Procedures New Students: Students attending Ventura College for the first-time must file an application for admission and attend a new student orientation, assessment and advisement session. Apply online at Applications may also be filed in person at the Admissions Office. Students who complete orientation, assessment and advisement activities will be eligible for an early registration date. Continuing Students: Students who have attended within the last year must update personal information (address, phone) and academic goal information before they register each semester. This may be done online when you register, or in-person at the Admissions Office before your registration appointment date. Returning Students: Students who are returning to Ventura College after an absence of one year must file an Application for Admission in-person or online at apply. All Students: Must have official transcripts of all previous high school, college, and university coursework sent to the Admissions Office. Additional information is provided under Transcript Requirements, (see page 17). Student Central: Online Student Services Students may access the following student services online at by clicking on Student Central: • Apply for Admission • Check registration appointments • View Registration Calendars • Register for classes • Search for classes using the “Searchable Schedule,” customize the search with available options • Add and drop classes • Pay fees with Visa or Mastercard • Change your mailing address and phone numbers • Change your PIN to a personalized PIN • Update your major and educational goals • View your class schedule • View your academic records (courses, units, GPA) • View unpaid fees and holds • Check your progress toward a degree, certificate or transfer • Print an official enrollment verification • Access course information and drop deadlines Registration Procedures Ventura College offers registration online and in person. All students must have an application on file, and must have completed or waived the three student matriculation activities of orientation, assessment and advisement before they receive a registration appointment. Registration appointments are available online at least one week prior to the beginning of registration. ..Registration Calendar is available online and in the printed Schedule of Classes each semester. ..Register online at ..In person at the Admissions Office. ..Late Registration and Program Adjustment: begins on the first day of instruction. See the Registration Calendar for more information about deadlines for full-and short-term classes. ..Registration in a Closed Class: During the registration period before a semester or session begins, students have the option of placing themselves on a waitlist for most closed classes. See “Waitlist for Closed Class” information below. Registration in a closed class as of the first day of the semester always requires permission of the instructor, and must be completed by the end of the Late Registration and Program Adjustment period. Attend the first available class meeting, get an “Authorization to Add Code” from the instructor, and register for the class online using WebSTAR, or in-person at the Admissions Office. This process also applies to students who are still on a waitlist as of the first class meeting. ..Waitlist for Closed Class: Students will have the option of placing themselves on a waitlist for most closed classes. The option is available during the registration period, up to the end of the last registration day before a class begins, through online and in-person registration. Waitlisted students will be moved into seats that become available during the registration period. All students who are still on the waitlist as of the first day of instruction must attend the first class meeting to take advantage of their priority on the waitlist. Follow the procedures for “Registration in a Closed Class” above. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Admissions Information -13 Residency Requirements The determination of legal California residence is a complex matter. Students will be required to present various kinds of documentation for purposes of the final determination. All questions as to legal residence and the exceptions allowed under California law shall be directed to the Admissions and Records Office. The right of a student to attend any public community college in California is conditioned by certain residency qualifications set forth in the California Education Code. Residence determination is based on state and federal law, and is subject to change without prior notification. California Residents To qualify as a California resident, a student must have legally resided in California for one year and one day prior to the beginning of the semester he or she is planning to attend, and must have taken actions that express intent to establish California residence. Students who have lived in California for more than one year but less than two years will be asked to show proof of legal California residence. The burden of proof lies with the student, who must present documentation of both physical presence in the state for at least one year and one day, and intent to establish permanent California residence. Failure to present such proofs will result in a nonresident classification for admission and tuition purposes. A complete list of acceptable proofs of residence is available from the Admissions and Records Office. Students who are former residents of California and have been absent from the State, but who attended a California high school for three years and graduated from a California high school may be eligible for exemption from the requirement to pay nonresident tuition fees while they reestablish their legal residence in the State. Contact the Admissions and Records Office for more information on AB540. Nonresidents A nonresident is a student who has lived in California continuously for less than one year and one day prior to the beginning of the semester he or she is planning to attend, or who is unable to present proof of intent to establish permanent California residency. Students classified as nonresidents shall pay nonresident tuition fees in addition to mandatory enrollment and health fees. Conduct inconsistent with a claim for California residence includes but is not limited to: • being an actively registered voter in another state • petitioning for divorce in another state • attending an out-of-state educational institution as a resident of that state • declaring nonresident status for California state income tax purposes • maintaining a driver’s license or vehicle registration from another state International Students International students (F1, F2, M1, M2 visas) and persons who hold nonimmigrant visas including but not limited to visa types B, C, D, H2, H3, J, O, P, Q1, TN, TD, TWOV, U, WB, WT are citizens and residents of another country. Eligibility for admission is determined by the type and current status of the visa. If eligible for admission, students present in the United States under these visa types are classified as International students and required to pay nonresident tuition fees in addition to the mandatory enrollment and health fees for each semester of attendance. Contact the International Student Office for more information. Students who hold certain types of nonimmigrant visas approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly known as the Immigration and Naturalization Service or INS) may be eligible for admission as well as residence classification for tuition purposes. Visa types eligible to establish residence include: A, E, G, H1B, HIC, H4, I, K, L, N, NATO, O1, O3, Q2, Q3, R, S, T, V. Proof of current visa status must be submitted. Contact the International Student Office for more information. Students residing in the United States who do not possess a visa or other documentation issued by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services may be eligible for exemption from the requirement to pay nonresident tuition fees. The student must have attended a California high school for at least three years and graduated from a California high school. Contact the Admissions and Records Office for more information on AB540. This exemption does not apply to students who hold nonimmigrant visas. Military Personnel and Dependents Military personnel who are stationed in California on active duty are exempt from the requirement to pay nonresident tuition for the duration of their active duty assignment to California. Eligibility for the exemption does not mean the individual is classified as a California resident. Persons eligible for the exemption may not be eligible for certain types of financial aid or assistance. The exemption does not apply to members of the armed forces assigned to California solely for educational purposes. Spouses and dependents of military personnel who meet the above description are also exempt from the requirement to pay nonresident tuition. Eligibility for the exemption does not mean an individual is classified as a resident. Persons eligible for the exemption may not be eligible for certain types of financial aid or assistance. The exemption applies only to dependents whose sponsor is assigned to California on active duty. The exemption may not apply to any military personnel or dependant who already possesses a bachelor’s degree or higher. Minors as Special Admission Students In accordance with the California Education Code, minors may be permitted to take college courses under very specific circumstances. The intent of Special Admissions is to provide minors who can benefit from advanced scholastic and vocational education the opportunity to take college-level courses that are not available through their primary school or other alternatives. Ventura College permits high school students to enroll in Ventura College courses as Special High School Admission students. The College may admit other minors, in accordance with the California Education Code, who can demonstrate the ability to benefit from advanced (college-level) scholastic and vocational education. Special High School Admission and Special K-8 Admission Students are required to complete and submit an application for college admission (online or in person), a Special Admission packet that includes the Recommendation for Special Admission (required every semester), Memorandum of Understanding, a transcript (high school students), a letter from the principal attesting to the student’s ability to benefit from advanced scholastic or vocational education (through grade 8), and may be requested to provide additional documentation as needed. K-8 students are also required to obtain the instructor’s written permission (signed add slip). 14 - Admissions Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Parents and students applying for Special Full-time Admission status must contact the Registrar’s Office. See information following regarding this category of special admission. All packets and forms are available from the high schools or the VC Admissions Office. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, once a student is attending an institution of postsecondary education, all rights pertaining to the inspection, review and release of his/her educational records belong to the student without regard to the student's age. Therefore, all students, regardless of age, must provide written consent for release of their transcripts. For more information, see the Student Privacy section in this Catalog. Fees Special High School Admission students and other minors in Special Admission status who are enrolled in 11 or fewer units, are exempt from paying the enrollment fee. Nonresident tuition, health fee, student center fee, and materials fees (if applicable) still apply. No fee exemption applies if enrollment in more than 11 units is approved. Special High School Admission Students Such students are actively enrolled in at least a minimum day at high school, and are requesting to take college courses concurrently. After first semester, student must submit the Recommendation for Special Admission form each term at registration. Special High School Admission students register in- person on an assigned day as noted on the registration calendar in the Schedule of Classes or online at: calendars. Special K-8 Admission Students Such students are enrolled in grades K-8 and have provided the required documentation supporting that they can benefit from advanced scholastic and vocational education. Documentation may consist of a letter from their primary school principal (required); official confirmation that the student is a GATE (gifted and talented) student; test results from the Ventura College Assessment tests; other forms of documentation may be considered. After first semester, student must submit the Recommendation for Special Admission form and written permission from college instructors each term at registration. Written permission consists of a signed add slip. Special Admission students register in-person on or after the first day of the semester. Special Full-Time Admission Students As provided for in the California Education Code, a parent or guardian may petition the Ventura College President on behalf of a person who is under 18 years of age, not a high school graduate, no longer enrolled in a public school, and determined by the College to be able to benefit from advanced (college-level) scholastic and vocational education. Admission to Ventura College will only be considered upon determination that the parent and student have exhausted all possible alternatives offered by the public school district in which the student would normally be enrolled, and may require that the student obtain permission from the administration of that district for a leave of absence. Students applying under this status are required to enroll in and maintain full-time status in every term they attend as Special Full-Time Admission students. Failure to maintain full-time status may result in probation or dismissal. They must complete an application for college admission, provide transcripts from the last high school attended and submit a petition for Special Full-Time Admission then, complete the college matriculation process, see a Ventura College counselor and the Registrar. Additional documentation may be required to determine the ability to benefit from college-level coursework. Special Full-Time Admission students register in-person during walk-in registration. College Board Advanced Placement Credit Students who complete special advanced placement courses in high school and who earn scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the College Board Advanced Placement examinations taken before high school graduation will receive credit towards graduation at Ventura College for each such test completed with the required scores. An official copy of test scores must be submitted to the Admissions and Records Office. Students granted credit for advanced placement exams will not earn credit towards a Ventura College degree for duplicated college courses. Students should see a counselor before taking courses which appear to duplicate advanced placement tests. The specific unit value assigned to each examination and the applicability of this credit to the College's general education requirements are available from college counselors. Other colleges or universities have different policies concerning advanced placement and may offer a different number of units or consider different courses as comparable courses. It is also possible that other colleges and universities may not honor Ventura College transcript entries which award advanced placement credit for particular tests. Students planning to transfer should discuss the use of AP scores for meeting transfer requirements with their college counselor. Credit for Military Service The colleges of the Ventura County Community College District will recognize and grant credit to service personnel for formal educational training completed in the United States armed forces provided such credit is not a duplication of work taken previously. Service personnel may be allowed credit for formal service school courses offered by the United States military service recommended in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the armed services of the American Council on Education. The credit allowed will be based upon the recommendations specified in the Guide. The maximum amount of credit which may be allowed toward satisfaction of college requirements shall be 12 units. Service personnel will be allowed full advanced standing credit for college level courses completed under the auspices of the Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES) or the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) as recommended in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the armed services of the American Council on Education. Service personnel will be allowed full advanced standing credit for college-level courses completed at the Naval Construction Training Center (NCTC) at Port Hueneme based upon the recommendations of the Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education of the American Council of Education. Such credit will be treated in the same manner and under the same policies as allowing credit from regionally accredited colleges and universities. Any work completed at a regionally accredited college or university by service personnel while in military service and for which the college or university issues a regular transcript showing the credits allowable toward its own degrees, will be allowed advanced standing credit toward the associate degree in the same manner as if the student had pursued the courses as a civilian. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Admissions Information -15 Service personnel should be aware that other colleges and universities may have different policies concerning credit for military educational training. There is no assurance that the granting of these units by the colleges of this district will be accepted by other institutions of higher education. Students must submit an official transcript of military course work to the Admissions and Records Office for evaluation. Contact the Admissions and Records Office for more information. Ventura College Matriculation MATRICULATION Matriculation is a partnership which results in an agreement between Ventura College and the student for the purpose of defining and realizing the student’s educational goal. This agreement includes responsibilities for both the College and the individual student. This agreement results in a Student Educational Plan. COLLEGE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: 1. Admissions and Records - provides an admissions and records process that will enable the College to collect state- required information on students. This information will be used as a basis for providing services to students. 2. Orientation - provides an orientation process designed to acquaint students with College programs, services, facilities and grounds, academic expectations, and College policies and procedures. 3. Assessment- provides an assessment process using multiple measures to determine academic readiness in English, reading and math. These assessment results will be used by the College to assist students in the selection of academic courses. Additional assessments are available in areas of study/learning skills and vocational interest. 4. Counseling/Advisement - provides counseling services to assist students in course selection, development of an individual student educational plan, and use of campus support services. Additional advisement and counseling assistance will be provided for students who have not declared an educational goal, are enrolled in basic skills courses, or are on academic probation/dismissal. 5. Follow-up - establishes a process to monitor a student's progress and provide necessary assistance toward meeting educational goals. 6. Alternative Delivery -Provide modified or alternative services for the matriculation process (if necessary) for ethnic and language minority students and students with disabilities. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: 1. Submit official transcripts from high schools and colleges attended. 2. Acquire and read the College Catalog, Schedule of Classes, handouts, and other student materials which detail College policies and procedures. 3. Indicate at least a broad educational goal upon admission. 4. Declare a specific educational goal after completing a minimum of 15 units. 5. Participate in orientation, assessment, advisement groups and other follow-up support services deemed necessary by the College in order for the student to complete their stated educational goal(s). 6. Attend all classes and complete all course assignments. 7. Complete courses and maintain progress toward their stated educational goals. MUST I PARTICIPATE? A comprehensive assessment process is required for all nonexempt students. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in all the components of the Matriculation process, i.e., orientation, assessment, counseling/advisement, and follow-up. You may be exempt from participating in the Matriculation process if you meet the criteria listed as follows: 1. If you hold an associate degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution. 2. If you have completed less than 15 units and your education goal is either: a. To advance in current job/career (update job skills). b. To maintain a certificate or license (e.g., nursing, real estate). c. Educational development (intellectual, cultural). 3. If you are receiving matriculation services at another college and attending a VCCCD campus concurrently, you may be exempt from orientation and counseling/advisement. 4. If you provide scores from recently taken VCCCD-approved assessment tests, you may be exempt from the testing portion of assessment. You have the right to postpone or appeal one or more of these activities: Assessment (including math, English and reading testing), orientation, or advisement. If you choose to postpone or appeal one or more of these activities, you may not take part in early registration. If you postpone any activities, you are required to complete them before registration for the following term begins, or you again will be unable to register during early registration. In order to postpone or appeal one or more of these services, you must complete the Postponement or Appeal of Matriculation Services form available in the Admissions and Records Office. Full-Time Student A student is defined as full-time if carrying 12 or more units in a regular semester or 4 units in a summer session. Unit Requirements for Benefits Students are required to enroll in and complete a minimum number of units per semester to qualify for certain benefits, including the following: Most automobile insurance “good student” discounts (3.00 GPA) ........................................................... 12 units Coverage under most medical insurances.................. 12 units Student government participation ............................... 12 units Social Security benefits ............................................... 12 units Student Loan Deferments: Full-time required................................................. 12 units Half-time required .................................................. 6 units Financial Aid ............................... Contact Financial Aid Office Veteran’s Educational/War Orphan benefits under G.I. Bill: Full subsistence ................................................... 12 units 3/4 subsistence ..................................................... 9 units 1/2 subsistence ..................................................... 6 units Less than 1/2 time, contact the VA specialist in Admissions and Records Office for details regarding eligibility. 16 - Admissions Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Obtaining Your VC Transcripts Only the student can initiate release of transcripts. Transcript requests must be made in writing to the College Admissions and Records Office. All students receive two transcripts free of charge; thereafter, the fee is $3.00 for regular processing (a minimum of two weeks) and $5.00 for rush processing. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, once a student is attending an institution of postsecondary education, all rights pertaining to the inspection, review and release of his/her educational records belong to the student without regard to the student's age. Therefore, all students, regardless of age, must provide written consent for release of their transcripts. For more information, see the appendices “Student Privacy” section in this Catalog. Transcript Requirements ALL NEW, CONTINUING AND RETURNING STUDENTS are required to submit official transcripts from all high schools, colleges and universities they have attended. EXCEPTION: Students do not need to submit transcripts from Moorpark and Oxnard Colleges. The transcripts should be directed to: Ventura College Admissions and Records Office, 4667 Telegraph Rd., Ventura, CA 93003. Students are encouraged to have their transcripts submitted to Ventura College before enrolling for their first semester, to prevent delays in processing their registration. Transcripts are required for verification that students have met prerequisite requirements with courses from other schools. Special programs with special requirements such as nursing, varsity athletics and financial aid require a student to file all high school and college transcripts to verify eligibility. Ventura College will retain these transcripts in student files in the Counseling Office. The College is not required to maintain files beyond three years except for actively enrolled students. Therefore, students should be aware that records are periodically purged and copies of high school, college and university transcripts are destroyed. Acceptance of Transfer Credit from Regionally Accredited Colleges and Universities Students transferring to the Ventura County Community Colleges from colleges accredited by recognized regional accrediting associations will normally be granted lower division credit for courses entered on officially certified transcripts. Official transcripts must be sent to the Admissions and Records Office. They will be evaluated based upon the current practices specified in the Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education by the American Council on Education. Students transferring to the Ventura County Community College District from other colleges and universities are required to declare all previous college work. Failure to provide complete information may result in dismissal from the Ventura County Community Colleges. Transfer Credit from Foreign Colleges and Universities Students transferring to the Ventura County Community Colleges from foreign colleges or universities must have their transcripts translated and evaluated by a qualified translation and evaluation agency. Contact the Ventura College International Student Office or Admissions and Records Office for more information regarding credential evaluation criteria. Students must submit official transcripts to a qualified agency and request that the agency forward the official evaluation to the College. Completed coursework will be considered for lower division unit credit only. Requests for equivalent course credit are evaluated on an individual basis by a counselor. This review is based upon the recommendations of the transcript evaluation service and by the appropriate college discipline. International Student DEFINITION - An international student is anyone enrolled in courses in the United States who is neither a citizen or permanent resident of the United States. International students may hold an F-1 student visa or other type of nonimmigrant visa, which require that they remain citizens and residents of their home country. Persons holding any type of nonimmigrant visa should contact the Ventura College International Student Office. PERMANENT RESIDENT - Persons who have been granted a permanent resident card are considered to be United States residents. Persons holding a permanent or temporary resident card, or who have taken steps to obtain permanent resident status by applying to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly the Immigration and Naturalization Service) should contact the Admissions and Records Office regarding their resident status for admission and tuition purposes. WHICH INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MAY ESTABLISH RESIDENCE? Persons holding these visas are eligible to establish residency: 1. A-1, A-2, A-3 Foreign government official or employee, family and servants. 2. E-1, E-2 Treaty trader and treaty investor, spouse, children. 3. G-1, G-2, G-3, Representative of foreign government, officer and G-4, G-5 employee of international organization, family and attendants or servants. 4. H-1, H-4* Temporary worker or trainee, spouse and children. 5. I Representative of foreign information media, spouse and children. 6. K Fiancé and fiancée of U.S. citizen. 7. L-1, L-2 Intracompany transferee, spouse and children. 8. O-1, O-3* International student with extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics, spouse and children. 9. R Religious Occupations. *Even though dependent children holding an H-4 or O-3 visa are not precluded, their residency status is derived from that of their parents. This list is subject to change based on state and/or federal legislation. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Admissions Information -17 WHICH INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MAY NOT ESTABLISH RESIDENCE? A person is precluded by the Immigration and Nationality Act from establishing residence in the United States if he or she holds a visa of the following type: 1. B-1, B-2 Visitor for business or pleasure. 2. C International student in transit. 3. D-1, D-2 Foreign crew member. 4. F-1, F-2 Academic student, spouse and children. 5. H-2, H-3 Spouse and children of temporary worker or trainee. 6. J-1, J-2 Exchange visitor, spouse and children. 7. M-1, M-2 Nonacademic or vocational student, spouse and children. 8. O-2 International student accompanying and assisting an 0-1 International student with extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics. 9. P-1 Internationally recognized athlete or entertainer. 10. P-2 Artist or entertainer entering the United States to perform under a reciprocal exchange program. 11. P-3 Artist or entertainer entering the United States to perform under a program that is culturally unique. 12. P-4 Spouse or child of P-1, P-2 or P-3 International student. 13. Q International cultural exchange program. This list is subject to change based on state and/or federal legislation. STUDENTS HOLDING A VISA THAT PRECLUDES THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RESIDENCE MUST HAVE APPROVAL FROM THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT OFFICE PRIOR TO ENROLLING IN CLASSES. LIMITATIONS ON ENROLLMENTS (F-1 VISA ONLY): In order to foster cultural exchange, the District encourages ethnic and national diversity among the International students admitted. Due to the District’s limited financial resources and space, and due to the special educational needs of International students, the Ventura County Community College District reserves the right to limit the number of F-1 International students admitted each year. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS WITH AN F-1 STUDENT VISA: 1. Submit a completed Application for Admission and declare an educational objective. Include required application processing fee. See Fees. 2. Provide evidence of adequate proficiency in the use of the English language. Where English was not the language in which their education was acquired, students are required to complete the Test Of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and achieve a score of at least 450 or produce documentation of equivalent English proficiency. Application deadlines for International Students: • Fall Semester, June 15 • Spring Semester, November 15 • Summer Semester, April 15 For information on the TOEFL, write: Educational Testing Service, P.O. Box 899, Princeton, NJ 08540. 3. Submit a confidential statement of finance that verifies financial capability for the costs of attending one of the colleges of the district, or affidavits guaranteeing financial support from responsible resident citizens of the United States. 4. Before registration is validated, foreign students must pay the entire nonresident tuition fee and the enrollment fees for the semester. 5. It is expected that applicants will have completed secondary school with a satisfactory academic record. Students must provide certified translated transcripts from secondary schools and colleges previously attended. 6. Submit a health statement by a licensed American physician that verifies general good health and freedom from communicable disease. 7. Provide proof of major medical insurance coverage. If needed, the College can provide information on policies available. PERMISSION TO WORK: (F-1 visa only) According to immigration policy, International students may work 20 hours a week, on-campus only, during their first nine months of study. After the first nine months of study, foreign students may request permission to work off-campus. Contact the International Students Office for information, (805) 654-6313. Fees: ENROLLMENT FEES ARE SET BY THE STATE, ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND MAY BE RETROACTIVE. ALL OTHER FEES ARE SET BY THE VENTURA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BY BOARD ACTION. Enrollment Fee: ......................................... $26.00 per unit 13.00 per 1/2 unit 6.50 per 1/4 unit Health Fee (see details) ............................ $15.00 Fall/Spring 12.00 summer Nonresident Tuition: Non-California residents and International students ......................... $169.00 per unit International students surcharge ................ 14.00 per unit International student application process fee............................................... 50.00 Materials Fees............. As required, see Schedule of Classes Remote nonrefundable online registration fee .......................................... 3.00 per sem (Applies to WebSTAR registration) Student Center Fee ....................................... 1.00 per unit (maximum of $10 a fiscal year) Audit Fee (non-refundable): Students enrolled in 10 or more credit units. ................................................... no charge Students enrolled in fewer than 10 credit units. ............................................... 15.00 per unit Note: auditing students also pay the health fee. ASB card (optional) ...................................... 6.00 per sem Note: year ends last day of summer session. 10.00 per year Students who owe outstanding fees may not register until their fees are paid and cleared from the computer. 18 -Admissions Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Fees / Obligations / Holds CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: California residents must pay the mandated enrollment fee. California residents meeting certain criteria may be eligible for a Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver (BOGW) or other financial aid. Contact the Financial Aid Office, (805) 654-6369. NON-CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: Non-California residents must pay nonresident tuition, plus the enrollment fee, health fee, student center fee, and applicable material fees. You are a nonresident if you have lived in California for less than one year and one day prior to the first day of the semester, or you are unable to present sufficient documentation to prove that you have established California residency. See the College Catalog for residency information on page 14. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: International students must pay enrollment fees, the health fee, nonresident tuition, a student surcharge unless they meet one of the following exemptions as listed pursuant to Ed Code 76141 and 76142: • Student must demonstrate economic hardship. • Student must be a victim of persecution in the country in which the student is a resident; and an application processing fee of $50 which covers the cost of federally-mandated documentation. Nonpayment of Fees All fees are due and payable immediately. Students who do not pay their fees in a timely manner may have one or both of the following actions taken: Be dropped from their classes and required to re-enroll and/or have a financial hold placed against their records, which, until paid will prevent all enrollment, drops, and withdrawals, prohibit access to transcripts, grades, and limit access to certain campus services. Students who drop classes after the refund deadline are held responsible for all fees owed. See the Registration Calendar for the last day to drop with a refund or credit. Health Fees This fee enables us to provide you with a variety of health care services. In accordance with the California Education Code and Board policy, students are required to pay a health fee, regardless of the units taken, unless they meet one of the exemptions listed: • any student who depends exclusively on prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization. Documentary evidence of such an affiliation is required. • students attending college under approved apprenticeship training program, Ed Code 76355. Student Center Fee Students of Ventura College enacted a Student Center fee of $1.00 per unit, up to a maximum of $10.00 per student per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30), for the purpose of financing, constructing, expanding, remodeling, refurbishing and operating a Student Center. The money collected may only be used for this purpose. The fee shall not apply to: a student enrolled in noncredit courses; a student who is a recipient of benefits under Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program; a student on the Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program (SSI/SSP); or a student on a General Assistance Program. Transcript Fee A student may receive two transcripts free of charge. A $3.00 fee will be charged for each additional transcript, and a $5.00 fee per transcript will be charged for rush processing. Normal processing is a minimum of two weeks, and may be longer at the end of the semester. Rush processing is immediate for in-person service or two working days for mailed requests. Transcripts must be requested by the student in writing. See “Obtaining your VC Transcript” in this Catalog for more information (page 17) or online at Refund Policy Students must drop classes by the credit refund deadline as stated in the Registration Calendar to qualify for a credit or refund of tuition and/or fees. AFTER class(es) have been dropped, application for a refund may be made through the Student Business Office. Credits will NOT be authorized for drops or withdrawals occurring after the deadline date. Enrollment fee refunds are subject, once a semester, to the withholding of a $10 Administrative Fee. To qualify for a refund of parking fees, you must return the original parking permit to the Student Business Office by the deadline. Refund Policy on Tuition and Surcharge (Nonresident / International Students) Application for refunds must be made to the Student Business Office after the class has been dropped. Refund checks will be mailed by the VCCCD District Office after the application is received and processed at the Student Business Office. The following schedule of refunds will be in effect for nonresident students who withdraw from college: Full-semester Length Classes In first and second week 100% tuition In third and fourth week 50% tuition Short-term Classes and Summer Session Withdraw within 10% of class sessions 100% tuition Withdraw within 20% of class sessions 50% tuition No refunds are authorized for drops or withdrawals after the fourth week of a full-term class or 20% of short-term classes. Nonmandatory Fees Nonmandatory fees are the same for day and evening students. Fees are paid at the Student Business Office. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS POLICY: Each college of the Ventura County Community College District may require students enrolled in credit or noncredit courses and programs to purchase certain instructional and other materials including, but not limited to, textbooks, tools, equipment and clothing if: a) the instructional and other materials are used in the production of an “end product’’ that has continuing value to the student outside of the classroom setting, or b) the instructional and other materials required for the class have a continuing value to the students outside of the classroom setting. Instructional and other materials may be obtained by direct purchase from the Bookstore. Students may also purchase instructional and other materials from any other available source. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Admissions Information -19 Every effort will be made to identify in the Schedule of Classes those courses which may require material fees. A list of all instructional and other materials required in a course will be made available for students no later than the first class meeting each term. The list also will be available in the Division Office and the Bookstore. Fees charged by the College are subject to change at the discretion of the Governing Board. STUDENT BODY (ASB) CARD: $6 per semester, $10 for the school year, ending at the completion of the Summer session. Purchase of an ASB card entitles students to free admission to home athletic events, and reduced rates to dramas, plays, 10% discount on used books and supplies from the College Bookstore, eligibility for college and ASB emergency loans, various associated student-sponsored events, discounts from local merchants and the right to run for an office on the Associated Students Board. TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLIES: By state law, the College is prohibited from furnishing free textbooks or supplies to students. These items may be purchased in the College Bookstore. Save Your Receipts! No Refunds After Late Registration! STUDENT PARKING FEE: Students may park their vehicles off-campus and in the lot at the west end of the campus by the Child Development Center without paying a parking fee. Disabled drivers with a medical verification of disability, or with a vehicle which displays a disabled person’s plate or a placard issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles are required to register with the Educational Assistance Center for an on- campus special parking permit. Disabled drivers are subject to the same parking fees as nondisabled drivers. All students parking a vehicle on the campus anywhere but the lot referenced above or the timed slots must pay the parking fee listed below, regardless of the number of units for which they are enrolled. Parking fees are subject to change at the discretion of the Governing Board. Automobile: regular sem. / summer sem. ............................... $40 / $19 BOGW students: regular sem. / summer sem. ............................... $20 / $20 Motorcycle: regular sem. / summer sem. ............................... $28 / $12 Additional permit, same household must present car registration: regular sem. / summer sem. ............................... $8 / $7 Replacement permit, requires return of original permit regular sem. / summer sem. ............................... $7 / $5 Single Day ................................................................ $1 To encourage ridesharing and carpooling, for a student who certifies that he/she regularly has two or more passengers commuting to the College with him/her in the vehicle parked at the College, the fee shall not exceed twenty-five dollars ($30) per semester and ten dollars ($10) for Summer session. Students who receive financial assistance pursuant to any of the programs described in subsection (g) of Education Code Section 72252 shall be exempt from parking fees in excess of twenty dollars ($20) per semester for one vehicle. A parking permit is required in all paved lots on campus. CITATIONS WILL BE ISSUED FOR VEHICLES WITHOUT A VALID PERMIT. Ventura College assumes no responsibility for damage to any motor vehicle, theft of its contents, or injury to persons within it, while it is parked or operated on or about the campus. The campus is posted with special parking restrictions in effect and campus traffic and parking regulations are published in the appendices. These provisions are strictly enforced by the campus police department. Groundbreaking for Sports Complex 20 - Admissions Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ACADEMIC CALENDAR Ventura College offers two semesters of instruction, Fall and Spring, plus a Summer intersession. Within each semester, we offer short-term courses of varying lengths, which are identified in the semester Schedule of Classes. We also offer a variety of distance-learning classes, which we similarly set out in each semester’s Schedule of Classes. The Schedule of Classes may be accessed online or in print, in English or in Spanish. Please note that the add/drop deadlines set out here apply only to full-semester classes. For deadlines applicable to short-term classes, contact the Admissions and Records Office at (805) 654-7457, or go online to, click on the Searchable Schedule of Classes and click on the CRN # of the specific class for which you need the deadline information. Fall Semester August 21 - December 20, 2006 August 19-20 ........ First day of semester-length traditional Saturday and Sunday classes. August 21.............. First day of semester-length traditional classes. First day of late registration. September 1 ......... Last day to add semester-length classes. Last day to drop a class and qualify for enrollment fee, health, and parking refunds. Last day account credited if dropping classes. No refunds or credits after this date for semester-length classes. September 2-3 ...... No Saturday/Sunday classes. September 4 ......... Labor Day – Legal Holiday – No classes. September 15 ....... Last day to drop semester-length classes without a transcript entry. September 22 ....... Last day to declare CR/NC grading option for semester-length classes. November 9 .......... Last day to apply for Fall 2006 Associate Degree or Certificate of Achievement. November 10 ........ Veteran’s Day – Legal Holiday – No classes. November 11-12... Saturday/Sunday classes will be held. November 22 ........ Last day to drop semester-length classes with a “W.” November 23-26... Thanksgiving break – No classes. December 14-20... Final exam week for Fall 2006. Spring Semester January 8 - May 16, 2007 January 8 .............. First day of semester-length traditional classes. First day of late registration. January 13-14 ...... First day of semester-length traditional Saturday and Sunday classes. January 15 ............ Martin Luther King Holiday – Legal Holiday – No classes. January 19 ............ Last day to add semester-length classes. Last day to drop a class and qualify for enrollment fee, health, and parking refunds. Last day account credited if dropping classes. No refunds or credits after this date for semester-length classes. February 2 ............. Last day to drop semester-length classes without a transcript entry. February 9 ............. Last day to declare CR/NC grading option for semester-length classes. February 16-19 ..... President’s Day weekend – No classes. March 30............... No classes. Staff Flex Day. March 31-April 1 .. Saturday/Sunday classes will be held. April 2-8 ................ Spring Break. No classes. April 10 ................. Last day to apply for Spring 2007 Associate Degree or Certificate of Achievement. April 20 ................. Last day to drop semester-length classes with a “W.” May 10-16 ............ Final Exam week for Spring 2007. May 16 .................. Graduation. VC Counselors on Transfer Day, Fall 2006 Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Academic Policies -21 ACADEMIC POLICIES Courses Open to Enrollment Each course offered by the Ventura County Community College District and its colleges is open to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to the College and who meets the prerequisites to the class or program, unless specifically exempted by statute. Attendance and Absence All students admitted to Ventura College are expected to attend regularly. Continuity of attendance is necessary to both individual and group progress in any class. Financial support of the College is dependent upon student attendance. Absence for any reason does not relieve the student from the responsibility of completing all requirements of the class. For a returning absentee, the College does not designate an absence as "excused" or "not excused." It takes the position that, since regular attendance is the student's responsibility, the instructor may evaluate the absence in terms of class requirements and take whatever reasonable action he or she deems necessary. For credit students, when absence from a class exceeds in number 1/9th of the total class contact hours for the session, the instructor may recommend to the Registrar that such student be dropped from the class and a grade recorded in accordance with the withdrawal from class policy as stated in this Catalog. Classes missed because of late registration are counted toward the number of absences. Students may be suspended or dropped from a class at any time when absences result in missing necessary safety instruction when such instruction is routinely given. When possible, students will be given a warning and/or an opportunity to make up missed instruction. Exclusions of this sort will be made by instructors acting in consultation with their Division Deans. Failure of a student to appear at the first regular meeting of a class may result in exclusion, if the class has reached its assigned enrollment limit and other eligible students are present and are seeking admission to the class. The student may petition for reinstatement when just cause for the absences exists. Such petitions must be presented in writing to the Admissions and Records Office for administrative review. Units of Credit The Carnegie unit formula applies to all credit courses offered by the college, whether degree applicable or not applicable to the associate degree. "One credit hour of community college work is approximately three hours of recitation, study, or laboratory work per week throughout a term of 16 weeks." Ventura College bases its semester unit on one lecture class period of 50 minutes each week of a minimum 16-week semester. For practical purposes, the following terms are synonymous: unit, semester unit, semester hours, credit, credit hour. For purposes of sections dealing with standards for probation and dismissal, all units attempted means all units of credit for which the student was enrolled in any college or university, regardless of whether the student completed the courses or received any credit or grade. Educational Work Load A student's educational work load generally consists of fifteen (15) units of work per semester in order to make normal progress towards the AA/AS degree and/or transfer requirements. Students who want to take an overload of more than 19.5 units in a regular semester or more than 9 units in a summer session must have a counselor's approval. Ventura College observes the following guidelines in reviewing a request for an academic overload: A student may petition for additional units (over 19.5 or over 9 for summer term) if he or she has a high school GPA of 3.6 or has completed twelve (12) college units with a cumulative GPA of 3.0. The petition for this purpose, Additional Units for Academic Overload, is available in the Counseling Office. The College strongly recommends that students who work part- time or engage in extracurricular activities (social and athletic) follow these proportions in distributing their hourly time per week: Academic Units Recommended Time Maximum Time Class/Study Work/Activities 15-18 30-36 0-8 12-15 24-30 8-15 9-12 18-24 15-20 6-9 12-18 20-30 3-6 6-12 30-40 Academic Record Symbols The quality of a student's work is indicated by grade points. Grades from a grading scale shall be averaged on the basic of the point equivalence to determine a student's grade point average. The highest grade shall receive four points, and the lowest grade shall receive no point, using the following evaluative symbols: A -Excellent 4 grade points per unit B -Good 3 grade points per unit C -Satisfactory 2 grade points per unit D -Passing, less than satisfactory 1 grade point per unit F -Failing 0 grade point per unit CR -Credit (satisfactory) 0 grade point (unit credit granted) CRE -Credit by exam (satisfactory) 0 grade point (unit credit granted) NC -No credit (less than satisfactory, or failing) 0 grade point (no unit credit granted) Student mark other than grade (nonevaluative symbols): I -Incomplete 0 grade point (no unit credit granted) IP -In progress 0 grade point (no unit credit granted) RD -Report delayed 0 grade point (no unit credit granted) W -Withdrawal 0 grade point (no unit credit granted) MW -Military Withdrawal 0 grade point (no unit credit granted) 22 - Academic Policies Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Courses taken on a credit/no credit basis are disregarded in calculating the grade point average. However, units earned on a credit basis shall be counted toward satisfaction of curriculum requirements. CR and CRE are used to denote "passed with credit" when no letter grade is given, for work of such quality as to warrant a letter grade of C or better. NC is used to denote "no credit" when no letter grade is given. See credit/no credit options section. Nonevaluative Symbols INCOMPLETE: Incomplete academic work for unforeseeable, emergency and justifiable reasons at the end of the term may result in an "I" symbol being entered in the student's record. The condition for removal of the "I" shall be stated by the instructor in a written record. This record shall contain the conditions for removal of the "I" and the grade assigned in lieu of its removal. This record must be given to the student with a copy on file with the Office of the Registrar until the "I" is made up or the time limit has passed. A final grade shall be assigned when the work stipulated has been completed and evaluated, or when the time limit for completing the work has passed. The "I" may be made up no later than one year following the end of the term in which it was assigned. The "I" symbol shall not be used in calculating units attempted nor for grade points. Units of "I" shall not be counted to determine eligibility for athletics. Units of "I" may also effect the student's status for financial aid and other programs. A districtwide process shall be provided whereby a student may petition for a time extension due to unusual circumstances. The student should be aware that other colleges or universities may have policies relating to the evaluation of incompletes on transfer student transcripts which could have an adverse effect on the student's academic status. IN PROGRESS: The IP symbol shall be used only in those courses which extend beyond the normal end of an academic term. It indicates that work is in-progress, but that the assignment of a substantive grade must await its completion. The IP symbol shall remain on the student's permanent record in order to satisfy enrollment documentation. The appropriate evaluative grade and unit credit shall be assigned and appear on the student's record for the term in which the required work of the course is completed. The IP shall not be used in calculating grade point averages. If a student enrolled in an open-entry, open-exit course is assigned an IP at the end of an attendance period and does not re-enroll in that course during the subsequent attendance period, the appropriate faculty will assign an evaluative symbol (grade) in accordance with the academic record symbols to be recorded on the student's permanent record for the course. REPORT DELAYED: The RD symbol may be assigned by the Registrar only. It is a temporary notation to be replaced by a permanent symbol as soon as possible. RD shall not be used in calculating grade point averages. WITHDRAWAL: A student may withdraw from a class through the last day of the first seventy-five percent (75%) of a class (see Calendar in Schedule of Classes). The academic record of a student who remains in a class beyond this time limit must reflect a grade other than a W. No notation (W or other) shall be made on the academic record of a student who withdraws during the first four weeks or thirty percent (30%) of a term, whichever is less. Withdrawal between the end of the fourth week and the last day of the fourteenth week of instruction for full-semester classes or through seventy-five percent (75%) of a class less than a semester in length shall be recorded as W on the student's record. MILITARY WITHDRAWAL: This option is intended to accommodate students who are recalled to active military duty at any time during a semester. A student may petition for military withdrawal by submitting a written request and copy of military orders to the Admissions and Records Office. Military withdrawal will result in a W notation on the transcript unless the drop occurs within the first 30% of class meetings. The notation will not be counted in evaluation of satisfactory progress for purposes of determining academic standing, probation or dismissal. Scholastic Standing and Achievement Scholastic standing is based on a student's work measured quantitatively in semester units and qualitatively in letter grades. This relationship is expressed as a numerical grade point average. To illustrate the calculation of a grade point average, a student who earns a grade of A in three units, B in three units, C in three units, D in three units, F in two units, and CR in two units, would have a grade point average of 2.14. The computation is shown below. 3 units A x 4 = 12 grade points 3 units B x 3 = 9 grade points 3 units C x 2 = 6 grade points 3 units D x 1 = 3 grade points 2 units F x 0 = 0 grade point 2 units CR x 0 = 0 grade point 14 graded units 30 grade points (+ 2 CR) 30 ÷ 14 = 2.14 grade point average In calculating a student's degree applicable grade point average, grades earned in nondegree courses shall not be included. Credit/No Credit Grade Options Colleges of the Ventura County Community College District may offer courses in two credit/no credit (CR/NC) grading options: (1) Courses which are offered on a credit/no credit basis only; and (2) Courses in which students may elect the credit/no credit option. The first category includes those courses as specified in the Announcement of Courses section of this Catalog in which all students are evaluated on a credit/no credit (CR/NC) basis. This CR/NC grading option shall be used to the exclusion of all other grades in courses for which there is a single satisfactory standard of performance and for which unit credit is assigned. Credit shall be assigned for meeting that standard; no credit for failure to do so. The second category of credit/no credit options is comprised of courses designated by the College, wherein each student may elect by no later than the end of the first thirty percent (30%) of the term or length of the class whether the basis of evaluation is to be credit/no credit or a letter grade. Once the thirty percent (30%) deadline has passed, the request cannot be withdrawn and the student becomes ineligible to petition for a grade change. It is the student's responsibility to notify the instructor of his or her intent to be graded on a credit/no credit basis and to file the appropriate form, otherwise a letter grade will be assigned. The form for this purpose, Request for Credit/No Credit, is available in the Admissions and Records Office. All units earned on a credit/no credit basis in accredited California institutions of higher education or equivalent out-ofstate institutions shall be counted in satisfaction of community college curriculum requirements. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Academic Policies -23 A student may apply a maximum of twenty (20) units of credit earned under the credit/no credit option to an A.A. or A.S. degree or certificate of achievement. Exceptions to this unit limitation will be granted only to students enrolled in the designated occupational programs specified in the credit by examination policy of this Catalog. Credit (CR) is used to denote "passed with credit" when no letter grade is given. Credit is assigned for work of such quality as to warrant a letter grade of C or better. Units earned on a credit/no credit basis shall not be used to calculate grade point averages. However, units attempted for which NC is recorded shall be considered in probation and dismissal policies. Other options for course credit are specified in the Advanced Placement Credit policy and in the Credit by Examination policy of this Catalog. Students should be aware that other colleges and universities may restrict the acceptance of courses taken on a credit/no credit basis, especially for satisfaction of major requirements. Remedial Course Limit The colleges of the Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) offer courses which are defined as remedial: "remedial coursework" refers to pre-collegiate basic skills courses in reading, writing, computation, learning skills, study skills and English as a Second Language which are designated by the college district as not applicable to the Associate Degree. Students enrolled in remedial courses will receive unit credit and will be awarded an academic record symbol on transcripts as defined under other academic policies. However, the units earned in these remedial courses do not apply toward certificates of achievement or associate degrees. No students shall receive more than 30 semester units of credit for remedial coursework. This limitation of 30 units applies to all remedial coursework completed at any of the campuses of the college district (Moorpark, Oxnard and Ventura Colleges). It does not apply to remedial coursework completed at colleges outside the District. Students transferring from other educational institutions outside VCCCD shall be permitted to begin with a "clean slate" with regard to the remedial limitation. The 30-unit limit applies to all remedial coursework attempted; however, in the event that some of these 30 units are substandard and a student successfully repeats one or more courses in which substandard grades were earned, then the 30-unit limit would be modified by the application of the Course Repetition Policy. Students who exhaust the unit limitation shall be referred to appropriate adult non-credit educational services provided by adult schools or other appropriate local providers with which the colleges have an established referral agreement. Such a student may, upon successful completion of appropriate "remedial coursework" or upon demonstration of skills levels which will reasonably assure success in college-level courses, request reinstatement to proceed with college-level coursework. Procedures relating to dismissal and reinstatement are specified in the College Catalog under policies governing Probation, Dismissal and Readmission. The petition for this purpose, Petition for Continued Enrollment or Readmission, is available in the Counseling Office. The following students are exempted from the limitation on remedial coursework: students enrolled in one or more courses of English as a Second Language (to include ENGL V07, V08A, V08B); and/or students identified by one of the colleges as having a disability. Any student who shows significant, measurable progress toward the development of skills appropriate to his or her enrollment in college-level courses may qualify for a waiver of the unit limitation. Petitions for waiver can only be given for specified periods of time or for a specified number of units. The petition for this purpose, the Student Educational Plan, is available in the Counseling Office. The Office of Student Learning shall maintain a list for each academic year of remedial courses limited by this policy. The following courses are defined as remedial under the definition limiting units: ENGL V03, V04A, V04B; IDS V11, V12; MATH V09, V10; SS V01, V02. Students should be aware that this policy applies to all students enrolled in remedial coursework. However, students receiving financial aid have more restrictive limitations imposed upon them by the federal government. The federal rules specify a limitation of one year regardless of units, do not exempt learning skills, and do not provide for a waiver. Final Examinations Final examinations are given at the end of each semester. Students are required to take examinations for the classes in which they are enrolled. No examinations are administered prior to the regular schedule for examinations. Exceptions to this rule in emergency situations will require the approval of the instructor of record and the Division Dean. All student requests for examinations to be administered at a later date must be filed on the proper petition form in the Admissions and Records Office. Petitions for late examinations will not be considered if the student leaves prior to the last three weeks of the semester. Probation, Dismissal and Readmission Probation, dismissal, and readmission policies and procedures are designed to assist students in making progress toward realistic academic, career, and personal goals. Students applying for Veteran's educational benefits should refer to the Veteran's section in this Catalog (page 33) for information on unsatisfactory progress and eligibility to collect educational benefits, and see below. STANDARDS FOR PROBATION: A student who has attempted at least twelve (12) semester units as shown by the official academic record shall be placed on academic probation if the student has earned a grade point average below 2.0 in all units which were graded on the basis of the grading scale established by the Ventura County Community College District. A student who has enrolled in a total of at least twelve (12) semester units as shown by the official academic record shall be placed on progress probation when the percentage of all units in which the student has enrolled and for which entries of W, I, and NC are recorded reaches or exceeds fifty percent (50%). NOTE: probationary status is computed using courses taken since Fall 1981. Courses taken prior to Fall 1981 are not in the computer data file and may not be included in the calculation of probation. This may alter your probationary status. SPECIAL NOTE TO STUDENTS CLAIMING VETERANS BENEFITS– UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS: For the purpose of certification for educational benefits, academic probation is defined as the failure to complete a minimum of 50% of the total units attempted, and/or to maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average. Unsatisfactory progress occurs when a veteran has been placed on academic probation for two consecutive semesters. 24 - Academic Policies Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Unsatisfactory progress must be reported to the Veteran's Administration, and the veteran may not be certified for future educational benefits. Any veteran placed on unsatisfactory progress must consult the campus Veteran's Office and receive academic counseling before educational benefits can be reinstated. A student transferring to a college of the Ventura County Community College District from another college is subject to the same probation and dismissal policies as students of this college district. NOTIFICATION OF PROBATION: Each college in this district shall notify a student who is placed on probation at or near the beginning of the semester in which it will take effect but, in any case, no later than the start of the Fall semester. The student grade report, provided for each enrolled student at the end of each term, specifies the student status for both academic and progress categories as either "good standing" or "probation." A student placed on probation is, as a condition of continuing enrollment, to receive individual counseling, including the regulation of his or her academic program. Each student shall also receive any other support services available to help the student overcome any academic difficulties. REMOVAL FROM PROBATION: A student on academic probation for a grade point deficiency shall be removed from probation when the student's cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or higher. A student on progress probation because of an excess of units for which entries of W, I, and NC are recorded shall be removed from probation when the percentage of units in this category drops below fifty percent (50%), STANDARDS FOR DISMISSAL: A student who is on academic probation shall be dismissed if the student earned a cumulative grade point average of less than 1.75 in all units attempted in each of three consecutive semesters. A student who has been placed on progress probation shall be subject to dismissal if the percentage of units in which the student has been enrolled and for which entries of W, I, and NC are recorded in at least three consecutive semesters reaches or exceeds fifty percent (50%). NOTIFICATION OF DISMISSAL: Each college in the Ventura County Community College District shall notify a student who is dismissed at or near the beginning of the semester in which it will take effect but, in any case, no later than the start of the Fall semester. A student who is dismissed has the right of appeal. An exception to academic dismissal may be made only in the event of extreme and unusual medical and/or legal circumstances that can be supported by evidence provided by the student, or in the event of improved scholarship. The petition for this purpose, Petition for Continued Enrollment or Readmission, is available in the Counseling Office. CONTINUED ENROLLMENT OR READMISSION: A student applying for continued enrollment or readmission must submit a petition to explain what circumstances or conditions would justify continued enrollment or readmission. A student applying for readmission shall not be reinstated until a minimum of one semester has elapsed after academic dismissal. A student who is petitioning shall receive counseling to assess his or her academic and career goals and must have counselor approval of his or her educational program prior to registration. The petition for this purpose, Petition for Continued Enrollment or Readmission, is available in the Counseling Office. Academic Honesty Ventura College believes that honesty is vital to the integrity of our College programs, our courses, within our entire college community, and especially in the classroom. Our definition of academic honesty is included in our college policies and standards and informs our students of the expectations the College promotes and information on student’s rights when violations occur. Academic dishonesty (such as cheating) is defined as an act of obtaining or attempting to present academic work through fraudulent or deceptive means in order to obtain credit for this work. This dishonesty and/or cheating by whatever means, including electronic, is defined as, but is not limited to: • Submitting work previously presented in another courses • Copying in whole or in part from another student’s test or paper • Using sources or material not authorized by the instructor • Altering or interfering with grading policies • Sitting in for an exam for another student or by another students • Plagiarizing work, such as copying sentences, phrases, or passages without citing the source, while writing a paper or doing research and submitting this work as his/her own • Sharing your paper information during an exam, test, or quiz. Instructors have the responsibility and authority for dealing with any cheating or plagiarism which may occur in their classes. It is the policy of the Ventura County Community College District that an instructor may dismiss a student involved in such dishonest behavior from class with a grade of “F.” In additional, the faculty member may direct the matter to the appropriate Dean for further disciplinary action. Proof of cheating may lead to suspension, and the student or students are provided with due process that includes formal grievance procedures. Additional Information on Ventura College Web site For additional information on Academic Honesty, please see the Ventura College Web site at: Grade Changes In any course of instruction in a college in the Ventura County Community College District for which grades are awarded, the instructor of the course shall determine the grade to be awarded each student in accordance with the grading system dealing with academic record symbols and scholastic standing and achievement. The determination of the student's grade by the instructor shall be final in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith or incompetency. Procedures for the correction of a grade given in error shall include expunging the incorrect grade from the record. Grade change petitions must be initiated by the instructor of record. Students wishing to dispute a grade should first contact the instructor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Academic Policies -25 Auditing Auditing allows a student to attend a class without taking exams, receiving a grade or earning unit credit. Students enrolled in ten units or more may, with instructor consent, be allowed to audit one class per term without a fee. Students enrolled in less than ten units may, with instructor consent, audit one class per term with an audit fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per unit per semester. Audit students must also pay the health fee. Audit fees are nonrefundable. All fees are subject to change. Priority in class enrollment shall be given to students desiring to take the courses for credit toward a certificate, degree or transfer certification. Therefore, students applying to audit may submit the completed audit petition only during the last two days of program adjustment as specified in the calendar of every semesters’ Schedule of Classes. Laboratory classes are not normally available for audit. Students auditing a course shall not be permitted to change their enrollment in that course to receive credit for the course. Students auditing a course are not permitted to take exams in class, nor are they permitted to challenge the course by exam at a later date. Instructors are under no obligation to grade assignments of students auditing a course. Attendance requirements for students auditing courses are the same for all other students as stated in this Catalog. The petition form to audit a class is available in the Admissions and Records Office. Withdrawal from Class It is a student's responsibility to initiate a withdrawal when the withdrawal is desired by the student. Students or instructors may initiate a withdrawal through the end of the first thirty percent (30%) of a class. This action results in no record of dropped classes on students' academic records (grade card or transcript). Students or instructors may initiate a withdrawal between the end of the first thirty percent (30%) and the last day of the first seventy-five percent (75%) of a class (see Calendar in Schedule of Classes). This action shall be recorded as a W on the student's academic records. The W shall not be used in calculating grade point averages, but excessive Ws shall be used as factors in determining academic standing, probation, and dismissal. The academic record of a student who remains in a class beyond the 75% point must reflect a grading symbol other than W. Withdrawal from a class may be authorized after the designated time limit by petition only in extenuating circumstances of verified cases of accidents, illnesses or other circumstances beyond the control of the student. Approved petitions shall result in a W recorded on students' academic records. The petition for this purpose, Petition to Change Grade to Withdrawal, is available in the Admissions and Records Office. A graded course that is used to satisfy degree, certificate or transfer requirements will not be changed to a W. Withdrawal from College It is the student's responsibility to formally withdraw from all classes, if he or she withdraws from college. A student who withdraws after the end of the first thirty percent (30%) of a class shall have an entry made on his or her permanent record in accordance with the regulations specified in the withdrawal from class policy. Official withdrawals must be processed at the Admissions and Records Office. Academic Renewal Without Course Repetition Students may petition to have a portion of previous college work disregarded in meeting academic requirements in the colleges of the Ventura County Community College District. Academic renewal is intended to facilitate the completion of requirements necessary for an academic degree or certificate. A student may petition, once only, to eliminate grade point calculations and credits from selected portions of previous substandard college work which is not reflective of the student's present demonstrated ability and level of performance. Substandard work is defined as coursework graded "D, F or NC." The student may petition for academic renewal to disregard previous substandard college work by selecting one of the following options: 1. Disregard a maximum of fifteen (15) or fewer semester units of any courses with less than a C or equivalent grade taken during any one or two terms (maximum two terms), not necessarily consecutively; or 2. Disregard all courses from two consecutive terms (one Summer or intersession may be regarded as equivalent to one semester at the student's discretion). Courses and units taken at any institution may be disregarded. Academic renewal may be granted only to a student who has completed at least twelve (12) units in residence in the colleges of the Ventura County Community College District; has submitted transcripts of all college work; has waited two years since the coursework to be disregarded was completed; and has subsequently completed at least thirty (30) semester units with a minimum 2.4 grade point average. The colleges of the Ventura County Community College District will honor similar actions by other accredited colleges and universities in determining grade point averages and credits. The petition for this purpose, Petition for Academic Renewal, is available in the Counseling Office. Upon approval of the Petition for Academic Renewal, the student's permanent record shall be annotated in such a manner that all work remains legible, ensuring a true and complete academic history. The student should be aware that other colleges and universities may have different policies concerning academic renewal and may not honor this policy. Course Repetition A course in which a grade of C or better has been earned may not be repeated except as identified in the Catalog course description or as stated below. Courses taken at any college in which a grade of D, F, NC or other substandard grade has been earned may be repeated one time for the purpose of improving a recorded grade. A course taken at another institution in which a substandard grade was earned may be repeated one time at the colleges of the Ventura County Community College District, subject to this policy. In order to identify acceptable equivalencies, course comparability shall be determined chiefly by content, as defined in the catalog course description, and not by course title or units. Upon completion of the repeated course, the previous grade earned shall be omitted from the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The permanent record shall be annotated in such a manner that all work remains legible, ensuring a true and complete academic history. The petition for this purpose, Petition to Repeat a Course with a Substandard Grade, is available in the Admissions and Records Office. 26 - Academic Policies Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Under special circumstances, students may petition to repeat a course once only in which a nonsubstandard or satisfactory grade was received. These conditions require that the course was successfully completed more than three years prior, is required as part of the student's designated educational goal, and is in a sequence of courses based on prerequisites. The grade earned in the repeated course in this circumstance shall not be counted in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The grade received in the earliest course will remain and be counted in all calculations of grade point average, academic status and eligibility for various programs. The permanent record shall be annotated in such a manner that all work remains legible, ensuring a true and complete academic history. Another condition under these special circumstances permits indefinite course repetition when it is necessary for a student to meet a legally mandated training requirement as a condition of continued paid or volunteer employment. The units and grade earned each time the student repeats the course shall be included in the computation of the cumulative grade point average and units completed. The petition for this purpose, Petition to Repeat a Course with a Nonsubstandard (Satisfactory) Grade, is available in the Counseling Office. Students should understand that other colleges or universities may not accept credit for work which represents a repetition of high school work. In addition, there is no assurance that repeated courses resulting in an improvement in grade will be accepted by other colleges or universities. Credit by Examination Granting unit credit for a course by examination is based on the principle that previous experience, training, or instruction is the equivalent of a specific course taught by the College. If an examination indicates that the student possesses adequate equivalency and mastery of the subject, credit may be granted. All courses shall be open to credit by examination unless specifically exempted. Each division of the College shall determine the courses for which credit by examination may be granted and the Office of Student Learning shall maintain a current list of courses excluded from this policy. For the purpose of this policy, a course shall mean an organized area of instruction as described in the Ventura College Catalog. A student should be advised that the use of units given by credit by exam to establish eligibility for athletics, financial aid, and veterans benefits is subject to the rules and regulations of the external agencies involved. Exception to the above may be made when necessary to meet provisions of California State law or the rules and regulations of state agencies governing programs of the California community colleges. Credit by examination may be granted only to a student who is currently enrolled in at least one credit course in the College; has completed at least twelve (12) units in residence in the colleges of the Ventura County Community College District; is not on academic probation; has submitted transcripts of all previous coursework; has not earned college credit in more advanced subject matter; has not or is not enrolled in the subject course as an auditor; and, has not received a grade (A, B, C, D, F, CR, CRE, NC, or equivalent) in the course for which he or she is seeking credit, by examination at this or any other educational institution. A student seeking credit by examination will receive a CRE (credit by exam) if he or she satisfactorily passes the examination; no other grade will be recorded for credit by exam. Students who are unsuccessful in an attempt to challenge a course by examination will not receive an NC (no credit) and no record of the attempt for credit by examination will appear on a student's transcript. However, students may challenge a course only once. A student may challenge no more than twelve (12) units or four (4) courses toward an Associate Degree or Certificate of Achievement. The amount of unit credit granted by examination to an individual shall not count toward the minimum 12-unit requirement for residency. Credit by examination may be granted in only one course in a sequence of courses, as determined by prerequisites, and may not be granted for a course which is a prerequisite to the one in which the student is currently enrolled. Exceptions to this policy are permitted for each college in those occupational programs where curriculum makes this necessary. The exceptions are as follows: • The 12-unit residency requirement is suspended, permitting students to petition for credit by examination prior to completion of that requirement; when the residency requirement has been met, the course(s) successfully challenged shall be added to the student's record; • Credit by examination may be granted for more than one course in a sequence of required courses, when approved by the administrator responsible for vocational programs. The petition for this purpose, Petition for Credit by Examination, is initiated in the Counseling Office. Approved petitions must be on file with the administering instructor by Friday of the tenth week of the semester. The examination is to be administered prior to the last day of the final examination period. Credit by examination (CRE) is assigned for work of such quality as to warrant a letter grade of C or a better. Transcript entries shall distinguish credits obtained by examination from credits obtained as a result of regular course enrollment. The student's academic record shall be clearly annotated to reflect that credit was earned by examination. Students should be aware that other colleges may not accept credit by examination for transfer purposes. Fashion Design & Merchandising student displays her project, which won state-wide honors. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Academic Policies -27 Dean's List Special recognition is accorded students who complete a program of twelve or more units of letter-graded coursework with a 3.50 grade point or higher during a semester. Credit/no credit units are not considered in the twelve-unit requirement. These students are placed on the Dean’s List and accorded appropriate recognition, including a letter of commendation for academic distinction. Graduation with Honors GRADUATION WITH HIGHEST HONORS The highest honors designation is placed on the transcript and diploma of the graduate who has achieved an overall grade point average (GPA) of 4.0. The highest honors graduate must have completed at least 30 units of coursework at Ventura County Community College District of which 18 units or more must be letter grades. All letter grades must be an A. GRADUATION WITH HIGH HONORS The high honors designation is placed on the transcript and diploma of the graduate who has achieved an overall grade point average (GPA) 3.75. The high honors graduate must have completed at least 30 units of coursework at Ventura County Community College District of which 18 units or more must be letter grades. GRADUATION WITH HONORS The honors designation is placed on the transcript and diploma of the graduate who has achieved an overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.5. The honors graduate must have completed at least 30 units of coursework at Ventura County Community College District of which 18 units or more must be letter grades. DEPARTMENTAL HONORS Students who do outstanding work in their departments may receive special recognition by the faculty. Eligibility is determined by inclusion in the honors categories listed above. Selection is made by departmental faculty. Board of Trustees Chair Mary Anne Rooney and VC President Robin Calote lead the 2006 graduation Procession Use of Listening or Recording Devices State law in California prohibits the use by anyone in a classroom of any electronic listening or recording device without prior consent of the instructor and the College Administration. Any student who has need to use electronic aids must secure the consent of the instructor. If the instructor agrees to the request, the notice of consent will be filed with the Office of Student Learning. Use of the Internet PURPOSE OF THE INTERNET: The student Internet account is to be used to support the instructional process of students who are actively enrolled in a designated course. Noneducational, recreational and commercial uses of the Internet are prohibited. RULES FOR USING THE INTERNET: You are responsible for ensuring that you use the Internet account in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner. To this end, please obey the following rules: 1. Comply with the guidelines for acceptable use of networks or services which you access through the Internet. 2. Do not attempt to gain access to resources for which you have not been given authorization. Ventura College will not assume financial responsibility for unauthorized Internet- related expenditures. 3. Do not make any harassing or defamatory remarks using the Internet. 4. Do not create a personal link to any Ventura College home page, and do not represent Ventura College in any of your own pages. 5. Do not install any software. 6. Do not use any unapproved software. 7. Do not violate any federal or state law, including copyright laws. 8. Download data from the Internet onto your own data storage disk—any data found on the hard drive will be deleted. PRIVACY ON THE INTERNET: Please be aware that any electronic mail is not private since your class will be sharing a mail box, and that the College reserves the right to access any such information. RESPONSIBILITY FOR INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET: Through the Internet, the College provides access to public and private outside networks which furnish electronic mail, information services, bulletin boards, conferences, etc. Please be advised that the College does not assume responsibility for the contents of any of these outside networks. 28 - Academic Policies Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Educational Assistance Center (EAC) Disabled Students Programs and Services The Educational Assistance Center (EAC) promotes the educational and vocational potential of students with disabilities by enhancing their total integration into mainstream college life. Students with learning, visual, hearing, speech, mobility, and psychological disabilities, as well as acquired brain injury and other health impairments, are eligible to apply for the support services or instruction needed to fully participate in the educational process. These special services include: one-stop early registration assistance, assessment of learning problems, sign language interpreters, notetaking, readers, transcribers, tutors, mobility assistance, personal, disability related academic and vocational counseling, handicapped parking, alternative testing, alternate media, assistive computer technology and other assistive devices. Instruction is available in job-seeking skills, adaptive P.E., learning skills, and assistive computer technology. Classroom instructional materials and college publications are available on request in alternate formats. Job development and placement are available through the Workability III program. (See Department of Rehabilitation, page 38). For assistance, call (805) 654-6300. Foreign Language Lab The Language Lab is located in the 360 station Learning Center computer lab on the first floor of the LRC building. The lab contains various interactive programs to aide the foreign language student in his/her language acquisition experience. Internet Café An Internet Café with Internet access and printing capability is available at the East Campus in Santa Paula. Students may use the stations to apply to the College and for financial aid, register for classes, surf the Internet, do homework, access their e-mail and do research. All usage must comply with the “Use of the Internet” policy set forth on page 28 of this College Catalog. Learning Center The 350-station Learning Center computer lab functions both as an open-access computer lab which students can use on a drop-in basis for their college related work and as a lab for classroom instruction for English, Reading, foreign language, learning skills and nursing. PC’s are available with software for Internet access, word processing, textbook related materials, and specialized reading and writing programs. The Center is located on the first floor of the new Library and Learning Resources building. For more information, call (805) 654-6320. A Learning Center is also located at the East Campus in Santa Paula and is open to all Ventura College students; call (805) 525-7136 for directions and information. Library The Library's mission is promote learning through serving as a resource for education, research, information, continuing education, fulfilling intellectual curiosity and promoting student retention. The Library functions as a resource laboratory for classes developing term papers, preparing speeches, and completing other classroom; and as a study area. A branch of the Library is located at the East Campus in Santa Paula. All library services at the main campus library, including book borrowing and return, are available at the branch. The Library is located on the second floor of the new Library and Learning Resource Center. The collection consists of 71,777 volumes, 304 periodical titles, 309 microfilm titles, and several online “full text” electronic databases. The Library has several study areas including eight group study rooms, quiet study areas, and a large ocean view reading room. It also has public access catalog stations located throughout the building library for research. Printing from computer workstations and photocopies are also available in the library. The Library also functions as a teaching facility as the librarians instruct students and community patrons on the use of the Library and its resources. The librarians offer orientation tours, a one- unit, self-paced library course, and individual Internet and database instruction. Online Access: Students may log on to the library’s online catalog and full text databases through the Internet at Click on the Library button. Students should first see a Librarian for instruction on how to use the databases. Textbook Library: The Library and Re-entry Center have textbook libraries available to students who need access to textbooks. The Library’s collection of textbooks can be used only in the Library. The Re-entry Center will lend books to students for the semester on a first come, first serve basis. Children’s Library: The Library houses a children’s library including 200 books, a special computer with educational software, child-sized furniture and children’s art. The collection specializes in books on topics that might not be found in a public library such as divorce, moving, etc., with the idea that parents and teachers can use them with children for educational purposes. Contact Us: For more information, call (805) 654-6482 for the main library and (805) 525-7136 for the East Campus branch. Library Policies: The “Library Policy Manual” is available on the Ventura College Web site: Math Center The Math Center is staffed by instructors and tutors, and serves students in three capacities: (1) individualized instruction is available for MATH V09 (Beginning Mathematics); (2) drop-in tutoring is available for all math courses; (3) the Center provides an environment for group study with the security of instructors and tutors nearby, should the group need assistance. The Math Center is located in SCI-225. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Instructional Support Services -29 Tutoring The Tutoring Center provides free drop-in group and individual tutorial sevices to students enrolled in Ventura College classes. Tutors are Ventura College students who have been recommended by their instructors to assist students with their classes or volunteers from the community, many of whom are retired faculty. Besides helping students with course content, tutors clarify instructions for assignment, help brainstorm ideas for papers and projects, and teach strategies for effective study and exam preparation. The Tutoring Center is located on the first floor of the Library and Learning Resources Center. For more information, please call (805) 648-8926. Tutoring is also available at the East Campus in Santa Paula. All college students may use the Tutoring Centers at either site. Please call (805) 525-7136 for more information at the East Campus. The B.E.A.C.H. provides state-of-art tools for students and the public. 30 -Instructional Support Services Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 STUDENT SERVICES Assessment / Testing Ventura College has an open admissions policy and requires no entrance examination. For enrollment in most English, reading and/or math courses, participation in the assessment process is strongly encouraged for students who have not satisfactorily completed a prerequisite college course. Assessment testing is for advisement purposes only, in order to assist students in making appropriate course selections. Please consult the testing schedules which appear in the semester Schedule of Classes. Students who have earned prior college credit ("C" or higher grade) for an English composition or math course may be exempt from placement tests. Students must provide a transcript of previously completed coursework prior to enrollment. See the Schedule of Classes for additional exemption criteria. For meeting graduation competency requirements in English, reading and/or math, please contact the Counseling Office. Testing for ESL students is available through the Bilingual Services Office and the East Campus in Santa Paula. Students with disabilities may be tested through the Educational Assistance Center. CalWORKs Students participating in a CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Act) may be eligible for subsidized child care, as well as book vouchers, transportation assistance, early enrollment and CalWORKs workstudy jobs. For more information, please contact the Ventura College CalWORKs Office at (805) 648-9372 for more information. Campus Police Services Campus police officers, assisted by student police cadets, are available to provide law enforcement and security services to the campus community. Anyone observing or having knowledge of possible criminal activity on or about the campus is asked to promptly report the facts of the situation to the on-duty campus police officer. The Campus Police Office phone number is (805) 654-6486 (from campus phones dial 6486). You can also reach the campus police office by dialing 642-7000. For emergencies, dial 9-911 from College phones or 911 from pay phones. This will put you in touch with the Ventura City Police Department. Detailed guidance on matters concerning student conduct and traffic regulations is provided in the appendices of this Catalog. Child Development Center A Child Development Center is available on the Ventura College campus to enable students who are parents of toddlers and preschool children to continue their education by providing a quality, developmentally appropriate program for their children, ages 2 years through pre-K. Children thrive in a safe, loving and enriching environment. We believe that children learn by being actively involved in the learning process through exploration, discovery, experimentation and creativity. Fees are charged for this service. A new waiting list for enrollment at the Center begins as each semester's Schedule of Classes arrives on campus. Please call (805) 648-8930 for further information. Counseling Services Open days and evenings for counseling drop-in visits or scheduled appointments. Our staff can assist you with academic, career, or personal counseling. Counselors can provide a variety of resources to help you achieve the greatest possible benefit from your college experience. Each counselor is a specialist in several academic areas, and you may wish to see a counselor according to the major you declare. The Counseling Office can be a valuable resource in exploring the options or defining the requirements in a particular field of study. However, you are free to select any counselor you choose. All counselors have the expertise to assist you with course selection, educational planning, and questions concerning requirements for majors, general education, graduation, or transfer to a four-year college or university. A counselor can answer your questions about a course or academic requirements, aid you in exploring your career plans or life goals, or help you with personal problems that may potentially affect your education. Counseling Offices are located in the Student Services Center. Counseling is also available at the East Campus in Santa Paula. Please call (805) 525-7136 for counseling hours at the East Campus. For the College’s office of Bilingual Services, please call (805) 654-6484 or visit DP-2. Bilingual counseling is also available in the main Counseling Office. Call 654-6448 for more information. Educational Assistance Center This is the Disabled Students Program and Services Office. EAC offers a variety of services to students with disabilities, including disability-related academic, personal and vocational counseling, academic accommodations and special classes. Please see the Instructional Support Services and Special Programs section or call (805) 654-6300 for additional information. Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) EOPS provides programs and services over, above, and in addition to the regular educational programs of the College and is designed to assist educationally and economically disadvantaged students to be successful in their educational program at Ventura College. ELIGIBILITY: Students must be eligible for a Board of Governor's Fee Waiver (BOGW) A or B; be enrolled full time (12 units); have completed less than 70 units of degree-applicable credit; and be determined to be educationally disadvantaged. SERVICES: ..OUTREACH, ORIENTATION AND REGISTRATION SERVICES: Entry services to identify EOPS eligible students and facilitate their enrollment in the College will be provided by special outreach, an active recruitment program, special college orientation, and early registration assistance for priority enrollment. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Student Services -31 ..ASSESSMENTS: EOPS eligible students are assessed in reading, comprehension, vocabulary, writing, computations, study skills, and academic skill deficiencies. ..COUNSELING AND ADVISEMENT: Specialized counseling is provided to all EOPS students. Personalized academic/personal counseling and the development of a student educational plan is provided to all EOPS students through the EOPS certificated counselors. EOPS counselors meet regularly with EOPS students. ..SPECIAL SERVICES: A multi-ethnic staff is available. They can provide Spanish language assistance. ..TRANSFER AND CAREER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: EOPS provides assistance to EOPS eligible students with the transfer process to four-year institutions and/or to find career employment in their field of training. ..FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: All students who are admitted under the program are considered for financial assistance on the basis of need and completion of the EOPS orientation class. Each application is individually assessed. ..TUTORING: EOPS provides additional tutoring hours for EOPS students through the Tutoring Center. ..COOPERATIVE AGENCIES RESOURCES FOR EDUCATION (CARE) PROGRAM: Students who are eligible for EOPS (Extended Opportunities Services) and are TANF/AFDC/CalWORKs recipients may be able to receive financial child care assistance, gas, and on-campus meals. Students must be at least 18 years old and the single head of their household. Their child(ren) must be age 13 or under. Students must be enrolled in 12 units, have a 2.0 GPA and complete the FAFSA before applying for child care assistance at the EOPS Office. For more information, call (805) 654-6302. ..OTHER SERVICES: Scholarship application assistance, workshops, university field trips, emergency loans, referrals, assistance with the financial aid process, student leadership, and advocacy. ..EOPS is located in the Financial Services, building FS. The phone number is (805) 654-6302. Financial Services Many students would be unable to attend Ventura College without financial assistance. If you need financial assistance to help pay the costs of attending Ventura College, the Financial Aid Office will provide you with financial aid information and services. Applying for financial aid can be somewhat complicated and time consuming, but it is worthwhile. The role of the Financial Aid Office is to help academically capable students toward their educational goal. The College offers a financial aid package combining grants, loans, and workstudy employment to eligible students with demonstrated financial need. Financial need is determined by comparing student resources (family contribution, student assets, and student earnings) as reflected by a financial needs analysis from the Federal Student Aid Processor, with the appropriate cost of attendance budget for Ventura College. Due to limitations in funding, we are not always able to offer enough financial assistance to fulfill all of your needs. Therefore, you are encouraged to apply early each year. The financial services philosophy is that education benefits not only the individual, but society as well. Therefore, the responsibility for meeting the costs of college expenses, while primarily borne by the student and/or the family, is shared by educational institutions, private donors, agencies, and the state and federal government for these students who have limited resources. There are three types of financial aid available: grants, loans, and work- study. Types of Aid • Enrollment Fee Waiver: The Board of Governors Enrollment Fee Waiver (BOGW) provides a waiver of enrollment fees to qualifying students who are California residents. See Appendix XII for information regarding the methods of qualifying. • Grants are awarded to recognize exceptional financial need. Students do not have to repay them as long as they fulfill requirements for eligibility. • Loans allow students to defer costs by borrowing money while in school and repaying it with interest, usually after graduating or withdrawing from college. Students must show financial need to qualify for most loans. • Work-Study enables students to earn a portion of their financial aid through part-time employment. Students must demonstrate financial need and be eligible to work to qualify. Earnings from work-study are subject to state and federal withholding taxes, but may not be subject to FICA (Social Security) taxes. Payback Penalty for Withdrawal - Return of Title IV Funds Federal Law requires that if you leave school and have received aid, you may owe money to the Federal Student Aid Programs. If you get a GRANT or LOAN and withdraw from all your classes or receive W’s and F’s in all your classes, you may also owe funds. If you are thinking of withdrawing or just leaving...please, think again. Perhaps you can stay, but take fewer courses. Maybe there are services (like tutoring or personal support) that will enable you to stay. Talk with your teachers or an academic counselor to see what advice and help they can offer. Don't leave unless you MUST. But if you must leave, take care of business before you go. If you must withdraw from all classes, contact the Financial Aid Office immediately to learn how much you will owe. You can arrange regular payments with the federal government without losing your student aid eligibility. It is important that you take care of these details prior to withdrawing. Failure to do so will result in a hold on your federal aid eligibility at any institution. NO EXCEPTIONS! Scholarships / Ventura Promise Scholarships are specific gifts of money which are provided to help students continue their studies. Each year, the Ventura College Scholarships Program awards more than $450,000 to both continuing and transferring Ventura College students. Applications for Ventura College scholarships may be obtained in the Ventura College Foundation Office from October 1 until the last day of Fall semester. Additional information and applications for community scholarships are available in the Ventura College Foundation Office throughout the year. Students in the Ventura College service area who graduate from high school or receive their G.E.D. in the 2005-2006 academic year and who are from families earning less than $50,000 annually, may be eligible to have their first-year’s enrollment fees paid by the VC Foundation through the Ventura Promise Program. For more information, contact the Foundation Office at (805) 654-6461. 32 -Student Services Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Veterans Educational Benefits Ventura College is approved to process claims for students who are eligible to receive educational benefits under various Veteran's Administration Educational Assistance Programs. Students interested in filing benefits claims or for information should contact the Veteran's Benefits Representative, located in the Admissions and Records Office. Enrollment and Rate of Pay V.A. educational benefits are paid based on the number of units enrolled: Regular Semester 12 units = full-time pay; 9 units = three-quarter time pay; 6 units = one-half time pay Summer Session 6 units = full-time for 8 week classes; 4 units = full-time for 6 week classes; (3/4 and half-time pay calculated accordingly) The majority of V.A. Educational Assistance Programs do not pay a monthly allowance for less than half-time enrollment, although the veteran may be reimbursed for the cost of tuition and fees. UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS: For the purpose of certification for educational benefits, academic probation is defined as the failure to complete a minimum of 50% of the total units attempted, and/or to maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average. Unsatisfactory progress occurs when a veteran has been placed on academic probation for two consecutive semesters. Unsatisfactory progress must be reported to the Veteran's Administration, and the veteran may not be certified for future educational benefits. Any veteran placed on unsatisfactory progress must consult the campus Veteran's Office and receive academic counseling before educational benefits can be reinstated. Guidance Workshops GROUP GUIDANCE workshops or courses are offered during the day and evening. The workshops are scheduled for the full semester and for shorter periods of time and are available for credit from .5 to 3 units. They are designed to provide an atmosphere conducive to personal growth and awareness. Topics offered cover a broad range of human concerns and are intended to help you learn more effective ways of dealing with problems related to academics, enrollment and personal or career growth and awareness. Topics offered vary with each semester and are announced in the Schedule of Classes. Consult the Catalog or your counselor for more specific information. Housing Services The College provides no campus housing, nor does it operate any off-campus housing. Students are responsible for securing any necessary housing. However, listings of accommodations are solicited through the Student Activities Office. The listings include information about rooms, room and board, rooms with kitchen privileges and other types of rentals. The listings are made available purely as a service, and the College assumes no responsibility as to the condition of the rental or the reputation of the owner. Selection of housing, financial arrangements, and supervision are the responsibility of the student and their parents or guardian. Housing information is posted on the bulletin board opposite the Campus Police Office in building E. Students also have the option of posting "House for Rent," "I Need Roommates to Share" or "I Need a Place" cards at this location. Listings may be given over the phone and listing cards are available at the Student Activities Office or on the bulletin board in building E. For more information, call (805) 654-6487. OTHER CURRICULAR AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Athletics Playing under the name of the Pirates, the participants in the Men's and Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Program compete in the strong Western State Conference. To be eligible for competition, the student athlete must be continuously and actively enrolled in a minimum of 12 units during the season of competition and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. "Of the 12 credit units, at least nine shall be attempted in courses counting toward the associate degree, remediation, transfer, and/or certification as defined by the College Catalog, and are consistent with the student athlete's educational plan." (Commission on Athletics code) The Men's Athletic Program offers competition in baseball, basketball, cross-country, football, golf, swimming, tennis, track, and water polo. The Women's Athletic Program includes competition in basketball, cross-country, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball and waterpolo. Cocurricular Activities Ventura College supports a varied program of departmental, social, cultural and athletic curricular activities, as well as creative activities in dance, dramatics, music and journalism. Every student is encouraged to participate in activities of his or her choice. More information is available from the respective departments listed. Dance Under the direction of the dance department staff, the dance curriculum is built around two major dance productions offered each year. These provide opportunities for dance students to gain experience in all aspects of dance production and performance. Theatre Under the direction of the theater arts staff, the theater curriculum is built around four major plays or other dramatic productions offered each year. These provide opportunities for drama students to gain experience in all aspects of theatrical production and performance. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Student Services -33 Music Organizations COLLEGE CHOIR (day), COLLEGE SINGERS (day), MASTER CHORALE (evening): These groups are designed for people who enjoy singing a wide variety of the finest choral literature. Choir is an open group for singers with little or no previous experience. The Master Chorale is for singers with previous choral experience. College Singers may require auditions. Each group presents several concerts per year. ORCHESTRA: Students are invited to participate in orchestra rehearsals and concerts through the day and evening program. Classes in orchestra provide opportunity to perform the great symphonic literature. INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLES: Ensembles are organized each year for those students who desire experience in interpretation. String, brass, woodwind and piano ensembles are formed when qualified personnel are available. Office of Bilingual College Services OFFICE OF BILINGUAL COLLEGE SERVICES offers (in English and Spanish) academic and personal counseling, and career planning. It also provides matriculation services using a “one-stop center” approach to best meet the needs of the ESL, CalWORKs, vocational/job training, and/or re-entry student population enrolling in ESL and short-term training programs. Matriculation services available at the Office of Bilingual College Services include college orientation, ESL assessment, group advisement, registration, and assistance completing the financial aid applications (FAFSA and Fee Waiver). This office also serves to welcome those students who are transferring from Ventura College’s Off-campus programs to the main campus in Ventura. Personal Counseling COUNSELORS understand that personal concerns sometimes interfere with learning, and that problems of a personal nature can effect many dimensions of a student’s life, including their educational and career goals. Students are encouraged to come to the Counseling Department where counselors can assist them with such non-academic concerns. Appointments are available in the Counseling Office in the Student Services Center or at the East Campus in Santa Paula or by calling (805) 654-6448. Personal counseling is also available at the Student Health and Psychological Services. Call (805) 654-6346. Re-entry and Women's Center THE RE-ENTRY AND WOMEN’S CENTER is a student service which provides a variety of resources and services to women and men re-entering school. The Center also offers a network of information and resources unique to women. In an effort to equip students with the best set of tools to accomplish their goals the Center’s various services include an orientation each semester, textbook lending library, video library, workshops, support groups, children’s clothing exchange and personal counseling, as well as a supportive environment to all students at Ventura College. Check our Web site: for our calendar of events and scholarship information. The Center is located in building B, adjoining the cafeteria, facing Telegraph Road. Call (805) 654-6365 for more information. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Student Activities Program The goal of the STUDENT ACTIVITIES PROGRAM is to provide opportunities for students and the College to expand and develop through a wide variety of activities and experiences. Student participation in the Student Activities Program comprises two major areas: governance and college activities. Within each, a wide spectrum of experience is available to students. Program areas include but are not limited to: student activities and programs, leadership and leadership internship classes, ASVC Board and student governance, student clubs and organizations, posting approval, vendor approval, use of facilities and services by student clubs and organizations, student photo identification, short-term loans and book vouchers, and student commencement. Advertising or Posting on Campus All flyers, posters and advertisements posted on campus must be stamped for approval by the Student Activities Office. Information then may be posted only on the College's bulletin boards or kiosks for a maximum of 14 working days. Transparent tape, tacks or staples only can be used. No information may be placed on walls, vehicles, sidewalks, windows, trash cans, benches, etc. Unapproved items, or those placed over approved information, may be removed by staff. Associated Students Students are encouraged to participate in campus shared governance. The Associated Students of Ventura College (ASVC) assumes major responsibility for coordinating student activities and expressing student concerns, interests, and viewpoints to the administration. Student governance meetings are held every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. in the Campus Center Conference room (cafeteria). Student participation is welcome. Students have the opportunity and are encouraged to be represented on all College- wide and District committees, councils, and boards that influence College policy making. Visit the Student Activities Office, B building, room 155, or call (805) 654-6487 for more information. ASVC Photo Identification Card The Associated Students of Ventura College encourage you to purchase an ASVC card. This card entitles students to many benefits that are financed largely by the funds received from membership in the ASVC. Upon payment of the fee ($10 yearly or $6 per semester), students receive an ASVC photo I.D. card which entitles them to a variety of goods and services, including 10% discount on used books and most supplies in the College Bookstore, free admission to V.C. athletic events and discounted student theatre performances and musical performances. In addition, discounts of 10% and greater are available from a variety of businesses in the community. Cards are issued through the Student Activities Office. Student Leadership Course Students on the ASVC Executive Board or serving in other campus leadership functions have the opportunity to take Student Leadership V02. The course is specifically designed for ASB Executive Officers, members of student organizations, campus clubs, honor societies and other interested students. Students gain conceptual and practical experience in leadership skills, shared governance, and in the overall campus organization. The course provides two or three units of credit transferable to CSU and is repeatable. See the assistant Dean of Student Activities for more information. 34 -Student Services Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Student Organizations A variety of special interest and student organizations are active on campus. These organizations provide an opportunity for students to meet, organize and work together to achieve specified goals. Officially registered active clubs or organizations may sit on the ASVC Board, if they have met the minimum number of student members required (15) and have a club representative and/or alternate representative to attend board meetings. Associate club/ student organizations (nonvoting) are officially recognized, if they have a minimum number of members (8) and meet other requirements. Student associations/clubs applications are available in the Student Activities Office. The following groups are, or have been, active: African American Student Union (AASU) Alpha Beta Gamma (ABG) Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS) American Institute of Architectural Students (AIAS) Asian-Pacific Student Union (APSU) Auto Technology Campus Crusade for Christ Democratic/Humanitarian Club EAC Challengers Engineering Club Extended Opportunities Programs and Services Student Association (EOPSSA) International Students Association Latter Day Saints Student Organization (LDSSA) Model United Nations Club Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) Native-American Club Pre-medicine Society Psychology Club Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Student Nurses Association Students for Academic Freedom (SAF) Students Take On Politics (STOP) Success Through Diversity Ventura Anime Club Vocational Industrial Clubs of America (VICA) Student Health and Psychological Services Students are required to pay a health fee when they register for classes. This fee entitles them to unlimited consultations with the Student Health and Psychological Services. There are nominal fees for laboratory tests, procedures, medications, etc. The health fee also provides accident insurance coverage while students are on campus. Students seeking medical care or information about any health concerns are encouraged to call the Student Health and Psychological Services. Health services are offered, such as first aid, blood pressure readings, blood tests, tuberculin skin tests, pregnancy tests and immunizations. During medical clinic times, a physician or nurse practitioner provides diagnosis and treatment of acute illness, general medical problems, musculoskeletal problems, skin disorders, and women's health care (Pap smears, family planning, infections). Personal counseling is also available at the Student Health and Psychological Services. An appointment can be arranged with counselor-interns for students who have personal concerns which are interfering with achieving academic goals. The Student Health and Psychological Services hours may vary each semester. Please call or stop by for office hours, specific medical clinic times, and for a brochure describing the services offered. Appointments are necessary unless you need prompt attention. The Student Health and Psychological Services phone number is (805) 654-6346. Transfer and Career Center The TRANSFER AND CAREER CENTER provides services to students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university. The Center schedules on-campus visits by representatives from various colleges and universities and sponsors an annual Transfer Day event in which over 50 colleges and universities attend. Workshops are held to assist students on various topics, including transfer admissions, financial aid, scholarships, and application process. The Center provides reference materials, college catalogs, applications and other services necessary for planning and achieving a smooth transition between institutions. Career advisement is also offered to assist students with career exploration and educational choices. The Center offers information on emerging career possibilities locally, statewide, and nationally, as well as salary and job trends. Career assessment instruments are available for a nominal fee. The Center provides a collection of printed and audiovisual materials, as well as software and Internet-based career exploration resources. Various career related workshops are held, including career decision making, resume writing, interviewing and job-search strategies. The Center also sponsors an annual Job Fair each Spring in which over 60 employees attend. Counselors are available by individual and group appointment to assist students with major, career, job, and college and university planning. The Transfer and Career Center is located in the Student Services Center. The phone numbers are (805) 654-6473 and (805) 654-6411. Transportation to Campus Transportation to and from campus is the student's responsibility. The College provides no bus services and makes no payment in lieu of transportation. VISTA bus service (800) 438-1112, provides bus transportation to Ventura and the surrounding communities with daily service to the College. This is the most affordable and hassle-free way to travel to and from the campus. Bus schedules are available in the Student Activities Office or at the phone switchboard in the Administration Building. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Student Services -35 - SPECIAL PROGRAMS Community Education The Community Education Program extends the educational, cultural, and recreational programs of Ventura College by offering short-term classes, workshops, lectures, tours and other events which enrich the lives of individuals in our community. All Community Education events are not for credit and must be supported by fees, tuition, and other charges. No tax revenues of any sort support the Community Education Program. For information or to register for Community Education classes, please call (805) 654-6459 or visit CIVIC CENTER (FACILITY RENTALS) The Community Education Office also coordinates the use of college facilities by off-campus organizations as authorized by the Civic Center Act. For information about facility usage, please call (805) 654-6400, ext. 2232. Both the Community Education Office and the Civic Center Office are located in the Ventura College Institute for Community and Professional Development (ICPD) located at 71 Day Road. Customized Services to Agencies / Vocational Programs Businesses and organizations can access world-class, cost efficient training through the Ventura College Institute for Community and Professional Development. Sample programs include Preventing Sexual Harassment, Supervisory Skills Training, Workplace Spanish, Dealing with Difficult People, Microsoft Access, Excel, Powerpoint, and many others. For additional information or to request a free catalog, please call (805) 648-8904. East Campus (805) 525-7136 Offices: 115 Dean Drive, Suite A, Santa Paula Classrooms: 105-107 Dean Drive, Santa Paula Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Ventura College East Campus offers an extensive English-as-a- Second Language (ESL) program as well as a wide variety of general education and vocational classes and programs at the Dean Drive location and at the local high schools. The vocational programs include computer office assistant, CNA training, medical assisting, and child development. The general education courses meet graduation and transfer requirements for students who are working toward an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. The ESL classes help students whose first language is not English acquire the speaking, reading, and writing skills needed to function at work, in college, and in the community. The East Campus has a complete Learning Resource Center. The Center offers all Ventura College students extensive library and tutorial services as well as access to computers for word processing, textbook related materials, research, Internet access, and specialized tutorials in math, reading, and English. In addition, the East Campus offers student services such as counseling, registration, assessment testing, and an Internet Café to all Ventura College students. Call (805) 525-7136 for more information. Educational Assistance Center (DisabledStudents) The Educational Assistance Center promotes the educational and vocational potential of students with disabilities through their integration into the mainstream of college life. Students with mobility, learning, visual, hearing, communication and psychological disabilities, as well as acquired brain injuries and other health impairments, are eligible to apply for the support services that are needed to fully participate in the educational process. These support services include: one-stop early registration assistance, assessment of learning difficulties, sign language interpreters, notetakers, readers, transcribers, tutors, mobility assistance, personal, disability-related, academic and vocational counseling, handicapped parking, alternative testing, alternate media, assistive computer technology and other assistive devices. Job development and placement are available through the Workability III program. (see Department of Rehabilitation, page 38.) In addition to courses offered by the Learning Skills Program and Assistive Technology Training Center, special courses are available in job seeking skills and adapted physical education. The Educational Assistance Center is located in the FL building. For information, call (805) 654-6300; (805) 642-4583 (TTD). ..Assistive Technology Training Center for Students with Disabilities The Assistive Technology Training Center (ATTC) is designed to teach all students with disabilities about the latest in computer access devices and instructional software, including speech synthesizers, screen enlargers, adapted keyboards, voice-input systems, text to speech software, Braille printers and adapted word processing programs. The ATTC is located on the first floor of the Learning Resources Center. The ATTC is staffed by specially trained instructors and aides. Students can register for a variety of classes in Assistive Computer Technology. Some open lab hours are also available. For further information, phone (805) 654-6415 or TTY (805) 642-4583. ..Learning Skills Program Students who have a history of difficulties achieving academic success may wish to inquire about the special services and classes provided by the Learning Skills Program. Learning Skills (LS) classes cover such areas as math, language arts, study skills, learning strategies and assessment of learning skills. The program emphasizes individualized instruction, teaching to the dominant learning style and allowing the student to learn at his or her own pace. Students with a verified learning disability can receive accommodations in their mainstream classes, such as extended test time and notetakers. An EAC counselor can advise students whether they qualify for extra academic support services and/or special instruction in the Learning Skills courses, including a possible assessment for learning disabilities. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Special Programs -37 International Students Program The International Students Office assists about 200 International students attending under an F-1 Visa (Student Visa). Our program is represented by students from many countries around the world: Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, France, Germany, Japan, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Russia, Slovenia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan, Tanzania and many more. This office is responsible for assisting students with admission and transfer requirements, assessment, orientation, housing, academic advising, social security, banks, income tax and driver’s licences. In additional, we assist students with immigration related matters including: SEVIS, I-20 form, Visas, passports, change of status, extensions of stay and employment authorization. International students must meet the following application deadlines: Fall semester: June 15; Spring semester: November 15; Summer session: April 15. If you have any questions, please contact the International Students Office, (805) 654-6313. MESA The Mathematics, Science, Engineering Achievement (MESA) California Community College Program (CCCP) is an academic program designed to encourage educationally disadvantaged community college students to excel in math, engineering and science so they can transfer to four-year institutions as majors in these fields. MESA CCCP Centers are located on community college campuses throughout the state and serve over 3,000 students. The program is a collaboration between MESA and the California Community College Chancellor's Office. The MESA CCCP model for Ventura College was established in 2000. Call (805) 654-6337 for information. State of California Department of Rehabilitation Assistance The State of California Department of Rehabilitation (DR) provides assistance for the vocational training and placement of individuals with physical or mental disabilities. Emphasis is on serving individuals with the most severe disabilities. WHAT ASSISTANCE IS PROVIDED? The DR may provide financial assistance for tuition, books, supplies and transportation relating to vocational training. There is no fee for services provided. WHO CAN RECEIVE ASSISTANCE? Eligibility for DR services is determined by the DR office and is based on the existence of a physical or mental disability that results in a substantial impediment to employment. Apply to the State of California Department of Rehabilitation; 1701 Pacific Avenue, Suite 120, Oxnard, 93033 or 325 E. Hillcrest Drive, Suite 140, Thousand Oaks, 91360. A Department of Rehabilitation counselor is also available for appointments on campus in the Educational Assistance Center Office on a periodic basis. Call (805) 654-6300 for an appointment. The Department of Rehabilitation in collaboration with EAC offer a Workability III program for DR clients/students to provide assistance with seeking employment. Training Through the Workforce Investment Act and Private Rehabilitation Ventura College is committed to serving special student populations, referred by local, county, state, federal and private agencies. Examples include students who are referred through the Business and Employment Services Division of the County of Ventura (BESD), which administers the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), as well as those referred through private rehabilitation firms. The College provides support services which include assistance with registration, assessment, counseling, financial aid, and customized vocational planning. For more information about BESD, the WIA, or customized training, please call the Ventura Institute for Community and Professional Development at (805) 648-8904. VC Women’s 2005-06 basketball team with their parents and College mentors 38 -Special Programs Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 DEGREES, PROGRAMS, TRANSFER INFORMATION Core Skill Sets for Students Graduating With an Associate Degree or Certificate The six competencies (and their subsets) listed below describe the core skill sets a student should be able to demonstrate after completing the requirements for an associate degree at Ventura College. These core skill sets are embedded in our established pattern of general education courses, in our more advanced major-preparation courses, and in student service learning experiences we provide over the span of a student’s enrollment at the College. In addition, assignments that lead to the acquisition of these core skill sets are embedded in the coursework required for vocational certificates. Communication Students show that they can communicate effectively when they: • Read, retain and apply published ideas. • Write clearly and accurately in a variety of contexts and formats. • Speak clearly and coherently in both formal and informal settings. •Demonstrate active listening skills and effective interpersonal communication. • Employ the vocabulary of the subject being studied. • Become proficient in a second language or in an alternative form of communication. Information Competency Students show that they have information competency skills when they: • Recognize the need for information and/or identify and clarify the question that needs to be answered. • Differentiate between major and minor arguments or ideas. • Find and interpret relevant information from text, tables, graphs, maps, media, personal communication, observation, and electronic databases. • Evaluate authority, veracity and bias of information. • Utilize the data gathered to draw conclusions or to create new sources of information that can be shared with others. • Document their sources of information. • Use technology to acquire and process information. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Students show that they have critical thinking and problem solving skills when they: • Evaluate their own beliefs, biases, and assumptions. • Evaluate strengths, weaknesses, and fallacies of logic in arguments and information. • Apply lessons from the past or learned knowledge and skills to new and varied situations. • Apply the principles of scientific reasoning to solve problems. • Perform basic computations or approach practical problems by choosing appropriately from a variety of mathematical techniques. • Devise and defend a logical hypothesis to explain observed phenomenon. • Recognize a problem, devise and implement a plan of action. Creative Expression Students demonstrate creative expression when they: • Generate new ideas, express themselves creatively, or solve complex problems in an original way. • Collaborate to perform the work of others or to create original work. • Apply feedback to improve their performance. • Evaluate diverse artistic works in varied media. Civic Responsibility Students show an ability to assume civic responsibility when they: • Demonstrate a knowledge of current events and social issues. • Work effectively as a leader and/or participant in group settings. • Assume civic, political, or social responsibilities. • Identify their personal convictions and explore options for putting these convictions into practice. • Accept responsibility for their own actions. • Demonstrate respect for a diversity of ideas and the rights of others. • Exhibit personal, professional, and academic honesty. • Display behavior consistent with the ethical standards within a discipline or profession. Social Interaction and Life Skills Students show that they have effective social interaction and life skills when they: • Work as an effective member of a team. • Demonstrate etiquette both in face-to-face and written interactions and communications. • Use language as appropriate to the situation. • Utilize conflict resolution skills when appropriate. • Demonstrate the ability to give and receive constructive feedback. • Apply time management skills to complete a task. • Develop stress management skills and/or other skills to maintain health and wellness. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -39 Specific Major (A.A. or A.S.) DEGREES General Education Requirements Graduation Requirements As authorized by the California Education Code and Title V of the California Administrative Code, the Ventura County Community College District Governing Board confers the Associate in Arts degree, the Associate in Science degree, and Certificates of Achievement on students who provide the required transcripts, meet the respective requirements as listed below, and who file with the appropriate College office an application for a degree and/ or certificate. Associate in Arts Degree Associate in Science Degree Basic Requirements 1. Competency: Demonstrated competency in reading, written expression, and in mathematics as specified below. 2. Units: Completion of at least 60 semester units of degree- applicable college work. 3. Scholarship: A cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.0 in all degree-applicable college and university work attempted. 4. General Education: Completion of the general education requirements as specified below. 5. Major: Completion of all courses (at least 18 semester units) required in a curriculum specified in the college catalog. 6. Residency: Completion of the last 12 semester units in residence at the college granting the degree selected from courses required for graduation, if in attendance at the time of qualifying for graduation. If the student designates a specific major, then at least 6 of the 12 units must be selected from major courses. If not in attendance at the time of qualifying for graduation, completion of 24 units in residence at the colleges of the Ventura County Community College District to include at least 12 semester units in residence at the college granting the degree, selected from courses required for graduation. If the student designates a specific major, then at least 6 of the 12 units must be selected from major courses. The governing board may make exceptions to the residency requirements in any instance in which it is determined that an injustice or hardship would otherwise be placed upon an individual student. A. Natural sciences — a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in a biological science 2. One course in a physical science B. Social and behavioral sciences — a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in American history and institutions 2. One other course in social and behavioral sciences C. Humanities — a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in fine or performing arts 2. One other course in humanities D. Language and rationality — a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in English composition 2. One course in communication and analytical thinking E. Health/physical education — a minimum of two courses 1. One course in health education 2. One course in physical activity General Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree (A.A.) General Education Requirements In addition to the general education requirements listed for the specific major A.A./A.S. degree, completion of at least 12 additional units selected as follows: 9 units from the natural sciences and/ or social and behavioral sciences and/or humanities and/or language and rationality areas; and 3 units from the designated ethnic/ women’s studies course list (cannot be “double-counted”). Completion of the degree requires a total of at least 36 units in the four areas as well as two courses from the health/physical education area. Transfer Students - General Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree (A.A.) All transfer students may earn a General Liberal Arts and Sciences degree by doing one of the following: 1. Completion of the college's General Liberal Arts and Sciences AA degree pattern above; or, 2. Completion of at least 36 units of coursework selected from the general education/breadth pattern of a transfer institution plus the physical education/health requirements specified. a. If the general education/breadth pattern of a transfer institution requires fewer than 36 units, additional courses may be selected from courses required in preparation for the student’s selected major. b. If the general education/breadth pattern of a transfer institution and the units required for the transfer major total fewer than 36 units, the student must select additional coursework from the approved course lists of general education courses specified for either the associate or the transfer degree. c. At a minimum, general education courses must include: natural sciences (3 units); social and behavioral sciences (3 units); humanities (3 units); courses in language and rationality from English composition (3 units) and from communication and analytical thinking (3 units); one course in health education and one course in physical activity; and one course from ethnic/ women's studies which cannot be "double-counted" to satisfy other general education requirements above. 40 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 General Education Philosophy Statement General Education is designed to introduce students to the variety of means through which people comprehend the modern world. It reflects the conviction of the college that those who receive our degrees must possess in common certain basic principles, concepts and methodologies both unique to and shared by the various disciplines. College educated persons should be able to use this knowledge when evaluating and appreciating the physical environment, the culture, and the society in which they live. Most importantly, general education should lead to better self-understanding. This understanding involves the ability to think and to communicate clearly and effectively both orally and in writing; to use mathematics; to understand the modes of inquiry of the major disciplines; to be aware of other cultures and times; to achieve insights gained through experience in thinking about ethical problems; and to develop the capacity for self- understanding. In addition to these accomplishments, students should possess sufficient depth in some field of knowledge to contribute to lifetime interest. To meet the objectives of general education: A. Courses in the natural sciences are those that help students examine the physical universe, its life forms, and its natural phenomena; and develop an understanding and appreciation of the scientific method and of the relationships between science and other human activities. B. Courses in the social and behavioral sciences help students develop an understanding of the method of scientific inquiry used in the social and behavioral sciences; stimulate in students critical thinking about human behavior; and promote an appreciation of how societies and social subgroups have operated in the past and function in the present. C. Courses in the humanities help students develop an awareness of how people of different cultures throughout the ages have responded to themselves, other people, and their environment in artistic and cultural creation; develop aesthetic understanding and the ability to make value judgments; and participate in creative experiences. D. Courses in language and rationality help students develop principles and applications of language toward logical thought, clear and precise expression, and critical evaluation of communication in whatever symbol systems the students use. E. Courses in health and physical activity help students develop the understanding and skills necessary to maintain a healthful life. F. Courses in ethnic and women’s studies help students develop an awareness of the historical roots and an appreciation of the cultural contributions of diverse ethnic populations and women; lead to an understanding of the causes and consequences of socio-economic inequality based on race, sex or ethnicity; and explore ways of eliminating such inequalities. Associate Degree General Education Courses 2006-2007 A. NATURAL SCIENCES - a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in biological science AG V03, V04, V54; ANAT V01; ANPH V01; ANTH V01, V01L; BIOL V01, V01L, V03, V04, V10, V12, V14, V18, V29, V29L; MICR V01; PHSO V01; PSY V03. 2. One course in physical science AST V01, V01L, V02; CHEM V01A, V01AL, V01B, V01BL, V05, V10, V10L, V12A, V12AL, V12B, V12BL, V20, V20L, V21, V21L, V30, V30L; GEOG V01, V01L, V05; GEOL V02, V02L, V03, V07, V11; PHSC V01; PHYS V01, V02A-V02AL, V02B-V02BL, V03A-V03AL, V03B-V03BL, V04-V04L, V05V05L, V06-V06L. B. SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES - a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in American history and institutions AES V02A, V02B, V22, V40A, V40B, V63; HIST V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04B, V05A, V05B, V07A, V07B, V12, V16, V17; POLS V01, V03. 2. One other course in social and behavioral sciences AES V01, V02A, V02B, V11, V20, V21A, V21B, V22, V23, V24, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V62, V63; ANTH V02, V03, V04, V06, V07; AAS V01; BUS V30; CHST V01, V02, V24; CD V61; CJ V01, V02, V15; ECON V01A, V01B; GEOG V02, V06, V08; HIST V01A, V01B, V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04A, V04B, V05A, V05B, V07A, V07B, V08, V09, V10A, V10B, V12, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V16, V17, V18A, V18B, V19, V20; HEC V22, V23, V24; JOUR V01; POLS V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V09, V10, V11, V14, V15, V16; PSY V01, V02, V05, V07-V07L, V15, V25, V29, V30, V31; SOC V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V07, V24, V31. C. HUMANITIES - a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in fine or performing arts AES V10, V12, V65, V66; ART V01, V02A, V02B, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08, V09, V11A, V12A, V13A, V19, V51A; HEC V05A; MUS V01, V03, V06, V07, V08, V09A, V09B; PHOT V01, V02, V07; THA V01, V02A, V20, V29. 2. One course in humanities AES V30, V31; ENGL V01B, V06B, V10, V11A, V15, V16, V21A, V21B, V22A, V22B, V23, V26, V29A, V29B, V30, V31, V33, V34, V35, V36A, V36B, V133, V134, V135, V136A, V136B; FREN V01, V02, V03, V04, V51A, V51B, V51C; GERM V01, V02, V03, V04, V51A, V51B, V51C; HIST V01A, V01B, V18A, V18B; IDS V08; ITAL V01, V02, V03, V04, V51A, V51B; JAPN V01, V02, V51A, V51B; PHIL V01, V02, V03A, V03B, V04, V06A, V06B; SL V10A, V10B, V10C; SPAN V01, V02, V03, V03S, V04, V04S, V10A, V10B, V20, V51A, V51B, V71; SPCH V05; THA V23, V30A. D. LANGUAGE AND RATIONALITY - a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in English composition BUS V44, V45; ENGL V01A, V02; JOUR V05A; SUP V81. 2. One course in communication and analytical thinking BUS V06; BIS V40; CS V11, V15, V17, V20, V40, V82, V86; DRFT V03; ENGL V01B, V05, V06A; MATH V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V11B, V20, V21A, V21B, V21C, V24, V30, V38, V40, V44, V45, V46A, V46B, V50, V52, V55, V57; PHIL V04, V05; PSY V04; SPCH V01, V10, V15. E. HEALTH/PHYSICAL EDUCATION - a minimum of 2 courses 1. One course in health education HED V93, V95. 2. One course in physical activity AES V15; CJ V10-V12B; DANC V10-V50; EAC V21, V25V28; HED V92, V94, V97; HEC V10, V97; PE V01-V22, V30-V87, V91-V94, V97-V99; REC V41; THA V14. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -41 *F. ETHNIC/WOMEN’S STUDIES - a minimum of one course AES V01, V02A, V02B, V10, V11, V20, V21A, V21B, V22, V23, V24, V30, V31, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V62, V63, V65; ANTH V02, V04, V06; ART V03, V07, V08; AAS V01; CHST V01, V02, V24; ENGL V02B, V06B, V33, V34, V35, V36A, V36B, V133, V134, V135, V136A, V136B; HIST V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04B, V05A, V05B, V10A, V10B, V12, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V17, V19; MUS V03; POLS V11, V14; PSY V30; SOC V03, V04, V24; SPAN V20, V71. *General liberal arts and sciences degree only; not required for degrees with specific majors. Competency Requirements Students must demonstrate competence in reading, in written expression, and in mathematics: a. Reading: minimum competency in reading is satisfied by completion of the requirements for the associate degree. b. Written expression: minimum competency in writing is satisfied by completion of the requirements for the associate degree. c. Mathematics: minimum competency in mathematics is satisfied by successful completion (A,B,C, or CR) of a mathematics course in elementary algebra (or a higher level mathematics course) which includes demonstrated ability to: •perform operations with real numbers; •solve linear equations and inequalities of one variable; •perform operations with polynomials; •solve rational equations or quadratic equations; •solve problems containing ratios; •solve equations containing proportions; and •graph linear equations Please visit a counselor for information on options for meeting the mathematics requirement. Internal Certification of General Education Requirements General education requirements for the A.A/A.S. degrees may be partially or fully certified by the college within the district where the work was completed. If a student does not obtain certification, then he or she must meet the requirements of the college granting the degree. Graduation Application Procedures Students may apply for graduation by scheduling a counseling appointment to submit an application for graduation. The student may elect to be either a Fall graduate, a Spring graduate, or a Summer graduate, depending upon the completion of all necessary graduation requirements; however, formal graduation ceremonies are conducted only at the conclusion of each academic year. The deadline dates for submission of graduation applications are printed in the Ventura College Schedule of Classes. If for any reason a student fails to submit an application prior to the published deadline, he or she may submit the application for the following graduation period. Guidelines for Additional Degree Any college in the Ventura County Community College District will award an additional associate degree under the following conditions: 1. A student who has earned an associate degree at any regionally accredited institution may earn an additional associate degree. 2. A student who holds a higher degree from any regionally accredited institution may earn an associate degree in a specific major (this excludes the Associate in Arts in general liberal arts and sciences). 3. General education requirements earned for one degree may be applied toward another degree. 4. A candidate for an additional degree must complete 12 or more units of credit, in residence, at Ventura College concurrent with or after the completion of requirements for the first associate degree. In addition, a candidate must be in attendance at Ventura College in the semester during which graduation requirements for the additional degree are completed. 5. A student must complete all the required courses listed in the catalog for the specific majors. In the event that unmet requirements for a specific major do not total 12 units, a student must complete the remaining units from electives listed under the major or courses as approved by the appropriate division. 6. In the case of degrees offering two or more options, a student may earn an additional degree within the same field by completing the requirements for that option (the additional degree) and all other requirements specified herein. Appeals to the above policy may be submitted to the Dean of Student Development. Waivers may be granted under extenuating circumstances or when there has not been sufficient opportunity to enroll in required courses. Certificates of Achievement A Certificate of Achievement will be granted in specific vocational areas to any student who meets the following requirements: 1. Scholarship: A cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.0 in all college and university coursework attempted. 2. Major: Completion of all courses required in a curriculum specified in the College Catalog. 3. Residency: Completion of at least 12 semester units in residence at the college granting the certificate. 4. Application for Certificate: The student must file a formal written application in the Counseling Office. Work counted toward the granting of a certificate by one college cannot be used at another college for a duplicate certificate. Certificates of Completion A Certificate of Completion may be awarded to a student upon successful completion of a course or series of courses as designated in the College Catalog. Successful completion is defined as satisfactory (2.0) scholarship. Certificates of Completion are granted by selected instructional departments of the College. Some are specified following the programs set forth under Associate Degree and Certificate of Achievement major requirements. Others are specified in the announcement of courses section of this Catalog as a part of individual course descriptions. Consult your instructor for further information. Transfer Requirements The completion of general education and major requirements for an associate degree ordinarily does not make the student eligible to transfer to a four-year college or university. For transfer requirements, consult the transfer information section of the College Catalog, appropriate Web sites, and your counselor. 42 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 2006-2007 VENTURA COLLEGE +Preparation for license/permit CoC Curriculum C AA/AS CoA CoC Curriculum C AA/AS CoA Accounting X X Agriculture X Agricultural Plant Science X X American Ethnic Studies X Anatomy X Anatomy/Physiology X Anthropology X Architecture X X X Art X Asian American Studies X Assistive Computer Technology X Astronomy X Automotive+ X X X Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Studies X X Biological Sciences X X Biology X Biotechnician X Bookkeeping X Business X Business General X X Business Information Systems X Business Management X X Ceramics X X Chemistry X Chicano Studies X Child Development+ X X X CNC Machine Operator X Commercial Art X X Computer Science X X X Computerized Office X Construction Technology+ X •Building Inspection Option+ X X •Construction ManagementOption+ X X Criminal Justice X •Academic Option X X •Academy Option X X Dance X Developmental Studies X Drafting X Drafting Technology: •Electronic Drafting & X X Manufacturing Option •Industrial Design & X X Manufacturing Option Economics X Education X Educational Assistance Center X Emergency Medical Technology X Emergency Medical Services: X X Paramedic Studies+ Engineering X X X English X English as a Second Language X Environmental Studies X Executive Assistant X X Fashion Design & X X X Merchandizing Fine Art X X French..X.. ..Not offered 2006-07 Curriculum C AA/AS CoA CoC Japanese X Journalism X X• X• Leadership X Learning Skills X Library Instruction X Manufacturing Technology X X• X• Mathematics XX X Mechanical Inspection X Medical Assistant+ X X Medical Transcription X Microbiology X Microcomputers: Business Applications X Multimedia X X• X• X.. Music X X X Natural Resources X X Nursing Science+ X X Paramedic+ X Philosophy X Photography X X X Physical Education X Physical Science X Physical Science Engineering Technology X X Physics X Physiology X Political Science X Psychology X Real Estate X Recreation X X X Sign Language X Sociology X Spanish X Speech X Study Skills X Supervision X X X Theatre Arts X X X Water Science+ X X X Welding+ X X X Work Experience X Geographic InformationSystems (GIS) •Basic Competency X •Agricultural Applications X Geography X Geology X German X Guidance Workshops X Health Education X Health Information Technology+ X Health Science X Health Sciences Administration X History X Home Economics X X X Human Services X X X Humanities X Interdisciplinary Studies X Interior Design X International Studies X X Internship X Italian X C = Courses AA/AS = Associate Degree CoA = Certificate of Achievement CoC = Certificate of Completion Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -43 PROGRAMS Ventura College offers a wide variety of general and occupational programs leading to a Certificate of Achievement or an Associate Degree. These programs, which can be completed in two years or less, prepare the graduate for many excellent career opportunities in the community. Ventura College offers designated degrees and certificates in the following areas: Associate in Arts Degrees and Certificates of Achievement * General Liberal Arts and Sciences Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Studies Biological Sciences Ceramics Fine Art Human Services International Studies • Journalism Music Photography Recreation Theatre Arts * No Certificate of Achievement awarded. • Not offered 2006-07. Associate in Science Degrees and Certificates of Achievement Accounting Agricultural Plant Science Architecture + Automotive Technology Biological Sciences - options: biotechnology; plant biotechnology Business: General Business Management + Child Development Commercial Art Computer Science - options: bioinformatics; C; C++; Java; multimedia programming for gaming; visual basic; Web programming + Construction Technology - options: building inspection; construction management Criminal Justice - options: academic; academy Drafting Technology - options: electronic drafting and manufacturing; industrial design and manufacturing + Emergency Medical Services: Paramedic Studies Engineering Executive Assistant Fashion Design and Merchandising - options: design; merchandising *+Health Information Technology Home Economics Medical Assistant • Multimedia - options: architecture; business; graphics; programming; Web development Natural Resources *+ Nursing Physical Science: Engineering Technology Supervision + Water Science - options: wastewater; water + Welding Technology * No Certificate of Achievement awarded. • Not offered 2006-07. + Preparation for license/permit. Certificates of Completion A Certificate of Completion may be awarded by the department to students who complete a designated course or series of courses which total less than 18 units. Consult instructor or department for further information. See the Degrees and Programs section of the catalog for specific course requirements: Biotechnician Bookkeeping CNC Machine Operator Computerized Office Environmental Studies Geographic Information Systems: basic competency; agricultural applications Health Sciences Administration Human Services: basic; advanced Interior Design Mechanical Inspection Medical Transcription Microcomputers: Business Applications • Multimedia Consult instructor or department for specific course requirements: Administrative Assistant Keyboarding Agriculture + Lifeguard Training Aquatics Medical Assistant Art Medical Terminology + Automotive Technology Microcomputer Keyboarding + Certified Nurse Assistant + NAUI Instructor Criminal Justice Photography Drafting + SCUBA Diving + Emergency Medical Technician + Water Safety Instructor Home Health Aide + Water Science + Welding + Preparation for license/permit. 44 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Other Programs The Ventura County Community College District offers other programs of occupational instruction at Moorpark and Oxnard Colleges which are open to all district residents. MOORPARK COLLEGE: exotic animal training and management; and, radiologic technology. OXNARD COLLEGE: addictive disorders studies; air conditioning/ refrigeration; automotive body and fender; dental hygiene; environmental technology; fire academy; fire technology; hotel and restaurant management; and, legal assisting. Continuous Enrollment A student remaining in continuous enrollment in regular sessions (fall and spring semesters; summer session not counted), at one or more of the colleges of the Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) or at any other regionally accredited college or university, may meet the VCCCD graduation requirements in effect at the time of his or her entering or at any time thereafter. This applies only to graduation requirements and to the remedial coursework. Continuous enrollment is defined as attendance in at least one semester each calendar year. Any academic record symbol entered on a transcript (A through F, CR, NC, I, IP, RD, W) shall constitute enrollment or attendance. A student who has not maintained continuous enrollment is considered to be under new requirements unless the student is granted a petition/waiver for extenuating circumstances. This petition must be initiated by the student through a college counselor and approved by the appropriate dean or designee. Students must be aware that other governing agencies impose more restrictive limitations concerning the definitions of continuous enrollment or continuous attendance. Some agencies define continuous enrollment as remaining in attendance both fall and spring semesters. Some will not accept selected academic record symbols (such as Ws). Those affected by more restrictive guidelines include students receiving financial aid and alien students. Double Counting When a course(s) required for a specific major is also on the list of approved general education courses, the course(s) may be used to satisfy both major and general education requirements, if the student satisfies the minimum 18-unit requirement for the major. Variance in Major Requirements Occasionally a student may have difficulty in completing exact major requirements as specified in the Ventura College Catalog due to circumstances of class scheduling conflicts, class cancellation, or related but nonequivalent coursework taken outside of this college district. Under such circumstances, a student may file a petition to seek approval from the appropriate college officials to substitute one or more courses for the designated major course or courses in question. It is also possible that a student may demonstrate competency in subject matter covered by a required course or courses (for example, computer literacy or foreign language). In this case, a student may file a petition to seek approval to waive one or more required courses for a designated major. The petition for this purpose, Petition for Variance, is available in the Counseling Office. Associates in Arts Degrees and Certificates of Achievement Major Requirements General Liberal Arts and Sciences*+ REQUIRED COURSES: Units A. Natural sciences 6 Biological science, one (1) course Physical science, one (1) course B. Social and behavioral sciences 6 American history and institutions, one (1) course Social and behavioral sciences, one (1) other course C. Humanities 6 Fine or performing arts, one (1) course Humanities, one (1) other course D. Language and rationality 6 English composition, one (1) course Communication and analytical thinking, one (1) course E. Health/physical education, two (2) courses 4-6 Health education, one (1) course Physical activity, one (1) course F. Ethnic/women’s studies 3 G. General liberal arts and sciences (from A, B, C &/or D) 9 *No Certificate of Achievement awarded. +Transfer Students All transfer students may earn a General Liberal Arts and Sciences degree by completing one of the following patterns: 1. Completion of the associate degree pattern specified above; or 2. Completion of at least 36 units of coursework selected from the general education/breadth pattern of a transfer institution, plus the physical education/health requirements specified. a. If the general education/breath pattern of a transfer institution requires fewer than 36 units, additional courses may be selected from courses required in preparation for the student’s selected major. b. If the general education/breath pattern of a transfer institution and the units required for the transfer major total fewer than 36 units, the student must select additional coursework from the approved course lists of general education courses specified for either the associate or the transfer degree. c. At a minimum, general education courses must include: natural sciences (3 units); social and behavioral sciences (3 units); humanities (3 units); courses in language and rationality from English composition (3 units) and from communication and analytical thinking (3 units); one course in health education and one course in physical activity; and one course from ethnic/ women's studies which cannot be "double-counted" to satisfy other general education requirements above. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -45 BILINGUAL/CROSS-CULTURAL STUDIES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult (Awarded by the Department) Transfer requirements may differ. REQUIRED COURSES: Units See counselor or consult www.assist.orgAES V20/CHST V01 Introduction to Chicano Studies 3 REQUIRED COURSE: UnitsAES V22/HIST V12 United States History: Focus on Chicanos 3 BIOL V10 Introduction to Environmental Issues 3ENGL V01A English Composition 5 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: ENGL V01B Critical Thinking and Composition Select four to five (4-5) units from the following courses: through Literature 3 BIOL V01-V01L Principles of Biology & Laboratory 3-1 HED V93 Health and Wellness 3 BIOL V03 Introduction to Organismal and SPAN V02 Elementary Spanish II 5 Environmental Biology 5 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: BIOL V29-V29L Marine Biology & Laboratory 3-1 Select one (1) of the following courses: MICR V01 General Microbiology 4 AES V21A/HIST V10A The Heritage of Mexico I 3 Select three to four (3-4) units from the following courses: AES V21B/HIST V10B The Heritage of Mexico II 3 CHEM V01A General Chemistry I 3HIST V04B History of the Americas II 3 CHEM V10 Chemistry and Your World 4Select one (1) of the following: CHEM V20 Elementary Chemistry 4 SPAN V01 Elementary Spanish I 5 GEOG V01-V01L Elements of Physical Geography SPAN V10A & V10B Fundamentals of Spanish IA & IB 3-3 & Laboratory 3-1 Select one (1) of the following courses: GEOL V02-V02L Physical Geology & Laboratory 3-1 SPAN V03 Intermediate Spanish I 5 GEOL V11 Introduction to Oceanography 3SPAN V03S Spanish Heritage Language I 5 Select three (3) units from the following courses: 35-36 ECON V01A Principles of Macro-Economics 3 Recommended courses: AES V10, V11, V31; ART V03; HIST V04A; ECON V01B Principles of Micro-Economics 3 MATH V38, V40; PSY V05; S0C V03; SPAN V20. GEOG V02 Elements of Cultural Geography 3 IDS V08 Ethics in Modern Society 3 PHIL V02 Introduction to Ethics 3 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES POLS V01 American Government 3 Transfer requirements may differ. PSY V31/SOC V31 Introduction to Social Psychology 3 See counselor or consult SOC V01 Introduction to Sociology 3 REQUIRED COURSES: Units SOC V02 Social Problems 3 BIOL V03 Introduction to Organismal and SOC V07 Sociological Analysis 3 Environmental Biology 5 Select two (2) units from the following: BIOL V04 Introduction to Cell and Courses listed above; or Directed Studies courses; or Molecular Biology 5 Courses approved by a Petition for Variance. 2 CHEM V01A-V01AL General Chemistry I & Laboratory 3-2 15-17 CHEM V01B-V01BL General Chemistry II & Laboratory 3-2 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: CERAMICSSelect one (1) of the following courses: MATH V20 Precalculus Mathematics 5 Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult MATH V21A Calculus with Analytic Geometry I 5 Select one (1) of the following groups and complete all REQUIRED COURSES: Units courses listed: ART V02A-V02B Introduction to the History of GROUP A Western Art I & II 3-3 PHYS V02A-V02AL General Physics I & Laboratory 4-1 ART V11A Color and Design: Two-Dimensional PHYS V02B-V02BL General Physics II & Laboratory 4-1 Design 3 GROUP B ART V12A Drawing and Composition I 3 ART V13A Life Drawing I 3 PHYS V03A-V03AL General Physics I: Calculus-based ART V19 Three-Dimensional Design 3 & Laboratory 4-1 ART V25A Beginning Sculpture I 3 PHYS V03B-V03BL General Physics II: Calculus-based ART V51A-V51B Beginning Ceramics I & II 3-3 & Laboratory 4-1 ART V52A-V52B Ceramic Design I & II 3-3 35 ART V53A Ceramic Glaze Theory I 2 Recommended courses: ANAT V01; CHEM V12A-V12AL, V12B-V12BL; REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSE: MATH V21B, V21C, V24; MATH V44 or PSY V04; MICR V01; PHSO V01. Select one (1) of the following courses: ART V41A Relief Printmaking I 3 ART V43A Silkscreen Printmaking I 3 Recommended courses: ART V11B, V12B, V13B, V16A, V16B, V25B, V28A, V28B, V30A, V30B, V53B, V53C, V54A, V54B, V55A, V55B; PHOT V01, V04A. 46 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 FINE ART FINE ART continued Transfer requirements may differ. PAINTING AREA: Units See counselor or consult ART V15A-V15B-V15C Life Painting I & II & III 3-3-3 REQUIRED COURSES: Units ART V16A-V16B Beginning Oil Painting I & II 3-3 ART V02A-V02B Introduction to the History ART V20A-V20B Intermediate Oil Painting I & II 3-3 of Western Art I & II 3-3 ART V36A-V36B Head Painting I & II 3-3 ART V11A Color and Design: ART V37A-V37B Watercolor Painting I & II 3-3 Two-Dimensional Design 3 ART V39A-V39B Intermediate Head Painting I & II 3-3 ART V11B Color and Design: ART V40A-V40B Intermediate Watercolor Color Theory and Practice 3 Painting I & II 3-3 ART V12A-V12B Drawing and Composition I & II 3-3 ART V46A-V46B Beginning Acrylic Painting I & II 3-3 ART V13A Life Drawing I 3 ART V47A-V47B Intermediate Acrylic Painting I & II 3-3 ART V19 Three-Dimensional Design 3 PHOTOGRAPHY AREA: ART V48 Introduction to Printmaking 3 PHOT V01 Beginning Photography 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: PHOT V04A-V04B Intermediate Photography I & II 3-3 Select nine (9) units from the following courses with at least PHOT V06A-V06B Introduction to Color six (6) units from the same area: Photography I & II 3-3 ART APPRECIATION/ART HISTORY AREA: PHOT V08 Principles of Portrait Photography 3 ART V01 Art Appreciation 3 PHOT V09A-V09B Applied Photography I & II 3-3 ART V03/AES V10 Introduction to African and PRINTMAKING AREA: Pre-Columbian Art 3 ART V41A-V41B Relief Printmaking I & II 3-3 ART V04 Introduction to Renaissance Art 3 ART V42A-V42B Intaglio Printmaking I & II 3-3 ART V05 Introduction to American Art 3 ART V43A-V43B Silkscreen Printmaking I & II 3-3 ART V06 Introduction to Modern Art 3 ART V44A-V44B Lithography I & II 3-3 ART V07 Introduction to Women in the Arts 3 ART V44C Lithography: Introduction to Color 3 ART V08/AES V65 Introduction to Asian Art 3 ART V45A-V45B Intermediate Silkscreen ART V09/AES V66 Introduction to Modern and Printmaking I & II 3-3 Contemporary Latin American Art 3 SCULPTURE AREA: ART V14A-V14B-V14C Exploring Visual Arts I & II & III 3-3-3 ART V24 Collage and Assemblage 3 CERAMICS AREA: ART V25A-V25B Beginning Sculpture I & II 3-3 ART V51A-V51B Beginning Ceramics I & II 3-3 ART V26A-V26B Intermediate Sculpture I & II 3-3 ART V52A-V52B Ceramic Design I & II 3-3 36 ART V53A-V53B-V53C Ceramic Glaze Theory I & II & III 2-2-2 ART V54A-V54B Special Techniques in Raku, Recommended courses: ART V10, V21, V27; WEL V27; or any courses Saggar and Primitive-Style listed above not selected for the degree. Firing I & II 3-3 For specific majors in ceramics, commercial art or photography, please ART V55A-V55B Decorating Techniques for see these majors in this Catalog. Ceramics I & II 3-3 COMMERCIAL ART AREA: ART V28A-V28B-V28C Graphic Communications I & II & III 3-3-3 ART V29A-V29B-V29C Commercial Illustration and Layout I & II & III 3-3-3 ART V49 Commercial Art Portfolio Development 3 ART V71-V72 Computer Graphics and Design I & II 3-3 ART V73/PHOT V73 Digital Imaging 3 ART V74A-V74B Digital Painting I & II 3-3 ART V75 Digital Production for Graphic Communications 3 IDS V74A-V74B Adobe Photoshop I & II 3-3 DRAWING AREA: ART V13B-V13C Life Drawing II & III 3-3 ART V18AB/FDM V18AB Figure Illustration I & II 3-3 ART V31A-V31B Head Drawing I & II 3-3 ART V32A-V32B Ink Techniques I & II 3-3 ART V33A-V33B Intermediate Head Drawing I & II 3-3 ART V34A-V34B-V34C Two-Dimensional Mixed Media I & II & III 3-3-3 Ventura College has a nationally known Art and Photography Department. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -47 HUMAN SERVICES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Transfer requirements may differ. HUMAN SERVICES See counselor or consult Basic Certificate (Awarded by the Department) REQUIRED COURSES: Units PSY V01 Introduction to Psychology 3 REQUIRED COURSES: Units SOC V01 Introduction to Sociology 3 PSY V01 Introduction to Psychology 3 SOC V50 Introduction to Social Work: PSY V15 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology 3 Social Welfare Institutions 3 SOC V02 Social Problems 3 SOC V51 Basic Skills in Social Work Methods I 3 SOC V50 Introduction to Social work: Social Welfare Institutions 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Select one (1) of the following courses: REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSE: BIOL V01-V01L Principles of Biology & Laboratory 3-1 Select one (1) of the following courses: BIOL V12 Principles of Human Biology 3 HEC V24 Human Development 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: PSY V05 Introduction to Development Psychology 3 ECON V01A Principles of Macro-Economics 3 15 ECON V01B Principles of Micro-Economics 3 Select six (6) units from the following courses: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION MATH V44 Elementary Statistics 4 HUMAN SERVICESPSY V04 Introductory Statistics for the Social Advanced Certificate and Behavioral Sciences 4 (Awarded by the Department) SOC V02 Social Problems 3 REQUIRED COURSES: Units SOC V52 Basic Skills in Social Work Methods II 3 SOC V51-V52 Basic Skills in Social Work SOC V95 Sociology Volunteer Internship 1-4 Methods I & II 3-3 SOC V96 Sociology Work Experience Internship 1-4 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: 24-25 Select one (1) of the following courses: Recommended courses: AES V11; POLS V08; PSY V05, V15; SOC V03, BUS V40/SUP V96 Organizational Behavior 3 V07; SPCH V15. POLS V08 Public Administration 3 SOC V01 Introduction to Sociology 3 SOC V03/AES V11 Race and Ethnic Group Relations 3 SPCH V15 Interpersonal Communication 3 Select three (3) units from the following courses: SOC V95 Sociology Volunteer Internship 1-4 SOC V96 Sociology Work Experience Internship 1-4 The Psychology Club helped out with the 2006 Earth Day beach clean-up. 48 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units POLS V02 Comparative Government 3 POLS V05 Introduction to International Relations 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSE: Select one (1) of the following courses: ANTH V02 Cultural Anthropology 3 ANTH V06 Anthropology of Women 3 GEOG V02 Elements of Cultural Geography 3 HIST V18A-V18B World History I & II 3-3 HIST V20 Introduction to World History of the 20th and 21st Centuries 3 PHIL V03A-V03B Survey of World Religions: East & West 3-3 POLS V03 Introduction to Political Science 3 REQUIRED FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Must demonstrate competency in a modern foreign language (currently used in everyday life) equal to a one-year sequence at the college level 0-10 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES FOR SPECIALIZATION AREAS: Select one (1) of the following areas and complete nine to ten (9-10) units from the required and optional choice lists: AFRICAN STUDIES AREA: REQUIRED COURSES: AES V42A/HIST V14A African History to 1800 3 AES V42B/HIST V14B African History Since 1800 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: AES V10/ART V03 Introduction to African and Pre-Columbian Art 3 AES V40A/HIST V03A United States History: Focus on African Americans I 3 AES V40B/HIST V03B United States History: Focus on African Americans II 3 ENGL V33 Introduction to African-American Literature 3 ASIAN STUDIES AREA: REQUIRED COURSES: AES V61/HIST V15 Introduction to the History of East Asia 3 PHIL V03A Survey of World Religions: East 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: AES V62/AAS V01 Introduction to Asian American Studies 3 AES V65/ART V08 Introduction to Asian Art 3 BUSINESS/ECONOMICS AREA: REQUIRED COURSES: BUS V43 Introduction to International Business 3 ECON V01A Principles of Macro-Economics 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: ECON V01B Principles of Micro-Economics 3 GEOG V01 Elements of Physical Geography 3 GEOL V02 Physical Geology 3 POLS V16 Government and the Economy 3 PSY V04 Introductory Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences 4 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES continued COMMUNICATION/LITERATURE/ARTS AREA: REQUIRED COURSES: Units PSY V30 Multicultural Psychology 3 PSY V31/SOC V31 Introduction to Social Psychology 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: AES V11/SOC V03 Racial and Ethnic Group Relations 3 AES V31/SPAN V20 Hispanic Literature in Translation 3 ANTH V02 Cultural Anthropology 3 ANTH V06 Anthropology of Women 3 ART V02A-V02B Introduction to the History of Western Art I & II 3-3 ENGL V30-V31 Survey of World Literature I & II 3-3 ENGL V33 Introduction to African-American Literature 3 ENGL V34 Introduction to Chicano Literature 3 ENGL V35 Multicultural American Literature 3 GEOG V02 Elements of Cultural Geography 3 JOUR V01 Mass Communication 3 MUS V03 Introduction to World Music 3 MUS V09A-V09B Music History and Literature I & II 3-3 EUROPE/WESTERN WORLD STUDIES AREA: REQUIRED COURSES: HIST V01A-V01B Introduction to Western Civilization I & II 3-3 Select one (1) of the following courses: ENGL V30-V31 Survey of World Literature I & II 3-3 PHIL V03B Survey of World Religions: West 3 PHIL V06A-V06B Great Philosophers of the West I & II 3-3 POLS V04 Introduction to Political Theory 3 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS AND DIPLOMACY AREA: REQUIRED COURSES: POLS V14 Global Studies 3 POLS V15 Revolution in the Third World 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: HIST V16 United States History: Focus on Foreign Relations 3 HIST V18A-V18B World History I & II 3-3 POLS V10 The United Nations and World Affairs 4 LATIN AMERICAN/AMERICAN STUDIES AREA: REQUIRED COURSES: HIST V04A-V04B History of the Americas I & II 3-3 Select one (1) of the following courses: AES V01/ANTH V04 Indians of North America 3 AES V02A/HIST V05A United States History: Focus on Native Americans I 3 AES V02B/HIST V05B United States History: Focus on Native Americans II 3 AES V10/ART V03 Introduction to African and Pre-Columbian Art 3 AES V21A/HIST V10A The Heritage of Mexico I 3 AES V21B/HIST V10B The Heritage of Mexico II 3 AES V66/ART V09 Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art 3 POLS V09 United States - Mexico Relations 3 POLS V11 Government and Politics of Mexico 3 18-29 Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -49 JOURNALISM MUSIC Program not offered 2006-2007. See counselor or Moorpark College catalog. Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units REQUIRED COURSES: Units JOUR V01 Mass Communication 3 MUS V02A-V02B-V02C Music Theory I & II & III 5-5-5 JOUR V05A Communication Skills MUS V02D Music Theory: Through Writing I 3 Modal-Tonal Counterpoint 5 JOUR V10A Creating a Publication I 4 MUS V02AL-V02BLJOUR V15A/ENGL V51 Editing I 3 V02CL-V02DL Ear Training I & II & III & IV 1-1-1-1 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: MUS V30 Applied Music Study 1-1 Select nine (9) units from the following courses: REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: JOUR V05B Communication Skills Select three (3) units from the following courses: Through Writing II 3 MUS V09A-V09B Music History and Literature I & II 3-3 JOUR V10B Creating a Publication II 4 Select four (4) units from the following courses: MUS V24A-V24B JOUR V11A-V11B Creative Publication Design I & II 4-4 V24C-V24D Keyboards I & II & III & IV 2-2-2-2 JOUR V15B Editing II 3 Select six (6) units from the following courses: JOUR V22/BUS V39 Advertising 3 MUS V10 College Chorus 1.5 JOUR V30/PHOT V30 Press Photography Practicum 1.5 MUS V11 College Singers .5-2 JOUR V31 Press Lab Practicum 1-2 MUS V12 Chorale 1.5 22 MUS V14 Beginning Community Orchestra 1.5 MUS V15 Advanced Community Orchestra 1.5 Recommended courses: ART V11A, V11B, V28A, V28B, V28C, V29A, MUS V16 Intermediate Choral RehearsalV29B, V29C; BUS V03, V06, V11, V45; ECON V01A; ENGL V01A; HIST and Performance .5-1.5V01A, V01B, V04A, V04B, V07A, V07B, V08, V09, V16; PHOT V01; POLS MUS V18 Band 1.5 V01; PSY V01; SPCH V01. MUS V19 Advanced Choral Rehearsal Students transferring to universities with national professional and Performance 1.5 accreditation are limited to fifteen (15) lower division units in journalism MUS V21A Chamber Music: Winds 1 and related fields that will apply to the baccalaureate degree. MUS V21B Chamber Music: Brass 1 MUS V21C Chamber Music: Strings The Celtic harp class– one of hundreds of VC Community Education classes and Keyboards 1 MUS V22A Advanced Chamber Music: Winds 1 MUS V22B Advanced Chamber Music: Brass 1 MUS V22C Advanced Chamber Music: Strings and Keyboards 1 MUS V34 Beginning Chamber Orchestra .5-1.5 MUS V35 Advanced Chamber Orchestra 1.5 MUS V43 Beginning Symphonic Choir 1.5 MUS V44 Advanced Symphonic Choir 1.5 MUS V45 Beginning Opera/Musical Theatre Workshop 1.5 MUS V46 Intermediate Opera/Musical Theatre Workshop 1.5 MUS V47 Advanced Opera/Musical Theatre Workshop 1.5 Recommended courses: MUS V01, V04, V13A, V13B, V13C, V13D, V27. 50 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 PHOTOGRAPHY RECREATION continued Transfer requirements may differ. DANCE AREA: Units See counselor or consult DANC V10 Modern Dance 1-1.5 REQUIRED COURSES: Units DANC V13 Tap Dance 1-1.5 ART V11A Color and Design: DANC V14/THA V14 Movement for the Theatre 1-1.5 Two-Dimensional Design 3 DANC V15 Ballet 1-1.5 ART V12A Drawing and Composition I 3 DANC V16 Western Line Dance 1-1.5 ART V28A Graphic Communications I 3 DANC V17 Western Dance for Pairs 1-1.5 PHOT V01 Beginning Photography 3 DANC V18 Intermediate Tap Dance 1-1.5 PHOT V04A-V04B Intermediate Photography I & II 3-3 DANC V26/AES V15 Folk Dance: Ethnic PHOT V06A-V06B Introduction to Color Dances of the World 1-1.5 Photography I & II 3-3 DANC V29 Jazz Dance 1-1.5 PHOT V08 Principles of Portrait Photography 3 DANC V30 Dance Performance 3 PHOT V09A Applied Photography I 3 DANC V50 Choreography 1 PHOT V73/ART V73 Digital Imaging 3 DANC V90 Directed Studies in Dance 1-6 33 19-20 Recommended courses: ART V11B, V12B, V43A, V49; JOUR V30; PHOT Recommended courses: ART V41A, V43A; JOUR V01, V05A; MUS V01; V02, V07, V09B, V30. PSY V02; SOC V02; SPCH V01; THA V02A. RECREATION THEATRE ARTS Transfer requirements may differ. Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units REQUIRED COURSES: Units REC V40 Introduction to Community THA V01 Theatre Arts Appreciation 3 Recreation 3 THA V02A Fundamentals of Acting 3 REC V42 Recreational Programs and THA V05 Stagecraft 3 Leadership 3 THA V06 Stage Make-up 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: THA V10 Production and Performance 1-3 Select one (1) of the following courses: REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: HED V92 First Aid, Safety and CPR 2 Select six (6) units from the following courses: HED V94 The Trainer and Athletic Injuries 3 THA V02B Advanced Acting 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: THA V12 Student One-Act Play Festival 1-3 HED V93 Health and Wellness 3 THA V20 Costume Design and History 3 HED V95 Health and Wellness: THA V22 Fundamentals of Stage Costuming 3 Designed for Women 3 THA V29 History of Motion Pictures 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES FOR SPECIALIZATION THA V30A Fundamentals of Screenwriting 3 AREAS: THA V30B Intermediate Screenwriting 3 Select one (1) of the following areas and complete eight (8) THA V31 Acting for Film and Television 3 units: 19-21 AQUATICS AREA: PE V17 Lifeguard Training 1.5 Recommended courses: MUS V13A; PE V40; SPCH V04, V05; THA V03. PE V18 Water Safety Instructor 3 PE V21-V21L Scuba Diving: Beginning & Laboratory 2-1 PE V22 Scuba Diving: Intermediate/Advanced 3 PE V26 NAUI Training Assistant 1-2 PE V27 NAUI Assistant Instructor 1-2 PE V28 NAUI Divemaster 1-2 PE V29 NAUI Instructor Preparatory Course (PREP) 1-2 May select one (1) course from the following courses as part of the eight (8) units additionally required: PE V03 Swimming: Intermediate 1-1.5 PE V04 Advanced Swimming 1-1.5 PE V06 Swimming for Conditioning 1-1.5 VC Theatre Department presented “Room Service”. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -51 Associate in Science Degrees and Certificates of Achievement Major Requirements ACCOUNTING Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units BUS V02 Income Tax Fundamentals 3 BUS V04 Computerized Payroll Accounting 3 BUS V07A Business Calculations Using a Calculator 2.5 BUS V07B Business Calculations Using Excel 2.5 BUS V08 Computerized Accounting 3 BUS V30 Introduction to Business 3 BIS V40 Microcomputer Applications in Business 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Select one (1) of the following sequences: BUS V01A-V01B Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting 4-4 BUS V03-V01A Introduction to Accounting & Financial Accounting 3-4 Select one (1) of the following courses: BUS V33 Business Law 3 BUS V53 Legal Environment of Business 3 BIS V47A Microsoft Access I 2 Select one (1) of the following courses: BUS V44/SUP V81 Business English 3 BUS V45 Business Communications 3 32-34 Recommended courses: BUS V31, V32, V34, V38; BIS V77A; CD V38; ECON V01A, V01B; ENGL V01A; MATH V50; PHIL V04; PSY V01; SPCH V01; SUP V93, V94. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BOOKKEEPING (Awarded by the Department) REQUIRED COURSES: Units BUS V03 Introduction to Accounting 3 BUS V04 Computerized Payroll Accounting 3 BUS V07A Business Calculations Using a Calculator 2.5 BUS V07B Business Calculations Using Excel 2.5 BUS V08 Computerized Accounting 3 14 AGRICULTURAL PLANT SCIENCE Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units AG V03 Plant Biology 3 AG V04 Soil and Water Science 3 AG V21 Introduction to Pest Management 3 AG V22 Insects and Diseases of Plants 3 AG V23 Weed, Vertebrate and Nematode Management 3 BIOL V10 Introduction to Environmental Issues 3 BUS V30 Introduction to Business 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Select one (1) of the following courses: BUS V33 Business Law 3 BUS V53 Legal Environment of Business 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: BIS V40 Microcomputer Applications in Business 3 MATH V50 Introduction to Computers and Computer Literacy 3 Select one (1) of the following sequences: CHEM V10-V10L Chemistry and Your World & Laboratory 4-1 CHEM V20-V20L Elementary Chemistry & Laboratory 4-1 32 Recommended courses: CHEM V01A-V01AL, V01B-V01BL, V12A-V12AL, V12B-V12BL; ECON V01A, V01B; HED V92. The VC Japanese garden 52 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ARCHITECTURE AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY Transfer requirements may differ. REQUIRED COURSES: Units See counselor or consult AUTO V10 Introduction to Automotive REQUIRED COURSES: Units Technology 1.5 ARCH V10 Introduction to Architectural Design 2 AUTO V14 Automotive Electrical Systems 4 ARCH V15 Design and Model Construction 2 AUTO V14LA Automotive Chassis Electrical ARCH V21-V22 Architectural Graphics I & II 3-3 Laboratory 1 ARCH V23/DRFT V05A Introduction to AutoCAD 2 AUTO V14LB Automotive Engine Electrical ARCH V25 Digital Tools for Architecture 3 Systems Laboratory 1 ARCH V31-V32 Architectural Practice I & II 3-3 AUTO V15 Automotive Fuel Systems 2 ARCH V40 Architectural Design I 3 AUTO V15LA-V15LB Automotive Fuel Systems REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Laboratories A & B 1-1 Select two (2) of the following courses: AUTO V16 Automotive Emissions ARCH V11/CT V20/ Control Systems 2 DRFT V02B Blueprint Reading: AUTO V16LA-V16LB Automotive Emission Control Architectural/Construction 3 Systems Laboratories A & B 1-1 ARCH V12/CT V12 Advanced Blueprint Reading: AUTO V17 Automotive Driveability Diagnostics Commercial/Industrial 3 and Repair 2 ARCH V24 Advanced Operations of AutoCAD 2 AUTO V17LA-V17LB Automotive Driveability Diagnostics ARCH V33 Computer Applications in Architecture 3 & Repair Laboratories A & B 1-1 ARCH V41 Architectural Design II 3 AUTO V18-V18L Automotive Heating/Air Conditioning ARCH V58/CT V58 International Residential Code 3 & Laboratory 1-1 ARCH V59/CT V59 International Building Code 3 AUTO V20 Automotive Engine Repair 3 ARCH V60/CT V60 Simplified Engineering for Building AUTO V20LA-V20LB Automotive Engine Repair Construction 3 Laboratories A & B 2-1 ARCH V64/CT V64 Building Construction: AUTO V22 Automotive Transmission and Materials and Methods 3 Drive Line 3 ARCH V75/CT V75 Introduction to Electrical, Plumbing AUTO V22LA-V22LB Automotive Transmission & Drive and Mechanical Systems 3 Line Laboratories A & B 2-1 May select two (2) units from the following courses as part AUTO V26 Automotive Brakes Service and of the two courses additionally required: Repair 2 ARCH V95 or V96 Architecture Internship I & II 1-4/1-4 AUTO V26LA-V26LB Automotive Brakes Service & 29-30 Repair Laboratories A & B 1-1 AUTO V28 Automotive Suspension Systems 2 AUTO V28LA Automotive Suspensions Laboratory 1 AUTO V28LB Automotive Alignment Laboratory 1 Ventura College S.H.P.E. and M.E.S.A. students construct a tower of Hershy bars at the Chocolate Festival Recommended courses: WEL V01. Completion of these courses satisfies the requirements of the Toyota Technical Education Network (T-TEN) curriculum required of program participants. See the automotive department or counselor for further information regarding the T-TEN Program. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -53 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units BIOL V18 Human Heredity 3 BIOL V30 Introduction to Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 3 CHEM V20-V20L Elementary Chemistry & Laboratory 4-1 CHEM V21-V21L Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry & Laboratory 3-2 MATH V44 Elementary Statistics 4 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES FOR OPTION: Select one (1) of the following options and complete all courses listed: BIOTECHNOLOGY OPTION: BIOL V31 Introduction to Methods of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 4 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY OPTION: AG V03 Plant Biology 3 BIOL V32 Introduction to Methods of Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 2 24-25 Recommended courses: BIOL V01, V01L; MICR V01; PHIL V02. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BIOTECHNICIAN (Awarded by the Department) REQUIRED COURSES: Units BIOL V18 Human Heredity 3 BIOL V30 Introduction to Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 3 BIOL V31 Introduction to Methods of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 4 BIOL V60A Biotechnology Industry Skills I 1 CHEM V21-V21L Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry & Laboratory 3-2 16 Recommended courses: MATH V01 or V11A, V11B; MICR V01. BUSINESS General Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units BUS V30 Introduction to Business 3 BUS V31/SUP V94 Organization and Management 3 BUS V34 Exercise in Management Decision Making 3 BIS V40 Microcomputer Applications in Business 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Select one (1) of the following sequences: BUS V01A-V01B Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting 4-4 BUS V03-V01A Introduction to Accounting & Financial Accounting 3-4 BUS V07A-V07B Business Calculations Using a Calculator & Excel 2.5-2.5 Select one (1) of the following courses: BUS V07A Business Calculations Using a Calculator 2.5 BIS V70 Introduction to Computers and Windows 2 Select one (1) of the following courses: BUS V32/SUP V93 Human Resource Management 3 BUS V33 Business Law 3 BUS V53 Legal Environment of Business 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: BUS V44/SUP V81 Business English 3 BUS V45 Business Communications 3 Select at least one (1) unit from the following courses: BIS V44A-V44B Microsoft Word I & II 1-2/1-2 BIS V47A Microsoft Access I 2 BIS V70 Introduction to Computers and Windows 2 BIS V71A Introduction to the Internet, the Web, and e-mail 1 BIS V71B Using the Web for Research 1 BIS V71C Creating a Web Page 1 BIS V77A Introduction to Microsoft Access I 1 26-30.5 Recommended courses: BUS V39; ECON V01A, V01B; JOUR V22; PSY V01; SPCH V01. Working on final graphic design project 54 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION COMPUTERIZED OFFICE MICROCOMPUTERS: BUSINESS APPLICATIONS (Awarded by the Department) (Awarded by the Department) REQUIRED COURSES: Units REQUIRED COURSES: LEVELS I & II Units BUS V07A Business Calculations Using a Calculator 2.5 BIS V40 Microcomputer Applications inBUS V18B Word Processing Language Skills: Business 3 Proofreading .5 BIS V44A Microsoft Word I 1-2 BIS V44A-V44B Microsoft Word I & II 1-2/1-2 BIS V70 Introduction to ComputersBIS V56A-V56B Microsoft Powerpoint I & II 1-1 and Windows 2 BIS V70 Introduction to Computers and Windows 2 BIS V71A Introduction to the Internet, the Web, BIS V71A Introduction to the Internet, the Web, and e-mail 1 and e-mail 1 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Select additional units from the following courses to bringSelect one (1) of the following groups and complete all total to 12 units for Level I certificate or 16 units for Level courses listed: II certificate: GROUP A BUS V07A Business Calculations Using aBUS V07B Business Calculations Using Excel 2.5 Calculator 2.5 GROUP B BUS V08 Computerized Accounting 3 BIS V76A-V76B Microsoft Excel for Windows I & II 1-1 BIS V44B Microsoft Word II 1-2 Select one (1) of the following groups and complete all BIS V47A Microsoft Access I 2 courses listed: BIS V56A-V56B Microsoft Powerpoint I & II 1-1 GROUP A BIS V71B Using the Web for Research 1 BIS V47A Microsoft Access I 2 BIS V71C Creating a Web Page 1 GROUP B May select one (1) of the following groups and complete allBIS V77A-V77B Introduction to Microsoft Access I & II 1-1 courses listed as part of the additionally required courses to 14-16.5 total 12 or 16 units: GROUP A BUS V07B Business Calculations Using Excel 2.5 A VC student utilizes one of the up-to-date MACs in the lab GROUP B BIS V76A-V76B Microsoft Excel for Windows I & II 1-1 May select one (1) of the following groups and complete all courses listed as part of the additionally required courses to total 12 or 16 units: GROUP A BIS V47B Microsoft Access II 2 GROUP B BIS V77A-V77B Introduction to Microsoft Access I & II 1-1 12-16 Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -55 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CHILD DEVELOPMENT Transfer requirements may differ. Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units REQUIRED CORE COURSES: Units BUS V31/SUP V94 Organization and Management 3 CD V24 Child Nutrition, Health and Safety 3 BUS V38/CD V38 Small Business Management 3 CD V61 Child, Family and Community 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: CD V62 Introduction to Early Childhood Select one (1) of the following sequences: Programs and Curricula 3 BUS V01A-V01B Financial Accounting & HEC V23 Child Growth and Development 3 Managerial Accounting 4-4 REQUIRED PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM COURSES: BUS V03-V01A Introduction to Accounting & CD V11 Language Arts and Literacy Financial Accounting 3-4 Experiences for Young Children 1.5 BUS V07A-V07B Business Calculations Using a CD V13 Social Studies Experiences for Calculator & Excel 2.5-2.5 Young Children 1.5 Select one (1) of the following courses: CD V14 Creative Arts Experiences BUS V33 Business Law 3 for Young Children 1.5 BUS V53 Legal Environment of Business 3 CD V16 Behavior and Classroom Management in Child Development 1.5 Select four (4) of the following courses: CD V17 Family and Parent Involvement inBUS V30 Introduction to Business 3 Child Development 1.5BUS V32/SUP V93 Human Resource Management 3 CD V18 Special Needs Children 1.5 BUS V34 Exercise in Management CD V19 Math and Science in Early Decision Making 3 Childhood 3 BUS V40/SUP V96 Organizational Behavior 3 REQUIRED DIRECTED TEACHING COURSE: BUS V41 Introduction to Total Quality CD V64 Field Experiences In Child Management 3 Development 4 BUS V43 Introduction to International Business 3 BUS V44/SUP V81 Business English 3 28 BUS V45 Business Communications 3 Recommended courses: ART V11A; BUS V11; CD V26, V28, V65; BIS V40 Microcomputer Applications in HEC V22; SPCH V01. Business 3 California State Child Development permits are awarded at six differentSelect at least one (1) unit from the following courses: levels. These are: assistant, associate teacher, teacher, master teacher, BIS V44A Microsoft Word I 1-2 site supervisor, and program director. See CD department or counselor BIS V70 Introduction to Computers and for further information. Windows 2 BIS V71A Introduction to the Internet, the Web, and e-mail 1 BIS V71B Using the Web for Research 1 BIS V71C Creating a Web Page 1 BIS V76A-V76B Microsoft Excel for Windows I & II 1-1 27-31 Recommended courses: BUS V02, V40, V43, V44; ECON V01A; MATH V50; SUP V81, V90, V96. A staffer reads to a child during the ASVC Read-a-thon at the Child Development Center. 56 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 COMMERCIAL ART COMPUTER SCIENCE Transfer requirements may differ. Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units REQUIRED COURSES: Units ART V11A Color and Design: Two-Dimensional CS V11 Programming Fundamentals 3 Design 3 CS V13 Object-Oriented Programming 3 ART V11B Color and Design: Color Theory CS V15 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 and Practice 3 CS V17/MATH V52 Discrete Structures 3 ART V12A Drawing and Composition I 3 CS V19 Computer Architecture and Organization 3 ART V28A-V28B Graphic Communications I & II 3-3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: ART V29A-V29B Commercial Illustration and Select two (2) courses from any of the following courses in Layout I & II 3-3 addition to the option selected: 6-8 ART V71-V72 Computer Graphics and Design I & II 3-3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES FOR OPTION: PHOT V01 Beginning Photography 3 Select one (1) of the following options and complete all courses listed: REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: BIOINFORMATICS OPTION: Select one (1) of the following courses: ART V02A-V02B Introduction to the History of BIOL V30 Introduction to Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 3 Western Art I & II 3-3 Select one (1) of the following courses: MM V66 Professional Web Page Development 3 MM V82 Vector-Based Animation 3 ART V13A Life Drawing I 3 C OPTION: ART V49 Commercial Art Portfolio Development 3 CS V82 UNIX Systems Programming 3 ART V73/PHOTO V73 Digital Imaging 3 MATH V57 Beginning C 3 C++ OPTION: ART V74A-V74B Digital Painting I & II 3-3 MATH V55 Beginning C++ 3 36 CS V32 Intermediate C++ 3 Recommended courses: ART V06, V12B, V13B, V13C, V18A, V18B, CS V34 Advanced C++ 3 V28C, V29C, V32A, V37A, V43A, V44A, V46A, V46B, V48, V75; FDM JAVA OPTION: V18A, V18B; IDS V74A, V74B; PHOT V02, V04A. CS V40 Beginning Java 3 CS V42 Intermediate Java 3 CS V44 Advanced Java 3 Group at VC Foundation Scholarship Dinner MULTIMEDIA PROGRAMMING FOR GAMING OPTION: MATH V55 Beginning C++ 3 CS V32 Intermediate C++ 3 MM V61 Introduction to 3D Animation and Modeling for Multimedia 3 VISUAL BASIC OPTION: CS V20 Beginning Visual Basic 3 CS V22 Intermediate Visual Basic 3 CS V24 Advanced Visual Basic 3 WEB PROGRAMMING OPTION: MM V63 Multimedia Programming: 3D Graphics and Animation with C++ 4 MM V64 Multimedia and 3D Web Development 4 MM V66 Professional Web Page Development 3 Recommended courses: MATH V21A, V21B; PHYS V04-V04L, V05-V05L. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -57 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY Building Inspection Option Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units CT V59/ARCH V59 International Building Code 3 CT V66 National Electrical Code 3 CT V71 Uniform Plumbing Code 3 CT V72 Uniform Mechanical Code 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Select six (6) of the following courses: CT V12/ARCH V12 Advanced Blueprint Reading: Commercial/Industrial 3 CT V20/ARCH V11/ DRFT V02B Blueprint Reading: Architectural/ Construction 3 CT V40 ICBO Building Code Certification Preparation 2 CT V41 IAPMO Plumbing Code Certification Preparation 2 CT V42 IAPMO Mechanical Code Certification Preparation 2 CT V43 Electrical Code Certification Preparation 2 CT V45 ICBO Plans Examiner Certification Preparation 2 CT V46 Building Permit Technician 2 CT V47/CJ V47 Building and Zoning Code Enforcement 3 CT V58/ARCH V58 International Residential Code 3 CT V60/ARCH V60 Simplified Engineering for Building Construction 3 CT V61 Public Works Construction 3 CT V62 Structural Masonry Construction 3 CT V63 Reinforced Concrete Construction 3 CT V65/WEL V65 Structural Steel and Welding Construction 3 CT V67/ARCH V67 Building Accessibility Regulations 2 CT V69 California Energy Regulations 2 May select three (3) units from the following courses as part of the six (6) courses additionally required: CT V95-V96 Construction Technology Internship I & II 1-4/1-4 24-30 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY Construction Management Option Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units CT V20/ARCH V11/ DRFT V02B Blueprint Reading: Architectural/ Construction 3 CT V64/ARCH V64 Building Construction: Materials and Methods 3 CT V75/ARCH V75 Introduction to Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical Systems 3 CT V77 Construction Business Management 3 CT V79 Construction Estimating 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Select five (5) of the following courses: ARCH V31 Architectural Practice I 3 BUS V03 Introduction to Accounting 3 BUS V31/SUP V94 Organization and Management 3 BUS V38/ CD V38 Small Business Management 3 CT V12/ARCH V12 Advanced Blueprint Reading: Commercial/Industrial 3 CT V30 Woodworking 3 CT V37 Landscape Construction 3 CT V50 Construction Contractor License Preparation 3 CT V52 Property Inspection 2 CT V58/ARCH V58 International Residential Code 3 CT V59/ARCH V59 International Building Code 3 CT V76 Construction Job Site Management 3 CT V80 Computer Applications for Contractors 2 ENGR V05A Plane Surveying 3 SUP V90 Elements of Supervision 3 May select one (1) of the following courses as part of the five (5) courses additionally required: BUS V33 Business Law 3 BUS V53 Legal Environment of Business 3 May select three (3) units from the following courses as part of the five (5) courses additionally required: CT V95-V96 Construction Technology Internship I & II 1-4/1-4 28-30 The winning VC float at St. Patrick’s Day Parade 58 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CRIMINAL JUSTICE DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY Academic Option Electronic Drafting and Manufacturing Option Transfer requirements may differ. Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult See counselor or consult REQUIRED COURSES: Units REQUIRED COURSES: Units CJ V01 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 DRFT V04/MT V04 Measurements and Computations 3 CJ V02 Concepts of Criminal Law 3 DRFT V05A/ CJ V03 Community Relations and Diversity 3 ARCH V23 Introduction to AutoCAD 2 CJ V05 Criminal Procedures 3 DRFT V05B Advanced Operations of AutoCAD 2 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: DRFT V10A-V10B Electronic Drafting I & II 3-3 Select nine (9) units from the following courses: DRFT V14A Technical Illustration I 3 CJ V04 Legal Aspects of Evidence 3 DRFT V18 Drafting Projects 3 CJ V06 Criminal Justice Report Writing 3 19CJ V07 Patrol Procedures 3 CJ V08 Criminal Investigation 3 Recommended courses: ENGR V03; ENGL V02; PHYS V01. CJ V14 Juvenile Law and Procedures in California 3 CJ V18 Drug Investigation and Enforcement 3 DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY CJ V25 Introduction to Corrections 3 Industrial Design and Manufacturing Option CJ V27 Introduction to Probation and Parole 3 Transfer requirements may differ.CJ V28 Fundamentals of Criminology 3 See counselor or consult CJ V29 Legal Aspects of Corrections 3 CJ V30 Victimology 3 REQUIRED COURSES: Units May select three (3) units from the following courses as DRFT V05A/ part of the nine (9) units additionally required: ARCH V23 Introduction to AutoCAD 2 CJ V90 Directed Studies in Criminal Justice 1-6 DRFT V41 Introduction to Industrial CJ V95-V96 Criminal Justice Internship I & II 1-4/1-4 Design Graphics 3 DRFT V42 Design Drafting and 3D Solid Modeling 3 21 DRFT V43 Introduction to Solidworks 3 DRFT V44 Rapid Design and Prototyping 3 DRFT V50 Flexible Manufacturing Applications:CRIMINAL JUSTICE Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD)/ Academy Option Computer Assisted Machining (CAM) 3 REQUIRED COURSES: Units MT V15 Manufacturing Processes 3 CJ V02 Concepts of Criminal Law 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: CJ V05 Criminal Procedures 3 Select three (3) of the following courses: CJ V80 P.O.S.T. Regular Basic Course 18 DRFT V02A/WEL V02 Blueprint Reading: Manufacturing 3 CJ V81 Orientation for P.O.S.T. RegularDRFT V04/MT V04 Measurements and Computations 3 Basic Course .5-5 DRFT V14A Technical Illustration I 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSE: DRFT V18 Drafting Projects 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: MT V02 Applied Machining I 2 CJ V04 Legal Aspects of Evidence 3 MT V35 Production Machining and CJ V14 Juvenile Law and Procedures in Tooling Design Techniques 3 California 3 WEL V01 Introduction to Welding 2 CJ V18 Drug Investigation and Enforcement 3 27-29 CJ V28 Fundamentals of Criminology 3 CJ V30 Victimology 3 Recommended courses: DRFT V02B, V51; IDS V74A, V74B. 27.5-32 Recommended courses for both options: AES V11; BUS V44, V45; CJ V09, V11, V12A; MATH V50; PHOT V01; PE V32, V33; PSY V15; SOC V03; SPCH V01; SUP V81. The Criminal Justice programs are designed to prepare students to successfully complete the training and testing procedures required to enter law enforcement and corrections academies, or to work within the private sector. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -59 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Paramedic Studies REQUIRED COURSES: Units REQUIRED COURSES: Units BUS V44/SUP V81 Business English 3 EMT V01 Emergency Medical Technician 7 BUS V45 Business Communications 3 PM V01 Paramedic Theory 18.5 BIS V40 Microcomputer Applications in PM V02 Paramedic Clinical Laboratory 18.5 Business 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSE(S): BIS V70 Introduction to Computers and Select one (1) of the following groups and complete all Windows 2 courses listed: BIS V71B Using the Web for Research 1 GROUP A REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: ANAT V01 General Human Anatomy 4 Select two (2) to three (3) units from one of the following PHSO V01 Introduction to Human Physiology 4 courses: GROUP B BUS V06 Business Mathematics 3 ANPH V01 Introduction to Human AnatomyBUS V07A Business Calculations Using a and Physiology 5 Calculator 2.5 BUS V12 Intermediate Keyboarding 1-3 49-52 BIS V47A Microsoft Access I 2 See special program requirements. Select four (4) units from the following courses: Recommended courses: BUS V27A; BIS V40; ENGL V05; LS; MATH V30, BIS V44A-V44B Microsoft Word I & II 1-2/1-2 V50; PSY V15, V30; SL V10A; SPAN V70. 18-19 Recommended courses: BUS V07B; BIS V47B, V71C; SPCH V01. ENGINEERING Transfer requirements may differ. FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING See counselor or consult Transfer requirements may differ. REQUIRED COURSES: Units See counselor or consult CHEM V01A-V01AL General Chemistry I & Laboratory 3-2 ENGR V01 Introduction to Engineering 1 REQUIRED COURSES: Units MATH V21A-V21B Calculus with Analytic Geometry I & II 5-5 ART V11A Color and Design: Two-Dimensional MATH V21C Multivariable Calculus 5 Design 3 PHYS V04-V04L Mechanics & Laboratory 4-1 FDM V10 Fashion Industry and Marketing 3 PHYS V05-V05L Electricity and Magnetism & Laboratory 4-1 FDM V17/ART V17 Creating the Fashion Image: PHYS V06-V06L Optics, Heat and Modern Physics & Fashion Promotion 3 Laboratory 4-1 HEC V15 Textiles 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: HEC V18 Fashion Analysis 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: THA V20 Costume Design and History 3 ENGR V02 Engineering Graphics 2 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSE: ENGR V03 Descriptive Geometry 2 Select one (1) of the following courses: Select two (2) of the following courses: HEC V12A-V12B Clothing Construction I & II 3-2 ENGR V05A Plane Surveying 3 HEC V13A Advanced Sewing Techniques 2 ENGR V12 Engineering Statics 3 HEC V13B Tailoring 2 ENGR V16-V16L Electronic Circuits and Devices &HEC V17 Knit Fabrics 2 Laboratory 3-1 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES FOR OPTION: ENGR V18 Engineering Materials 3 Select one (1) of the following options and complete two (2) Select one (1) of the following programming languages: courses: CS V40 Beginning Java 3 DESIGN OPTION: CS V86 FORTRAN Programming 3 FDM V18A/ART V18A Figure Illustration I 3 MATH V57 Beginning C 3 HEC V16 Flat Pattern Design 2-3 HEC V95-V96 Home Economics Internship I & II 1-4/1-4 47-48 MERCHANDISING OPTION: Recommended courses: CHEM V01B-V01BL; ENGR V05B; MATH V24 BUS V06 Business Mathematics 3 (any or all of these courses may be required by some transfer institutions). HEC V95-V96 Home Economics Internship I & II 1-4/1-4 Recommended courses: ART V12A, V18B, V28A, V28B; BUS V03, V30, V38; CD V38; FDM V18B; MATH V50. 60 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY..+ GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) Basic Competency Transfer requirements may differ. See counselor or consult (Awarded by the Department) REQUIRED COURSES: Units REQUIRED COURSES: Units GEOG V22 Fundamentals of Mapping andBUS V27A Beginning Medical Terminology 3 Geographic Information Systems 3 BUS V31/SUP V94 Organization and Management 3 GEOG V26 Introduction to Geographic InformationHIT 101* Introduction to Health Information Systems Software 2 Management 3 GEOG V28 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)HIT 102* Legal Aspects of Health Care 2 Applications: Project Development 1.5 HIT 200* Clinical Classification Systems– CM Coding 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSE(S): HIT 204* Basic Pathophysiology 3 Select one and one-half (1.5) units from the following HIT 210* Clinical Classification Systems– courses: CPT Coding 3 GEOG V24 Introduction to Global PositioningHIT 220* Statistical Applications in Health Care 2 Systems (GPS) .5 HIT 230* Alternative Delivery Systems 2 GEOG V28 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)HIT 240* Clinical Quality Assessment Improvement 3 Applications: Project Development 1.5 HIT 255* Medical Insurance and Reimbursement 4 GEOG V90 Directed Studies in GeographyHIT 265* HIM Computer Applications 2 (with GIS Topic) .5-6 HIT 275* Professional Directed Practice 3 8 NS V07 Pharmacology 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Select one (1) of the following courses: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BIS V40 Microcomputer Applications in Business 3 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) BIS V42 Microsoft Software Survey in the Office 3 Agricultural Applications COMAP 101* Microsoft Office 4 (Awarded by the Department) Select one (1) of the following groups and complete all REQUIRED COURSES: Units courses listed: GEOG V22 Fundamentals of Mapping and GROUP A Geographic Information Systems 3 ANAT V01 General Human Anatomy 4 GEOG V24 Introduction to Global Positioning PHSO V01 Introduction to Human Physiology 4 Systems (GPS) .5 GROUP B GEOG V26 Introduction to Geographic Information BIOMD 146* Human Form and Function 3 Systems Software 2 45-51 GEOG V28 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Applications: Project Development 1.5 See special program requirements. • No Certificate of Achievement awarded. REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: + Regional program conducted with Santa Barbara City College. Select one-half (.5) unit from the following course: * Santa Barbara City College distance education course. GEOG V90 Directed Studies in Geography (with Agricultural GIS Topic) .5-6 Select two (2) units from the following courses: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION GEOG V90 Directed Studies in Geography HEALTH SCIENCES ADMINISTRATION (in GIS/GPS Field Data Collection) .5-6 (Awarded by the Department) GEOG V95/V96 Geography Internship I & II (in GIS/GPS Field Data Collection) 1-4/1-4 REQUIRED COURSES: Units BUS V03 Introduction to Accounting 3 9.5 BUS V32/SUP V93 Human Resource Management 3 BUS V34 Exercise in Management Decision Making 3 BUS V40/SUP V96 Organizational Behavior 3 BUS V41 Introduction to Total Quality Management 3 Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -61 HOME ECONOMICS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Transfer requirements may differ. CNC MACHINE OPERATOR See counselor or consult (Awarded by the Department) REQUIRED COURSES: Units REQUIRED COURSES: Units ART V11A Color and Design: Two-Dimensional MT V05-V06-V07 CNC Machining I & II & III 2-2-2 Design 3 MT V08 CNC Program Editing 2 CD V24 Child Nutrition, Health and Safety 3 MT V35 Production Machining and Tooling HEC V10 Nutrition 3 Design Techniques 3 HEC V18 Fashion Analysis 3 DRFT V41 Introduction to Industrial HEC V22 Marriage and Family Life 3 Design Graphics 3 HEC V23 Child Growth and Development 3 DRFT V50 Flexible Manufacturing Applications: REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD)/ Select one (1) of the following courses: Computer Assisted Machining (CAM) 3 HEC V05A Introduction to Interior Design 3 17 HEC V15 Textiles 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: HEC V12A-V12B Clothing Construction I & II 3-2 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONHEC V13A Advanced Sewing Techniques 2 MECHANICAL INSPECTION HEC V13B Tailoring 2 (Awarded by the Department) HEC V17 Knit Fabrics 2 REQUIRED COURSES: Units 23-24 DRFT V02A/WEL V02 Blueprint Reading: Manufacturing 3 Recommended course: CD V61. MT V02-V03 Applied Machining I & II 2-2 MT V04/DRFT V04 Measurements and Computations 3 MT V09 Geometric Dimensioning and CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Tolerancing 3 INTERIOR DESIGN MT V10 Quality Control and Mechanical (Awarded by the Department) Inspection 2 Transfer requirements may differ. MT V11 Dimensional Metrology 2 See counselor or consult 17 REQUIRED COURSES: Units HEC V05A Introduction to Interior Design 3 HEC V05B Applied Principles of Interior Design 3 MEDICAL ASSISTANT HEC V07 History of Environmental Arts 3 REQUIRED COURSES: Units HEC V15 Textiles 3 BUS V26A-V26B Medical Transcription I & II 3-2 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: BUS V27A Beginning Medical Terminology 3 Select four and one-half (4.5) units from the following BUS V27B Advanced Medical Terminology 3 courses: BUS V29 Medical Insurance 3 ARCH V11/CT V20/ BUS V44/SUP V81 Business English 3 DRFT V02B Blueprint Reading: Architectural/REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Construction 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: HEC V30 Space Planning: Interiors 1.5 BUS V06 Business Mathematics 3 HEC V31 Lighting Design 1.5 BIS V40 Microcomputer Applications in HEC V32 Kitchen and Bath Design 1.5 Business 3 16.5 Select one (1) of the following courses: BUS V12 Intermediate Keyboarding 1-3 Recommended courses: ARCH V10, V21, V23, V40; ART V11B; BUS BIS V44A Microsoft Word I 1-2 V38; CD V38; DRFT V05A. Select one (1) of the following courses: BUS V28A Medical Office Procedures: Front Office 3 BUS V28B Medical Office Procedures: Back Office 3 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Program not offered 2006-07. Contact Scot Rabe at 654-6494 or for information. Recommended courses: ANAT V01; ANPH V01; BUS V03, V26C, V45; BIS V70; MICR V01; PSY V01. 62 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION MULTIMEDIA continued MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION WEB DEVELOPMENT OPTION: Units (Awarded by the Department) CS V20 Beginning Visual Basic 3 REQUIRED COURSES: Units CS V40 Beginning Java 3 BUS V26A-V26B Medical Transcription I & II 3-2 MM V64 Multimedia and 3D Web Development 4 BUS V27A Beginning Medical Terminology 3 MM V65 Web Site Development 2.5 BUS V27B Advanced Medical Terminology 3 MM V66 Professional Web Page Development 3 BUS V44/SUP V81 Business English 3 27-36 BIS V44A Microsoft Word I 1-2 15-16 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Recommended course: ANPH V01. MULTIMEDIA (Awarded by the Department) Program not offered 2006-07. MULTIMEDIA Program not offered 2006-07. REQUIRED COURSES: Units MM V10 Introduction to Multimedia and Contact Sharla Fell at 654-6400 ext. 2236 for information. REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES FOR OPTION: Multimedia Applications 3 REQUIRED COURSES: Units MM V20 Visual Design for Multimedia 3 MM V10 Introduction to Multimedia andMM V30 Multimedia Design and Production 3 Multimedia Applications 3 MM V40 Video Production and Editing for MM V20 Visual Design for Multimedia 3 Multimedia 3 MM V30 Multimedia Design and Production 3 MM V50 Business Communications for MM V40 Video Production and Editing forMultimedia 3 Multimedia 3 15 MM V50 Business Communications for Multimedia 3 MM V70 MM V72 Multimedia Practicum Multimedia Portfolio Presentation 2 1 NATURAL RESOURCES Transfer requirements may differ. Select one (1) of the following options and complete See counselor or consult all courses listed: REQUIRED COURSES: Units ARCHITECTURE OPTION: AG V03 Plant Biology 3 ARCH V23/DRFT 05A Introduction to AutoCAD 2 AG V04 Soil and Water Science 3 ARCH V24 Advanced Operations of AutoCAD 2 AG V45 Tree Management 3 ARCH V31-V32 Architectural Practice I & II 3-3 AG V54 Conservation of Natural Resources 3 DRFT V51 Introduction to 3D Studio Max 2 BIOL V14 Field Biology 3 BUSINESS OPTION: CT V37 Landscape Construction 3 BUS V30 Introduction to Business 3 GEOG V01-V01L Elements of Physical Geography & BIS V40 Microcomputer Applications in Business 3 Laboratory 3-1 BIS V41 The Internet and the World Wide Web 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSE: GRAPHICS OPTION: Select one (1) of the following courses: ART V11A Color and Design: Two-Dimensional BIS V40 Microcomputer Applications in Business 3 Design 3 MATH V50 Introduction to Computers and ART V11B Color and Design: Color Theory and Computer Literacy 3 Practice 3 25 ART V12A Drawing and Composition I 3 ART V71 Computer Graphics and Design I 3 Recommended courses: AG V22; BIOL V10; CJ V03; ECON V01A; GEOL V07; HED V92; REC V41. ART V73/PHOT V73 Digital Imaging 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: ART V72 Computer Graphics and Design II 3 ART V74 Digital Painting 3 PROGRAMMING OPTION: CS V20 Beginning Visual Basic 3 CS V32 Intermediate C++ 3 CS V40 Beginning Java 3 MATH V55 Beginning C++ 3 MM V63 Multimedia Programming: 3D Graphics and Animation with C++ 4 Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -63 NURSING..• PHYSICAL SCIENCE Transfer requirements may differ. Engineering Technology See counselor or consult Transfer requirements may differ. REQUIRED COURSES: Units See counselor or consult ANAT V01 General Human Anatomy 4 REQUIRED COURSES: Units ENGL V01A English Composition 5 CHEM V01A-V01AL General Chemistry I & Laboratory 3-2 MICR V01 General Microbiology 4 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: NS V10+ Introduction to Professional Nursing 10 Select one (1) of the following courses: NS V20-V30-V40 The Nursing Process Applied to the ARCH V60/CT V60 Simplified Engineering for Client with Health Care Building Construction 3 Deviations I & II & III 11-10.5-10.5 ENGR V05A Plane Surveying 3 PHSO V01 Introduction to Human Physiology 4 ENGR V12 Engineering Statics 3 PSY V01 Introduction to Psychology 3 ENGR V16-V16L Engineering Circuits and Devices & REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: Laboratory 3-1 Select one (1) of the following courses: ENGR V18 Engineering Materials 3 AES V11/SOC V03 Racial and Ethnic Group Relations 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: ANTH V02 Cultural Anthropology 3 MATH V04 College Algebra 3 SOC V01 Introduction to Sociology 3 MATH V20 Precalculus Mathematics 5 SOC V02 Social Problems 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: Select one (1) of the following courses: MATH V05 Plane Trigonometry 3 HEC V24 Human Development 3 MATH V21A Calculus with Analytic Geometry I 5 PSY V05 Introduction to Developmental Select one (1) of the following groups and complete both Psychology 3 courses: Select one (1) of the following courses: GROUP A SPCH V01 Introduction to Speech Communication 3 ARCH V23/DRFT V05A Introduction to AutoCAD 2 SPCH V10 Critical Thinking in Oral Communication:DRFT V03 Drafting Fundamentals 3 Argumentation and Debate 3 GROUP B 71 ENGR V02 Engineering Graphics 2 ENGR V03 Descriptive Geometry 2 See special program requirements. Select one (1) of the following groups and complete all • No Certificate of Achievement awarded. courses listed: • Eligible candidates may petition the Health Science Division for GROUP A advanced standing. PHYS V02A-V02AL General Physics I & Laboratory 4-1 Highly recommended courses: Although not required, it is strongly PHYS V02B-V02BL General Physics II & Laboratory 4-1 recommended that the following courses be taken prior to admission into GROUP B the ADN program: MATH V30; NS V07, V75. PHYS V03A-V03AL General Physics I: Calculus-Based & Laboratory 4-1 PHYS V03B-V03BL General Physics II: Calculus-Based & Laboratory 4-1 2006 Nursing Graduates GROUP C PHYS V04-V04L Mechanics & Laboratory 4-1 Recommended courses: CS V86; ENGL V01A; MATH V21A; PHYS V05V05L. 64 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 SUPERVISION WELDING TECHNOLOGY Transfer requirements may differ. REQUIRED COURSES: Units See counselor or consult WEL V01 Introduction to Welding 2 REQUIRED COURSES: Units WEL V02/DRFT V02A Blueprint Reading: Manufacturing 3 SUP V90 Elements of Supervision 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: SUP V93/BUS V32 Human Resource Management 3 Select one (1) of the following courses: SUP V94/BUS V31 Organization and Management 3 DRFT V04/MT V04 Measurements and Computations 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES: MATH V01 Elementary Algebra 5 Select nine (9) units from the following courses: MATH V11B Elementary Algebra: Second Half 3 BUS V34 Exercise in Management Decision Select six (6) units from the following courses: Making 3 MT V15 Manufacturing Processes 3 BUS V41 Introduction to Total Quality WEL V20 Advanced Welding Applications 4 Management 3 WEL V27/ART V27 Metal Art Sculpture 3 BUS V45 Business Communications 3 WEL V65/CT V65 Structural Steel and WeldingSUP V81/BUS V44 Business English 3 Construction 3 SUP V96/BUS V40 Organizational Behavior 3 WEL V95-V96 Welding Internship I & II 1-4/1-4 18 Select one (1) of the following groups and complete all courses listed: Recommended course: BUS V06. GROUP A WEL V03 Arc and MIG Welding 8 GROUP B WATER SCIENCE WEL V13A-V13B Arc and MIG Welding I & II 4-4 Select one (1) of the following groups and complete all Transfer requirements may differ. courses listed: See counselor or consult GROUP A REQUIRED COURSES: Units WEL V04 TIG and Flux Core Welding 8 WS V10 Basic Water and Wastewater Systems 3 GROUP B WS V15 Water Systems Instrumentation andWEL V14A-V14B TIG and Flux Core Welding I & II 4-4 Controls 3 WS V16 Water Quality Protection and30-32 Cross-Connection Control 3 Recommended courses: ARCH V11; CT V20; DRFT V02B; ENGL V02; WS V17 Water and Wastewater Hydraulics 3 PHYS V01. WS V18 Motors and Pumps Maintenance and Operation 3 WS V21 Water Chemistry and Bacteriology 4 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSE: Select one (1) of the following courses: SUP V90 Elements of Supervision 3 WS V25 Water and Wastewater Management 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COURSES FOR OPTION: Select one (1) of the following options and complete all courses listed: WASTEWATER OPTION: WS V12 Wastewater Treatment 3 WS V13 Wastewater Collection 3 WATER OPTION: WS V11 Water Treatment 3 WS V14 Water Distribution 3 28 Recommended courses: ARCH V11; CHEM V20; CT V20; DRFT V02A, V02B; ENGL V02; MATH V01 or V11A, V11B; PHYS V01; WEL V02. Barbeque made by VC welding class Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -65 SPECIAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS HEALTH SCIENCE PROGRAMS The requirements, procedures, application dates, and program offerings for all Health Science programs are subject to change. It is the responsibility of each student to seek up-to-date information. It is also the responsibility of any student interested in the nursing program to make a scheduled appointment as soon as possible with a nursing counselor. NURSING Procedures for Applying Applications will be accepted three times yearly. Admission is subject to available openings. The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program is impacted and generally has a waiting list. Application deadlines are October 1; March 1; and July 1. All applicants must submit: 1) Application to the ADN program; 2) All required official transcripts; and 3) Application to the College (new students only). November 1; April 1; and August 1 — Names of academically eligible students will be sent to the School of Nursing for processing. To be included in the November 1 applicant pool, all application materials must be submitted by October 1; to be included in the April 1 applicant pool, all application materials must be submitted by March 1; to be included in the August 1 applicant pool, all application materials must be submitted by July 1. October 15 and March 15 — Notification of accepted candidates will be made. Qualifying Requirements 1. One of the following must be completed before applying to the program: a. High school graduation and GPA of 2.5; or, b. General Education Development (GED) with a score of 45 and a minimum of 12 semester units of completed college coursework with a 2.5 GPA; or, c. High school graduate with less than a 2.5 GPA and a minimum of 12 semester units of completed college coursework with a GPA of 2.5; or, d. Equivalent consistent with Board of Registered Nursing requirement (see nursing counselor for details). 2. All of the following must be completed: a. All official high school and college transcripts must be on file at Ventura College by October 1, March 1 or July 1 to be considered. b. Application to the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program must be on file with the counseling office at Ventura College by October 1, March 1 or July 1 to be considered. c. An application to the College must also be filed for the appropriate semester. d. It is the applicant’s responsibility to check with the transcript clerk in the Office of Admissions and Records to see that his/her official transcripts are on file at Ventura College. 3. All of the following must be completed before applying to the program. Ventura College courses, listed with Moorpark (MC) and Oxnard (OC) Colleges’ equivalent courses, are: a. Anatomy: college anatomy with laboratory (4 semester units), with a minimum grade of C: ANAT V01 (ANAT M01–MC; ANAT R100-R100L –OC). b. Chemistry - one year of high school or one semester of college chemistry with laboratory, with minimum grades of C: CHEM V01A-V01AL or CHEM V20-V20L or CHEM V30-V30L (CHEM M01A or M12–MC; CHEM R110 or R120–OC). c. Math - satisfactory score on Ventura College elementary algebra placement test or completion of introductory college math course, with a minimum grade of C: MATH V01 or MATH V30 or both MATH V11A & V11B (MATH M01–MC; MATH RO11–OC). d. Microbiology - college bacteriology/microbiology with laboratory (4 semester units), with a minimum grade of C: MICR V01; (MICR M01–MC; MICR R100-R100L–OC). e. Physiology - college physiology with laboratory (4 semester units), with a minimum grade of C: PHSO V01 (PHSO M01–MC; PHSO R100-R100L–OC). f. GPA in the core biological sciences must be 2.5. This includes anatomy, microbiology, and physiology. There may be no more than one repeat or withdrawal in any of the core biological science courses. 4. The following must be completed before entering the Nursing program: a. CNA: current certification as a nursing assistant (CNA) in California or equivalent. b. Growth and development across the lifespan: HEC V24 or PSY V05 (PSY M07–MC; CD R102–OC). The Ventura College Nursing Program has adopted a prerequisite system based on a formula that takes into consideration overall GPA, GPA in the core biological sciences (anatomy, microbiology, physiology), number of repeats in the core biological sciences and English GPA. The composite of these factors generates a cut score which will need to be obtained to be admitted into the Nursing Program. The program is in the process of determining the cut score and it will be published on the Ventura College Nursing Web site at with implementation in Fall 2006. Please check with your nursing counselor for the most current information. Students must be in good academic standing (not on academic probation) to be eligible for application to the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program at Ventura College. Additional courses required for those enrolled in the ADN program are listed below. With the exception of human development, students may complete these additional courses before or after acceptance into the ADN program. The School of Nursing recommends that students complete as many courses as possible before acceptance. These Ventura College courses, listed with the Moorpark (MC) and Oxnard (OC) Colleges’ equivalents, are: a. ANTH V02 or SOC V01 or V02 or V03 or AES V11 (ANTH M02 or SOC M01 or M01H or M02 or M08–MC; ANTH R102 or SOC R101 or R102 or R103– OC); b. PSY V01 (PSY M01–MC; PSY R101–OC); c. ENGL V01A (ENGL V02A or V03A not acceptable) (ENGL M01A or MO1AH– MC; ENGL R101–OC); d. SPCH V01 or V10 (SPCH M01 or M02 or M07–MC; SPCH R101 or R102 or R107–OC); and from the approved general education course list. e. American history and institutions (three units); f. Humanities (six units); and g. Health/ physical education (one course). All applicants must contact the nursing counselor for specific admission information regarding the ADN program. 66 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Admission Process Each qualified applicant will be assigned a number by the use of a random number drawing. The class will be selected on the basis of available openings in the order determined by the random numbers assigned to each applicant in each applicant pool. Each qualified applicant, when selected, must decide either to enter the class, remove his/her name from the eligibility list or request a deferment. Applicants may defer entry one time only. Those qualified applicants who are not selected due to limited openings may retain their names (in the order assigned by random draw) on a waiting list. These applicants then have priority for admission to the next class selected. Students who choose not to enter when selected or after a deferment must reapply and receive a new random number assignment. After students have been selected by the above procedure, a physical examination must be passed prior to entry into the program. This exam must be consistent with the policies of the teaching hospitals or agencies to which they are assigned for clinical experience. Physical exams may be scheduled with a private physician or through the Student Health and Psychological Services utilizing the forms provided by the School of Nursing. The examination must demonstrate that the student is physically fit, free from communicable diseases and immune to rubella, rubeola, and varicella. Completion of the hepatitis B vaccine series is required. All students admitted to a health science program are expected to maintain the highest personal standards of conduct consistent with the professional standards as perceived by the School of Nursing faculty and professional personnel in the agencies used as extended campus sites. Any information indicating that such standards are not maintained is subject to review by members of the School of Nursing faculty and may result in a recommendation to the College for dismissal from the program. Evidence of physical and emotional fitness upon admission and throughout the program is expected and is subject to medical opinion of the college physician and to medical opinion or policy of hospitals or agencies which are used as extended campus sites for assigned educational experience. Students should refer to the Functional Abilities outlined in the School of Nursing Student Handbook for details. Current certification as a CPR health care provider or professional rescuer is an additional requirement. Students in the associate degree nursing program are required to undergo criminal background checks prior to participating in clinical experiences. The cost of a background check is approximately $70.00 and must be borne by the student. Background checks for admission to the ADN program involve a seven year search. Misdemeanors and/or felonies may result in a student’s inability to be assigned to a clinical agency for patient care experiences. This will necessitate dismissal from the program. Please be aware that conviction of a felony may prohibit you from being licensed as a registered nurse. Each case is reviewed and adjudicated by the Board of Registered Nursing. The Board considers the nature and severity of the offense, additional subsequent acts, recency of acts or crimes, compliance with sanctions, and evidence of rehabilitation. For further information, contact the program director in the School of Nursing. Contact with the Board of Registered Nursing to discuss previous convictions may be initiated before entry into the program and this will be recommended in certain cases. Associate Degree Curriculum The associate degree program in nursing is intended to develop the necessary knowledge and skills basic to the functions of registered nurses in the direct care of clients. Many of the courses assigned to this curriculum are transfer courses and articulation is possible with the baccalaureate programs in nursing at the California State University campuses. The courses may be applied as a foundation for advanced work at the discretion of the accepting institution. Courses are taken on campus concurrently with supervised clinical experience in selected hospitals and agencies, constituting a nursing science practicum or laboratory experience. Although each course merits a letter grade, the laboratory experience is based on pass-fail and it is necessary to pass the laboratory section of the course in order to proceed in nursing. Failure in the laboratory portion of nursing courses constitutes an "F" in the course. For successful completion of the program, a minimum grade of C is mandatory in all courses required for the nursing major. These include courses outside the discipline of nursing but required for the major, such as anatomy, microbiology, etc. The student must maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 to continue in the program. Courses are taken on campus concurrent with supervised clinical laboratory experience in selected hospitals and agencies which serve as extended campus sites. Each student is responsible for his/her own transportation to the extended campus sites, some of which are a distance from the College. The nursing program is accredited by the California State Board of Registered Nursing. To be eligible to take the NCLEX-RN examination leading to licensure as a registered nurse, the student must have fulfilled all requirements as defined by the California State Board of Registered Nursing. Students who choose not to complete the degree requirements are eligible to take the NCLEXRN licensing examination after completion of content required for licensure. Please contact the ADN program director for additional information. 30-Unit Option To be eligible for this option, a student must be a vocational nurse who is licensed to practice in California. Interested candidates should contact the nursing counselor for an individual evaluation of eligibility. Individuals who become licensed as registered nurses using this option may not be eligible for licensure in states other than California. Students pursuing this option must complete NS V31 and V41 instead of NS V30 and NS V40. All career ladder programs are on a space available basis. ADN Regional Collaborative The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Regional Collaborative is a partnership between five colleges—Ventura College (VC), College of the Canyons (COC), Glendale Community College (GCC), Los Angeles Pierce College (LAPC), and Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC)—and eight clinical agencies which provide the first year of nursing courses leading to an associate degree in nursing. Students are admitted from existing waiting lists of the five colleges to teleconferenced theory courses at VC, COC, or GCC. Clinical assignments may be provided at any hospital. Students on existing waiting lists at the five participating colleges will be notified by mail of the opportunity to participate in the collaborative option (CO) program and will need to submit a separate application. A student who chooses not to participate in the CO will retain his/her position on the waiting list. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -67 Students in the CO will complete the first and second semesters at either VC, COC, or GCC then return to their home schools to complete the third and fourth semester courses. All CO students will complete specific third and fourth semester courses. Students completing the ADN program at Ventura College will also be required to complete all GE required for the traditional Ventura College nursing program. Please see a nursing counselor for specific details. Transfer and Advanced Placement Transfer students may be accepted as space permits and credit for nursing courses taken at another institution will be evaluated on an individual basis. The School of Nursing also provides opportunities for licensed vocational nurses to advance on the career ladder with vertical mobility providing education leading to eligibility for registered nurse licensure. To be eligible for this program, a candidate must be an LVN who is currently licensed in California. Interested candidates should contact the nursing counselor for transfer/challenge requirements and applications and should meet with the ADN program director. Graduate nurses lacking California licensure requirements may be admitted into the ADN Program on a space available basis to complete one or two needed courses as specified by the California State Board of Registered Nursing. Continuing Education for Registered Nurses Students who hold a California Registered Nurse license and who are presently enrolled and in good standing in Ventura College may petition, after completion of 12 units in residence at Ventura County Community College District, for 42 units of nursing science credit applicable toward an AS degree. Please contact a nursing counselor to initiate this process. Many credit courses offered by Ventura College are acceptable as credit for continuing education. It is the nurse’s responsibility to contact either the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider No. 01293) or the Board of Licensed Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technician Examiners for approval of courses. HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The Health Information Technology (HIT) program is a two-year associate degree program which prepares students to take the national certification exam to become registered health information technicians. The program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) in cooperation with the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). As a registered health information technician, the graduate is prepared to work in the offices of a variety of health care facilities and insurance companies. This program prepares the graduate to perform technical and organizational activities with medical records, including securing, analyzing, integrating and managing health care information. The HIT program is offered through regional cooperation with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC). The student will complete the general education requirements at Ventura College and will receive his/her associate degree from Ventura College. Some courses required for the major, such as anatomy, physiology, medical terminology and pharmacology will be taken at Ventura College. Other courses required for the major are available only through distance learning from Santa Barbara City College and require student enrollment at that college. Admission Requirements 1. Must qualify for MATH V03 and ENGL V01A or equivalent. 2. Documentation of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases. Admission Process Information and program applications are available in the Counseling Office. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PARAMEDIC STUDIES Procedures for Applying In keeping with the standard in the state of California, the Ventura College Paramedic Program offers two tracks: certification as a paramedic with or without an associate degree. Applications will be accepted on an on-going basis. Admission is subject to available openings. The application deadline is available through the health science counselor or the health sciences department. All applicants must submit: 1) Application to the paramedic program; 2) All required official transcripts; and 3) Application to the College (new students only). Qualifying Requirements: 1. One of the following must be completed before applying to the program: a. High school graduation and GPA of 2.5; or, b. General Education Development (GED) with a score of 45 and a minimum of 12 semester units of completed college coursework with a 2.25 GPA; or, c. High school graduate with less than a 2.5 GPA and a minimum of 12 semester units of completed college coursework with a GPA of 2.25. 2. All of the following must be completed: a. All official high school and college transcripts must be on file at Ventura College. b. Application must be made to the health sciences department with a choice of options to enroll in the associate degree paramedic program or the paramedic certificate program. c. An application to the College must be filed for the appropriate semester. d. It is the applicant's responsibility to check with the transcript clerk in the Office of Admissions and Records to see that his/her official transcripts are on file at Ventura College. 3. All of the following must be completed before applying to the program. Ventura College courses, listed with the Moorpark (MC) and Oxnard (OC) equivalents, are: a. Anatomy/Physiology - college anatomy and physiology with laboratory (5 semester units), with a minimum grade of C: either ANPH V01 or both ANAT V01 and PHSO V01 (either ANPH M01 or both ANAT M01 and PHSO M01–MC; ANAT R100-R100L and PHSO R100-R100L–OC). b. English - satisfactory score on Ventura College reading/ written English placement test or completion of college English composition course with a minimum grade of C: ENGL V01A or V02 (ENGL M01A or MO1AH or M02–MC; ENGL R096 or R101–OC). c. Math - satisfactory score on Ventura College elementary algebra placement test or completion of introductory college math course with a minimum grade of C: MATH V01 or both MATH V11A & V11B or MATH V30 (MATH M01–MC; MATH R011–OC). 68 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 d. Current certification for CPR as a health care provider or professional rescuer. 4. The student must show documentation of current EMT-I or EMT-basic certification and six months of full time experience (defined as 1000 hours) with a primary "911" provider with emphasis on pre-hospital field care within the last 12 months. Equivalent experience will be considered. EMT certification must remain current throughout the program. Students must be in good academic standing (not on academic probation) to be eligible for application to the associate degree or certificate program for paramedics. All applicants must contact the health sciences counselor for specific admission information regarding the paramedic programs. Admission Process Qualified applicants will be placed on a waiting list on a first- come, first-served basis. The class will be selected on the basis of available openings and qualified applicants will be notified when a space is available. Each qualified applicant, when selected, must decide either to enter the class or remove his/her name from the eligibility list. Those qualified applicants who are not selected due to limited openings may retain their names (in the order applications were received) on a waiting list. Those applicants then have priority for admission to the next class selected as long as application requirements are maintained. Students who choose not to enter when selected must reapply. Applicants may defer entry one time only. Students are expected to pass a physical examination consistent with the policies of the teaching hospitals or agencies to which they are assigned for clinical experience. Physical exams are to be scheduled with a private physician or through the Student Health and Psychological Services and recorded on the department form. The examination must demonstrate that the student is physically fit, free from communicable diseases and immune to rubella, rubeola and varicella. Diptheria-tetanus vaccine within the past ten years is required. The hepatitis B vaccine series is required. All students admitted to a health science program are expected to maintain the highest personal standards of conduct consistent with the professional standards as perceived by health science faculty and professional personnel in the agencies used as extended campus sites. Any information indicating that such standards are not maintained is subject to review by members of the health science faculty and may result in a recommendation to the College for dismissal from the program. Evidence of physical and emotional fitness upon admission and throughout the program is expected and is subject to medical opinion of the college physician and to medical opinion or policy of hospitals or agencies which are used as extended campus sites for assigned educational experiences. Students in the emergency medical services program (paramedic) and/or the emergency medical technology courses (EMT) will be required to undergo criminal background checks prior to participating in clinical experiences. The cost of a background check is expected to be approximately $70.00 and must be borne by the student. Hospital and internship rotations will be assigned as space is available. This may result in extension of program time-frame. Program Options The paramedic program is intended to develop the necessary knowledge and skills basic to the functions of paramedics in the direct care of clients. It consists of theory, basic skills, clinical experiences and a clinical preceptorship which will prepare the graduate to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians licensing examination. Students who successfully complete the Emergency Medical Services – Paramedic Studies program will receive a Certificate of Achievement from Ventura College. Although each course merits a letter grade, the laboratory experience is based on pass-fail and it is necessary to pass the laboratory section of the course in order to proceed in the paramedic program. Failure in the laboratory portion of the paramedic courses constitutes an F in the course. For successful completion of the program, a minimum grade of B is mandatory in all paramedic courses. The student must maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 to continue in the program. For those students who choose the associate degree option, additional courses satisfying general education requirements are required. The program is accredited by the California State Emergency Medical Services Agency and the Ventura County Emergency Medical Services Agency. To be eligible to take the examination leading to licensure as a paramedic, the student must have fulfilled all requirements as defined by the Ventura County Emergency Medical Services Agency and the state of California. Paramedic students practice water response techniques Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -69 TRANSFER INFORMATION Transfer of Credits Ventura College is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and is generally accredited throughout the country by reciprocal agreements with state departments of public instruction and other accrediting agencies. Students should keep in mind that recognition by a regional accrediting agency only supports the standing of the college and does not assure acceptance of all transfer students from that college. Students transfer on the basis of their individual records and according to the specific requirements of the institution to which they transfer. The need for careful planning of courses and the maintenance of high scholastic standards becomes imperative for all students who intend to transfer to other colleges and universities. The counseling office maintains a variety of transfer agreements with all public and selected private four-year colleges and universities in the state. This information is also available on the Web at Responsibility for Meeting Transfer Requirements Academic counseling is available to all students on an appointment basis. Each counselor is a specialist in several academic areas, and you may wish to see a counselor according to the major you declare. This counselor can be a valuable resource in exploring the options or defining the requirements in a particular field of study. However, you are free to select any counselor you choose. All counselors have the expertise to assist you with course selection, program planning, and questions concerning requirements for admission, majors, general education and transfer to a four-year college or university. Ultimately, it is each student’s responsibility to satisfy requirements for admission, preparation in the major, and general education. If you are planning to transfer to another college or university, consult your counselor, the catalog from the selected school, and appropriate Web sites to plan a program according to the requirements of that institution. Amount of Transfer Credit Granted While Ventura College is accredited, there can be considerable variation in the total amount of credit granted by four-year colleges and universities for work done at this College. Further, there are some courses offered at Ventura College that are not accepted for transfer credit at some four-year institutions. Students should become familiar with the maximum limits on transfer credit at the institution of their choice, as well as the transferability of individual courses they have chosen. Quality of Work Required In the evaluation of credits, colleges and universities show a growing tendency to emphasize the quality of a student’s work rather than the quantity. A few schools having limited and selective enrollment will consider for admission only those transfer students with relatively high scholastic rank. Further, a department within the college or university may have established specific academic guidelines for prerequisites and other coursework in a given major. Students who plan to transfer should become familiar with the scholastic requirements of the transfer institution, as well as the specific requirements within their major. Preparation for Transfer Most students attending Ventura College can complete all necessary transfer requirements for admission to four-year colleges or universities, including courses required in preparation for their selected major and general education requirements. Ventura College offers a wide variety of courses which will prepare the transfer student for almost any major offered in the state. The College has written contracts with four-year colleges and universities regarding transfer requirements (see ASSIST below). These agreements specify lower-division requirements which may be completed at Ventura College. Ventura College courses have been carefully articulated as comparable to or acceptable in lieu of the required lower division major courses specified in the catalogs of the transfer institutions. Some majors, notably those requiring mathematics and/or natural sciences, demand adequate high school preparation to enable a student to transfer in a timely fashion. In addition to major requirements, Ventura College students can satisfy general education or breadth requirements, as defined by the four-year college or university, in preparation for transfer. These requirements are listed in the Ventura College Catalog for selected institutions. With careful planning, most students who attend Ventura College can satisfy all requirements for admission to baccalaureate degree-granting institutions. Universities uniformly prioritize the importance of these several requirements. In order of importance, a student prepares for transfer by completing the following: 1. ADMISSIONS—Complete all three admissions requirements: a. Units (minimum number of units which transfer to school of choice). b. Scholarship (GPA in transfer courses). c. Subject area (a-g requirements of both CSU and UC). 2. SUPPLEMENTAL ADMISSIONS—Consult your counselor concerning additional requirements which apply to selected universities and colleges and to selected majors. These requirements can affect your eligibility for admission. 3. MAJOR PREPARATION—Complete the lower division courses required for the major selected. This is particularly important for high-unit majors with sequential courses based on prerequisites. 4. GENERAL EDUCATION—Complete general education/ breadth requirements. ASSIST ASSIST is a computerized transfer information system that can be accessed over the World Wide Web. It displays reports of how course credits earned at one California college or university can be applied when transferred to another. ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California's public colleges and universities and therefore provides the most accurate and up-todate information available about student transfer in California. ASSIST is available at 70 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CAN: The California Articulation Number System The California Articulation Number (CAN) System is a statewide numbering system independent from course numbers assigned by local colleges. A CAN number signals that participating California colleges and universities have determined that courses offered by other campuses are equivalent in content and scope to courses offered on their own campuses, regardless of their unique titles or local identifying numbers. Thus, if a Schedule of Classes or Catalog lists a course bearing a CAN number, students on one campus can be assured that it will be accepted in lieu of the comparable CAN course noted in the Catalog or Schedule of Classes of another campus. For example, CAN ECON 2 on one campus will be accepted as meeting the requirement of the designated CAN ECON 2 course on other participating community college or university campuses. The CAN numbering system is obviously useful for students attending more than one community college and is applied to many of the transferable, lower division courses students need as preparation for their intended major. Because these course requirements may change, however, and because courses are continually being redefined, qualified for or deleted from the CAN database, students should always check with their campus' counselors or the Transfer Center to determine how CAN-designated courses fit into their educational plans for transfer. Transfer Admission Agreements A Transfer Admission Agreement is a contract of understanding between a community college, a participating four-year university and the student guaranteeing that upon completion of the conditions of the agreement, the student will be admitted to the university for the agreed term of enrollment. Interested students should see a counselor to determine eligibility and begin the Transfer Admission Agreement process. The following are the Transfer Admission Agreement programs established at Ventura College. University of California • Davis (Transfer Admission Agreement) • Santa Barbara (Transfer Admission Agreement) • Santa Cruz’s GATE (Guaranteed Admission for Transfer Entry) program California State University • Northridge’s TAG (Transfer Admissions Guaranteed) program • Channel Island’s Transfer Pathway Agreement. EOPS students at awards banquet CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Eligibility for Transfer California’s public four-year institutions are organized into two statewide systems; ten campuses make up the University of California (UC system) and twenty-three campuses make up the California State University (CSU system). To ensure admission to either of the systems, students are advised to apply during the announced application-filing periods. The entrance requirements established by the universities follow guidelines set forth in the Master Plan, which requires that those transfer students who have successfully completed specified college work be eligible for admission. Meeting the specified minimum admission requirements may not be sufficient, as many campuses also impose specific selection criteria and supplementary admissions requirements. Admission is not guaranteed to any particular campus of either system; nor is acceptance in the major area of the student’s first choice assured. Because specific majors at some campuses may be impacted or may allow only limited enrollment, students may be redirected to campuses of their second choice for certain majors, or may need to change to a different major. Consequently, students are advised, and in some cases are required, to complete both the lower division courses required in the major and the general education requirements before transferring to a four-year school. It is advantageous for students to choose the campus of transfer as early in their educational careers as possible. Private and out-of-state colleges and universities have their own admission requirements which ordinarily differ from those of California’s public institutions. Students who plan to transfer to any school, whether public or private, in-state or out-of-state, should refer to the catalog and Web site of that particular school and consult with a counselor. Potential transfer students should be prepared for their academic responsibilities becoming more demanding at a university campus, in large part because much of their coursework will be at the upper division level. Also, students changing from a semester to a quarter system should be prepared for more accelerated study. CAVEAT — The requirements described in this section are subject to change. Students should consult a counselor and appropriate Web sites to receive the most current transfer information. California State University (CSU) ADMISSION: A Ventura College student who is planning to transfer to one of the campuses of the California State University (except the Maritime Academy) can qualify for admission by meeting the following requirements: LOWER DIVISION TRANSFERS: The CSU, with few exceptions, will no longer accept lower division transfer students. UPPER DIVISION TRANSFERS: Upper division transfers may qualify for admission if they have completed 60 or more transferable semester units (70 units maximum) and have completed the appropriate college courses with a grade of C or better to satisfy subject area requirements. Applicants must have a 2.0 overall grade point average in all transferable college units completed and be in good standing at the last college or university attended; continuous attendance is not required. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -71 SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENTS: This admission requirement can be satisfied by completing 30 semester units of general education courses with a grade of C or better in each course, to include Communication in the English Language and Critical Thinking (all of Area A) and Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (Area B4). The Counseling Office and Transfer Center have lists of courses transferable to the California State University. This information is also contained in the individual course descriptions listed in the announcement of courses section of this Catalog and in the Schedule of Classes. Admissions information is available on the CSU Web site at These admission requirements are subject to change. University of California (UC) ADMISSION: To qualify for admission to the university as a transfer student, you must meet one of the three sets of requirements described below. The subject, scholarship and examination requirements are referred to in the undergraduate application in greater detail. 1. If you were eligible for admission to the university when you graduated from high school—meaning you satisfied the subject, scholarship, and examination requirements or you were identified as eligible under the Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) program—you are eligible to transfer if you have a C (2.0) average in your transferable college coursework, although most campuses rarely accept transfer applicants at the freshman or sophomore levels. 2. If you met the scholarship requirement, but did not satisfy the subject requirement, you must take transferable college courses in the subjects you are missing to be eligible to transfer. You will need to earn a grade of C or better in each of these required courses, and an overall C (2.0) average in all transferable college coursework. However, most campuses rarely accept transfer applicants at the freshman or sophomore levels. 3. If you were not eligible for admission to the university when you graduated from high school because you did not meet the scholarship requirement, you must: a. Complete a minimum of 60 semester units (70 units maximum) of transferable college credit with a grade point average of at least 2.4, and; b. Complete a course pattern requirement (with a C or better in each course) to include: i English composition: two (2) transferable courses (3 semester units each); and ii Mathematics: one (1) transferable course (3 semester units) in mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning; and iii Four (4) transferable courses (3 semester units each) from at least two (2) of the following areas: Arts and Humanities; Social and Behavioral Sciences; Physical and Biological Sciences. Students who are fully certified for IGETC (the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) prior to transferring to UC will satisfy Option 3b above. All potential transfers are expected to peruse the UC publications "Answers for Transfers" and "Introducing the University" which are published annually for the forthcoming academic year. These are available in the Ventura College Counseling Office and the Transfer Center. The Counseling Office and Transfer Center have lists of courses transferable to the University of California. This information is also contained in the individual course descriptions listed in the announcement of courses section of this Catalog and in the Schedule of Classes. Admissions information is also available on the UC Web site at These admission requirements are subject to change. CSU and UC SUPPLEMENTAL ADMISSION CRITERIA: Most campuses require that English and math be completed no later than the spring term prior to fall transfer. Some campuses require that the 60 units minimum, the subject area requirements, and major preparation courses be completed no later than the prior spring. Also, some campuses do not permit credit/no credit grading to meet major preparation requirements. When the number of applicants for some campuses and some majors exceeds the number of spaces available, campuses use standards which are more demanding than the minimum admissions requirements to select students. These selection criteria identify those students who have demonstrated the capacity for high academic achievement and promise and who have a variety of other qualities that can contribute to the strength and diversity of the campus community. Academic criteria are used to evaluate students when selection criteria are applied. These include: completion of a specified pattern or number of courses that meet general education or breadth patterns; completion of a specified pattern or number of courses that provide continuity with upper division courses in the major (essential for admission to the major of choice in many cases); and, GPA in all transferable courses. The selection criteria are subject to change by campus, school or college, major and/ or term. Typically, applicants are also expected to complete both the necessary lower division mathematics and English composition requirements early in their college careers. CSU and UC Campus Names and Locations Abbreviations for these campus names, used elsewhere in this Catalog, follow each campus name in parentheses. The California State University (CSU) has 23 campuses: Bakersfield (BAK); Channel Islands (CI); Chico (CHI); Dominguez Hills (DH); East Bay (EB) (formerly Hayward); Fresno (FRE); Fullerton (FUL); Humboldt (HUM); Long Beach (LB); Los Angeles (LA); Maritime Academy (MA); Monterey Bay (MB); Northridge (NOR); Pomona (POM); Sacramento (SAC); San Bernadino (SB); San Diego (SD); San Francisco (SF); San Jose (SJ); San Luis Obispo (SLO); San Marcos (SM); Sonoma (SON); and, Stanislaus (STA). The University of California (UC) has 10 campuses: Berkeley (UCB); Davis (UCD); Irvine (UCI); Los Angeles (UCLA); Merced (UCM); Riverside (UCR); San Diego (UCSD); San Francisco (UCSF); Santa Barbara (UCSB); and, Santa Cruz (UCSC). Applications Application forms for the University of California and the California State University are available online or in the Counseling Office and the Transfer Center . Most universities admit students on a priority basis according to the date of application. For example, students who seek admission to the fall term must apply to the California State University in October or November and to the University of California in November. Consult the catalog of your transfer school for dates of application. 72 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Lower Division Requirements Four-year institutions vary in freshman and sophomore requirements, even on the separate campuses of a single system such as the University of California. Students are therefore advised to become familiar with specific requirements of the institution to which they expect to transfer by studying the appropriate catalogs, available in the Ventura College Counseling Office, Transfer Center or Library. Counselors will assist as much as possible, but the full responsibility for fulfilling all the requirements rests with the student. First, the most important requirements to fulfill in preparing to transfer, are the requirements for admission. There are a minimum of three admissions requirements. These are: units, scholarship, and subject area requirements. For many students, there will be a fourth admission requirement: supplemental admissions. Potential transfer students are strongly advised to meet regularly with the counseling faculty to review these requirements. Second are the lower division requirements for majors. These vary with each institution and involve specific courses. The ASSIST Web site specifies the lower division requirements for a variety of majors throughout the state. Third is the pattern of general education. This consists of approximately 30 to 50 units of elective and required courses. Community college students are expected to complete most of the general education requirements, although some may be postponed to the upper division years. By completing, for a given university, the admission requirements, the general education, and the major courses with an appropriate GPA for a total of 60 to 70 units, the student is prepared to transfer as a junior. The general education requirements for the California State University, Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum, the University of California at Santa Barbara, California Lutheran University, and the University of La Verne are in the following section. 2006 VC Grads CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY 2006-2007 General Education / Breadth Requirements California law empowers Ventura College to certify to all campuses of CSU that a maximum of 39 units of the 48 units typically required for general education for a baccalaureate degree have been completed. The CSU general education/breadth pattern requires each student to complete a minimum of 48 semester units. Nine of these units must be upper division level and cannot be taken prior to the term in which upper division status (completion of 60 units) is attained. These minimum nine of the 48 units must be earned at the campus granting the baccalaureate degree. The 48-unit total is a minimum; some campuses of the CSU system may elect to exceed this minimum in their general education/ breadth requirements. The 39 semester units for the lower division general education/ breadth requirements are distributed according to the pattern listed on the CSU-GE Certification Plan. Courses listed are subject to change. General Education Courses AREA A - COMMUNICATION IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND CRITICAL THINKING A minimum of nine (9) units, with at least one course selected from each group (1, 2, and 3) and a grade of C or better in each course: Group 1 - Oral Communication SPCH V01, V10. Group 2 - Written Communication ENGL V01A. Group 3 - Critical Thinking ENGL V01B; PHIL V04, V05; SPCH V10. AREA B -PHYSICAL UNIVERSE AND ITS LIFE FORMS A minimum of nine (9) units, with at least one course selected from each group (1, 2, 3 and 4) to include one laboratory activity course corresponding to selected lecture course: Group 1 - Physical Science AST V01, V01L, V02; CHEM V01A, V01AL, V01B, V01BL, V05, V10, V10L, V12A, V12AL, V12B, V12BL, V20, V20L, V21, V21L, V30, V30L,; GEOG V01, V01L, V05; GEOL V02, V02L, V03, V07, V11; PHSC V01; PHYS V01, V02AV02AL, V02B-V02BL, V03A-V03AL, V03B-V03BL, V04-V04L, V05-V05L, V06-V06L. Group 2 - Life Science AG V03, V04, V54; ANAT V01; AHPH V01; ANTH V01, V01L; BIOL V01, V01L, V03, V04, V10, V12, V14, V18, V29, V29L; MICR V01; PHSO V01; PSY V03. Group 3 - Laboratory Activity Group 4 - Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning* CS V17; MATH V04, V05, V20, V21A, V21B, V21C, V24, V38, V40, V44, V45, V46A, V46B, V52; PSY V04. *Requires a grade of C or better. AREA C -ARTS , LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES A minimum of nine (9) units, with at least one course selected from each group (1 and 2): Group 1 - Arts AES V10, V12, V65, V66; ART V01, V02A, V02B, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08, V09, V12A, V13A, V19, V51A; MUS V01, V03, V06, V07, V08, V09A, V09B; PHOT V01, V07; THA V01, V02A, V29. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -73 Group 2 - Humanities AES V31; ENGL V01B, V10, V11A, V15, V16, V21A, V21B, V22A, V22B, V23, V26, V29A, V29B, V30, V31, V33, V34, V35, V36A, V36B; FREN V01, V02, V03, V04; GERM V01, V02, V03, V04; HIST V01A, V01B, V18A, V18B; IDS V08; ITAL V01, V02, V03, V04; JAPN V01, V02; PHIL V01, V02, V03A, V03B, V04, V06A, V06B; SL V10A, V10B, V10C; SPAN V01, V02, V03, V03S, V04, V04S, V10B, V20, V71; SPCH V05; THA V23. AREA D -SOCIAL, POLITICAL, AND ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS AND BEHAVIOR; HISTORICAL BACKGROUND A minimum of nine (9) units, with courses in at least two (2) separate disciplines selected from at least two (2) groups: Group 1 - Anthropology and Archeology AES V01; ANTH V02, V03, V04, V06, V07. Group 2 - Economics ECON V01A, V01B. Group 3 - Ethnic Studies AES V01, V02A+, V02B+, V11, V20, V22+, V23, V24, V40A+, V40B+, V41, V62, V63+; ANTH V04; AAS V01; CHST V01, V02, V24; HIST V03A+, V03B+, V05A+, V05B+, V12+, V13, V17+; PSY V30; SOC V03, V24; SPAN V71. Group 4 - Gender Studies ANTH V06; HIST V02A+, V02B+; SOC V04. Group 5 - Geography GEOG V02, V06, V08. Group 6 - History AES V02A+, V02B+, V21A, V21B, V22+, V40A+, V40B+, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V63+; HIST V01A, V01B, V02A+, V02B+, V03A+, V03B+, V04A, V04B+, V05A+, V05B+, V07A+, V07B+, V08, V09, V10A, V10B, V12+, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V16, V17+, V18A, V18B, V19, V20. Group 7 - Interdisciplinary Social or Behavioral Science CD V61; HEC V22, V23, V24; JOUR V01. Group 8 - Political Science, Government, and Legal Institutions CJ V01, V02, V15; POLS V01‡, V02, V03‡, V04, V05, V09, V10, V11, V14, V15, V16. Group 9 - Psychology PSY V01, V02, V05, V07-V07L, V15, V25, V29, V30, V31; SOC V31. Group 10 - Sociology and Criminology AES V11, V24; CHST V24; CJ V03; PSY V31; SOC V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V07, V24, V31. + Will satisfy U.S. History, Constitution and American Ideals requirement. ‡ Will satisfy American, State and Local Government requirement. AREA E - LIFELONG UNDERSTANDING AND SELF-DEVELOPMENT A minimum of three (3) units, with no more than one (1) unit of physical activity: AES V11, V15*; ANTH V02; ART V01; BIOL V10, V12, V18; *CJ V10, V11, V12A, V12B; *DANC V10-V50; *EAC V21, V25-V28; HED V92, V93, V95, V97; HIST V02A+, V02B+; HEC V10, V22, V23, V24, V97; *PE V01-V22, V30-V67, V69-V87, V91-V94, V97-V99; PSY V01, V02, V05, V25; *REC V41; SOC V03; SPCH V03; *THA V14. *Physical activity courses limited to one (1) unit in satisfaction of Area E requirements. + Will satisfy U.S. History, Constitution and American Ideals requirement. CSU General Transfer Information CAVEAT — The courses and requirements described herein are subject to change. Students should consult a counselor and appropriate Web sites (e.g., to receive the most current transfer information. ADMISSION — Students are not assured of admission to the campus and/or major of first choice. Consult your counselor for further information. Completion of GE requirements is not currently required for admission to a CSU campus. A student who is planning to transfer to one of the campuses of the California State University can qualify for admission by meeting the following requirements: 1. LOWER DIVISION TRANSFERS: The CSU, beginning fall 2005 with few exceptions, will no longer accept lower division transfer students. 2. UPPER DIVISION TRANSFERS: Upper division transfers may qualify for admission if they have completed 60 or more transferable semester units (maximum 70 units) and have completed the appropriate college courses with a grade better of C or better to satisfy subject area requirements. Applicants must have a 2.0 overall grade point average in all transferable college units completed (2.40 for non-California residents) and be in good standing at the last college or university attended; continuous attendance is not required. 3. SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENTS: This admission requirement can be satisfied by completing 30 semester units of general education courses with a grade of C or better in each course, to include Communication in the English Language and Critical Thinking (all of Area A) and Mathematics/ Quantitative Reasoning (Area B4). CONSIDERATION OF SUMMER COURSEWORK FOR FALL ADMISSION — Some campuses restrict the use of summer coursework to satisfy some fall admission requirements. Campuses known for this are: FRE, FUL, HUM, LB, LA, MB, POM, SAC, SD, SF, SJ, SLO, SM, and SON. FULL CERTIFICATION — Completion of all five sections of these requirements prior to transferring will permit Ventura College to certify to each of the CSU campuses that you have fulfilled the basic 39-unit minimum lower division requirement in general education. Each of the campuses of CSU requires an additional nine units of upper division GE work in residence; some campuses may require more than the 48-unit minimum. Students should make an appointment in the Counseling Office prior to transfer to apply for CSU-GE certification. 74 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 SUBJECT AREA CERTIFICATION — It is possible to complete separately any of the areas or sections (A-E) at Ventura College and receive partial certification in any or several of those areas; if you are not fully certified, it will be necessary for you to complete the remaining areas (and perhaps other areas) after transferring as defined by the catalog of the transfer school. CERTIFIED COURSES — Ventura College will also certify courses completed at other California Community Colleges or California State University campuses in partial satisfaction of GE requirements provided that such courses are baccalaureate level and would be certified by the institution offering them. Students who have completed courses at other colleges and universities should consult the Counseling Office regarding “pass along” certification. SCHOLARSHIP — Most campuses require a grade of C or better for each course and an overall C average (2.0 GPA) for all courses used to satisfy GE requirements. Also, most campuses require letter grades for all GE courses and do not permit credit/ no credit grades. Campuses known to impose limitations on courses graded as credit are: DH, EB, FUL, SB, and SON. COURSE RESTRICTIONS — While a course may satisfy more than one general education group and/or area requirement, it shall not be counted more than once and any excess units in one area shall not apply to another area. U.S. HISTORY, CONSTITUTION AND AMERICAN IDEALS REQUIREMENTS — All campuses require students to complete college-level coursework in U.S. History, American Government and California Government, often in addition to GE requirements. Courses approved to satisfy this requirement are specified in appropriate areas. All campuses allow double counting of courses taken to meet this requirement and GE-Breadth. USE OF MAJOR COURSES — Most campuses require a grade of C or better for each course required in preparation for a student's major; most do not allow a “Credit” (CR) for major courses. Some CSU campuses allow applicants who submit full or area certifications to double count courses for general education and major requirements. Courses taken in the department of a student’s major otherwise may not be used to fulfill GE requirements. FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND SECOND SEMESTER ENGLISH Some campuses require foreign language and/or second semester of English for graduation. In some cases, students certified in Areas A and C are exempt from these requirements. Also, some campuses require completion of these courses for certain majors. See the catalog of your campus choice for these requirements, especially if you are interested in these campuses: BAK, CI, DH, EB, FUL, LA, MA, MB, SAC, SB, SD, SF, SJ, and SM. MULTICULTURAL/ETHNIC STUDIES REQUIREMENT - CSU campuses require all candidates for the bachelor's degree to complete at least one course in multicultural/ethnic studies as a condition of graduation. Selected campuses will not permit this requirement to be met prior to transfer; for most of these campuses, the course must be upper division: DH, FRE, LA, LB, MB, SB, SD, SF, SJ, and SM. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS — You are advised to consult your counselor and the catalog of the state university which you plan to attend for requirements unique to that school. Completion of Social, Political and Economic Institutions section (Area D) may not satisfy the U.S. History, Constitution and American Ideals requirements. Additional courses are required in preparation for a major and/or as electives. Campuses that may impose additional graduation requirements are: BAK, CI, CHI, EB, FUL, HUM, LA, LB, MB, SAC, SLO, SM and SON. SEQUENTIAL COURSES — Most institutions recommend that students complete sequential courses at the college where the series was started. This is especially recommended for a sequence of two or more courses which require the preceding course(s) as a prerequisite to advancement. TRANSFER COURSES — The approved CSU listing designates those courses which may be used to meet GE requirements; it is not a complete listing of all courses which transfer to CSU. Transferability of courses may be checked in the Ventura College Catalog, the Counseling Office, the Transfer Center or at the ASSIST Web site: INTERSEGMENTAL GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER CURRICULUM (IGETC) — Students planning to transfer to either a CSU or UC campus may elect to use the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) in satisfaction of GE requirements. Consult a VC counselor for additional information or or OTHER COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES — Students who plan to attend one of the campuses of the University of California (UC) or a private or out-of-state school should consult a counselor and the catalog of the particular school to determine the coursework needed to meet GE requirements at that institution. While many of the courses listed here transfer to UC and other institutions, they do not necessarily satisfy the GE requirements. TRANSCRIPTS — You must make a written request of the Office of Admissions and Records to forward your transcript. Ventura College can send official transcripts of work completed at this college and at Moorpark and/or Oxnard Colleges. You must request transcripts of work completed at any other colleges (outside of this college district) to be sent to the transfer institution. Your Application for Certification is not a request for a transcript. ASSOCIATE DEGREE — Although it is not necessary for you to complete an associate degree in order to transfer to a four-year school, many of the courses taken to satisfy associate degree requirements are transferable and, in many cases, may be used to meet transfer GE requirements. TRANSFER ASSISTANCE — Should you encounter any problems during or after transfer, we may be able to assist you. Please feel free to contact the Counseling Office or the Transfer Center at Ventura College even after you have enrolled at another campus. MORE INFORMATION — If you have any questions, check with a counselor. ASSIST —ASSIST is a computerized transfer information system that can be accessed over the World Wide Web. It displays reports of how course credits earned at one California college or university can be applied when transferred to another. ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California's public colleges and universities and therefore provides the most accurate and up-todate information available about student transfer in California. ASSIST is available at Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -75 INTERSEGMENTAL GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER CURRICULUM (IGETC) 2006-2007 Approved General Education courses: Each course must have a grade of C or better. 1. ENGLISH COMMUNICATION: CSU — Complete groups A, B and C. UC — Complete groups A and B. A. English Composition: 1 course, 3 semester units (4-5 quarter units). ENGL V01A. B. Critical Thinking — English Composition: 1 course, 3 semester units (4-5 quarter units). ENGL V01B; PHIL V05. C. Oral Communication (CSU requirement only): 1 course, 3 semester units. SPCH V01, V10. 2. MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS and QUANTITATIVE REASONING: 1 course, 3 semester units (4-5 quarter units). CS V17; MATH V04*, V20*, V21A*, V21B*, V21C, V24, V40, V44*, V45*, V46A*, V46B*, V52; PSY V04*. 3. ARTS and HUMANITIES: At least 3 courses, each at least 3 semester units (4-5 quarter units), with at least one course from the Arts and one course from the Humanities; 9 semester units (12-15 quarter units). A. Arts AES V10, V12, V65, V66; ART V01, V02A, V02B, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08, V09; MUS V03, V06, V07, V08, V09A, V09B; PHOT V07; THA V01, V29. B. Humanities AES V31; ENGL V15, V16, V21A, V21B, V22A, V22B, V23, V26, V29A*, V29B*, V30, V31, V33, V34, V35, V36A, V36B; FREN V02, V03, V04; GERM V02, V03, V04; HIST V01A, V01B, V18A, V18B; IDS V08; ITAL V02, V03, V04; JAPN V02; PHIL V01, V02, V03A, V03B, V04, V06A, V06B; SL V10B, V10C; SPAN V02, V03*, V03S*, V04*, V04S*, V20, V71; THA V23. 4. SOCIAL and BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES: At least 3 courses, each at least 3 semester units (4-5 quarter units), from at least 2 disciplines or an interdisciplinary sequence; 9 semester units (12-15 quarter units). AES V01, V02A*, V02B*, V11, V20, V21A, V21B, V22, V23, V24, V40A*, V40B*, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V62, V63*; ANTH V02, V03, V04, V06, V07; AAS V01; CHST V01, V02, V24; ECON V01A, V01B; GEOG V02, V06, V08; HIST V01A, V01B, V02A*, V02B*, V03A*, V03B*, V04A, V04B, V05A*, V05B*, V07A*, V07B*, V08, V09, V10A, V10B, V12, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V16, V17*, V18A, V18B, V19, V20; HEC V24*; JOUR V01; POLS V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V11, V14, V15, V16; PSY V01, V02, V05, V07-V07L, V15, V25, V29, V30, V31*; SOC V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V07, V24, V31*; SPAN V71. 5. PHYSICAL and BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: At least 2 courses, one physical science course and one biological science course, one of which must include a laboratory corresponding to selected lecture; 7-9 semester units (9-12 quarter units); each course must be at least 3 semester units (4-5 quarter units), except separate lab courses. A. Physical Sciences AST V01, V01L, V02; CHEM V01A, V01AL, V01B, V01BL, V05, V10*, V10L*, V12A*, V12AL*, V12B, V12BL, V20*, V20L*, V21*, V21L*, V30*, V30L*; GEOG V01, V01L, V05; GEOL V02, V02L, V03, V07, V11; PHSC V01*; PHYS V01*, V02A*, V02AL*, V02B*, V02BL*, V03A*, V03AL*, V03B*, V03BL*, V04*, V04L*, V05*, V05L*, V06*, V06L*. B. Biological Sciences AG V03; ANAT V01*; ANPH V01*; ANTH V01, V01L; BIOL V01*, V01L*, V03, V04, V10, V12*, V18, V29, V29L; MICR V01; PHSO V01*; PSY V03. 6. LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH (UC requirement only): Proficiency equivalent to two years of high school study in the same language with a C or better or complete one (1) course. FREN V01; GERM V01; ITAL V01; JAPN V01; SL V10A; SPAN V01* or both V10A* & V10B*. *UC course credit may be limited. Please consult counselor for additional information. U.S HISTORY, CONSTITUTION AND AMERICAN IDEALS: CSU Graduation Requirement Only. Not part of IGETC; may be completed prior to transfer. 6 units, one course from Group 1 and one course from Group 2. GROUP 1. POLS V01, V03; GROUP 2. AES V02A, V02B, V22, V40A, V40B, V63; HIST V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04B, V05A, V05B, V07A, V07B, V12, V17. NOTE: Courses used to meet this requirement may not be used to satisfy requirements for IGETC. General Education Notes CAVEAT — These courses and requirements are subject to change. Students should consult a counselor or appropriate Web sites to receive the most current transfer information. The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) is a general education program that community college transfer students can use to fulfill lower division general education/ breadth requirements for either the California State University (CSU) or the University of California (UC) systems without the need, after transfer, to take additional lower division general education courses. Completion of the IGETC is not a requirement for transfer to a CSU or UC, nor is it the only way to fulfill the lower division general education requirements of the CSU or UC prior to transfer. Some students may be better served by taking courses which fulfill the CSU General Education-Breadth requirements or those of the UC campus or college to which they plan to transfer. Students pursuing majors that require extensive lower division major preparation ("high-unit majors") may not find the IGETC option to be advantageous. Students should also be aware that selected schools and colleges at all undergraduate campuses of UC have requirements which render the use of IGETC either inappropriate or not permitted (e.g., Revelle and Roosevelt Colleges at UCSD do not use IGETC). The IGETC will probably be most useful for students who want to keep their options open before making a final decision about transferring to a particular CSU or UC campus. 76 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ADMISSION — Completion of the IGETC satisfies lower division GE requirements. It does not guarantee eligibility for admission to the CSU or UC system, or to a specific campus or program. Students who are fully certified for IGETC prior to transferring to UC will satisfy the subject area or course pattern requirements for admission; they must also satisfy the units and scholarship requirements. There is no intended connection between completion of the IGETC and eligibility for admission to the CSU system. Consult a counselor or the campus of your choice to determine transfer admission requirements. CERTIFICATION — All UC and CSU campuses will accept full certification of the IGETC as meeting all of the lower division GE requirements for the baccalaureate degree. The last community college a student attends before transferring will determine certification of the IGETC. Partial certification is permitted. A maximum of two IGETC courses may be completed after transfer if a student Petition for Good Cause is approved. In addition to the course requirements for each subject area, full certification for the CSU must include completion of the oral communication requirement. For the UC, Oral Communication is not required, but the certification must include satisfaction of the foreign language requirement. Consult a counselor to determine the options for satisfaction of the foreign language requirement. Coursework completed at regionally accredited institutions, including out-of-state and independent colleges, may be included among the courses to certify student completion of IGETC. In addition, credit awarded for Advanced Placement exams can be used to meet IGETC requirements. Students should consult a counselor to determine the applicability of coursework and AP exam scores to IGETC subject area requirements. Students should make an appointment in the counseling office prior to transfer to apply for IGETC certification or to petition for partial certification. ADDITIONAL CSU- GE REQUIREMENTS — Students who are fully certified under IGETC and transfer to CSU campuses will be required to complete a minimum of nine units of upper division general education work and all campus-specific non-GE graduation requirements not completed prior to transfer. U.S. HISTORY, CONSTITUTION AND AMERICAN IDEALS REQUIREMENTS — All CSU campuses require students to complete college-level coursework in U.S. History, American Government and California Government in addition to GE requirements. Courses completed to satisfy this requirement may not be used to satisfy GE requirements for IGETC. UC campuses have similar requirements in American History and Institutions (AH&I). However, the AH&I requirements may be satisfied for most UC campuses (not UCSB) by completing the subject area requirement in high school. Consult a counselor for further information about this requirement. SCHOLARSHIP — Courses used for IGETC certification must be completed with a minimum grade of C (C- is not acceptable). A “Credit” (CR) is acceptable, providing it is equivalent to a grade of C or higher at the institution where the course was taken. MAJOR COURSES — Most campuses require a grade of C or better for each course required in preparation for a student’s major; most do not allow a “Credit” (CR) for major courses. Also, UC will allow IGETC courses to count toward major requirements. CSU will allow double counting only if the student is fully or partially (by area) certified for GE-B. COURSE RESTRICTIONS — A single course may count only once; it cannot be used to fulfill GE requirements in two areas simultaneously. Coursework utilized to satisfy the CSU requirement in U.S. History, Constitution and American Ideals may not be used to satisfy GE requirements for IGETC. TRANSFER LIMITATIONS — All transfer limitations applying to courses taken at Ventura College also apply to these general education requirements. Consult your VC counselor concerning these limitations. General Transfer Information ADMISSION — Most campuses of CSU and UC rarely accept transfer applicants at the freshman or sophomore levels. Upper division or advanced standing admission criteria are based on three components: 1) Units -- a minimum number of transferable semester units (60 for CSU and UC; maximum 70 for both); 2) Scholarship -- a minimum cumulative GPA in all transferable coursework (2.0 for CSU; 2.4 for UC; higher for non-California residents); and 3) Subject area requirements -- Course pattern (a-g) requirements and the ways in which students satisfy these requirements differ between CSU and UC. These admission criteria specify only minimum standards. CSU and/or UC may apply more rigorous standards as enrollment demand changes. All potential transfer students are expected to read the CSU and UC publications for transfers available in the Ventura College Counseling Office and the Transfer Center. SUPPLEMENTAL ADMISSION CRITERIA — For more information concerning this topic, consult this title above in the CSU and UC section and consult your campus of choice. MAJOR PREPARATION — Satisfaction of lower division courses required for selected majors is generally required in those majors which are oversubscribed or impacted. Most campuses require a grade of C or better for each course required in preparation for a student’s major; most do not allow a “Credit” (CR) for major courses. UC and CSU generally prefer students to complete prerequisite major courses before completing general education courses. Of course, all requirements for admission (minimum units, GPA, and subject area requirements) must be completed prior to transfer. USE OF SUMMER COURSEWORK FOR FALL ADMISSION — Most campuses permit students to use courses taken in the summer to satisfy requirements for the subsequent fall term, with the exceptions of English composition (CSU-GE, all of Area A; IGETC, Area 1A) and mathematics (CSU-GE, Area B4; IGETC, Area 2). Campuses known to impose some limitations are: Cal State FRE, FUL, HUM, LB, LA, MB, POM, SAC, SD, SF, SJ, SLO, SM, and SON; and UCB, UCD, and UCLA. TRANSFER COURSES — The approved IGETC course listing designates those courses which may be used to meet university- wide general education requirements; it is not a complete listing of all courses which transfer to CSU and UC. Transferability of courses may be checked in the Ventura College Catalog, the Counseling Office, the Transfer Center or at the ASSIST Web site: SEQUENTIAL COURSES — Most institutions recommend that students complete sequential courses at the college where the series was started. This is especially recommended for a sequence of two or more courses which require the preceding course(s) as prerequisite to advancement. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -77 OTHER UNIVERSITIES — Students who plan to attend a private or out-of-state school should consult a counselor and the catalog of the particular school to determine the coursework needed to meet GE requirements at that institution. While most of the courses on the approved IGETC list transfer to other institutions, they do not necessarily satisfy the GE requirements. TRANSCRIPTS — You must make a written request of the Office of Admissions and Records to forward your transcript. Ventura College can send official transcripts of work completed at this College and at Moorpark and/or Oxnard Colleges. You must request transcripts of work completed at any other colleges (outside of this college district) to be sent to the transfer institution. ASSOCIATE DEGREE — Although it is not necessary for you to complete an associate degree in order to transfer to a four-year school, many of the courses taken to satisfy associate degree requirements are transferable and, in many cases, may be used to meet transfer GE requirements. TRANSFER ASSISTANCE — Should you encounter any problems during or after transfer, we may be able to assist you. Please feel free to contact the Counseling Office or the Transfer Center at Ventura College at any time. MORE INFORMATION — If you have any questions, check with a counselor. More information is available for UC at and for CSU at ASSIST —ASSIST is a computerized transfer information system that can be accessed over the World Wide Web. It displays reports of how course credits earned at one California college or university can be applied when transferred to another. ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California's public colleges and universities and therefore provides the most accurate and up-todate information available about student transfer in California. ASSIST is available at UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA BARBARA General Education/Breadth Requirements Students who transfer to UCSB have the option to follow either IGETC or the General Education/Breadth requirements at UCSB. Students should refer to “General Education/ Breadth” to see a complete listing of requirements for both the College of Letters and Science, and the College of Engineering. Please consult a counselor at Ventura College or UCSB to determine which GE pattern is most appropriate for your transfer major. College of Letters and Science Many California community college transfer students will complete IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) in lieu of the UCSB College of Letters and Science general education requirements. Students planning to major in the Computer Science, B.A., or in the fields of biological sciences, chemistry, environmental studies, geology, physics, geophysics or other high unit requirement majors must be careful to complete lower division major prerequisites if they are to make normal, timely progress through the major. Therefore, students pursuing these majors are advised to focus first on major preparation and then either IGETC or UCSB general education. While completion of IGETC is not a requirement for admission to UCSB, in order to waive the lower division general education requirements for graduation from UCSB, IGETC must be completed prior to transfer and you must obtain certification from your community college. If you think you will not complete IGETC prior to transfer, go to to see the General Education/Breadth requirements for the College of Letters and Science at UCSB. UCSB’s general education requirements do not have to be completed prior to transfer. College of Engineering Students planning to transfer into a College of Engineering major (Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) may follow IGETC, but are encouraged to follow the general education/ breadth requirements in the College of Engineering, (see Students are advised to complete major preparation, English composition and two to four courses from the UCSB engineering general education pattern prior to transfer. College of Creative Studies Students hoping to transfer into the College of Creative Studies may complete IGETC or satisfy specific College of Creative Studies general education requirements. Students seeking information about the College of Creative Studies should refer to or speak to a Creative Studies advisor. Transfer Admission Agreement UCSB offers a guaranteed admission program for transfer students who meet specific requirements outlined in detail at (top of “Majors” category). The UCSB Transfer Admission Agreement applies to general admission to the College of Letters and Sciences but not necessarily to a specific major. Some majors in the College of Letters and Science, and all Engineering majors, may be required to complete specific major preparation coursework. The Transfer Admission Agreement does not apply to majors in the College of Creative Studies. See a Ventura or UCSB counselor or visit the Transfer Center for additional information. VC Counselor at Transfer Day 78 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY 2006-2007 General Education Requirements GENERAL TRANSFER INFORMATION: Students may be admitted to CLU with fewer than 28 semester units on the basis of test scores and high school records. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 28 transferable semester units (maximum 70) with a 2.75 GPA in all previous college work attempted. Students should also have a 2.5 GPA in the last term of full-time study prior to the time of application to CLU. All coursework applicable to GE or major preparation requirements must be taken for a grade, with the exception of courses taken credit by exam. CLU accepts the certification of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC). Students who complete IGETC and California Lutheran University's religion and foreign language requirements will have met all of CLU's general education curriculum. Students who do not complete IGETC prior to transferring to CLU will follow the CLU general education pattern. A course can be used only once to satisfy GE requirements. Even though a course may be listed in more than one area, the course cannot be double counted for GE. Prospective transfer students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the CLU coordinator of transfer services for counseling and preliminary transcript evaluation. Also visit CLU’s Web site at General Education Courses AREA I. PROFICIENCIES A. Written Communication 1. Freshman English: ENGL V01A or by AP Exam. 2. Writing intensive course: Junior level transfers (58+ units) complete one course after transfer. B. Speaking Intensive SPCH V01, V05, V10, V13; THA V02A; or Oral Communication Proficiency Test. C. Foreign Language Two sequential courses in the same language from: FREN V01-V04; GERM V01-V04; ITAL V01-V04; JAPN V01, V02; SL V10A, V10B, V10C; SPAN V01-V04 or SPAN V03S, V04S; or successful completion of second semester level course or score on CLU Foreign Language Placement Test at third semester college level. D. Mathematical Reasoning CS V17; MATH V04, V05, V20, V21A, V21B, V21C, V24, V38, V40, V44, V45, V46A, V46B, V52; or appropriate score on CLU Math Placement Test. AREA II. PERSPECTIVES A. Humanities 1. History - One course from: AES V02A, V02B, V21A, V21B, V22, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V63 or any one course in history (except HIST V01S, V04BS). 2. Literature - One course from: AES V31; ENGL V01B, V15, V16, V21A, V21B, V22A, V22B, V23, V26, V30, V31, V33, V34, V35, V36A, V36B; SPAN V20; THA V23. 3. Philosophy - One course from: PHIL V01, V02, V04, V05, V06A, V06B. 4. Religion PHIL V03B. Students transferring with fewer than 58 units may transfer one religion course and must complete one upper division religion course at CLU; students transferring with 58 or more units must complete one religion course at CLU. B. Natural Sciences Two courses, one with lab, from: ANAT V01; ANPH V01; ANTH V01, V01L; AST V01, V01L, V02; BIOL V01, V01L, V03, V04, V10, V12, V14, V18, V29, V29L, V30, V31, V32, V40, V41; CHEM V01A, V01AL, V01B, V01BL, V05, V10, V10L, V12A, V12AL, V12B, V12BL, V20, V20L, V21, V21L, V30, V30L; GEOG V05, V06, V22; GEOL V02, V02L, V03, V07, V11, V21; MICR V01; PHSC V01; PHYS V01, V02A-V02AL, V02BV02BL, V03A-V03AL, V03B-V03BL, V04-V04L, V05-V05L, V06-V06L; PHSO V01. C. Social Sciences Two courses from different disciplines from: AES V01, V11; ANTH V02-V04, V06, V07; ECON V01A, V01B; GEOG V02, V08; HEC V23, V24; POLS V01-V05, V08-V11, V14-V16; PSY V01-V05, V07, V25, V29-V31; SOC V01-V04, V07, V31. D. Visual and Performing Arts Note: Only one course may be less than two units credit. One participation course from: ART V11A-V13C, V15A-V16B, V18A-V26B, V31A-V55B, V71-V74B; DANC V14; FDM V18A, V18B; MUS V10-V27, V31A-V37, V43-V47, V60D, V60F, V61A, V61B; PHOT V01-V04B, V06A, V06B, V08-V09B, V73; THA V02A-V03, V05-V07, V10, V14, V21, V22, V31. One additional course from the list above or from: AES V10, V12, V65, V66; ART V01-V09, V14A-V14C; MUS V01-V09B; PHOT V07; THA V01, V20, V29. E. Health and Well-being A transfer with two different PE activities or one PE activity and one health education course will satisfy the entire requirement. Junior/senior transfers with no previous PE activities will take HED V97 or HEC V97. Transfers over 25 years of age are exempted from this requirement. Note: Only one unit per activity course will transfer; no more than three units will apply toward graduation; an activity course may not be repeated for credit. AREA III. CULTURES AND CIVILIZATIONS A. Global Studies: The World and The West Requirement waived for students transferring with 28 or more units. B. U.S. Diversity One course from: AES V01, V02A, V02B, V11, V20, V22, V23, V24, V40A, V40B, V41, V62, V63; ANTH V04, V06; ART V07; AAS V01; CHST V01, V02, V24; ENGL V33, V34, V35, V36A, V36B; HIST V02A-V03B, V05A, V05B, V12, V13, V17; PSY V30; SOC V03, V04, V24. Note: Courses taken to meet this requirement may be double counted to meet Perspectives requirements. CAVEAT — These courses and requirements are subject to change. Students should consult a counselor regularly throughout the school year to receive the most current transfer information. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information -79 UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE 2006-2007 General Education Requirements GENERAL TRANSFER INFORMATION: Transfer students may enter the University of La Verne at the beginning of any term/ semester. There is no limit to the number of transfer units that will be accepted by ULV. However, students are required to complete a minimum of 32 semester units through ULV as well as completing a minimum of 44 semester units at the upper division level. Students who have received credit through CLEP, ACT, PEP, DANTES, USAFI, the military, correspondence, vocational, technical and extension courses must follow the transfer policy as stated in the ULV catalog. Students certified as having met all area of requirements at the University of California or in the California State University General Education/Breadth Certification or in the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) will be credited with fulfilling all of ULV’s General Education requirements. A copy of the certification form obtainable from the transfer center at the community college that the student attended needs to be provided when the community college transcript is sent to ULV. No course will be considered for transfer unless a C- or better was received. Prospective students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with a ULV academic advisor for a preliminary evaluation of their transcripts. ULV has different general education requirements for traditional undergraduate students and non-traditional students. A “traditional” student is one who is admitted and enrolled in a traditional undergraduate program at the ULV main campus. A “non-traditional” student is one who is admitted and enrolled through an off-campus regional center such as the Ventura County and Point Mugu campuses. General Education Courses* I. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS: A. ENGL V01A and ENGL V01B. B. One course from: SPCH V01, V10, V15. II. FINE ARTS: Traditional students: select one course from each area. Non-traditional students: select one course from either area. A. AES V10, V12, V65, V66; ART V01, V02A, V02B, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08, V09; ENGL V29A, V29B; MUS V03, V06, V07, V08, V09A, V09B; THA V01. B. ART V11A, V12A, V13A, V15A, V16A, V19, V25A, V37A, V51A; ENGL V10; MUS V24A; THA V02A; or two semesters of MUS performance courses. III. HUMANITIES: Traditional students: select one course from three different areas. Non-traditional students: select one course from two different areas. A. ENGL V15, V16, V21A, V21B, V22A, V22B, V23, V26, V30, V31, V33, V34, V35; THA V23. B. PHIL V01, V02, V03A, V03B. C. JOUR V01, V05A. D. IDS V08. IV. MATHEMATICS: A. One course from: CS V17; MATH V04, V05, V20, V21A, V21B, V21C, V40, V44+, V45, V46A, V46B, V52; PSY V04+ +Acceptable only for non-traditional students. V. NATURAL SCIENCE: Select one course from each area, one of which must have a lab. A. BIOL V01, V01L, V03, V04, V10, V12, V29, V29L. B. AST V01, V01L; CHEM V01A, V01AL, V01B, V01BL, V10, V10L, V20, V20L; PHSC V01, PHYS V01, V02A, V02AL, V02B, V02BL, V03A, V03AL, V03B, V03BL; GEOL V02, V02L, V03. VI. SOCIAL SCIENCE: Traditional students: select one course from three different areas. Non-traditional students: select one course from two different areas. A. ANTH V02; PSY V01, V02; SOC V01, V02, V04. B. AES V02A, V02B, V22, V40A, V40B, V63; HIST V01A, V01B, V03A, V03B, V05A, V05B, V12, V17; POLS V01, V03. C. ECON V01A, V01B. D. GEOG V02, V08. VII. MOVEMENT AND SPORTS SCIENCE: Non-traditional students are exempt from this area. A. HED V93 and select one course from PE V01-V60. The University of La Verne CORE requirements consist of a cluster of common courses, which all students take, once admitted and enrolled at ULV. The courses will introduce students to the central values of the University as they are articulated in the Mission Statement. The number of CORE courses that a transfer student will be required to enroll in is determined by the number of semester hours transferred at the time of matriculation. Refer to ULV catalog for additional information. CORE Requirements I. VALUES AND CRITICAL THINKING: A. PHIL V02 and V05. II. FOREIGN LANGUAGE: A. One course from: FREN V02; GERM V02; ITAL V02; JAPN V02; SPAN V02. III. WORLD CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE: A. One course from: HIST V18A, V18B. IV. INTERNATIONAL/INTERCULTURAL EXPERIENCE: A. Course available at ULV. V. INTERDISCIPLINARY: A. Course available at ULV. VI. SERVICE LEARNING: A. Course available at ULV. ADDITIONAL ULV TRANSFER GUIDELINES *Courses taken in preparation for the major may be used to satisfy general education requirements. While a course may satisfy more than one general education area and/or CORE requirement, it shall not be counted more than once and any excess units in one area shall not apply to another area. CAVEAT — The courses and requirements listed are subject to change. Students should consult with a counselor or ULV academic advisor regularly throughout the school year to receive the most current transfer information. Visit the University of La Verne Web site 80 -Degrees, Programs, Transfer Information Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES Course Identification A course identification is comprised of the course discipline name or abbreviated name and course number (for example, CJ V01). All course numbers for Ventura College will have a leading V (for Ventura) preceding the actual course number. Courses numbered 1 (one) through 9 (nine) will also have a leading zero preceding the actual number. Sometimes an alphabetic character is appended to the course identification (for example, ART V12A). Courses requiring a year (two semesters) in which to complete the full offering may be designated by number and letter (for example, BUS V01A-V01B). The A section of the course is usually offered in the fall semester with the B section following in the spring; however, some year-sequence courses begin in the spring semester. The alphabetical designation in the course identification may also be used to designate the related topics of a year-long course (for example, HIST V18A-V18B); in this instance, the A course would not be a prerequisite to the B course and/or subsequent courses. Semester Unit Credit The semester unit credit of the course is shown by a number(s) following the title of the course. As defined elsewhere, the semester unit is based on three hours of workstudy; one lecture hour with two attendant hours of preparation or three hours of laboratory activity requiring special facilities or equipment. Most courses have fixed units; some have variable units. The unit value of each variable-unit course will be specified in the Schedule of Classes each term. In certain instances, to best serve students in summer term and in evening classes, the hours of instruction in some courses may be reduced and credit reduced proportionately. Course Prerequisites, Corequisites and Recommended Preparation A course prerequisite states the preparation required to successfully complete a particular course. A prerequisite represents a set of skills or a body of knowledge that a student must possess prior to enrollment and without which the student is highly unlikely to succeed in the course. For example, a student enrolling in general chemistry is likely to have grave difficulty without adequate preparation in algebra. A course corequisite states the course or courses in which a student must be concurrently enrolled. A corequisite represents a set of skills or a body of knowledge that a student must acquire through concurrent enrollment in another course and without which the student is highly unlikely to succeed in the course. Recommended preparation states the preparation suggested by the faculty to successfully complete a particular course. While encouraged to do so, students are not required to satisfy recommended preparation guidelines to enroll in a course. Course prerequisites, corequisites or recommended preparation are specified within course descriptions announced in this Catalog; they are also specified in the Schedule of Classes. A course has no prerequisites or corequisites unless so designated. Students must have satisfied the prerequisite and/or corequisite requirements for all courses in which they enroll. CHALLENGING A PREREQUISITE OR COREQUISITE: It is recognized that students may have preparation equivalent to the stated prerequisites or corequisites or may wish to challenge a prerequisite or corequisite as allowed by state law. The Petition for Challenging a Prerequisite or Corequisite is available in the Counseling Office. The student shall bear the initial burden of showing that grounds exist for the challenge. The following is a list of the grounds under which a challenge may be pursued: 1. The student will be subject to undue delay in attaining the goal of his or her educational plan because the prerequisite or corequisite course has not been made reasonably available (student educational plan must be on file). 2. The prerequisite or corequisite is not valid because it is not necessary for success in the course for which it is required (student documentation required). 3. The prerequisite or corequisite is unlawfully discriminatory or is being applied in an unlawfully discriminatory manner (student documentation required). 4. The student has the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course despite not meeting the prerequisite or corequisite (student documentation required). Field Trips Field trips are required activities for a number of courses in the College curriculum. For any such courses, it is intended that they be clearly identified in the College Catalog and the Schedule of Classes. For other courses, a field trip or an off-campus activity may be optional for the students enrolled. According to policy adopted by the College District’s governing board, all persons making any type of field trip or excursion shall be deemed to have waived all claims for injury, accident, illness, or death during, or by reason of, the field trip or excursion. The College assumes no liability for students’ personal property. This includes course or related College activities, on campus, at off-campus facilities, and college-sponsored field trips. Course Repetition A statement following the course description noting the repeat capability of a course will specify the maximum credit permitted for the designated course. The repeat capability will be expressed in maximum units and/or in total times the course may be taken. The absence of a repeat capability statement is always intended to designate a course which may be taken one time only. Co-designated Courses The college offers some of its courses as co-designated or cross-listed between two or more disciplines. Where this occurs, all aspects of the co-designated courses are identical, except the course identifier (course discipline abbreviation) and possibly the course numbers and/or alpha characters following the discipline abbreviation, which may be identical or may differ. All other aspects are the same (title, units, hours, description, repeat capability, transferability, etc.). These courses are identified in the announcement of courses section of the catalog. Courses which are codesignated or cross-referenced are identified by the phrase "Same as . . ." Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -81 Courses Offered on a Credit/No Credit Basis Only The following courses will be offered only for credit/no credit; no letter grade will be awarded: ACT V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V10, V12, V88; ANAT V01S; ANPH V01S; ARCH V95, V96; AUTO V45, V95, V96; BIOL V01S, V20S, V29S, V31S, V32, V60A-V60Z, V95, V96; BUS V11, V12, V95, V96; BIS V50, V53, V55A, V55B, V56A, V56B, V71A, V71B, V71C, V73, V76A, V76B, V77A, V77B; CD V60D, V60E, V60F, V95, V96; CS V95, V96; CT V95, V96; CJ V16, V40, V41, V42, V60A, V60C, V60E, V60G, V81, V85, V86, V92, V95, V96; DS V10, V88; DRFT V51, V99; EAC V14, V32, V33, V95, V96; ENGL V03, V04A, V04B, V09, V133, V134, V135, V136A, V136B; ESL V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08, V09, V12, V14, V15, V16, V88; FREN V71, V72, V73, V74; GEOG V24, V95, V96; GW V01A, V01G, V02A, V02B, V02Q, V02T, V02X, V88, V89, V90; HS V12, V95, V96; HIST V01S, V04BS; HEC V95, V96; HUM V15; IDS V60A-V60Z, V72; INTR V95, V96; JOUR V31, V95, V96; LDR V88, V89; LS V01L, V04, V19, V24; MATH V03S, V20S,V21AS, V21BS, V21CS, V24S, V44S; MICR V01S; MM V95, V96; NS V15, V75, V76A, V76B, V76C, V76D, V77, V80, V83A, V83B, V84A, V84B, V85, V95, V96; PM V95; PE V95, V96; PHSO V01S; POLS V01S, V60C; PSY V04S; SOC V95, V96; WS V95, V96; WEL V95, V96; WEXP V95, V96. Workshop series V88 & V89 courses not indicated above are credit/no credit or graded as designated in the Schedule of Classes. Courses Not Applicable For Degree Credit The College offers selected courses which are not applicable for degree credit. Students enrolled in the courses noted below will receive unit credit and will be awarded an academic record symbol on transcripts as defined in the academic policy section of this catalog. However, the units earned in these courses will not apply toward certificates of completion, certificates of achievement, or associate degrees. The following courses are not applicable for degree credit: ACT V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V10, V12, V88; ANAT V01S; ANPH V01S; BIOL V01S, V20S, V29S, V31S; CD V60D, V60E, V60F; DS V10; DRFT V99; EAC V14; ENGL V03, V04A, V04B, V07, V08A, V08B; ESL V01, V02, V03, V04,V05, V06, V07, V08, V09, V12, V14, V15, V16, V33, V34A, V34B, V40, V88; HS V12; HIST V01S, V04BS; HUM V15; IDS V11, V12, V60AV60Z; LS V01, V01L, V02, V03A, V03B, V03C, V04, V05, V07, V08, V09, V10, V11, V14, V19, V24, V25, V88; MATH V03S, V09, V10, V20S, V21AS, V21BS, V21CS, V24S, V44S; MICR V01S; NS V75, V80, V84A, V84B, V85; PHSO V01S; POLS V01S; PSY V04S; SS V01, V02. Workshop series V88 & V89 courses not indicated above are offered for associate degree credit or are not applicable for degree credit as designated in the Schedule of Classes. Transfer Course Identification Courses offered by Ventura College provide a wide selection of curricula that meet the requirements for most university majors. To assist students in planning their programs of study, all credit courses offered by Ventura College are classified as follows: 1. No notation of transfer credit following the course description indicates that the course is not designed to transfer to public (and most independent) four-year colleges or universities. 2. The notation of transfer credit after the course description is followed by the abbreviation CSU meaning that the course will transfer to any of the 23 campuses of the California State University (Northridge, Cal Poly, etc.) and/ or is followed by the abbreviation UC meaning that the course will transfer to any of the 10 campuses of the University of California (Santa Barbara, UCLA, etc.) 3. The notation of credit limitations following the transfer credit statement indicates that one or more public four- year institutions impose some kind of limitation on the course. In this case, consult your counselor concerning the transferability of the course. 4. The notation of transfer credit is defined to mean that the course is acceptable for unit credit for admissions purposes and for credit towards a baccalaureate degree only. Students interested in the applicability of particular courses for use in satisfaction of major preparation requirements and/or general education requirements are advised to consult the transfer information section of the Catalog and a Ventura College counselor. 5. The notation of CAN following the transfer credit statement designates a California Articulation Number. The CAN system provides a cross-reference number or course identification for courses which are acceptable “in lieu of’’ comparable courses at participating California colleges and universities. These courses will be acceptable as equivalent in content and scope to identically designated CAN courses at transfer institutions and will satisfy comparable degree requirements at all participating campuses in California. Additional transfer information is available from the Counseling Office, the Transfer Center, or the ASSIST Web site: Offering of Courses as Described in the Catalog Occasionally there may be changes concerning course numbers, titles, units of credit, prerequisites, hours, or course descriptions made after publication of the Catalog. Efforts will be made through the Schedules of Classes, public media, and at the time of registration, to notify students of any changes other than as described in the Catalog. All degree applicable courses listed in the Catalog meet major, general education, or elective credit requirements for approved degree or certificate programs. The College will make every effort to regularly offer each of the credit courses listed under the announcement of courses. "Regularly offered" shall mean a frequency of not less than once in two years. The student who plans to satisfy the requirements for a particular academic goal --such as a Certificate of Achievement, an Associate Degree, and/or the completion of courses necessary to prepare for transfer into a baccalaureate major -- must carefully plan a program of study to complete all requirements in a timely fashion. The student may consult with appropriate instructional divisions to determine the frequency of course offerings. Offering of Courses as Listed in the Schedule of Classes The College reserves the right to cancel any course section scheduled for any term if enrollment is insufficient. Courses may be scheduled off-campus in Ventura, Fillmore, Ojai, Piru, Santa Paula, and other locations as noted in the Schedule of Classes. 82 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Course Discipline Abbreviations Course disciplines listed below are a regular part of the established curriculum. The current Schedule of Classes should be consulted to determine the availability of specific courses offered within the disciplines noted. The designation for course identification comprises an abbreviated discipline title followed by alphanumeric characters. The College uses the following discipline title abbreviations: AG-Agriculture HIST-History AES-American Ethnic Studies HEC-Home Economics ANAT-Anatomy HUM-Humanities ANPH-Anatomy/Physiology IDS-Interdisciplinary Studies ANTH-Anthropology INTR-Internship ARCH-Architecture ITAL-Italian ART-Art JAPN-Japanese AAS-Asian American Studies JOUR-Journalism ACT- Assistive Computer Technology LDR-Leadership AST-Astronomy LS-Learning Skills AUTO-Automotive LIB-Library Instruction BIOL-Biology MT-Manufacturing Technology BUS-Business MATH-Mathematics BIS-Business Information Systems MICR-Microbiology CHEM-Chemistry MM-Multimedia CHST-Chicano Studies MUS-Music CD-Child Development NS-Nursing Science CS-Computer Science PM-Paramedic CT-Construction Technology PHIL-Philosophy CJ-Criminal Justice PHOT-Photography DANC-Dance PE-Physical Education DS-Developmental Studies PHSC-Physical Science DRFT-Drafting PHYS-Physics ECON-Economics PHSO-Physiology EDU-Education POLS-Political Science EAC-Educational Assistance Center PSY-Psychology EMT-Emergency Medical Technology RE-Real Estate ENGR-Engineering REC-Recreation ENGL-English SL-Sign Language ESL-English as a Second Language SOC-Sociology FDM-Fashion Design and Merchandising SPAN-Spanish FREN-French SPCH-Speech GEOG-Geography SS-Study Skills GEOL-Geology SUP-Supervision GERM-German THA-Theatre Arts GW-Guidance Workshops WS-Water Science HED-Health Education WEL-Welding HS-Health Science WEXP-Work Experience Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -83 - CREDIT COURSES AGRICULTURE AG V03 - PLANT BIOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is a study of the practical aspects of plant growth, environmental relationships, physiology, structures, function, reproduction, and evolution. Basic concepts of biology will be illustrated utilizing the identification and study of important economic crops. Independent study projects and field laboratories are required. Field trips will be required. Formerly Ag 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN AG 8. AG V04 - SOIL AND WATER SCIENCE - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course explores the scientific aspects of vegetative management as related to understanding physical, chemical and biological soil properties. Current water and irrigation topics including sources, quality, distribution and management to be reviewed. Analysis of plant nutrient needs and technical methods of evaluation and application will be discussed. Field trips will be required. Formerly Ag 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN AG 14. AG V21 - INTRODUCTION TO PEST MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of and orientation to current laws, regulations and licensing requirements affecting individuals, businesses and agencies involved in pest management programs. Emphasis is on safety, environmental issues, equipment use and preparation for state licensing and certification examinations. Participants will receive worker safety certification and will qualify for state examinations. Continuing education credit will be granted to licensed persons upon successful completion of course. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ag 21. Transfer credit: CSU. AG V22 - INSECTS AND DISEASES OF PLANTS - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course includes the symptoms, identification and control of common insects and diseases as applied to agricultural and horticultural crops. Natural, cultural, mechanical and chemical controls are studied; and management techniques toward prevention of pest problems. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ag 22. Transfer credit: CSU. AG V23 - WEED, VERTEBRATE AND NEMATODE MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Students will learn to identify and develop management programs for common, noxious and poisonous California weeds. This course will review allergenic plants and various rodent, bird, and fish population problems. Emphasis will be on life habits, environmental concerns, damage, and control practices. Techniques for nematode sampling, recognition, and regulation will be discussed. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ag 23. Transfer credit: CSU. AG V45 - TREE MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 Laboratory weekly In this course, students will learn to identify and manage trees and large shrubs planted in southern California landscapes. Techniques for planting, pruning, staking, pest management, and general care will be emphasized. Students will gain practical experience in all aspects of tree management including trimming, repair and hazard evaluation. Field trips may be required. Formerly HORT V45. Transfer credit: CSU. AG V54 - CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course includes a consideration of the conservation issues of the renewable and nonrenewable natural resources. Included in this list are water, energy sources, air, soil, grasslands, forests, wildlife, agriculture factors and certain minerals. Methods and techniques of the subject are emphasized. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ag 54. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. AG V60A-Z - TOPICS IN AGRICULTURE - .5-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula These courses consider topics not covered in detail by other agriculture offerings. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. AG V88 - AGRICULTURE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula. Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly AG V89. AG V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN AGRICULTURE - 1-4 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Ag 90. Transfer credit: CSU. AMERICAN ETHNIC STUDIES AES V01 - INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ANTH V02 Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of traditional and contemporary native culture of North America. Emphasis will be placed on the anthropological concepts and theories which facilitate an understanding of the rich diversity of American Indian life, including economics, social organization, politics, supernaturalistic beliefs, a variety of current issues and other topics. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 1. Same as ANTH V04. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V02A - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON NATIVE AMERICANS I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents a survey and analysis of United States history from the colonial period through Reconstruction with an emphasis on the role of Native American Indian peoples. This course emphasizes basic social, political, economic and intellectual concepts and developments of the country in general and the impact of/on Native American Indian peoples in particular. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 2A. Same as HIST V05A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -85 AES V02B - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON NATIVE AMERICANS II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents a survey and analysis of United States history from the Civil War to the present with emphasis on the role and participation of the Native American Indian peoples. The course emphasizes basic American social, political, economic and intellectual concepts and developments of the country in general and in particular the impact of/on Native American Indian peoples. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 2B. Same as HIST V05B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V10 - INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN AND PRECOLUMBIAN ART - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of the sculpture, architecture, painting and related visual arts of Africa and Pre-Columbian America. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship between the art and the sociological, religious, historical and philosophical aspects of the various cultures involved. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 10. Same as ART V03. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V11 - RACIAL AND ETHNIC GROUP RELATIONS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course analyzes the patterns of prejudice and discrimination in the United States including their nature, sources, and consequences, and reviews strategies for their reduction. Majority/ minority relations among the major social and cultural groups will be given specific examination. Formerly AES 11. Same as SOC V03. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V12 - HISTORY OF JAZZ - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of jazz history, from both a musical and cultural perspective from its roots in ragtime, blues, and American popular music, to the diverse styles of today. The focus will be on important individuals, groups, styles, and influences, as well as the impact of American society and world culture. Guest artists and lecturers, and analysis of recordings may be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 12. Same as MUS V07. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V15 - FOLK DANCE: ETHNIC DANCES OF THE WORLD - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Introduction to the study and performance of ethnic dance. A study of ethnic dance forms, music and clothing, as well as the cultural and historical context of the dances. Emphasis is on representative ethnic dances from Latin America, Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, North America, and other areas. The course is designed to help students seeking careers and further study in dance and related fields. AES V15/DANC V26 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly AES 15. Same as DANC V26. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V20 - INTRODUCTION TO CHICANO STUDIES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an interdisciplinary survey of the Mexican American/Chicano heritage with emphasis on the contemporary experience in the United States. The survey will include an analysis of the economic, political, social, and intellectual elements of the culture of the Mexican American/Chicano community, and a study of the changing relationship of the community to the general society of the United States. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 20. Same as CHST V01. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V21A - THE HERITAGE OF MEXICO I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents major historical developments and personalities which have shaped the Mexican nation from the Pre- Columbian era to independence. Emphasis is placed on understanding the culture and customs of the Mexican people as seen throughout their history. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 21A. Same as HIST V10A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V21B - THE HERITAGE OF MEXICO II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents major historical developments and personalities which have shaped the Mexican nation from the independence to the present time. Emphasis is placed on understanding the culture and customs of the Mexican people as seen throughout their history plus important events in the relationship between Mexico and the United States. A portion of the course will address the role of the Mexican and the Mexican American in the United States. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 21B. Same as HIST V10B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V22 - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON CHICANOS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys the history of the United States from the Independence to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the participation and contributions made by Chicanos to the development of American society with a focus on the major historical forces, events, and trends in American history that have impacted and shaped the cultural, social, economic, political and intellectual heritage of Mexican Americans/Chicanos in the United States. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 22. Same as HIST V12. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V23 - CHICANO STUDIES ISSUES - 3 Units Recommended preparation: AES V20 or CHST V01 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will assess the similarities and differences of multiple cultures which have contributed to the Chicano experience. The examinations of Chicano studies will include historical perspectives and social science research principles and practices to analyze the impact of economic, political, cultural, social, and institutional factors which have shaped the Mexican/Chicano experience in the Southwest. Same as CHST V02. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. AES V24 - SOCIOLOGY OF THE CHICANO COMMUNITY - 3 Units Recommended preparation: AES V20 or CHST V01 or SOC V01 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will examine various theoretical perspectives from a sociological framework in relation to the Chicano community. Race, class, gender, and culture in the historical development of Chicano people will be explored as we discuss culture, ethnic identity, the institutions of education, economics, family and government. This will include an overview of past and current social movements (i.e. the Chicano, Chicana Feminism, labor movements and other topics). The course will analyze prevailing myths and stereotypes and investigate the ways Chicanos have contributed and participated in social and political change. Also, specific instances of Chicano structural resistance to Anglo encroachment and domination will be discussed. Particular attention will also be given to language development among Chicanos and the historical role of youth. Field trips may be required. Same as CHST V24 & SOC V24. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. 86 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 AES V30 - READING MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V07 or ESL V33 or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a survey of multicultural literature which focuses on reading, understanding and writing about the genres of poetry, short fiction and drama. The course is designed to help students improve their understanding of the elements of each of the genres and the social and historical and cultural contexts which contribute to the works. Students will learn to read, summarize and analyze literary works from a variety of cultural groups. They will also learn to do literary research. Same as ENGL V06B. AES V31 - HISPANIC LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to introduce the student to important novels, short stories, drama, poetry and essays from Latin America translated into English. Special emphasis will be given to contemporary authors. Discussion will concentrate on developing an understanding and appreciation for the essential qualities of the selected authors and their literary work; the literary trends and stylistic tendencies reflected in their work; and the manner and extent to which their literary work reflects the Latin American ethos. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 31. Same as SPAN V20. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V40A - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON AFRICAN AMERICANS I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will explore the history of the United States from the colonial period through Reconstruction with emphasis placed on the role of African Americans. Starting in colonial America, the course will emphasize the contributions, institutions, trends, concepts, movements and problems relevant to the country in general and to African Americans in particular. A balanced focus will be placed on social, political, economic and intellectual considerations. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 40A. Same as HIST V03A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V40B - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON AFRICAN AMERICANS II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will explore the history of the United States from the Civil War to the present with emphasis on the role of African Americans. Beginning with Reconstruction at the end of the Civil War to the presidential plans for Reconstruction, futile opposition of southern Democrats to radical Republican reconstruction plans and the plight of the newly freed slaves is to be analyzed. Analyses of amendments, and other American history topics such as industrialization, Jim Crow laws, Populist party, Spanish American war and all other American wars will be discussed in relation to African Americans and their involvement and contributions. Special emphasis will be placed upon contributions, institutions, trends, concepts, movements and problems relevant to the country in general and to African Americans in particular. A balanced focus will be placed on social, political, economic and intellectual considerations. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 40B. Same as HIST V03B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V41 - CONTEMPORARY AFRICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a historically oriented study of the African American experience since World War II. Emphasis will be placed on the environmental context of the emergence of strident African American activities, and the philosophical assumptions, the rhetoric and the substance of the civil rights movement and Black power revolt. Relevant personalities, organizations, and cultural expressions will be studied in relation to one another, and in relation to existing national political, economic, social, and intellectual institutional structures. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 41. Same as HIST V13. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V42A - AFRICAN HISTORY TO 1800 - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a study of African history and will cover the ancient Egyptians as well as Sub-Saharan Africa and its climate, geography, culture and history. Beginning with civilizations along the Nile, the reign of Kushitic pharaohs and other ruling dynasties, this course will cover the rise and fall of great kingdoms in West Africa, the Atlantic slave trade and religion in western and central Sudan, and end around 1800. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 42A. Same as HIST V14A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V42B - AFRICAN HISTORY SINCE 1800 - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a study of the Africans since 1800. It starts with Europeans' enlightenment and humanitarian efforts and covers racism and stereotypes, European colonization in Africa, Nationalistic and Messianic movements, Negritude, the African woman, independence, Afrikanners in South Africa, and the meaning of freedom. The course ends with the problems of modernization in present day Africa. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 42B. Same as HIST V14B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V61 - INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF EAST ASIA - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will present a historical survey of the countries and cultures of East Asia with a principal focus on China and Japan. An emphasis will be placed on the impact of traditional Chinese and Japanese antiquity on the present, the impact of the culture and heritage of each nation on the other, and the impact of the West on both major nations. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 61. Same as HIST V15. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V62 - INTRODUCTION TO ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an interdisciplinary survey of the Asian American experience. Emphasis will be placed on Americans of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Southeast-Asian and South-Asian ancestry. The course will focus on Asian American experiences with respect to the histories of immigration, cultural diversity and adaptation to life in the United States. Formerly AES 62. Same as AAS V01. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -87 AES V63 - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON ASIAN AMERICANS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will survey the historical experience of the United States from Independence to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the participation and contributions made by Asian Americans to the social, political, and economic development of American society with a focus on Americans of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Southeast Asian ancestry. The course will examine the major historical forces and trends in American history that have impacted and shaped the social, economic, cultural, political and intellectual heritage of the Asian American in the United States. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 63. Same as HIST V17. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V65 - INTRODUCTION TO ASIAN ART - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of aesthetic developments such as sculpture, architecture, painting and crafts in Asiatic cultures. Emphasis will be placed on the arts of three major cultural areas - India, China and Japan-based on their historical, cultural and philosophical backgrounds. Field trips may be required. Formerly AES 65. Same as ART V08. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. AES V66 - INTRODUCTION TO MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY LATIN AMERICAN ART - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of mainstream modern and contemporary developments in painting, sculpture, crafts and architecture of selected Latin American countries, including both modernist and postmodernist forms, with particular emphasis on a Latin American identity through works of art as a form of cultural, and social expression. Field trips will be required. Same as ART V09. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. ANATOMY ANAT V01 - GENERAL HUMAN ANATOMY - 4 Units Prerequisite: BIOL V01-V01L or BIOL V03 Hours: 3 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is a survey of the gross anatomy and histology of the major human organ systems including the skeletal and muscle system, the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems. Laboratory work includes observation of models, human organs and tissues. A human cadaver is used for demonstration of musculature and digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and urogenital systems. Formerly Anat 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN BIOL 10 or CAN BIOL SEQ B [with PHSO V01]. ANAT V01S - GENERAL HUMAN ANATOMY STUDY SESSION - .5-1 Unit Corequisite: ANAT V01 Hours: .5-1 lecture weekly This course will give students opportunities to discuss and ask questions about material covered in the lecture and laboratory. Review of tests will occur and methods of taking notes and studying will be considered. The course will enable students to better comprehend course material and thus improve performance in the course. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY ANPH V01 - INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY - 5 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V10-V10L or CHEM V20-V20L or CHEM V30V30L or 1 year of high school chemistry with grades of C or better Recommended preparation: BIOL V01-V01L Hours: 3 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This course offers a survey of the structural and functional relationships which exist between organs and tissues within the human body. The human body will be approached from a gross anatomical perspective in the lab using models, human organs, histology slides and cadaver observations and from the physiological perspective in lecture discussions and exercises. Cellular structure and physiology, histology and fundamentals of molecular biology will be used to describe the mechanisms by which homeostatic balance is maintained in the body as a whole. Formerly AnPh 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. ANPH V01S - ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY STUDY SESSION - 1 Unit Corequisite: ANPH V01 Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course will give students opportunities to discuss and ask questions about material covered in the lecture and laboratory. Review of tests will occur and methods of taking notes and studying will be considered. The course will enable students to better comprehend course material and thus improve performance in the course. Formerly AnPh 1S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ANTHROPOLOGY ANTH V01 - PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Human biological evolution; evolutionary theory and basic genetic concepts; survey of non-human primates with emphasis on models for understanding human evolution; the fossil evidence for primate/human evolution; emergence of culture and language; origins and significance of human physical diversity. Field trips may be required. Formerly Anthro 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ANTH 2. ANTH V01L - PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY LABORATORY - 1 Unit Prerequisite: ANTH V01 or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 laboratory weekly The laboratory provides experiences in applying the principles and techniques of physical anthropology. Topics include: Scientific Method, Mendelian and molecular genetics, population genetics, variation in contemporary human populations, forensics, comparative vertebrate anatomy, human osteology, primatology, and comparative human fossil morphology. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 88 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ANTH V02 - CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Introduction into the comparative study of cultural systems. Emphasis will be on the research methods, concepts and theories which apply to an understanding of the worldwide diversity of human behavior in all major aspects of culture, including economics, social organization, politics, supernaturalistic beliefs and other topics. Field trips may be required. Formerly Anthro 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ANTH 4. ANTH V03 - ARCHAEOLOGY AND WORLD PREHISTORY - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ANTH V01 or ANTH V02 Hours: 3 lecture weekly An introduction to the history, goals, and methods of anthropological archaeology, coupled with a worldwide survey of human culture history. Emphasis will be on methods of interpreting and dating the past, the origins of hominids and culture, the development of modern Homo sapiens, the origins of agriculture, and the rise of complex states. Field trips may be required. Formerly Anthro 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ANTH 6. ANTH V04 - INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ANTH V02 Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of traditional and contemporary native cultures of North America. Emphasis will be placed on the anthropological concepts and theories which facilitate an understanding of the rich diversity of American Indian life, including economics, social organization, politics, supernaturalistic beliefs, a variety of current issues and other topics. Field trips may be required. Formerly Anthro 4. Same as AES V01. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. ANTH V06 - ANTHROPOLOGY OF WOMEN - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ANTH V01 and ANTH V02 Hours: 3 lecture weekly An exploration of women’s roles, accomplishments and stereotypes, past and present, as these are affected by different types of cultures, simple and complex, including examples from all continents. Information and issues concerning American women are discussed in cross-cultural perspective. Formerly Anthro 6. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ANTH V07 - MAGIC, RELIGION AND CULTURE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ANTH V02 Hours: 3 lecture weekly Beliefs about the supernatural are found in all known societies. This course surveys some of the religious systems found in cultures around the world, past and present, familiar and exotic. Beliefs and practices related to magic, witchcraft, and divination are given particular attention, as are those related to shamanism, supernatural beings, rituals and reform movements. Anthropological theories of the origins and functions of supernaturalistic beliefs are also examined. Formerly Anthro 7. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ANTH V60A-Z - TOPICS IN ANTHROPOLOGY - 1-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula A course considering select topics in anthropology which are not covered in detail in the general anthropology course offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include: myths and rituals, women in other cultures, peasant societies, technology and culture. Formerly Anthro 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. ANTH V88 - ANTHROPOLOGY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. ANTH V89 - WORKSHOPS IN ANTHROPOLOGY - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Anthro 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. ANTH V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN ANTHROPOLOGY - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Anthro 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. ARCHITECTURE ARCH V10 - INTRODUCTION TO ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN - 2 Units Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course includes the study of design that addresses concepts of order, site analysis, scale, structure, rhythm, detail and culture. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Arch 10. Transfer credit: CSU. ARCH V11 - BLUEPRINT READING: ARCHITECTURAL/ CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides experience in construction blueprint reading and plan review. Experiences will include the study of lines, symbols, notations and dimensions used on architectural drawings. Code interpretation and design compliance will be stressed. Field trips may be required. Formerly Arch 11. Same as CT V20 & DRFT V02B. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ARCH V12 - ADVANCED BLUEPRINT READING: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ARCH V11 or CT V20 or DRFT V02B or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is an advanced blueprint reading course for inspectors, contractors and designers interested in commercial and industrial construction. This course will provide training in blueprint reading comprehension, system assemblies, and material specifications. Subjects to be covered will include soils, foundations, site work, concrete, masonry, structural steel, welding, mechanical and electrical systems. Same as CT V12. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -89 ARCH V15 - DESIGN AND MODEL CONSTRUCTION - 2 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly The course is intended to provide beginning students with a hands-on design and construction experience in coordination with their first design and visual communication studios. The course has two primary content areas. The first is the safe operation of wood and metal tools and equipment and the second is the design and construction of a small scale project. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Transfer credit: CSU. ARCH V21 - ARCHITECTURAL GRAPHICS I - 3 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V03 or 1 year of drafting experience Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is the study and practice of basic techniques used for graphic communication. Techniques will include orthographic and isometric projection, mechanical perspective, shades and shadows. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Arch 21. Transfer credit: CSU. ARCH V22 - ARCHITECTURAL GRAPHICS II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ARCH V21 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course includes further development of freehand and mechanical graphic communication skills for representation of conceptual ideas, analysis and design concepts. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Arch 22. Transfer credit: CSU. ARCH V23 - INTRODUCTION TO AUTOCAD - 2 Units Prerequisite: DRFT V03 or 1 year of drafting experience Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to the use of AutoCAD including commands, editing, printing and plotting with emphasis on two- dimensional, and introduction to three-dimensional drawings. Overview of related industry trends, practices, and employer expectations will be addressed. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. ARCH V23/ DRFT V05A may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Arch 23. Same as DRFT V05A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. ARCH V24 - ADVANCED OPERATIONS OF AUTOCAD - 2 Units Prerequisite: ARCH V23 or DRFT V05A Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course emphasizes AutoCAD instruction including three- dimensional drafting, customization of AutoCAD, introduction to architectural computer assisted drafting (CAD). Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Arch 24. Transfer credit: CSU. ARCH V25 - DIGITAL TOOLS FOR ARCHITECTURE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ARCH V23 or DRFT V05A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly The course is designed to introduce digital tool components to architecture students. Course assignments develop the student’s understanding and skills associated with 3D modeling (Form Z), image editing (Photoshop) and page layout (In-Design), or similar program applications. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. ARCH V31 - ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE I - 3 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V03 or 1 year of drafting experience Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to train students in preparing architectural construction drawings. Drawings include site plan, foundation plan, floor plan, elevation and detail drawings. Emphasis is on wood frame construction. Design principles are discussed. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Arch 31. Transfer credit: CSU. ARCH V32 - ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE II - 3 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V03 or 1 year of drafting experience Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to train students in preparing construction drawings for wood, masonry, concrete and steel construction. Design principles are discussed. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Arch 32. Transfer credit: CSU. ARCH V33 - COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ARCHITECTURE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ARCH V31; and ARCH V23 or DRFT V05A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is an integration of previously acquired knowledge through the assignment of architectural projects. Students may select individual projects focusing on graphic techniques, design or construction drawings. All work is performed using computer assisted drafting. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly Arch 33. Transfer credit: CSU. ARCH V40 - ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN I - 3 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V03 or 1 year of drafting experience Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course includes theories, principles, methods and means pertaining to the creation of architectural form, space and organizations, and the incorporation of function and light as issues that shape the built environment and support the communication of intended concepts and meanings. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Arch 40. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ARCH V41 - ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ARCH V40 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course includes theories, principles, methods and means pertaining to the incorporation of context, structure and climate as issues that shape the built environment and support the communication of intended concepts and meanings. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Arch 41. Transfer credit: CSU. ARCH V58 - INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the International Residential Code (IRC). Students will learn interpretation and use of the residential building code as it applies to current construction. Design criteria and inspection processes will be emphasized. Course content will include information related to residential code certification for inspectors and designers. Topics of instruction will follow the content of the most recent IRC as published by the International Code Council (ICC). Same as CT V58. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. 90 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ARCH V59 - INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is an introduction to the International Building Code (IBC), as published by the International Code Council (ICC). The IBC is the building code used for commercial and industrial structures. Subjects to be covered will include structural design requirements, inspection procedures, code comprehension and ICC inspector certification. ARCH V59/CT V59 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Arch 59. Same as CT V59. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ARCH V60 - SIMPLIFIED ENGINEERING FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is an introductory course designed to give the student an overview of basic construction engineering principles. This course will study subjects such as live and dead loads, uniform and concentrated loads, footing and foundation design, post and beam sizing, shear transfer, load path transfer, building material selection, connection methods and other aspects of structural design. Formerly Arch 60. Same as CT V60. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ARCH V64 - BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: MATERIALS AND METHODS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to residential and light commercial building construction, including materials, foundations, framing, roof and stair cutting, drywall, finish work and building codes. This course is intended to serve as an overview of the construction process. Field trips may be required. Formerly Arch 64. Same as CT V64. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ARCH V67 - BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY REGULATIONS - 2 Units Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course is a study of California and federal regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California Title 24 Regulations, which cover building accessibility for disabled persons. Both public and private buildings will be studied as well as parking, exterior routes of travel, entrances, exits and other accommodations. This course is intended for building designers as well as contractors and inspectors. This course will also help prepare students for industry certification. Formerly Arch 67. Same as CT V67. ARCH V75 - INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to residential and light commercial electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Subjects to be studied will include vocabulary, equipment, materials, construction methods, system design, and basic inspection requirements. Formerly Arch 75. Same as CT V75. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ARCH V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN ARCHITECTURE -.5-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. ARCH V95 - ARCHITECTURE INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This architecture internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ARCH V96 - ARCHITECTURE INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This architecture internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART ART V01 - ART APPRECIATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a survey course intended to develop in the student an understanding of the visual arts, and to acquaint the student with the major periods and styles of art. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V02A - INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF WESTERN ART I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a survey of the history of western art from Prehistoric times through the Gothic period. The course includes discussions of the development of styles, techniques of producing art, major figures in art history, and the relationship of art and society. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 2A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 2 or CAN ART SEQ A [with ART V02B]. ART V02B - INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF WESTERN ART II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a survey of the history of western art from the Renaissance to Modern times. The course includes discussions of the development of styles, techniques of producing art, major figures in art history, and the relationship of art and society. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 2B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 4 or CAN ART SEQ A [with ART V02A]. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -91 ART V03 - INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN AND PRECOLUMBIAN ART - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of the sculpture, architecture, painting and related visual arts of Africa and Pre-Columbian America. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship between the art and the sociological, religious, historical and philosophical aspects of the various cultures involved. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 3. Same as AES V10. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V04 - INTRODUCTION TO RENAISSANCE ART - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of the art and architecture in Italy, Flanders, Germany, and Spain from the Proto-Renaissance period of the 14th century through 1600. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V05 - INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN ART - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A study of the history of American painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts from colonial times to the present. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 5. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V06 - INTRODUCTION TO MODERN ART - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A study of painting, sculpture, architecture and allied arts of the 19th and 20th centuries. The major art movements of Europe and the U.S. will be discussed. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 6. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V07 - INTRODUCTION TO WOMEN IN THE ARTS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of the visual arts produced by women from ancient times to the present. The emphasis is on exposure and appreciation as well as on stylistic analysis of the works. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 7. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V08 - INTRODUCTION TO ASIAN ART - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of aesthetic developments such as sculpture, architecture, painting and crafts in Asiatic cultures. Emphasis will be placed on the arts of three major cultural areas—India, China and Japan—based on their historical, cultural and philosophical backgrounds. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 8. Same as AES V65. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V09 - INTRODUCTION TO MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY LATIN AMERICAN ART - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of mainstream modern and contemporary developments in painting, sculpture, crafts and architecture of selected Latin American countries, including both modernist and postmodernist forms, with particular emphasis on a Latin American identity through works of art as a form of cultural, and social expression. Field trips will be required. Same as AES V66. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V10 - GALLERY TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ART V01 or V02A or V02B or V03 or V04 or V05 or V06 or V07 or V08 or V14A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course provides instruction in all aspects of fine arts gallery management and operation. Emphasis will be placed on critical evaluation and selection of individual works of art, on criteria employed in evaluating portfolio presentation, and on gallery presentations and the evaluation of exhibits. The two college art galleries will serve as laboratories where students will perform practical applications of the course content. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Art 10. Transfer credit: CSU. ART V11A - COLOR AND DESIGN: TWO-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Theories and applications of two-dimensional composition in the visual arts using the elements of line, shape, texture, value and color. A basic course providing a background in design theory and applications including the elements and the principles of design. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 11A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 14. ART V11B - COLOR AND DESIGN: COLOR THEORY AND PRACTICE - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V11A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Study and use of color as one element of art and design. Special emphasis is placed on the study of color theory and its practical applications. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 11B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 22. ART V12A - DRAWING AND COMPOSITION I - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Basic drawing experience stressing graphic representation of objects through a variety of media and techniques; particular emphasis upon the fundamental means of pictorial composition. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 12A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 8. ART V12B - DRAWING AND COMPOSITION II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate drawing experience stressing representation of visual forms through a variety of media and techniques. Particular emphasis will be given to structure and pictorial composition. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 12B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V13A - LIFE DRAWING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Basic instruction in drawing the human figure from the live model. Theory and practice in the uses of linear and tonal form. Exercises in structure, proportion, foreshortening, and composition. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 13A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 24. ART V13B - LIFE DRAWING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V13A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Intermediate instruction in drawing the human figure from the live model. Theory and practice in the uses of linear and tonal form. Exercises in structure, proportion, foreshortening, and composition with introduction to exaggeration and alteration of form. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 13B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 92 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ART V13C - LIFE DRAWING III - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V13B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Intermediate instruction in drawing the human figure from the live model. Theory and practice in the uses of linear and tonal form. Exercises in structure, proportion, foreshortening, and composition with introduction to exaggeration and alteration of form with emphasis on compositional arrangement and exploration of complex media. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 13C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V14A - EXPLORING VISUAL ARTS I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of the visual art field including career opportunities in both fine and commercial fields. Presentation of methods, materials and techniques; utilizing group discussions, guest lecturers, exhibits, and demonstrations. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 14A. Transfer credit: CSU. ART V14B - EXPLORING VISUAL ARTS II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V14A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Additional experience in and exposure to the visual art field including career opportunities in both fine and commercial fields. Presentation of methods, materials and techniques; utilizing group discussions, guest lecturers, exhibits and demonstrations. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 14B. Transfer credit: CSU. ART V14C - EXPLORING VISUAL ARTS III - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V14B Hours: 3 lecture weekly Continued research relating to the visual art field including career opportunities in both fine and commercial fields. Presentation of methods, materials and techniques; utilizing group discussions, guest lecturers, exhibits and demonstrations. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 14C. Transfer credit: CSU. ART V15A - LIFE PAINTING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V13A Recommended preparation: ART V13B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Basic instruction in painting from nude and clothed models with emphasis on representing forms in space, structure, gesture, color, tonal variations and composition. Painting techniques, pictorial organization and individual expression will be addressed. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 15A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V15B - LIFE PAINTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V15A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Intermediate painting instruction using painting medium of choice with nude and clothed models as subjects with emphasis on complex forms in space, structure, gesture, color, tonal variations and composition. Emphasis will be on developing greater ability to paint complex figure studies. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 15B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V15C - LIFE PAINTING III - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V15B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Students will continue to develop facility in painting skills as well as interpretive skills using nude and clothed models as subjects in a variety of settings. Complex organization of forms in space, accuracy in structure of figures, quick grasp of motions and gestures, complex color and tonal variations in paints will be addressed. Individual expression in painting techniques of various mediums of choice will be developed. Paintings will be critiqued for content and concept. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 15C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V16A - BEGINNING OIL PAINTING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V11A or ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A beginning course pertaining to the nature of structural and expressive values in contemporary painting; practice in the building of form, control of pictorial order, and the use of color and light; emphasis on technical competence and experience in varied painting concepts. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 16A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 10. ART V16B - BEGINNING OIL PAINTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V16A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A beginning course pertaining to a further development of the nature of structural and expressive concepts in contemporary painting. Additional practice in the building of form, control of pictorial order and exploration of other uses of color and light; emphasis on technical competence; experimentation with traditional and newer painting materials. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 16B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V17 - CREATING THE FASHION IMAGE: FASHION PROMOTION - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V11A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Fashion promotion is explored through newspapers, trade publications, magazines, radio and television advertisements. Students will receive laboratory experience in advertising, visual display and fashion show production. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 17. Same as FDM V17. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V18A - FIGURE ILLUSTRATION I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A or concurrent enrollment Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course provides basic instruction in drawing from clothed models. Emphasis is placed on analysis of the contemporary figure for style, clothing detail and implied movement with emphasis on elegance, poise and mood. Attention is given to wash drawing and dry media in achromatic and monochromatic color schemes. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 18A. Same as FDM V18A. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V18B - FIGURE ILLUSTRATION II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V18A or FDM V18A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Intermediate instruction in drawing from clothed models. Analysis of the contemporary figure for style, clothing detail and implied movement with emphasis on elegance, poise and mood. Attention is given to wash drawing and dry media in color. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 18B. Same as FDM V18B. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -93 ART V19 - THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This is a foundation course reviewing the theories and applications of three-dimensional form in the visual arts using the elements of line, plane, mass and volume. Specific emphasis is given to exploration of materials and use of tools. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 19. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 16. ART V20A - INTERMEDIATE OIL PAINTING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V16B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate course pertaining to a more personal exploration of the scope of contemporary painting; more practice in constructing and composing individual pictorial statements; more emphasis will be placed on the uses of light and color. Additional emphasis on symbolism, aesthetics, and technical achievements. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 20A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V20B - INTERMEDIATE OIL PAINTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V20A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate course emphasizing a developed and knowledgeable personal exploration of the scope of contemporary painting. Additional research into the history of painting. Encourage more experimentation with traditional and contemporary painting materials and develop a more sophisticated and polished imagery. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 20B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V21 - MURAL PAINTING: HISTORY AND PRACTICE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ART V11A and ART V15A and ART V16A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This studio course provides an artistic and socialized overview of murals—historical and contemporary. Primary course focus will be on the protected application of color and design principles, and drawing and painting skills required for production of a successful mural from conception to execution. Students will collaborate on the design and production of a mural as a course project. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Art 21. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V24 - COLLAGE AND ASSEMBLAGE - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V11A and ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate-level studio class exploring the history and application of collage, assemblage and installation. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V25A - BEGINNING SCULPTURE I - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A studio course in the fundamentals of sculpture techniques. Special emphasis on wood carving, clay construction, and stone conceptual construction. Live models will be used. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 25A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 12. ART V25B - BEGINNING SCULPTURE II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V25A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A studio course in the fundamentals of sculpture techniques. Special emphasis on clay modeling, stone carving, and plaster buildup techniques. Live models will be used. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 25B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V26A - INTERMEDIATE SCULPTURE I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V25B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A studio course in the fundamentals of sculpture techniques. Special emphasis on wood carving, clay construction, and stone conceptual construction. Live models will be used. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 26A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V26B - INTERMEDIATE SCULPTURE II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V26A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A studio course in the fundamentals of sculpture techniques. Special emphasis on stone carving, with human form as subject matter, wood construction and direct wax methods. Live models will be used. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 26B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V27 - METAL ART SCULPTURE - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V19 and WEL V01 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to metal art sculpture utilizing practical theory and application of materials, welding techniques and processes. It includes designing metal cutting, forming techniques and texturing. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. ART V27/WEL V27 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 2 times. Same as WEL V27. ART V28A - GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V11A and ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This is an introductory course that employs the vocabulary of fine art (line, shape, value, perspective, color, relationships, compositional elements of contrast, scale, balance and unity). Students will learn beginning typography and visual layout to interpret and express complex concepts using hand skills as well as digital media for commercial graphic communication applications (such as print, Internet, and TV). Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 28A. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V28B - GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V28A Recommended preparation: ART V29A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This is an intermediate course that employs the vocabulary of fine art to teach intermediate typography and visual layout in order to interpret and express complex concepts using hand skills as well as digital media for commercial graphic communication applications (such as print, Internet, and TV). Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 28B. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V28C - GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS III - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V28B Recommended preparation: ART V29A and ART V72 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This is an advanced course that employs the vocabulary of fine art to teach intermediate typography and visual layout in order to interpret and express complex concepts using hand skills as well as digital media for commercial graphic communication applications (such as print, Internet, and TV). Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Art 28C. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations see counselor. 94 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ART V29A - COMMERCIAL ILLUSTRATION AND LAYOUT I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V11A and ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Introduction to basic layout, design and rendering techniques applicable to Web design, fashion, animation, and cartooning. The course will focus on how to put ideas to paper for real world presentation, with emphasis on perspective theory and research technique. Students will work on a variety of projects to develop a graphic communication portfolio. Media will include pencil, pen, felt marker, pastels and computer. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 29A. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V29B - COMMERCIAL ILLUSTRATION AND LAYOUT II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V29A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Intermediate layout, design and rendering techniques applicable to Web design, fashion, animation, and cartooning. The course will focus on how to put ideas to paper for real world presentation, with emphasis on achromatic/monochromatic marker indication and traditional illustration for use in print and digital media. Student will work on variety of projects to develop a graphic communication portfolio. Media will include pencil, pen, felt marker, pastels and computer. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 29B. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V29C - COMMERCIAL ILLUSTRATION AND LAYOUT III - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V29B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Intermediate layout, design and rendering techniques applicable to Web design, fashion, animation, and cartooning. The course will focus on how to put ideas to paper for real world presentation, with emphasis on full-color marker indication and traditional illustration for use in print and digital media. Students will work on a variety of projects to develop a graphic communication portfolio. Media will include pencil, pen, felt marker, pastels and computer. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 29C. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V31A - HEAD DRAWING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Basic instruction in drawing the human head. Emphasis placed on anatomical structure, physical likenesses, proportion, use of light, shadow, and tonality. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 31A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V31B - HEAD DRAWING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V31A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Further instruction in drawing the human head with emphasis placed on anatomical structure of features of head, light shadow patterns, tonality and composition. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 31B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V32A - INK TECHNIQUES I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate drawing experience emphasizing various techniques in ink media such as flexible nib pen, stylus pen, ink and wash, and dry brush. Expressions and images are taken from various drawing and illustration approaches. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 32A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V32B - INK TECHNIQUES II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V32A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate drawing course to further develop expertise in various ink techniques, continued use of flexible nib, stylus nib, reed pen, brush and dry brush. Introduction of ink wash in color and semi brush techniques. Expressions and images are taken from various drawing and illustration approaches. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 32B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V33A - INTERMEDIATE HEAD DRAWING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V31B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate course in the further study of head drawing. Continued emphasis on proportions and structure of the individual features of the human head. Compositional aspects of portrait drawing are stressed. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 33A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V33B - INTERMEDIATE HEAD DRAWING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V33A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate course in head drawing which continues the study of the structure of the human head. Emphasis is placed on light-shadow patterns, flat as opposed to three-dimensional shapes, the compositional and design aspects of portrait drawing. Color can be introduced with pastel chalks. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 33B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V34A - TWO-DIMENSIONAL MIXED MEDIA I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Basic instruction to mixed media in two-dimensional image making. Analysis and studio practice with emphasis on exploration and development of various drawing media and mixed media with ink, gouache, acrylics, pastels, collages, etc., on a two- dimensional surface. Student skill development and material handling will be emphasized. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 34A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V34B - TWO-DIMENSIONAL MIXED MEDIA II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V34A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Intermediate instruction in mixed media in two-dimensional representation. Analysis and intensive studio practice with emphasis on exploration and development of various drawing media and mixed media with ink, gouache, acrylics, pastels, collages, etc., on a two-dimensional surface. Student skill development in form and composition will be emphasized. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 34B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -95 ART V34C - TWO-DIMENSIONAL MIXED MEDIA III - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V34B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Advanced level mixed media in two-dimensional representation. Analysis and intensive studio practice with emphasis on exploration and development of various drawing media and mixed media with ink, gouache, acrylics, pastels, collages, etc., on a two- dimensional surface. Individual progress in image and content development will be emphasized. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 34C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V36A - HEAD PAINTING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V31A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A beginning course in head painting. Strong emphasis on color, tonality, drawing and design. Color charts will be developed. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 36A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V36B - HEAD PAINTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V36A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A continuation of the study of head painting. Further emphasis on color, tonality, drawing and design. Color charts will be developed. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 36B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V37A - WATERCOLOR PAINTING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An introductory course in art introducing watercolor medium emphasizing the structural and expressive values in contemporary painting; practice in the building of form, control of pictorial order and the uses of color and light. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 37A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V37B - WATERCOLOR PAINTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V37A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A course in watercolor medium emphasizing the structural and expressive values in contemporary painting; practice in the building of form, control of pictorial order and the uses of color and light. Emphasis on technical competence and individual concepts. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 37B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V39A - INTERMEDIATE HEAD PAINTING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V36B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate course in head painting which builds on the concepts of strong color, tonality, drawing and design. Color charts to be made and utilized throughout the course. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 39A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V39B - INTERMEDIATE HEAD PAINTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V39A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A continuation of the intermediate course in head painting with continuing emphasis on strong color, and value relationships, drawing, and design concepts. Color charts will be developed. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 39B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V40A - INTERMEDIATE WATERCOLOR PAINTING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V37B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate art course which concentrates on the watercolor medium, its control, uses and variety of techniques. Emphasis will be placed on the structural and expressive values in contemporary painting as well as technical competency and individual concepts. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 40A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V40B - INTERMEDIATE WATERCOLOR PAINTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V40A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate art course designed to further develop watercolor painting skills. Emphasis is placed on the structural and expressive values in contemporary painting as well as technical competency and individual concepts. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 40B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V41A - RELIEF PRINTMAKING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An introduction to the design and production of relief processes of fine art printmaking including woodcut, linoleum cut, wood engraving, monoprint, embossed, and collage print. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 41A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 20. ART V41B - RELIEF PRINTMAKING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V41A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate course dealing specifically with making color prints. Color separations and preliminary drawings, special inking techniques and registration will be included. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 41B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V42A - INTAGLIO PRINTMAKING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An introduction to the design and production of intaglio processes of fine art printmaking, including etching, drypoint, mezzotint, aquatint and collagraph. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 42A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V42B - INTAGLIO PRINTMAKING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V42A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate course with an emphasis on special techniques such as aquatint, sugar tints and china colle. Mastery of printing color and making preliminary drawings and separation of the color print will be included. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 42B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V43A - SILKSCREEN PRINTMAKING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A course in the design and production of silkscreen process printing with an emphasis on serigraphy as a creative medium. The course includes edition printing by using knife cut stencils, glue blockouts and resists. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 43A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 96 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ART V43B - SILKSCREEN PRINTMAKING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V43A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Course continues study of the design and production of silkscreen process printing with an emphasis on serigraphy as a creative medium. The course includes further work in edition printing by tusche and glue methods and combination with other types of stencils. Consistent edition printing is emphasized. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 43B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V44A - LITHOGRAPHY I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An introduction to the history and technique of lithographic processes, including traditional and contemporary methods. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 44A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V44B - LITHOGRAPHY II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V44A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An introduction to the history and technique of special lithographic processes, i.e. Manniere Noire, transfer lithography, xerox transfers and special etching technique. An emphasis on the printed edition, care, storage and marketing. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 44B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V44C - LITHOGRAPHY: INTRODUCTION TO COLOR - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ART V48 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An introduction to color lithography with an emphasis on the history, the techniques of registration, color mixing, ink modification and special effects. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 44C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V45A - INTERMEDIATE SILKSCREEN PRINTMAKING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V43B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Course continues study of the design and production of silkscreen process printing with emphasis on serigraphy as a creative medium. The course includes edition printing combination stencils including photo film stencils. Various types of film positives are introduced. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 45A. Transfer credit: CSU. ART V45B - INTERMEDIATE SILKSCREEN PRINTMAKING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V45A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Course continues study of silkscreen processing printing including fine art printing and commercial application. Silkscreen building and studio planning included. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 45B. Transfer credit: CSU. ART V46A - BEGINNING ACRYLIC PAINTING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A beginning course examining the properties of acrylic as a painting medium. Emphasis on color theory, color mixing and color harmonies. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 46A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V46B - BEGINNING ACRYLIC PAINTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V46A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A beginning course examining the properties of acrylic as a painting medium. Emphasis on composition, building form and pictorial order. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 46B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V47A - INTERMEDIATE ACRYLIC PAINTING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V46B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate acrylic painting course with emphasis on contemporary methods, theme development and expressive values. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 47A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V47B - INTERMEDIATE ACRYLIC PAINTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V47A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate acrylic painting course. Emphasis on expressive use of color using abstract and nonobjective themes. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 47B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V48 - INTRODUCTION TO PRINTMAKING - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This is a survey course in printmaking, covering relief printing (wood cuts, linoleum cuts) intaglio and etching, monoprints, and lithography. It is designed to familiarize the beginning printmaking student with the vast number of printing processes and techniques and affords the intermediate and advanced students the opportunity to explore mediums that are not covered in other course offerings. The historical technical development and the artists that employed these techniques will be discussed in class, as well as the physical making of prints. Drawing skills, composition, subject matter and technical skills will be discussed during course critiques. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Ar t 48. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V49 - COMMERCIAL ART PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ART V28B and ART V29B and ART V72 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course will offer commercial art students the format to focus and refine a body of work for securing employment and/or placement for further education. Emphasis is directed toward appropriate selection, good craftsmanship, and professional presentation of works. Additional self-promotional needs will be addressed. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU. ART V51A - BEGINNING CERAMICS I - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Introduction to basic techniques of working with clay including coil, slab, pinch, and throwing on the potter’s wheel. Basic introduction to glazes and ceramic history. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 51A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ART 6. ART V51B - BEGINNING CERAMICS II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V51A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Continued practice in ceramic techniques. Experimentation with sculptural forms. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 51B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -97 ART V52A - CERAMIC DESIGN I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V51B Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Study in applied design and the use of glazes on ceramic work. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 52A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V52B - CERAMIC DESIGN II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V52A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Investigation of glazes, kiln firing, and independent projects in clay. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 52B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V53A - CERAMIC GLAZE THEORY I - 2 Units Prerequisite: ART V51A Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly Introduction to the nature of clay and glaze ingredients. Experimentation with found clays and simple glaze formulation and testing. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 53A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V53B - CERAMIC GLAZE THEORY II - 2 Units Prerequisite: ART V53A Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly Investigation of glaze formulation and development. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 53B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V53C - CERAMIC GLAZE THEORY III - 2 Units Prerequisite: ART V53B Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly In-depth development of glazes, their uses, modification and firing processes. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Art 53C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V54A - SPECIAL TECHNIQUES IN RAKU, SAGGAR AND PRIMITIVE-STYLE FIRING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V51A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An introduction to alternative ceramic techniques of Raku, Primitive, and Saggar firing processes with discussion and evaluation of past and contemporary cultures’ use of these processes and techniques. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly ART V54. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V54B - SPECIAL TECHNIQUES IN RAKU, SAGGAR AND PRIMITIVE-STYLE FIRING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V54A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An in-depth study of alternative ceramic techniques of Raku, Saggar and primitive firing processes with an emphasis on the student's own style and design and how these are enhanced by the use of these firing processes and techniques. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ART V55A - DECORATING TECHNIQUES FOR CERAMICS I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V51A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to many alternative decorating techniques which are applicable to a variety of firing processes. This course will include demonstrations and discussions of wet, leather hard and dry clay manipulations; engobe and stain applications; underglaze, glaze, and overglaze decorating techniques used by historic and contemporary potters. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly ART V55. Transfer credit: CSU. ART V55B - DECORATING TECHNIQUES FOR CERAMICS II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V55A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is a more in-depth study of the decorating techniques which are applicable to a variety of firing processes. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU. ART V71 - COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND DESIGN I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V11A and ART V12A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course, using the Macintosh environment, will study the process of creating advertising or other communication media in digital format for use in Web design or printed media such as newsletters, brochures, flyers, posters, etc. Students will gain working knowledge of Adobe PageMaker and Adobe Illustrator, with a brief introduction to Adobe Photoshop, for scanning and image manipulation. Students will conduct research and complete exercises that will help develop an understanding of the technical side of creating graphics for advertising presentations. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 71. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V72 - COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND DESIGN II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A and ART V71 Recommended preparation: PHOT V01 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course explores visual Graphic Design problems with an emphasis on computer software applications using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Quark XPress. A series of projects will apply the elements of design and aesthetic principles to produce digital imagery and Internet applications. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Art 72. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V73 - DIGITAL IMAGING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ART V11A and ART V12A and PHOT V01 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Using a Macintosh environment, this course teaches students to use a digital camera and scan, manipulate and enhance digital images for graphic reproduction using Adobe Photoshop. This course emphasizes digital image problem solving. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. ART V73/PHOT V73 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Art 73. Same as PHOT V73. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ART V74A - DIGITAL PAINTING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V11A and ART V12A Recommended preparation: computer familiarity Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An introduction to digital painting and illustration. Students will explore the differences and similarities of creating art using traditional and digital methods. Output and presentation will be explored. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Art 74. Transfer credit: CSU. 98 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ART V74B - DIGITAL PAINTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V74A Recommended preparation: computer familiarity Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An introduction to digital painting and illustration. Students will explore the differences and similarities of creating art using traditional and digital methods. Students will develop a personal style through independent painting and drawing assignments. Output and presentation will be explored. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU. ART V75 - DIGITAL PRODUCTION FOR GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V71 Recommended preparation: ART V28A and ART V29A and ART V72 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An intermediate course in project design for advertising, with emphasis on printer or service bureau digital files for color separations, proofs, and final output. Projects will include digital file problem solving and proper formatting for multimedia use. Fees will be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations see counselor. ART V88 - ART WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. ART V89 - WORKSHOPS IN ART - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula. Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Art 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. ART V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN ART - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Art 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. ART V95 - ART INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This art internship offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. ART V96 - ART INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This art internship offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES AAS V01 - INTRODUCTION TO ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an interdisciplinary survey of the Asian American experience. Emphasis will be placed on Americans of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Southeast-Asian and South-Asian ancestry. The course will focus on Asian American experiences with respect to the histories of immigration, cultural diversity and adaptation to life in the United States. Formerly AAS 1. Same as AES V62. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. ASSISTIVE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY These Assistive Computer Technology (ACT) courses are designed for students with disabilities. ACT V01- ASSISTIVE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: EVALUATION - .5-1.5 Units Hours: 1-3 lecture-laboratory weekly Assess students’ computer skills and techniques with Assistive Computer Technology to enable them to be successful in mainstream classes. Specifically, students will evaluate needs and get an overview of software to accommodate for their specific disabilities (e.g., voice recognition, graphic organizing, low vision, writing and reading tools, MS Windows accessibility features that accommodate computer users with disabilities). Students will utilize practice skills in individualized assessment-oriented assignments. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ACT 1. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ACT V02 - ASSISTIVE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: KEYBOARDING SKILLS - .5-1.5 Units Hours: 1-3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to teach students basic keyboarding computer skills, techniques and assistive computer technology that will enable them to be successful in accessing the computer. Specifically, the course will review ergonomics and software that will accommodate students with disabilities (Kurzweil 3000, Jaws, Read and Write, and other assistive technology tools). Students will utilize and practice skills in individualized weekly typing tutorials and MS Word assignments that will focus on developing ACT keyboarding skills. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ACT 2. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -99 ACT V03 - ASSISTIVE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: ACCESS TO COMPUTERS - .5-1.5 Units Hours: 1-3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to teach students basic computer skills, techniques and assistive computer technology that will enable them to be successful in accessing the Microsoft Office applications and basics of overall computer use. Specifically, the course will review software that will accommodate students with learning disabilities (such as Kurzweil, TextHelp, and Read Please) to aid in reading and writing. Students will also gain awareness of other ACT tools and practice skills in individualized weekly computer oriented assignments that will focus on developing better awareness of assistive computer technology skills. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ACT V03A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ACT V04 - SPECIAL PROJECTS IN ACT - 1 Unit Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly This course offers specialized study opportunities for students who wish to use ACT to pursue projects not included in the regular ACT curriculum. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work plan. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ACT V05 - ASSISTIVE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: SKILLS FOR THE INTERNET - .5-1.5 Units Hours: 1-3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to teach students basic Internet computer skills, techniques and assistive computer technology that will enable them to be successful in accessing the World Wide Web and e-mail. Specifically, the course will review software that will accommodate students with disabilities (e.g., JAWS, Kurzweil, TextHelp, Read and Write, and ReadPlease) to aid in using the Internet. Students will utilize and practice skills in individualized weekly research, presentations and Website review assignments that will focus on developing better overall research skills, as well as computing skills. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ACT V10 - ASSISTIVE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: WRITING SKILLS - .5-1.5 Units Hours: 1-3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to teach students computer skills, techniques, and assistive technology that will enable them to be successful in mainstream English. Specifically, the course will review software that will accommodate students with learning disabilities (such as Kurzweil 3000, Read and Write, Inspiration, and MS Word). Students will utilize and practice skills in individualized writing assignments that will focus on writing skills. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ACT V12 - ASSISTIVE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: SPELLING SKILLS - .5-2 Units Hours: 1-4 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to teach students basic computer skills, techniques and assistive computer technology that will enable them to be successful in spelling and writing. Specifically, the course will review software that will accommodate students with learning disabilities as well as other barriers to accessing the computer. Students will utilize and practice skills in individualized weekly spelling tests and various writing assignments that will focus on developing better language arts. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ACT V88 - ASSISTIVE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ACT V89. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ASTRONOMY AST V01 - ELEMENTARY ASTRONOMY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A general introduction to astronomy covering: the history of astronomy; the solar system; the evolution of stars; galaxies; and cosmology. The course will include a descriptive analysis of all known laws which are relevant to the dynamics of the universe. The study will center on astronomical beliefs which have influenced human thinking, philosophy, and morals. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ast 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. AST V01L - ELEMENTARY ASTRONOMY LABORATORY - 1 Unit Prerequisite: AST V01 or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This is a laboratory course in introductory astronomy that teaches observations of various astronomical objects interactively through a series of computer-based projects that act as a virtual telescope. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. AST V02 - ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly A course in astronomy covering the physics of light and telescopes, atomic structure, thermodynamics, mechanics and modern cosmological theories. This course includes laboratory investigations in classical optics, spectroscopy, Doppler effect, thermodynamics, atomic and nuclear physics. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ast 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 100 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 AUTOMOTIVE AUTO V02 - FUNDAMENTALS OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY - 1.5 Units Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course provides basic techniques of automotive technology, adjustment, repair and maintenance of the engine; driving mechanism; suspension and steering system; electrical system and fuel systems in modern automotive equipment. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 2. Transfer credit: CSU. AUTO V10 - INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY - 1.5 Units Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This is an overview course to familiarize the student with the history, nomenclature, operation and construction of the modern automobile. An appreciation of the skills and abilities necessary to maintain the automobile will be discussed. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 10. Transfer credit: CSU. AUTO V14 - AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS - 4 Units Corequisite: AUTO V14LA and AUTO V14LB Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course is designed to prepare an automotive student in the theory and skills necessary to diagnose, adjust, maintain and repair automotive battery, starting, charging, chassis electrical and electronic systems. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 14. Transfer credit: CSU. AUTO V14LA - AUTOMOTIVE CHASSIS ELECTRICAL LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V14 and AUTO V14LB Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course is designed to provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to diagnose, adjust, maintain, and repair automotive chassis electrical and electronic systems. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 14LA. AUTO V14LB - AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V14 and AUTO V14LA Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to diagnose, adjust, maintain and repair battery, starting and charging systems. An introduction to ignition system diagnosis will be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 14LB. AUTO V15 - AUTOMOTIVE FUEL SYSTEMS - 2 Units Corequisite: AUTO V15LA and AUTO V15LB Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course is designed to prepare an automotive student in the theory and skills necessary to test, adjust, maintain and repair modern gasoline and alternative fuel systems. The areas of preparation are: fuels, carburetion, computer carburetion, central electronic injection, continuous injection and electronic port injection. This course will provide preparation for certification tests in engine performance and alternative fuels. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 15. Transfer credit: CSU. AUTO V15LA - AUTOMOTIVE FUEL SYSTEMS LABORATORY A - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V15 and AUTO V15LB Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to adjust, maintain, test and repair gasoline and alternative fuel carburetor, computer carburetor and continuous injection. This course will provide preparation for certification tests in engine performance and alternative fuels. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 15LA. AUTO V15LB - AUTOMOTIVE FUEL SYSTEMS LABORATORY B - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V15 and AUTO V15LA Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to diagnose, adjust, maintain and repair fuel injection systems. This course will provide preparation for certification tests in engine performance. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 15LB. AUTO V16 - AUTOMOTIVE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS - 2 Units Corequisite: AUTO V16LA and AUTO V16LB Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course is designed to prepare an automotive student in the theory and skills necessary to diagnose, adjust, maintain and repair automotive emission control systems. Laws and regulations pertaining to emission controls will be covered. This course will provide preparation for the California Smog Technician test. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 16. Transfer credit: CSU. AUTO V16LA - AUTOMOTIVE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS LABORATORY A - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V16 and AUTO V16LB Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the service and repair of automotive emission control systems. Diagnosis, test, service and repair of all emission systems will be covered. This course will provide preparation for the California Smog Technician test. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 16LA. AUTO V16LB - AUTOMOTIVE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS LABORATORY B - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V16 and AUTO V16LA Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the inspection and diagnosis of automotive emission control systems. Vehicle inspection procedures and proper use of documents will be practiced. This course will provide preparation for the California Smog Technician test. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 16LB. AUTO V17 - AUTOMOTIVE DRIVEABILITY DIAGNOSTICS AND REPAIR - 2 Units Corequisite: AUTO V17LA and AUTO V17LB Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to diagnose, test, and repair automotive driveability problems in modern automobiles. This course will provide preparation for certification tests in engine performance and alternative fuels. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 17. Transfer credit: CSU. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -101 AUTO V17LA - AUTOMOTIVE DRIVEABILITY DIAGNOSTICS AND REPAIR LABORATORY A - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V17 and AUTO V17LB Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This lab will provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to diagnose, test, and repair automotive driveability problems in modern automobiles. This lab will provide preparation for certification tests in engine performance and alternative fuels. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 17LA. AUTO V17LB - AUTOMOTIVE DRIVEABILITY DIAGNOSTICS AND REPAIR LABORATORY B - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V17 and AUTO V17LA Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This lab will provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to diagnose, test, and repair automotive diagnostic problems in modern automobiles. This lab will provide preparation for certification tests in engine performance and alternative fuels. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 17LB. AUTO V18 - AUTOMOTIVE HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V18L Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to diagnose, adjust, test and repair modern automotive heating/air conditioning and cooling systems. This course will also provide preparation for certification test in heating/ air conditioning. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto V18LA. Transfer credit: CSU. AUTO V18L - AUTOMOTIVE HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V18 Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This lab will provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to diagnose, adjust and repair modern automobiles with heating/air conditioning and cooling system problems. This lab will also provide preparation for certification tests and certification in heating/air conditioning. Field trips may be required. Formerly AUTO V18LA. AUTO V20 - AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE REPAIR - 3 Units Corequisite: AUTO V20LA and AUTO V20LB Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to prepare an automotive student in the theory and skills necessary to diagnose, adjust, maintain and repair automotive engines. This course will provide preparation for certification tests in engine repair. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 20. Transfer credit: CSU. AUTO V20LA - AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE REPAIR LABORATORY A - 2 Units Corequisite: AUTO V20 and AUTO V20LB Hours: 6 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to diagnose, adjust, maintain and repair automotive engines. Engine disassembly, inspection, measuring and reassembly will be emphasized in this course. This course will provide preparation for certification tests in engine repair. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 20LA. AUTO V20LB - AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE REPAIR LABORATORY B - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V20 and AUTO V20LA Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the practical skills required to diagnose, adjust, maintain and repair automotive engines. Engine servicing procedures, techniques and machining will be emphasized in this course. This course will provide preparation for certification tests in engine repair. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 20LB. AUTO V22 - AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSION AND DRIVE LINE - 3 Units Corequisite: AUTO V22LA and AUTO V22LB Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to prepare an automotive student in the theory and skills necessary to diagnose, adjust, maintain and repair automotive transmissions, 4-wheel drive systems and differentials. Both automatic and manual transmissions will be covered. This course will provide preparation for certification tests in automatic transmissions and manual transmissions. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 22. Transfer credit: CSU. AUTO V22LA - AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSION AND DRIVE LINE LABORATORY A - 2 Units Corequisite: AUTO V22 and AUTO V22LB Hours: 6 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the service and repair of automatic transmissions. Diagnosis, service and repair of torque converter, gear train, hydraulic and electronic systems will be pursued. Preparation for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) test in automotive transmissions will be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 22LA. AUTO V22LB - AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSION AND DRIVE LINE LABORATORY B - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V22 and AUTO V22LA Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the service and repair of manual transmissions and differentials. Diagnosis, service and repair of the clutch, manual transmission, 4-wheel drive system and differential systems will be pursued. Preparation for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) test in manual transmission and differentials will be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 22LB. AUTO V26 - AUTOMOTIVE BRAKES SERVICE AND REPAIR - 2 Units Corequisite: AUTO V26LA and AUTO V26LB Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide vocational preparation in the theory and operation of modern automotive braking systems. Types of brake systems, hydraulic principles, anti-lock brake systems and supplemental restraint systems will be discussed. Preparation for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) test will be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 26. Transfer credit: CSU. AUTO V26LA - AUTOMOTIVE BRAKES SERVICE AND REPAIR LABORATORY A - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V26 and AUTO V26LB Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the service and repair of modern automotive braking systems. Service and repair of drum and disc brake systems and hydraulic systems will be pursued. Preparation for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) test in brakes will be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 26LA. 102 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 AUTO V26LB - AUTOMOTIVE BRAKES SERVICE AND REPAIR LABORATORY B - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V26 and AUTO V26LA Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the service and repair of automotive anti-lock braking and supplemental restraint systems. Preparation for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) test in brakes will be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 26LB. AUTO V28 - AUTOMOTIVE SUSPENSION SYSTEMS - 2 Units Corequisite: AUTO V28LA and AUTO V28LB Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the theory and operation of modern automotive suspension systems. Types of suspension systems, suspension component identification, alignment theory, and diagnosis technique will be discussed. Preparation for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) test in front-end will be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 28. Transfer credit: CSU. AUTO V28LA - AUTOMOTIVE SUSPENSIONS LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V28 and AUTO V28LB Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the service and repair of modern automotive suspension systems. Inspection and replacement of suspension components will be practiced. Preparation for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) test in front-end will be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 28LA. AUTO V28LB - AUTOMOTIVE ALIGNMENT LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: AUTO V28 and AUTO V28LA Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide vocational preparation in the vehicle alignment. Various type of alignment techniques will be practiced using different types of alignment equipment. Preparation for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) test in front-end will be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Auto 28LB. AUTO V32 - AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE (ASE) CERTIFICATION PREPARATION - 1 Unit Recommend preparation: working in the automotive industry Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to help the student prepare for and review the theory and skills necessary to pass the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification examinations. All areas of automotive certification will be reviewed, including compressed natural gas and parts certification. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. AUTO V40 - ADVANCED PROBLEMS IN AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY - .5-6 Units Prerequisite: previous automotive course at Ventura College Hours: 1.5-18 laboratory weekly This course is designed to meet the specific needs of automotive technology majors who wish to expand their knowledge and manual skills with stress on advanced concepts in specialty areas of the automotive trade. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 12 units. Formerly Auto 40. AUTO V45 - CLEAN AIR CAR CERTIFICATION - 6 Units Recommended preparation: 1 year of automotive tune-up experience Hours: 6 lecture weekly Completion of this course is a prerequisite for admission into the state administered Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) training, and examination administered by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Auto 45. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. AUTO V88 - AUTOMOTIVE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly AUTO V89. AUTO V95 - AUTOMOTIVE INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This automotive internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. AUTO V96 - AUTOMOTIVE INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This automotive internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIOLOGY BIOL V01 - PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly The course provides an introduction to the basic principles of biology and covers the biochemistry, physiology, morphology, behavior, genetics, evolution, taxonomy and ecology of living things. The companion laboratory course provides hands-on activities to illustrate these principles. This course is designed for non-biology majors. Field trips may be required. Formerly Biol 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -103 BIOL V01L - PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY LABORATORY - 1 Unit Prerequisite: BIOL V01 or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 laboratory weekly The course provides a hands-on introduction to the basic principles of biology and covers the biochemistry, physiology, morphology, behavior, genetics, evolution, taxonomy, and ecology of living things. This course is designed for non-biology majors. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. BIOL V01S - BIOLOGY STUDY SESSION - 1 Unit Corequisite: BIOL V01 Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course will give students opportunities to discuss and ask questions about material covered in the lecture and laboratory. Review of tests will occur and methods of taking notes and studying will be considered. The course will enable students to better comprehend course material and thus improve performance in the course. Formerly Biol 1S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. BIOL V03 - INTRODUCTION TO ORGANISMAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY - 5 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V01A-V01AL or CHEM V20-V20L or 1 year of high school chemistry with grades of C or better; and MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Recommended preparation: ANPH V01 or BIOL V01-V01L or BIOL V29-V29L or MICR V01 or 1 year of high school biology with grades of C or better; CHEM V01B-V01BL; MATH V21A or V46A; and MATH V44 Hours: 3 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to organismal diversity, structure and function. Groups to be studied and discussed include eubacteria, archaea, protists, fungi, plants and animals. The latter two groups will be studied in more detail, concentrating on structure and physiology. The overall emphasis of the course will be on the evolutionary and ecological relationships between organisms. The laboratory will develop skills of analysis and observation as they relate to the preceding topics. Field trips will be required. Formerly BIOL V20B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN BIOL SEQ A [with BIOL V04]. BIOL V04 - INTRODUCTION TO CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - 5 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V01A-V01AL Recommended preparation: BIOL V03; CHEM V01B-V01BL; MATH V21A or V46A; and MATH V44 Hours: 3 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This course will cover principles and application of the structure and function of biological molecules, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure and function, homeostasis, cell reproduction and its controls, molecular biology, molecular genetics, transmission genetics, cell metabolism, including photosynthesis, respiration and viruses. The philosophy of science, scientific methods and experimental design are foundational to the course. The laboratory will develop skills of analysis and observation as they relate to the preceding topics. Field trips may be required. Formerly BIOL V20A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN BIOL 2 or BIOL SEQ A [with BIOL V03]. BIOL V10 - INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An examination and analysis of the biological sciences within the context of the interrelationship between human populations and their natural surroundings. The characteristics of natural systems are described and the effects and impacts of human activities on these systems are considered. The course introduces the principles of scientific inquiry and experimental methodology in the study of ecological concepts and environmental issues. Alternatives and approaches to deal with environmental problems are considered and evaluated. Field trips may be required. Formerly Biol 10. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. BIOL V12 - PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN BIOLOGY - 3 Units Recommended preparation: high school biology and high school chemistry Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is an introductory course in the principles of biology, with special emphasis on the structure and function of the human being. It provides a study of body systems and their relationship to health or disease, as well as a discussion of the roles and effects of human beings in the biological world. Field trips may be required. Formerly Biol 12. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. BIOL V14 - FIELD BIOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course includes the basic concepts of ecosystems, niche, community, population dynamics, energy flow, and materials recycling, particularly as they relate to natural resources. Field trips will stress identification, classification and interrelationships of common plants and animals as they occur in biotic communities. Field trips will be required. Formerly Biol 14. Transfer credit: CSU. BIOL V18 - HUMAN HEREDITY - 3 Units Recommended preparation: BIOL V01-V01L or BIOL V04 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the basic principles of modern genetics and evolutionary theory with specific reference to the human being. Through the study of the mechanisms of human inheritance, the origin and nature of human differences will be examined. Social, political and psychological ramifications of the biological laws governing heredity and organic evolution will be emphasized. Field trips may be required. Formerly Biol 18. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. BIOL V20S - GENERAL BIOLOGY STUDY SESSION - 1 Unit Corequisite: BIOL V03 or BIOL V04 Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course will give students opportunities to discuss and ask questions about material covered in the lecture and laboratory. Methods of taking notes and studying will be considered. The course will enable students to better comprehend course material and thus improve performance in the course. Formerly Biol 20S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. BIOL V29 - MARINE BIOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to marine biology, with emphasis on the physiology, morphology, taxonomy, ecology, evolution and natural history of marine organisms. The conservation of the marine environment will also be considered. Field trips may be required. Formerly Biol 29. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 104 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 BIOL V29L - MARINE BIOLOGY LABORATORY - 1 Unit Prerequisite: BIOL V29 or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course includes laboratory and field studies of marine organisms and environment to examine biological principles and the scientific method. Field trips will be required. Formerly Biol 29L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. BIOL V29S - MARINE BIOLOGY STUDY SESSION - 1 Unit Corequisite: BIOL V29 Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course will give the student opportunities to discuss and ask questions about the material covered in the lecture and laboratory. Reviews of quizzes and exams will occur and methods of taking notes for the course will be considered. The course will enable the student to better comprehend the course material and thereby improve performance. Formerly Biol 29S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. BIOL V30 - INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - 3 Units Recommended preparation: BIOL V01-V01L or BIOL V04 or BIOL V12 or MICR V01 or equivalent; and CHEM V20-V20L or equivalent with grades of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly Introduction to the genetic mechanisms and methods of bioengineering as they apply to biotechnology. Emphasis is placed on molecular and biochemical methods utilized in biotechnological applications in industry, including fermentation technology, genetic transformation, isolation of bioproducts by electrophoresis, chromatography and other methods. FDA regulations that apply to the biotechnology industry will be included. Guest speakers from the biotechnology research industry may be invited to address the class. Field trips will be required. Formerly Biol 30. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. BIOL V31 - INTRODUCTION TO METHODS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - 4 Units Recommended preparation: BIOL V30 or concurrent enrollment; CHEM V20-V20L or high school chemistry with grades of C or better; and MICR V01 Hours: 2 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This course is designed to provide a variety of biotechnology and molecular biology experiences which develop proficiency in molecular biology techniques, and the application of specialized biotechnology equipment in problem solving. Its intent is to develop knowledge of biotechnology protocols, an awareness of laboratory safety, as well as enthusiasm and academic interests in molecular biology and biotechnology. ANSI Z87.1 approved safety glasses are required. Field trips will be required. Formerly Biol 31. Transfer credit: CSU. BIOL V31S - MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY STUDY SESSION - 1 Unit Corequisite: BIOL V31 or BIOL V32 Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course is designed to give students additional oppor tunities to discuss and ask questions about the material covered in lecture and lab. The course will enable students to better comprehend course material and improve performance in the course. Formerly Biol 31S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. BIOL V32 - INTRODUCTION TO METHODS OF PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - 2 Units Prerequisite: BIOL V30 or concurrent enrollment; and CHEM V20V20L or high school chemistry with grades of C or better Recommended preparation: AG V03 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is designed for plant biotechnicians and educators in plant molecular biological techniques. Proficiency will be developed in aseptic tissue culture, tissue inductions, isolation of plant cell organelles and products, and related molecular biological methods. Problems and solutions specific to plant biotechnology will be stressed. ANSI Z87.1 approved safety glasses are required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Biol 32. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BIOL V40 - BIOLOGY OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ANPH V01 or PHSO V01 or high school equivalent or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 lecture weekly An in-depth examination of the nature, causes, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, stressing a comparison between normal cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology. This is a seminar course, with participation of the health care community (based on availability). CEUs may be awarded to qualified professionals. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. BIOL V41 - BIOLOGY OF CANCER - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ANPH V01 or PHSO V01 or high school equivalent or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the clinical, biological, and psychosocial aspects of cancer (including the molecular, cellular and immunological mechanisms). This is an seminar course and will include speakers from the health care professions. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. BIOL V60A-Z - TOPICS IN BIOLOGY - .5-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula These courses consider topics not covered in detail by other biology offerings. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. BIOL V60A - BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY SKILLS I - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: BIOL V18, V30, V33 and V34; CHEM V20-V20L and V21-V21L; and MATH V03 Hours: 1 lecture weekly An exploration of the biotechnology industry, providing entry skill development. This course will include principles of biofermenter design, appropriate terminology, good documentation practices, and Good Manufacturing Practice regulations appropriate to biofermenter function. Lab coat, sterile gloves and ANZI Z81.7 safety glasses required. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -105 BIOL V60B - BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY SKILLS II - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: BIOL V18, V30, V33 and V34; CHEM V20-V20L and V21-V21L; and MATH V03 Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly An exploration of the biotechnology industry, providing entry skill development. This course will include principles of economic efficiency related to biofermenter design, principles of sterilization by chemical and physical means, microbial culturing, instrument calibration and troubleshooting, and Good Manufacturing Practice regulations appropriate to microbial culture. Lab coat, sterile gloves and ANZI Z81.7 safety glasses required. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIOL V60C - BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY SKILLS III - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: BIOL V18, V30, V33 and V34; CHEM V20-V20L and V21-V21L; and MATH V03 Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly An exploration of the biotechnology industry, providing entry skill development. This course will include principles of use and care of the autoclave, centrifuges, other analysis instruments and their troubleshooting, including Good Manufacturing Practice regulations appropriate to microbial culture. Lab coat, sterile gloves and ANZI Z81.7 safety glasses required. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIOL V60D - BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY SKILLS IV - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: BIOL V18, V30, V33 and V34; CHEM V20-V20L and V21-V21L; and MATH V03 Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly An exploration of the biotechnology industry, providing entry skill development. This course will include principles used in choosing, calculating and preparing buffers and inoculating cell cultures using Good Manufacturing Practice regulations. Lab coat, sterile gloves and ANZI Z81.7 safety glasses required. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIOL V60E - BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY SKILLS V - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: BIOL V18, V30, V33 and V34; CHEM V20-V20L and V21-V21L; and MATH V03 Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly An exploration of the biotechnology industry, providing entry skill development. This course will include principles for aseptic culture of cells, analysis of pH, temperature, oxygen and osmotic conditions on cell growth using the Good Manufacturing Practice regulations. Lab coat, sterile gloves and ANZI Z81.7 safety glasses required. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIOL V60F - BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY SKILLS VI - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: BIOL V18, V30, V33 and V34; CHEM V20-V20L and V21-V21L; and MATH V03 Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly An exploration of the biotechnology industry, providing entry skill development. This course will include principles and techniques used in bioengineering related to protein purification methods by chromatography including analysis methods using Good Manufacturing Practice regulations. Lab coat, sterile gloves and ANZI Z81.7 safety glasses required. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIOL V60G - BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY SKILLS VII - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: BIOL V18, V30, V33 and V34; CHEM V20-V20L and V21-V21L; and MATH V03 Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly An exploration of the biotechnology industry, providing entry skill development. This course will include principles and techniques used for plate and culture counts, photometric measurements and instrument calibration related to protein purification procedures and appropriate to Good Manufacturing Practice regulations. Lab coat, sterile gloves and ANZI Z81.7 safety glasses required. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIOL V60H - BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY SKILLS VIII - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: BIOL V18, V30, V33 and V34; CHEM V20-V20L and V21-V21L; and MATH V03 Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly An exploration of the biotechnology industry, providing entry skill development. This course will include principles and techniques used in immune assays (ELISA) for batch and lot record certification requirements appropriate to Good Manufacturing Practice regulations. Lab coat, sterile gloves and ANZI Z81.7 safety glasses required. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIOL V88 - BIOLOGY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. BIOL V89 - WORKSHOPS IN BIOLOGY - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Biol 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. BIOL V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN BIOLOGY - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities to students with intermediate skills who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Biol 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. 106 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 BIOL V95 - BIOLOGY INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This biology internship offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. BIOL V96 - BIOLOGY INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This biology internship offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. BUSINESS BUS V01A - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING - 4 Units Prerequisite: BUS V03 or 1 year of high school bookkeeping with grade of C or better Hours: 2 lecture, 4 lecture-laboratory weekly Fundamental financial accounting principles, concepts, and procedures as the basis of an information system; data accumulation, preparation and analysis of financial statements and reports for decision making. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Bus 1A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN BUS 2 or CAN BUS SEQ A [with BUS V01B]. BUS V01B - MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING - 4 Units Prerequisite: BUS V01A with grade of C or better Hours: 2 lecture, 4 lecture-laboratory weekly Fundamental managerial accounting concepts, classifications, cost systems, and budgeting for the analysis and reporting of accounting information for planning, control, and decision making. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Bus 1B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN BUS 4 or CAN BUS SEQ A [with BUS V01A]. BUS V02 - INCOME TAX FUNDAMENTALS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is primarily designed as an introductory level income tax course for accounting majors and business students at the community college level. The course focuses on the federal and state income tax rules and procedures involved in the preparation of simple tax returns for individuals. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Bus 2. BUS V03 - INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: BUS V06 or fundamental basic math skills needed to solve business related math problems Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course introduces accounting using the debit-credit, double- entry system. The student will learn how to journalize, post to ledger accounts, use a worksheet, and prepare an income statement, statement of owner's equity, and a balance sheet. The student will be able to keep a complete set of books for a one- month period for a small business by the end of one semester. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Bus 3. Transfer credit: CSU. BUS V04 - COMPUTERIZED PAYROLL ACCOUNTING - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide entry-level training in calculating, recording, and maintaining appropriate payroll records in a computerized setting. Areas of study include an overview of computer systems, determining gross earnings, calculating deductions, and recording and maintaining necessary employee and employer payroll records. Formerly Bus 4. BUS V06 - BUSINESS MATHEMATICS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MATH V09 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will enable students to develop the fundamental business math skills needed to solve many math problems in business. Students will work with problems in: borrowing, interest, taxes, insurance, accounting, sales contracts, securities, graphs, markups, yields, weights and measures. Formerly Bus 6. BUS V07A - BUSINESS CALCULATIONS USING A CALCULATOR - 2.5 Units Hours: 5 lecture-laboratory weekly The student is trained to develop a marketable skill in operating a calculating machine by the “touch” method. The practice problems emphasize the arithmetic of percentage and interest applicable to familiar business situations. Formerly Bus 7A. Transfer credit: CSU. BUS V07B - BUSINESS CALCULATIONS USING EXCEL - 2.5 Units Prerequisite: BUS V07A Hours: 5 lecture-laboratory weekly The student will learn how to create worksheets on the computer using Excel to simplify business calculations and decision making. The worksheets deal with common business applications emphasizing percentage, interest, and commercial papers. The student will learn to use Excel to compute payroll, federal income tax, analyze “what if” situations, amortize loans, do present value and future value calculations, and create charts. Fees will be required. Formerly Bus 7B. Transfer credit: CSU. BUS V08 - COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING - 3 Units Prerequisite: BUS V01A or BUS V03 Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to the use of computers in the field of accounting. The fundamental principles of accounting are applied to basic problem-solving simulations for both manual and computerized accounting systems. This course provides training for entry-level computerized bookkeeping employment, as an aid in managing one’s own business, and as a foundation for advanced study. Formerly Bus 8. Transfer credit: CSU. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -107 BUS V11 - BEGINNING KEYBOARDING - 1-3 Units Hours: 2-6 lecture-laboratory weekly Student learns to master the keyboard, develops skill in setting up business letters, tables, reports, and printed forms. Student should achieve a speed of 30 words per minute with a minimum of errors. Units of credit will be earned depending upon the successful completion of the required skills of the course. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times not to exceed 3 units. Formerly Bus 11. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BUS V12 - INTERMEDIATE KEYBOARDING - 1-3 Units Prerequisite: BUS V11 with grade of C or typing of 30 wpm Hours: 2-6 lecture-laboratory weekly Student formats and keyboards professional and technical forms and correspondence typical of a general office, accounting, government, legal, and medical office. Drills on speed and accuracy building are required. The course is structured so that the student will earn one, two, or three units of credit depending upon successful completion of the required skills of the course. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times not to exceed 3 units. Formerly BUS V12A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BUS V14 - BUSINESS WRITING SKILLS: EDITING AND PROOFREADING - 1.5 Units Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This comprehensive course is designed to develop proofreading and editing skills so that error-free documents are guaranteed, wordiness is eliminated, and power is added to every document by using fewer words with more impact. Students will gain entry-level business writing skills with emphasis on accurate, clear, concise writing. Students will develop proofreading and editing skills which will enable them to write business letters and memos using correct grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and spelling. The course will also cover resumes and cover letters. The computer may be used as a tool to standardize business documents and increase productivity. BUS V18A - WORD PROCESSING LANGUAGE SKILLS: PUNCTUATION - .5 Unit Hours: 1 lecture-laboratory weekly Students evaluate and execute punctuation techniques commonly used in business. Students will write reports, memos, and letters using the punctuation rules covered in class. Computer software is available for additional practice. This is a supervised, self-paced course. Formerly Bus 18A. BUS V18B - WORD PROCESSING LANGUAGE SKILLS: PROOFREADING - .5 Unit Hours: 1 lecture-laboratory weekly Students will be taught techniques for finding and correcting commonly made, but often overlooked errors in business communications. Students will evaluate and edit correspondence; create effective and correct business correspondence. Computer software is available for additional practice. This is a supervised, self-paced course. Formerly Bus 18B. BUS V18C - WORD PROCESSING LANGUAGE SKILLS: SPELLING AND VOCABULARY - 1 Unit Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly Students are taught techniques to produce accurate transcription, mailable letters, and error-free copy regardless of format. Spelling is correlated with correct punctuation, reading ability, vocabulary development, and proofreading skills. Computer software is available for additional practice. This is a supervised, self-paced course. Formerly Bus 18C. BUS V23 - BASIC PHLEBOTOMY - 2 Units Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course meets the California Department of Health Sciences minimum requirements for basic phlebotomy training. It is the first course in a three-course series leading to eligibility to sit for the state certification exam as Phlebotomy Technician I. Students will learn infection control and safety, universal precautions, basic anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, patient and specimen identification, selecting and preparing skin puncture site, blood collection equipment, post-puncture care, and medical waste and sharps. California requires phlebotomy technicians to have a high school diploma or equivalent. Field trips may be required. BUS V24 - ADVANCED PHLEBOTOMY - 2 Units Prerequisite: BUS V23 or 1040 hours or more on-the-job phlebotomy experience Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course meets the California Department of Health Sciences minimum requirements for advanced phlebotomy training. It leads to eligibility to sit for the state certification exam as a Phlebotomy Technician I. Students will learn advanced infection control and biohazards, preanalytical sources of error in specimen collection, anatomical site selection, patient preparation, risk and complication factors, anticoagulation theory, quality assurance in phlebotomy, corrective actions in phlebotomy and specimen processing, and legal issues related to blood collection. California requires phlebotomy technicians to have a high school diploma or equivalent. Field trips may be required. BUS V25 - MEDICAL CODING - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: BUS V27A and BUS V29 Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course offers instruction in medical insurance coding utilized in submitting various medical insurance claims. The specific coding developed is ICD-9 CM, CPT, HCPCS and all applicable modifiers. Formerly Bus 25. BUS V26A - MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION I - 3 Units Prerequisite: BUS V11 or typing 30 wpm Recommended preparation: BUS V27A or concurrent enrollment Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course develops skills in proper mechanics in the preparation and typing of medical business letters, x-ray reports, history and physical exams, operative reports, memos, discharge summaries, chart notes and the composition of letters for the secretary’s and/or physician’s signature. Typing, spelling, grammar and punctuation emphasized. Field trips may be required. Formerly Bus 26A. 108 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 BUS V26B - MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION II - 2 Units Prerequisite: BUS V26A and BUS V27A or equivalent Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course offers transcription of medical dictation from cassettes; medical case histories, correspondence, surgical, hospital and laboratory repor ts are typed with emphasis on accuracy and on acceptable production rate. Review of specialized medical vocabulary is offered. Field trips may be required. Formerly Bus 26B. BUS V26C - MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION III - 2 Units Prerequisite: BUS V26B or equivalent background in medical transcription; and BUS V27B or concurrent enrollment Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course offers transcription of specialized medical dictation from cassettes on history and physical reports, radiology reports, operative reports, pathology reports, discharge summaries, and autopsy reports with emphasis on accuracy and on acceptable production rate. It also offers a review of specialized medical vocabulary. Field trips may be required. Formerly Bus 26C. BUS V27A - BEGINNING MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This comprehensive overview of basic medical terminology provides the opportunity for the student to develop the knowledge, skills, and understanding of medical terminology. This includes basic word elements, word analysis, word building and spelling. Medical terms are identified as they relate to symptoms, pathologic conditions, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic procedures. Formerly Bus 27A. Transfer credit: CSU. BUS V27B - ADVANCED MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY - 3 Units Prerequisite: BUS V27A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will enable advanced students in health related fields to communicate and understand the language of medicine by expanding their knowledge of medical terminology. The course reinforces concepts, principles, techniques and wording skills of basic medical terminology. Medical language, terms, and abbreviations commonly used in diagnostic procedures, treatment regimens, and surgical procedures are taught using an organ/ systems approach. Techniques in the pronunciation, spelling, identification, and definition of complex medical terms are emphasized using case studies, medical reports and other medical forms found in the medical field. The focus of this course will be to add more terms to broaden the medical terminology vocabulary as well as to apply those terms in analysis of medical records, writing medical documentation and understanding medical writings. Formerly Bus 27B. BUS V28A - MEDICAL OFFICE PROCEDURES: FRONT OFFICE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a course offering instruction in front office procedures for a medical office or clinic. Front office procedures will include office management, scheduling appointments, communications, processing mail, telephone techniques, medical ethics and liability, reading prescriptions, collections and insurance basics. Field trips will be required. Formerly Bus 28A. BUS V28B - MEDICAL OFFICE PROCEDURES: BACK OFFICE - 3 Units Prerequisite: CPR certification Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a course offering instruction in back office procedures for a medical office or clinic. Back office procedures will include bandaging and dressings, application and use of basic orthopedic devices, basic eye exams, suture and staple removal, performance of basic lab and screening tests and specimen collection, preparation of patients for examination, collection and recording of vital signs, medical and surgical asepsis and sterilization. Field trips will be required. Formerly Bus 28B. BUS V29 - MEDICAL INSURANCE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: BUS V11 or typing 30 wpm Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course develops an understanding of the leading types of medical insurance programs with intensive instruction and drill in completing medical insurance forms for private insurance programs; namely, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Workers’ Compensation, Medicare, CHAMPUS, HMOs, PPOs, Medicaid, etc., and develops proficiency in professional service coding and diagnostic coding. It seeks to enhance medical vocabulary by providing training in spelling, pronunciation, and definitions of medical terminology as they apply to medical insurance forms. Formerly Bus 29. BUS V30 - INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides a fundamental survey and study of the role of U.S. business in the private enterprise system. Some topics are: the concept of supply and demand, competition, forms of business ownership, organization, laws and the overall relationship of business to government and the international marketplace. Formerly Bus 30. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. BUS V31 - ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to acquaint students with concepts of planning, organizing, motivating, communicating, directing, and controlling functions necessary for effective management to accomplish organizational objectives. Formerly Bus 31. Same as SUP V94. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BUS V32 - HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a study of human resource management functions encompassing employer-employee relationships including major labor laws, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management systems, wage and salary administration, benefits administration and safety programs. Field trips may be required. Formerly Bus 32. Same as SUP V93. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BUS V33 - BUSINESS LAW - 3 Units Recommended preparation: sophomore standing Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers the fundamental principles of law relative to business transactions, sources of law, dispute resolution and specific emphasis on the law of contracts and sale of goods. Other areas of commercial law include: jurisprudence, court systems, procedures, torts, and product liability. Formerly Bus 33. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN BUS 8. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -109 BUS V34 - EXERCISE IN MANAGEMENT DECISION MAKING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a group decision making course consisting of individual and group exercises in managerial problems using the business games approach and emphasizing in-basket incidents. Formerly Bus 34. Transfer credit: CSU. BUS V38 - SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers the problems of establishing and operating a small business. The opportunities for small business and the requirements for success are discussed. Field trips may be required. Formerly Bus 38. Same as CD V38. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BUS V39 - ADVERTISING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed for students to examine the role of advertising in the marketing program in business and industry. Topics include consumer analysis, ad media, budgeting, market research, layout, copywriting, typography, advertising agencies and opportunities in advertising. Field trips will be required. Formerly Bus 39. Same as JOUR V22. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BUS V40 - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a course in the understanding of individual and group behavior as it affects the organization; emphasis is on developing organizational skills and application of principles to interpersonal and organizational relationships. Field trips may be required. Same as SUP V96. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BUS V41 - INTRODUCTION TO TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an overview of and introduction to Total Quality Management (TQM) as a body of knowledge and as a process of continuous improvement within organizations. Goals and benefits of TQM will be discussed as well as continuous improvement options as they relate to the public and private sector. Field trips will be required. Formerly Bus 41. Transfer credit: CSU. BUS V43 - INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is an introductory course designed to examine international business and institutions in the international environment. The course will emphasize emerging international developments as they relate to the economic and business arena. Field trips will be required. Formerly Bus 43. Transfer credit: CSU. BUS V44 - BUSINESS ENGLISH - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course offers the practical application of college-level business English skills, which include reading, writing, speaking, and listening with comprehensive coverage of language structure, punctuation, spelling usage, word usage, proofreading, and editing. Formerly Bus 44. Same as SUP V81. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BUS V45 - BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course offers application of the principles of written communication skills with emphasis on clear, concise writing. It presents techniques for gathering, organizing, analyzing and preparing information for decision making. It develops analytical thinking skills by providing practical training in writing assignments, including business letters, memos, and reports. It also explores the impact of cultural differences on business communication in the modern business organization. Students develop further skills in listening and speaking through oral communication. Regular writing assignments will be required. Formerly Bus 45. Transfer credit: CSU. BUS V53 - LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS- 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an overview of law and the legal system for business. Topics include agency, contracts, torts and crimes as they apply to business and the legal process and system, with primary emphasis on governmental regulation of business in the areas of employment, consumer transactions, competition and the environment. In covering each topic, focus is on ethical issues and management concerns as they relate to domestic and international legal situations. Formerly Bus 53. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN BUS 12. BUS V70 - SUPERMARKET RETAILING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers retailing activities specific to the supermarket industry. The course includes the topics of: marketing, distribution, advertising and promotion, buying, store layout and design, inventory management, and pricing strategy. Students will be expected to work on group projects and presentations. Field trips may be required. Formerly Bus 70. BUS V80A - INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER TRAINING I: BILINGUAL (SPANISH-ENGLISH) - 10 Units Hours: 5 lecture, 15 laboratory weekly This course provides students with an introduction to computers and office software in a bilingual class setting (Spanish-English). Training will include introduction to computers, keyboarding, Windows basics, word processing, and spreadsheets, databases, presentation programs and the Internet. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. BUS V80B - INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER TRAINING II: BILINGUAL (SPANISH-ENGLISH) - 1-10 Units Hours: .5-5 lecture, 1.5-15 laboratory weekly This low-beginning course provides computer training for non- and limited-English proficient students in a bilingual (Spanish- English) setting. Training will include Windows, keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets and the Internet. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 12 units. BUS V88 - BUSINESS WORKSHOPS - .5-20 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly BUS V89. 110 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 BUS V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN BUSINESS - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Bus 90. Transfer credit: CSU. BUS V94 - PROFESSIONAL RECEPTION SKILLS - 4 Units Hours: 4 lecture weekly Students will learn to identify attributes of an effective receptionist and develop listening and communication skills, filing, telephone and basic computer skills. Time management and conflict resolution will also be covered. Students will also create a resume and practice interviewing techniques. BUS V95 - BUSINESS INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This business internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Formerly Bus 95. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations see counselor. BUS V96 - BUSINESS INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This business internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BUS V97 - MULTI-SKILLED MEDICAL ASSISTANT - 14 Units Hours: 12 lecture, 6 Laboratory weekly This course will prepare students for entry-level positions as either a front office or back office medical assistant. The course will cover general skills, including medical ethics, medical terminology, basic anatomy and physiology, basic pharmacology, computer skills, and review of basic English skills. It will also include front office skills such as scheduling, communication skills, billing and collections, medical insurance, medical records, and filing. Skills are performed both manually and on computer. It will provide back office skills training in asepsis, drug administration, phlebotomy, exam preparation and assisting, vital signs, basic lab testing, and emergency first aid. Students are required to develop a personal portfolio of their skills for use in the job search. The course also includes resume writing and preparation for interviews. A multi- skilled medical assistant certificate of completion will be awarded to all students who complete the program with a final grade of C or higher and a score of 70% or higher on competency tests in all areas. Field trips may be required. BUS V99A - COMPUTER OFFICE ASSISTANT I - 15 Units Recommended preparation: demonstrated basic reading and writing skills Hours: 7.5 lecture, 22.5 laboratory weekly This introductory course provides students with the skills that will enable them to work in the modern office with focus on the computer as its major tool. Proficiency is attained in the use of up- to-date keyboarding and word processing software. Written and oral communications, as well as proofreading and editing, are integrated in the learning curriculum. In addition to records management systems, students will learn how to manage and enter data using spreadsheet and database software programs. Business math applications and 10-key calculations will also be covered. Field trips may be required. Formerly BUS V99. BUS V99B - COMPUTER OFFICE ASSISTANT II - 7.5 Units Recommended preparation: BUS V99A Hours: 3.5 lecture, 12 laboratory weekly This intermediate course provides students with the skills that will enable them to begin or re-enter the office support industry with focus on the computer as its major tool. Keyboarding efficiency is strengthened through timed word processing projects and tasks. Students will become familiar with and use an accounting software program applicable to the management of personnel, payroll, inventory, and other phases of the automated business office. Field trips may be required. BUS V99C - COMPUTER OFFICE ASSISTANT III - 7.5 Units Recommended preparation: BUS V99B Hours: 3.5 lecture, 12 laboratory weekly This course provides students with the skills that will enable them to advance in the office support industry with focus on the computer as its major tool. Emphasis is placed on desktop publishing, Web page design, presentation software, and accounting software applications. The student will gain expertise using office software that will prepare them for positions in document creation, Web page design, and other office specialties. Field trips may be required. BUS V99D - COMPUTER OFFICE ASSISTANT IV - 3.5 Units Recommended preparation: BUS V99C Hours: 1.5 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This course provides students with an introduction to the computerized office. The course also serves as a refresher to those who desire to update their office skills in a brief course. Emphasis is placed on computer basics, Windows basics and keyboarding basics. In addition, students will be introduced to different types of office software. Laboratory hours will provide students with an opportunity to develop technique and confidence in using a personal computer. BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS BIS V10 - INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER NETWORKING - 2 Units Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to help students understand the fundamentals of computer networking. Subjects will include hardware and software installation procedures and system troubleshooting. This is a beginning course for students interested in the networking industry. Formerly CIS V60. Transfer credit: CSU. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -111 BIS V13 - COMPUTER MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY - 2 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course will provide the necessary skills needed to maintain, upgrade and troubleshoot personal computer systems. The student will receive hands-on training in installing components such as motherboards, hard drives and Random Access Memory (RAM). Students will learn about operating systems (O/S) and networking components. Students will also learn about connecting accessory equipment such as printers, scanners, and modems. Emphasis will be placed upon safety, optimum system operation, and preparing students to succeed as an entry-level computer technician. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly CIS V73. BIS V14 - COMPTIA A+ CERTIFICATION PREPARATION TRAINING - 2 Units Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly This CompTIA A+ certification preparation training course provides instruction to help prepare students to pass the A+ certification exam. The CompTIA A+ certification exam is a nationally recognized certification for PC (personal computer) technicians. The test measures competencies for a PC technician with six month of full-time PC support experience. There are two parts of the exam: (1) PC core hardware and (2) operating systems technologies. The A+ certification is often viewed as an entry-level credential for computer technicians. BIS V40 - MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN BUSINESS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an overview of computer concepts, including hardware, software, business information systems, microcomputers and business software with the emphasis on integrating spreadsheets, word processing documents, database documents, and presentations. Students will also learn about software applications involving business-related scenarios and the use of the microcomputer as a tool in business problem solving and decision making. A microcomputer lab is available for the lab assignments. Fees will be required. Formerly BIS 40. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN BUS 6. BIS V41 - THE INTERNET AND THE WORLD WIDE WEB - 3 Units Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course will explore the Internet and the Web. Various Web browsers, search tools, file transfer protocol (FTP), ListServ, e-mail usage and other Internet and Web access devices will be used to conduct research efficiently. The emphasis of the course will be to introduce students to various authoring tools for Web page development (primarily HTML). Students will learn how to create and upload a Web page containing the results of their research. Fees will be required. Formerly BIS 41. Transfer credit: CSU. BIS V42 - MICROCOMPUTER SOFTWARE SURVEY IN THE OFFICE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: basic computer and Internet skills Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Introduces students to the use of the microcomputer and commercially available software used in business offices. Current software includes Windows, Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, and the use of electronic mail, graphics, and the World Wide Web for research. It is a hands-on course. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. BIS V44A - MICROSOFT WORD I - 1-2 Units Hours: 2-4 lecture-laboratory weekly The student learns to use Microsoft Word to create business documents, resumes, reports, newsletters, and much more. This is a practical hands-on course designed for beginners and self-taught Word users. Fees will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly BIS 44A. Transfer credit: CSU. BIS V44B - MICROSOFT WORD II - 1-2 Units Prerequisite: BIS V44A Hours: 2-4 lecture-laboratory weekly The student learns the advanced uses for Microsoft Word. Flyers, brochures, forms, and templates will be covered. The student will learn how to import data from other programs and the Internet. Styles and individual projects will be analyzed and created. The emphasis is on tasks typically required in an office/business environment. Fees will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly BIS 44B. Transfer credit: CSU. BIS V47A - MICROSOFT ACCESS I - 2 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 2 lecture-laboratory weekly This course introduces students to basic Windows and allows them to explore the capabilities of Microsoft Access. Students will learn how to create and maintain a database, tables, do queries, custom forms and reports based on ones commonly used in business and government. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. BIS V47B - MICROSOFT ACCESS II - 2 Units Prerequisite: BIS V47A Hours: 1 lecture, 2 lecture-laboratory weekly This is an advanced Access course with an emphasis on creating custom databases. Students will learn how to integrate Access to the Web. Students will learn how to use pivot tables, create Macros, use and write Visual Basic for application codes. Projects applied to business will be a part of this course. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. BIS V50 - SELECTING A MICROCOMPUTER - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This workshop is designed for the computer novice. It will cover basic computer terminology, the different types of hardware and software available, and the importance of determining one’s software needs before selecting a computer. Field trips may be required. Formerly BIS 50. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. BIS V53 - SOFTWARE UPDATE WORKSHOP - .5 Unit Hours: 1 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to introduce the student to the new features in software application programs. The specific software covered will vary according to demand. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly BIS 53. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIS V55A - WORD FOR WINDOWS I - .5 Unit Recommended preparation: basic keyboarding skills Hours: .5 lecture weekly This is an introduction to Microsoft Word for beginners. Students will learn how to access the program; create and edit documents; save and print; use the block feature; split and merge paragraphs; and use printing enhancements. Formerly BIS 55A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. 112 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 BIS V55B - WORD FOR WINDOWS II - .5 Unit Recommended preparation: BIS V55A or experience using Word for Windows Hours: .5 lecture weekly Students will learn how to use a variety of formatting commands, create reports with headers and footers, and create business documents using Word for Windows. Formerly BIS 55B. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIS V56A - MICROSOFT POWERPOINT I - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly Students will learn how to use this powerful graphics presentation program to create effective presentations for business or college courses. Formerly BIS 56A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BIS V56B - MICROSOFT POWERPOINT II - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: BIS V56A Hours: 1 lecture weekly Students will use skills learned in the introductory course to create advanced Powerpoint presentations. Emphasis will be placed on customizing the text and graphics to meet the specific goal of the presentation. Formerly BIS 56B. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIS V70 - INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND WINDOWS - 2 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Students will learn the components of the computer and care and handling of storage devices. Students will also acquire the basic skills needed to use a personal PC while learning about the current Windows Operating System which includes the following: use of the mouse; working with multiple windows and software programs; and using Help. Students will have hands-on practice using Explorer to organize files and folders; to create, rename, copy and delete files and folders. Students will also learn how to use word pad, the recycle bin and paint programs. How to prevent viruses and unwelcome “cookies” ads, and hard disk management will also be discussed. Formerly BIS V70 & V79. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations see counselor. BIS V71A - INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET, THE WEB, AND E-MAIL - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course provides an overview of the uses of the Internet and the World Wide Web, and how to send and receive e-mail. Students will learn about the various Internet and Web resources and search tools. Gopher, Veronica, Archie, File Transfer Protocol, Telnet, Netscape, Explorer, Wide Area Information Systems, Usenet and other terms will be discussed. Exploring the Internet and the Web, and sending e-mail will be a major part of the course. Formerly BIS 71A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BIS V71B - USING THE WEB FOR RESEARCH - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly Students will learn how to search the Web and the Internet efficiently and quickly using all of the various search tools that are available. Students will do a research project on a topic of their choice. Formerly BIS 71B. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BIS V71C - CREATING A WEB PAGE - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: BIS V71B Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course provides an introduction to creating a Web page using HTML. Students will learn how to design a Web page, add animation, graphics, sound, and make editing changes to the page. They will upload their Web pages to the Web at the end of the course. Formerly BIS 71C. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BIS V73 - DESKTOP PUBLISHING WORKSHOP - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly This instructor-led hands-on workshop introduces desktop publishing and gives participants the skills to produce quality publications with graphics such as ads, reports, brochures, and other business documents. Formerly BIS 73. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BIS V76A - MICROSOFT EXCEL FOR WINDOWS I - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly The latest version of the Excel for Windows spreadsheet program is used to analyze, summarize and present numeric data for financial forecasting and budgeting. Formerly BIS 76A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BIS V76B - MICROSOFT EXCEL FOR WINDOWS II - 1 Unit Prerequisite: BIS V76A or extensive experience using Excel and Windows Hours: 1 lecture weekly This is a hands-on advanced spreadsheet course using Excel to create charts, templates, ranges and macros. Students will analyze financial functions used in business to create “best-case” scenarios. They will learn how to import and export data from other software programs into Excel. Formerly BIS 76B. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. BIS V77A - INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT ACCESS I - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly This is an instructor-led hands-on course introducing the student to the concepts of database management and the use of Microsoft Access in an office environment. Students will create a database file, manipulate the data, create a customized data-entry form, and learn how to query the database files, sort and index. Labels and reports typically used in an office will also be created. Formerly BIS 77A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. BIS V77B - INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT ACCESS II - 1 Unit Prerequisite: BIS V77A or equivalent Hours: 1 lecture weekly This is an instructor-led hands-on course with advanced techniques using Access. Topics include enhanced query design, table design, customized forms, macros, and customized report design. The emphasis is on the use of a database program in an office/business environment. Formerly BIS 77B. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -113 BIS V88 - BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS WORKSHOPS - .5-16 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. BIS V89 - WORKSHOPS IN BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS - .5-16 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly BIS 89. Transfer credit: CSU. BIS V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly BIS 90. Transfer credit: CSU. BIS V98 - ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - 16 Units Hours: 16 lecture weekly Students will learn how to complete typical tasks required of an administrative assistant: word processing, spreadsheets, e-mail, filing, telephones and communication skills, and calculating machines. Interviewing, resume preparation, using the Web to do a job search and internships will also be covered. Fees will be required. Formerly BIS 98. CHEMISTRY CHEM V01A - GENERAL CHEMISTRY I - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II); and CHEM V20-V20L or high school chemistry with grades of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to matter and energy, atomic structure, nomenclature, chemical equations, stoichiometry, gases, thermochemistry, quantum chemistry, bonding, molecular geometry, oxidation-reduction, liquids and solids, and solutions. Formerly Chem 1A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CHEM 2 [with CHEM V01AL] or CAN CHEM SEQ A [with CHEM V01AL+V01B+ V01BL]. CHEM V01AL - GENERAL CHEMISTRY I LABORATORY - 2 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V01A or concurrent enrollment Hours: 6 laboratory weekly The laboratory provides the students with experience in applying the principles developed in the lecture. Quantitative experiments that illustrate the fundamental laws of chemistry are emphasized. Field trips may be required. Formerly Chem 1AL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CHEM 2 [with CHEM V01A] or CAN CHEM SEQ A [with CHEM V01A+V01B+V01BL]. CHEM V01B - GENERAL CHEMISTRY II - 3 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V01A with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents a detailed study of chemical equilibrium, kinetics, electrochemistry, chemical thermodynamics, and a brief introduction to organic chemistry and nuclear reactions. Formerly Chem 1B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CHEM 4 [with CHEM V01BL] or CAN CHEM SEQ A [with CHEM V01A+V01AL+ V01BL]. CHEM V01BL - GENERAL CHEMISTRY II LABORATORY - 2 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V01B or concurrent enrollment Hours: 6 laboratory weekly The laboratory provides the student with experience in applying principles developed in the general chemistry lecture, including experiments in kinetics, equilibrium, electrochemistry, thermochemistry, qualitative analysis, and organic chemistry. Field trips may be required. Formerly Chem 1BL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CHEM 4 [with CHEM V01B] or CAN CHEM SEQ A [with CHEM V01A+V01AL+V01B]. CHEM V05 - QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS - 4 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V01B-V01BL with grades of C or better Hours: 2 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly The practice and theory of chemical laboratory methods including techniques of gravimetric, volumetric, spectrophotometric analysis and separation, and introductory instrumental analysis with a focus on precision and accuracy of experimental data. The laboratory sequence will support the above topics and emphasize quantitative measurement, analysis of data and error propagation. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CHEM V10 - CHEMISTRY AND YOUR WORLD - 4 Units Hours: 4 lecture weekly A college-level course in chemistry for non-science majors. The fundamentals of chemistry are covered, including scientific thinking, the atom, chemical formulas and equations. Organic chemistry and biochemistry are also studied. Other topics include plastics, foods, fitness, health, household chemicals, drugs and environmental pollution. Field trips may be required. Formerly Chem 10. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CHEM V10L - CHEMISTRY AND YOUR WORLD LABORATORY - 1 Unit Prerequisite: CHEM V10 or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course consists of laboratory investigations of chemicals used every day. Safety in the lab and at home is emphasized. Various experimental techniques are investigated such as chromotography, dialysis, filtration, differential solubilities. These techniques are used to investigate foods, household chemicals, drugs, air pollution and water pollution. Light, the atom, chemical changes, physical changes, chemical reactions and the properties of water are also covered. Field trips may be required. Formerly Chem 10L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CHEM V12A - GENERAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I - 3 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V01B-V01BL with grades of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course stresses molecular structure, chemical and physical properties, and the preparation of organic compounds with an emphasis on reaction mechanisms, structure determination, synthesis, and applications. Formerly Chem 12A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN CHEM 22 [with CHEM V12AL] or CAN CHEM SEQ C [with CHEM V12AL+ V12B+V12BL]. 114 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CHEM V12AL - GENERAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I LABORATORY - 2 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V12A with grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment Hours: 6 laboratory weekly This course covers the utilization of the techniques of experimental organic chemistry including physical and chemical methods of purification, separation, and structure determination, with an emphasis on synthesis and mechanisms. Infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance are used extensively in this course. Field trips may be required. Formerly Chem 12AL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN CHEM 22 [with CHEM V12A] or CAN CHEM SEQ C [with CHEM V12A+ V12B+V12BL]. CHEM V12B - GENERAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II - 3 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V12A with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course continues the study of functional groups such as carboxylic acids and their derivatives, carbonyls, amines and phenols. The emphasis is again on reaction mechanism, structure determination using nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy, synthesis and applications. A major part of this semester is devoted to the study of biochemistry. Formerly Chem 12B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CHEM SEQ C [with CHEM V12A+ V12AL+V12BL]. CHEM V12BL - GENERAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II LABORATORY - 2 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V12AL with grade of C or better; and CHEM V12B with grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment Hours: 6 laboratory weekly This course covers the utilization of the techniques of experimental organic chemistry including chemical and physical separations, purification, chemical syntheses, extraction methods, and structure determinations, with an emphasis on functional group analysis, reactivity and mechanisms. Extensive use of infrared spectroscopy, and analysis of gas chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectra will be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Chem 12BL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CHEM SEQ C [with CHEM V12A+ V12AL+V12B]. CHEM V20 - ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V01 or MATH V11B or 1 year of high school beginning algebra with grade of C or better Recommended preparation: MATH V03 Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course includes fundamental theories, laws, and techniques of general chemistry, together with their more important applications, drill in chemical formulas, equations and calculations. Formerly Chem 20. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN CHEM 6 [with CHEM V20L] or CAN CHEM SEQ B [with CHEM V20L+V21+V21L]. CHEM V20L - ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY LABORATORY - 1 Unit Prerequisite: CHEM V20 or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to laboratory techniques. The experiments illustrate typical chemical reactions and the principles covered in the lecture. Formerly Chem 20L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN CHEM 6 [with CHEM V20] or CAN CHEM SEQ B [with CHEM V20+V21+V21L]. CHEM V21 - INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIC AND BIOCHEMISTRY - 3 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V01A-V01AL or CHEM V20-V20L or high school chemistry with grades of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to organic and biological chemistry. The course covers the preparation, chemical and physical properties and commercial and technical application of both organic and biological compounds. Formerly Chem 21. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN CHEM 8 [with CHEM V21L] or CAN CHEM SEQ B [with CHEM V20+V20L+V21L]. CHEM V21L - INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIC AND BIOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY - 2 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V21 with grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment Hours: 6 laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to organic and biological chemistry laboratory. The reactions and properties of both organic and biological compounds will be studied. Formerly Chem 21L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN CHEM 8 [with CHEM V21] or CAN CHEM SEQ B [with CHEM V20+V20L+V21]. CHEM V30 - CHEMISTRY FOR HEALTH SCIENCES - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V01 or MATH 11B or MATH V30 or one year of high school beginning algebra with grade of C or better Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course is for biological and health science majors. General, organic and biological chemistry are studied with an emphasis placed on medical applications. Topics in general chemistry will include the modern view of the atom, molecules, chemical compounds and reactions. Topics in organic chemistry will include hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones. Topics in biochemistry will include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and metabolism. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CHEM V30L - CHEMISTRY FOR HEALTH SCIENCES LABORATORY - 1 Unit Prerequisite: CHEM V30 or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course consists of laboratory investigations of general, organic and biological chemistry with an emphasis on medical applications. Experiments in general chemistry will include measuring densities, the separation of mixtures and chemical reactions. Experiments in organic chemistry will include examining the properties of hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones. Experiments in biochemistry will include examining carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CHEM V89 - WORKSHOPS IN CHEMISTRY - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Chem 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -115 CHEM V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN CHEMISTRY - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized opportunities for students with intermediate skills who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Chem 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. CHICANO STUDIES CHST V01 - INTRODUCTION TO CHICANO STUDIES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an interdisciplinary survey of the Mexican- American/Chicano heritage with emphasis on the contemporary experience in the United States. The survey will include an analysis of the economic, political, social, and intellectual elements of the culture of the Mexican-American/Chicano community, and a study of the changing relationship of the community to the general society of the United States. Field trips may be required. Formerly ChStd 1. Same as AES V20. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CHST V02 - CHICANO STUDIES ISSUES -3 Units Recommended preparation: AES V20 or CHST V01 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will assess the similarities and differences of multiple cultures which have contributed to the Chicano experience. The examinations of Chicano studies will include historical perspectives and social science research principles and practices to analyze the impact of economic, political, cultural, social, and institutional factors which have shaped the Mexican/Chicano experience in the Southwest. Formerly ChStd 2. Same as AES V23. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CHST V24 - SOCIOLOGY OF THE CHICANO COMMUNITY -3 Units Recommended preparation: AES V20 or CHST V01 or SOC V01 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will examine various theoretical perspectives from a sociological framework in relation to the Chicano community. Race, class, gender and culture in the historical development of Chicano people will be explored as we discuss culture, ethnic identity, the institutions of education, economics, family and government. This will include an overview of past and current social movements (i.e. the Chicano, Chicana Feminism, labor movements and other topics). The course will analyze prevailing myths and stereotypes and investigate the ways Chicanos have contributed and participated in social and political change. Also, specific instances of Chicano structural resistance to Anglo encroachment and domination will be discussed. Particular attention will also be given to language development among Chicanos and the historical role of youth. Field trips may be required. Same as AES V24 & SOC V24. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CHST V60A-Z - TOPICS IN CHICANO STUDIES -.5-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail or in similar arrangements in other studies offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include. Chicano political issues, economics issues, and cultural expressions. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. CHST V88 - CHICANO STUDIES WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. CHST V89 - WORKSHOPS IN CHICANO STUDIES - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ChStd 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. CHST V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN CHICANO STUDIES -1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly ChStd 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. CHILD DEVELOPMENT CD V01 - INTRODUCTION TO CAREERS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course focuses on the array of career options available to the child development major. General theories of career development, sources of career information, the Child Development Permit Matrix, and exploration of careers including teaching, counseling, working with children and families, and related matters will be covered. Field trips may be required. 116 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CD V09 - FIELD WORK: CHILD DEVELOPMENT - 1 Unit Corequisite: current negative TB test report; enrollment in one additional course in the discipline Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course provides supervised laboratory and field experience for students interested in developing their skills of observation and working with children. Opportunities will be provided for students to work with various ages of children from infants through school-age in more than one type of setting. This course provides hours needed to meet the requirements of the California Child Development Permit. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. CD V11 - LANGUAGE ARTS AND LITERACY EXPERIENCES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: CD V62 and HEC V23 with grades of C or better; current negative TB test report Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This methods course includes advanced study of the academic areas of language arts and literacy as they are presented to young children. Specific areas covered include activities to develop oral language facility, writing (handwriting, spelling, functional and creative writing) and listening. Also, specific techniques dealing with diagnosis of language development will be addressed. Developmentally appropriate experiences, learning activities, materials and equipment are reviewed. Field trips will be required. Formerly CD 11. CD V13 - SOCIAL STUDIES EXPERIENCES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: CD V62 and HEC V23 with grades of C or better; current negative TB test report Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course includes advanced study of the major streams of curricular theory as they relate to the inquiry skills area of social studies as it is presented to young children. Emphasis is upon the application of theory, assessment, and curricular design, especially through the use of developmentally appropriate experiences, learning activities, materials, and equipment. Field trips will be required. Formerly CD 13. CD V14 - CREATIVE ARTS EXPERIENCES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: CD V62 and HEC V23 with grades of C or better; current negative TB test report Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course includes advanced study of the major streams of curricular theory as they relate to the skill area of the creative arts as they are presented to young children. Emphasis is upon the application of theory, assessment and curricular design, especially through the use of developmentally appropriate experiences, learning activities, materials and equipment. Field trips will be required. Formerly CD 14. CD V16 - BEHAVIOR AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: CD V62 and HEC V23 with grades of C or better; current negative TB test report Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course is a study of developmentally-appropriate child guidance theories and methods, particularly in relation to behavior management and classroom management. Emphasis is upon proactive, preventive techniques based upon current child development theory. The effects of behavior management and classroom management upon the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development of the child is addressed. Field trips will be required. Formerly CD 16. CD V17 - FAMILY AND PARENTING INVOLVEMENT IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: CD V62 and HEC V23 with grades of C or better; current negative TB test report Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course is an advanced study of the nature of the relationships between children, parents, and teachers of young children. Theories, models and strategies for positive communication and cooperation with the goal of enhancing a child's development in the environments of home and school are addressed. Emphasis is placed upon planning programs which reflect mutual understanding of the roles of families and schools and the development of supportive networks. Field trips will be required. Formerly CD 17. CD V18 - SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: CD V62 and HEC V23 with grades of C or better; current negative TB test report Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course is a study of developmentally-appropriate programs and services for special needs children. Emphasis is upon early identification, assessment, and intervention, especially in terms of the developmental, social, educational, and legal needs of children at risk. Field trips will be required. Formerly CD 18. CD V19 - MATH AND SCIENCE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD - 3 Units Corequisite: current negative TB test report Recommended preparation: CD V62 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course includes a study of the major developmental theories as they relate to the inquiry skills of math and science as they are presented to young children. Emphasis is on the application of theory, curriculum design, and assessment, especially through the use of developmentally appropriate learning activities, teaching techniques and materials. Field trips may be required. Formerly CD V12 & CD V15. Transfer credit: CSU. CD V24 - CHILD NUTRITION, HEALTH AND SAFETY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A study of the principles of child nutrition, first aid, health and safety, including techniques for teaching concepts of health and safety to children and adults. Students will receive Red Cross certification in basic and infant first aid. Field trips may be required. Formerly CD 24. Transfer credit: CSU. CD V26 - PROGRAMS FOR SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN - 3 Units Prerequisite: CD V62 and HEC V23 with grades of C or better; current negative TB test report Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the development of programs for out-of-school care of school age children with a focus on the characteristics of quality care. Methods of fostering emotional, intellectual, physical and social development will be explored. Field trips may be required. Formerly CD 26. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -117 CD V28 - DEVELOPMENTAL CURRICULUM FOR INFANTS AND TODDLERS - 3 Units Prerequisite: CD V62 and HEC V23 with grades of C or better; current negative TB test report Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents an advanced study of the developmental curriculum for infants and toddlers. Curriculum, teaching methods and materials to provide a rich environment to foster age- appropriate development will be studied. Field trips will be required. Formerly CD 28. Transfer credit: CSU. CD V29 - ADULT SUPERVISION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - 2 Units Prerequisite: CD V64 Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course is a study of the methods and principles of supervising student teachers, assistant teachers, parents and volunteers in early childhood education/child development classrooms. Emphasis is on the role of classroom teachers who function as mentors to new teachers while simultaneously addressing the needs of children, parents, and other staff. Field trips will be required. Formerly CD 29. CD V30 - THE PROCESS OF PARENTING - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide parents with skills, resources and support for effective parent-child interaction with a limited time commitment. Emphasis is placed upon helping parents understand and relate appropriately to children at different ages and stages, with particular attention provided to the unique and specific parenting concerns raised by students enrolled in the course. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. CD V31 - PARENTING THE INFANT AND TODDLER - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide parents of infants and toddlers with skills, resources, and support for effective parent- child interaction. Emphasis is placed upon helping parents understand and relate appropriately to children between the ages of birth and three, with particular attention provided to the unique and specific parenting concerns raised by students enrolled in the course. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. CD V32 - PARENTING THE PRESCHOOLER - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide parents of preschoolers with skills, resources, and support for effective parent-child interaction. Emphasis is placed upon helping parents understand and relate appropriately to children between the ages of three and six, with particular attention provided to the unique and specific parenting concerns raised by students enrolled in the course. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. CD V38 - SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers the problems of establishing and operating a small business. The opportunities for small business and the requirements for success are also discussed. Field trips may be required. Same as BUS V38. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CD V40 - DISABILITIES AWARENESS IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT - 3 Units Recommended preparation: HEC V23 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will survey the causes and consequences of the classes of disabilities protected by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and will focus on relevant legal concepts, available special educational resources and means to compensate for disabilities. Among the disabilities covered are learning disabilities, mental retardation, emotional and behavioral disorders, communication disorders, and hearing, visual and physical impairments. Formerly CD 40. CD V42 - EFFECTS OF ABUSE IN YOUNG CHILDREN - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will cover physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect and the effects on young children and the family. Substance exposure and effects will also be covered as they relate to child, growth and development. Opportunity will be provided to develop skills and materials for use with young children and families. Field trips may be required. CD V60A-Z - TOPICS IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT - .5-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in similar detail by other child development offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include: self-esteem, discipline, children’s play, kindergarten readiness, and reading readiness. Field trips may be required. Formerly CD 60A-Z. CD V60D - ENVIRONMENTS FOR EMERGING LITERACY - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course includes the basic theories of language development and literacy, and the application of these theories to curriculum development for programs for young children. Developmentally- appropriate experiences, learning activities, and materials are reviewed. Formerly CD 60D. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. CD V60E - PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: UNIT-BASED INSTRUCTION - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course includes an overview of the theories, principles and practices of curriculum design for programs for young children. The processes of planning, implementation, parent and family involvement components, and individualized instruction are addressed. Full curriculum integration techniques will be employed. Formerly CD 60E. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. CD V60F - DEVELOPMENTALLY-APPROPRIATE PRACTICE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course includes the basic theories which are the foundation for curricula characterized as developmentally-appropriate. Practices also recognized as developmentally-appropriate for young children from infancy through the primary are addressed. Formerly CD 60F. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. 118 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CD V61 - CHILD, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is the study of interaction and interdependency between home, family, school system, and community. Patterns of child rearing in contemporary society are discussed, as well as interactions of family, culture, and community. There is exploration of individual and social resources for family health and welfare, as well as methods of advocating for children through the legislative process. Evaluation of the influences of the broader community on families, including mass media, are covered. Field trips will be required. Formerly CD 61. Transfer credit: CSU. CD V62 - INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS AND CURRICULA - 3 Units Prerequisite: current negative TB test report Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the educational needs of young children and includes a beginning study of methods for fostering creative, emotional, language and cognition, physical and social development. Course activities include observations of a variety of types of preschools and day care centers in the community. Field trips will be required. Formerly CD 62. Transfer credit: CSU. CD V64 - FIELD EXPERIENCE IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT - 4 Units Prerequisite: 6 units from CD V11, V12, V13, V14, V15; current negative TB test report Hours: 2 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This course provides extended supervised experience in planning and implementing a developmental curriculum in programs for young children. Emphasis is upon development and mastery of desired teacher behaviors and competencies. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly CD 64. Transfer credit: CSU. CD V65 - ADMINISTRATION OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS - 3 Units Prerequisite: CD V62 and HEC V23 with grades of C or better; current negative TB test report Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents and assesses the principles and practices of child development administration. The areas covered include: program planning, organizational structure, budgeting, personnel, policies and practices, records, statistics, reporting, and relationships with community resources, regulatory agencies and parents. Field trips may be required. Formerly CD 65. Transfer credit: CSU. CD V88 - CHILD DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula. Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly CD V89. CD V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly CD 90. Transfer credit: CSU. CD V95 - CHILD DEVELOPMENT INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This child development internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CD V96 - CHILD DEVELOPMENT INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This child development internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. COMPUTER SCIENCE CS V11 - PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better; and MATH V50 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course introduces the student to fundamental concepts of procedural programming. Topics include data types, control structures, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging. The course emphasizes good software engineering principles and developing fundamental programming skills in the context of a functional programming language. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CSCI 22. CS V13 - OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING - 3 Units Prerequisite: CS V11 or equivalent; and MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming to students with a background in the procedural paradigm. The course begins with a review of control structures and data types with emphasis on structured data types and array processing. It then moves on to introduce the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with the fundamentals of object-oriented design. Other topics include an overview of programming language principles, simple analysis of algorithms, basic searching and sorting techniques, and an introduction to software engineering issues. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -119 CS V15 - DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS - 3 Units Prerequisite: CS V13 or equivalent; and MATH V20 or both MATH V04 and MATH V05 Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course builds on the foundation provided by the programming fundamentals/object-oriented programming sequence to introduce the fundamental concepts of data structures and the algorithms that proceed from them. Topics include recursion, the underlying philosophy of object-oriented programming, fundamental data structures (including stacks, queues, linked lists, hash tables, trees, and graphs), the basics of algorithmic analysis, and an introduction to the principles of language translation. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CSCI 24. CS V17 - DISCRETE STRUCTURES - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V20 or both MATH V04 and MATH V05 Recommended preparation: CS V11 or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course introduces the student to discrete mathematics as it is used in computer science. Topics includes functions, relations, sets, propositional and predicate logic, simple circuit logic, proof techniques, elementary combinatorics, and discrete probability. Field trips may be required. Same as MATH V52. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN CSCI 26. CS V19 - COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND ORGANIZATION - 3 Units Prerequisite: CS V15 or equivalent; and CS V17 or MATH V52 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course introduces students to the organization and architecture of computer systems, beginning with the standard von Neumann model and then moving forward to more recent architectural concepts. This course also offers the students an introduction to assembly language for low-level programming of system software and computer applications. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CSCI 10. CS V20 - BEGINNING VISUAL BASIC - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better; and MATH V50 or equivalent Recommended preparation: CS V11 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course introduces the student to the concepts of event- driven programming. This course presents the knowledge, skills and techniques to build Visual Basic programs. Topics include the programming design process, visual console procedures, an overview of computer hardware organization, data representation, instruction forms, flowcharting problems, logic solutions, and algorithms for problem solution. Concepts and definitions include: labels, variables, subscripts, data structures, object-oriented design, OLE, API, Windows forms, and scientific notation. Also included are debugging Visual Basic statements and elementary coding. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CSCI 6. CS V22 - INTERMEDIATE VISUAL BASIC - 3 Units Prerequisite: CS V11 or CS V20 or equivalent Recommended preparation: MATH V03 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This intermediate-level course presents to students the concepts of developing Microsoft Windows applications with Visual Basic. Topics include Multiple Document Interface (MDI), graphics, custom controls Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs), Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), advanced database access, and the Windows API. Emphasis is placed on developing more advanced programming techniques using programming standards, application integration, and rapid development. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit; CSU; UC. CS V24 - ADVANCED VISUAL BASIC - 3 Units Prerequisite: CS V22 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course presents object-oriented programming with Visual Basic to the student. The course begins with a review of advanced- level event model design methods for Single-Document Interface (SDI) and Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) applications. It then moves on to introduce the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with the fundamentals of object-oriented design. Other topics include an overview of programming language principles, analysis of algorithms, building ActiveX components and an introduction to software engineering issues. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CS V32 - INTERMEDIATE C++ - 3 Units Prerequisite: CS V13 or MATH V55 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course will cover intermediate C++ programming using the Windows environment. The Windows-based programs created will incorporate modern object-oriented design methods. Advanced programming concepts, design methods, and implementation of C++ in an object-oriented Windows-based environment are included. Students will create sophisticated applications utilizing a graphical user interface. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CS V34 - ADVANCED C++ - 3 Units Prerequisite: CS V32 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course presents to the student advanced C++ and the implementation of enterprise level software architectures. Topics include enhancing maintainability of software with error handling, pointers in a Common Object Model (COM)+ environment, string details in C++ for international development, COM+ currency, using COM+ objects in interoperable development environments, Active Template Library (ATL) with multiple inheritance, cross- platform data-transformation services, marshal-by-value implementations in C++, COM+ reference-cycle management, and the Standard Template Library (STL) in the COM+ realm. This course also covers: software systems with a COM+ four-tier business-object application pattern; designing solutions with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP); the Microsoft Management Queue (MSMQ), designing scalable systems with Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS); and understanding data access in the COM+ age. Fees will be required. Field Trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 120 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CS V40 - BEGINNING JAVA - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better; and MATH V50 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course introduces the student to fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming with Java. Topics include data types, control structures, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging. It them moves on to introduce the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with the fundamentals of object-oriented design. The course also offers an introduction to the historical and social context of computing and an overview of computer science as a discipline. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly MATH V56. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CS V42 - INTERMEDIATE JAVA - 3 Units Prerequisite: CS V13 or MATH V56 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course builds on the student's knowledge of object-oriented design and provides the student with the skills and techniques to create Java application and applets. Topics included in this course are the Java language, Java API, Java programming techniques, integrating graphics, security issues, Java tools, Java applets, and JavaScript. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CS V44 - ADVANCED JAVA - 3 Units Prerequisite: CS V42 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course presents to the student the skills and knowledge needed to create advanced Java applications. Included in this course are advanced Java applications design theory, advanced Swing features, database manipulations, advanced thread usage, Java Server Pages with JDBC, distributed computing between Java programs, streams-based sockets, object serialization, advanced reusable software components and advanced security issues. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CS V82 - UNIX SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V57 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course builds on the student's knowledge of the C programming language and introduces UNIX features and facilities. The course helps the student to explore issues related to programming in a UNIX environment. The difference between programming in a DOS/Windows environment and in a UNIX/X- Windows environment is covered focusing on the UNIX system call interface, the programming interface between the UNIX Kernel and applications software running in the UNIX environment. Students will create 32-bit applications in the UNIX programming environment. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CS V86 - FORTRAN PROGRAMMING - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better; and MATH V50 or equivalent Recommended preparation: CS V11 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course presents to the student the concept of programming with FORTRAN. Topics include numerical computing, data types, control structures, programs and subprograms, dynamic memory allocation, pointers, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing and debugging. The course emphasizes good software engineering principles and developing fundamental programming skills in the context of the FORTRAN programming language. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CSCI 4. CS V88 - COMPUTER SCIENCE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. CS V89 - WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. CS V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. CS V95 - COMPUTER SCIENCE INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in minimum 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This computer science internship course offers students with intermediate skills who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitation–see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -121 CS V96 - COMPUTER SCIENCE INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in minimum 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This computer science internship course offers students with intermediate skills who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitation–see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY CT V12 - ADVANCED BLUEPRINT READING: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ARCH V11 or CT V20 or DRFT V02B or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is an advanced blueprint reading course for inspectors, contractors and designers interested in commercial and industrial construction. This course will provide training in blueprint reading comprehension, system assemblies, and material specifications. Subjects to be covered will include soils, foundations, site work, concrete, masonry, structural steel, welding, mechanical and electrical systems. Same as ARCH V12. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CT V20 - BLUEPRINT READING: ARCHITECTURAL/CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides experience in construction blueprint reading and plan review. Experiences will include the study of lines, symbols, notations and dimensions used on architectural drawings. Code interpretation and design compliance will be stressed. Field trips may be required. Formerly CT 20. Same as ARCH V11 & DRFT V02B. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CT V30 - WOODWORKING - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is offered in a woodworking shop facility. The course is a study of operations commonly performed in furniture and cabinet shops. Subjects will include material selection, project design, wood fabrication, assembly methods and finishing procedures. Students will work on individual woodworking projects as they learn both shop safety and craftsmanship. Fees will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU. CT V37 - LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly In this course, students will gain practical field experience in installing landscape planting and irrigation systems. Proper use of typical construction materials, tools, and power equipment will be emphasized. Actual projects may include decks, patios, overheads, benches, walls, fences, walks, low voltage lighting, water elements and grading. California licensing, contracts and codes will be reviewed. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CT V40 - ICBO BUILDING CODE CERTIFICATION PREPARATION - 2 Units Recommended preparation: ARCH V59 or CT V59 or 2 years of experience using the Uniform Building Code Hours: 2 lecture weekly The course will provide a review of the Uniform Building Code and focus on information necessary to pass the International Conference of Building Officials (I.C.B.O.) certification exam. This I.C.B.O. exam is required for employment as a building or combination inspector. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly CT 40. CT V41 - IAPMO PLUMBING CODE CERTIFICATION PREPARATION - 2 Units Recommended preparation: CT V71 or 2 years of experience using the Uniform Plumbing Code Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course will provide a review of the Uniform Plumbing Code and focus on information necessary to pass the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) plumbing certification exam. Certification is required for employment as a plumbing or combination inspector. Formerly CT 41. CT V42 - IAPMO MECHANICAL CODE CERTIFICATION PREPARATION - 2 Units Recommended preparation: CT V72 or 2 years of experience using the Uniform Mechanical Code Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course will provide a review of the Uniform Mechanical Code and focus on information necessary to pass the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAMPO) mechanical certification exam. Certification is required for employment as a mechanical or combination inspector. Formerly CT 42. CT V43 - ELECTRICAL CODE CERTIFICATION PREPARATION - 2 Units Recommended preparation: CT V66 or 2 years of experience using the National Electrical Code Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course will provide a review of the National Electrical Code and focus on information necessary to pass the International Code Conference (ICC), International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) and Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) certification exams. Successful passage of certification exams is required for employment as electricians or electrical inspectors. Formerly CT 43. CT V45 - ICBO PLANS EXAMINER CERTIFICATION PREPARATION - 2 Units Recommended preparation: ARCH V59 or CT V59 or 2 years plan checking experience Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to nonstructural plan checking and review for the International Conference of Building Officials (I.C.B.O.) "Plans Examiner" certification examination. The course will cover advanced material contained in the Uniform Building Code. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly CT 45. 122 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CT V46 - BUILDING PERMIT TECHNICIAN - 2 Units Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the duties and responsibilities of a Building Department Permit Technician. Subjects to be studied will include building and zoning code regulations, construction plans and documents, permit fee schedules and permit processing. This course will help students prepare for industry certification as a Permit Technician. CT V47 - BUILDING AND ZONING CODE ENFORCEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to building and zoning code enforcement. Code enforcement is the study of community regulatory standards pertaining to housing and commercial development. Subjects to be studied will include state codes, duties of enforcement officers, professional certification, and career opportunities. Same as CJ V47. CT V50 - CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR LICENSE PREPARATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides preparation for the California General Contractor's License exam. Law subjects and trade subjects will be studied through lectures and practice exams. State licensing requires four years of construction experience or a combination of education and experience. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly CT 50. CT V52 - PROPERTY INSPECTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to real estate property inspection. Topics covered include foundations, roofing, utility systems, common defects, building codes, business liability, and industry licensing. This course is intended for individuals interested in buying property, property managers, property inspectors and those seeking a broad knowledge of construction. CT V58 - INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the International Residential Code (IRC). Students will learn interpretation and use of the residential building code as it applies to current construction. Design criteria and inspection processes will be emphasized. Course content will include information related to residential code certification for inspectors and designers. Topics of instruction will follow the content of the most recent IRC as published by the International Code Council (ICC). Same as ARCH V58. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CT V59 - INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a introduction to the International Building Code (IBC), as published by the International Code Council (ICC). The IBC is the building code used for commercial and industrial structures. Subjects to be covered will include structural design requirements, inspection procedures, code comprehension and ICC inspector certification. CT V59/ARCH V59 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly CT 59. Same as ARCH V59. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CT V60 - SIMPLIFIED ENGINEERING FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is an introductory course designed to give the student an overview of basic construction engineering principles. This course will study subjects such as live and dead loads, uniform and concentrated loads, footing and foundation design, post and beam sizing, shear transfer, load path transfer, building material selection, connection methods and other aspects of structural design. Formerly CT 60. Same as ARCH V60. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CT V61 - PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will provide an introduction to public works construction and inspection. Subjects to be studied will include soil mechanics, geological reports, land development, site preparation, foundation design, drainage control and underground utilities. Field trips may be required. Formerly CT 61. CT V62 - STRUCTURAL MASONRY CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to structural masonry construction. Subjects to be studied will include brick and block construction, mortar types, grouting requirements and reinforcements. This course will stress construction methods, building materials and the inspection process. This course will also help students prepare for industry certification exams. No prior experience is necessary. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly CT 62. CT V63 - REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to basic soil mechanics and reinforced concrete and masonry construction. Subjects to be studied include: soil composition, soil strength factors, the different types of brick block masonry construction, concrete construction and Portland cement composition. This course will stress construction methods, building materials and the inspection process. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly CT 63. CT V64 - BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: MATERIALS AND METHODS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to residential and light commercial building construction, including materials, foundations, framing, roof and stair cutting, drywall, finish work and building codes. This course is intended to serve as an overview of the construction process. Field trips may be required. Formerly CT 64. Same as ARCH V64. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CT V65 - STRUCTURAL STEEL AND WELDING CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a study of structural steel and welding use in building construction. Building types, grades of materials, assembly methods, blueprint reading and other subjects will be studied. The course in intended for inspectors, project supervisors and construction workers. The course will also help prepare students for related industry certifications. Field trips may be required. CT V65/WEL V65 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly CT 65. Same as WEL V65. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -123 CT V66 - NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the National Electrical Code. The Code layout and content will be the focus of study. Subjects covered will include vocabulary, service, circuits, conduits, conductors and system inspection. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly CT 66. CT V67 - BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY REGULATIONS - 2 Units Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course is a study of California and federal regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California Title 24 Regulations, which cover building accessibility for disabled persons. Both public and private buildings will be studied as well as parking, exterior routes of travel, entrances, exits and other accommodations. This course is intended for building designers as well as contractors and inspectors. This course will also help prepare students for industry certification. Formerly CT 67. Same as ARCH V67. CT V68 - STATE ARCHITECT (DSA) PROJECT INSPECTOR CERTIFICATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed for individuals seeking Division of the State Architect (DSA) Project Inspector certification. DSA is responsible for government and school construction. This course will describe the qualifications, application and testing procedures required for the different levels of DSA certification. Inspectors and superintendents wanting to work on government projects are required to be DSA certified. CT V69 - CALIFORNIA ENERGY REGULATIONS - 2 Units Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course is a study of the state of California Energy Standards. The course will also study the mandatory energy conservation requirements in residential construction per Title 24. The course will include an introduction to computer software used for energy compliance. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly CT 69. CT V71 - UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the Uniform Plumbing Code. The Code layout and content will be the focus of study. Subjects to be covered will include vocabulary, water supply systems, waste drainage, construction materials and code inspection. A prior understanding of plumbing systems is preferred. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly CT 71. CT V72 - UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the Uniform Mechanical Code. The Code layout and content will be the focus of study. Subjects to be covered will include vocabulary, materials, methods used in heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Code problems and the inspection of mechanical systems will be emphasized. A prior understanding of HVAC system is preferred. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly CT 72. CT V75 - INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to residential and light commercial electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Subjects to be studied will include vocabulary, equipment, materials, construction methods, system design, and basic inspection requirements. Formerly CT 75. Same as ARCH V75. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CT V76 - CONSTRUCTION JOB SITE MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers the organization and problems associated with managing a construction job site. Topics will include plans, permits, inspections, material and workforce scheduling, industrial safety, construction process, cost control and quality management. Transfer credit: CSU. CT V77 - CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers the organization and problems associated with managing a building construction business. Topics will include licensing, insurance, project financing, bidding, contracts, scheduling, safety and community relations. Field trips may be required. Formerly CT 77. Transfer credit: CSU. CT V79 - CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course stresses construction cost estimating through the analysis of blueprint drawings and the generation of labor and material takeoff lists. Topics will include materials, labor, overhead, profit and subcontractors. A prior understanding of the construction process is preferred. Field trips may be required. Formerly CT 79. Transfer credit: CSU. CT V80 - COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR CONTRACTORS - 2 Units Recommended preparation: CT V79 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is a survey of computer programs used in the construction industry. The student will review software used for cost estimating, project scheduling and office management. An understanding of construction cost estimating is recommended. No previous computer experience is required. Field trips may be required. Formerly CT 80. Transfer credit: CSU. CT V84 - CONSTRUCTION SKILLS TRAINING - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This is a hands-on construction skills training course. Students will design and construct various building projects that include concrete, carpentry, electrical, plumbing and other trades. Students will learn the proper selection of materials and the safe and proper use of tools and power equipment. Course content will focus on developing occupational, entry-level knowledge and abilities required for employment in the construction industry. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. 124 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CT V88 - CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly CT V89. CT V95 - CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This construction technology internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CT V96 - CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This construction technology internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CRIMINAL JUSTICE CJ V01 - INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will offer a general overview of the criminal justice system in the U.S. The history and philosophy of criminal justice will be examined. Systemic problems, such as the organization and jurisdiction of local, state and federal criminal justice components, are discussed and possible solutions developed. Historical and current theories of crime causation and punishment in America are explained and discussed. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN AJ 2. CJ V02 - CONCEPTS OF CRIMINAL LAW - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course offers an overview of the historical development, philosophy, and content of California and federal criminal law and constitutional provisions. This course reviews constitutional rights, definitions, classification of crimes, elements of criminal offenses, and their application to the criminal justice system. Legal research, methodology, and concepts of law as a social, religious and historical force will be examined. California statutes related to laws of arrest, crimes against persons, and crimes involving property are explored in detail. Case law and current media reports will be utilized to enhance the students’ understanding of criminal law. Field trips will be required. Formerly CJ V02A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN AJ 4. CJ V03 - COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND DIVERSITY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Students will explore the roles of practitioners in the criminal justice field. Through discussion and study the students will review the expectations and perceptions of the public. Principal emphasis will be placed on community-oriented policing, discretionary decision making, the use of authority, communications and crisis management by persons working in the criminal justice system. Students will explore the complex relationship between the community and the justice system with emphasis on the challenges of dealing with the role of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class, language, and culture in shaping these relations. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CJ V04 - LEGAL ASPECTS OF EVIDENCE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: CJ V02 or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will review the structure of the California Evidence Code, its procedures and rules as they apply to the admissibility of evidence in criminal proceedings. Emphasis will be placed on review of statutes and case law in the areas of search and seizure, witnesses' confessions and admissions, and presentation of evidence. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 4. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN AJ 6. CJ V05 - CRIMINAL PROCEDURES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Students will review and discuss legal processes from pre- arrest, arrest through trial, sentencing and correctional procedures. A review of the history of case and common law and conceptual interpretations of law as reflected in court decisions will be discussed. The class will use case law methodology and research to review the impact these decisions have had on the justice system. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 5. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V06 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE REPORT WRITING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: CJ V02 or CJ V04 or ENGL V02 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers report writing for criminal justice practitioners. Emphasis will be on mastering report writing to record crime scenes, emergency response situations and routine occurrences. The goal of this course is to help the student learn how to translate observations into a succinct, yet comprehensive, document for court presentation. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 6. Transfer credit: CSU. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -125 CJ V07 - PATROL PROCEDURES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents the responsibilities, techniques and methods of police patrol. It meets the objectives required by the California Commission of Peace Officer Standards and Training. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 7. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V08 - CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course stresses the fundamentals of criminal investigation. Topics include collection and preservation of evidence, scientific aids, modus operandi, sources of information, interviewing and interrogation techniques, follow-up and case preparation, criminal profiling, crime scene sketching, fingerprint analysis and D.N.A. A brief history of criminal investigation precedes the main course of instruction. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 8. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN AJ 8. CJ V09 - FUNDAMENTALS OF FIREARMS - 2 Units Prerequisite: no felony convictions per California Penal Code Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Students enrolled in this course will learn and discuss the legal, ethical and moral use of firearms. Students will learn and practice basic pistol and revolver marksmanship fundamentals and basic police combat shooting skills. Students will also participate in a familiarization course for shotguns. This course is designed to provide criminal justice students with preparatory instruction and training prior to attending a police recruit training class. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly CJ 9. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V10 - POLICE BASIC BICYCLING - 1 Unit Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certified course presents the student with the basic skills and information necessary to operate a bicycle on police patrol. Subject matter such as nutrition, bike maintenance, and technical riding skills will be addressed. Students are expected to provide all-terrain type bicycles with either 18 or 21 speeds, "Snell" or "Amso" safety helmets, bicycle gloves and protective eye wear. Designed for permanent (non-probationary) peace officers. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Formerly CJ V60D. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V11 - AIKIDO - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Aikido is a powerful martial art developed in Japan by Morihei Veshiba. Through the study of principles and theory of ancient fighting methods, Veshiba was able to develop a method of non- resistive and noncompetitive technique. The practice of Aikido includes warm-up and flexibility exercises, practical combative and defensible techniques combined with an appreciation for formal etiquette. Students will develop a greater understanding of the relationship between mind, body and spirit that will help them deal with both physical and mental conflict in a more positive way. Field trips may be required. CJ V11/PE V32 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly CJ 11. Same as PE V32. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CJ V12A - DEFENSIVE TACTICS: JU JUTSU - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This is a self-defense course for the peace officer and civilian. The simplest, most effective methods for neutralizing and controlling attackers/suspects are taught. Ju Jutsu techniques not requiring upper body strength are the focal point of the course. Field trips may be required. CJ V12A, V12B/PE V33, V34 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly CJ 12A. Same as PE V33. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CJ V12B - INTERMEDIATE JU JUTSU - 1-1.5 Units Prerequisite: CJ V12A or PE V33 Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This is an advanced self-defense course for people desiring to develop intermediate skills in Ju Jutsu. Field trips may be required. CJ V12A, V12B/PE V33, V34 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly CJ 12B. Same as PE V34. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CJ V14 - JUVENILE LAW AND PROCEDURES IN CALIFORNIA - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will offer an overview of the juvenile justice system in California, including the history of juvenile law and current police and probation procedures. Theories on delinquency causes and treatments will be discussed as an avenue toward understanding the juvenile offender. Child abuse/neglect and crimes against children, including sex crimes, will also be covered. Field trips will be required. Formerly CJ 14. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V15 - INTRODUCTION TO PRINCIPLES OF LAW - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly The course will introduce the student to various areas of the law, providing an overview of criminal law, criminal procedure, civil tort law, contracts, property, community property, constitutional law and family law. The course will expose the student to the general principles of the different areas of law, concentrating on current issues impacting criminal and civil systems of justice. The course will be designed to give a foundation of statutory law with a strong emphasis on practical, everyday application. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V16 - SCHOOL SECURITY OFFICER TRAINING - 1.5 Units Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course fulfills the state requirement for campus security officer training. The course provides the student with a working knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the school security officer. The course covers laws and liability, security awareness in the educational environment, mediation and conflict resolution, disasters and emergencies, and the dynamics of student behavior. Fees will be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. CJ V18 - DRUG INVESTIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a survey course that will provide the student an opportunity to review the geopolitical history of drug trafficking and the evolution of laws regulating the distribution and use of drugs, with special emphasis on current statutes and court decisions relating to distribution and use of drugs. Information on the source, distribution and use of narcotics, cocoa products, hallucinogens and cannabinoids will be presented. Fundamentals of drug investigation techniques and treatment of drug abusers will also be discussed. Formerly CJ 18. Transfer credit: CSU. 126 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CJ V25 - INTRODUCTION TO CORRECTIONS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an overview of the historical aspects of punishment and the development of contemporary correctional philosophy in the United States. The course will focus on the legal issues, general laws and general operations in correctional institutions. The relationship between correctional and other components of the criminal justice system will also be examined. The ideals of correctional philosophy are compared with the contemporary problems in corrections. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 25. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V27 - INTRODUCTION TO PROBATION AND PAROLE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents an overview of the history and philosophical foundations of probation and parole in the United States. The course examines the organization and operation of probation and parole agencies as particular segments of the criminal justice system. Theoretical concerns and practical aspects of probation and parole services will be discussed. Issues and problems relating to the presentence report, determinate versus indeterminate sentencing, the roles of probation and parole officers and the legal decisions affecting the practice of probation and parole will be examined. Field trips will be required. Formerly CJ 27. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V28 - FUNDAMENTALS OF CRIMINOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Major types of criminal behavior are explored. Factors which contribute to criminal behavior are discussed. Major theories on the cause of criminality are discussed and critiqued. An attempt is made to develop a workable understanding of the causes of most criminality. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 28. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V29 - LEGAL ASPECTS OF CORRECTIONS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides students with an awareness of the historical framework, concepts and precedents that guide correctional practice. Course material will broaden the individual's perspective of the corrections environments, the civil rights of prisoners, and the responsibilities and liabilities of correctional officials. Field trips will be required. Formerly CJ 29. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V30 - VICTIMOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents an overview of traditional and emerging legal, psychological and social perspectives in the field of victimology. While this course will address the consequences of victimization, and methods of recovery, students will also consider the broader legal policies and program implications of the victims movement in the United States. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 30. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V40 - BASIC COMPLAINT DISPATCHER - 3.5 Units Hours: 7 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is a P.O.S.T. (Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training) certified program to train public safety dispatchers. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Formerly CJ 40. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. CJ V41 - BASIC COMPLAINT DISPATCHER UPDATE I - .5 Unit Recommended preparation: CJ V40 Hours: .5 lecture weekly This P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certification course addresses technological advances and advanced techniques in communication for public safety dispatchers. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly CJ 41. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. CJ V42 - BASIC COMPLAINT DISPATCHER UPDATE II - .5 Unit Recommended preparation: CJ V40 Hours: .5 lecture weekly This P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certification course addresses advanced training topics and communication techniques for public safety dispatchers during critical incidents. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly CJ 42. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. CJ V47 - BUILDING AND ZONING CODE ENFORCEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to building and zoning code enforcement. Code enforcement is the study of community regulatory standards pertaining to housing and commercial development. Subjects to be studied will include state codes, duties of enforcement officers, professional certification, and career opportunities. Same as CT V47. CJ V60A-Z - TOPICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE - .5-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail in the general criminal justice course offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include but are not limited to: domestic violence, interviewing and interrogation for corrections or law enforcement, ethics, training the trainer, control and supervision for corrections, pursuit driving, DUI and radar certification. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. CJ V60A - BREATH ALCOHOL TESTING DEVICE - .5 Unit Hours: 9 lecture, 3 laboratory total A certification course designed for criminal justice professionals that explores the historical and scientific aspect of preliminary breath alcohol testing devices. This course is a theoretical and practical training seminar which will result in the students being proficient in the use of the Alco-Sensor. The students will be given training in preparing for and providing effective testimony on the results of the Alco-Sensor. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certification. Fees will be required. Formerly CJ 60A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -127 CJ V60C - DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE: INVESTIGATIVE CERTIFICATION - 2 Units Prerequisite: permanent (non-probationary) peace officer Hours: 2 lecture weekly This P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certification course presents state-of-the-art technological and investigative tools designed to evaluate the sobriety of the subjects detained for driving while possibly impaired by alcohol. The student will gain comprehensive information and experience to prepare him/her to detect, apprehend and prosecute an offender. Upon successful completion, students will receive a P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certificate in Driving Under the Influence: Investigative Certification. Fees will be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. CJ V60E - COMMUNICATIONS TRAINING OFFICER: P.O.S.T. - 2.5 Units Prerequisite: permanent (non-probationary) dispatcher Hours: 2.5 lecture weekly This course provides the experienced dispatcher with the fundamental understanding of the role and duties of the Communications Training Officer (CTO). This CTO training will emphasize interactive instruction in teaching techniques, liability issues and evaluation of trainees’ performance. Upon successful completion, students will receive a P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certificate in Communications Training Officer. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. CJ V60G - HIGH TECHNOLOGY CRIME - 1 Unit Prerequisite: permanent (non-probationary) peace officer Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course provides the experienced police officer with the fundamental understanding of computer systems and high technology crime. Students will examine emerging technologies associated with Internet crime, counterfeiting, trade secret violations, computer assisted crimes, computer and network intrusion, software piracy and telecommunications fraud. Levels of investigation from the patrol officer to the specialist investigator will be discussed. Upon successful completion, students will receive a P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certificate in High Technology Crime. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. CJ V70 - RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING - 12 Units Prerequisite: student must be 18 years old, possess a valid driver's license, pass a physical agility test, and have no felony convictions; California Penal Code requires each applicant for admission to a basic course of training certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) who is not sponsored by a local or other law enforcement agency, or who is not a peace officer employed by a state or local agency, department or district, to submit written certification from the Department of Justice that the applicant has no criminal history background which would disqualify him or her pursuant to this code, or the Welfare and Institutions Code, from owning, possessing, or having under his or her control a firearm Hours: 13 lecture, 15.5 lecture-laboratory weekly This is a Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) basic course for students and individuals wishing to become reserve police officers or reserve deputy sheriffs. The course fulfills P.O.S.T. reserve requirements for level II reserve training. Training includes penal code section 832 requirements and provides instruction in administration of criminal justice, ethics, California court system, discretionary decision making, first aid/CPR, crimes in progress, unusual occurrences, police radio communications, police- community relations, criminal law, traffic investigation, laws of evidence, and patrol procedures. Emphasis is placed on instruction in arrest, search and seizures, methods of arrest, PR 24 baton training, vehicle pullovers, and report writing. Special emphasis and training in firearm safety, firearm (pistol and shotgun) use related to law enforcement with training in combat/stress shooting scenarios and qualifications over a P.O.S.T. prescribed course of fire. The course includes vehicle operation, defensive driving, and chemical agent training. The course completes the P.O.S.T. reserve officer/ reserve deputy requirements. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Formerly CJ 70. CJ V80 - P.O.S.T. REGULAR BASIC COURSE - 18 Units Prerequisite: student must be 18 years old, posses a valid driver's license, and have no felony convictions; California Penal Code requires each applicant for admission to a basic course of training certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) who is not sponsored by a local or other law enforcement agency, or who is not a peace officer employed by a state or local agency, department or district, to submit written certification from the Department of Justice that the applicant has no criminal history background which would disqualify him or her pursuant to this code, or the Welfare and Institutions Code, from owning, possessing, or having under his or her control a firearm; and medical certification required Hours: 15 lecture, 45 laboratory weekly This is a P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) basic course for individuals wishing to become full time law enforcement officers as defined in the California Penal Code (CPC). The course fulfills P.O.S.T. entry-level requirements as outlined in the CPC. The course provides instruction in administration of criminal justice, ethics, California court system, discretionary decision making, first aid, CPR, crimes in progress, unusual occurrences, police radio communications, police-community relations, criminal law, traffic investigation, laws of evidence, and patrol procedures. Emphasis is placed on instruction in arrest, search and seizure, methods of arrest, baton training, vehicle stops, and report writing. Additionally, the course provides special emphasis on and training in firearms safety, firearms (pistol and shotgun) use related to law enforcement with training in combat/stress shooting scenarios and qualifications over a P.O.S.T. prescribed course of fire. The course completes the P.O.S.T. basic requirements. Field trips will be required. 128 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 CJ V81 - ORIENTATION FOR P.O.S.T. REGULAR BASIC COURSE - .5-5 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture, 1-6 laboratory weekly This course is an orientation for the P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) regular basic course. Emphasis is placed on assisting the student in preparing for successful completion of the P.O.S.T. regular basic course. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. CJ V85 - PC 832: ARREST, SEARCH AND SEIZURE - 2.5 Units Hours: 2.5 lecture weekly This course will cover the fundamentals of law enforcement embracing all those subject areas that will enhance an officer’s ability to perform as a member of a police or allied agency. Subjects covered will be: criminal law; laws of arrest, search and seizure; moral, legal and safety aspects in use of firearms; and, community relations. Required for state certification under Peace Officers Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) guidelines. Field trips may be required. Formerly CJ 85. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. CJ V86 - PC 832: FIREARMS - .5 Unit Prerequisite: CJ V85 or concurrent enrollment; no felony convictions per California Penal Code Hours: .5 lecture, 1 laboratory weekly This course will cover the fundamentals of firearms embracing all those subject areas that will enhance an officer’s ability to perform as a member of a police or allied agency. Subjects covered: moral, legal and safety aspects in use of firearms. Practical application of firearms on range. Required for state certification under Peace Officers Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) guidelines. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Formerly CJ 86. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. CJ V88 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE WORKSHOPS - .5-16 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly CJ V89. CJ V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course is designed for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge of law enforcement on an independent study basis. Assignments may include library, laboratory, and field work. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly CJ 90. Transfer credit: CSU. CJ V91 - ADVANCED OFFICER TRAINING - .5-5 Units Prerequisite: permanent (non-probationary) peace officer Hours: .5-5 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide new information and skills in the enforcement of new and changing statutes; laws of arrest; search and seizure; officer survival; narcotic enforcement; fire conditions; and new concepts of police technology. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Formerly CJ 91. CJ V92 - FIELD TRAINING FOR OFFICERS - 2.5 Units Prerequisite: permanent (non-probationary) peace officer Hours: 2.5 lecture weekly This course covers learning theories, interpersonal communication, developing instructional techniques and personnel evaluations designed to assist training officers in field training of new recruits. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Formerly CJ 92. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. CJ V95 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Prerequisite: students cannot have been convicted of a felony offense; must be 18 years old at the time of registration; must possess a valid California driver's license; and must be currently enrolled in a criminal justice course Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Hours: 60 per unit This criminal justice internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. CJ V96 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Prerequisite: students cannot have been convicted of a felony offense; must be 18 years old at the time of registration; must possess a valid California driver's license; and must be currently enrolled in a criminal justice course Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Hours: 75 per unit This criminal justice internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. DANCE DANC V10 - MODERN DANCE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Modern dance techniques and skills, and the experience and appreciation of modern dance as an art form. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 27A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. DANC V13 - TAP DANCE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course teaches the basic skills in the execution of traditional tap dance steps and sequences. The emphasis is on the mastery of basic steps and rhythmic styles, leading to combination work in complete dances, including introductory choreography and space analysis. It includes a history of tap dance in American culture and its relation to other dance and art forms. Field trips may be required. DANC V13 & V18 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Dance 13. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -129 DANC V14 - MOVEMENT FOR THE THEATRE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course teaches the fundamentals of movement for the stage. Physical activity is included. Theory and practice of stage movement developing the body as an expressive instrument acquiring flexibility, relaxation, control and creative expression. Field trips may be required. DANC V14 /THA V14 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Dance 14. Same as THA V14. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN DRAM 20. DANC V15 - BALLET - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course teaches the fundamental theory and practice of ballet technique; the emphasis is on placement, correct body alignment, muscular control, and development of basic ballet positions, steps and combinations. Consideration of ballet as an art form is covered. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Dance 15. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. DANC V16 - WESTERN LINE DANCE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly A beginning course in basic rhythms and step patterns of western line dance. Dances are taught using contemporary country and other popular music. Dance variations include “contra” and selected partner dances including waltz and “cha cha” steps. Additionally, basic “two step” is added as time permits. Each class begins with a review of all previous dances. Although most of the dance selections are for single dancers, couples are encouraged to enroll so that partner variations and western two-step may be included. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Dance 16. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. DANC V17 - WESTERN DANCE FOR PAIRS - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course is designed to teach different types of western dance for pairs. Topics to include different styles of line dance, square dance and others. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. DANC V18 - INTERMEDIATE TAP DANCE - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: DANC V13 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Intermediate tap dance is a course which explores a variety of tap dance techniques focusing on the continued development of coordination, balance, correct body alignment and rhythmic perception. The course provides an enhanced understanding and appreciation of tap dance as an art form. Tap combinations are performed to demonstrate ability at the intermediate and advanced skill levels. Field trips may be required. DANC V13 & V18 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. DANC V26 - FOLK DANCE: ETHNIC DANCES OF THE WORLD - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Introduction to the study and performance of ethnic dance. A study of ethnic dance forms, music, and clothing, as well as the cultural and historical context of the dances. Emphasis is on representative ethnic dances from Latin America, Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, North America, and other areas. The course is designed to help students seeking careers and further study in dance and related fields. DANC V26/AES V15 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Dance 26. Same as AES V15. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. DANC V29 - JAZZ DANCE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Development of proficiency in jazz techniques, skills, and styles and the development of an understanding and appreciation of jazz as a dance form. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Dance 29. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. DANC V30 - DANCE PERFORMANCE - 3 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly Concentrated development of dance skills and understanding of choreography. Experience in public performance of dance concerts and demonstrations. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Dance 30. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. DANC V50 - CHOREOGRAPHY - 1 Unit Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly The study of dance with practical application in the composition of solo and group dances to be presented in dance demonstrations, concerts, and other performance situations. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Dance 50. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. DANC V60A-Z - TOPICS IN DANCE - .5-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by the other dance offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include: square dance, modern dance, ballroom dancing. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Dance 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. DANC V88 - DANCE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. DANC V89 - WORKSHOPS IN DANCE - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet the specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Dance 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. DANC V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN DANCE - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course is designed for students who are interested in furthering their skills and knowledge of dance on an independent study basis. Assignments may include performance, library, laboratory and field work. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Dance 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. 130 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 DEVELOPMENTAL STUDIES DS V10 - ACADEMIC SKILLS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS - 4 Units Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course will focus upon developing basic skills in math, problem solving, reading, study skills and writing. The course has been developed for students who normally do not perceive themselves as capable of performing college level tasks. Formerly DS 10. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. DS V88 - DEVELOPMENTAL STUDIES WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly DS V89. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. DRAFTING DRFT V01A - INTRODUCTION TO CAD DESIGN GRAPHICS I - 2-5 Units Hours: 4-10 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to introduce entry-level students to Computer Aided Design (CAD). It covers the interpretation of mechanical drawings and the application of the fundamentals of design graphics through lecture and laboratory practice. The course topics include the areas of technical sketching, lettering, orthographic projection, working drawings, auxiliary views, dimensioning, developments, pictorial drawings, basic computer applications and the introduction to computer aided design (CAD). DRFT V01B - INTRODUCTION TO CAD DESIGN GRAPHICS II - 2-5 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V01A Hours: 4-10 lecture-laboratory weekly This course covers the application of computer design graphics and drafting standards used in industrial practice. This course uses computer graphics to introduce two-dimensional and three- dimensional design drafting, editing and printing-plotting techniques. DRFT V01C - INTRODUCTION TO CAD DESIGN GRAPHICS III - 2-5 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V01A and DRFT V01B Hours: 4-10 lecture-laboratory weekly This course covers the interpretation of three-dimensional mechanical drawings and the application of the fundamentals of design graphics through lecture and laboratory practice. The course topics include the areas of technical sketching, lettering, orthographics projection, 3D assembly drawings, auxiliary views, dimensioning, developments, pictorial drawings, basic computer applications and the introduction to solid modeling in computer aided design (CAD). Field trips may be required. DRFT V01D - INTRODUCTION TO CAD DESIGN GRAPHICS IV - 2-5 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V01A and DRFT V01B and DRFT V01C Hours: 4-10 lecture-laboratory weekly This course covers the interpretation of architectural drawings and the application of the fundamentals of design graphics through lecture and laboratory practice. The course topics include the areas of technical sketching, lettering, orthographic projection, building design and construction methods, auxiliary views, dimensioning, developments, pictorial drawings, basic computer applications and the introduction to computer aided design (CAD). Field trips may be required. DRFT V02A - BLUEPRINT READING: MANUFACTURING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers the interpretation of mechanical drawings typical of the metal working field; theory of common types of projections, dimensioning principles, machine standards, application of creative sketching and interpretation of blueprints. Formerly Drft 2A. Same as WEL V02. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. DRFT V02B - BLUEPRINT READING: ARCHITECTURAL/ CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides experience in construction blueprint reading and plan review. Experiences will include the study of lines, symbols, notations and dimensions used on architectural drawings. Code interpretation and design compliance will be stressed. Field trips may be required. Formerly Drft 2B. Same as ARCH V11 & CT V20. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. DRFT V03 - DRAFTING FUNDAMENTALS - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course covers the application of the fundamentals of industrial design drafting. Topics include the basic concepts of graphic presentation including design languages/symbols, sketching, pictorial drawing, lettering, orthographic projection, working drawings, auxiliary views, dimensioning, geometric developments, duplication, interrelationships to the design process, the introduction to computer aided design, and industry trends and applications. Fees will be required. Formerly Drft 3. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V04 - MEASUREMENTS AND COMPUTATIONS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is the occupational application of measurements and computations as used by technology students. Topics include geometric shape calculations, practical trigonometry, areas, volumes, ratio and proportion, units and conversions, decimals and fractions and applied algebra. Field trips may be required. Formerly Drft 4. Same as MT V04. DRFT V05A - INTRODUCTION TO AUTOCAD - 2 Units Prerequisite: DRFT V03 or 1 year of drafting experience Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to the use of AutoCAD including commands, editing, printing and plotting with emphasis on two- dimensional, and introduction to three-dimensional drawings. Overview of related industry trends, practices and employer expectations will be addressed. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. DRFT V05A/ ARCH V23 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Drft 5A. Same as ARCH V23. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -131 DRFT V05B - ADVANCED OPERATIONS OF AUTOCAD - 2 Units Prerequisite: ARCH V23 or DRFT V05A Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course focuses on AutoCAD instruction including three- dimensional drafting, customization of AutoCAD, introduction to architectural and electronic CAD, and introduction to CAD/CAM. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Drft 5B. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V10A - ELECTRONIC DRAFTING I - 3 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V03 or 1 year of drafting experience Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly A study of electronic drafting that includes block diagrams, schematics, printed circuit boards and integrated circuits. Computer assisted drafting (CAD) is an integral part of the course. Formerly Drft 10A. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V10B - ELECTRONIC DRAFTING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: DRFT V10A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is a study of logic diagrams, packaging and advanced principles of printed circuit board design. Computer assisted drafting (CAD) is also an integral part of the course. Formerly Drft 10B. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V14A - TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATION I - 3 Units Prerequisite: DRFT V03 or 1 year of drafting experience Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Gives the student skills in the preparation of technical illustrations to meet the standards of industry. Drawings are made from blueprints, technical orders and freehand sketches. Axonometric projection will be covered. Fees will be required. Formerly Drft 14A. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V14B - TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATION II - 3 Units Prerequisite: DRFT V14A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Systems of perspective drawing. Information on and study of layouts and makeup of industrial manuals. Techniques used in industrial publications. Fees will be required. Formerly Drft 14B. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V16 - CIVIL DESIGN - 3 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V03 or 1 year of drafting experience Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This is a fundamental course in grading design; contour manipulation; computations and procedures; applicable fundamental design techniques; practice with maps and land descriptions; estimating also covered. Field trips may be required. Formerly Drft 16. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V18 - DRAFTING PROJECTS - 3 Units Prerequisite: ARCH V23 or DRFT V05A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is an integration of previously acquired knowledge through assignment of projects in the areas of machine drafting, architectural drawing, technical illustration and electronic drafting. Students will select one area. The majority of work is performed on computer assisted drafting (CAD) hardware. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly Drft 18. DRFT V41 - INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL DESIGN GRAPHICS - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This entry-level course covers the application of the fundamentals of industrial design graphics through lecture and laboratory practice. The course topics include the areas of technical sketching, lettering, orthographic projection, working drawings, auxiliary views, dimensioning, developments, pictorial drawings, drawing duplication, introduction to computer assisted drafting (CAD) and their interrelationship to the design process. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V42 - DESIGN DRAFTING AND 3D SOLID MODELING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ARCH V23 or DRFT V05A; and DRFT V41 Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course consists of the drawing of machine details and assemblies with attention to tolerances, notes, and dimensioning consistent with industrial practices. The course also covers the study of 3D CAD (computer assisted drafting) design concepts and applications. Students will develop skills in wire frame, surface, and solid model creation. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V43 - INTRODUCTION TO SOLIDWORKS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V42 Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course provides a foundation in 3D parametric design using Autodesk, AutoCAD, Mechanical Desktop software and/or other industry standard solid modeling software. The students will be introduced to the design concepts of parts and assemblies, parametric design, feature driven design, profiles and sketches, detail drawings, assembly drawings and CAD (computer assisted drafting) standards used in industry. The course covers the development of 3D design models, 2D detail drawings and the creation and application of parametric assembly models. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V44 - RAPID DESIGN AND PROTOTYPING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V42 or DRFT V43 Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course introduces the applications of technology and tools for creating three-dimensional physical models from 3D CAD (computer assisted drafting) files and other 3D data. Rapid prototyping and model making technologies are covered that accelerate the design process, allowing the student designers to shorten the design cycle time, update the product development process and improve communication between the design focus groups, engineering, marketing and manufacturing. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. DRFT V50 - FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING APPLICATIONS: COMPUTER ASSISTED DRAFTING (CAD)/ COMPUTER ASSISTED MACHINING (CAM) - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ARCH V23 or DRFT V05A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to flexible manufacturing applications and CAD/CAM. Topics include set up and operation of numerical control lathes, mills, electrical discharge machines and robotics principles. Fees will be required. Formerly MS V50. Transfer credit: CSU. 132 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 DRFT V51 - INTRODUCTION TO 3D STUDIO MAX - 2 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions using 3D Studio Max. This course provides hands-on training in hardware and software applications, including conceptual principles, modeling, rendering and animation. Tutorials focus on the primary uses of animation in the real world, including architectural, mechanical, accident recreation and character animation. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Drft 51. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. DRFT V88 - DRAFTING WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly DRFT V89. DRFT V99 - AUTOCAD JOB TRAINING PROGRAM - 4 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This AutoCAD course is designed to prepare the student for entry-level employment into the drafting industry. Hands-on training will be provided in various hardware and software applications including setting up programs, editing, drawing, attributes and extractions, AutoLISP, menus, scripts, etc. Students may opt to emphasize one or all of the three major styles which include architectural, 3 D, or mechanical. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Drft 99. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ECONOMICS ECON V01A - PRINCIPLES OF MACRO-ECONOMICS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a broad and comprehensive introduction to the operation of the American economy with emphasis on macroeconomics. Macro-economics is concerned with obtaining an overview of the structure of the economy and the relationships between the major economic aggregates: households, businesses, government and international economy. Macro-economics involves the study of the levels of output, income, expenditures, employment, prices, and the government’s ability to alter these levels by the use of fiscal and monetary policies. Formerly Econ 1A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ECON 2. ECON V01B - PRINCIPLES OF MICRO-ECONOMICS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ECON V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a continuation of the broad and comprehensive introduction to the operation of the American economy but with emphasis on micro-economics. Micro-economics is concerned with the small economic units: an individual household, firm, and industry. Micro-economics involves the study of consumer behavior, the operation of the firm, and the competitive, monopolistic-competitive, oligopolistic, and monopolistic structures of industries. International trade and finance, comparative economic systems, and economic growth and development are also examined. Formerly Econ 1B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ECON 4. ECON V88 - ECONOMICS WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. ECON V89 - WORKSHOPS IN ECONOMICS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Econ 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. ECON V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN ECONOMICS - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Econ 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. ECON V95 - ECONOMICS INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This economics internship offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Formerly Econ 95. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. ECON V96 - ECONOMICS INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This economics internship offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -133 EDUCATION EDU V01 - INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture weekly This introductory foundation course is designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge of the American educational enterprise, especially problems in urban multicultural schools. Standards for the teaching profession, conditions for effective learning, and models of school reform are addressed. A minimum of 20 hours of observation and participation in a multicultural school setting is required. Field trips will be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. EDU V02 - URBAN EDUCATION IN AMERICAN SOCIETY - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture weekly This foundation course is designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge of the understanding of the American educational system, especially problems in urban multicultural schools. Concepts and methods from the fields of sociology, philosophy, and the politics of education are used to gain knowledge of, understand and analyze the current conditions of American schools and to evaluate selected proposals/models of reform. A minimum of 20 hours of observation and participation in a multicultural school and community setting is required. Field trips will be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. EDU V89 - WORKSHOPS IN EDUCATION - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU. EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE CENTER These Educational Assistance Center (EAC) courses are designed for students with disabilities. EAC V01 - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS IN COLLEGE AND LIFE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A performance oriented course designed for students with disabilities to increase success in education, career and life goals. Students will develop their own success plans through self- evaluation and by learning and applying specific techniques and resources. Topics covered are disability awareness and self- advocacy, learning profiles, study/life skills, relationships, multiculturalism, and college and career options. Emphasizes independent critical thinking skills while providing opportunity for construction and implementation of plans for success. Transfer credit: CSU. EAC V05A - INTRODUCTION: VISUALLY IMPAIRED - .5-3 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly This course is designed for those interested in a basic knowledge of the visually impaired. Students will learn basic orientation and mobility skills and will learn about the anatomy of the eye and eye diseases. Additionally, students will examine the materials, services and daily living skills needed by the blind and visually impaired. Field trips will be required. Formerly SpEd 5A. EAC V05B - RESOURCES FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED - .5-3 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly This course is designed for those interested in a knowledge of the organizations, community resources, technology and assistive computer access for the visually impaired. Students will also be introduced to the five types of Braille. Field trips will be required. Formerly SpEd 5B. EAC V05C - COMPUTER BRAILLE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will focus on Braille instruction utilized by the blind and visually impaired population at home and in the workplace. It will also serve as a certification course for Braille transcribers. It will prepare future transcribers for Library of Congress certification. Field trips will be required. Transfer credit: CSU. EAC V14 - ENGLISH GRAMMAR SKILLS FOR THE DEAF - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed for hearing impaired students who require instruction in English grammar and whose primary communication mode is American Sign Language. The course includes practice in identifying parts of speech and correct sentence structure using instructional materials especially designed for the hearing impaired. Field trips may be required. Formerly EAC 14. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. EAC V21 - WEIGHT TRAINING AND CONDITIONING: ADAPTIVE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly An individualized weight training course designed to improve muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, posture, static and dynamic balance, locomotion, perceptual-motor skills, sports-related gross motor skills, and/or fine motor skills for students with disabilities, as well as enhancing and developing social skills and self-esteem. It also provides a physical education program for those persons who have limited physical capacity and require adaptive physical education. Adaptive equipment is available in the fitness center for students requiring this accommodation. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly EAC 21. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. EAC V25 - INTRODUCTION TO DANCE: ADAPTIVE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly A study, appreciation, and experience of basic dance forms designed for students with disabilities. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly EAC 25. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. 134 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 EAC V26 - INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM SPORTS: ADAPTIVE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Instruction and practice in individual and team sports for men and women. Designed especially for students with disabilities, including wheelchair users. Basic fundamentals, rules and strategies, including but not limited to, basketball, track and tennis. Also provides a physical education program for students who have limited physical capacity and require adaptive physical education. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly EAC 26. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. EAC V27 - INTRODUCTION TO SWIMMING: ADAPTIVE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course is designed to introduce the fundamentals of swimming skills and safety practices. It will include instruction, conditioning and practice, and is designed for students of all disabilities and challenges. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. EAC V28 - EXPLORING MULTICULTURAL DANCE FORMS: ADAPTIVE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Students will learn a variety of dances from diverse cultures. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. EAC V32 - JOB-SEEKING STRATEGIES - 1.5 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly A course designed for persons with disabilities who wish to improve their job-seeking strategies. Topics will include employee rights and responsibilities, job observation/exploration, interview techniques, applications and resumes. Field trips may be required. Formerly EAC 32. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations see counselor. EAC V33 - CAREER EXPLORATION - 1.5 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course is designed to provide disabled persons opportunities to explore and observe occupational areas in which they have expressed career interest. Formerly EAC 33. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. EAC V88 - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE CENTER WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly EAC V89. EAC V95 - SPECIAL EDUCATION INTERNSHIP I- 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This special education internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. EAC V96 - SPECIAL EDUCATION INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This special education internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY EMT V01 - EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN - 7 Units Prerequisite: current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; age 18 by midterm; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the state of California Emergency Services Authority through the Ventura County Emergency Medical Services Agency may deny certification to those with criminal records Hours: 7 lecture, .5 laboratory weekly This course covers the techniques of emergency medical care presently considered to be within the scope of practice of ambulance attendants and others engaged in the delivery of emergency services. The student participates in providing care to the emergency patient in both hospital and field settings under the direct supervision of hospital and ambulance personnel. This course is approved by the California State Department of Emergency Services. Upon successful completion of both the written and practical examinations with a grade of B or better, the student will be eligible to sit for the certifying examination administered by the Ventura County Emergency Medical Services Agency. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Formerly EMT V01 & V01L. EMT V10 - EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN RECERTIFICATION - 2 Units Prerequisite: valid EMT certificate; and current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course is designed to update the emergency medical technician and meet state requirements for recertification. The course reviews life-support measures and the use of emergency equipment and supplies. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly EMT 10. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -135 ENGINEERING ENGR V01 - INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course provides students with an overview of the engineering profession. It includes academic preparation requirements; engineering curricula, methods and history of engineering; projected employment opportunities; professional career duties, responsibilities, and expectations; employer requirements and expectations; and recent developments in engineering and future needs. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engr 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGR V02 - ENGINEERING GRAPHICS - 2 Units Prerequisite: MATH V05 or the fourth year of high school mathematics ((advanced mathematics) with grade of C or better Recommended preparation: MATH V20 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course covers the concepts of graphic presentation by orthographic, pictorial, and auxiliary projections; development of charts and graphs; development of empirical equations from linear, log-log, and semi-log graphs of empirical data; and graphical differentiation and integration. Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD) is an integral part of this course. Formerly Engr 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGR 2. ENGR V03 - DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY - 2 Units Prerequisite: MATH V05 or the fourth year of high school mathematics ((advanced mathematics) with grade of C or better Recommended preparation: MATH V20 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course covers study of points, lines and planes, intersections and developments as a basis for more advanced design courses. Students will be introduced to the use of computer-aided design equipment. Formerly Engr 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGR V05A - PLANE SURVEYING - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V05 or the fourth year of high school mathematics ((advanced mathematics) with grade of C or better Recommended preparation: MATH V20 Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course covers the theory and practice of land surveying including horizontal, angular, and elevation measurements. The analysis of errors pertinent to surveying, and the analysis of surveying measurements and adjustments are included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engr 5A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGR 10 [with ENGR V05B]. ENGR V05B - ENGINEERING SURVEYS - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGR V05A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course provides instruction and experience in office calculations and field techniques for: control surveys, topographic surveys using transit-stadia and plane table alidade, horizontal and vertical curves, earthwork, practical astronomy, and introduction to photogrammetry. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engr 5B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGR 10 [with ENGR V05A]. ENGR V12 - ENGINEERING STATICS - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V21B or concurrent enrollment; and PHYS V04V04L Hours: 3 lecture weekly The course provides an analysis of forces on structures in equilibrium. It includes properties of forces, moments, shear, couples, resultants, friction, centroids, and area moments. Methods of analysis include mathematical modeling, vectors, scalers, and virtual work. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engr 12. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGR 8. ENGR V16 - ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND DEVICES - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V21B and PHYS V05-V05L Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to electronic circuits and devices for the engineering major. It includes resistive and transient circuit analysis, sinusoidal AC circuits, computer-aided analysis, semiconductors, diodes, transistors, digital logic circuits, and operational amplifiers with negative feedback. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engr 16. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGR 12 or CAN ENGR 6 [with ENGR V16L]. ENGR V16L - ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND DEVICES LABORATORY - 1 Unit Prerequisite: ENGR V16 or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course provides the laboratory experience to illustrate the principles covered in electronic circuits and devices to develop the student’s laboratory skills. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engr 16L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGR 6 [with ENGR V16]. ENGR V18 - ENGINEERING MATERIALS - 3 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V01A-V01AL and PHYS V04-V04L Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course covers the application of chemistry, physics, and mathematics to the analysis of internal structures of materials, the dependency on properties of materials upon those structures, and the study of the behavior of materials in service. Lab related observations and material performance are compared to theory. Computers are utilized where appropriate. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engr 18. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGR 4. ENGR V88 - ENGINEERING WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. ENGR V89 - WORKSHOPS IN ENGINEERING - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Engr 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. 136 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ENGLISH Enrollment in many English courses requires meeting prerequisites. Prerequisites (proof of readiness) must be satisfied in one of the following ways: 1) Placement as measured by the Ventura College assessment process; or, 2) Satisfactory completion of the required prerequisite course at Moorpark, Oxnard, or Ventura College; or, 3) Satisfactory completion of the prerequisite course at another college (transcripts required). For further information about prerequisites, see the Ventura College Schedule of Classes and/ or Catalog. ENGL V01A - ENGLISH COMPOSITION - 5 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V02 with grade of C or better or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 5 lecture weekly The student will learn to write coherent, well-developed expository essays using a variety of rhetorical modes; to prepare a research paper; and to respond critically to ideas in published works. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 1A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGL 2 or CAN ENGL SEQ A [with ENGL V01B]. ENGL V01B - CRITICAL THINKING AND COMPOSITION THROUGH LITERATURE - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly English V01B is designed to reinforce the critical reading and the writing skills taught in English V01A. Students will receive instruction in critical thinking and writing strong arguments using literature as the subject matter. Students will learn to identify premises and conclusions, to recognize patterns of faulty logic in developing arguments, and to use deductive and inductive reasoning. They will demonstrate this understanding in graded writing assignments (totaling 8,000 to 10,000 words) that synthesize material from various sources, demonstrate critical reasoning skills and utilize research strategies. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 1B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGL 4 or CAN ENGL SEQ A [with ENGL V01A]. ENGL V02 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH COMPOSITION - 5 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V03 or placement as measured by the college assessment process Recommended preparation: ENGL V06A Hours: 5 lecture weekly The student will learn to write coherent, well-developed expository essays using a variety of rhetorical modes; to summarize and analyze essays as models for writing; and to conduct research and write a research essay. Formerly ENGL V02A. ENGL V03 - BASIC ENGLISH COMPOSITION - 5 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V04B or placement as measured by the college assessment process; ENGL V07 or ESL V33 or concurrent enrollment or placement as measured by the college assessment process. Hours: 5 lecture weekly The student will learn to write coherent, supported paragraphs and short essays; to analyze and summarize short prose; and to conduct research and write a short research paper. Formerly Engl 3. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ENGL V04A - WRITING SKILLS: LEVEL A - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V08A or ESL V34A or concurrent enrollment or placement as measured by the college assessment process. Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly The student will learn to write grammatically correct sentences, to develop coherent paragraphs, and to read and to analyze short passages as models for writing. Formerly ENGL V190A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ENGL V04B - WRITING SKILLS: LEVEL B - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V08A or ESL V34A or concurrent enrollment or placement as measured by the college assessment process. Recommended preparation: ENGL V04A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly The student will write a variety of grammatically correct sentences, use a variety of rhetorical modes in well-developed paragraphs, and analyze short passages as models for writing. The student will also be introduced to essay writing and library research. Formerly ENGL V190B. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ENGL V05 - COLLEGE-LEVEL READING FOR CRITICAL ANALYSIS - 3.5 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V06A or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course is a college-level reading course designed to help students improve their reading comprehension and ability to do critical analysis. They will develop advanced vocabulary skills and improve their reading speed and comprehension in assignments involving lengthy and difficult college-level texts and scholarly articles. Formerly READ V01. Transfer credit: CSU. ENGL V06A - ACADEMIC READING - 3.5 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V07 or ESL V33 or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This is a college-level reading course which is designed to help students improve their reading comprehension across the disciplines. They will develop content area and individualized vocabulary and learn to identify and distinguish between literal and implied thesis statements and supporting details in complex articles and expository essays of medium length. They will also read, summarize, paraphrase and analyze such expository passages. Formerly READ V02A. ENGL V06B - READING MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V07 or ESL V33 or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a survey of multicultural literature which focuses on reading, understanding and writing about the genres of poetry, short fiction and drama. This course is designed to help students improve their understanding of the elements of each of the genres and the social and historical and cultural contexts which contribute to the works. Students will learn to read, summarize, and analyze literary works from a variety of cultural groups. They will also learn to do literary research. Formerly ENGL V02B/READ V02B. Same as AES V30. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -137 ENGL V07 - INTERMEDIATE READING COMPREHENSION AND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION - 3.5 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V08A or ENGL V08B or ESL V34A or ESL V34B or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This is an intermediate-level reading course which is designed to help students improve their reading comprehension at the level of the short essay. They will individually develop their vocabularies and learn to identify literal and implied main ideas and supporting details at the level of the short essay. They will also read, summarize, paraphrase and analyze short, simple expository passages. Formerly READ V03. Same as ESL V33. Not applicable for degree credit. ENGL V08A - LOW-BEGINNING READING COMPREHENSION - 3.5 Units Recommended preparation: placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This is a beginning-level reading comprehension course intended as a bridge for students from English as a Second Language, the Educational Assistance Center, or into the college. It is designed to help students develop reading comprehension at the paragraph level and to develop a functional vocabulary. Formerly READ V04. Same as ESL V34A. Not applicable for degree credit. ENGL V08B - HIGH-BEGINNING READING COMPREHENSION - 3.5 Units Recommended preparation: placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly Students will read and analyze short passages of several paragraphs in length. They will also develop a functional academic vocabulary. Same as ESL V34B. Not applicable for degree credit. ENGL V09 - INDIVIDUALIZED READING - 1 Unit Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed for students who want to improve their reading in areas such as reading speed, comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, and study skills. After appropriate diagnosis and discussion with the instructor, students will begin work in specific skill areas. Formerly READ V10. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. ENGL V10 - CREATIVE WRITING - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Various literary forms (short story, poetry, essay, and drama among others) are examined in the course. The form of the genre is examined from a critical standpoint, and the requirements of each genre are discussed. Students produce original works and are given assistance in improving their writing. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 10. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGL 6. ENGL V11A - INTERMEDIATE CREATIVE WRITING I - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V10 Hours: 3 lecture weekly A continuation of the study of the literary forms - short story, poetry, and drama - with practice in writing original works, and with special emphasis on criticism of students’ works by instructor and students. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 11A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGL V11B - INTERMEDIATE CREATIVE WRITING II - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V11A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a course for students who wish to improve their skills as poets, authors of fiction and as nonfiction writers. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 11B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGL V15 - INTRODUCTION TO POETRY - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly A study of poetry with emphasis on critical reading, analysis, and interpretation. The student will learn the different forms and elements of poetry. The students will write papers critically analyzing poetry. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 15. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGL 20. ENGL V16 - INTRODUCTION TO FICTION - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Analysis and interpretation of representative short stories and novels. Emphasis on structure, style, character, setting, and tone. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 16. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGL 18. ENGL V21A - SURVEY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of English literature in its cultural framework from the Celtic epic tradition to the late 18th century, covering the Heroic Age, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and Neoclassicism. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 21A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGL 8 or CAN ENGL SEQ B [with ENGL V21B]. ENGL V21B - SURVEY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of English literature in its cultural framework from the beginning of the 19th century to the end of the 20th century, covering the Romantic, Victorian, Modern and Post Modern periods of literature. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 21B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGL 10 or CAN ENGL SEQ B [with ENGL V21A]. 138 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ENGL V22A - SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE: COLONIAL PERIOD TO 1865 - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of American literature, including its religious, social, political, and cultural contexts from the colonial period to the end of the Civil War. This course will cover Puritanism, Reason and Revolution, Transcendentalism, Romanticism, and Multiculturalism/ Abolitionists/Native-American writers. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGL 14 or CAN ENGL SEQ C [with ENGL V22B]. ENGL V22B - SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE: 1865 TO PRESENT - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of American literature from 1865 to the present, including poetry, fiction and drama. Emphasis will be on the political, social and cultural influences on writers of the Realistic, Regional, Naturalistic, Modern, and Post-Modern movements with readings from both traditional and multicultural writers represented. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ENGL 16 or CAN ENGL SEQ C [with ENGL V22A]. ENGL V23 - INTRODUCTION TO DRAMATIC LITERATURE - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a beginning study of dramatic theory. Plays from various time periods will be studied and analyzed as literary works in the historical context, traced through their production history, considered for their relevance and importance for today’s artists and audiences, and analyzed for their production possibilities. The course will emphasize critical reading, analysis, and interpretation. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 23. Same as THA V23. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN ENGL 22. ENGL V26 - INTRODUCTION TO SHAKESPEARE - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly The course analyzes selected plays and verse to enhance understanding of Shakespeare as poet and playwright. Lectures cover all aspects, including plot development, character delineation, themes, language, verse, stagecraft, social conventions and attitudes of the Elizabethan Age. The selected plays represent a cross-section of the types of plays created by Shakespeare. These plays will also illustrate ways in which Shakespeare developed as dramatist and poet. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 26. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGL V29A - AESTHETICS OF FILM I - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Introduction to the study of film, especially feature length commercial films. Emphasis is on creative and critical interpretation and evaluation of film techniques and effects. Field trips may be required. Formerly ENGL V07A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. ENGL V29B - AESTHETICS OF FILM II - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Additional study of the film as a medium for dramatic presentation. Emphasis is on creative and critical interpretation of films. Films seen and evaluated in the introductory film course will be different from films presented in this course. Field trips may be required. Formerly ENGL V07B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. ENGL V30 - SURVEY OF WORLD LITERATURE I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of world literature and its cultural framework from ancient times to the Renaissance. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 30. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGL V31 - SURVEY OF WORLD LITERATURE II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of world literature and its cultural framework from the Renaissance to the present. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 31. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGL V33 - INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN-AMERICAN LITERATURE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly An analytical, in-depth study of the literature of the African American experience in the United States. A student receiving credit in ENGL V33 will not receive credit in ENGL V133. Formerly Engl 33. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGL V34 - INTRODUCTION TO CHICANO LITERATURE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to introduce the literature of the Chicano. The novel, short story, essay, theatre, song, and poetry of the Chicano will be analyzed and interpreted in-depth. A student receiving credit in ENGL V34 will not receive credit in ENGL V134. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 34. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGL V35 - MULTICULTURAL AMERICAN LITERATURE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey course on the ethnic American experience in the United States, focusing on several of the following literatures: African American, Asian American, Chicano, Latino, and Native American. Other groups may be included. Literary genres include poetry, drama, short fiction, and the novel. Literary works will be examined within their cultural, historical, and social frameworks. This course emphasizes appreciation of writers in these genres and their contributions. A student receiving credit in ENGL V35 will not receive credit in ENGL V135. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -139 ENGL V36A - SURVEY OF WOMEN IN LITERATURE I - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly An examination of the images, roles and identities of women through the study of the contribution of women to a variety of literary genres including prose, poetry, short fiction, drama and novels. Authors will be studied in their historical, social and cultural milieu from the Middle Ages through the early 20th century. A student receiving credit in ENGL V36A will not receive credit in ENGL V136A. Field trips may be required. Formerly ENGL V32B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGL V36B - SURVEY OF WOMEN IN LITERATURE II - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly An examination of the images, roles and identities of women through the study of the contribution of women to a variety of literary genres including prose, poetry, short fiction, drama and novels. Authors will be studied in their historical, social and cultural milieu from the early 20th century to the present. Literary trends such as Modernism, Feminism, Men’s Studies, and Lesbian/ Gay/Bisexual Transgender Studies will also be covered. A student receiving credit in ENGL V36B will not receive credit in ENGL V136B. Field trips may be required. Formerly ENGL V32A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ENGL V51 - EDITING I - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly A course designed to focus on how to make written material ready for publication. Students may use word processing equipment. Basic editing, grammar, spelling, English fundamentals, consistency and style will be taught in relation to correcting work for a variety of print and online publications. Skills acquired will be usable in various job markets including newsletter, newspaper, magazine, book and online publishing. Field trips may be required. Same as JOUR V15A. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ENGL V60A-Z - TOPICS IN ENGLISH - 1-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by the other English offerings. Formerly Engl 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. ENGL V88 - ENGLISH WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. ENGL V89 - WORKSHOPS IN ENGLISH - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Engl 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. ENGL V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN ENGLISH - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Engl 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. ENGL V133 - AFRICAN-AMERICAN LITERATURE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A study of the uniqueness of the literature of African American experience in the United States as seen and recreated in the work of African American writers. Emphasis is on appreciation rather than analysis. A student receiving credit in ENGL V133 will not receive credit in ENGL V33. Formerly Engl 133. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. ENGL V134 - CHICANO LITERATURE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will introduce the literature of the Chicano, including selections of fiction, poetry, nonfiction and drama. Discussions and assignments will emphasize interpretation, understanding, and appreciation. A student receiving credit in ENGL V134 will not receive credit in ENGL V34. Field trips may be required. Formerly Engl 134. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. ENGL V135 - AMERICAN MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey course on the ethnic American experience in the United States, focusing on several of the following literatures: African American, Asian American, Chicano, Latino, and Native American. Other groups may be included. Literary genres include poetry, drama, short fiction, and the novel. Literary works will be examined within their cultural, historical, and social frameworks. This course emphasizes appreciation of writers in these genres and their contributions. Emphasis is on appreciation rather than analysis. A students receiving credit in ENGL V135 will not receive credit in ENGL V35. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. ENGL V136A - WOMEN IN LITERATURE I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An examination of the images, roles and identities of women through the study of the contribution of women to a variety of literary genres including prose, poetry, short fiction, drama and novels. Authors will be studied in their historical, social and cultural milieu from the Middle Ages through the early 20th century. Emphasis is on appreciation rather than analysis. A student receiving credit in ENGL V136A will not receive credit in ENGL V36A. Field trips may be required. Formerly ENGL V132B. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. 140 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ENGL V136B - WOMEN IN LITERATURE II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An examination of the images, roles and identities of women through the study of the contribution of women to a variety of literary genres including prose, poetry, short fiction, drama and novels. Authors will be studied in their historical, social and cultural milieu from the early 20th century to the present. Literary trends such as Modernism, Feminism, Men’s Studies, and Lesbian/Gay/ Bisexual/Transgender Studies will also be covered. Emphasis is on appreciation rather than analysis. A student receiving credit in ENGL V136B will not receive credit in ENGL V36B. Field trips may be required. Formerly ENGL V132A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ESL V01 - LOW-BEGINNING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - 1.5-6 Units Hours: 1-4 lecture, 1.5-6 laboratory weekly Students will acquire elementary listening and speaking skills and vocabulary related to everyday needs and situations. Emphasis will be on sound-letter correspondences, and correct pronunciation and spelling of the vocabulary introduced. There will be very limited attention to grammatical forms and writing skills. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 18 units. Formerly EP V01. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V02 - HIGH-BEGINNING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - 1.5-6 Units Recommended preparation: ESL V01 or equivalent Hours: 1-4 lecture, 1.5-6 laboratory weekly The emphasis will be on basic listening and speaking skills necessary for living and working where English is used, with some attention to practical reading and writing skills. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 18 units. Formerly EP V02. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V03 - LOW-INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - 1.5-6 Units Recommended preparation: ESL V02 or equivalent Hours: 1-4 lecture, 1.5-6 laboratory weekly Students will develop the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for living and working where English is used. Students will begin to check themselves for grammatical accuracy in speaking and writing. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 18 units. Formerly EP V03. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V04 - HIGH-INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - 1.5-6 Units Recommended preparation: ESL V03 or equivalent Hours: 1-4 lecture, 1.5-6 laboratory weekly Students will develop the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary to live and work and attend school where English is used. Emphasis will be on participating in face-to-face conversations on some topics beyond basic needs and on comprehending simple reading passages on unfamiliar topics. There will also be attention to writing notes in practical situations and simple narrative and descriptive paragraphs. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 18 units. Formerly EP V04. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V05 - LOW-ADVANCED ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - 1.5-6 Units Recommended preparation: ESL V04 or equivalent Hours: 1-4 lecture, 1.5-6 laboratory weekly Students will develop the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary for living and working and attending school where English is used. Emphasis will be on developing conversational fluency with considerable attention to self- monitoring for accuracy. Students will also read stories and articles and write paragraphs to develop academic skills for success in mainstream college courses. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 18 units. Formerly EP V05. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V06 - HIGH-ADVANCED ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - 1.5-6 Units Recommended preparation: ESL V05 or equivalent Hours: 1-4 lecture, 1.5-6 laboratory weekly Students will acquire the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary for living, working, and attending school where English is used. There will be emphasis on developing fluency in all language skills and on preparing students for success in mainstream academic and vocational courses. Students will practice strategies for self-correction in speaking and writing. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 18 units. Formerly EP V06. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V07 - HIGH-ADVANCED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TO DEVELOP READING SKILLS FOR LIMITED-ENGLISHPROFICIENT STUDENTS - 3 Units Prerequisite: ESL V05 and ESL V06 Recommended preparation: concurrent enrollment in ESL V08 Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly An advanced course for native and nonnative speakers who need to increase their competence in reading skills. Emphasis is given to reading course materials as well as those found on the Internet for the purpose of writing reports and discussion papers. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly EP V07. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V08 - HIGH-ADVANCED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TO DEVELOP WRITING SKILLS FOR LIMITED-ENGLISHPROFICIENT STUDENTS - 3 Units Prerequisite: ESL V05 and ESL V06 Recommended preparation: concurrent enrollment in ESL V07 Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly An advanced course for native and nonnative speakers who need to increase their competence in writing skills. Emphasis is given to writing reports and discussion papers based on materials used in reading courses as well as those found on the Internet. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly EP V08. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -141 ESL V09 - ENGLISH PROFICIENCY: DEVELOPMENTAL LANGUAGE SKILLS FOR OFFICE SKILLS STUDENTS - 2-6 Units Recommended preparation: demonstrated basic reading skills Hours: 1-4 lecture, 3-6 laboratory weekly Students develop the reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills necessary to succeed in an entry-level clerical job. Content includes job search, applications and resumes, interviews, telephone conventions, spelling, dictionary use, basic composition, business letters, grammar and usage, punctuation, and developmental reading. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly EP V09. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V12 - ENGLISH PROFICIENCY FOR CITIZENSHIP - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ESL V03 or equivalent skills Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course is for limited-English-proficient students who are seeking to become U.S. citizens. They will learn the English necessary to pass the naturalization examination and to answer questions in the oral interview for citizenship. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly EP V12. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V14 - ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: BEGINNING LISTENING AND SPEAKING - 1.5 Units Hours: .5 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Students will acquire the elementary listening and speaking skills and vocabulary related to everyday needs and situations. Emphasis will be on sound letter correspondences, and correct pronunciation of the vocabulary introduced. There will be very limited attention to grammatical forms. Focus will be on the functional language that students need to get their everyday needs met. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Offered on a credit/no credit only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V15 - ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: INTERMEDIATE LISTENING AND SPEAKING - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ESL V02 or equivalent Hours: .5 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Students will develop the listening and speaking skills necessary to live, work, and attend school where English is used. Students will learn strategies that will help them to take an active role in their language learning and thereby develop their communicative competence. Students will begin to monitor themselves for grammatical accuracy in speaking, and when necessary, clarify what they have heard. Emphasis will be on participating in face-toface conversations. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Offered on a credit/no credit only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V16 - ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: ADVANCED LISTENING AND SPEAKING - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ESL V04 or equivalent Hours: .5 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Students will develop the listening and speaking skills necessary to live, work, and attend school where English is used. Emphasis will be on developing conversational fluency with considerable attention to self-monitoring for accuracy in speaking. Students will practice strategies for self-correction in speaking and when necessary, to clarify what they have heard. Students will learn strategies that will help them to take an active role in their language learning and thereby develop their communicative competence. The focus of the course will be on participation in face-to-face conversations. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Offered on a credit/no credit only. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V33 - INTERMEDIATE READING COMPREHENSION AND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION - 3.5 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V08A or ENGL V08B or ESL V34A or ESL V34B or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This is an intermediate-level reading course which is designed to help students improve their reading comprehension at the level of the short essay. They will individually develop their vocabularies and learn to identify literal and implied main ideas and supporting details at the level of the short essay. They will also read, summarize, paraphrase and analyze short, simple expository passages. Same as ENGL V07. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V34A - LOW-BEGINNING READING COMPREHENSION - 3.5 Units Recommended preparation: placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This is a beginning-level reading comprehension course intended as a bridge for students from English as a Second Language, the Educational Assistance Center, or into the college. It is designed to help students develop reading comprehension at the paragraph level and to develop a functional vocabulary. Formerly ESL V34. Same as ENGL V08A. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V34B - HIGH-BEGINNING READING COMPREHENSION - 3.5 Units Recommended preparation: placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly Students will read and analyze short passages of several paragraphs in length. They will also develop a functional academic vocabulary. Same as ENGL V08B. Not applicable for degree credit. ESL V40 - ENGLISH VOCABULARY AND COMMUNICATION FOR NONNATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly English vocabulary and communication is a course designed to increase students' vocabulary and improve students' communication skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Not applicable for degree credit. 142 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ESL V88 - ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING FDM V10 - FASHION INDUSTRY AND MARKETING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Exploration of the fashion industry, marketing and careers within the industry. Core components include: development of fashion; fashion terminology; primary markets, producers of materials; secondary markets, design and production; retailing; auxiliary fashion resources; economic importance of the industry; channels of distribution; marketing concepts; domestic and foreign markets; fashion careers and job market analysis; sourcing; and, global implications. Field trips will be required. Formerly FDM 10. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN FCS 22. FDM V17 - CREATING THE FASHION IMAGE: FASHION PROMOTION - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V11A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Fashion promotion is explored through newspapers, trade publications, magazines, radio and television advertisements. Students will receive laboratory experience in advertising, visual display and fashion show production. Field trips may be required. Formerly FDM 17. Same as ART V17. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. FDM V18A - FIGURE ILLUSTRATION I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V12A or concurrent enrollment Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course provides basic instruction in drawing from clothed models. Emphasis is placed on analysis of the contemporary figure for style, clothing detail and implied movement with emphasis on elegance, poise and mood. Attention is given to wash drawing and dry media in achromatic and monochromatic color schemes. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly FDM 18A. Same as ART V18A. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. FDM V18B - FIGURE ILLUSTRATION II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V18A or FDM V18A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Intermediate instruction in drawing from clothed models. Analysis of the contemporary figure for style, clothing detail and implied movement with emphasis on elegance, poise and mood. Attention is given to wash drawing and dry media in color. Live models will be used. Field trips may be required. Formerly FDM 18B. Same as ART V18B. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. FDM V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN FASHION DESIGN MERCHANDISING - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly FDM 90. Transfer credit: CSU. FRENCH French courses (FREN) not offered 2006-2007. FREN V01 - ELEMENTARY FRENCH I - 5 Units Hours: 5 lecture weekly Training in communication, comprehension, pronunciation, elementary principles of grammar, reading of prose, and simple composition; progress in oral-aural skills emphasized throughout the course and supplemented by outside use of the language laboratory; cultural material is given to stimulate interest in and develop an understanding and appreciation of the French-speaking peoples and countries. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN FREN 2 or CAN FREN SEQ A [with FREN V02]. FREN V02 - ELEMENTARY FRENCH II - 5 Units Prerequisite: FREN V01 or 2 years of high school French or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly Continued training in communication, comprehension, pronunciation, principles of grammar, reading of prose, and simple composition; progress in oral-aural skills emphasized throughout the course and supplemented by outside use of the language laboratory; cultural material is given to stimulate interest in and develop an understanding and appreciation of the French-speaking peoples and countries. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN FREN 4 or CAN FREN SEQ A [with FREN V01]. FREN V03 - INTERMEDIATE FRENCH I - 5 Units Prerequisite: FREN V02 or 3 years of high school French or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly Review of French grammar: students are given the opportunity to increase their oral and written proficiency in the language and to read selections drawn from the works of well-known authors; the language laboratory will be used to reinforce and practice grammatical concepts and communicative functions. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN FREN 8 or CAN FREN SEQ B [with FREN V04]. FREN V04 - INTERMEDIATE FRENCH II - 5 Units Prerequisite: FREN V03 or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly Further study of grammatical principles with special emphasis on building communicative skills in French. Reading and discussion of essays, periodicals, short stories, drama and poetry used to increase vocabulary, fluency and cultural understanding. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN FREN 10 or CAN FREN SEQ B [with FREN V03]. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -143 FREN V51A - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN FRENCH I - 3 Units Prerequisite: FREN V01 or FREN V71 or 2 years of high school French or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the student with some knowledge of French further opportunity to practice the language through conversation, role-playing, and other activities in French. The course will be conducted entirely in French. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 51A. Transfer credit: CSU. FREN V51B - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN FRENCH II - 3 Units Prerequisite: FREN V02 or FREN V51A or FREN V72 or 3 years of high school French or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the student with some knowledge of French additional oral practice in the language through conversation, discussion groups, role-playing, and other activities in French. The course will be conducted entirely in French. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 51B. Transfer credit: CSU. FREN V51C - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN FRENCH III - 3 Units Prerequisite: FREN V03 or FREN V51B or FREN V73 or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the intermediate-level student of French further opportunity to practice the language through conversation, discussion groups, debates, role-playing, and other activities in French. The course will be conducted entirely in French. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 51C. Transfer credit: CSU. FREN V71 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ELEMENTARY FRENCH I - 5 Units Hours: 5 lecture weekly Communication skills are given primary emphasis in this course. Training in pronunciation, comprehension, basic elementary principles of grammar, progress in oral-aural skills emphasized throughout the course and supplemented by the use of language laboratory; cultural material is given to stimulate interest in and develop an understanding and appreciation of the French-speaking peoples and countries. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 71. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. FREN V72 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ELEMENTARY FRENCH II - 5 Units Prerequisite: FREN V01 or FREN V71 or equivalent or 2 years of high school French Hours: 5 lecture weekly Communication skills are given primary emphasis in this course. Continued training in pronunciation, comprehension, basic elementary principles of grammar, progress in oral-aural skills emphasized throughout the course and supplemented by the use of the language laboratory; cultural material continues to be given to stimulate interest in and develop an understanding and appreciation of French-speaking peoples and countries. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 72. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. FREN V73 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERMEDIATE FRENCH III - 5 Units Prerequisite: FREN V02 or FREN V72 or equivalent or 3 years of high school French Hours: 5 lecture weekly Continued training in pronunciation, comprehension, principles of grammar, reading of prose, and more developed composition skills; progress in oral-aural skills emphasized throughout the course and supplemented by use of the language laboratory; cultural material continues to be given to stimulate interest in and develop an understanding and appreciation of French-speaking peoples and countries. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 73. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. FREN V74 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERMEDIATE FRENCH IV - 5 Units Prerequisite: FREN V03 or FREN V73 or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly Communication skills are given primary emphasis in this course. Continued training in pronunciation, comprehension, principles of grammar, more advanced reading and compositions, oral-aural skills emphasized throughout the course and supplemented by use of the language laboratory; cultural material continues to be given to stimulate interest in and develop an understanding and appreciation of French-speaking peoples and countries. Field trips may be required. Formerly Fr 74. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. FREN V80 - CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An introduction to oral communication in French. Emphasis is on listening, comprehension, and speaking through vocabulary development and formulaic expressions such as greetings, introductions, describing family members and daily activities. Role playing and other communicative tasks will be used to facilitate language learning. FREN V88 - FRENCH WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. FREN V89 - WORKSHOPS IN FRENCH - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet the specific needs of the college and community as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Fr 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. FREN V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN FRENCH - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Fr 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. 144 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 GEOGRAPHY GEOG V01 - ELEMENTS OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a spatial study of planet Earth’s dynamic physical systems and processes. Topics include weather, climate, geomorphology, soils, and the biosphere. The emphasis is on interrelationships among systems and processes and their resulting patterns and distributions. Tools of geographic inquiry include maps, remote sensing, graphic data, and models. Field trips may be required (may be scheduled on Saturday). Formerly Geog 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GEOG 2 or CAN GEOG 6 [with GEOG V01L]. GEOG V01L - ELEMENTS OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY LABORATORY - 1 Unit Prerequisite: GEOG V01 or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This laboratory course is designed to be the hands-on measurement, computational and data analysis portion of the course. By using specific data, either provided by the instructor or generated by the students, activities focus on the detailed aspects and general patterns associated with the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Specific activities include: topographic map interpretation/use/preparation, reading/preparing charts and tables, manipulation of numerical data, and learning/performing field/laboratory techniques common to the discipline. Field trips may be required. Formerly Geog 1L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GEOG 6 [with GEOG V01]. GEOG V02 - ELEMENTS OF CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the broad field of geography its objectives, principal divisions, basic principles, and applications to present-day world problems; understanding human society in relation to the earth environment with emphasis on the cultural elements; geographic analysis of the major world regions. Field trips may be required (may be scheduled on Saturday). Formerly Geog 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GEOG 4. GEOG V05 - INTRODUCTION TO WEATHER AND CLIMATE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a nontechnical study of the earth’s atmospheric phenomena; the basic weather elements - temperature, pressure, and moisture conditions and the recording of data; investigation into the causes of weather and the world climate pattern. Field trips may be required (may be scheduled on Saturday). Formerly Geog 5. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GEOG 12. GEOG V06 - GEOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introduction to the geography of California - its natural setting of mountains, valleys, deserts and coastline, and how people have adapted to this unique environment. Topics to be examined include weather and climate, agricultural activities, settlement patterns, use of natural resources, industry and manufacturing, and the problems facing California today. Field trips may be required (may be scheduled on Saturday). Formerly Geog 6. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. GEOG V08 - WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Introduction to the world’s major geographic regions. Survey of population distribution, cultural, patterns, political structures and strife, and economic development; general land use patterns and resource utilization and their correlation with environment elements including weather, climate, water resources, and landforms. Interpretation of maps and other geographic imagery; emphasis on geography’s uniquely spatial perspective within an interdisciplinary approach. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. GEOG V22 - FUNDAMENTALS OF MAPPING AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an introduction to the mapping sciences with a primary focus on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This is the foundation course for the use of GIS software. It covers the history, structure, uses, hardware and software requirements, as well as the basic operation of GIS. It also examines the use of other geographic technologies–mapping, aerial photography, remote sensing and global positioning systems (GPS)– as they relate to GIS use. Examples will be presented (GPS) for the uses of GIS software in a number of fields including business, city planning, natural resource management and scientific research. This course is recommended for anyone who is using or anticipates using any of the many types of data that can be mapped. Field trips will be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. GEOG V24 - INTRODUCTION TO GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMS (GPS) - .5 Unit Hours: 1 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to introduce Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to those who are considering using a hand-held Global Positioning System receiver for navigating in recreational activities, work and research. The course will be a combination of classroom instruction and practical hands-on exercises. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. GEOG V26 - INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE - 2 Units Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course covers hands-on use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software package (ArcView) to learn GIS concepts. All key skills for operating a GIS and various application areas for GIS will also be covered. Field trips will be required. Transfer credit: CSU. GEOG V28 - GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) APPLICATIONS: PROJECT DEVELOPMENT - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: GEOG V26 Recommended preparation: GEOG V22 Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is an exploration of various Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques and concepts through an active learning approach. Students will define, propose, design and execute a project that will incorporate GIS skills and knowledge. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. GEOG V88 - GEOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -145 GEOG V89 - WORKSHOPS IN GEOGRAPHY - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Geog 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. GEOG V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN GEOGRAPHY - .5-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Geog 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. GEOG V95 - GEOGRAPHY INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This geography internship offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience in their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor. GEOG V96 - GEOGRAPHY INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This geography internship offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor. GEOLOGY GEOL V02 - PHYSICAL GEOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is an introductory study of the structure and materials of the earth and the dynamic forces, such as volcanism, mountain-building, earthquakes, plate tectonics, weathering and erosion, which have formed and shaped this earth from its earliest history. The course is designed to make students more aware of the nature and processes of this ever-changing earth. Field trips will be required (may be scheduled on Saturday). Formerly Geol 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GEOL 6 or CAN GEOL 2 [with GEOL V02L]. GEOL V02L - PHYSICAL GEOLOGY LABORATORY - 1 Unit Prerequisite: GEOL V02 or concurrent enrollment Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course introduces some of the fundamental methods and concepts of geology in a laboratory situation: rock and mineral identification, use of and interpretation of topographic and geologic maps and aerial photographs; study of earth structures and landform development. Field trips will be required. Formerly Geol 2L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GEOL 2 [with GEOL V02]. GEOL V03 - HISTORICAL GEOLOGY: EARTH'S SYSTEMS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This earth history course studies the interaction and development of planet earth's four large-scale interrelated systems: the lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. The four- and-half billion-year historical development of these four larger system (and their many subsystems) will be interpreted and analyzed by studying evidence from earth's rock layers and fossil record. Topics will include: the basic geologic, hydrologic, atmospheric and biologic processes at work on earth (past and present), as well as selected details related to plants, animals, rock, erosion, deposition and the development of ocean basins, continents and planet earth. Field trips may be required. Formerly Geol 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GEOL 8. GEOL V07 - GEOLOGY OF NATIONAL PARKS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a general course which examines the geographic and geologic settings of selected national parks of the United States and Canada. In addition to specifics about the parks, this course will also present basic geologic principles of rivers, glaciers, wind, rock formations, fossils, deformation, coastal processes and geologic time to clarify the history of each park. Some of the parks covered include: Grand Canyon, Zion, Canyonlands, Petrified Forest, Mesa Verde, Carlsbad Caverns, Everglades, Yosemite, Mount Rainer, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Sequoia, Redwood, Big Bend, Crater Lake and the newer parks of the Channel Island and the Great Basin. Field trips may be required (may be scheduled on Saturday). Formerly Geol 7. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. GEOL V11 - INTRODUCTION TO OCEANOGRAPHY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Oceanography is a broad interdisciplinary field focused on the common goal of understanding earth's oceans. It draws subject matter from geology, geography, geophysics, chemistry, meteorology and biology. Its goals are knowledge about processes and interrelationships of the many subsystems which comprise the world's ocean. Specific topic areas include: a history of oceanographic research, the role of tectonic plates in oceans, features of the seafloor, the chemistry of seawater, movements of the ocean's water, coastal environments, life forms/conditions of oceans/seafloor as well as atmospheric/oceanic interactions. Field trips may be required (may be scheduled on Saturday). Formerly Geol 11. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 146 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 GEOL V21 - DISASTERS AND GEOHAZARDS: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course deals with natural and human disasters that have occurred, mitigation of hazards, as well as the identification of potential future disasters related to geologic hazards (geohazards). Subjects covered will include natural events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and coastal erosion. Also included will be discussions of human-made events and geohazards including acid rain, contamination of groundwater, soil erosion, wetlands eradication and sewage, toxic and nuclear waste disposal. Fundamental geologic and atmospheric principles will be presented to support the understanding of each of these processes. Field trips will be required (may be scheduled on Saturday). Transfer credit: CSU; UC. GEOL V88 - GEOLOGY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. GEOL V89 - WORKSHOPS IN GEOLOGY - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Geol 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. GERMAN Intermediate German (GERM V03, V04) not offered 2006-2007. GERM V01 - ELEMENTARY GERMAN I - 5 Units Hours: 5 lecture weekly Training in communication, comprehension, pronunciation, elementary principles of grammar, reading of prose, and simple composition; progress in oral-aural skills emphasized throughout the course and supplemented by outside use of the language laboratory; introductory cultural material is given to stimulate interest in and develop an understanding and appreciation of the German-speaking peoples and countries. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ger 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GERM 2 or CAN GERM SEQ A [with GERM V02]. GERM V02 - ELEMENTARY GERMAN II - 5 Units Prerequisite: GERM V01 or 2 years of high school German or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly Continued training in communication, comprehension, pronunciation, elementary principles of grammar, reading of prose, and simple composition; progress in oral-aural skills emphasized throughout the course and supplemented by outside use of the language laboratory; introductory cultural material is given to stimulate interest in and develop an understanding and appreciation of the German-speaking peoples and countries. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ger 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GERM 4 or CAN GERM SEQ A [with GERM V01]. GERM V03 - INTERMEDIATE GERMAN I - 5 Units Prerequisite: GERM V02 or 3 years of high school German or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly Intensive review of grammar; introduction to new applications of grammar principles; selections from original German literature are read and discussed to provide practice in improving fluency in communication. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ger 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GERM 8 or CAN GERM SEQ B [with GERM V04]. GERM V04 - INTERMEDIATE GERMAN II - 5 Units Prerequisite: GERM V03 or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly Further study of grammatical principles with special emphasis on building communicative skills in German. Reading and discussion of essays, periodicals, short stories, drama and poetry used to increase vocabulary, fluency and cultural understanding. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ger 4. Transfer credit: CSU, UC. CAN GERM 10 or CAN GERM SEQ B [with GERM V03]. GERM V51A - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN GERMAN I - 3 Units Prerequisite: GERM V01 or 2 years of high school German or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the student with some knowledge of German further opportunity to practice the language through conversation, role-playing, and other activities in German. The course will be conducted entirely in German. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ger 51A. Transfer credit: CSU. GERM V51B - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN GERMAN II - 3 Units Prerequisite: GERM V02 or GERM V51A or 3 years of high school German or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the student with some knowledge of German additional oral practice in the language through conversation, discussion groups, role-playing, and other activities in German. The course will be conducted entirely in German. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ger 51B. Transfer credit: CSU. GERM V51C - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN GERMAN III - 3 Units Prerequisite: GERM V03 or GERM V51B or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the intermediate-level German student further opportunity to practice the language through conversation, discussion groups, debates, role-playing, and other activities in German. The course will be conducted entirely in German. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ger 51C. Transfer credit: CSU. GERM V80 - CONVERSATIONAL GERMAN - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An introduction to oral communication in German. Emphasis is on listening, comprehension and speaking through vocabulary development and formulaic expressions such as greetings, introductions, describing family members and daily activities. Role playing and other communicative tasks will be used to facilitate language learning. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -147 GERM V88 - GERMAN WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. GERM V89 - WORKSHOPS IN GERMAN - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Ger 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. GERM V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN GERMAN - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Ger 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. GUIDANCE WORKSHOPS GW V01A - DISCOVERING THE RIGHT CAREER - .5-3 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly This course focuses on becoming aware of one’s interests, skills, and abilities through testing and other means of self-analysis. The student will study the job market and employment trends. Various resources will be explored. The course will teach decision making skills to assist the student in making appropriate career choices. Field trips may be required. Formerly GW 1A. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. GW V01G - DYNAMIC JOB SEARCH SKILLS - .5-3 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly A comprehensive study of effective job search techniques for those who wish employment. Topics will include locating the right employer, writing a resume, filling out job applications and developing winning interview skills. Each student will develop a job search plan and a finished resume. Audio-visual instruction will include videotaped mock interviews. Formerly GW 1G. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. GW V02A - COLLEGE ORIENTATION - .5-3 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide new students an overall orientation to facilities, programs, services and faculty at Ventura College. Students will experience a tour of the campus facilities, acquaint themselves with the testing services available, complete the college assessment instruments for use in course placement, receive financial aid information, learn requirements for graduation and transferability of courses, and complete their educational plan. Formerly GW 2A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. GW V02B - COLLEGE ORIENTATION AND SURVIVAL TRAINING (C.O.A.S.T.) - .5-3 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly C.O.A.S.T. is a course designed to increase the student's success in college by assisting the student in obtaining skills necessary to reach his/her educational objectives. Topics in this course include time management, test taking, communication skills, study techniques, question-asking skills, library use, and personal issues that may act as barriers to student success. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. GW V02Q - PEER ADVISING: EOPS - .5-3 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly This workshop is primarily for training students interested in becoming peer advisors. Techniques in basic communication, active listening and interpersonal relationships will be stressed. The course will include information regarding financial aids, graduation requirements, transfer requirements and supportive services. Those interested in becoming EOPS peer advisors should contact the EOPS coordinator for further information. Formerly GW 2Q. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. GW V02T - TRANSFER SUCCESS - .5-3 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide students with information relevant to making a decision regarding major and college choice. Students will be exposed to the different segments of higher education. Admissions requirements, major preparation requirements, general education requirements, and elective coursework will be explored. The application and transition process to point of transfer will be covered. Students will become familiar with various published resource materials, including various Web sites. Field trips may be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. GW V02X - ORIENTATION WORKSHOP: EOPS - .5-3 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly This workshop is designed to provide new students an overall orientation to facilities, programs, services and faculty at Ventura College. Students will experience a tour of the campus facilities, acquaint themselves with the testing services available, receive financial aid information, learn requirements for graduation and transferability of courses, and plan their first semester’s class schedule. Formerly GW 2X. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. GW V88 - GUIDANCE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. GW V89 - WORKSHOPS IN GUIDANCE - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course is designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly GW 89. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. 148 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 GW V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN GUIDANCE WORKSHOPS - 1-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course will offer specialized study opportunities for students who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. HEALTH EDUCATION HED V60A-Z - TOPICS IN HEALTH EDUCATION - .5-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by the other health education offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include: AIDS awareness; living with cancer; exercise and weight control; substance abuse. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly HEd 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. HED V60A - SUCCESSFUL AGING: LIVING LONGER, LIVING BETTER - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course covers health and wellness issues relating to seniors in more depth than the regular health education courses. Topics covered include normal aging, ageism, physical and mental conditions, fitness, nutrition, recreation, gender specific issues, health care, and death and dying. Field trips will be required. Transfer credit: CSU. HED V84 - CPR FOR PROFESSIONAL RESCUERS - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly To provide the professional rescuer with the knowledge and skills necessary in an emergency to help sustain life, reduce pain, and minimize the consequences of respiratory and cardiac emergencies and successfully perform the appropriate rescue techniques. Completion of this course will include an American Red Cross certification card for CPR for the professional rescuer. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. HED V88 - HEALTH EDUCATION WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. HED V89 - WORKSHOPS IN HEALTH EDUCATION - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet the specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with the same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly HEd 89. Transfer credit: CSU. HED V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN HEALTH EDUCATION - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course is designed for students who are interested in furthering their skills and knowledge of health education on an independent study basis. Assignments may include performance, library, laboratory and field work. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly HEd 90. Transfer credit: CSU. HED V92 - FIRST AID, SAFETY AND CPR - 2 Units Hours: 2 lecture weekly Prevention of accident, procedures in caring for wounds, shock, artificial respiration, unconsciousness, poisons, fractures, dressings and bandages; care and treatment of athletic injuries; qualifies for standard American Red Cross certificate and CPR community card and AED (Automated External Defibrillation) card. Field trips may be required. Formerly HEd 92. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN KINE/PE 8. HED V93 - HEALTH AND WELLNESS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Basic concepts of wellness including ways of achieving optimum health. Subjects studied include substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS, fitness, nutrition, mental health, cardiovascular disease, sexuality, and other significant health-related issues. Formerly HEd 93. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. HED V94 - THE TRAINER AND ATHLETIC INJURIES - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly An introductory course covering the care and prevention of athletic injuries. This course is designed to give some information to aid in the proper care of these injuries to include: historical developments in the field of athletic training and sports medicine, injury recognition, treatment modalities, some evaluation techniques, rehabilitation, emergency situations, and the demonstration of some taping and wrapping techniques. Formerly HEd 94. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN KINE/PE 4. HED V95 - HEALTH AND WELLNESS: DESIGNED FOR WOMEN - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Basic concepts of wellness including ways of achieving optimum health. Subjects studied include substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS, fitness, nutrition, mental health, cardiovascular disease, sexuality, and other significant health-related issues, with particular emphasis on the needs and concerns of women. Formerly HEd 95. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. HED V97 - FUNDAMENTALS OF NUTRITION AND FITNESS - 2 Units Hours: 2 lecture weekly The study of the human body’s adaptation to exercise. The course will include current principles and concepts as they relate to body composition, cardiovascular adaptations to exercise, theory of flexibility and strength training, diet, nutrition and performance, aging and its effects on the parameters of fitness. Field trips may be required. Formerly HEd 97. Same as HEC V97. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -149 HEALTH SCIENCE HS V95 - HEALTH SCIENCE INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Prerequisite: current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; current malpractice insurance; meet all HS V10 - CERTIFIED NURSE ASSISTANT - 3.5 Units Prerequisite: current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; fingerprinting; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings; and must have a valid social security card to apply to the Department of Health Services for certification Corequisite: HS V10L Recommended preparation: the Department of Health Sciences may deny certification to those with criminal records Hours: 3.5 lecture weekly This course will prepare the student to apply for certification to practice as a nurse assistant, providing care to clients in a variety of health care settings. Theory presentation will be coordinated with clinical practice in skilled nursing facilities to complete the state required curriculum, including topics such as patient rights, interpersonal skills, safety, asepsis, clinical skills, nutrition, rehabilitation, documentation, and death and dying. Upon completion of this course and HS V10L with grades of C or better, the student will receive a certificate of completion and be prepared to take the certification exam from the California Department of Health Services. Field trips may be required. Formerly HS 10. HS V10L - CERTIFIED NURSE ASSISTANT LABORATORY - 2.5 Units Corequisite: HS V10 Hours: 7.5 laboratory weekly This course will prepare the student to apply for certification to practice as a nurse assistant, providing care to clients in a variety of health care settings. Clinical practice in skilled nursing facilities will follow the state required curriculum including topics such as patient rights, interpersonal skills, safety, asepsis, clinical skills, nutrition, rehabilitation, documentation, and death and dying. Upon completion of this course and HS V10 with grades of C or better, the student will receive a certification of completion and be prepared to take the certification exam from the California Department of Health Services. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. HS V12 - IN-HOME CARE PROVIDER - 1.5 Units Hours: 4.5 laboratory weekly This course is designed to prepare students to provide in-home care to individuals with physical impairment or other impairment that renders them unable to care for themselves. Field trips will be required. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. HS V88 - HEALTH SCIENCE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with the same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly HS V89. clinical facility requirements; fingerprint clearance if required by statute; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings; and approval of ADN director Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. HS V96 - HEALTH SCIENCE INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Prerequisite: current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; current malpractice insurance; meet all clinical facility requirements; fingerprint clearance if required by statute; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings; and approval of ADN director Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. HISTORY HIST V01A - INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN CIVILIZATION I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys the history of Western civilization from prehistory to 1648. The emphasis will be placed on important ideas, institutions, and contributions of each major period of history in the development of this civilization. Formerly Hist 1A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN HIST 2 or CAN HIST SEQ A [with HIST V01B]. HIST V01B - INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN CIVILIZATION II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys the history of Western civilization from 1648 to the present. The emphasis will be placed on the important ideas, institutions, and contributions of each major period in the development of modern society. Formerly Hist 1B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN HIST 4 or CAN HIST SEQ A [with HIST V01A]. 150 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 HIST V01S - INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN CIVILIZATION STUDY SESSION - 1 Unit Corequisite: HIST V01A or HIST V01B Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course is designed to supplement the introduction to Western civilization. The course will give students an opportunity to review and discuss material covered in lecture and in reading assignments, and will assist students in developing learning skills in note-taking, reading, paper writing, and use of the library and other learning resources. The course will enable students to better comprehend and respond to the course material and thus improve performance. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Hist 1S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. HIST V02A - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON WOMEN I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys the history of the United States from the colonial period through Reconstruction. Emphasis will be placed on the history of the country with a focus on the role and participation of women in the development of American society, its social, political, and economic institutions. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 2A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V02B - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON WOMEN II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys the history of the United States from the Reconstruction era to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the history of the country with a focus on the participation and contributions made by women to the social, political and economic development of American society. Attention will be paid to the development of the feminist movement and the role of women in contemporary America. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 2B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V03A - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON AFRICAN AMERICANS I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will explore the history of the United States from the colonial period through Reconstruction with emphasis placed on the role of African Americans. Starting in colonial America, the course will emphasize the contributions, institutions, trends, concepts, movements and problems relevant to the country in general and to African Americans in particular. A balanced focus will be placed on social, political, economic and intellectual considerations. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 3A. Same as AES V40A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V03B - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON AFRICAN AMERICANS II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will explore the history of the United States from the Civil War to the present with emphasis on the role of African Americans. Beginning with Reconstruction at the end of the Civil War to the presidential plans for Reconstruction, futile opposition of southern Democrats to radical Republican reconstruction plans and the plight of the newly freed slaves is to be analyzed. Analyses of amendments, and other American history topics such as industrialization, Jim Crow laws, Populist party, Spanish American war and all other American wars will be discussed in relation to African Americans and their involvement and contributions. Special emphasis will be placed upon contributions, institutions, trends, concepts, movements and problems relevant to the country in general and to African Americans in particular. A balanced focus will be placed on social, political, economic and intellectual considerations. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 3B. Same as AES V40B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V04A - HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents a general survey of the history of the Western hemisphere from its European discovery to the wars of independence. Emphasis is placed on European heritage and the planting of the colonial societies in the new world, influence of native civilization and geographical environment, colonial policy, commerce, industry, culture and expansion. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 4A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. HIST V04B - HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents a survey of the history of the Americas in general and the United States more specifically. The course will span the political and cultural history of the Americas from Independence to the present. Emphasis is placed on understanding the divergent experiences of national development and the impact they have on the American population and on relationships with other countries in the American hemisphere. The course will also recount the social, political and cultural experiences of Latinos in the United States. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 4B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. HIST V04BS - HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS II STUDY SESSION - 1 Unit Corequisite: HIST V04B Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course is designed to supplement and is to be taken concurrently with History of the Americas. The course will give students an opportunity to review and discuss material covered in lecture and in reading assignments and will assist students in developing learning skills in note-taking, reading, paper writing, and use of the library and other learning resources. The course will enable students to better comprehend and respond to the course material and thus improve performance. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 4BS. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -151 HIST V05A - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON NATIVE AMERICANS I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents a survey and analysis of United States history from the colonial period through Reconstruction with an emphasis on the role of Native American Indian peoples. This course emphasizes basic social, political, economic and intellectual concepts and developments of the country in general and the impact of/on Native American Indian peoples in particular. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 5A. Same as AES V02A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V05B - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON NATIVE AMERICANS II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents a survey and analysis of United States history from the Civil War to the present with emphasis on the role and participation of the Native American Indian peoples. This course emphasizes basic American social, political, economic and intellectual concepts and developments of the country in general and in particular the impact of/on Native American Indian peoples. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 5B. Same as AES V02B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V07A - UNITED STATES HISTORY I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents a survey of the significant personalities, groups, ideas, events, institutions and trends contributing to the pluralistic American heritage from the Colonial period through the Reconstruction. Formerly Hist 7A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN HIST 8 or CAN HIST SEQ B [with HIST V07B]. HIST V07B - UNITED STATES HISTORY II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents a survey of the significant personalities, groups, ideas, events, institutions and trends contributing to the pluralistic American heritage from the end of the Civil War to the present. Formerly Hist 7B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN HIST 10 or CAN HIST SEQ B [with HIST V07A]. HIST V08 - HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys California’s development from Native American societies through the Spanish, Mexican and American periods to the present. Emphasis will be placed on analyzing the contributions of significant personalities, groups, ideas, events, institutions and trends at key points in the state’s history. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 8. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. HIST V09 - THE VIETNAM ERA - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to survey and assess the era of the Vietnam War. The war’s causes, development and consequences will be studied in terms of American foreign policy, diplomacy and military involvement. An associated study will be made of the domestic side of the war’s social, economic and political causes, manifestations and ramifications. Formerly Hist 9. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. HIST V10A - THE HERITAGE OF MEXICO I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents major historical developments and personalities which have shaped the Mexican nation from the Pre- Columbian era to independence. Emphasis is placed on understanding the culture and customs of the Mexican people as seen throughout their history. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 10A. Same as AES V21A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V10B - THE HERITAGE OF MEXICO II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents major historical developments and personalities which have shaped the Mexican nation from independence to the present time. Emphasis is placed on understanding the culture and customs of the Mexican people as seen throughout their history, plus important events in the relationship between Mexico and the United States. A portion of the course will address the role of the Mexican and the Mexican American in the United States. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 10B. Same as AES V21B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V12 - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON CHICANOS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys the history of the United States from the Independence to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the participation and contributions made by Chicanos to the development of American society with a focus on the major historical forces, events, and trends in American history that have impacted and shaped the cultural, social, economic, political and intellectual heritage of Mexican Americans/Chicanos in the United States. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 12. Same as AES V22. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V13 - CONTEMPORARY AFRICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a historically oriented study of the African American experience since World War II. Emphasis will be placed on the environmental context of the emergence of strident African American activities, and the philosophical assumptions, the rhetoric and the substance of the civil rights movement and Black power revolt. Relevant personalities, organizations, and cultural expressions will be studied in relation to one another, and in relation to existing national, political, economic, social, and intellectual institutional structures. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 13. Same as AES V41. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V14A - AFRICAN HISTORY TO 1800 - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a study of African history and will cover the ancient Egyptians as well as Sub-Saharan Africa and its climate, geography, culture and history. Beginning with civilizations along the Nile, the reign of Kushitic pharaohs and other ruling dynasties, this course will cover the rise and fall of great kingdoms in West Africa, the Atlantic slave trade and religion in western and central Sudan, and end around 1800. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 14A. Same as AES V42A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. 152 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 HIST V14B - AFRICAN HISTORY SINCE 1800 - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a study of the Africans since 1800. It starts with Europeans' enlightenment and humanitarian efforts and covers racism and stereotypes, European colonization in Africa, Nationalistic and Messianic movements, Negritude, the African woman, Independence, Afrikanners in South Africa, and the meaning of freedom. The course ends with the problems of modernization in present day Africa. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 14B. Same as AES V42B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V15 - INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF EAST ASIA - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will present a historical survey of the countries and cultures of East Asia with a principal focus on China and Japan. An emphasis will be placed on the impact of traditional Chinese and Japanese antiquity on the present, the impact of the culture and heritage of each nation on the other, and the impact of the West on both major nations. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 15. Same as AES V61. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V16 - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON FOREIGN RELATIONS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents a survey of American foreign relations from the Revolutionary War to the present with emphasis upon more recent events and current foreign policy. The course relates foreign affairs to the evolution of American political, social, and economic institutions and is recommended for students with an interest in international relations. Formerly Hist 16. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. HIST V17 - UNITED STATES HISTORY: FOCUS ON ASIAN AMERICANS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly The course will survey the historical experience of the United States from Independence to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the participation and contributions made by Asian Americans to the social, political, and economic development of American society with a focus on Americans of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Southeast Asian ancestry. The course will examine the major historical forces and trends in American history that have impacted and shaped the social, economic, cultural, political and intellectual heritage of the Asian American in the United States. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 17. Same as AES V63. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HIST V18A - WORLD HISTORY I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of major developments among world peoples from antiquity to 1550 with particular emphasis on the dynamic interaction and comparison of world cultures and their institutions. The focus is on the role played by social, political, economic, religious and other cultural forces in shaping major world cultures and their histories, and the legacy of these peoples for those who followed and for our world today. Formerly Hist 18A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN HIST 14 or CAN HIST SEQ C [with HIST V18B]. HIST V18B - WORLD HISTORY II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of world history from the sixteenth century to the present, with particular emphasis on the dynamic interaction and comparison of peoples and cultures. The focus is on the role played by social, political, economic, cultural, technological, and religious forces in shaping the histories of the major regional civilizations of the world, the interactions of the various civilizations, and their collective contributions to our global community. Formerly Hist 18B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN HIST 16 or CAN HIST SEQ C [with HIST V18A]. HIST V19 - A SURVEY OF ASIAN HISTORY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides a general survey of the history of Asia with a broad focus on all major geographic regions and emphasis on the migrations of significant peoples into and within Asia. Stress will be placed on the development and impact of major groups as defined by language, and the influences and contributions of their characteristic cultures to civilization. The course begins with the first migrations and continues to the 21st century. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. HIST V20 - INTRODUCTION TO WORLD HISTORY OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will examine the major events and trends in the world from the 20th century to the present. Topics will include political events, conflict and conflict resolution, social history, the revolution in science, the spread of technology, significant business and economic trends, changing demographics and popular culture. Formerly Hist 20. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. HIST V60A-Z - TOPICS IN HISTORY - 3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by the other history offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include: local history; World War II. Formerly Hist 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. HIST V60B - HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN WEST - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course deals with the study of the American West from the Pre-Columbian inhabitants and environment through the problems and promises of the contemporary West. Emphasis is placed upon the westward movement, the various groups who have called the West home, traditional heroes and villains, and the frontier heritage. Field trips may be required. Formerly Hist 60B. Transfer credit: CSU. HIST V88 - HISTORY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -153 HIST V89 - WORKSHOPS IN HISTORY - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Hist 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. HIST V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN HISTORY - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Hist 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. HOME ECONOMICS HEC V05A - INTRODUCTION TO INTERIOR DESIGN - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course introduces the elements and principles used in the planning and evaluation of interior design and applies them in space organization and in the selection of furniture, accessories, wall and floor coverings and lighting. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 5A. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V05B - APPLIED PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR DESIGN - 3 Units Prerequisite: HEC V05A Recommended preparation: HEC V15 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will take design elements and principles and make application of them through projects. Furnishings and materials will be examined closely to explore characteristics of production quality and consider appropriate use in interior design. The housing and interior design industries will be assessed and career options will be investigated. Field trips will be required. Formerly HE 5B. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V07 - HISTORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ARTS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides a summary of the characteristics of historical architectural styles with particular attention to the elements of associated decorative arts. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V09 - FOODS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Basic knowledge of food science principles and food preparation techniques. Emphasis on ingredient interaction, technique and production standards, food safety, sanitation, nutrient values, and food presentations. Core components: food science principles; food preparation terminology and techniques; ingredient interaction; standards of product evaluation and quality control; selection and use of food equipment and utensils; food storage and preservation; sanitation and safety; nutrient retention techniques; and, labeling and consumer information. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 9. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN FCS 8. HEC V10 - NUTRITION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly The basic nutritional needs of children and adults are studied through critical examination of the principles of human nutrition as related to health and types of diets. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 10. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN FCS 2. HEC V11 - BASIC SEWING TECHNIQUES - 2 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Designed for the non-sewer, this course teaches the use of a sewing machine and commercial patterns in the construction of simple clothing, and home decor projects. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 11. HEC V12A - CLOTHING CONSTRUCTION I - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course teaches a variety of moderately difficult construction and alteration techniques in addition to the utilization of more advanced commercial patterns. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 12A. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN FCS 10. HEC V12B - CLOTHING CONSTRUCTION II - 2 Units Prerequisite: HEC V12A or equivalent Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course teaches moderately difficult skills and techniques for creating clothing, and adapting patterns for a more personal style. Emphasis will be placed on a variety of applications for specialized uses. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 12B. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V13A - ADVANCED SEWING TECHNIQUES - 2 Units Prerequisite: HEC V12B or equivalent Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course teaches the application of advanced techniques in custom sewing and handling special fabrics, such as leather, furs and sheers. Special emphasis will be placed upon fine finishing detail for couture garments. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 13A. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V13B - TAILORING - 2 Units Prerequisite: HEC V12B or equivalent Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Both traditional and contemporary principles will be covered in this tailoring class. Concepts of pattern selection, sizing and construction techniques for suits and coats will be taught. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly HE 13B. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V14A - BEGINNING QUILT MAKING - 2 Units Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly This course utilizes tools, materials and equipment to develop the fundamental skills of quilt making. Includes instruction and practice in techniques used to create simple patchwork quilts. Fees will be required. 154 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 HEC V14B - INTERMEDIATE QUILT MAKING - 2 Units Recommended preparation: HEC V14A or equivalent Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to accommodate individuals in a variety of fields whose positions could be enhanced by further expanding their quilt making skills: elementary school teachers (applying skills in presentations of math, history, art); activity directors for children, adult and senior groups; artists; engineers (developing a broader view of current tools and construction techniques); marketing positions existing in quilt retail and wholesale markets and related fields. Fees will be required. HEC V14C - ADVANCED QUILT MAKING - 2 Units Recommended preparation: HEC V14B or equivalent Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly This course teaches a variety of specialized techniques in addition to more advanced tools used for quilt making. Fees will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. HEC V15 - TEXTILES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Topics covered include natural and man-made fibers, yarns, fabric construction, dyes, finishes, care, and legislation affecting the textile industry. Emphasis is placed on selection criteria for textiles in apparel and home furnishings. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 15. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN FCS 6. HEC V16 - FLAT PATTERN DESIGN - 2-3 Units Hours: 4-6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course provides an introduction to the designing of patterns through the flat pattern method and is offered for those who have fitting problems and/or those who want to create original clothing. A personal basic sloper is developed for use in creating designs. A final project will be to design and construct a garment. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 16. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V17 - KNIT FABRICS - 2 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course will cover techniques for handling knit fabrics, including special knits, lingerie, sweater knits, and active wear. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly HE 17. HEC V18 - FASHION ANALYSIS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A study and application of the elements and principles of design as related to apparel for the individual. Core components include: application of principles and elements of design theory; significance of apparel--psychological, sociological, physiological, and cultural; apparel and personality; apparel and lifestyle; wardrobe planning and budgeting; apparel for special needs; and care of apparel. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 18. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN FCS 20. HEC V19 - QUILT PATTERN DRAFTING - 1 Unit Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course will provide specific drafting techniques in an area not covered by regular courses. Such skills can lead to the development of a personal business in quilt making or related fields. HEC V20 - QUILT HISTORY - 1 Unit Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course will cover vocabulary, recognition and description of quilt styles in history through technological advances, materials and patterns and provide students experience in planning reproduction quilts. HEC V22 - MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly The family and its interpersonal relationships, mate selection, adjustments within the family, family life cycle, parenthood, marriage enrichment, and contemporary family issues. Core components: research and theories related to marriage and the family; sociological and psychological concepts and terminology; historical development of family; marriage and family in meeting human needs; roles and expectations in couple relationships; concepts of love and infatuation; dating, courtship, engagement; gender role expectations; establishing and maintaining intimacy; cohabitation; selection of marriage partner; sexuality in couple relationship; reproduction, birth control and family planning; birthing and parenting; alternative family structures; communication skills; marriage enrichment and rebuilding relationships; current family issues; dysfunctional families; family violence; stress and conflict management; and, terminating relationships. Formerly HE 22. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN FCS 12. HEC V23 - CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT - 3 Units Prerequisite: current negative TB test report Hours: 3 lecture weekly Growth and development of children from prenatal period through adolescence including individual needs of children. Core components: methods of studying children; principles and theories of development; genetics versus environment; cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development; prenatal development; birth process and neonatal period; the infant/toddler; the preschool child; the school age child; the adolescent; play and toys; observing children; parent and family influences on the child; the exceptional child; and, child abuse and neglect. Field trips will be required. Formerly HE 23. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN FCS 14. HEC V24 - HUMAN DEVELOPMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course integrates the physical, social, psychological, emotional and cognitive aspects of human development throughout the lifespan. Developmental tasks facing individuals at various points in the lifespan are examined. The course will also explore the ways social interaction and cultural institutions shape the development of the individual including relationships and adjustments during the normal stages of family living. Formerly HE 24. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN FCS 24. HEC V30 - SPACE PLANNING: INTERIORS - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: HEC V05A Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course is an intensive study in the art of placement, the beginning of the design process. Coursework will include circulation studies, bubble diagrams, focal point identification, axes identification, zoning adjacencies, scale and proportion, and the "magic" of "power placement" of furniture and objects. Field trips may be required. Formerly HEC V60C. Transfer credit: CSU. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -155 HEC V31 - LIGHTING DESIGN - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: HEC V05A Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course covers the fundamentals of lighting design for residential interiors. The course explores the application of lighting design, including: ambient, accent and task lighting. The appropriate usage of lighting fixtures and controls, decorative lighting, energy efficient light sources and building code requirements is examined. It also includes the relationship of color and texture to light, and human responses to the lighting design. Field trips may be required. Formerly HEC V60D. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V32 - KITCHEN AND BATH DESIGN - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: HEC V05A Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course offers exposure to the methods and essentials as practiced by the design professional. Topics include the kitchen work triangle, surface materials, appliance choices, specialty and gourmet kitchens, the pantry, cabinetry and storage; plus the impact of the kitchen on American family life; bathroom design and materials and fixtures. Field trips may be required. Formerly HEC V60E. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V42 - FOOD PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Principles of food preparation applied to large quantity production, implement menu, service of food, evaluation of products, work and organization. Formerly HE 42. HEC V43 - HEALTH CARE DIETARY SERVICES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Consideration of the scope and responsibilities of food service within a health care institution; description of current legislation; individual and group needs within the health facility and relationship with the health care team. Formerly HE 43. HEC V44 - MODIFIED DIETS - 3 Units Prerequisite: HEC V10 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is the application of the principles of nutrition as they relate to special and abnormal physical conditions. Formerly HE 44. HEC V45 - MENU PLANNING AND PURCHASING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly The planning of satisfying and interesting meals for institutional food services operations including class A lunch, considering such factors as nutritional adequacy, psychological needs, economic consideration, types of operations, available equipment, and skill of personnel. The purchasing of food including market availability, analysis of food quality, and writing of specifications. Formerly HE 45. HEC V60A-Z - TOPICS IN HOME ECONOMICS - .5-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by the other home economics offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include: puppetry workshop; controversies in nutrition; nutrition and politics; child abuse. Formerly HE 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. HEC V60A - SPECIAL CLOTHING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS - 2 Units Prerequisite: HEC V12B or equivalent Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly An individual projects course designed for the student desiring experience in specialized areas. Examples are: factory methods for home operations, bridal and formal wear, and specialized commercial needs. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly HE 60A. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V88 - HOME ECONOMICS WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly HEC V89. HEC V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN HOME ECONOMICS - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly HE 90. Transfer credit: CSU. HEC V95 - HOME ECONOMICS INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This home economics internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience in their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. HEC V96 - HOME ECONOMICS INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This home economics internship offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. 156 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 HEC V97 - FUNDAMENTALS OF NUTRITION AND FITNESS - 2 Units Hours: 2 lecture weekly The study of the human body’s adaptation to exercise. The course will include current principles and concepts as they relate to body composition, cardiovascular adaptations to exercise, theory of flexibility and strength training, diet, nutrition and performance, aging and its effects on the parameters of fitness. Field trips may be required. Formerly HE 97. Same as HED V97. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. HUMANITIES HUM V15 - TUTORIAL PROCEDURES AND METHODS - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course is required for students who are interested in being tutors at Ventura College. It is an introduction to the theories and methods of effective tutoring including communication techniques, learning theories and individual and group instruction. The course is designed to provide the student tutor with experience, information, and techniques that will make him/her a more effective tutor. Formerly Hum 15. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. HUM V88 - HUMANITIES WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. HUM V89 - WORKSHOPS IN THE HUMANITIES - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Hum 89. Transfer credit: CSU. INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES IDS V08 - ETHICS IN MODERN SOCIETY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an introduction to the philosophy of ethics in our modern-day society. It integrates ethical issues from areas such as environmental studies, bioethics, criminal justice, business and law, the media, literature, medicine, politics, theatre, and from the field of psychology. In addition to lectures and discussions in each of these areas, movies, videos and a theatrical production may be included to help illustrate specific ethical issues. Field trips may be required. Formerly IdS 8. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. IDS V11 - STUDY SKILLS: APPLICATIONS TO COLLEGELEVEL COURSEWORK - 1.5-3.5 Units Recommended preparation: IDS V12 or SS V02 or placement as measured by the college assessment process This course could save your academic life. It is an advanced study skills course designed for students who are currently taking academic or vocational classes and would like to refine their study skills and apply them to their coursework. It includes advanced note-taking applications, library research, time management, taking in-class essay exams, practice in taking timed standardized tests, designing reading study guides. Formerly IdS 11. Same as SS V01. Not applicable for degree credit. IDS V12 - STUDY SKILLS: PREPARATION FOR ACADEMIC AND VOCATIONAL COURSES - 1-3.5 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V08A or ENGL V08B or ESL V34A or ESL V34B or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: .5-3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course could save your academic life. It is designed for students who are currently taking or are preparing to take academic or vocational courses. It covers note-taking and listening skills, introduction to outlining, reading and study techniques, library skills, time management and priority determination, memory and test-taking strategies, and campus and community resources. Students will learn through lectures, group discussions, campus tours, videos and assignments. Formerly IdS 12. Same as SS V02. Not applicable for degree credit. IDS V60A-Z - TOPICS IN INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES - .5-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Each course will be a specific topic in reading, writing, study skills or life skills designed to support students’ success in academic classes. Each course may be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly IdS 60A-Z. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit IDS V72 - ADOBE PHOTOSHOP FOR BEGINNERS - .5 Unit Hours: 1 lecture-laboratory weekly This course introduces students to the concepts and terminology used when working with industry-standard digital image processing software in a hand-on environment. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly MM V60A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. IDS V74A - ADOBE PHOTOSHOP I - 3 Units Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed for students who desire hands-on experience in industry-standard digital image processing software. The image correction and manipulation software gives students an understanding of the tools and techniques needed to produce professional quality results for print and Web images. Students will create a CD-ROM cover, Web banners, and a final print or Web project. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly IDS V74. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -157 IDS V74B - ADOBE PHOTOSHOP II - 3 Units Prerequisite: IDS V74A Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed for students at the intermediate level, who desire hands-on experience in industry-standard digital image processing software. The image correction and manipulation software gives students an understanding of the tools and techniques needed to produce professional quality results for print and Web images. Students will create a CD-ROM cover, Web banners, final print or Web project, and develop a portfolio of work. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations see counselor. IDS V88 - INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly IDS V89. INTERNSHIP INTR V95 - INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Formerly NTRN V95. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. INTR V96 - INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Formerly NTRN V96. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. ITALIAN Intermediate Italian (ITAL V03, V04) not offered 20062007. ITAL V01 - ELEMENTARY ITALIAN I - 5 Units Hours: 5 lecture weekly This is an introductory course designed to provide the student with basic communication skills in Italian. Emphasis is on listening, speaking, reading and writing Italian. Study of basic grammatical principles and proper Italian pronunciation are also emphasized. The history and culture of the Italian people will be discussed. The language laboratory will be used to supplement classroom instruction. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ital 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ITAL 2 or CAN ITAL SEQ A [with ITAL V02]. ITAL V02 - ELEMENTARY ITALIAN II - 5 Units Prerequisite: ITAL V01 or 2 years of high school Italian Hours: 5 lecture weekly This is the second course in the introductory sequence of Italian language study. Students will expand vocabulary and mastery of grammatical concepts as they acquire greater listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Italian. The language laboratory will be used to supplement classroom instruction. Students will use more complex grammatical constructions and a wider range of idiomatic expressions. Further study of Italian history, culture and current events will be included in order to develop comprehension and speaking skills. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ital 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN ITAL 4 or CAN ITAL SEQ A [with ITAL V01]. ITAL V03 - INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN I - 4 Units Prerequisite: ITAL V02 or 3 years of high school Italian or equivalent Hours: 4 lecture weekly Intensive review of grammar and syntax; introduction to new applications of grammar principles; practice in oral and written expression; reading and discussion of selections from original Italian literature to provide practice in improving fluency in communication; use of language laboratory to practice and reinforce grammatical concepts and communicative functions. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ITAL V04 - INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN II - 4 Units Prerequisite: ITAL V03 or equivalent Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course includes further study of grammatical principles with special emphasis on building communicative skills in Italian. Reading and discussion of essays, periodicals, short stories, drama and poetry used to increase vocabulary, fluency and cultural understanding. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. ITAL V51A - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN ITALIAN I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ITAL V01 or 2 years of high school Italian or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the student with some knowledge of Italian further opportunity to practice the language through conversation, role-playing, and other activities in Italian. The course will be conducted entirely in Italian. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ital 51A. Transfer credit: CSU. 158 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 ITAL V51B - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN ITALIAN II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ITAL V02 or ITAL V51A or 3 years of high school Italian or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the intermediate-level student of Italian additional oral practice in the language through conversation, discussion groups, role-playing, and other activities in Italian. The course will be conducted entirely in Italian. Field trips may be required. Formerly Ital 51B. Transfer credit: CSU. ITAL V80 - CONVERSATIONAL ITALIAN - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An introduction to oral communication in Italian. Emphasis is on listening, comprehension and speaking through vocabulary development and formulaic expressions such as greetings, introductions, describing family members and daily activities. Role- playing and other communicative tasks will be used to facilitate language learning. JAPANESE JAPN V01 - ELEMENTARY JAPANESE I - 5 Units Hours: 5 lecture weekly This is an introductory course designed to provide the student with basic communication skills in Japanese. Emphasis is on listening, speaking, reading and writing Japanese. Study of basic grammatical principles and proper Japanese pronunciation are also emphasized. Students are introduced to the use of Japanese characters. The history and culture of the Japanese people will be discussed. The language laboratory will be used to supplement classroom instruction. Field trips may be required. Formerly Japn 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN JAPN 2 or CAN JAPN SEQ A [with JAPN V02]. JAPN V02 - ELEMENTARY JAPANESE II - 5 Units Prerequisite: JAPN V01 or 2 years of high school Japanese or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly This is the second course in the introductory sequence of Japanese language study. Students will expand vocabulary and mastery of grammatical concepts as they acquire greater listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Japanese. The language laboratory will be used to supplement classroom instruction. Students will use more complex grammatical structures and a wider range of idiomatic expressions. Further study of Japanese history, culture and current events will be included in order to develop comprehension and speaking skills. Field trips may be required. Formerly Japn 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN JAPN 4 or CAN JAPN SEQ A [with JAPN V01]. JAPN V51A - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN JAPANESE I - 3 Units Prerequisite: JAPN V01 or 2 years of high school Japanese or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the student with some knowledge of Japanese further opportunity to practice the language through conversation, role-playing, and other activities in Japanese. The course will be conducted entirely in Japanese. Field trips may be required. Formerly Japn 51A. Transfer credit: CSU. JAPN V51B - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN JAPANESE II - 3 Units Prerequisite: JAPN V02 or JAPN V51A or 3 years of high school Japanese or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the intermediate-level student of Japanese additional oral practice in the language through conversation, discussion groups, role-playing, and other activities in Japanese. The course will be conducted entirely in Japanese. Field trips may be required. Formerly Japn 51B. Transfer credit: CSU. JAPN V80 - CONVERSATIONAL JAPANESE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An introduction to oral communication in Japanese. Emphasis is on listening, comprehension and speaking through vocabulary development and formulaic expressions such as greetings, introductions, describing family members and daily activities. Role- playing and other communicative tasks will be used to facilitate language learning. JOURNALISM JOUR V01 - MASS COMMUNICATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An introduction to mass communication media and technologies, including a survey of their function, responsibilities and practice, as well as their history, development, influence on society, and potential for the future. An overview of all phases of mass communication and communication technology in our information- conscious society. Field trips may be required. Formerly Jour 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN JOUR 4. JOUR V05A - COMMUNICATION SKILLS THROUGH WRITING I - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Recommended preparation: keyboarding and word processing skills Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Research, investigation, reporting and writing with emphasis on mastering basic communication techniques for application in mass media. News, feature, persuasion, review and sports writing are also a part of the course. Field trips may be required. Formerly Jour 5A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN JOUR 2. JOUR V05B - COMMUNICATION SKILLS THROUGH WRITING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: JOUR V05A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Advanced reporting and newswriting with emphasis on investigative, persuasive and in-depth writing for publication. Course will include techniques of successful presentation/ communication through mass media. Field trips may be required. Formerly Jour 5B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -159 JOUR V10A - CREATING A PUBLICATION I - 4 Units Recommended preparation: JOUR V05A; and ENGL V51 or JOUR V15A Hours: 2 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This course focuses on the written content of a newspaper, including assigning, evaluating and editing stories. Print and online publication of the college newspaper, the VC Press, provides hands- on learning. Lectures and discussions cover newspaper style, headline writing, computer techniques, and the relationship between content and design. Newswriting and copy editing experience is helpful. Field trips may be required. Formerly Jour 10A. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. JOUR V10B - CREATING A PUBLICATION II - 4 Units Prerequisite: JOUR V10A Hours: 2 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This course teaches advanced techniques in producing a publication, using the print and online editions of the college newspaper, the VC Press, for hands-on learning. Students assume managerial/editorial responsibilities on a more sophisticated level, which helps to prepare them for work on professional publications. Field trips may be required. Formerly Jour 10B. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. JOUR V11A - CREATIVE PUBLICATION DESIGN I - 4 Units Recommended preparation: knowledge of art/design principles and computerized desktop publishing Hours: 2 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly A course in publication design techniques for the student who has a background in art and design and/or computer desktop publishing experience. Using the college newspaper, the VC Press, for hands-on learning, the course emphasizes the visual presentation and the fundamentals of publication design and layout and their relationship to written content. Students use Macintosh computers and desktop publishing and graphic arts software such as Quark Xpress. The advertising, business and circulation aspects of newspaper production are included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Jour 11A. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. JOUR V11B - CREATIVE PUBLICATION DESIGN II - 4 Units Recommended preparation: knowledge of art/design principles and computerized desktop publishing Hours: 2 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly A course in advanced publication design techniques for the student who has a background in art and design and/or computer desktop publishing experience. Focuses on preparing students to be able to fully produce actual publications. The college newspaper, both print and online editions, are used for practical experience. Advertising, business and circulation aspects of newspaper production are included. Skills acquired are applicable in the graphic design and advertising job markets. Field trips may be required. Formerly Jour 11B. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. JOUR V15A - EDITING I - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly A course designed to focus on how to make written material ready for publication. Students may use word processing equipment. Basic editing, grammar, spelling, English fundamentals, consistency and style will be taught in relation to correcting work for a variety of print and online publications. Skills acquired will be usable in various job markets including newsletter, newspaper, magazine, book and online publishing. Field trips may be required. Formerly Jour 15A. Same as ENGL V51. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. JOUR V15B - EDITING II - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V51 or JOUR V15A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly An advanced course designed to focus on how to prepare written material for publication. Students will use computer software to complete their work. Editing and grammar skills will be polished to prepare students to edit a variety of print and online publications with a high degree of efficiency and independence. Field trips may be required. Formerly Jour 15B. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. JOUR V22 - ADVERTISING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed for students to examine the role of advertising in the marketing program in business and industry. Topics include consumer analysis, ad media, budgeting, market research, layout, copywriting, typography, advertising agencies and opportunities in advertising. Field trips will be required. Formerly Jour 22. Same as BUS V39. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. JOUR V30 - PRESS PHOTOGRAPHY PRACTICUM - 1.5 Units Corequisite: PHOT V01 or previous practical experience Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Survey of the principles of photojournalism. Students will work as photographers for the college newspaper. The course stresses learning through practical experience. Field trips may be required. JOUR V30/PHOT V30 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Jour 30. Same as PHOT V30. JOUR V31 - PRESS LAB PRACTICUM - 1-2 Units Hours: 3-6 laboratory weekly This is a specialized workshop that allows students to contribute to the college newspaper with writing, copy-editing, cartooning or production design. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Jour 31. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. JOUR V60A-Z - TOPICS IN JOURNALISM - 1-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by the other journalism offerings. Formerly Jour 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. JOUR V88 - JOURNALISM WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. JOUR V89 - WORKSHOPS IN JOURNALISM - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Jour 89. Transfer credit: CSU. 160 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 JOUR V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN JOURNALISM - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Jour 90. Transfer credit: CSU. JOUR V95 - JOURNALISM INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Prerequisite: JOUR V05A Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Hours: 60 per unit This journalism internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. JOUR V96 - JOURNALISM INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Prerequisite: JOUR V05A Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Hours: 75 per unit This journalism internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. LEADERSHIP LDR V02 - STUDENT LEADERSHIP - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is designed to give Associated Student Body officers, student associations, Honor Society, and club members and other interested students practical experience in the role of leadership in relation to student government and the overall campus organization. Practical application in the execution of student activities and programs, and college committee involvement will be emphasized. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Ldr 2. Transfer credit: CSU. LDR V88 - LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. LDR V89 - WORKSHOPS IN LEADERSHIP - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and the community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Ldr 89. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU. LDR V95 - LEADERSHIP INTERNSHIP - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. LEARNING SKILLS These Learning Skills (LS) courses are designed for students with disabilities. LS V01 - ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING SKILLS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed for assessment and tutoring of learning- disabled students by a specially trained staff. Utilization of specialized techniques, materials, texts, and audio-visual equipment to teach or assess fundamental skills and to support academic instruction for students with special learning styles. Formerly LS 1. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V01L - ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING SKILLS LABORATORY - .5 Unit Hours: 1.5 laboratory weekly Provides assessment of learning disabled students by specially trained staff. Introduces specialized techniques, materials, texts, and audio-visual equipment to support academic instruction for students with special learning styles. Ventura College's learning disability eligibility does not guarantee learning disability eligibility at other institutions. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS 1L. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V02 - READING COMPREHENSION AND PROBLEM SOLVING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: sixth grade reading level Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will emphasize reading comprehension with a focus on problem solving, language processing and foundations for critical thinking skills. Special emphasis will focus on collaborative learning, followed by individual mastery. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS 2. Not applicable for degree credit. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -161 LS V03A - STUDY SKILLS: NOTETAKING/TIME MANAGEMENT - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course will focus upon the fundamental principles of study skills. It will focus on teaching students about their learning style, notetaking and time management skills. It is designed for those students who need a specialized approach to study skills. Formerly LS 3A. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V03B - STUDY SKILLS: TEST TAKING/ PROOFREADING - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course will focus upon the fundamental principles of study skills. It will focus on test taking and proofreading skills. It is designed for those students who need a specialized approach to study skills. Formerly LS 3B. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V03C - STUDY SKILLS: ORGANIZATION/RESEARCH PAPER - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course will focus upon the fundamental principles of study skills. It will focus on organizational skills and the research paper. It is designed for those students who need a specialized approach to study skills. Formerly LS 3C. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V04 - DEVELOPING PHONETIC SKILLS FOR READING AND SPELLING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a foundation course designed to improve spelling and reading through multisensory (SEE, SAY, HEAR, FEEL) phonetic approach using labeling techniques, sound-symbol association, decoding skills, syllable segmentation, and word construction rules. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V05 - LEARN TO LISTEN - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A semester foundation course designed to improve learning efficiency through structured listening skill experiences. Although designed as a lecture experience, students receive individual instruction to improve their present level of ability. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS 5. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V07 - LEARNING SKILLS: FUNDAMENTALS OF MATH - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Offered as a review of math fundamentals for students who are having difficulties learning basic math in the traditional college environment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS 7. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V08 - SPELLING IMPROVEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A foundation course designed to improve spelling efficiency. Special emphasis will be placed on developing spelling competence with everyday words used in oral conversations and written themes. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS 8. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V09 - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an opportunity for people to meet in small groups in order to share thoughts, feelings, and personal concerns, with variations for the special learning styles of learning-disabled students. Emphasizes development of self-concept, realistic appraisal of strengths, interpersonal relations, and assertiveness. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS 9. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V10 - VOCABULARY BUILDING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A foundation course designed to improve vocabulary skills. Special focus will be placed upon understanding the meaning and origin of common basic language words. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS 10. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V11 - ADVANCED PERCEPTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An advanced course designed to improve students’ abilities to function in the area of visual and auditory perception. Methods of improving perceptual functioning are explored in great depth. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS 11. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V14 - MEMORY POWER -1-3 Units Hours: 1-3 lecture weekly A program of instruction designed for students who have serious problems remembering short- and long-term academic facts and concepts. Special emphasis will be placed upon techniques to increase concentration power. Formerly LS 14. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V19 - LEARNING STRATEGIES AND TECHNOLOGY - .5-3 Units Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly This course provides students with an overview of the learning process. Students will have an opportunity to identify their learning style and develop strategies to maximize their success. Lectures, activities and group discussions allow students the opportunity to explore such topics as: learning styles, affect of attitude on learning, right/left brain functioning, social-emotional and multiple intelligences. On-campus resources, including the latest assistive technology programs and alternate media services, will also be explored. Students will leave the class with an individualized learning strategies portfolio. Formerly LS 19. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V24 - REDEVELOPING BRAIN POTENTIAL - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a self-paced course of study designed for adults who have acquired impairment of brain functioning resulting from a serious medical injury. The course will focus on educational activities to improve the student’s quality of life academically, socially, and vocationally. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS 24. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. LS V25 - IMPROVING GRAMMAR AND WRITING SKILLS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A foundation course focused on providing students with a solid base in the fundamentals of grammar and writing skills to prepare them for mainstream English and writing skills courses. Students will be introduced to strategies for writing sentences, paragraphs, outlines and essays. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS 25. Not applicable for degree credit. 162 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 LS V88 - LEARNING SKILLS WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LS V89. Not applicable for degree credit. LIBRARY INSTRUCTION LIB V01 - USING THE LIBRARY OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: basic computer competency Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course is designed to develop vital library research skills. Locating and understanding print, electronic and nonprint formats will be emphasized. A major focus of this course will be the library databases and the research potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Field trips may be required. Formerly Lib 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. LIB V88 - LIBRARY INSTRUCTION WORKSHOPS - 1 Unit Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly LIB V89. LIB V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN LIBRARY INSTRUCTION - 1 Unit Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course is designed for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge in library and information science. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MT V01 - MANUFACTURING SUPPORT - 2 Units Recommended preparation: ESL V06 Hours: 2 lecture weekly This entry-level course is designed for limited-English-speaking students wishing to seek the training related to, and/or employment within the manufacturing industry. The course emphasis is on common shop terminology. Selective machine tools and measuring tool vocabulary will be covered in detail. MT V02 - APPLIED MACHINING I - 2 Units Recommended preparation: ESL V05 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This entry-level course is designed for students with or without any machining experience interested in job-skill preparation as applied to operating engine lathes and vertical mills in a manufacturing setting. Field trips may be required. MT V03 - APPLIED MACHINING II - 2 Units Recommended preparation: MT V02 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course consists of a series of lecture and enhanced laboratory activities as applied to operating conventional mills and lathes and introduces students to selective CNC-based (Computer Numerical Control) technology. Machining lab projects are structured around OJT (On-the-Job-Training) principles. The course is open to students interested in further machining related job skill preparation. MT V04 - MEASUREMENTS AND COMPUTATIONS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is the occupational application of measurements and computations as used by technology students. Topics include geometric shape calculations, practical trigonometry, areas, volumes, ratio and proportion, units and conversions, decimals and fractions, and applied algebra. Field trips may be required. Formerly MT 4. Same as DRFT V04. MT V05 - CNC MACHINING I - 2 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course consists of a series of lectures and laboratory exercises relevant to the introduction to general principles of CNC (Computer Numeric Control) machining as applied to machining and turning centers in the manufacturing environment. The focus of the course is modeled after OJT (On-the-Job-Training) principles as applied to CNC machine operator training. Fundamentals of measurement, current industry-standard blueprint reading, CNC tooling and accessories nomenclature, machine tool set ups, and operation are also covered throughout the course. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. MT V06 - CNC MACHINING II - 2 Units Recommended preparation: MT V05 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is an extension of the introductory Computer Numerical Control (CNC) operator training with the focus on extended CNC machining principles as applied to machining and turning centers. The teaching delivery system is modeled after OJT (On-the Job-Training) principles and covers extended principles of blueprint reading, precision measuring tools, and first article inspection per industry standard (ASME Y14.5). Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. MT V07 - CNC MACHINING III - 2 Units Recommended preparation: MT V06 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is designed as an advanced general Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining operation course. The course emphasis is on the OJT (On-the-Job-Training) principles where lab activities encompass the processing of actual parts from the industry. Upon successful completion of this course students are expected to be proficient in job entry-level skills for operating and machining turning centers. Additional training is also provided in the proficiency of blueprint reading per ASME Y14.5 standard as well as processing first article inspection during the production cycle run. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. MT V08 - CNC PROGRAM EDITING - 2 Units Recommended preparation: MT V06 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course introduces the student to manual CNC (computer numerical control) parts programming with a special emphasis on program editing as applied to Fanuc/Yasnac base controller. Field trips may be required. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -163 MT V09 - GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: DRFT V02A or WEL V02 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers general dimensioning and tolerancing principles as applied to mechanical engineering drawings, with a special emphasis on accurate interpretation of current geometric symbology and conventions per ASME Y14.5 dimensioning and tolerancing (geometric dimensioning and tolerance) standards. It is intended for manufacturing industry technical staff responsible for product design and procurement as well as students majoring in mechanical or manufacturing engineering, and/or manufacturing machine technology fields. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. MT V10 - QUALITY CONTROL AND MECHANICAL INSPECTION - 2 Units Recommended preparation: MT V02 and MT V09 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This is an introductory course dealing with the quality control field with special emphasis on part inspection/verification processes as applied to CMM & OM (coordinate measuring machine & optical measurement) technology. Open-end (surface plate) mechanical inspection principles are also covered. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. MT V11 - DIMENSIONAL METROLOGY - 2 Units Recommended preparation: MT V09 and MT V10 and MATH V02 Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly In this course the student will learn extended measurement, gauging, tolerance analysis and part verification. Statistical Process Control (SPC) and metrology, the science of measurement, will also be covered. MT V15 - MANUFACTURING PROCESSES - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course introduces modern manufacturing processes and systems. The various manufacturing materials and techniques of machining, casting, forming and industrial design will also be covered. Field trips will be required. Formerly MT 15. Transfer credit: CSU. MT V35 - PRODUCTION MACHINING AND TOOLING DESIGN TECHNIQUES - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ARCH V23 or DRFT V05A or DRFT V41 Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course covers production machining techniques. Topics include: production planning; production tooling design; setup and manufacturing planning; job costing and time/scheduling calculations; inspection; and blueprint reading for multiple-part manufacturing products. Computer applications in manufacturing planning are covered using computer aided design and manufacturing software (CAD/CAM), word processing and spreadsheet applications. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly MS V35. Transfer credit: CSU. MT V88 - MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. MATHEMATICS Recommended preparation for all math courses: The mathematics department strongly urges all students to take the appropriate mathematics assessment test to help determine the strength and currency of background knowledge. MATH V01 - ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA - 5 Units Prerequisite: MATH V10 or 1 year of high school prealgebra with a grade of C or better Hours: 5 lecture weekly This course covers number sets, operations with signed numbers, linear equations, graphing, ratio and proportion and variation, linear inequalities, introduction to functions, factoring, rational expressions and equations, exponents, factorable quadratic equations, and systems of equations. Students receiving credit in MATH V01 will not receive credit in MATH V11A-V11B. Formerly Math 1. MATH V02 - GEOMETRY - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V01 or MATH V11B or 1 year of high school beginning algebra with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly Sets, real numbers, lines and planes, triangles, congruence, proof, geometric inequalities, parallel and perpendicular lines, and planes, polygons, similarity, circles, locus, construction and measure areas and volumes related to solids. Formerly Math 2. MATH V03 - INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA - 5 Units Prerequisite: MATH V01 or MATH V11B or 1 year of high school beginning algebra with grade of C or better Hours: 5 lecture weekly This course covers equations and inequalities, systems of equations using matrices, exponents and radicals, complex numbers, functions and graphs, quadratic equations, conic sections, exponential and logarithmic functions. Formerly Math 3. MATH V03S - INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA DISCUSSION SESSION - .5-1 Unit Corequisite: MATH V03 Hours: .5-1 lecture weekly This course is a discussion session to accompany intermediate algebra. It gives students the opportunity to gain a greater mastery of the topics covered in intermediate algebra by providing additional discussion and problem-solving opportunities. It may include appropriate topics from the history of mathematics and opportunities to use computers in solving intermediate algebra problems. Formerly Math 3S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. MATH V04 - COLLEGE ALGEBRA - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly The number system and basic laws of algebra, determinants and matrices, variation, functional notation and curve plotting, theory of equations, and complex numbers. Formerly Math 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN MATH 10. 164 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 MATH V05 - PLANE TRIGONOMETRY - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Recommended preparation: MATH V02 or knowledge of plane geometry Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course examines the six basic trigonometric functions, their definitions, relationships, and uses as they apply to radian measure, right triangle solution, identities, trigonometric equations, graphs, inverse functions, and complex numbers. Formerly Math 5. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN MATH 8. MATH V09 - BEGINNING MATHEMATICS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: LS V07 or equivalent. Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a review of the basic mathematical skills and fundamental operations as applied to integers, fractions, and percentage. It provides an introduction to algebra, simple geometric figures, the metric system, and use of formulas. Formerly Math 9. Not applicable for degree credit. MATH V10 - PREALGEBRA - 3 Units Prerequisite: LS V07 or MATH V09 or equivalent Recommended preparation: math assessment test Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course bridges the gap between arithmetic and elementary algebra. It reviews fundamental operations using a formalized approach and includes an introduction to the following algebraic topics: number systems, properties of real numbers, exponents, algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities, application problems, and introduction to graphing. Formerly Math 10. Not applicable for degree credit. MATH V11A - ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA: FIRST HALF - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V09 or MATH V10 or 1 year of high school prealgebra with grade of C or better Hours: 2 lecture, 2 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is the first half of Elementary Algebra. It covers number sets, operations with signed numbers, linear equations and inequalities, polynomials and factoring, and introduction to quadratic equations. Students receiving credit in MATH V11A-V11B will not receive credit in MATH V01. Formerly Math 11A. MATH V11B - ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA: SECOND HALF - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V11A with grade of C or better Hours: 2 lecture, 2 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is the second half of Elementary Algebra. It covers rational expressions, further study of quadratic equations, graphing of equations and inequalities, systems of equations, and roots and radicals. Students receiving credit in MATH V11A-V11B will not receive credit in MATH V01. Formerly Math 11B. MATH V20 - PRECALCULUS MATHEMATICS - 5 Units Prerequisite: MATH V05 or the fourth year of high school mathematics (advanced mathematics) with grade of C or better Hours: 5 lecture weekly College algebra and an extension of trigonometry using a functional approach designed to unify the concepts of mathematics at the precalculus level. Formerly Math 20. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN MATH 16. MATH V20S - PRECALCULUS DISCUSSION SESSION - .5-1 Unit Corequisite: MATH V20 Hours: .5-1 lecture weekly This course is a discussion session to accompany precalculus. It gives students the opportunity to gain a greater mastery of the topics covered in precalculus by providing additional discussion and problem-solving opportunities. It may include appropriate topics from the history of mathematics and opportunities to use computers in solving precalculus problems. Formerly Math 20S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. MATH V21A - CALCULUS WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY I - 5 Units Prerequisite: MATH V20 or the fourth year of high school mathematics (advanced mathematics) with grade of C or better Hours: 5 lecture weekly The elements of calculus covered are: functions; limits; continuity; differentiation and integration of algebraic, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; and L’Hopital’s Theorem. There will be applications to a variety of topics from other disciplines. Formerly Math 21A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN MATH 18 or CAN MATH SEQ B [with MATH V21B] or CAN MATH SEQ C [with MATH V21B+V21C]. MATH V21AS - CALCULUS WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY I DISCUSSION SESSION - .5-1 Unit Corequisite: MATH V21A Hours: .5-1 lecture weekly This course is a discussion session to accompany calculus with analytic geometry. It gives students the opportunity to gain a greater mastery of the topics such as functions, limits, and the differentiation and integration of algebraic, logarithmic and trigonometric functions by providing additional discussion and problem-solving opportunities. It may include appropriate topics from the history of mathematics and opportunities to use computers in solving calculus problems. Formerly Math 21AS. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. MATH V21B - CALCULUS WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY II - 5 Units Prerequisite: MATH V21A or equivalent with grade of C or better Hours: 5 lecture weekly Topics covered include: review differentiation and integration of logarithmic and exponential functions; infinite series; techniques of integration; polar and parametric representations and improper integrals. There will be applications to conic sections and a variety of topics from other disciplines. Formerly Math 21B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN MATH 20 or CAN MATH SEQ B [with MATH V21A] or CAN MATH SEQ C [with MATH V21A+V21C]. MATH V21BS - CALCULUS WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY II DISCUSSION SESSION - .5-1 Unit Corequisite: MATH V21B Hours: .5-1 lecture weekly This course is a discussion session to accompany calculus with analytic geometry. It gives students the opportunity to gain a greater mastery of the topics such as techniques of integration, polar and parametric representations, vectors in two and three dimensions, planes, lines and surfaces in space, vector-valued functions and motion in space by providing additional discussion and problem-solving opportunities. It may include appropriate topics from the history of mathematics and opportunities to use computers in solving calculus problems. Formerly Math 21BS. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -165 MATH V21C - MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS - 5 Units Prerequisite: MATH V21B or equivalent with grade of C or better Hours: 5 lecture weekly This course includes: vectors in two and three dimensions; planes; lines and surfaces in space; vector-valued functions and motion in space; partial differentiation; multiple integrals including change of variables; vector fields, including gradient, divergence and curl; line and surface integrals; and Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem and the Divergence Theorem. Formerly Math 21C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MATH 22 or CAN MATH SEQ C [with MATH V21A+V21B]. MATH V21CS - MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS DISCUSSION SESSION - .5-1 Unit Corequisite: MATH V21C Hours: .5-1 lecture weekly This course is a discussion session to accompany multivariable calculus and linear algebra. It gives students the opportunity to gain a greater mastery of the topics such as partial differentiation, multiple integrals, vector fields including gradient, divergence, curl, line and surface integrals, Green's Theorem, Stokes' Theorem, and linear algebra and its applications providing additional discussion and problem-solving opportunities. It may include appropriate topics from the history of mathematics and opportunities to use computers in solving calculus problems. Formerly Math 21CS. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. MATH V24 - DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH LINEAR ALGEBRA - 5 Units Prerequisite: MATH V21C or equivalent with grade of C or better Hours: 5 lecture weekly An introduction to ordinary and partial differential equations and the linear algebra needed for their formulation and solution. Methods of solution for differential equations will include: matrix methods; integral transforms (including Laplace methods and Fourier series); power series; boundary value problems and numerical approximations. Formerly Math 24. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MATH 24. MATH V24S - DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS DISCUSSION SESSION - .5-1 Unit Corequisite: MATH V24 Hours: .5-1 lecture weekly This course is a discussion session to accompany differential equations and their applications. It gives students the opportunity to gain a greater mastery of the topics covered in differential equations and their applications by providing additional discussion and problem-solving opportunities. It may include appropriate topics from the history of mathematics and opportunities to use computers in solving calculus problems. Formerly Math 24S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. MATH V30 - APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR HEALTH CARE PERSONNEL - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V10 or 1 year of high school prealgebra with grade of C or better Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course is designed for health care professionals and will enable them to apply basic mathematical concepts to on-the-job situations. After reviewing basic math skills and introducing algebra concepts, students will learn the various techniques of dosage calculations. The computational methods used in the preparation of oral medication, solutions, parenteral therapy and pediatric dosages are presented. Formerly Math 30. MATH V38 - MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V02 or 1 year of high school geometry with grade of C or better; and MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers language of sets; systems of numeration; fundamentals of operations with whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, decimals and real numbers; number theory; equations and inequalities; ratio and proportion; decimals and percents. Applications will include use of calculators and work with manipulatives to represent abstract procedures using concrete models, as well as problem-solving techniques that incorporate the use of models. This course is designed primarily for students intending to teach at the elementary or middle grades levels. Formerly Math 38. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MATH 4. MATH V40 - MATHEMATICAL TOPICS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly Using and expanding upon the skills gained from intermediate algebra, this course offers the liberal arts student an applications- oriented, problem-solving exploration into a variety of mathematical fields including portions of courses offered in trigonometry, college algebra, statistics, business mathematics, and precalculus. Additional topics suitable for the liberal arts student may include transformational geometry, topology, non-Euclidean geometry, logic and proofs, number systems, number theory, graph theory, networks and linear programming, and computer algorithms. An important aspect of this course is to help students appreciate the value of mathematics in everyday life. Formerly Math 40. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MATH 2. MATH V44 - ELEMENTARY STATISTICS - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Hours: 4 lecture weekly Statistics useful to business, economics, science, education and psychology students; measures of central tendency; measures of variation; binomial experiments; the normal distribution; T- distribution; chi-square distribution; F-distribution; confidence intervals; hypothesis testing; correlation and linear regression; analysis of variance; nonparametric statistics. This course also provides supervised computer practice designed to assist students in statistical calculations required in beginning statistics. No prior computer experience is necessary. Formerly Math 44. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN STAT 2. MATH V44S - ELEMENTARY STATISTICS DISCUSSION SESSION - .5-1 Unit Corequisite: MATH V44 Hours: .5-1 lecture weekly This course is a discussion session to accompany elementary statistics. It gives students the opportunity to gain a greater mastery of the topics covered in elementary statistics by providing additional discussion and problem-solving opportunities. It may include appropriate topics from the history of mathematics and opportunities to use computers in solving statistics problems. Formerly Math 44S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. 166 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 MATH V45 - FINITE MATHEMATICS - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course is designed for students majoring in business or social sciences. The course will cover functional notation and curve plotting; matrices, and systems of equations; sets and probability including Bayes’ theorem and Markov chains; and an introduction to linear programming. Formerly Math 45. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN MATH 12. MATH V46A - APPLIED CALCULUS I - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V04 or MATH V20 or MATH V45 or the fourth year of high school mathematics (advanced mathematics) with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly A short course in analytic geometry and calculus for students in business, social science and biology. Topics covered are: functions and analytic geometry; differential calculus including limits, related rates, maxima and minima; integral calculus including area and other applications. Formerly Math 46A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN MATH 30 or CAN MATH SEQ D [with MATH V46B]. MATH V46B - APPLIED CALCULUS II - 3 Units Prerequisite: both MATH V05 and MATH V46A; or MATH V21A with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture weekly A short course in analytic geometry and calculus for students in business, social science and biology. Topics covered are: multivariable calculus of algebraic, logarithmic, and exponential functions; trigonometric functions including differentiation and integration; calculus of probability; sequences, series and Taylor’s series expansions; introduction to differential equations. Formerly Math 46B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN MATH 32 or CAN MATH SEQ D [with MATH V46A]. MATH V50 - INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER LITERACY - 3 Units Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course introduces the student to the fundamental concepts of computers and computer literacy. Topics include information technology, operating systems, applications software, hardware components, input, output, storage, graphics, hypermedia, multimedia, networking, computer communications, the Internet, Web page features, computer security, privacy with computer communications, systems analysis, systems design, programming languages, programming methods, management information systems, and the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. This course also offers the student an introduction to the historical and social context of computing, including an overview of computer and information sciences as a discipline. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly CS V04. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN CSCI 2. MATH V52 - DISCRETE STRUCTURES - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V20 or both MATH V04 and MATH V05 Recommended preparation: CS V11 or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course introduces the student to discrete mathematics as it is used in computer science. Topics include functions, relations, sets, propositional and predicate logic, simple circuit logic, proof techniques, elementary combinatorics, and discrete probability. Field trips may be required. Same as CS V17. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN CSCI 26. MATH V55 - BEGINNING C++ - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better; and MATH V50 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course introduces the student to the concepts of object- oriented programming. The course begins with a review of control structures and data types with emphasis on structured data types and array processing. It then moves to introduce the object-oriented program paradigm, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with fundamentals of object-oriented design. Other topics include an overview of programming language principles, analysis of algorithms, and an introduction to software engineering issues. A complete object-oriented development framework is presented that encourages extensibility, reusability, and manages complexity. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly CS V30. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CSCI 18. MATH V57 - BEGINNING C - 3 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better; and MATH V50 or equivalent Recommended preparation: CS V11 or equivalent Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course introduces the students to programming with C language. Included in this course are program design process, C operators, standard I/O functions, strings, pointers, arrays, datatypes, storage classes, file operations, and design of common algorithms. Algorithms are implemented as structured programs in C language. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly CS V80. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN CSCI 16. MATH V88 - MATHEMATICS WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. MATH V89 - WORKSHOPS IN MATHEMATICS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Math 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. MATH V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Math 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -167 MICROBIOLOGY MICR V01 - GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY - 4 Units Prerequisite: CHEM V01A-V01AL or CHEM V20-V20L or CHEM V30V30L or 1 year of high school chemistry with grades of C or better; and BIOL V04 or PHSO V01 or equivalent with grades of C or better Recommended preparation: CHEM V21-V21L; and ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course includes lecture and laboratory studies concerning microbes: bacteria, fungi, protists, animals and viruses, with an emphasis on bacterial morphology, anatomy, staining, classification, metabolism, growth and the effects of physical and chemical agents on bacteria. The course includes the microbiology of soil, water, food and milk, and the principles of disease transmission, prevention and immunity, and biotechnology. Required safety items include: labcoat, gloves and ANSI Z87.1 safety glasses. Field trips may be required. Formerly Micro 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN BIOL 14. MICR V01S - MICROBIOLOGY STUDY SESSION - 1 Unit Corequisite: MICR V01 Hours: 1 lecture weekly This study session will give the student opportunities to discuss and ask questions about the material covered in the lecture and laboratory. Reviews of quizzes and exams will occur and methods of taking notes for the course will be considered. These sessions should enable the student to better comprehend the course material and thereby improve performance in the course. Formerly Micro 1S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. MULTIMEDIA MM V10 - INTRODUCTION TO MULTIMEDIA AND MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in multimedia or are interested in utilizing multimedia tools in their current profession. The course is an overview of the multimedia industry including commercial, artistic, and technical aspects of development and production including their philosophical and cultural implications. Subjects covered include defining multimedia, history of multimedia, multimedia hardware/ software, multimedia applications, occupational opportunities, composition of development teams, critical evaluation of multimedia, and the future of multimedia. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly IdS 20. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V20 - VISUAL DESIGN FOR MULTIMEDIA - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V10 or equivalent; basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to the visual elements and principles of design, and their application to multimedia. Using the computer and traditional media, students will work with line, shape/ form, value, space, light, volume, perspective, texture/pattern, scale/proportion, typographical design, and color in a series of progressive projects designed to develop the aesthetic sensitivity and basic technical knowledge required to create effective multimedia images. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V22 -ADVANCED VISUAL DESIGN FOR MULTIMEDIA -3 Units Prerequisite: MM V20 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is an advanced study of the visual elements and principles of design and their application to multimedia. Using the computer, students will work with digital imagery, animation, digital video, audio, typographical design, and color in an intensive study program designed to develop both the technical knowledge required to create effective multimedia images as well as a thorough understanding of the resources and opportunities available in the field of multimedia. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. MM V26 -DIGITAL PUBLISHING: APPLICATIONS AND IMPLICATIONS -3 Units Recommended preparation: IDS V74A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly The student will learn and discuss current issues related to the widening use of electronic media as a supplement to, or substitute for, paper-based print. These issues include access rights, preservation, standards, and copyright, among others. This course also provides a look at some proposals, prototypes, and processes in electronic information distribution. Using page layout, graphics illustration, PDF creation and image manipulation software, students will learn to create a wide range of artifacts such as effective directories, Web pages, surveys, direct mail initiatives, information packages, fax documents, and many other electronic media. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V30 - MULTIMEDIA DESIGN AND PRODUCTION - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V10 or MM V20 or equivalent; basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to the planning and production, both individually and collaboratively, of multimedia products such as a Web site, CD-ROMs, kiosks, consumer titles, sales and marketing tools, presentations, courseware, or computer based training (CBT). Students design their projects–from conception to distribution–while working as a team on teacher-guided, real-world projects. Students will integrate various media into interactive design projects using instructional design, authoring, image processing, and video editing software. Rapid prototypes are created. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly IdS 30. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V32 - INTERMEDIATE MULTIMEDIA DESIGN AND PRODUCTION - 3 Units Prerequisite: MM V30 Recommended preparation: knowledge of programming Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed for the student who is interested in an in-depth development of full-scale multimedia customized training tools for the personal computer which may be deployed via multiple modalities such as interactive CD, kiosks, Internet, Intranet, LAN or WAN. Using the skills acquired in the introductory course, students will create original content and integrate various media into interactive design projects using instructional design, authoring, image processing, and video editing software. This course includes creating custom objects using an open scripting language and producing associated documentation/instructions for an application, while working in a collaborative environment. Fees will be required Field trips may be required. Formerly IdS 32. 168 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 MM V40 - VIDEO PRODUCTION AND EDITING FOR MULTIMEDIA - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V10 or MM V20 or equivalent; basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course introduces students to all aspects and phases of digital video production and editing including scripting, storyboarding, visual design and composition, camera work, lighting, digital editing techniques, and business considerations (budgeting, finance, distribution, and marketing) of video production for the multimedia industry. The projects that students create in this course can be integrated into other multimedia formats such as CD-ROM and Web design. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly IdS 40. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V44 - ADVANCED DIGITAL VIDEO EDITING AND PRODUCTION FOR MULTIMEDIA - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V40 or equivalent Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course introduces students to advanced aspects and phases of digital video production and editing including scripting, storyboarding, visual design and composition, camera work, lighting, digital editing techniques, and business considerations (budgeting, finance, distribution, and marketing) of video production for the multimedia industry. The projects that students create in this course can be integrated into other multimedia formats such as CD-ROM and Web design. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. MM V46 - DIGITAL VIDEO EDITING AND PRODUCTION FOR THE INTERNET - 3 Units Prerequisite: MM V40 Recommended preparation: MM V66 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course introduces students to procedures and phases of design, creation encoding and upload/delivery of streaming audio/ video elements via the World Wide Web. This course is hands-on and production driven. Using skills from prior courses, students learn about encoding and webcasting through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and by developing an original streaming audio/video webcast. Previous experience authoring and posting a Web page using HTML is highly recommended before taking this course. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V50 - BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS FOR MULTIMEDIA - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V10 or MM V20 or equivalent; basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course prepares students for entrepreneurial and flexible careers in the multimedia industry. Topics covered include selection of optimum communication channels, preparation of effective written communication for the multimedia industry, application of appropriate oral communication skills for team building, interviewing, performance appraisals, conducting meetings and presentations, design and development of a resume/portfolio and cover letter (hard copy and online formats), and use of project management software to develop a project schedule for multimedia productions/applications. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V60A-Z - TOPICS IN MULTIMEDIA - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by other multimedia offerings. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. MM V61 - INTRODUCTION TO 3D ANIMATION AND MODELING FOR MULTIMEDIA - 3 Units Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course introduces students to basic three-dimensional modeling as it applies to multimedia and 3D computer modeling. The students will be required to make sketches of their models, fabricate actual models, and create 3D computer models. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V62 - 3D COMPUTER ANIMATION - 3 Units Prerequisite: MM V61 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course covers creating animations using three-dimensional animation software. Students will learn the history of animation, an overview of the animation process, and user interfaces in the program to create the illusion of movement, animation of a live object, backgrounds and basic interactions. Students will analyze and evaluate a variety of animation products, learn the opportunities, career paths, and current trends in animation and create simple 3D animations. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly IdS 26. MM V63 - MULTIMEDIA PROGRAMMING: 3D GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION WITH C++ - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V55 Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 3 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course builds on the student's current knowledge of fundamental Windows C++ programming, and object-oriented design methods. This course will explore the creation of 3D graphics and animation. Some of the topics included are using cameras, polygons, lighting, materials, textures, splines, object creation, rasters and bitmaps, rendering, and palette optimization. The Windows 95 Multimedia API will be covered. Popular technologies such as morphing, special effects, 3D animation, and digital imaging will be covered. Students will learn to create materials with popular graphics software. Fees will be required. Formerly CIS 16. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V64 - MULTIMEDIA AND 3D WEB DEVELOPMENT - 4 Units Prerequisite: CS V40 Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 3 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course presents tools useful for multimedia Web development. During this course, the student will use various popular multimedia and graphic software to create materials required for advanced Web development. Tools such as scanner, digital camera, microphone, and camcorder will be used to capture sounds and images to be manipulated. Fees will be required. Formerly CIS 54. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -169 MM V65 - WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT - 2.5 Units Prerequisite: CS V40 Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 2 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course provides the student with the necessary skills and techniques to design and create a complete professional quality Web site. Using the student's knowledge of Web page development, this course provides the design and planning skills needed to create a complete Web site. Fees will be required. Formerly CIS 55. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V66 - PROFESSIONAL WEB PAGE DEVELOPMENT - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V80 or equivalent Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course presents the skills and techniques required to design professional quality Web pages using the features of HTML. Students will learn how to design media-rich Web pages that will help attract users and maintain a steady audience. Included in this course are HTML presentation, how browsers and servers work together, graphics, effective Web page design, tables and forms, CGI scripts, developing interactive Web pages, HTML authoring tools, and introduction to Java. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly CIS 51. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V67 - MODEL MAKING AND DIGITIZING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V10 and MM V61 or equivalent; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to develop a working understanding between actual three-dimensional objects and their application to computer modeling and animation. Using actual 3D objects, the building of 3D objects, digitizing hardware and computer software, students will create virtual objects and virtual environments in a series of progressive exercises designed to develop aesthetic sensitivity and basic technical knowledge required to produce effective multimedia products and presentations. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V68 - ADVANCED COMPUTER MODELING AND ANIMATION - 3 Units Prerequisite: MM V62 or equivalent Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to develop a greater understanding of computer modeling and animation and how that applies to high-end digital effects, feature animation, computer games, and video games. Using computers, digitizing hardware, and industry- standard 3D computer modeling and animation software, students will design and develop computer models, scripts, storyboards, and short computer animations in a series of progressive exercises designed to develop aesthetic sensitivity and basic technical knowledge required to produce new and unique still and moving images. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V69 - VIDEO AND COMPUTER GAME CONCEPTS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V10 and MM V61 or equivalent; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to build an understanding of video game formats and concepts and aid in the development of video game design. Using computers, video games, game controllers, graphics software, and computer modeling and animation software, students will explore, discuss and begin to design video games in a series of progressive exercises designed to develop aesthetic sensitivity and basic technical knowledge required to produce new and unique interactive materials and experiences. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V70 - MULTIMEDIA PRACTICUM - 2 Units Prerequisite: MM V10 and MM V20 and MM V30 and MM V40 and MM V50 Corequisite: MM V72 Recommended preparation: complete specialty option from AS Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly This course, in conjunction with multimedia portfolio presentation, incorporates all of the theories and practice of development discussed and presented in earlier courses into actual production of multimedia products. Students will provide work progress diagrams and documentation for each distribution medium that follows creative process development and project management. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. MM V72 - MULTIMEDIA PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION - 1 Unit Prerequisite: MM V10 and MM V20 and MM V30 and MM V40 and MM V50 Corequisite: MM V70 Recommended preparation: complete specialty option from AS Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly This course, in conjunction with multimedia practicum, incorporates all of the theories and practice of development discussed and presented in earlier courses into actual production of a multimedia portfolio in both traditional and digital formats. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. MM V76 - SOUND AND AUDIO FOR MULTIMEDIA - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V10 or equivalent; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to build an understanding of audio and soundtrack production for multimedia presentations. Using computers, audio and MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) software, musical keyboards and synthesizers, students will explore, discuss and begin to create audio and music tracks in a series of progressive exercises designed to develop aesthetic sensitivity and basic technical knowledge required to produce new and unique interactive materials and experiences. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Same as MUS V42. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. 170 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 MM V78 - VIDEO AND COMPUTER GAME CREATION - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V10 and MM V61 or equivalent; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to build an understanding of video game development and programming. Using computers, programming software, video games, game controllers, graphic software, and computer modeling and animation software, students will explore, discuss and begin to create video games in a series of progressive exercises designed to develop aesthetic sensitivity and basic technical knowledge required to produce new and unique interactive materials and experiences. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V80 - PROJECT-BASED WEB DEVELOPMENT - 3 Units Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to introduce the basics of Web site development using graphics, text, animation and current computer software. Students will preview how these essentials are organized in order to plan and construct Web sites, adding links, navigation, frames, and tables. Students will create a Web site, learn the delivery process, and learn how to access and work with a Web server. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V82 - VECTOR-BASED ANIMATION - 3 Units Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals including use of image processing software Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to introduce the basics of vector-based animation principles to deliver low band-width animations, presentations, and Web sites. Students will preview how these essentials are used to construct games, add interfaces, create training courses and prepare streaming video. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V88 - MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course is designed to meet the specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. MM V89 - WORKSHOPS IN MULTIMEDIA - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course is designed to meet the specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN MULTIMEDIA - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Recommended preparation: basic English and math skills; and computer fundamentals Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. MM V95 - MULTIMEDIA INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This multimedia internship course offers students with intermediate skills who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MM V96 - MULTIMEDIA INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This multimedia internship course offers students with intermediate skills who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MUSIC MUS V01 - FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSIC - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Writing of scales, intervals, chords, key signatures, sight singing, elementary keyboard work. Formerly Mus 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. MUS V02A - MUSIC THEORY I - 5 Units Corequisite: MUS V02AL Recommended preparation: MUS V01 Hours: 5 lecture weekly A study of music from the “common practice” period: 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Primarily an introduction to tonal harmony through exercises in figured bass, chord inversion, voice leading (chord connection) and harmonic function. Field tips may be required. Formerly Mus 2A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 2 [with MUS V02AL] or CAN MUS SEQ A [with MUS V02AL+V02B+V02BL] or CAN MUS SEQ C [with MUS V02AL+V02B+V02BL+V02C+V02CL]. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -171 MUS V02AL - EAR TRAINING I - 1 Unit Corequisite: MUS V02A Hours: 3 laboratory weekly Beginning ear training through graded exercises in sight singing, note reading and music dictation. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 2AL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 2 [with MUS V02A] or CAN MUS SEQ A [with MUS V02A+V02B+V02BL] or CAN MUS SEQ C [with MUS V02A+V02B+V02BL+V02C+V02CL]. MUS V02B - MUSIC THEORY II - 5 Units Prerequisite: MUS V02A or equivalent Corequisite: MUS V02BL Hours: 5 lecture weekly Further exploration of techniques from the “common practice” period of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, including the use of secondary dominants, dissonant chords, harmonization of bass and soprano melodies, modulation and non-harmonic tones. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 2B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 4 [with MUS V02BL] or CAN MUS SEQ A [with MUS V02A+V02AL+V02BL] or CAN MUS SEQ C [with MUS VO2A+V02AL+V02BL+V02C+V02CL]. MUS V02BL - EAR TRAINING II - 1 Unit Corequisite: MUS V02B Hours: 3 laboratory weekly Ear training through graded exercises in sight singing, note reading and music dictation. Some basic keyboard experience and improvisation included. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 2BL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 4 [with MUS V02B] or CAN MUS SEQ A [with MUS V02A+V02AL+V02B] or CAN MUS SEQ C[ with MUS V02A+V02AL+V02B+V02C+V02CL]. MUS V02C - MUSIC THEORY III - 5 Units Prerequisite: MUS V02B or equivalent Corequisite: MUS V02CL Hours: 5 lecture weekly Study of the techniques culminating the “common practice” period: Linear chords, chromatic harmony and modulation. Transition from tonal techniques toward experimental methods common to the 20th century. Particular attention to analysis and musical form. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 2C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 6 [with MUS V02CL] or CAN MUS SEQ C [with MUS V02A+V02AL+V02B+V02BL+V02CL]. MUS V02CL - EAR TRAINING III - 1 Unit Corequisite: MUS V02C Hours: 3 laboratory weekly Ear training through exercises in sight singing, note reading and music dictation. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 2CL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 6 [with MUS V02C] or CAN MUS SEQ C [with MUS VO2A+V02AL+V02B+V02BL+V02C]. MUS V02D - MUSIC THEORY: MODAL-TONAL COUNTERPOINT - 5 Units Prerequisite: MUS V02B or equivalent Corequisite: MUS V02DL Hours: 5 lecture weekly Study of modal and tonal counterpoint; major forms including canon, motet, contrapuntal variation, invention and fugue. Some attention to early notation. Analysis of selected music. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 2D. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 12 [with MUS V02DL]. MUS V02DL - EAR TRAINING IV - 1 Unit Corequisite: MUS V02D Hours: 3 laboratory weekly Advanced ear training. Sight singing, dictation and recognition of melody, harmony and non-tonal music. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 2DL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 12 [with MUS V02D]. MUS V03 - INTRODUCTION TO WORLD MUSIC - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an introductory survey of world music from the cultural traditions of the Americas, Africa, Asia, Indonesia, India and Europe. The course will focus on the cultural sources of world musical practices, on characteristics of rhythm, melody and composition, and on musical instruments. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V04 - COMPOSITION TECHNIQUES OF 20TH AND 21ST CENTURY MUSIC - 3 Units Prerequisite: MUS V02A-VO2AL Hours: 3 lecture weekly Introduction to the major music composition techniques of the 20th and 21st centuries, primarily by composing music, but also through music exercises and analysis. Performance of selected student works encouraged. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V05 - MUSICIANSHIP - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course bridges the gap between music fundamentals and music theory. It includes a basic review of music reading, scales, intervals, keys, chords, rhythm and meter. Exercises include work at the piano, percussion and computer as well as traditional solfeggio and written exercises. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly Mus 5. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V06 - HISTORY OF ROCK AND ROLL - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of rock music from the late 1940’s to the present– it’s musical, socio-cultural and historical development. Emphasis on the roots and early development of rock; its stylistic trends and influential artists throughout the years including the politics of rock and the impact of technology. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V07 - HISTORY OF JAZZ - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of jazz history, from both a musical and cultural perspective from its roots in ragtime, blues, and American popular music, to the diverse styles of today. The focus will be on important individuals, groups, styles, and influences, as well as the impact of American society and world culture. Guest artists and lecturers, and analysis of recordings may be included. Field trips may be required. Formerly MUS V60E. Same as AES V12. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. MUS V08 - MUSIC APPRECIATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Introduces the student to the main stylistic periods and developments in music, from ancient times to the present, with an emphasis on understanding and enjoyment in listening. It explores not only the music, composers and traditions of Western culture, but examines some of the contributions of world music, popular music, blues, jazz, and rock as well. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 8. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 172 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 MUS V09A - MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a survey of musical styles, form and personalities from the Middle Ages (560) to the late Baroque era (1750). There will also be discussions about social and political influences in each era. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 9A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 8 or CAN MUS SEQ B [with MUS V09B]. MUS V09B - MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a survey of musical styles, form, and personalities from the early Classical era (1750) to our current era. Discussions will also include social and political influences from each era. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 9B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 10 or CAN MUS SEQ B [with MUS V09A]. MUS V10 - COLLEGE CHORUS - 1.5 Units Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly The study and performance of mixed choir music from the community, classic and folk traditions. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 10. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V11 - COLLEGE SINGERS - .5-2 Units Recommended preparation: MUS V10 or singing ability Hours: 1-4 lecture-laboratory weekly Singing group providing an opportunity to learn choral music from all ages. College Singers appear in public concerts, inter- school festivals and workshops. Some additional time is needed for special concerts and rehearsals. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 11. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V12 - CHORALE - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: singing ability Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Advanced choral ensemble. Rehearsal and performance of choral, and choral/instrumental masterworks from medieval times to the present. Additional rehearsal and performance required. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 12. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V13A - VOICE I - 1.5 Units Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Designed for the serious voice student interested in building classic repertoire. Course includes the study of basic technique and correction of individual problems. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 13A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V13B - VOICE II - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: MUS V13A Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Designed for the serious voice student interested in building classic repertoire. Course includes basic technique and performance of representative literature. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 13B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V13C - VOICE III - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: MUS V13B Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Designed for the serious voice student interested in building classic repertoire. Course includes basic technique plus study and performance of advanced literature. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 13C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V13D - VOICE IV - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: MUS V13C Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Designed for the serious voice student interested in building classic repertoire. Course includes technique plus preparation for a performance in recital. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 13D. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V14 - BEGINNING COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ability to play an orchestra instrument Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Rehearsal and performance of orchestral literature. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 14. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V15 - ADVANCED COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ability to play an orchestra instrument Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Rehearsal and performance of representative orchestra literature in concerts on the college campus and in the community. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 15. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V16 - INTERMEDIATE CHORAL REHEARSAL AND PERFORMANCE - .5-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: singing ability Hours: 1-3 lecture-laboratory weekly The study and performance of choral masterworks from the 15th century to the 20th century, stressing unaccompanied and accompanied choral works at the intermediate level. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 16. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V18 - BAND - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ability to play an instrument Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Prepare and perform band literature. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 18. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V19 - ADVANCED CHORAL REHEARSAL AND PERFORMANCE - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: MUS V16 or equivalent singing ability Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly The study and performance of challenging choral masterworks from the 15th century to the 20th century, stressing unaccompanied and accompanied choral works at the advanced level. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 19. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V21A - CHAMBER MUSIC: WINDS - 1 Unit Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly Development of small ensembles of woodwinds to study and perform music; emphasis on balance, dynamics, phrasing and interpretation. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 21A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V21B - CHAMBER MUSIC: BRASS - 1 Unit Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly Development of small ensembles of brass players to study the musical literature composed for brass groups, to perfect and perform these masterpieces. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 21B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -173 MUS V21C - CHAMBER MUSIC: STRINGS AND KEYBOARDS - 1 Unit Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly Development of chamber groups to study the literature written for ensemble groups; to perfect and perform these compositions. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 21C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V22A - ADVANCED CHAMBER MUSIC: WINDS - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: ability to play an appropriate instrument Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly Development of small ensembles of woodwinds to study and perform advanced classical music; emphasis on balance, dynamics, phrasing and interpretation. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 22A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V22B - ADVANCED CHAMBER MUSIC: BRASS - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: ability to play an appropriate instrument Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly Development of small ensembles of brass to study and perform transcribed and original classical music. Attention to interpretation, balance, blend and phrasing. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 22B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V22C - ADVANCED CHAMBER MUSIC: STRINGS AND KEYBOARDS - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: ability to play an appropriate instrument Hours: 2 lecture-laboratory weekly Development of small ensembles of strings and piano. Special attention to performance quality of classical music, interpretation, style, balance, blend and phrasing. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 22C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V24A - KEYBOARDS I - 2 Units Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly Fundamentals of keyboard playing, music reading, technique, scales, transposition, simple keyboard harmonization, and simple keyboard literature. Designed for the student with little or no prior keyboard experience. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 24A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 22. MUS V24B - KEYBOARDS II - 2 Units Prerequisite: MUS V24A or equivalent Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly Level 2 keyboard playing: music reading, technique, scales, transposition, keyboard harmonization, and simple keyboard literature. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 24B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN MUS 24. MUS V24C - KEYBOARDS III - 2 Units Prerequisite: MUS V24B or equivalent Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly Level 3 keyboard playing: music reading, technique, major and minor scales, transposition, more advanced keyboard harmonization, and more advanced keyboard literature. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 24C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V24D - KEYBOARDS IV - 2 Units Prerequisite: MUS V24C or equivalent Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly Level 4 keyboard playing: advanced music reading, technique, major and minor scales, transposition, keyboard harmonization, and more advanced keyboard literature. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 24D. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V27 - CHORAL CONDUCTING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ability to read music score Hours: 3 lecture weekly Conducting singing groups in simpler choral works suitable for civic, school and church choirs. Basic conducting techniques; exploration of choral literature including style, performance, and interpretation. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 27. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V30 - APPLIED MUSIC STUDY - 1 Unit Hours: 1 lecture weekly Preparation and presentation of the solo literature to be presented before the class with a subsequent critique by the other students and instructor. The instructor is expected to critique the critiques. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 30. Transfer credit CSU; UC. MUS V31A - PRIVATE LESSONS: WOODWINDS - 3 Units Corequisite: MUS V02A, V02B, V02C or V02D; MUS V10, V11, V12, V14, V15, V16, V18, V19, V21A, V21B, V21C, V22A, V22B, V22C, V34, V35, V43, V44, V45, V46 or V47; and MUS V30 Recommended preparation: ability to play an appropriate instrument Hours: 1 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly Private one-hour lesson per week on specified instrument, plus six hours of practice on campus weekly. Work on playing techniques, style and interpretation, and repertoire. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 31A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V31B - PRIVATE LESSONS: BRASS - 3 Units Corequisite: MUS V02A, V02B, V02C or V02D; MUS V10, V11, V12, V14, V15, V16, V18, V19, V21A, V21B, V21C, V22A, V22B, V22C, V34, V35, V43, V44, V45, V46 or V47; and MUS V30 Recommended preparation: ability to play an appropriate instrument Hours: 1 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly Private one-hour lesson per week on specified instrument, plus six hours of practice on campus weekly. Work on playing techniques, style and interpretation, and repertoire. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 31B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V31C - PRIVATE LESSONS: STRINGS - 3 Units Corequisite: MUS V02A, V02B, V02C or V02D; MUS V10, V11, V12, V14, V15, V16, V18, V19, V21A, V21B, V21C, V22A, V22B, V22C, V34, V35, V43, V44, V45, V46 or V47; and MUS V30 Recommended preparation: ability to play an appropriate instrument Hours: 1 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly Private one-hour lesson per week on specified instrument, plus six hours of practice on campus weekly. Work on playing techniques, style and interpretation, and repertoire. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 31C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 174 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 MUS V31D - PRIVATE LESSONS: KEYBOARDS - 3 Units Corequisite: MUS V02A, V02B, V02C or V02D; MUS V10, V11, V12, V14, V15, V16, V18, V19, V21A, V21B, V21C, V22A, V22B, V22C, V34, V35, V43, V44, V45, V46 or V47; and MUS V30 Recommended preparation: ability to play an appropriate instrument Hours: 1 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly Private one-hour lesson per week on specified instrument, plus six hours of practice on campus weekly. Work on playing techniques, style and interpretation, and repertoire. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 31D. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V31E - PRIVATE LESSONS: CLASSICAL GUITAR - 3 Units Corequisite: MUS V02A, V02B, V02C or V02D; MUS V10, V11, V12, V14, V15, V16, V18, V19, V21A, V21B, V21C, V22A, V22B, V22C, V34, V35, V43, V44, V45, V46 or V47; and MUS V30 Recommended preparation: ability to play an appropriate instrument Hours: 1 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly Private one-hour lesson per week on specified instrument, plus six hours of practice on campus weekly. Work on playing techniques, style and interpretation, and repertoire. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 31E. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V31F - PRIVATE LESSONS: ORCHESTRA PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS - 3 Units Corequisite: MUS V02A, V02B, V02C or V02D; MUS V10, V11, V12, V14, V15, V16, V18, V19, V21A, V21B, V21C, V22A, V22B, V22C, V34, V35, V43, V44, V45, V46 or V47; and MUS V30 Recommended preparation: ability to play an appropriate instrument Hours: 1 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly Private one-hour lesson per week on specified instrument, plus six hours of practice on campus weekly. Work on playing techniques, style and interpretation, and repertoire. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 31F. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V31G - PRIVATE LESSONS: MUSIC COMPOSITION - 3 Units Prerequisite: MUS V02A or equivalent skills Corequisite: MUS V02B, V02C or V02D; MUS V10, V11, V12, V14, V15, V16, V18, V19, V21A, V21B, V21C, V22A, V22B, V22C, V34, V35, V43, V44, V45, V46 or V47; and MUS V30 Hours: 1 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly Private one-hour lesson per week in music composition, plus six hours of practice on campus in the electronic/theory lab weekly. Work on composition techniques, style, idea and form, and analysis. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 31G. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V31H - PRIVATE LESSONS: VOICE - 3 Units Corequisite: MUS V02A, V02B, V02C or V02D; MUS V10, V11, V12, V14, V15, V16, V18, V19, V21A, V21B, V21C, V22A, V22B, V22C, V34, V35, V43, V44, V45, V46 or V47; and MUS V30 Recommended preparation: ability to sing Hours: 1 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly Private one-hour lessons, plus six hours of practice on campus weekly. Work on vocal techniques, style and interpretation, and repertoire. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 31H. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V34 - BEGINNING CHAMBER ORCHESTRA - .5-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ability to play an orchestral instrument Hours: 1-3 lecture-laboratory weekly The study and performance of orchestra literature suitable for smaller orchestral ensembles, primarily from the Baroque and Classic periods. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 34. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V35 - ADVANCED CHAMBER ORCHESTRA - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ability to play an orchestral instrument Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly The study and performance of challenging orchestra literature suitable for smaller orchestral ensembles. Music from the 17th through the 20th centuries will be studied. All genres including symphony, suite, concerto, overture and prelude will be covered. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 35. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V36 - BEGINNING GUITAR - 1.5 Units Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed for the beginning student in guitar and focuses on the study of standard guitar techniques and on the development of musical skills, performance skills and a knowledge of repertoire. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Mus 36. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V37 -INTERMEDIATE GUITAR - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: MUS V36 Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed for the serious student interested in building classical repertoire. Focus is on continued improvement of basic techniques, development of performance skills and individual problem solving. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Mus 37. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V39 - INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC TECHNOLOGY - 2 Units Recommended preparation: music fundamentals and computer fundamentals Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly This course introduces students to music notation and printing with applications such as Finale and Sibelius, music sequencing software, and audio recording/sequencing software. It includes basic MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), conventions of music notation, keyboard note entry, entering and editing of standard and custom music symbols, page layout and publishing- quality printout, and real-time playback of scores, sequences, and mixes. Students will have hands-on experience with notation and sequencing applications through several class projects. An overview of the complete spectrum of technology in music is included. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -175 MUS V42 - SOUND AND AUDIO FOR MULTIMEDIA - 3 Units Recommended preparation: MM V10 or equivalent; and computer fundamentals Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to build an understanding of audio and soundtrack production for multimedia presentations. Using computers, audio and MIDI (Musical Instrumental Digital Interface) software, musical keyboards and synthesizers, students will explore, discuss and begin to create audio and music tracks in a series of progressive exercises designed to develop aesthetic sensitivity and basic technical knowledge required to produce new and unique interactive materials and experiences. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Same as MM V76. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. MUS V43 - BEGINNING SYMPHONIC CHOIR - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: music reading and singing ability Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course presents the study and performance of choral masterworks stressing literature sung with instruments and orchestra. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V44 - ADVANCED SYMPHONIC CHOIR - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: music reading and singing ability Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course presents the study and performance of challenging choral masterworks requiring the use of instruments or orchestra. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V45 - BEGINNING OPERA/MUSICAL THEATRE WORKSHOP - 1.5 Units Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly An in-depth study of the skills necessary for the performer in a live opera/musical theatre production. Emphasis on the script/score analysis, role preparation, theatre and rehearsal etiquette and technique, singing technique, culminating in a live scene or full- length, fully produced opera or musical. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 45. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V46 - INTERMEDIATE OPERA/MUSICAL THEATRE WORKSHOP - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: MUS V45 Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly An in-depth study of the skills necessary at the intermediate level for the performer in a live opera/musical theatre production. Emphasis on the script/score analysis, role preparation, theatre and rehearsal etiquette and technique, singing technique, culminating in a live scene or full-length, fully produced opera or musical. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 46. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V47 - ADVANCED OPERA/MUSICAL THEATRE WORKSHOP - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: MUS V46 Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly An in-depth study of the skills necessary at the advanced level for the performer in a live opera/musical theatre production. Emphasis on the script/score analysis, role preparation, theatre and rehearsal etiquette and technique, singing technique, culminating in a live scene or full-length, fully produced opera or musical. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V55A - BEGINNING RECORDER - 1.5 Units Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course will provide beginning-level instruction in how to perform on soprano or alto recorders. Students will learn how to compare and differentiate rhythmic notation and pitch in the treble clef. They will practice in class and at home rhythmic groupings such as half-, quarter- and eighth-note patterns. Attention will be given to ensemble participation, so they can assess and demonstrate an understanding of intonation, tempo, rhythm, and working together to produce a balanced sonority. Students will learn how to prepare and organize a pedagogical technique to teach other beginners, including children. Field trips will be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V55B - INTERMEDIATE RECORDER - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: MUS V55A Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course will provide intermediate-level instruction in how to perform on soprano or alto recorders. Students will learn how to compare and differentiate chromatic notation within a tonality. They will practice in class and at home rhythmic groupings such as sixteenth-note patterns, grace notes and a variety of trills. Attention will be given to ensemble participation, so they can assess and demonstrate an understanding of intonation, tone quality, style, articulation, tempo, rhythm and working together to produce a balanced sonority. Field trips will be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V55C - ADVANCED RECORDER - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: MUS V55B Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course will provide advanced-level instruction in how to perform on all recorders: soprano, alto, tenor and bass. Students will analyze a variety of musical literature in regards to the technical aspects of the instrument. Attention will be given to ensemble participation so they can assess and demonstrate an understanding of intonation, style, tempo, rhythm, and working together (cooperative skills), to produce a balanced sonority. Students will learn how to prepare and organize a pedagogical technique to teach other beginners, including children. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V60A-Z - TOPICS IN MUSIC - 1-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by the other music offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time-to-time include: synthesizer techniques, recording techniques, Indian music, primitive music, women in music. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. MUS V60B - TAPE RECORDING BASICS - 1.5 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 2 laboratory weekly Introduction to recording techniques, the concepts, facilities, and procedures for recording sound with emphasis on current multitrack recording practices. Field trips may be required. Formerly Mus 60B. Transfer credit: CSU. 176 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 MUS V60D - EARLY MUSIC ENSEMBLE - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ability to perform on an Early Music instrument Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly This course will provide students an opportunity to perform Renaissance and Baroque repertoire on Early Music instruments. Students will analyze a variety of literature from the Renaissance and Baroque periods in three and four parts, including bass. Attention will be given to ensemble participation so they can assess and demonstrate an understanding of intonation, style, tempo, rhythm, and working together to produce a balanced sonority. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Mus 60D. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V60F - ADVANCED EARLY MUSIC ENSEMBLE - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: MUS V60D Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Advanced work in performance ensemble. Music will include advanced level repertoire from the Renaissance and Baroque period as performed on Early Music instruments. Emphasis on advanced rhythmic figures, chromatics, articulation, and stylistic considerations. Advanced level expanded forms in four to eight parts, including antiphonal music, will be studied. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Mus 60F. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. MUS V61A - RECORDER CHOIR - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ability to perform on any one of the four basic recorders (SATB) at an intermediate level Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Students are provided an opportunity to perform in a recorder choir of soprano, alto, tenor and bass. Intermediate level repertoire in three and four parts from the late 18th century to the present, including jazz and folk music, will be studied. Attention will be given to ensemble participation and learning musical skills for interpreting music of this genre. Students will learn to develop, plan, rehearse, and perform programs for the ensemble. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU. MUS V61B - ADVANCED RECORDER CHOIR - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: MUS V61A Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Advanced work in performance ensemble. This course will require advanced level techniques and reading abilities as the group will rehearse and perform rhythmically and harmonically complex repertoire at the advanced level from the 18th century to the present including jazz and folk music. Attention will be given to more densely orchestrated repertoire from four to eight parts. Emphasis is given to student leadership qualities in regards to rehearing a group and putting on performances. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Transfer credit: CSU. MUS V88 - MUSIC WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. MUS V89 - WORKSHOPS IN MUSIC - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Mus 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. MUS V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN MUSIC - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Mus 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. NURSING SCIENCE NS V07 - PHARMACOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will provide students with a basic understanding of the clinical application of pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutic principles across a lifespan. Areas of emphasis include drug classifications, therapeutic uses of medications, application of the nursing process and legal/ethical considerations. Formerly NS 7. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V10 - INTRODUCTION TO PROFESSIONAL NURSING - 10 Units Prerequisite: admission to ADN program; ANAT V01; MICR V01; PHSO V01; HEC V24 or PSY V05 or concurrent enrollment; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; certification as a nursing assistant; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 5 lecture, 15 laboratory weekly This course focuses on Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) which serves as the unifying framework. Throughout the course, the student will apply principles from the natural, social and behavioral sciences to the practice of professional nursing. Students will have the opportunity to learn SCDTN as it applies to the nursing process and issues and trends of professional nursing. Nursing will be presented as a component of a health care system seeking to assist the client to improve and/or maintain his/her potential in a diverse cultural context. This introduction to professional nursing will focus on the use of critical thinking skills in health assessment, identification of and intervention for universal self-care requisites, basic and intermediate skills and pharmacology. Guided clinical experiences are provided concurrently with theory. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Formerly NS 10. Transfer credit: CSU. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -177 NS V15 - NURSING SCIENCE REVIEW - 3.5 - 10 Units Prerequisite: NS V10 with grade of C or better; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 1-5 lecture, 7.5-15 laboratory weekly This course offers structured remediation in basic nursing theory and skills. It includes didactic and practical components. Emphasis is on utilization of basic nursing principles and skills which are necessary to develop and implement a nursing plan of care. Field trips may be required. Formerly NS 15. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. NS V20 - THE NURSING PROCESS APPLIED TO THE CLIENT WITH HEALTH CARE DEVIATIONS I - 11 Units Prerequisite: NS V10; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 6 lecture, 15 laboratory weekly This course utilizes Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) and the nursing process to focus on developmental and health deviation self-care requisites related to water, food, elimination and hazards. Developmental self-care requisites will be addressed with a focus on care of perinatal clients, newborns, children and families. Principles of therapeutic intervention, basic conditioning factors, communication and care of the client across the lifespan will be integrated throughout the course. The roles of provider of care, manager of care and member within the profession are stressed. Guided clinical experiences are provided concurrently with theory. Field trips may be required. Formerly NS V20A & V20B. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V30 - THE NURSING PROCESS APPLIED TO THE CLIENT WITH HEALTH CARE DEVIATIONS II - 10.5 Units Prerequisite: NS V20; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 5.5 lecture, 15 laboratory weekly This course utilizes Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) and the nursing process to focus on clients and families with developmental self-care requisites and health deviation self- care requisites related to solitude and social interaction, normalcy, activity/rest and hazards. The scope of nursing interventions includes supportive/educative, partially compensatory and wholly compensatory actions, emphasizing the goal of fostering self-care agency of each client. Principles of therapeutic intervention, basic conditioning factors, communication and care of the client across the lifespan will be integrated throughout the course. The roles of provider of care, manager of care and member within the profession are stressed. The supportive/educative role of the nurse is emphasized. Guided clinical experiences are provided concurrently with theory. Field trips may be required. Formerly NS V30A & V30B. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V31 - THE NURSING PROCESS APPLIED TO THE CLIENT WITH HEALTH CARE DEVIATIONS II: 30-UO - 10 Units Prerequisite: NS V20; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 5.5 lecture, 13.5 laboratory weekly This course utilizes Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) and the nursing process to focus on clients and families with developmental self-care requisites and health deviation self- care requisites related to solitude and social interaction, normalcy, activity/rest and hazards. The scope of nursing interventions includes supportive/educative, partially compensatory and wholly compensatory actions, emphasizing the goal of fostering self-care agency of each client. Principles of therapeutic intervention, basic conditioning factors, communication and care of the client across the lifespan will be integrated throughout the course. The roles of provider of care, manager of care and member within the profession are stressed. The supportive/educative role of the nurse is emphasized. Guided clinical experiences are provided concurrently with theory. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly NS V30C. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V32 - THE NURSING PROCESS APPLIED TO THE CLIENT WITH HEALTH CARE DEVIATIONS II: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - 10.5 Units Prerequisite: NS V20; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 5.5 lecture, 15 laboratory weekly This course utilizes Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) and the nursing process to focus on clients and families with developmental self-care requisites and health deviation self- care requisites related to solitude and social interaction, activity/ rest, hazards, perinatal clients, newborns, children and families. The scope of nursing interventions includes supportive/educative, partially compensatory and wholly compensatory actions, emphasizing the goal of fostering self-care agency of each client. Principles of therapeutic intervention, basic conditioning factors, communication and care of the client across the lifespan will be integrated throughout the course. The roles of provider of care, manager and care and member within the profession are stressed. The supportive/educative role of the nurse is emphasized. Guided clinical experiences are provided concurrently with theory. This course is intended for students transferring to the Ventura College nursing program who completed psychiatric nursing content in a previous course. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. 178 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 NS V40 - THE NURSING PROCESS APPLIED TO THE CLIENT WITH HEALTH CARE DEVIATIONS III - 10.5 Units Prerequisite: NS V30; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 5.5 lecture, 15 laboratory weekly This course utilizes Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) and the nursing process to focus on health deviation self-care requisites related to air, activity and rest. The scope of nursing interventions includes supportive/educative, partially compensatory and wholly compensatory actions, including aspects of critical care. The goal of fostering the client's self-care agency is emphasized. Principles of therapeutic intervention, basic conditioning factors, communication and care of the client across the lifespan will be integrated throughout the course. This course is designed to transition the student into the role of a beginning practitioner in nursing. Emphasis will be on management and leadership skills, ethics, legal issues related to nursing practice, professional accountability, health care economics and interpersonal relationships. Guided clinical experiences promoting independent nursing judgement and practice, and the application of leadership principles are provided after being introduced in theory. The roles of provider of care, manager of care and member within the profession are stressed. This course fulfills one PE/health requirement for the AS degree in nursing. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly NS V40A & V40B. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V41 - THE NURSING PROCESS APPLIED TO THE CLIENT WITH HEALTH CARE DEVIATIONS III: 30-UO - 10 Units Prerequisite: NS V30; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 5.5 lecture, 13.5 laboratory weekly This course utilizes Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) and the nursing process to focus on health deviation self-care requisites related to air, activity and rest. The scope of nursing interventions includes supportive/educative, partially compensatory and wholly compensatory actions, including aspects of critical care. The goal of fostering the client's self-care agency is emphasized. Principles of therapeutic interventions, basic conditioning factors, communication and care of the client across the lifespan will be integrated throughout the course. This course is designed to transition the student into the role of a beginning practitioner in nursing. Emphasis will be on management and leadership skills, ethics, legal issues related to nursing practice, professional accountability, health care economics and interpersonal relationships. Guided clinical experiences promoting independent nursing judgement and practice, and the application of leadership principles are provided after being introduced in theory. The roles of provider of care, manager of care and member within the profession are stressed. This course fulfills one PE/health requirement for the AS degree in nursing. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly NS V40C. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V50 - NURSING PERSPECTIVES: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: admission to the ADN Regional Collaborative program Corequisite: NS V51 Hours: 1.5 lecture weekly This course presents an overview of current health and nursing practice issues with their historical influences. Topics provide the novice nurse an overview of historical and philosophical viewpoints regarding regulatory scopes of practice, critical thinking, ethics and law, interdisciplinary roles, communication, health and health care delivery trends. The student is introduced to methods of contemporary library and database research and its application to nursing scholarship. Presented in a live interactive video teleconferencing format. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V51 - PHARMACOLOGY ESSENTIALS: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - .5 Unit Prerequisite: admission to the ADN Regional Collaborative program Corequisite: NS V50 Hours: .5 lecture weekly This introductory course presents the basic knowledge required for safe medication administration and is the foundation for subsequent pharmacology coursework. Emphasis is on calculation of drug dosages. The role of the nurse in pharmacologic therapy is presented, stressing individual accountability in the administration of medication. The way drugs work, their absorption, routes of administration and rationales for use are thoroughly studied. Federal and state regulations which pertain to the administration of medications and regulation of controlled substances are examined. Presented in a live interactive video teleconferencing format. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V52 - PHARMACOLOGY FOR NURSING: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - 2.5 Units Prerequisite: NS V50 and NS V51 Corequisite: NS V53 and NS V54 and NS V55 Hours: 2.5 lecture weekly This course introduces the basic knowledge of pharmacology required to administer medications. The nursing process and unmet human needs provide a framework for the study of selected classes of medications. The nurse’s role in promoting safe and effective pharmacologic therapy is stressed. The importance of health team communication, patient education and legal/ethical issues related to medication administration are integrated throughout the course. Emphasis is placed on teaching the patient/family and promoting compliance in medication management. Presented in a live interactive video teleconferencing format. Transfer credit: CSU. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -179 NS V53 - FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - 3.5 Units Prerequisite: admission to ADN Regional Collaborative; ANAT V01; MICR V01; NS V50 and NS V51; PHSO V01; HEC V24 or PSY V05 or concurrent enrollment; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Corequisite: NS V52 and NS V54 and NS V55 Recommended preparation: the Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 1.5 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This course introduces the core concepts, principles and clinical skills common to all areas and levels of nursing practice. It presents the delivery of nursing care based on a hierarchy of universal human needs which impact health, quality of life and achievement of potential. The entry-level student is introduced to the components and use of the nursing process. The basic platform of nursing knowledge, skills and caring upon which subsequent nursing courses are built is introduced. Clinical experiences in the ambulatory and/or acute and long-term care health care settings and simulated experiences in the nursing skills labs are included. Lecture/discussion is presented in a live interactive video teleconferencing format. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V54 - NURSING SEMINAR I: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - 1 Unit Prerequisite: NS V50 and NS V51 Corequisite: NS V52 and NS V53 and NS V55 Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course provides additional practice and reinforcement for basic nursing skills that are designed to promote application of medical/surgical nursing, fundamentals and pharmacologic classroom content to the clinical situation. It includes discussion, demonstration, computer simulation, guided practice and audiovisual presentations. Presented in a live interactive video teleconferencing format. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V55 - MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING I: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - 3.5 Units Prerequisite: NS V50 and NS V51 Corequisite: NS V52 and NS V53 and NS V54 Hours: 1.5 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly This course introduces the student to the basic concepts involved in caring for the patient with a medical-surgical health problem. The course stresses unmet human needs and the nursing process as organizing frameworks for nursing knowledge and skills. Health care needs of the older adult are emphasized. This course emphasizes access and use of electronically obtained information related to nursing and health care. Clinical experiences which provide an opportunity for the student to apply theoretical concepts and utilize basic clinical skills are included. Presented in a live interactive video teleconferencing format. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V56 - MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING II: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - 4.5 Units Prerequisite: NS V52 and NS V53 and NS V54 and NS V55 Corequisite: NS V57 Hours: 2 lecture, 7.5 laboratory weekly This course presents the study of the adult with unmet needs resulting from health problems. It addresses the needs of patients across the adult lifespan whose health care needs require more complex nursing interventions and skills using the nursing process. The student is encouraged to build on skills gained from the previous coursework in electronic acquisition and use of health care information. Clinical experiences are included that provide an opportunity for the student to apply theoretical concepts, think critically and build clinical skills. Presented in a live interactive video teleconferencing format. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V57 - NURSING SEMINAR II: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - 1.5 Units Prerequisite: NS V52 and NS V53 and NS V54 and NS V55 Corequisite: NS V56 Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course provides an enrichment opportunity for nursing students to further explore the application of medical-surgical, psychiatric and pharmacologic classroom content to the clinical situation. It includes discussion, demonstration, computer simulation, guided practice and audiovisual presentations. Presented in a live interactive video teleconferencing format. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V58 - PSYCHIATRIC NURSING: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - 3.5 Units Prerequisite: NS V52 and NS V53 and NS V54 and NS V55 Hours: 2 lecture, 4.5 laboratory weekly This course focuses on the dynamics of adult clients undergoing acute and chronic psychosocial stress. The nursing process, including interviewing skills, is presented within a framework of total mental health team management. Therapeutic relationships are presented as a means of expressing caring. The causes of stress are identified from various theoretical perspectives. The student is encouraged to undertake self-exploration and develop a concept of the individual that includes the ability to adapt as a result of successful human needs fulfillment. The course provides the student with knowledge and understanding of the interrelatedness of developmental, environment, cultural, socioeconomic and ethnic factors affecting psychosocial adaptation along the health-illness continuum. Laboratory experiences in mental health settings are included. Presented in a live interactive video teleconferencing format. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V59 - INTRODUCTION TO PEDIATRICS: COLLABORATIVE OPTION - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: NS V53 or concurrent enrollment Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This introduction to pediatric nursing will focus on the use of critical thinking skills in health assessment, identification of and intervention for universal self-care requisites, basic and intermediate skills, and pharmacology. This course utilizes Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) and the nursing process to focus on health deviation self-care requisites related to air, water, food and elimination. Principles of therapeutic intervention, basic conditioning factors, communication and care of the pediatric client will be integrated throughout the course. The roles of provider of care, manager of care and member within the profession are stressed. Guided clinical experiences are provided concurrently with theory. Field trips will be required. Transfer credit: CSU. 180 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 NS V75 - NURSING READINESS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents an introduction to nursing as a career, to nursing education, the associate degree nursing program, license preparation, nursing practice and some concepts and skills which form the common framework for educational preparation of nurses for beginning practice. Strategies for improving critical thinking are identified and practiced. Study management techniques will be introduced and implemented. The focus of the course is to provide the student with resources for continued use as he/she progresses through the nursing program. Field trips may be required. Formerly NS 75. Offered on a credit/ no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. NS V76A - DOSAGE CALCULATIONS I - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course is designed for students and practitioners in health sciences. It will focus on basic mathematical problem-solving techniques applicable to medications for all client groups. Specifically, it covers calculation of dosages involving fractions, decimals, percentage and Roman numerals. Formerly NS 76A. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. NS V76B - DOSAGE CALCULATIONS II - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course is designed for students and practitioners in health sciences. It will focus on dosage calculations for oral and parenteral medications, excluding intravenous fluids. Standard formulas will be emphasized. Formerly NS 76B. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. NS V76C - DOSAGE CALCULATIONS III - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course is designed for students and practitioners in health sciences. It will focus primarily on more advanced mathematical problem-solving techniques for oral, parenteral and intravenous fluid medication administration. This course begins with ratio and proportion and focuses on the application of solving dosage problems across the lifespan. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. NS V76D - DOSAGE CALCULATIONS IV - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course is designed for students and practitioners in health sciences. It will focus on advanced dosage calculation problem- solving techniques for all age groups and all routes of administration. Complex problems will be demonstrated and practiced. Administration of blood products will be included. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. NS V77 - HEALTH ASSESSMENT - 2 Units Prerequisite: NS V10 Hours: 2 lecture weekly This course focuses on the principles and techniques of health assessment. It is designed to provide the nurse or the nursing student with the knowledge and skill necessary to make more complex nursing assessments. Formerly NS 77. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. NS V78 - CARDIAC RHYTHM RECOGNITION AND TREATMENT MODALITIES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide the health care provider with knowledge and skills required to correctly identify cardiac arrhythmias. Normal anatomy and physiology of the cardiac system will be reviewed. Medications and other treatments for the various arrhythmias will be discussed. This course is designed for telemetry technicians and licensed nurses providing care to monitored patients. Field trips may be required. NS V79 - NURSING CARE OF THE CRITICALLY ILL CLIENT - 4 Units Prerequisite: NS V78; and licensure as a vocational or registered nurse or equivalent Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course follows the AACN curriculum and is designed for the licensed nurse seeking a comprehensive theoretical knowledge base of critical care practice. Content includes hemodynamic monitoring, ventilatory assistance, code management, nursing management of shock and alterations in function of the major organ systems. Field trips may be required. NS V80 - HEALTH SCIENCE CLINICAL SKILLS ENHANCEMENT - .5-2 Units Recommended preparation: health sciences major Hours: 1.5-6 laboratory weekly This course is designed to assist students to enhance their clinical skills through utilization of the skills lab facilities. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly NS 80. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. NS V81 - LICENSED VOCATIONAL NURSE BRIDGE - 5.5 Units Prerequisite: current California licensure as a vocational nurse; ANAT V01; MICR V01; PHSO V01; HEC V24 or PSY V05 or concurrent enrollment; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 3 lecture, 7.5 laboratory weekly This course utilizes Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) and the nursing process to focus on developmental and health deviation self-care requisites. Principles of therapeutic intervention, basic conditioning factors, communication and care of the client across the lifespan are integrated throughout the course. The roles of provider of care, manager of care and member within the profession are utilized to prepare the licensed vocational nurse to enter the associate degree nursing program in the third semester (NS V30 or NS V31). The transition of roles from vocational to registered nurse is emphasized. Through case studies and clinical experiences, this course will provide a condensed review of some of the diseases, pathophysiology, pharmacology and nursing management of clients covered during the first year of the associate degree nursing program. Critical thinking skills, nursing theory, delivery of intravenous therapy, safe dosage calculation, medication administration and strengthening of assessment skills will be emphasized. Guided clinical experiences are provided concurrently with theory. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly NS 81. NS V82 - LICENSED NURSE REFRESHER COURSE - 5 Units Prerequisite: current licensure in the state of California as a registered or licensed vocational nurse; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; and malpractice insurance Hours: 2.5 lecture, 7.5 laboratory weekly This course is designed to prepare the licensed nurse who has been away from active nursing to update theory and skills in preparation for practice as a licensed vocational or registered nurse in an acute care facility. Theory content will be presented with clinical practice under supervision of an instructor. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -181 NS V83A - NURSING CARE PLANNING WITH OREM'S SELFCARE DEFICIT THEORY OF NURSING I - .5 Unit Prerequisite: HS V10 or NS V10 or concurrent enrollment in either Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course presents Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) and the nursing process. Integration of these two systems to develop an integrated, individualized plan of care for assigned clients is stressed. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. NS V83B - NURSING CARE PLANNING WITH OREM'S SELFCARE DEFICIT THEORY OF NURSING II - .5 Unit Prerequisite: NS V83A Hours: .5 lecture weekly This course presents Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing (S-CDTN) and the nursing process. Integration of these two systems to develop an integrated, individualized plan of care for assigned clients is stressed. Prioritization of nursing interventions, integration of basic conditioning factors and therapeutic communication across the lifespan are included. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. NS V84A - SUCCESS IN HIGH-RISK NURSING COURSES I - 1-2 Units Hours: 1-2 lecture weekly This course discusses strategies that promote success in nursing courses. Methods for improving critical thinking are identified and practiced. Study and test-taking skills are explored and developed. Integration of knowledge from theory and clinical practice is emphasized to prepare for theory exams and clinical performance. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. NS V84B - SUCCESS IN HIGH-RISK NURSING COURSES II - 1-2 Units Hours: 1-2 lecture weekly This course discusses strategies that promote success in nursing courses. Methods for improving critical thinking are identified and practiced. Study and test-taking skills are explored and developed. Integration of knowledge from theory and clinical practice is emphasized to prepare for theory exams and clinical performance. Students will critique their learning experiences and implement strategies to improve outcomes. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. NS V85 - SUCCESS WORKSHOPS FOR NURSING - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly This workshop is designed to assist students in learning and/or sharpening study and motivational strategies necessary for success in the nursing program. Strategies include: test-taking, selecting important ideas from texts and lectures, time and stress management, study skills, note-making, concept mapping and critical thinking. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. NS V88 - NURSING SCIENCE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. NS V89 - WORKSHOPS IN NURSING SCIENCE - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly NS 89. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN NURSING - .5-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills who wish to pursue special projects or studies. Students are accepted only by written project proposal prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly NS 90. Transfer credit: CSU. NS V95 - NURSING SCIENCE INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Prerequisite: NS V10; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; current malpractice insurance; meet all clinical facility requirements; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings; and approval of ADN director Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Hours: 60 per unit In this course, students who are volunteers (unpaid) are assigned to care for clients in a clinical setting under the supervision of a registered nurse mentor or preceptor. Students will have the opportunity to enhance clinical skills, organizational skills, time management and prioritization as they perform previously learned skills agreed upon between instructor and student. Individualized nursing care planning will be enhanced using Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing and the nursing process. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Formerly NS 95. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. NS V96 - NURSING SCIENCE INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Prerequisite: NS V10; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; current malpractice insurance; meet all clinical facility requirements; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings; and approval of ADN director Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Hours: 75 per unit In this course, students who are employed are assigned to care for clients in a clinical setting under the supervision of a registered nurse mentor or preceptor. Students will have the opportunity to enhance clinical skills, organizational skills, time management and prioritization as they perform previously learned skills agreed upon between instructor and student. Individualized nursing care planning will be enhanced using Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing and the nursing process. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. 182 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 PARAMEDIC PM V01 - PARAMEDIC THEORY - 18.5 Units Prerequisite: ANPH V01 or both ANAT V01 and PHSO V01; current EMT certification; current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; 1000 hours of EMT experience or equivalent; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the state of California Emergency Medical Services Authority may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 13.5 lecture, 15 laboratory weekly This course focuses on didactic material and related skills necessary to establish a foundation for subsequent prehospital assessment and management of patients. Pathophysiology, pharmacology, principles of intravenous therapy, basic and advanced life support and electrocardiography are included. Assessment and appropriate intervention are emphasized. Course content includes topics related to medical management of trauma and medical-surgical, pediatric, obstetric, psychiatric, and geriatric problems. Crisis intervention, communication, medical-legal, infection control, and ethical issues are discussed. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. Formerly PM 1. PM V02 - PARAMEDIC CLINICAL LABORATORY - 18.5 Units Prerequisite: PM V01; current CPR cer tification for health care provider or professional rescuer; proof of freedom from and immunity to communicable diseases; physical examination demonstrating general good health; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; and no acrylic or long nails in clinical settings Recommended preparation: the state of California Emergency Medical Services Authority may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 3.5 lecture, 45 laboratory weekly This course is designed to provide supervised clinical application of cognitive knowledge and skills in acute patient care areas. Opportunities for increasing depth of skill performance and presentation of more advanced skills are provided. The student is assigned to a response vehicle with a field preceptor. Under direct supervision and evaluation of the preceptor, the field experience is designed to provide the student with direct patient care responsibilities in providing advanced life support. Each student must have a minimum of forty advanced life support contacts during this course. Upon successful completion of this course, the student is eligible to sit for the licensing examination. Field trips will be required. Formerly PM V02 & V03. PM V60A-Z - TOPICS IN PARAMEDIC STUDIES - .5-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail in the general paramedic studies course offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include, but are not limited to: refresher for national registry exam, wilderness medicine, cardiac update, advanced trauma life support, advanced cardiac life support, pediatric advanced life support. Field trips may be required. PM V88 - PARAMEDIC WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Recommended preparation: paramedic studies major Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PM V89. PM V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN PARAMEDIC SERVICES - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. PM V95 - PARAMEDIC INTERNSHIP - 1-4 Units Prerequisite: current CPR certification for health care provider or professional rescuer; current malpractice insurance; meet all clinical facility requirements; no visible tattoos or visible body piercings except single studs in ear lobes; no acrylic or long nails in clinical setting; and approval of PM director Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline; and the state of California Emergency Medical Services Authority may deny licensure to those with criminal records Hours: 60 per unit This course enables students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience in their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. PHILOSOPHY PHIL V01 - INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys the nature and uses of philosophy; considers possible sources, nature, and criteria of knowledge; examines humanity’s place in the universe, including concepts of the self, the mind, and freedom; and reviews various schools of philosophical thought as philosophers have sought to understand knowledge, reality and value. Formerly Phil 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN PHIL 2. PHIL V02 - INTRODUCTION TO ETHICS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an introduction to the nature of ethical theory, reviews ethical theory as it has developed in the West, and ponders the problems involved in the continuing quest for a more nearly adequate ethical theory for contemporary society together with suggestions for progress toward this goal. Formerly Phil 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN PHIL 4. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -183 PHIL V03A - SURVEY OF WORLD RELIGIONS: EAST - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys the religions which have dominated the East, including an examination of the origins and development and major themes, beliefs and values of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Zen Buddhism. Formerly Phil 3A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PHIL V03B - SURVEY OF WORLD RELIGIONS: WEST - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys those living religions which have dominated the West, namely, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It examines the origin and development of each religion, identifying its major themes, beliefs and values, touching upon both common and contrasting elements. Formerly Phil 3B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PHIL V04 - INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly The course presents an introduction to the nature and problems of traditional logical methods. The course routinely requires students to ask questions, weigh evidence, and draw valid inferences from various kinds of sources. Course content focuses on informal logic (general structure of arguments and common fallacies), inductive logic (generalizations, analogies, and scientific method), and deductive logic (syllogisms and truth tables). Formerly Phil 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN PHIL 6. PHIL V05 - CRITICAL THINKING AND ANALYTIC WRITING - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Survey of and practice in reasoning, including analysis, critical reasoning, and synthesis, induction and deduction, and identification of assumptions and perspectives. Emphasis is on both oral and written analysis and argumentation of issues involving fact, belief and value, and on common fallacies of thought, logic, and language. Students will develop the basics of critical reading, analytic writing and the relation of writing to critical thinking beyond the level achieved in English Composition: Level I. Formerly Phil 5. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PHIL V06A - GREAT PHILOSOPHERS OF THE WEST I - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents an introduction to philosophy from a historical perspective. Focus is placed on the ideas which have had a dominant impact on Western civilization, including their logical development and their influence on contemporary society. The course surveys the period from the birth of science and philosophy through the Middle Ages, with special emphasis on Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Formerly Phil 6A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN PHIL 8 or CAN PHIL SEQ A [with PHIL V06B]. PHIL V06B - GREAT PHILOSOPHERS OF THE WEST II - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents an introduction to philosophy from a historical perspective. Focus is placed on the ideas which have had a dominant impact on Western civilization, including their logical development and their influence on contemporary society. The course surveys the period from the birth of the modern mind and the rise of science in the Renaissance and continues to the present day, with special emphasis on the schools of rationalism, empiricism, critical philosophy, and existentialism. Formerly Phil 6B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN PHIL 10 or CAN PHIL SEQ A [with PHIL V06A]. PHIL V88 - PHILOSOPHY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. PHIL V89 - WORKSHOPS IN PHILOSOPHY - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Phil 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. PHIL V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Phil 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. PHOTOGRAPHY PHOT V01 - BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This is a fast-paced introductory course in photography which assumes little or no previous knowledge of the camera or the photo lab. It stresses learning through practical experience. Students will learn to properly expose, develop and print their own photos as well as the artistic merit of photography. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Photo 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN ART 18. PHOT V02 - BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY WITH DIGITAL TECHNIQUES - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course provides a fast-paced introduction to photography, using 35mm analog or digital cameras. No prior knowledge of the operation of the camera, computer, or support systems operation is required. Topics include: operation of the camera; artistic compositions; computer operation; scanning techniques; file compression and formatting; use of related software (i.e. Adobe Photoshop); and printing techniques. New innovations in photography and digital technology will be presented as they are developed. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. 184 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 PHOT V03 - INTRODUCTION TO 35MM SLIDE PHOTOGRAPHY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This introductory photography course is a critique of student projects; no darkroom techniques are required. The course is designed to provide basic instruction in the proper operation of the 35mm SLR camera with manual and/or automatic functions, camera accessories, proper exposure of color transparency (slide) film, color theory and proper camera care. Projects are designed to familiarize the students with camera techniques and artistic composition that will enhance their ability to create good and/or outstanding photographs under various environmental conditions. This course will also introduce students to some photographers and their work that have been a major influence on artistic and societal issues. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. PHOT V04A - INTERMEDIATE PHOTOGRAPHY I - 3 Units Prerequisite: PHOT V01 or equivalent Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An extension of the techniques learned in beginning photography, with an in-depth study of control and analysis of light and its use and application in studio and commercial photography. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Photo 4A. Transfer credit: CSU. PHOT V04B - INTERMEDIATE PHOTOGRAPHY II - 3 Units Prerequisite: PHOT V04A Recommended preparation: PHOT V01 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly An extension of the techniques learned in the first level of intermediate photography with emphasis on photographic art. Further study in creative photography. Projects are designed to promote individual discoveries and solutions to problems in the aesthetics of photography. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Photo 4B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PHOT V06A - INTRODUCTION TO COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY I - 3 Units Prerequisite: PHOT V01 or equivalent Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course introduces the student to the principles of color photography and to color lab work. Emphasis is on the art and techniques applied to color films, the color camera and the techniques of color printing. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Photo 6A. Transfer credit: CSU. PHOT V06B - INTRODUCTION TO COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY II - 3 Units Prerequisite: PHOT V06A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Continuing instruction and experience in color photography and color laboratory techniques. Greater emphasis on the artistic merit of color photography and upon portfolio development merit. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Photo 6B. Transfer credit: CSU. PHOT V07 - HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a survey of the history of photography from 1839 to the present. Emphasis of the survey will be placed on the 20th century to understand how the forces of photography's historical context, technological innovation, and creative spirit have worked together to create a body of photographic images that have profoundly influenced our culture and our sense of ourselves. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PHOT V08 - PRINCIPLES OF PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY - 3 Units Prerequisite: PHOT V04A or equivalent Recommended preparation: PHOT V01 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Provides for advanced experience in formal and informal studio portraiture—black and white and color. Introduces student to advanced studio techniques, lighting, posing and composition. A career-oriented course. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Photo 8. Transfer credit: CSU. PHOT V09A - APPLIED PHOTOGRAPHY I - 3 Units Prerequisite: PHOT V04A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Designed for the professional to refine conceptual and interpretive photographic skills. Will provide continued study of portraiture and illustration in the commercial field. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Photo 9A. Transfer credit: CSU. PHOT V09B - APPLIED PHOTOGRAPHY II - 3 Units Prerequisite: PHOT V09A Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Students will plan, shoot, develop and print a series of photographs of their specific photographic major. They will complete a minimum of eight - 11x14 prints for their portfolio. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. Formerly Photo 9B. Transfer credit: CSU. PHOT V30 - PRESS PHOTOGRAPHY PRACTICUM -1.5 Units Corequisite: PHOT V01 or previous practical experience Hours: 3 lecture-laboratory weekly Survey of the principles of photojournalism. Students will work as photographers for the college newspaper. The course stresses learning through practical experience. Field trips may be required. PHOTO V30/JOUR V30 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Same as JOUR V30. PHOT V73 - DIGITAL IMAGING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ART V11A and ART V12A and PHOT V01 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Using a Macintosh environment, this course teaches students to use a digital camera and scan, manipulate and enhance digital images for graphic reproduction using Adobe Photoshop. This course emphasizes digital image problem solving. Fees will be required. Field trips will be required. PHOT V73/ART V73 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Photo 73. Same as ART V73. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -185 PHOT V88 - PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. PHOT V89 - WORKSHOPS IN PHOTOGRAPHY - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Photo 89. Transfer credit: CSU. PHOT V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN PHOTOGRAPHY - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Photo 90. Transfer credit: CSU. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AQUATICS PE V01 - SWIMMING FOR THE NONSWIMMER - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: unable to swim 20 yards continuously on stomach and 20 yards continuously on back Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Introduction, instruction, conditioning and practice of the basic fundamental elements of swimming skills and safety practices. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V02 - SWIMMING: BEGINNING - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: 20 yards continuous swim on stomach and 20 yards continuous swim on back Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly To instruct the student in four basic strokes; to develop the ability to survive in deep water; and to develop cardiovascular endurance. PE V02, V03 & V04 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V03 - SWIMMING: INTERMEDIATE - 1-1.5 Units Prerequisite: PE V02 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly To perfect the five basic strokes in swimming; to expand the knowledge and use of survival techniques and safety; and to develop cardiovascular endurance. PE V02, V03 & V04 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V04 - ADVANCED SWIMMING - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: PE V03 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly To perfect five basic strokes to demonstration level; to develop six additional strokes; to develop water safety techniques; and to maintain a high level of cardiovascular endurance. Field trips may be required. PE V02, V03 & V04 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V06 - SWIMMING FOR CONDITIONING - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: PE V03 or demonstrated swimming proficiency Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course is designed to instruct students to withstand a systematic, vigorous training schedule which will result in the development and maintenance of vital processes required for physical fitness. Endurance training and stroke proficiency will be stressed. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 6. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V07 - LAP SWIMMING - 1 Unit Recommended preparation: PE V02 or equivalent skills Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course is designed to meet the specific need of extended practice in the water medium by those students who have become proficient in stroke and are unable to reach their goals with our present course offerings. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 7. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V09 - WATER POLO - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: PE V02 or equivalent swimming skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly To instruct students in the philosophy and strategy of water polo, beginning with the fundamentals of the game and progressing to team play - both offense and defense. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 9. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PE V10 - SPRINGBOARD DIVING - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: PE V02 Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course is designed to develop springboard diving skills. Instruction will include dives from the five competitive groups utilizing the four competitive positions. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 10. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PE V12 - WATER AEROBICS - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly An exercise program of aerobic conditioning and muscular endurance performed in shallow water. This low impact workout uses the resistance of water to improve the physical condition of students of all ages and fitness levels. PE V12 & V47 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 12. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. 186 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 PE V14 - DEEP WATER RUNNING AND CONDITIONING - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: comfort in deep water Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly An exercise program of aerobic conditioning and strength training in deep water that is designed to improve the level of fitness of students of all ages. This course is well-suited for those who wish to experience a non-weight bearing workout for an alternative cross- training regimen for a safe mode of exercise for rehabilitation of injuries either chronic or acute. PE V14, V15, V36 & V37 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 14. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V15 - POWER WATER WALKING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course is designed to provide low impact exercise and fitness training for the general student population. All work will be done in waist-to-chest-deep water with no swimming ability required. Emphasis will be placed on cardiovascular conditioning, muscle tone and stress relief. The course is designed to accommodate all levels of physical fitness. PE V14, V15, V36 & V37 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PE V17 - LIFEGUARD TRAINING - 1.5 Units Recommended preparation: PE V03 or equivalent skills Hours: 1 lecture, 2 laboratory weekly Instruction and practice in American Red Cross Lifeguard Training and Conditioning. Emphasis is placed on personal safety, elementary forms of rescue, the swimming rescue, CPR, and standard first aid. American Red Cross certification in Lifeguard Training available upon successful completion of the course. Students must be at least 15 years old at the start of the semester to qualify for the ARC certificate. Field trips may be required. Formerly PE 17. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN KINE/PE 12. PE V18 - WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR - 3 Units Prerequisite: PE V03 or ability to pass swim test of strokes to intermediate level Recommended preparation: PE V17 Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course provides the student with the theory and practical techniques needed to become a water safety instructor. At the successful completion of the course, the student is eligible for certification as an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor with authorization to teach swimming classes. Student must be at least 17 years old at the start of the semester to qualify for the ARC certificate. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 18. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN KINE/PE 10. PE V20 - PROFESSIONAL AQUATIC TRAINING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: PE V03 or equivalent swimming skills Hours: 1.5 lecture, 4.5 laboratory weekly Instruction and practice in American Red Cross Lifeguard Training and Water Safety Instruction. Emphasis will be placed on personal safety, rescue recognition and execution, and the theory and practical techniques needed for aquatic instruction. American Red Cross certification in Lifeguard Training and/or Water Safety Instructor will be available upon successful completion of this course. Students must be at least 15 years old in order to receive lifeguard certification, and 17 years old to receive Water Safety Instructor certification. Field trips will be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V21 - SCUBA DIVING: BEGINNING - 2 Units Prerequisite: ability to pass swim test including underwater swimming recovering 10 lb. weight; medical history required of all students; parental release if under 18 years old Corequisite: PE V21L Hours: 2 lecture weekly A basic course in skin and SCUBA diving that will develop the necessary knowledge and skills for safe diving in Southern California. The course will emphasize the marine environment, equipment selection and maintenance, diving physics and physiology, and accident prevention. NAUI SCUBA diver certification available to students who qualify at the successful completion of both the lecture and laboratory sections of this course. Field trips may be required. PE V21 & V22 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 21. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V21L - SCUBA DIVING LABORATORY: BEGINNING - 1 Unit Corequisite: PE V21 Hours: 3 laboratory weekly A basic laboratory course in skin and SCUBA diving that will develop the necessary knowledge and skills for safe diving in Southern California. Equipment and transportation for off-campus lab sessions must be furnished by the student. Mask, snorkel, and fins required after third lesson. NAUI SCUBA Diver Certification available to students' who qualify at the successful completion of both the lecture and laboratory sections of this course. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 21L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V22 - SCUBA DIVING: INTERMEDIATE/ ADVANCED - 3 Units Prerequisite: PE V21-V21L or SCUBA diver certification Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is designed to upgrade the SCUBA diving skills and safety knowledge of student divers in the Southern California area. The course will present diving specialty topics including: the physics and physiology of diving; diving medicine; techniques of locating, catching, and preserving game which is available along the California coast; dive planning; SCUBA life saving; etc. NAUI Specialty Diving Certifications available. This course is also available as a reentry program for divers who have a SCUBA diver certification but have not participated recently in California coastal diving and wish to do so. This course fulfills the requirements for the NAUI refresher course. Students are expected to provide their own SCUBA equipment for field trips. Advanced SCUBA certification available to students who qualify upon successful completion of the course. Field trips will be required. PE V21 & V22 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 22. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V26 - NAUI TRAINING ASSISTANT - 1-2 Units Prerequisite: PE V22 or advanced SCUBA certification Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-3 laboratory weekly This course is designed to prepare the student to be able to assist with dive training, such as: escort diver trainees on the surface and during underwater tours. The course also trains the student to be a Safety Diver and Lifesaver in open water situations dealing specifically with beginning SCUBA students. Students are expected to provide their own SCUBA equipment as required for field trips. NAUI Training Assistant Certification available to students who qualify upon successful completion of the course. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 26. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -187 PE V27 - NAUI ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR - 1-2 Units Prerequisite: PE V26 or equivalent certification Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-3 laboratory weekly This course is designed to test individuals in fundamental water skills and introduce them to diving instruction basics before authorizing them to assist active-status NAUI Instructors in the conduct of diving training. NAUI Assistant Instructor certification is a highly recommended step in the progression to NAUI Instructor. The Assistant Instructor must renew certification annually. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 27. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PE V28 - NAUI DIVEMASTER - 1-2 Units Prerequisite: PE V26 or equivalent certification Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-3 laboratory weekly This course is designed to train experienced and knowledgeable divers to organize and conduct safe and enjoyable open water dives for certified divers. The NAUI Divemaster rating is the highest NAUI leadership-level certification with the exception of instructor. NAUI Divemaster certification is a highly recommended step in the progression to NAUI Instructor. The Divemaster must renew certification annually. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 28. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PE V29 - NAUI INSTRUCTOR PREPARATORY COURSE (PREP) - 1-2 Units Prerequisite: PE V27 or PE V28 or equivalent certification Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-3 laboratory weekly The course includes both instruction and evaluation. Students receive the information needed to prepare for NAUI Instructor training and are given knowledge, water skill, and other performance evaluation and critiques, to ensure that they are aware of their own state of preparedness for entering such training. NAUI Assistant Instructors and Divemasters planning to attend an Instructor Training Course (ITC) are encouraged to complete a PREP course. Following the completion of the PREP, the student will receive a written summary of staff recommendations regarding readiness for instructor training. It is the responsibility of the individual student to use this and other knowledge gained in preparing to enter an ITC. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 29. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PE V30 - SCUBA: SPORT DIVING - 1 Unit Prerequisite: basic certification card for SCUBA diving Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course is designed for the diver who would like more exposure to the activity of sport diving in a controlled environment. The course will introduce the diver to a variety of diving activities. This course is for divers who: desire additional training; and/or desire a diving orientation program for the Channel Islands; and do not have, but wish to obtain, a specialty NAUI certification. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES/SPORTS PE V31 - SELF-DEFENSE AND ASSAULT PREVENTION - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Lecture and demonstration of practical self-defense, community safety, and assault prevention. The course emphasizes methods and techniques of defense against weapon assault. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 31. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V32 - AIKIDO - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Aikido is a powerful martial art developed in Japan by Morihei Veshiba. Through the study of principles and theory of ancient fighting methods, Veshiba was able to develop a method of non- resistive and noncompetitive technique. The practice of Aikido includes warm-up and flexibility exercises, practical combative and defensible techniques combined with an appreciation for formal etiquette. Students will develop a greater understanding of the relationship between mind, body and spirit that will help them deal with both physical and mental conflict in a more positive way. Field trips may be required. PE V32/CJ V11 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 32. Same as CJ V11. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V33 - DEFENSIVE TACTICS: JU JUTSU - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This is a self-defense course for the peace officer and civilian. The simplest, most effective methods for neutralizing and controlling attackers/suspects are taught. Ju Jutsu techniques not requiring upper body strength are the focal point of the course. Field trips may be required. PE V33, V34/CJ V12A, V12B may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 33. Same as CJ V12A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PE V34 - INTERMEDIATE JU JUTSU - 1-1.5 Units Prerequisite: CJ V12A or PE V33 Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This is an advanced self-defense course for people desiring to develop intermediate skills in Ju Jutsu. Field trips may be required. PE V33, V34/CJ V12A, V12B may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 34. Same as CJ V12B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PE V35 - KARATE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Introduction to karate, a striking martial art form. Students will learn basic stances, blocks, punches, strikes, kicks and will be introduced to sparring. Students will learn strategies and tactics for self-defense as well as sport karate. Field trips may be required. PE V35 & V39 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V36 - WALKING TO RESTORE FITNESS - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly A course designed to provide exercise and fitness training for the sedentary student population. Emphasis on cardiovascular conditioning and muscle tone. Individualized; meets most rehabilitation needs. Designed to prepare students for more strenuous physical activity. Field trips may be required. PE V14, V15, V36 & V37 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 36. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor PE V37 - RUNNING FOR FITNESS - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly An exercise program of relaxed running that will improve the level of fitness of nearly everyone at any age level. PE V14, V15, V36 & V37 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 37. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. 188 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 PE V38 - TRIATHLON CONDITIONING - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: ability to swim 500 yards in less than 12 minutes and run 2 miles in less than 18 minutes Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly To understand swimming, running, and bicycling techniques, strategies, and safety. A special emphasis will be on improving running, swimming and bike fitness for triathlon competition. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 38. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V39 - INTERMEDIATE KARATE - 1-1.5 Units Prerequisite: PE V35 or 3 months of formal karate training Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Advanced skills in karate designed for karate students who want to improve beyond basic karate skills. Field trips may be required. PE V35 & V39 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V40 - CONDITIONING: CIRCUIT TRAINING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Circuit training is a system of exercise designed in a particular sequence to meet a fitness goal. Students move from exercise station to station completing the circuit in a specific amount of time. A variety of circuits are used throughout the semester to meet a variety of fitness goals. Limited lecture/discussion on strength development, flexibility maintenance, body composition, weight loss, diet/cholesterol, heart disease risk factors and other parameters of fitness. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 40. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V41 - WEIGHT TRAINING AND CONDITIONING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly A course designed to increase the understanding of the principles of muscular fitness and to develop and maintain a high level of muscular fitness, muscle strength and endurance and flexibility. Participation in this course will improve body form and function through conditioning exercises and increase muscular strength, endurance and flexibility using the principles of resistive hyperkinetic exercises. Emphasis will be placed on the utilization of the overload principle and its relationship to muscle fitness. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 41. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V42 - POWER BODY BUILDING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly A weight training and conditioning course designed to build strength, power, and bulk necessary for athletic competition. Exercise will center on the development of upper body strength, rehabilitation and strengthening of knee joints, and power lifting for lower body. Emphasis will be placed on power lifting. The conditioning phase will emphasize the development of agility, quickness, coordination, balance and speed through the implementation of competitive drills and routines. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 42. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V43 - AEROBIC AND STRENGTH TRAINING: CROSSTRAINING FOR FITNESS - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5 lecture, 1.5-3 laboratory weekly Designed to meet the need for cardiorespiratory and strength fitness in adults of all ages. Various modes of cardiorespiratory (aerobic) exercises are emphasized in support of the cross-training concept. Resistance training using fixed weight of moderate to high intensity is used to develop muscular strength in all major muscle groups. Flexibility training is also emphasized to enhance skeletal range of motion. Information on exercise methods and principles, the physiology of the human body, fitness evaluation methodologies, and nutrition education are included in lecture. Fees will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 43. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V44 - TAEKWONDO - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to Taekwondo, a defensive form of martial arts. Students will learn the basic blocks, strikes, kicks, and weapon self-defense techniques. Students will learn strategies and techniques of self-defense. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V45 - BICYCLE CONDITIONING: SPINNING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course is designed to meet the needs for cardiorespiratory and lower body strength and fitness for students of all ages. Resistance training using different modes of bicycle resistance training and varying degrees of intensity are used through the course. Pre-exercise and post-exercise stretching, warm-up and cool-down techniques will also be included as part of the experience. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V46 - CONDITIONING FOR WOMEN - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Designed to improve general condition, feeling, and appearance of the body, including an understanding of the principles and effects of different types of exercise: weight lifting, vigorous exercise, circuits, and jogging and/or wogging (fast walking) for cardiovascular efficiency. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 46. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V47 - AEROBIC CONDITIONING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Instruction and supervised training in exercises which target blood circulation, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and coordination. The emphasis is on the achievement of improved cardiovascular fitness through a variety of exercise using musical, rhythmic accompaniment. Jogging and walking may also be included. Assistance in the development of individualized exercise programs is also included. PE V47 & V12 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 47. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V48 - STEP AEROBICS - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Instruction and supervised practice of step aerobics. The emphasis is on the achievement and maintenance of cardiovascular conditioning while also improving other areas of physical fitness. An adjustable step platform is used so that the class can accommodate students with different fitness levels. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 48. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -189 PE V49 - AEROBIC KICKBOXING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Instruction and supervised practice in aerobic boxing and kickboxing exercises performed to music. Aerobic kickboxing will improve fitness levels by increasing flexibility, muscle strength and endurance, coordination, balance, and cardiovascular endurance. Students will also learn some martial arts skills. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V50 - MOTORIZED CARDIOVASCULAR TRAINING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of the basic concepts of motorized cardiovascular training. Safety concepts of cardiovascular training, equipment used and testing procedures are covered in the course. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V51 - BADMINTON - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Instruction for beginning players in the fundamentals of badminton with emphasis on doubles and singles play. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 21. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V52 - BOWLING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course is designed to help the student develop skills, including rules, etiquette, safety and techniques of the game of bowling. Class is conducted off campus. Students must provide their own transportation. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 52. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PE V53 - GOLF - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course is designed to teach the fundamental skills of the game of golf. The mental side of play, the short game skills and understanding application of the rules of golf will be reviewed. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 53. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PE V54 - BALANCE AND BEYOND - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course introduces yoga techniques and pilates exercises for the beginning student. Strength training with hand weights and bands will also be used. The focus will be to improve balance skills as well as improving strength and flexibility. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V55 - LIFE FITNESS - 1-2 Units Hours: 2-4 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is designed to increase cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility utilizing state-of-the-art equipment. The course is designed to develop and encourage positive attitudes and habits with regard to fitness. The course emphasizes the development of specific muscle groups through the use of circuit activities, weight training and a flexibility components. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V56 - TENNIS: BEGINNING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Development of basic skills of tennis including basic strategy, rules and techniques of playing tennis. Field trips may be required. PE V56, V57 & V58 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 56. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V57 - TENNIS: INTERMEDIATE - 1-1.5 Units Prerequisite: PE V56 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course will provide an introduction to intermediate techniques of tennis. Special emphasis will be placed on the serves, volleys, ground strokes, overheads, and lobs, including advanced strategies of singles and doubles. Field trips may be required. PE V56, V57 & V58 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 57. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V58 - TENNIS: ADVANCED - 1-1.5 Units Prerequisite: PE V57 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Advanced techniques and theory of playing tennis including strategy of tournament playing. Field trips may be required. PE V56, V57 & V58 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 58. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V59 - TRACK AND FIELD - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Instruction and practice of track and field. Fundamentals include techniques, strategies, and rules pertaining to all aspects of track and field. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 59. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V60 - YOGA FUNDAMENTALS - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course introduces yoga techniques for the beginning student while challenging students familiar with yoga with more advanced skills. Yoga means “union.” This course will emphasize the integration and harmonization of the mind, body and spirit through Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is a form that emphasizes asanas (postures) and incorporates pranayama (breath control). Students will improve physical strength and muscular endurance, increase circulation, and improve flexibility and balance. They will also learn to quiet the mind, improve concentration and focus, and reduce stress. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. TEAM SPORTS PE V61 - VOLLEYBALL: BEGINNING - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Development of basic skills of volleyball including basic strategy, rules and techniques of playing volleyball. Field trips may be required. PE V61, V62, V63 & V65 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 61. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V62 - VOLLEYBALL: INTERMEDIATE - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: PE V61 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Students will be introduced to the advanced techniques of overhand serve, blockings and power spiking. Continuing development of proper techniques is emphasized. Field trips may be required. PE V61, V62, V63 & V65 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 62. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. 190 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 PE V63 - VOLLEYBALL: ADVANCED - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: PE V62 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Students will continue developing proficiency of the advanced techniques and strategies of power volleyball. Field trips may be required. PE V61, V62, V63 & V65 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 63. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V64 - SOFTBALL - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Fundamentals of softball with emphasis on skills, rules and strategy. Competitive experience offered through class competition. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 64. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V65 - BEACH VOLLEYBALL - 1-1.5 Units Recommended preparation: PE V61 or intermediate volleyball skill level Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Introduction to the game of beach volleyball. This course emphasizes the acquisition of beach volleyball skills and fitness. Field trips will be required. PE V61, V62, V63 & V65 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V67 - SOCCER - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Development of skills in playing soccer, including rules, techniques, and strategy. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 67. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V68 - DANCE PERFORMANCE FOR ATHLETIC EVENTS - 2 Units Hours: 4 lecture-laboratory weekly A course designed to provide an opportunity to learn, understand and practice the skills necessary for public performance at a sports event. This course requires public performances. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly DANC V20. PE V69 - FOOTBALL - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly Football theory and application of that theory concerning the game of football will be taught through practice, study, and testing of techniques, mechanics, drills, video analysis and rules. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 69. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V70 - BASKETBALL - 1-2 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-3 laboratory weekly To introduce the fundamentals of basketball; to teach the techniques, rules, and skills of basketball. To transfer the skills of basketball to a game-playing situation. Also an emphasis on shooting, passing, and dribbling. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 70. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V71 - BASEBALL - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course is designed for the fundamental skills of baseball. The pitching, defense and hitting skills will be covered. The mental part of the game and an understanding for the rules of the game will be applied. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 71. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS PE V76 - INTERCOLLEGIATE BASEBALL - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of baseball. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate baseball. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 76. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V78 - INTERCOLLEGIATE BASKETBALL: MEN - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of basketball. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate basketball. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 78. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V79 - INTERCOLLEGIATE BASKETBALL: WOMEN - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of basketball. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate basketball. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 79. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V80 - INTERCOLLEGIATE CROSS-COUNTRY: MEN - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of cross-country running. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate cross- country. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 80. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V81 - INTERCOLLEGIATE CROSS-COUNTRY: WOMEN - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of cross-country running. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate cross- country. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 81. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V82 - INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of football. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate football. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 82. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V83 - INTERCOLLEGIATE SWIMMING AND DIVING: MEN - 1-3 Units Recommended preparation: PE V02 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of swimming and diving. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate swimming. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE V88. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -191 PE V84 - INTERCOLLEGIATE GOLF - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of golf. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate golf. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 84. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V85 - INTERCOLLEGIATE SOCCER: WOMEN - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of soccer. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate women's soccer. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 85. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V86 - INTERCOLLEGIATE TRACK AND FIELD: WOMEN - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of track and field. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate track and field. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE V95. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V87 - INTERCOLLEGIATE SOFTBALL: WOMEN - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of fast pitch softball. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate women's softball. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 87. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V91 - INTERCOLLEGIATE SWIMMING AND DIVING: WOMEN - 1-3 Units Recommended preparation: PE V02 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of swimming and diving. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate swimming. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 91. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V92 - INTERCOLLEGIATE TENNIS: MEN -1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of men's tennis. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate men's tennis. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 92. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V93 - INTERCOLLEGIATE TENNIS: WOMEN - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of women's tennis. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate tennis. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 93. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V94 - INTERCOLLEGIATE TRACK AND FIELD: MEN - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of track and field for men. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate men’s track and field. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 94. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V97 - INTERCOLLEGIATE VOLLEYBALL: WOMEN - 1-3 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of volleyball. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate volleyball. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 97. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V98 - INTERCOLLEGIATE WATER POLO: MEN - 1-3 Units Prerequisite: PE V02 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice of water polo. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate water polo. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 98. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PE V99 - INTERCOLLEGIATE WATER POLO: WOMEN -1-3 Units Prerequisite: PE V02 or equivalent skills Hours: .5-1 lecture, 2.5-9 laboratory weekly Theory and practice in water polo. This course is designed to provide training for competition in intercollegiate water polo. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Formerly PE 99. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. SPECIALIZED PE V88 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. PE V89 - WORKSHOPS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet the specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PE 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. 192 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 PE V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course is designed for students who are interested in furthering their skills and knowledge in physical education on an independent study basis. Assignments may include: performance, library, laboratory, and field work. Students are accepted only by a written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly PE 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. PE V95 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This physical education internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. PE V96 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This physical education internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. PHYSICAL SCIENCE PHSC V01 - CONCEPTS IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V02 or 1 year high school geometry with grade of C or better; and MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Hours: 3 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This is an introductory course in physical science. It will focus on principles, laws and concepts in physical science related to physics and chemistry. Students will experience hands-on science, focusing their efforts on modeling the processes involved in scientific reasoning and experimentation—questioning; forming a hypothesis; testing a hypothesis through experimentation. The course will reflect current knowledge about science teaching and concept development. The laboratory includes an introduction to microcomputer- based data acquisition using probes and sensors connected to physics and chemistry apparatus. These activities are closely sequenced with the coursework. Students will investigate motion, forces, energy, heat and temperature, momentum, electricity, magnetism, light and spectra, acids and alkalis, reactions and rate, and radioactivity. Formerly PhySci 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PHYSICS PHYS V01 - ELEMENTARY PHYSICS - 5 Units Prerequisite: MATH V01 or MATH V11B or 1 year of high school beginning algebra; and MATH V02 or 1 year of high school geometry with grades of C or better Recommended preparation: MATH V05 Hours: 4 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is the study of mechanics, heat, sound, electricity, modern physics, and light. The laboratory portion of the course involves experiments in mechanics, wave motion, sound, electricity, magnetism, optics, and radioactivity. Field trips may be required. Formerly Phys 1-1L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PHYS V02A - GENERAL PHYSICS I - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V05 or the fourth year of high school mathematics (advanced mathematics) with grade of C or better Corequisite: PHYS V02AL Recommended preparation: MATH V20; and PHSC V01 or PHYS V01 or high school physics Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course includes demonstration lectures, daily assignment of problems in the areas of mechanics and properties of matter, wave motion and sound, fluids, and heat and temperature. Formerly Phys 2A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN PHYS 2 [with PHYS V02AL] or CAN PHYS SEQ A [with PHYS V02AL+V02B+V02BL]. PHYS V02AL - GENERAL PHYSICS I LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: PHYS V02A Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This is a laboratory course in mechanics, wave motion, properties of matter, heat, and temperature. Students will be introduced to state-of-the-art computer-based data gathering and processing techniques including spreadsheet analysis. Formerly Phys 2AL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN PHYS 2 [with PHYS V02A] or CAN PHYS SEQ A [with PHYS V02A+V02B+ V02BL]. PHYS V02B - GENERAL PHYSICS II - 4 Units Prerequisite: PHYS V02A-V02AL with grades of C or better Corequisite: PHYS V02BL Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course includes demonstration lectures and daily assignment of problems in the areas of electricity and magnetism, light, and modern physics. Formerly Phys 2B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN PHYS 4 [with PHYS V02BL] or CAN PHYS SEQ A [with PHYS V02A+V02AL+V02BL]. PHYS V02BL - GENERAL PHYSICS II LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: PHYS V02B Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This is a laboratory course in electricity, magnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics. Formerly Phys 2BL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN PHYS 4 [with PHYS V02B] or CAN PHYS SEQ A [with PHYS V02A+V02AL+ V02B]. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -193 PHYS V03A - GENERAL PHYSICS I: CALCULUS-BASED - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V21A or MATH V46A with grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment Corequisite: PHYS V03AL Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course includes assignments of problems in the areas of mechanics and properties of matter, wave motion and sound, and heat and temperature. Formerly Phys 3A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PHYS V03AL - GENERAL PHYSICS I LABORATORY: CALCULUS-BASED - 1 Unit Corequisite: PHYS V03A Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This is a laboratory course in mechanics, wave motion and sound, properties of matter, heat, and temperature. Formerly Phys 3AL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PHYS V03B - GENERAL PHYSICS II: CALCULUS-BASED - 4 Units Prerequisite: PHYS V03A-V03AL with grades of C or better Corequisite: PHYS V03BL Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course includes demonstration lectures and daily assignments of problems in the areas of electricity, magnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics and modern physics. Formerly Phys 3B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PHYS V03BL - GENERAL PHYSICS II LABORATORY: CALCULUS-BASED - 1 Unit Corequisite: PHYS V03B Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This is a laboratory course in electricity, magnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics, and modern physics. Formerly Phys 3BL. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. PHYS V04 - MECHANICS - 4 Units Prerequisite: PHYS V01 or high school physics with grade of C or better; and MATH V21A with grade of C or better Corequisite: PHYS V04L Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course includes demonstration lectures and problems in the fundamentals of mechanics and properties of matter, with problems in forces, motion and energy. Field trips may be required. Formerly Phys 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN PHYS 8 [with PHYS V04L] or CAN PHYS SEQ B [with PHYS V04L+V05+ V05L+ V06+V06L]. PHYS V04L - MECHANICS LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: PHYS V04 Hours: 3 laboratory weekly A computer-based course of laboratory experiments in mechanics. Computers are interfaced with equipment for rapid data gathering and processing. Spreadsheets are used for data analysis. Formerly Phys 4L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN PHYS 8 [with PHYS V04] or CAN PHYS SEQ B [with PHYS V04+V05+V05L+ V06+V06L]. PHYS V05 - ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM - 4 Units Prerequisite: PHYS V04-V04L with grades of C or better; and MATH V21B with grade of C or better Corequisite: PHYS V05L Hours: 4 lecture weekly In this course there will be demonstration lectures and problems in the fundamentals of electricity, including fields, circuits, magnetism and waves. Field trips may be required. Formerly Phys 5. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN PHYS 12 [with PHYS V05L] or CAN PHYS SEQ B [with PHYS V04+V04L+ V05L+ V06+V06L]. PHYS V05L - ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: PHYS V05 Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course includes laboratory investigations in electricity, analog and digital circuits, and electromagnetism. It also includes computer-based simulations and spreadsheet analysis. Formerly Phys 5L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN PHYS 12 [with PHYS V05] or CAN PHYS SEQ B [with PHYS V04+V04L+V05+ V06+V06L]. PHYS V06 - OPTICS, HEAT AND MODERN PHYSICS - 4 Units Prerequisite: PHYS V04-V04L with grades of C or better; and MATH V21C with grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment Corequisite: PHYS V06L Recommended preparation: PHYS V05-V05L Hours: 4 lecture weekly This course includes demonstration lectures and problems in the fundamentals of physical optics, heat, atomic and nuclear physics, relativity and quantum mechanics, with problems in flow and wave phenomena. Formerly Phys 6. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN PHYS 14 [with PHYS V06L] or CAN PHYS SEQ B [with PHYS V04+V04L+V05+V05L+V06L]. PHYS V06L - OPTICS, HEAT AND MODERN PHYSICS LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: PHYS V06 Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course includes laboratory experiments in laser optics, heat, spectroscopy, atomic and nuclear physics. Formerly Phys 6L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN PHYS 14 [with PHYS V06] or CAN PHYS SEQ B [with PHYS V04+V04L+V05+ V05L+V06]. PHYS V88 - PHYSICS WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. PHYS V89 - WORKSHOPS IN PHYSICS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Phys 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. 194 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 PHYS V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN PHYSICS - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Phys 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. PHYSIOLOGY PHSO V01 - INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY - 4 Units Prerequisite: ANAT V01 or concurrent enrollment; and CHEM V20V20L or CHEM V30-V30L or 1 year of high school chemistry with grades of C or better Recommended preparation: BIOL V01-V01L or BIOL V04; and CHEM V01A-V01AL or CHEM V21-V21L Hours: 3 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course presents a survey of the functional relationships between major organ systems, tissues and cells within the human body. A heavy emphasis on the biochemistry of major physiological mechanisms will lead to an understanding of the interactions between tissues that contribute to overall homeostasis in the human body. Laboratory exercises emphasize the development of both laboratory skills pertinent to physiology as well as an understanding of the nature and significance of a variety of physiological parameters which will be measured in the lab (including ECG, respiratory measurements, electromyogram, pH and buffers, enzyme activity, and others). ANSI Z87.1 safety glasses and gloves are required. Formerly Physio 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN BIOL 12 or CAN BIOL SEQ B [with ANAT V01]. PHSO V01S - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY STUDY SESSION - .5-1 Units Corequisite: PHSO V01 Hours: .5-1 lecture weekly This course will give students opportunities to discuss and ask questions about material covered in the lecture and laboratory. Methods of taking notes and studying will be considered. The course will enable students to better comprehend course material and thus improve performance in the course. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. POLITICAL SCIENCE POLS V01 - AMERICAN GOVERNMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course surveys the main characteristics, principles, structures, processes, and procedures, and the historical background of the American system of government at the national, California state, and local levels. Formerly PolSci 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN GOVT 2. POLS V01S - AMERICAN GOVERNMENT STUDY SESSION - 1 Unit Corequisite: POLS V01 Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course is designed to supplement and is to be taken concurrently with American Government. The course will give students an opportunity to review and discuss material covered in lecture and in reading assignments and will assist students in developing learning skills in note taking, reading, paper writing, and use of the library and other learning resources. The course will enable students to better comprehend and respond to the course material and thus improve performance. Field trips may be required. Formerly PolSci 1S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. POLS V02 - COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course compares the origins and development of selected governments of the world, including their constitutional principles, political ideologies, institutions, parties, and social policies. Formerly PolSci 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. POLS V03 - INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course introduces students to the field of political science, focusing on the interaction between political ideologies, international relations and American history and institutions. Constitutional principles--especially the evolution of relations between national, state, and local governments--will be analyzed as they have developed historically and with reference to America’s changing role in world affairs. Concepts of law, justice, democracy, liberty, social welfare, and national security will be discussed as they relate to American history and institutions. The course includes a study of the California constitution and California institutions in a changing global environment. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. POLS V04 - INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL THEORY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course traces the development of key concepts in political theory, such as justice, democracy, liberty, equality and order over the course of Western history. Beginning with Plato and Aristotle, the course traces the evolution of key political concepts through a series of thinkers, including Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Madison. The course also introduces students to some contemporary authors, including feminist and environmental thinkers. Field trips may be required. Formerly PolSci 6. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. POLS V05 - INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents an inquiry into the field of international relations where nations interact officially and unofficially in a condition of war, peace and change. Emphasis will be placed on the universal competition for power, crisis management, war, peace, arms control, disarmament and the various endeavors intended to bring about world peace and cooperation. Formerly PolSci 5. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -195 POLS V08 - PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION - 3 Units Recommended preparation: POLS V01 Hours: 3 lecture weekly The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the principles and trends in public administration. The course will cover the decision-making process in public sector organizations. Several recent public policy decisions will also be analyzed. Field trips may be required. Formerly PolSci 8. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. POLS V09 - UNITED STATES - MEXICO RELATIONS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course examines a series of bilateral issues relating to the United States and Mexico, including economic integration (especially NAFTA), immigration, naturalization, the environment, human rights, crime and drugs. Diverse approaches to solve these problems are explored, including domestic policy changes in the two countries as well as bilateral cooperation in resolving trade, environmental, labor, and other issues. The implications of these issues for the political systems of both countries will also be explored. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. POLS V10 - THE UNITED NATIONS AND WORLD AFFAIRS - 4 Units Recommended preparation: POLS V01 or POLS V03 Hours: 3 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course analyzes the role of international organizations and their role in world affairs. Focusing on the role of the United Nations, the course examines the history of attempts by international organizations to mediate conflicts between nation- states. The role of the United Nations as a standard-setter for international human rights and collective security is examined in detail. Theoretical models of international relations, such as liberalism and realism, are examined as a way to interpret how international organizations actually operate in world affairs. Students will participate in Model United Nations conferences as part of the laboratory section of this course. Field trips will be required. Formerly POLS V06 & V07. Transfer credit: CSU. POLS V11 - GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF MEXICO - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course examines contemporary Mexican politics within an historical context. Different interpretations are contrasted to explain Mexico's historical and political development, especially the Mexican revolution and its aftermath. The nature of Mexican political institutions, economic policies, and current U.S.-Mexico relations will be examined from different perspectives. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. POLS V14 - GLOBAL STUDIES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will examine the contemporary political, economic, social and environmental conditions in the world from a global perspective. The course will start by reviewing the present threats to human posterity and/or prosperity resulting from nuclear, biological, chemical and conventional weapons as well as ecological, social and economic conditions and ongoing changes. After discussing and appraising the present systems of world order and globalization of the economy, the course will explore possible approaches through which such problems can be addressed. The course will conclude by appraising the relevance of different levels of analysis for handling these problems. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. POLS V15 - REVOLUTION IN THE THIRD WORLD - 3 Units Recommended preparation: POLS V05 Hours: 3 lecture weekly Although their special circumstances make Third World countries especially prone to revolutionary change, such change usually affects much more than the internal composition of forces in the revolutionary state. As especially demonstrated by the Russian, Chinese and Iranian revolutions during the twentieth century, international and regional balances of power may be challenged and international peace and security may also be seriously affected, as a result. Consequently, an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of revolution becomes inevitable for policymakers in underdeveloped and developed countries alike. Formerly POLS V60A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. POLS V16 - GOVERNMENT AND THE ECONOMY - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ECON V01A and POLS V01 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course introduces the student to major theories explaining the rationale for government involvement in the economy, as well as an appraisal of these theories. The course begins with an analysis of conceptual and historical perspectives of government involvement followed by constitutional, legal, normative, ideological, and analytical perspectives. Subsequently, the course explores and evaluates the different approaches through which the government attempts to affect the economy. Formerly POLS V60B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. POLS V60A-Z - TOPICS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE - .5-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by the other political science offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include: United Nations, third world politics, public administration. Field trips may be required. Formerly PolSci 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. POLS V60C - LECTURES IN INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL STUDIES - .5 Unit Hours: .5 lecture weekly The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to state- of-the-art knowledge in many disciplines related to international and global studies by attending lectures presented by top level experts on these subjects. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. POLS V88 - POLITICAL SCIENCE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. POLS V89 - WORKSHOPS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly PolSci 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. 196 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 POLS V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN POLITICAL SCIENCE - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly PolSci 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. POLS V95 - POLITICAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This political science internship offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience in their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Formerly PolSci 95. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. POLS V96 - POLITICAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This political science internship offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. PSYCHOLOGY PSY V01 - INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an overview of current theories and research in the areas of heredity and environment, learning, sensation and perception, intellect and cognition, language, memory, personality, sexuality, human development, abnormal psychology and therapy. Emphasis is placed on studying behavior within a scientific framework. Formerly Psych 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN PSY 2. PSY V02 - PERSONAL GROWTH AND SOCIAL AWARENESS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an introduction to theory, research, and practical application relevant to personal fulfillment, human relationships, and social functioning. Topics which will be studied are personality development; traditional and changing sex roles; intimate relationships; stress and stress management; personal and social achievement; and normal and abnormal reactions to modern society. Emphasis will be placed on recognizing typical patterns of personality development, with some attention given to fostering self- actualization and social contributions, while preventing deviant patterns. Field trips may be required. Formerly Psych 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PSY V03 - INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an overview of basic psychological concepts from the perspective of brain-behavior research. The course emphasizes the anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system, and their relationship to states of consciousness, drug use, biological drives, emotions, sexuality, memory, speech and language, brain pathology and mental disorders. Formerly Psych 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN PSY 10. PSY V04 - INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS FOR THE SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES - 4 Units Prerequisite: MATH V03 or 1 year of high school intermediate algebra (Algebra II) with grade of C or better Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 4 lecture weekly An introduction to the basic concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics which provides conceptual understanding of the applications of statistics in research, as well as in the social sciences and the related fields of business, education and health care. Areas of study include: descriptive procedures; probability and binomial distributions; correlation and regression; normal distribution; sampling distribution; central limit theorem; sample size calculations; hypothesis testing using interval estimation, z- test, significance testing of correlations, one- and two-sample t- tests, ANOVA, chi-square and other nonparametric techniques; and critical analyses of research designs. This course also provides supervised computer practice designed to assist students in data preparation including tables and graphical representations, statistical computations, and data analysis. No prior computer experience is necessary. Students will interpret computerized results and apply them in generating conclusions, to be submitted in the form of written reports. Formerly Psych 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations see counselor. CAN PSY 6. PSY V04S - INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS FOR THE SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES DISCUSSION SESSION - 1 Unit Corequisite: PSY V04 Hours: 1 lecture weekly This course is a discussion session to be taken concurrently with introductory statistics for the social and behavioral sciences. It provides an opportunity for better understanding of concepts learned in introductory statistics through additional practice and discussion of statistical procedures and their applications to research and hypothesis testing. Formerly Psych 4S. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Not applicable for degree credit. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -197 PSY V05 - INTRODUCTION TO DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides an overview of human development throughout the entire lifespan. Current theories and research in the areas of heredity and environment, emotion, intellect and cognition, language, socialization, personality, sexuality, maturation, and gerontology will be studied. Emphasis will be placed on identifying and encouraging normal development, with some attention given to recognizing and preventing deviant patterns. Field trips may be required. Formerly Psych 5. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PSY V07 - INTRODUCTION TO EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY - 3 Units Prerequisite: PSY V01 and PSY V04 Corequisite: PSY V07L Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course introduces basic concepts, issues, and principles of scientific research as they apply to behavior and psychological processes. Strategies involved in searching the psychological literature will be presented to assist students in developing a research hypothesis. Ethical issues relevant to conducting research in psychology will also be discussed. Students will design an experiment using appropriate research methodology, with emphasis on the scientific method, rather than correlational or observational studies. Experimental data will be analyzed using appropriate parametric or nonparametric statistical tests to guide in making decisions regarding the experimental hypothesis. Students will write a research report following APA guidelines and format. Formerly Psych 7. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN PSY 8 [with PSY V07L]. PSY V07L - INTRODUCTION TO EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY LABORATORY - 1 Unit Corequisite: PSY V07 Hours: 3 laboratory weekly This course provides a laboratory adjunct to experimental psychology. Class experiments will be performed to provide students with practice and demonstration of scientific methodology and controlled procedure through the use of appropriate instrumentation. Class experiments will be selected from the following topics: psychophysics, sensation, perception, cognition, learning, memory, psycholinguistics, levels of consciousness, social psychology, human factor psychology, and other behaviors that can be investigated through scientific inquiry. As a final project, students will design and conduct an experiment, statistically analyze data through the use of computers, and generate appropriate conclusions. Students will write a research report following APA guidelines and will present the results of the experiment to the class in the form of an oral presentation. Formerly Psych 7L. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN PSY 8 [with PSY V07]. PSY V15 - INTRODUCTION TO ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course focuses on the major forms and causes of behavior defined as deviant or abnormal. Diagnostic and therapeutic treatment strategies are examined, as well as the various theories currently used to explain abnormal behavior and mental illness. Field trips may be required. Formerly Psych 15. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PSY V25 - PSYCHOLOGY OF HUMAN SEXUALITY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will emphasize both the psychobiological and sociological aspects of human sexual behavior. The role of sex within a relationship will be explored, as well as sexual attitudes, lifestyles, and changing social roles. Course material will be presented in an explicit, open, scientific, and thoughtful manner. Formerly Psych 25. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PSY V29 - INTRODUCTION TO PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a comprehensive study of the concept of personality. The nature and development of personality is examined. Emphasis is placed on the current research, techniques of assessment, theories, and theorists of personality, including Freud, Jung, Rogers and Maslow. Field trips may be required. Formerly Psych 29. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PSY V30 - MULTICULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course focuses on multicultural issues and their influence on individual and group behavior. It explores how traditions and social customs shape the development of the individual's behavior, cognition, motivation, emotion, gender roles, personality, and moral judgments across the lifespan. It examines how family, work, religion, language, artistic expression, rituals, and clothing function as symbols of cultural identity. Cross-cultural comparisons of various psychological phenomena are reviewed, documenting similarities and differences across cultures in human behavior in an attempt to search for mediators of these differences. Topics of discussion include diversity in an increasingly pluralistic society and intercultural relations among African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, Native Americans and other cultural groups, with the option of focusing on a particular culture in any given semester. Field trips may be required. Formerly Psych 30. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. PSY V31 - INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is concerned with the scientific study of social psychology and related theories. The course focuses on how the individual affects and is affected by other people in society, and how society influences human behavior as well as the individual's psychological process (i.e. attitudes, beliefs, self-concept). Field trips may be required. Formerly Psych 31. Same as SOC V31. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. PSY V88 - PSYCHOLOGY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. PSY V89 - WORKSHOPS IN PSYCHOLOGY - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Psych 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. 198 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 PSY V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN PSYCHOLOGY - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Psych 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. REAL ESTATE RE V01 - REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a practical study of the economic aspects and the fundamental laws and principles of real estate, designed to acquaint the student with the basic premises needed for a real estate license or for better management of the student’s personal investments. It is especially intended as a background course and a prerequisite for specialized real estate courses. Licensed real estate salespersons will be exempt. Formerly RE 1. Transfer credit: CSU. RE V05 - REAL ESTATE PRACTICES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course presents the techniques of operating a real estate business with emphasis on the daily activities of brokers and salespeople. The course stresses securing and qualifying prospects by obtaining listings, and legal factors in real estate transactions. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. RE V11 - REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course in real estate appraisal is confined largely to residential property, along with an introduction to investment property valuation. Additionally, the course covers methods and techniques for determining value for loan and insurance purposes. Students will prepare a standard appraisal report as used in industry on a selected residential property. Transfer credit: CSU. RE V88 - REAL ESTATE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly RE V89. RECREATION REC V40 - INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNITY RECREATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Introduction to community recreation to include development, evolution of leisure and recreation; organization of recreation, forces affecting recreation, and administration, financing and facilities in recreation. Particular emphasis on the significance of interrelationships of agencies and institutions serving the community recreation needs, and differences in philosophical approaches. Formerly Rec 40. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN REC 2. REC V41 - INTRODUCTION TO THE BACKCOUNTRY - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly Introduction to safe backcountry camping and travel, including but not limited to leave-no-trace ethics, equipment choices and use, first aid and safety, clothing, meal preparation and planning, emergency preparation and prevention, site selection, map and compass skills, trip planning, survival skills, leadership and rescue skills, environmental awareness and management skills. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Rec 41. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN REC 6. REC V42 - RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS AND LEADERSHIP - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Principles and practice of effective leadership techniques for various recreation groups. A study of the philosophies, organization, promotion and leadership of various types of recreation programs, agencies, organizations with emphasis on program services familiarization. Formerly Rec 42. Transfer credit: CSU. CAN REC 4. SIGN LANGUAGE SL V10A - AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE: BEGINNING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An introductory course to American Sign Language, the native language of the deaf. This course includes instruction in the basic language structure, manual signs, fingerspelling, grammar and culture required for simple manual communication with members of the deaf community. Field trips may be required. Formerly SL 10A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. SL V10B - AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE: INTERMEDIATE - 3 Units Prerequisite: SL V10A or 2 years of high school ASL or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course in American Sign Language includes instruction in the language structure, manual signs, fingerspelling, vocabulary, syntax, grammar and culture required for more complex manual communication with members of the deaf community. Field trips may be required. Formerly SL 10B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. SL V10C - AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE: ADVANCED - 3 Units Prerequisite: SL V10B or 3 years of high school ASL or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course in American Sign Language emphasizes conversational fluency in ASL through intensive work on comprehensive skills, grammatical structure, conceptual accuracy and translation of English idioms to American Sign Language. Students will discuss various aspects of deaf culture and the dynamics of the deaf community. Field trips may be required. Formerly SL 10C. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. SL V88 - SIGN LANGUAGE WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -199 SL V89 - WORKSHOPS IN SIGN LANGUAGE - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly SL 89. Transfer credit: CSU. SOCIOLOGY SOC V01 - INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course examines human social behavior in groups in relation to the wider social forces which influence that behavior, such as: socioeconomic status, gender, race/ethnicity, and age. Theoretical perspectives as well as scientific methodology are utilized to explore culture, social interaction, social organizations, socialization, social institutions, population dynamics and social change. Formerly Soc 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN SOC 2. SOC V02 - SOCIAL PROBLEMS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will examine current American social problems, such as: health care; crime; substance abuse; domestic violence; AIDS; the environment; and the inequalities of race, sex, age, education and social class. Analysis of factors leading to their emergence, their consequences and proposals for solving these problems will be discussed. Students will be offered the opportunity to do volunteer work with public and private agencies working in the covered problem areas. Field trips may be required. Formerly Soc 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN SOC 4. SOC V03 - RACIAL AND ETHNIC GROUP RELATIONS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course analyzes the patterns of prejudice and discrimination in the United States including their nature, sources, and consequences, and reviews strategies for their reduction. Majority/ minority relations among the major social and cultural groups will be given specific examination. Formerly Soc 3. Same as AES V11. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. SOC V04 - SOCIOLOGY OF GENDER ROLES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course offers an examination of gender role socialization through the life course. Various theories will be utilized in an effort to explain the influence of the major agents of socialization (parents, peers, education and the media) on the formation of gender roles. The effect gender has in the family, education and the work environment will be examined through both a multicultural and global perspective. Formerly Soc 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. SOC V05 - THE CHANGING FAMILY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course examines the changing definitions of what comprises a family within a multicultural American society. The course analyzes the concepts of commitment, love, and intimacy found in human relationships, and explains their importance to forming lasting partnerships. Controversial issues involving marriage, divorce, singlehood, dating and parenting are discussed. Diversity of function and form is central to understanding the contemporary family from a sociological perspective. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. SOC V07 - SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: SOC V01 or SOC V02 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course offers an overview of how sociologists make systematic observations of the social world. The methods used in conducting social science research, from hypothesis development to analysis of collected data, will be presented. Students will actively participate in conducting studies which focus on current social issues. Formerly Soc 7. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN SOC 8. SOC V10A - INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course deals with the study of crime in all of its various aspects - origins, theories, types of crimes, and individual and group criminal acts. Societal reactions to crime - the police, courts, penal systems, and the role of public policy - are also surveyed. Emphasis is placed upon the motivational and behavioral factors in the criminal act, values and lifestyle. Formerly SOC V60A. Transfer credit: CSU. SOC V10B - SOCIOLOGY OF CRIMINAL CASE STUDIES -3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course focuses on specific, selected aspects of crime, criminal motivation and behavior, and societal reaction to crime. Topics covered include organized crime, environmental crime, serial killers, sexual criminals, street gangs, vigilantism, and landmark legal cases. Formerly SOC V60B. Transfer credit: CSU. SOC V24 - SOCIOLOGY OF THE CHICANO COMMUNITY - 3 Units Recommended preparation: AES V20 or CHST V01 or SOC V01 Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will examine various theoretical perspectives from a sociological framework in relation to the Chicano community. Race, class, gender and culture in the historical development of Chicano people will be explored as we discuss culture, ethnic identity, the institutions of education, economics, family and government. This will include an overview of past and current social movements (i.e. the Chicano, Chicana Feminism, labor movements and other topics). The course will analyze prevailing myths and stereotypes and investigate the ways Chicanos have contributed and participated in social and political change. Also, specific instances of Chicano structural resistance to Anglo encroachment and domination will be discussed. Particular attention will also be given to language development among Chicanos and the historical role of youth. Field trips may be required. Same as AES V24 & CHST V24. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. SOC V31 - INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is concerned with the scientific study of social psychology and related theories. The course focuses on how the individual affects and is affected by other people in society, and how society influences human behavior as well as the individual's psychological process (i.e. attitudes, beliefs, self-concepts). Field trips may be required. Formerly Soc 31. Same as PSY V31. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. 200 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 SOC V50 - INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK: SOCIAL WELFARE INSTITUTIONS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: SOC V02 Hours: 3 lecture weekly Provides a general understanding of social work and social welfare practice. Provides analysis of current functions and purposes of social welfare as an institution. Examines historical and philosophical perspectives of social work practice within the context of cultural, political, economic, psychological and social forces. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. SOC V51 - BASIC SKILLS IN SOCIAL WORK METHODS I - 3 Units Recommended preparation: SOC V50 Hours: 3 lecture weekly Introduces students to theoretical perspectives of social work practices, ethics and skills. Includes application of knowledge related to gender, race, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class and ability. Students learn basic theories and methodologies in interviewing, counseling and case management skills. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. SOC V52 - BASIC SKILLS IN SOCIAL WORK METHODS II - 3 Units Recommended preparation: SOC V50 Hours: 3 lecture weekly Explores in-depth the beginning dimensions of social work practices from a systems perspective. The role of values, ethics and ethical decision making are examined as students learn theories and methodologies involved in group dynamics, problem solving and crisis intervention. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU. SOC V60A-Z - TOPICS IN SOCIOLOGY - 1-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by the other sociology offerings. Examples of topics to be offered from time to time include: social movements, society and changing values; American television. Formerly Soc 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. SOC V88 - SOCIOLOGY WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. SOC V89 - WORKSHOPS IN SOCIOLOGY - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Soc 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. SOC V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN SOCIOLOGY - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Soc 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. SOC V95 - SOCIOLOGY VOLUNTEER INTERNSHIP - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This sociology internship offers the students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience in their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designed faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. SOC V96 - SOCIOLOGY WORK EXPERIENCE INTERNSHIP - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This sociology internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: for CSU, credit limitations - see counselor; for UC, determined after admission. SPANISH SPAN V01 - ELEMENTARY SPANISH I - 5 Units Hours: 5 lecture weekly This course is part of a sequence designed to provide introductory experiences in pronunciation, aural comprehension, oral and written communication, word usage and vocabulary, reading of prose and elementary principles of grammar. Special emphasis is given to development of oral and aural skills by use of the language laboratory. Cultural material is presented to develop interest, understanding and appreciation for the lifestyle of the Hispanic people. A student receiving credit in SPAN V01 will not receive credit in SPAN V10A-V10B. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN SPAN 2 or CAN SPAN SEQ A [with SPAN V02]. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -201 SPAN V02 - ELEMENTARY SPANISH II - 5 Units Prerequisite: SPAN V01 or SPAN V10B or 2 years of high school Spanish or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide the student with further skill development in pronunciation, aural comprehension, oral and written communication, word usage and vocabulary, reading of prose and elementary principles of grammar. The language laboratory will be used in order to continue the development of oral and aural skills in the language. More advanced cultural material is presented to further develop the interest, knowledge and appreciation for the peoples of the Spanish-speaking world. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 2. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN SPAN 4 or CAN SPAN SEQ A [with SPAN V01]. SPAN V03 - INTERMEDIATE SPANISH I - 5 Units Prerequisite: SPAN V02 or 3 years of high school Spanish or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly This course will include a complete review of Spanish grammar and syntax, training in oral and written expression with reading and discussion of selected pieces from literature and other sources. A student receiving credit in SPAN V03 will not receive credit in SPAN V03S. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN SPAN 8 or CAN SPAN SEQ B [with SPAN V04]. SPAN V03S - SPANISH HERITAGE LANGUAGE I - 5 Units Recommended preparation: SPAN V02 or 3 years of high school Spanish or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly This course is designed to refine Spanish language skills in pronunciation, comprehension, oral and written communication, word usage and vocabulary, reading and principles of grammar. Special emphasis is given to the development of literacy skills (reading and writing) through reading and discussing Spanish prose and poetry and through critical and creative writing activities. The language laboratory will be used to continue the development of comprehension and production skills in Spanish. Comparative linguistic and cultural materials and activities are provided to develop understanding and appreciation for the linguistic and cultural diversity of Spanish speakers. A student receiving credit in SPAN V03S will not receive credit in SPAN V03. Field trips may be required. Formerly SPAN V05S. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. SPAN V04 - INTERMEDIATE SPANISH II - 5 Units Prerequisite: SPAN V03 or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly This course includes further study of grammatical principles with special emphasis on building communicative skills in Spanish. Reading and discussion of essays, periodicals, short stories, drama and poetry used to increase vocabulary, fluency and cultural understanding. A student receiving credit in SPAN V04 will not receive credit in SPAN V04S Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN SPAN 10 or CAN SPAN SEQ B [with SPAN V03]. SPAN V04S - SPANISH HERITAGE LANGUAGE II - 5 Units Prerequisite: SPAN V03S or equivalent Hours: 5 lecture weekly This course is designed to refine the development of Spanish language skills in comprehension, oral and written expression, word usage and vocabulary development through reading, writing, review and application of essential principles of grammar. Special emphasis is given to the development of literacy skills (reading and writing) by reading and discussing Spanish prose and poetry and through critical and creative writing activities. Use of the language laboratory is required to continue the development of comprehension and production skills in Spanish. Comparative linguistic and cultural materials and activities are provided to develop understanding and appreciation for the linguistic and cultural diversity of Spanish speakers. A student receiving credit in SPAN V04S will not receive credit in SPAN V04. Field trips may be required. Formerly SPAN V06S. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. SPAN V10A - FUNDAMENTALS OF SPANISH IA - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is the first part of a two-semester sequence designed to develop reception and production skills in “everyday” Spanish. Special emphasis is given to enhancing the student’s skill to comprehend Spanish as spoken by native speakers through class activities and through the use of the language laboratory and other media. Cultural information is presented in meaningful “real-life” contexts to develop understanding and appreciation for the lifestyle of Hispanic people. Students who receive credit in both SPAN V10A and V10B will not receive credit in SPAN V01. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 10A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. SPAN V10B - FUNDAMENTALS OF SPANISH IB - 3 Units Prerequisite: SPAN V10A or 1 year of high school Spanish or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is the second part of a two-semester sequence designed to continue the development of reception and production skills in “everyday” Spanish. Special emphasis is given to continue the enhancement of the student’s ability to comprehend Spanish as spoken by native speakers through class activities and the use of the language laboratory and other media. Cultural information is presented in meaningful “real-life” contexts through readings in Spanish to develop understanding and appreciation of the lifestyles of Hispanic people. Students who receive credit in both SPAN V10A and V10B will not receive credit in SPAN V01. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 10B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. SPAN V20 - HISPANIC LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to introduce the student to important novels, short stories, drama, poetry and essays from Latin America translated into English. Special emphasis will be given to contemporary authors. Discussion will concentrate on developing an understanding and appreciation for the essential qualities of the selected authors and their literary work; the literary trends and stylistic tendencies reflected in their work; and the manner and extent to which their literary work reflects the Latin American ethos. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 20. Same as AES V31. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. 202 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 SPAN V51A - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN SPANISH I - 3 Units Prerequisite: SPAN V01 or SPAN V10B or 2 years of high school Spanish or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the student with some knowledge of Spanish further opportunity to practice the language through conversation, role-playing and other activities in Spanish. The course will be conducted entirely in Spanish. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 51A. Transfer credit: CSU. SPAN V51B - SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION IN SPANISH II - 3 Units Prerequisite: SPAN V02 or SPAN V51A or 3 years of high school Spanish or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed to give the student with some knowledge of Spanish additional oral practice in the language through conversation, discussion groups, role-playing, and other activities in Spanish. The course will be conducted entirely in Spanish. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 51B. Transfer credit: CSU. SPAN V70 - SPANISH FOR MEDICAL PERSONNEL - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to meet the needs of those employed in the medical field. Students will learn essential vocabulary and phrases in Spanish that will allow them to communicate with patients in a variety of situations from gathering information to responding to medical emergencies. Appropriate cultural practices will also be discussed. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 70. Transfer credit: CSU. SPAN V71 - HISPANIC CULTURE AND HISTORY IN FILM - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a survey of Spanish, Latin American and U.S. Latino films that depict the culture and history of Spain, Latin America and Hispanic communities in the U.S. All films are in Spanish with English subtitles. Prior to viewing each film, students will study the historical, geographical and cultural elements that define the setting, plot and characterization of each work. The political and artistic tendencies of Latin American, Spanish and Hispanic-American producers will also be discussed in relation to their films. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. SPAN V72 - SPANISH FOR THE WORKPLACE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to teach job-related Spanish communication skills to non-Spanish speakers. The course will focus on developing work-related vocabulary and communication strategies to allow the student to communicate on a variety of topics with Spanish-speaking employees, co-workers and customers. Field trips may be required. SPAN V75 - SPANISH FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to meet the needs of those employed in the field of law enforcement. Students will learn essential vocabulary and phrases in Spanish that will allow them to communicate with the public in a variety of situations such as traffic stops, explaining laws and legal rights, taking reports and responding to emergencies. Appropriate cultural practices will also be discussed. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 75. Transfer credit: CSU. SPAN V79 - SPANISH FOR SCHOOL PERSONNEL - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to assist K-12 teachers, para-educators and office staff in their efforts to communicate with Spanish- speaking students and their parents. Through classroom activities such as dialogues and role playing, students will learn appropriate vocabulary, grammar and communication skills in Spanish that will improve their ability to interact with Spanish speakers. In addition, Latino cultural perspectives and attitudes toward education will be discussed. Field trips may be required. Formerly Span 79. Transfer credit: CSU. SPAN V80 - CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly An introduction to oral communication in Spanish. Emphasis is on listening, comprehension and speaking through vocabulary development and formulaic expressions such as greetings, introductions, describing family members and daily activities. Role- playing and other communicative tasks will be used to facilitate language learning. SPAN V88 - SPANISH WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. SPAN V89 - WORKSHOPS IN SPANISH - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Span 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. SPAN V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN SPANISH - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Span 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. SPEECH SPCH V01 - INTRODUCTION TO SPEECH COMMUNICATION - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Training and practice in effective oral communication through participation in public speaking, group discussion, and oral reading; emphasis on research, organization, language usage, efficient listening and constructive evaluation in both class and field experience. Field trips may be required. Formerly Spch 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN SPCH 4. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -203 SPCH V03 - GROUP COMMUNICATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Training and practice in the theory and principle of effective group discussion technique. Emphasis will be on the examination of group behavioral theory and the testing of that theory with practical application. Field trips will be required. Formerly Spch 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN SPCH 10. SPCH V04 - VOICE AND DICTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide the student with a basic knowledge of voice production and the specific sounds of general American speech. Work will be done to improve breathing, projection, volume, tone, resonance, rate, and expressiveness. Each sound of general American speech will be covered through the Phonetic Alphabet so that students can perfect their pronunciation of American English. Recommended for those majoring in speech- communication, speech pathology, theatre arts, linguistics, and early childhood education. Also very helpful for ESL students. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Spch 4. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. SPCH V05 - ORAL INTERPRETATION AND COMMUNICATION OF LITERATURE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Principles and techniques of oral reading of all genres of literature, with emphasis on vocal skill, following understanding and appreciation of the literary works selected for readings. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Spch 5. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. SPCH V10 - CRITICAL THINKING IN ORAL COMMUNICATION: ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Study and practice of critical thinking - both inductive and deductive - necessary for structuring arguments, stating and supporting opinions, and clarifying ideas. Training in listening for analysis of the reasoning of other speakers and in identifying their evidence. Curricular and co-curricular debate is the testing ground for the validity of reasoning. Field trips may be required. Formerly Spch 10. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN SPCH 6. SPCH V13 - FORENSICS - 2 Units Prerequisite: SPCH V01 Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course provides training, rehearsal, performance and practicum necessary to a competitive speech team. It provides training in argumentation and debate, informative and persuasive speaking, impromptu and extemporaneous speaking. Special attention is given to oral interpretation of literature. This course provides one-on-one training between student and instructor. Students are expected to participate in either interscholastic competition and/or speakers bureaus for various requesting community groups. Field trips will be required. Formerly Spch 13. Transfer credit: CSU. SPCH V15 - INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Examines interpersonal communication theory and processes including verbal and nonverbal channels, the role of self-concept in communication, assertiveness, listening styles and conflict management. Provides skills practice in handling personal and professional communication situations. Individual and small group activities. Field trips may be required. Formerly Spch 15. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN SPCH 8. SPCH V60A-Z -TOPICS IN SPEECH - 1-3 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course considers topics not covered in detail by the other speech offerings. Formerly Spch 60A-Z. Transfer credit: determined by transfer institution. SPCH V88 - SPEECH WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. SPCH V89 - WORKSHOPS IN SPEECH - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet the specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly Spch 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. SPCH V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN SPEECH - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly Spch 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. STUDY SKILLS SS V01 - STUDY SKILLS: APPLICATIONS TO COLLEGELEVEL COURSEWORK - 1.5-3.5 Units Recommended preparation: IDS V12 or SS V02 or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: 1-3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course could save your academic life. It is an advanced study skills course designed for students who are currently taking academic or vocational classes and would like to refine their study skills and apply them to their coursework. It includes advanced note-taking applications, library research, time management, taking in-class essay exams, practice in taking timed standardized tests, and designing reading study guides. Formerly SS 1. Same as IDS V11. Not applicable for degree credit. 204 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 SS V02 - STUDY SKILLS: PREPARATION FOR ACADEMIC AND VOCATIONAL COURSES - 1-3.5 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V08A or ENGL V08B or ESL V34A or ESL V34B or placement as measured by the college assessment process Hours: .5-3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory weekly This course could save your academic life. It is designed for students who are currently taking or are preparing to take academic or vocational courses. It covers note-taking and listening skills, introduction to outlining, reading and study techniques, library skills, time management and priority determination, memory and test-taking strategies, and campus and community resources. Students will learn through lectures, group discussions, campus tours, videos and assignments. Formerly SS 2. Same as IDS V12. Not applicable for degree credit. SS V88 - STUDY SKILLS WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly SS V89. SUPERVISION SUP V81 - BUSINESS ENGLISH - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course offers the practical application of college-level business English skills, which include reading, writing, speaking and listening, with comprehensive coverage of language structure, punctuation, spelling usage, word usage, proofreading, and editing. Formerly Sup 81. Same as BUS V44. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. SUP V88 - SUPERVISION WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly SUP V89. SUP V90 - ELEMENTS OF SUPERVISION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A basic introductory course covering in general terms the total responsibilities of a supervisor, such as organization, duties and responsibilities, human relations, grievances, training, rating, promotion, quality and quantity control, management and employee relations, safety, etc. Field trips may be required. Formerly Sup 90. Transfer credit: CSU. SUP V93 - HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a study of human resource management functions encompassing employer-employee relationships including major labor laws, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management systems, wage and salary administration, benefits administration and safety programs. Field trips may be required. Formerly Sup 93. Same as BUS V32. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. SUP V94 - ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to acquaint students with concepts of planning, organizing, motivating, communicating, directing, and controlling functions necessary for effective management to accomplish organizational objectives. Formerly Sup 94. Same as BUS V31. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. SUP V96 - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a course in the understanding of individual and group behavior as it affects the organization; emphasis is on developing organizational skills and application of principles to interpersonal and organizational relationships Formerly Sup 96. Same as BUS V40. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. THEATRE ARTS THA V01 - THEATRE ARTS APPRECIATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Appreciation and understanding of the arts of the theatre. This course examines the relationship that exists between theatre and society throughout history, the elements of dramatic structure, and the nature of theatrical presentation including the performance process creative artists use to express the world of the play. Field trips may be required. Formerly ThA 1. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN DRAM 18. THA V02A - FUNDAMENTALS OF ACTING - 3 Units Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course examines the fundamentals of modern acting for the stage. The course provides practical experience in the skills of physical movement, voice, characterization, script analysis, and audition technique, as well as rehearsal and performance. Field trips may be required. Formerly ThA 2A. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN DRAM 8. THA V02B - ADVANCED ACTING - 3 Units Prerequisite: THA V02A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly In-depth application of the techniques explored in fundamentals of acting with emphasis on characterization and scene study. Field trips may be required. Formerly ThA 2B. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN DRAM 22. THA V03 - SPEECH FOR THE STAGE - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Voice physiology, phonetics, breath control, tone production, projection, articulation, pronunciation; theory and practice in developing vocal skills for performance. Field trips may be required. Formerly ThA 3. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN DRAM 6. THA V05 - STAGECRAFT - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course includes an introduction to the theory and practice in the design and construction of stage scenery; and familiarization with the tools and materials employed by the stage designer, stage carpenter, costume designer, sound engineer, and lighting technician. The course includes application of design and construction principles in connection with drama department productions. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly ThA 5. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN DRAM 12. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -205 THA V06 - STAGE MAKE-UP - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Theory, demonstration and practice in applying make-up for theatre, film and television. Familiarization with make-up supplies, materials and techniques. Design and application of character make-up for theatre productions. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ThA 6. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN DRAM 14. THA V07 - STAGE LIGHTING - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly Theory and practice of stage lighting including knowledge of lighting instruments, comprehension of light plots, hanging, focusing, color, and light control for the proscenium, thrust and arena stages. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly ThA 7. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN DRAM 10. THA V10 - PRODUCTION AND PERFORMANCE - 1-3 Units Hours: 2-6 lecture-laboratory weekly Supervised practical experience in the preparation and performance of theatre productions. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ThA 10. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. CAN DRAM 16. THA V12 - STUDENT ONE-ACT PLAY FESTIVAL - 1-3 Units Hours: 2-6 lecture-laboratory weekly Supervised theatre production of student directed, produced and/ or written one-act plays. Each student will be part of a one-act production. Each team will cast, rehearse and produce a one-act play in a college sponsored production to be presented in the Circus and/or Main Campus Theatre. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ThA 12. THA V14 - MOVEMENT FOR THE THEATRE - 1-1.5 Units Hours: .5-1 lecture, 1.5-2 laboratory weekly This course teaches the fundamentals of movement for the stage. Physical activity is included. Theory and practice of stage movement developing the body as an expressive instrument acquiring flexibility, relaxation, control and creative expression. Field trips may be required. THA V14 /DANC V14 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ThA 14. Same as DANC V14. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN DRAM 20. THA V20 - COSTUME DESIGN AND HISTORY - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course explores the many aspects of costume design, including the breakdown of a script, artistic rendering of the literature, development of themes and design concepts, research sources, examination of the social and economic mores that govern dress, and the history of dress. Students will analyze research, and design two plays and present this to the class. The course will include film and theatre industry standards in the area of costume design. Students will apply skills learned in class through work on theatrical productions. Field trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. THA V21 - THEATRE PRODUCTION LABORATORY - 1.5 Unit Hours: 4.5 laboratory weekly Practical experience in scenery construction, lighting, props, sound, and costume construction for the stage through participation in theatrical productions. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ThA 21. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. THA V22 - FUNDAMENTALS OF STAGE COSTUMING - 3 Units Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course teaches basic skills in the construction, organization, and care of stage costumes and accessories. It includes an exploration of a variety of costume crafts and methods of construction including fabric dying and modification, mask- making, corset-making, and hat-making. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly ThA 22. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. THA V23 - INTRODUCTION TO DRAMATIC LITERATURE - 3 Units Prerequisite: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a beginning study of dramatic theory. Plays from various time periods will be studied and analyzed as literary works in the historical context, traced through their production history, considered for their relevance and importance for today’s artists and audiences, and analyzed for their production possibilities. The course will emphasize critical reading, analysis and interpretation. Field trips may be required. Formerly ThA 23. Same as ENGL V23. Transfer credit: CSU; UC; credit limitations - see counselor. CAN ENGL 22. THA V29 - HISTORY OF MOTION PICTURES - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A historical and critical survey of motion pictures with an emphasis on the contributions of early and modern filmmakers to the filmmaking process. Lectures illustrated by screened examples of films, examine filmmaking back to the nineteenth century. Field trips may be required. Formerly ThA 29. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. THA V30A - FUNDAMENTALS OF SCREENWRITING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ENGL V01A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Examines the craft and business of screenwriting from all perspectives, including the creative process, structure, proper formatting, pitching, marketing, business and legal aspects. A series of in-class and out-of-class writing exercises culminates in students writing the opening sequence of a two-hour screenplay or a complete short-subject screenplay. Transfer credit: CSU. THA V30B - INTERMEDIATE SCREENWRITING - 3 Units Prerequisite: THA V30A Hours: 3 lecture weekly Examines the craft and business of screenwriting from all perspectives, including the creative process, structure, proper formatting, pitching, marketing, business and legal aspects. Includes advanced analysis and applications of story structure through a series of in-class and out-of-class writing exercises and script analyses. Transfer credit: CSU. THA V31 - ACTING FOR FILM AND TELEVISION - 3 Units Recommended preparation: THA V02A Hours: 2 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course will analyze the filmmaking and television production processes and the consequences that the technical and creative processes of the film media and television media have on the craft and business of film and television acting. The course will evolve through a series of practical scene-study exercises that duplicate the actual experience of acting for film and television. Film trips may be required. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 206 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 THA V88 - THEATRE ARTS WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. THA V89 - WORKSHOPS IN THEATRE ARTS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community, as required and/or requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Field trips may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly ThA 89. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. THA V90 - DIRECTED STUDIES IN THEATRE ARTS - 1-6 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula This course offers specialized study opportunities for students with intermediate skills, who wish to pursue projects not included in the regular curriculum. Students are accepted only by written project proposal approved by the discipline prior to enrollment. Field trips may be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 6 units. Formerly ThA 90. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission. WATER SCIENCE WS V10 - BASIC WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A survey of water and wastewater utility operations and maintenance. An introduction to open channel flow, pressure pipe systems, and problems involved in their operation; installation and maintenance of basic elements of water and wastewater systems including pipes, pumps, valves, meters and related hydraulic units. Operation and maintenance safety consideration. Formerly WS 10. WS V11 - WATER TREATMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Water supply treatment covering historical development of water quality control practices; water sources; public health aspects of water supply; water chemistry, water treatment arithmetic; chemical treatment, filtration; softening; corrosion, disinfection; taste and odors in water; water bacteriology; pump operation and maintenance; valves and meters. Field trips may be required. Formerly WS 11. WS V12 - WASTEWATER TREATMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course provides a general knowledge of commonly used waste treatment processes. Discussion of principles involved in physical and biological processes such as sedimentation, biofiltration, activated sludge, sludge digestion and chlorination is provided. Calculations necessary to control the processes are studied and emphasized. Field trips may be required. Formerly WS 12. WS V13 - WASTEWATER COLLECTION - 3 Units Recommended preparation: WS V10 or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly This is a course designed for wastewater collection systems maintenance personnel. Material to be covered includes sewer construction, cleaning methods, safety, elementary hydraulics, pipeline and manhole repair, equipment maintenance, public relations, communications and record keeping. Field trips may be required. Formerly WS 13. WS V14 - WATER DISTRIBUTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly A course designed for water distribution systems operators. Material to be covered includes water production, types of reservoirs, water lines, pumps and appurtenances. The actual method of installation and repair of such facilities will be covered, as well as some of the administrative functions behind the distribution system. Field trips may be required. Formerly WS 14. WS V15 - WATER SYSTEMS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly Provides introduction to principles and operation of instrumentation and control devices related to water and wastewater systems. Includes open and closed channel flow measurement, differential pressure measurement, level transmitters, data transmission and recording devices, and electrical control circuits. Basic electrical theory is provided to the extent necessary for understanding principles of operation. Formerly WS 15. WS V16 - WATER QUALITY PROTECTION AND CROSSCONNECTION CONTROL - 3 Units Recommended preparation: WS V10 or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly Introduction to cross-connection control; cross-connection control hazards; backflow prevention devices and their installation, testing and maintenance, plumbing ordinances. Formerly WS 16. WS V17 - WATER AND WASTEWATER HYDRAULICS - 3 Units Recommended preparation: WS V10 or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly A study of the hydraulics necessary in the operation of water or wastewater plants and systems. Open channel and closed channel flow, metering devices, valve design and functions and the hydraulics of common control systems will be considered. The course will be keyed to the hydraulic problems most often encountered in operational experience. Formerly WS 17. WS V18 - MOTORS AND PUMPS MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is designed to give a working knowledge of the problems encountered in motors and pumps operation and maintenance. The course will provide the maintenance mechanic with insight into reasons for selection as well as causes of failure and breakdown of motors and pumps. The need for a thorough maintenance program will be explained. All types of pumps and pump curves will be covered. Formerly WS 18. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -207 WS V21 - WATER CHEMISTRY AND BACTERIOLOGY - 4 Units Recommended preparation: WS V11 or WS V12 Hours: 3 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course covers the elements of water chemistry and water bacteriology as they apply to water treatment processes, water conditioning and the protection of water quality. The course includes laboratory demonstrations in the techniques of physical, chemical and bacteriological examination of water. Formerly WS 21. WS V25 - WATER AND WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly The supervisor’s responsibilities such as organizing, directing, coordinating, human relations, psychological aspects, attitudes, grievances, training, rating, promotion, safety. Administrative aspects of public utilities. Formerly WS 25. WS V95 - WATER SCIENCE INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This water science internship course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. WS V96 - WATER SCIENCE INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This water science internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. WELDING WEL V01 - INTRODUCTION TO WELDING - 2 Units Hours: 1 lecture, 3 laboratory weekly This course is intended for major and non-major students interested in an introduction to welding fabrication. Students will learn welding processes, vocabulary, job layout, basic metallurgy and industrial safety. Students will gain introductory skill in Oxyacetylene Welding (OAW), Arc/Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Oxyfuel Gas Cutting (OFC). Fees will be required. Formerly WEL V01A. Transfer credit: CSU. WEL V02 - BLUEPRINT READING: MANUFACTURING - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course covers the interpretation of mechanical drawings typical of the metal working field; theory of common types of projections, dimensioning principles, machine standards, application of creative sketching and interpretation of blueprints. Formerly Wel 2. Same as DRFT V02A. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. WEL V03 - ARC AND MIG WELDING - 8 Units Recommended preparation: WEL V01 or equivalent Hours: 16 lecture-laboratory weekly This course offers theory and intermediate vocational skills in Arc/Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Metal Inert Gas/Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG/GMAW) processes. Students will develop technical ability in welding methodology, project layout, metallurgy, industrial safety and related technical mathematics. Students can prepare for industry certification testing. Students receiving credit in WEL V03 will not receive credit in WEL V13A-WEL V13B. Fees will be required. Formerly WEL V03A. WEL V04 - TIG AND FLUX CORE WELDING - 8 Units Recommended preparation: WEL V03 or WEL V13B or equivalent Hours: 16 lecture-laboratory weekly This course offers theory and intermediate vocational skills in Tungsten Inert Gas/Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG/GTAW) and Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) processes. Students will develop skill in welding methodology, project layout, industrial safety and related technical mathematics. Students can prepare for industry certification testing. Students receiving credit in WEL V04 will not receive credit in WEL V14A-WEL V14B. Fees will be required. Formerly WEL V04A. WEL V13A - ARC AND MIG WELDING I - 4 Units Recommended preparation: WEL V01 or equivalent Hours: 8 lecture-laboratory weekly This is part I of a course in Arc and MIG welding. This course offers theory and intermediate vocational skills in Arc/Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Metal Inert Gas/Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG/GMAW) processes. Students will develop technical ability in welding methodology, project layout, metallurgy, industrial safety and related technical mathematics. Students can prepare for industry certification testing. Students receiving credit in WEL V13A will not receive credit in WEL V03. Fees will be required. Formerly Wel 13A. WEL V13B - ARC AND MIG WELDING II - 4 Units Recommended preparation: WEL V13A or equivalent Hours: 8 lecture-laboratory weekly This is part II of a course in Arc and MIG welding. This course offers theory and intermediate vocational skills in Arc/Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Metal Inert Gas/Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG/GMAW) processes. Students will develop technical ability in welding methodology, project layout, metallurgy, industrial safety and related technical mathematics. Students can prepare for industry certification testing. Students receiving credit in WEL V13B will not receive credit in WEL V03. Fees will be required. Formerly Wel 13B. WEL V14A - TIG AND FLUX CORE WELDING I - 4 Units Recommended preparation: WEL V03 or WEL V13B or equivalent Hours 8 lecture-laboratory weekly This is part I of a course in TIG and Flux Core welding. This course offers theory and intermediate vocational skills in Tungsten Inert Gas/Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG/GTAW) and Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) processes. Students will develop skill in welding methodology, project layout, industrial safety and related technical mathematics. Students can prepare for industry certification testing. Students receiving credit in WEL V14A will not receive credit in WEL V04. Fees will be required. Formerly Wel 14A. 208 - Credit Courses Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 WEL V14B - TIG AND FLUX CORE WELDING II - 4 Units Recommended preparation: WEL V14A or equivalent Hours 8 lecture-laboratory weekly This is part II of a course in TIG and Flux Core welding. This course offers theory and intermediate vocational skills in Tungsten Inert Gas/Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG/GTAW) and Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) processes. Students will develop skill in welding methodology, project layout, industrial safety and related technical mathematics. Students can prepare for industry certification testing. Students receiving credit in WEL V14B will not receive credit in WEL V04. Fees will be required. Formerly Wel 14B. WEL V20 - ADVANCED WELDING APPLICATIONS - 4 Units Recommended preparation: WEL V04 or WEL V14B or equivalent Hours: 8 lecture-laboratory weekly This course offers theory and advanced vocational skill in industrial welding applications. Students will learn advanced metallurgy as it relates to aluminum, sheet-steel, plate and pipe welding. Students will also learn about aircraft and ship-building welding fabrication processes and manufacturing safety hazards. This course allows additional practice and preparation for industrial certification exams and employment preparation. Fees will be required. WEL V27 - METAL ART SCULPTURE - 3 Units Prerequisite: ART V19 and WEL V01 Hours: 6 lecture-laboratory weekly This course is an introduction to metal art sculpture utilizing practical theory and application of materials, welding techniques and processes. It includes designing, metal cutting, forming techniques and texturing. Fees will be required. Field trips may be required. WEL V27/ART V27 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 2 times. Same as ART V27. WEL V65 - STRUCTURAL STEEL AND WELDING CONSTRUCTION - 3 Units Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course is a study of structural steel and welding use in building construction. Building types, grades of materials, assembly methods, blueprint reading and other subjects will be studied. The course is intended for inspectors, project supervisors and construction workers. The course will also help prepare students for related industry certification. Field trips may be required. WEL V65/CT V65 may be taken in any combination for a maximum of 2 times. Formerly Wel 65. Same as CT V65. WEL V66 - STRUCTURAL STEEL BLUEPRINT READING - 3 Units Recommended preparation: ARCH V11 or CT V20 or DRFT V02B or equivalent Hours: 3 lecture weekly This course will cover reading and interpretation of blueprints for steel fabrication and structural steel construction. Welding and bolting of connections, general notes, codes and symbols will be discussed. This course is designed for contractors, welders, inspectors and system installers involved with the construction of large-scale commercial and industrial buildings. WEL V88 - WELDING WORKSHOPS - .5-10 Units Prerequisite: varies with topic Hours: lecture and/or laboratory as required by unit formula Designed to meet specific needs of the college and community as required and requested by persons whose needs in this area are not met by present course offerings. Fees may be required. Courses with same title may not be repeated; may be taken for a maximum of 4 times. Formerly WEL V89. WEL V95 - WELDING INTERNSHIP I - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 60 per unit This welding internship offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. WEL V96 - WELDING INTERNSHIP II - 1-4 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include internship Recommended preparation: completion of or concurrent enrollment in one course in the discipline Hours: 75 per unit This welding internship course offers students who are employed in the field an opportunity to expand their work experience related to their field of study. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member in the discipline and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 4 times not to exceed 16 units total in combination with any other work experience/internship courses. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. WOMEN'S STUDIES See: ANTH V02, V06; ART V07; ENGL V36A, V36B, V136A, V136B; HED V95; and HIST V02A, V02B. WORK EXPERIENCE WEXP V95 - WORK EXPERIENCE I - 1-3 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include work experience Hours: 60 per unit This general work experience course offers students who are volunteers (unpaid) an opportunity to obtain work experience. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times not to exceed 6 units. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. WEXP V96 - WORK EXPERIENCE II - 1-3 Units Corequisite: enrolled in a minimum of 7 units to include work experience Hours: 75 per unit This general work experience course offers students who are employed an opportunity to expand their work experience. Students are accepted as a result of consultation with a designated faculty member and the acceptance of an approved work proposal. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times not to exceed 6 units. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Transfer credit: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Credit Courses -209 - NONCREDIT COURSES The following noncredit courses are offered according to community need. A student enrolls at the first meeting of the course. The course must maintain a minimum weekly attendance of fifteen. When a course consistently falls below fifteen, it will be canceled. Not all courses are offered every semester. Noncredit courses are offered in a wide variety of subject fields. They are vocational, cultural, and/or creative in content and purpose. Specific offerings in any semester are listed in the current Schedule of Classes. BASIC ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE BESL N100A - LOW-BEGINNING COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR NON-AND LIMITED-ENGLISH-PROFICIENT STUDENTS Hours: 4 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly A low-beginning course for non– and limited-English-proficient students who want to acquire the listening and speaking skills necessary for living, working, and attending school where English is used. There will be very limited attention to reading and writing skills at this level. Formerly BAE-ESL 100A. BESL N100B - HIGH-BEGINNING COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR LIMITED-ENGLISH-PROFICIENT STUDENTS Hours: 4 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly A high-beginning course for limited-English-proficient students who want to acquire the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary for living, working, and attending school where English is used. There will be some attention to reading and writing skills at this level, but listening and speaking will have the major emphasis. Formerly BAE-ESL 100B. BESL N100C - LOW-INTERMEDIATE COURSE FOR LIMITED-ENGLISH-PROFICIENT STUDENTS Hours: 4 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly A low-intermediate course for limited-English-proficient students who want to develop the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary for living, working, and attending school where English is used. Formerly BAE-ESL 100C. BESL N100D - HIGH-INTERMEDIATE COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR LIMITED-ENGLISH-PROFICIENT STUDENTS Hours: 4 lecture, 6 laboratory weekly A high-intermediate course for limited-English-proficient students who want to develop the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary for living, working, and attending school where English is used. ENGINEERING ENGR N98 - ENGINEERING REVIEW: EIT Prerequisite: engineering degree or equivalent 3 hours weekly A review course in engineering fundamentals covering statics, strength of materials, chemistry, surveying and descriptive geometry; for those preparing to take the California State engineering in training examination. Formerly Engr 98. GUIDANCE WORKSHOPS GW N101 - COLLEGE ORIENTATION Hours: .5-3 lecture weekly This course is designed to provide new students an overall orientation to facilities, programs, services and faculty at Ventura College. Students will experience a tour of the campus facilities, acquaint themselves with the testing services available, complete the college assessment instruments for use in course placement, receive financial aid information, learn requirements for graduation and transferability of courses, and plan their first semester's class schedule. Formerly Guid 101. HOME ECONOMICS HEC N91A-N91B-N91C-N91D - HOME AND FAMILY COMMUNITY WORKSHOP 1-10 hours weekly A course designed to meet the needs of families in the community for improving home and family life. Formerly Con Ed 91A-91B-91C-91D. HEC N92 - NUTRITION FOR SENIORS 2 hours weekly Course is designed to demonstrate how senior citizens can maintain nutritious diets on limited budget for one or two people. Also includes need and value of nutrition as it affects health. Formerly HE 92. HEC N93 - COMMUNITY CONSUMERS HOMEMAKING ECONOMICS 6 hours weekly An introduction to the ways the individual can economize on time, money and energy by using and developing natural talents and abilities in everyday life (with emphasis on clothing construction). This includes gaining knowledge of the various resources available to the individual. Formerly Con Ed 90. INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES IDS N100 - INDIVIDUALIZED STUDY 1-40 laboratory hours This noncredit course is designed to provide students with support in basic skills areas such as reading and writing, to include literacy and general communication skills, and in basic skills areas such as mathematics and computer literacy, to include numeracy and computational skills. The course will provide supervised tutoring to prepare students to improve their performance in college coursework. Instruction and training will also be provided to assist vocational students and older students. May be repeated. Formerly IdS 100. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Noncredit Courses -211 PHYSICAL EDUCATION WELDING PE N130 - CPR: BASIC LIFE SUPPORT WEL N94 - WELDING SPECIALTY 2 hours weekly Hours by arrangement Basic life support -emergency first aid procedure consisting of Development of special skills in a particular area of the trade. recognition of respiratory and cardiac arrest and the proper Fees will be required. Formerly Wel 97. application of the ABCs of CPR. Formerly PE 130. The VC Opera and Musical Theatre cast in “Cabaret,” Spring 2006 - FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION Administration of the College President Dr. Robin Calote Student Learning Executive Vice President Dr. Joan E. Smith Business Services Vice President Dr. Tom Kimberling Student Services Dean, Student Development Dr. Lyn MacConnaire Assistant Dean, Student Services Mr. David Bransky Instructional Divisions and Services Dean, Arts and Sciences Dr. Robert Renger Dean, Health and Human Performance Mr. Steve Tobias Dean, Liberal Arts and Learning Resources Dr. Diane Moore Dean, Community Resources and Economic Development, Off-Campus Programs, and Business Dr. Kay Faulconer-Boger Assistant Dean, Public Safety, Criminal Justice, Music, and Technology Mr. Jerry Mortensen Statewide Biotechnology Initiative Director, Biotechnology Initiative Ms. Mary Pat Huxley Faculty (Year indicates date of hire at Ventura College) A ADLMAN, ANDREA, Professor (1988) Mathematics B.S., 1975, Tufts University; M.A., 1981, California State University, Fullerton ANDERSON, LISA WHELAN, Professor (1996) Mathematics B.S., 1991, California Polytechnic State University; M.S., 1995, California State University, Northridge ANGLIN, GARY, Professor (1981) Physical Education B.S., 1975, University of California, Los Angeles; M.Ed., 1977, University of Wyoming ARCE, ROBERT M., Professor (1986) Spanish B.A., 1963, M.A., 1967, San Jose State University; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara; J.D., 1984, Ventura College of Law ARCHIBALD, JAN, Professor (1987) Mathematics/Multimedia/Computer Science B.A., 1972, M.S., 1979, California State University, Northridge ARMSTRONG, DIANNE, Professor (1996) English M.A., 1990, Ph.D., 1992, University of Southern California ARQUILEVICH, GABRIEL D., Professor (2000) English B.A., 1986, University of Redlands; M.F.A., 1990, University of Massachusetts, Amherst B BARATTE, LAURENCE G, Professor (1992) Physical Education B.A., 1981, Pepperdine University; M.Ed., 1990, Azusa Pacific University BARLOW-PALO, LINDA, Professor (1996) Nursing B.S., 1992, University of Phoenix; M.S., 1995, University of California, Los Angeles BEATTY, DONNA, Instructor (2004) Mathematics A.A., 1992, Ventura College; B.A., 1994, M.S., 1999, California State University, Northridge BEEM, JOAN, Professor (1979) Nursing B.S., 1968, California State University, Los Angeles; M.S., 1973, California State University, Los Angeles; M.S., 1977, University of California, Davis BOWEN, MICHAEL S., Professor (1991) Mathematics, Physics B.A., 1981, University of California, Berkeley; M.S., 1988, University of California, Los Angeles BRANSKY, DAVID A., Assistant Dean, Student Services (2006) B.A., 1968, Washington and Jefferson College; M.Ed., 1971, University of Pittsburgh BUDKE, WILLIAM C., Instructor (2004) Geosciences A.A., 1986, Santa Barbara City College, B.A., 1991, University of California, Santa Barbara; M.S., 2000, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo C CALLAHAN, MICHAEL (1991) Institutional Research Officer A.B., 1964, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey; M.B.A., 1982, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CALOTE, ROBIN J., President (2005) B.A., 1973, University of California, Santa Cruz; M.A., 1974, San Jose State University; Ed.D., 2002, University of LaVerne CAPUANO-BREWER, LUCY, Professor (1991) Psychology B.A., 1983, M.A., Community-Clinical Psychology, 1987, California State University, Northridge CARRASCO-NUNGARAY, MARIAN, Professor (1992) Counseling A.A., 1985, Oxnard College; A.S., Ventura College; B.A., 1987, University of California, Berkeley; M.S., 1992, California Lutheran University CARRIGER, JAMES, Professor (1982) Business A.A., 1970, Ventura College; B.S., 1971, Fresno State University; M.A., 1975, University of Southern California; Ph.D., 1990, University of California, Santa Barbara CASTOR, PEGGY, Professor (1980) Business A.A., 1972, Ventura College; B.S., 1984, M.B.A., 1994, University of LaVerne Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Faculty and Administration -213 CHAPARRO, ROBERT L., Professor (1998) EOPS, Counseling A.A., 1980, Ventura College; B.A., 1984, University of California, Santa Barbara; M.S., 1989, California Lutheran University CLARK, MIKE, Instructor (2004) Welding Certified welder, 1980, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology COLTRIN, CAROL, Professor (1981) Nursing B.S.N., 1970, San Diego State University; M.P.H., 1984, California State University, Northridge COSENTINO, LYDIA G., Professor (1989) English B.A., 1975, M.A., 1977, Mills College COTA, ASENETH, Professor (1980) Counseling A.A., 1966, Ventura College; B.S., 1971, M.A., 1973, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo D DALTON, TOM, Instructor (2004) Learning Disabilities B.A., 1979, Taylor University, Indiana; M.A., 1983, Psy.D., 1986, Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University, California DeCIERDO, MARCELINO A., Professor (1988) Counseling B.A., 1978, University of California, Santa Barbara; M.S., 1988, California Lutheran University de JESUS, MARTA DIANE, Professor (1996) Biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology B.S., 1978, California Institute of Technology; C. Phil., 1985; Ph.D., 1991, University of California, Los Angeles de la PEÑA, KAREN, Professor (1992) Business A.A., 1964, Santa Rosa Junior College; B.S., 1987, M.S., 1994, University of LaVerne de la ROCHA, ISMAEL, Professor (1974) History B.A., 1972, M.A., 1974, University of California, Santa Barbara de la SELVA, AURORA, Professor (2000) Counseling B.A., 1975, California Lutheran University; M.A., 1976, University of California, Santa Barbara DOREO, DAVID, Professor (1984) Physics, Astronomy B.A., 1975, M.S., 1976, San Francisco State University, Stanford University E ELIOT, MAUREEN, Instructor (2004) Health Education and Physical Education B.A., 1982, M.A., 1988, San Diego State University F FARRIS, DAVID, Professor (1996) Counseling B.A., 1972, Occidental College, Los Angeles; M.A., 1974, University of California, Santa Barbara FAULCONER BOGER, KAY, Dean, Community Resources and Economic Development, Business and Off-Campus Programs (1985) B.A., 1968, California State University, Northridge; M.B.A., 1975, M.A., 1976, Pepperdine University; Ed.D., 1993, University of Southern California FELL, SHARLA A., Instructor (2004) Art and Digital Media A.A., 1978, Cayuga Community College; B.F.A., 1981, Arizona State University; M.F.A., 1989, Colorado State University FERGUSON, JEFF, Professor (1977) Articulation Officer B.A., 1971, University of California, Santa Barbara; A.M., 1972, Stanford University FERNANDEZ, RALPH, Professor (1989) Architecture B.A., 1982, University of California, Berkeley FIUMERODO, MARIA TERESA, Instructor (2005) Anthropology A.A., 1993, Moorpark College; B.A., 1997, M.A., 2001, California State University, Northridge; Ph.D. candidate, 2005, University of California, Los Angeles FREDRICKSON, NANCY, Associate Professor (1999) Physical Education B.A., 1987, San Diego State University; M.A., 1992, Azusa Pacific University FREIXAS, MARTA M., Professor (1982) Mathematics B.A., 1978, Humboldt State; M.S., 1981, University of Oregon G GALINDO, MARY HELEN, Professor (1991) EOPS, Counseling A.A., 1979, Oxnard College; B.A., 1983, California State University, Northridge; M.S., 1989, California Lutheran University GALLAWAY, SARA ESSA, Professor (1975) History B.A., 1971, M.A., 1972, University of California, Davis; Doctor of Arts, 1985, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA GAREY, JUDITH FREEMAN, Professor (1991) Theatre Arts B.S., 1970, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland; M.A., 1971, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois; Ph.D., 2003, University of California, Santa Barbara GOFF, RICHARD, Professor (1974) Criminal Justice B.S./C.J., 1974, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York; M.S./A.J., 1975, California Lutheran College GONZALES, ANGELICA, Instructor (2004) Counseling B.S., 1996, M.A., 2002, California Lutheran University GRAHAM, STACY SLOAN, Instructor (2004) Speech B.A., 1994, M.A., 1998, California State University, Fresno GUILLEN-MORIEL, GUADALUPE, Professor (1998) Counseling 1971, Escuela Normal Chihuahua, Mexico; B.S., 1985, Esc., Normal Superior Chihuahua, Mexico; M.A., 1995, California State University, Northridge H HALL, LUKE DREW, Professor (1991) Geography/Geology A.A., Ventura College; B.S., 1971, Utah State University; M.S., 1975, Western Kentucky University HARRISON, KAREN, Instructor (2004) English as a Second Language A.A., 1990, Ventura College; B.A., 1993, University of Califonia, Santa Barbara; M.A., 2001 Azusa Pacific University HENDRICKS, WILLIAM, Professor (1990) Photography B.A.,1996; M.S., Brooks Institute of Photography HERRERA, BEATRIZ, Professor (1997) Counseling B.S., 1988, University of California, Irvine; M.S., Public Health, 1994, California State University, Northridge HISAYASU, GLENN, Professor (1997) Counseling A.A., Los Angeles Valley College; B.S., California State University, Los Angeles; M.S., California State University, Los Angeles; Ed.D., 1986, Nova University HULL, REBECCA SANTILLAN, Professor (1985) Counseling B.A., 1977, University of California, San Diego; M.A., 1979, University of San Diego; M.A., 1982, Azusa Pacific University 214 - Faculty and Administration Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 J JAMES, RALPH E., Professor (1974) Counseling B.A., 1971, M.A., 1973, University of California, Santa Barbara JEFFREYS, IVA, Professor (1981) Business B.S., 1968, Norfolk State University; M.B.A., 1973, University of Guam JOHNSON, PAULETTE, Professor (1989) Counseling B.A., 1971, California State University, Long Beach; M.A., 1984, California State University, Northridge K KHANJIAN, ARA, Professor (1989) Economics B.A., 1981, University of British Columbia, Canada; M.A., 1982, Queens University, Ontario, Canada; Ph.D., 1988, New School for Social Research, New York KIM, HENNY, Assistant Professor (2000) English B.A., 1990, University of California, Santa Cruz; M.A., 1999, San Diego State University KIMBERLING, TOM, Vice President, Business Services (1987) B.S., 1968, University of Washington; B.S., 1975, M.B.A., 1977, University of Puget Sound; D.P.A., 1998, University of LaVerne KINGHORN, SANDRA, Professor (1986) Business & Software Applications B.A., 1965, University of California, Santa Barbara; M.B.A., 1981, California Lutheran University KOBAYASHI, JOY, Professor (1985) Chemistry B.A., 1983, University of California, Berkeley; M.S., 1985, University of California, Los Angeles KOERNER, RAEANN, Professor (1982) Physical Education B.A., 1976, California State University, Northridge; M.A., 1981, Azusa Pacific College KORN, HARRY D., Professor (1972) Fine Arts B.A., 1967, University of California, Riverside; M.A., 1971, University of California, Santa Barbara KUMPF, DAN, Professor (2000) Mathematics A.A., 1993, Harrisburg Area Community College; B.S., 1995, Penn State University, Harrisburg; M.S., 2000, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio L La FEMINA, FLORENCE, Instructor (2005) Nursing A.A., 1993, Los Angeles Pierce College; B.S., 1972, Sacred Heart College; M.A., 1998, California State University, Northridge; M.S.N., 1999, California State University, Dominguez Hills LATHAM, NANCY, Coordinator, Educational Assistance Center (1997) B.A., 1970, M.S., 1971, University of Redlands LAWSON, ROBERT, Associate Professor (1999) Music B.F.A., 1981; M.F.A., 1991, California Institute of the Arts LEIFUR, JANET, Professor (1997) Nursing B.S.N., 1985;, M.S.N., 1992, California State University, Dominguez Hills LEW, WARREN, Professor (1990) Philosophy B.A., 1971, M.A., 1973, Ph.D., 1981, University of California, Santa Barbara LOW, TERESA, Instructor (2005) Biology B.A., 1993, University of California, Davis; 2001, M.S., University of California, Los Angeles LUPTON, JERI JENSEN, Professor (1977) Child Development / Home Economics B.A., M.A., California State University, Long Beach M MacCONNAIRE, LYN, Dean, Student Development (1972) B.A., 1970; M.A., 1971, California State University, Fullerton; Ph.D., 1987, University of California, Santa Barbara MADSEN, AMY S, Professor (1992) English B.A., 1984, M.A., 1991, California State University, Northridge MANSFIELD, CASEY, Professor (1991) Construction/Drafting Technology B.A., 1977, M.A., 1979, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo MATTHEWS-MORALES, LYDIA, Professor (1991) Mathematics A.S.,1986, Mira Costa College; B.S., 1989, M.A.,1991, University of California, Santa Barbara McCAIN, MICHAEL T., Instructor (2005) Mathematics B.S., 2001, M.S., 2003, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo MELTON, SANDRA, Instructor (2004) Nursing B.S.N., 1976, California State University, Long Beach; M.S.N., 1978, University of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D., 1987, University of California, Santa Barbara MILLEA, MICHELLE, Professor (1992) Engineering/Mathematics B.S., M.S., 1986, University of California, Los Angeles MIRCETIC, NED, Professor (1990) Physical Education/ Women’s Head Basketball Coach A.A., 1974, Glendale Community College; B.S., 1977, University of California, Los Angeles; M.Ed., 1986, Azusa Pacific University MITCHELL, NANCY RAE, Professor (1990) Nursing Diploma, 1970, Lincoln General School of Nursing; B.S.N., 1980, University of Nebraska College of Nursing; M.S.N., 1984, University of Texas at Austin MOORE, DIANE, Dean, Liberal Arts/ Learning Resources (1976) B.S., 1968, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo; M.A., 1970, Iowa State University; Ed.D., 1982, University of LaVerne MOORE, LAURI, Professor (1996) Sociology B.A., 1985, M.A., 1990, California State University, Fullerton MORRIS, TERRY J., Professor (1997) Physical Education/Coach B.S., 1989, M.A., 1990, University of Texas, El Paso MORTENSEN, JERRY F., Assistant Dean, Criminal Justice, Music, Public Safety and Technology (1999) B.S., 1964, Texas Lutheran University MOSKOWITZ, ROBERT, Professor (1998) Fine Arts B.A., 1971, West Chester University; Four year certificate, 1976, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; M.F.A., 1979, Washington University MUNDELL, MEREDITH H., Associate Professor (1999) Paramedic Studies B.S.N., 1998, University of Phoenix MUNOZ, PAULA, Professor (1975) Extended Opportunity Program Services (EOPS) Coordinator B.A., 1973, California State University, Northridge; M.S., 1975, University of Wisconsin Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Faculty and Administration -215 N NASRI, FARZEEN, Professor (1989) Economics/Political Science B.A, 1966, Tehran School of Business; M.A., 1968, Tehran University School of International Affairs; M.A., 1971, New York University; Ph.D., 1976, New School for Social Research O OLIVER, DAVID, Professor (1990) Chemistry B.S., 1977, M.S., 1979, California State University, Long Beach O’NEILL, EARL R., Professor (1980) Mathematics B.A., 1970, University of California, Irvine; M.A., 1975, California State University, Long Beach ORR, DOROTHY, Professor (1985) Fine Art B.F.A., 1969, Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles; M.A., 1978, California State University, Northridge P PALAFOX, JOHN, Professor (1971) Business B.B.A., 1955, Woodbury University; B.S., 1962; M.S., 1968, University of Southern California PALLADINO, STEVE, Professor (1999) Geography B.A., 1985, M.A., 1994, University of California, Santa Barbara PARDEE, TERRY, Professor (1996) Anatomy/Physiology B.A., 1971, M.S., 1981, California State University, Northridge PAULEY, MARK, Professor (1985) Psychology/Computer Science B.S., 1983, Southern Illinois University; M.A., 1993, M.S., 2001, California Lutheran University PEINADO, KELLY, Associate Professor (2000) English B.A., 1978, M.A., 1986, University of California, Santa Barbara PENUELA, ALAN, Professor (1991) Automotive Technology B.A., 1974, California State University, Los Angeles PETER, CLAUDIA, Professor (1997) Nursing B.S.N., 1965, M.S.N., 1972, University of Illinois, Chicago; Ed.D., 1996, Health Care/Administration, University of Southern California POLLACK, DEBORAH H., Instructor (2004) English B.A., 1973, M.A., 1975, University of California, Los Angeles PORTER, ROBERT M., Professor (1997) Political Science B.A., 1985, University of California, Santa Barbara; M.A., 1987, University of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D., 1998, University of California, Santa Barbara PRELL, TED, Instructor (2004) Criminal Justice B.S., 1969, California State University, Los Angeles; M.P.A., 1990, California State University, Northridge Q QUON, W. STEVE, Professor (1991) Physics/Astronomy B.S., 1968, M.A., 1970, Ph.D., 1974, University of Southern California R RABE, P. SCOT, Professor (1984) Machine Technology B.A., 1979, California State University, Long Beach RENGER, ROBERT, Dean, Arts and Sciences (1972) B.A., 1968, M.A., 1971, Ph.D., 1974, University of California, Santa Barbara RIVERE, EDELWINA, Professor (1991) Psychology B.A., 1971, M.S., 1974, California State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., 1978, University of Southern California ROBINSON, J. A. , Professor (1992) Psychology B.A., 1978, Bishop College, Dallas, Texas; M.S., 1980, Jacksonville State University, Alabama; Ph.D., 1984, University of Wisconsin ROCKWOOD, CHARLES, Professor (1981) Automotive Technology A.A., 1972, Santa Barbara City College, Certified Master Automotive Technician RODRIGUEZ, HARMONY, Professor (2006) Associate Librarian B.A., 1969, California State University, Northridge; M.L.S., 1982, University of California, Los Angeles ROVAI, LINDA A., Professor (1996) Educational Assistant Center, Counseling B.A., 1971, Humboldt State; M.S., 1977, California State University, Hayward; M.A., 1985, University of California, Santa Barbara RUBENSTEIN, LINDA, Professor (1980-81, 2002) Coordinator, Community & Contract Education B.S., 1969, California State University, Los Angeles; MBA, 1977, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona RUSH, PATRICIA, Professor (1989) Spanish B.A., 1969, M.A., 1972, California State University, Los Angeles S SANCHEZ, HECTOR, Instructor (2004) Counselor, Educational Opportunity Programs and Services A.A., 1990, Glendale Community College; B.A., 1992, University of California, Los Angeles; M.S., 2003, University of LaVerne SANCHEZ, TOMÁS, Professor (2004) History B.A., California State University, Northridge; M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara SANDFORD, ARTHUR J., Professor (1991) Coordinator, Off-Campus Programs B.A., 1983, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; M.A., 1992, California State University, Northridge SCHOENROCK, KATHRYN, Professor (1989) Reading B.A., 1979, M.A., 1981, University of California, Santa Barbara SCOTT, KATHLEEN, Professor (1995) English B.A., 1990, M.A., 1994, California State University, Northridge SELZLER, JAMES (JOE), Instructor (2004) Chemistry B.S., 1993, Georgia Institute of Technology; M.S., 1995, University of California, Irvine SEZZI, PETER, Instructor (2004) Associate Librarian A.A., 1997, Ventura College; B.A., 1999, M.L.I.S., 2002, University of California, Los Angeles SIMMONS, ISAIAH, Professor (1978) Counseling B.S., 1967, Knoxville College; M.A., 1973; Ph.D., 1976, Syracuse University SMITH, CAROL B., Professor (1979) Nursing B.A., 1966, City University of New York; M.S.N., 1971, New York Medical College Graduate School of Nursing SMITH, MARJORIE, Instructor (2004) English B.A., 1998, M.A., 2001, California State University, Los Angeles SMITH, JOAN E., Executive Vice President (2000) B.S., 1975, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point; M.S., 1976, University of Wisconsin-Stout; Ed.D., 1988, Nova University STAUFFER, JEFFERY D., Professor (1974) Business/Supervision B.A., 1967, Brigham Young University; M.A., 1972, Ball State University; M.A.E., California Lutheran University; Ed.D., 1982, University of La Verne 216 - Faculty and Administration Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 SUEL, TIM, Professor (1985) EOPS, Counseling B.S., 1970, California State University, Los Angeles; M.A., 1971, M.S., 1977, University of Southern California T TAFT, BURNS, Professor (1969) Music B.M., 1961, Yankton College; M.M., 1963, University of Colorado; D.M.A., 1970, University of Southern California TENNEN, ELAINE, (1986) Coordinator, Student Health and Psychological Services B.S.N., 1973; M.N., 1979, University of California, Los Angeles; Family Nurse Practitioner, College Health Nurse Practitioner and Nursing Education THOMASSIN, STEVEN, Professor (1981) Mathematics/Philosophy B.A., 1970, M.S., 1972, California State University, Northridge TOBIAS, STEPHEN D., Dean, Health and Human Performance (1971) A.A., 1967, Ventura College; B.A., 1969, M.A., 1971, Sacramento State College TOTH, MYRA, Professor (1985) Fine Art B.A., 1965, Mills College, Oakland; M.A., 1968, San Francisco State College TURNER, STEVEN, Assistant Professor (2000) Educational Assistance Center B.A., 1988, California State University, Fresno; M.S., 1999, San Diego State University V VARELA, JAY F., Professor (1986) Theater Arts/English B.S., 1959, Loyola University; M.A., 1964, University of California, Los Angeles VENTURA, DEBORAH, Professor (1990) English B.A., 1978, M.A., 1988, University of California, Santa Barbara W WAGNER, JOHN W., Professor (1981) English A.B., 1969, Columbia University; M.A., 1976, California State University, Los Angeles WALTZER, SIMON P., Professor (1989) English/Speech B.A., 1970, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; M.A., 1972, Kings College, London, England WENDT, PATRICIA, Associate Professor (2001) EAC, Counseling B.A., 1993, M.S., 1995, California State University, Fresno WINSLOW, GREG, Professor (1999) Physical Education B.A., 1988, California State University, Fresno; M.A., 1992, California State University, Bakersfield WYMER, GEORGE E., Professor (1968) English B.A., 1967, M.A., 1968, Chico State University Z ZACHARIAS, MARY, Professor (1995) Nursing B.S.N., 1972, University of California, San Francisco; M.S.N., 1981, University of California, San Francisco Extended Opportunity and Program Services (EOPS) 2006 Grads Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Faculty and Administration -217 EMERITUS FACULTY A ACKER, PAUL R., Professor Sociology, Philosophy AIELLO, PAUL V., Professor Anthropology ANDERSON, GEORGE R., Professor Physical Education ANSON, HERBERT F., Professor Mathematics ARITA, GEORGE S., Professor Biology B BARRON, EDWIN H., Professor Theater Arts BARSCH, JEFFREY R., Professor Learning Disability Specialist BEAHAN, RITA C., Professor Coordinator, Student Health Services BERGSTROM, MARVIN H., Dean Admissions & Records BERTOLINO, THOMAS R., Professor Engineering/Mathematics BODLE, YVONNE GALLEGOS, Professor Business BOWERS, ORLENE, Professor Coordinator, Special Education BOWKER, ELIZABETH, Professor Mathematics BRAUN, MADALINE R., Professor Counseling BRESLIN, DAVID A., Professor Associate Librarian C CAMARILLO, J. ROBERT, Professor Criminal Justice CASTREN, JAMES H., Professor Life Sciences *CHRISTOPHER, ALBERT S., Professor Machining Technology CLODIUS, ALBERT H., Professor Philosophy/History COLLINS, BRUCE, Professor English CONN, EDITH R., Professor Physical Education/English COOK, DONALD E., Professor Economics COOPER, CARLISLE C., Professor Art CRESON, BETTY, Professor Learning Disabilities Specialist CULMBACK, BARRETT, Professor Philosophy *indicates deceased CURTIS, GERALD R., Professor Engineering, Electronics D DAHL, CHARLES C., Professor Engineering *DIETZ, BERNARD, Professor Art *DREW, THOMAS F., Professor English DUNLAP, JERRY D., Professor Physical Education E EDWARDS, MARGARET P., Professor Music EMMA, THOMAS K., Professor English EMRICK, JOHN W., Professor History EVANS, JOYCE MASON, Professor American Indian History/Women’s History EVERTON, THOMAS, Professor Chemistry F FALXA, LARRY, Professor Learning Disabilities FARRELL, JACK M., Professor Botany, Biology FICKERSON, BERT F., Professor Chemistry FOX, WILLIAM K., Professor Biological Sciences FRENETTE, JOYCE, Professor Home Economics FRISBY, NORMA LYDIA, Professor Business G GAMMON, JOYCE, Professor Interpersonal Communication, Speech, English GANNATAL, PAUL, Professor Physical Education GIBBS, ROBERT R., Professor Divisional Director, Mathematics/Natural Sciences, Physics GILMOND, LEO, Professor Welding GLENN, RICHARD A., President GONZALES, JESUS, Professor English *GREENE, FRANK J., Professor Information Systems H HABERMAN, LeROY D., Professor Theater Arts HEYWOOD, ARTHUR H., Professor Mathematics HIGBY, LOLA J., Professor Nursing HOFFMAN, BARBARA J., Professor Counseling HOLT, CHERYL E., Professor Physical Education, Aquatics HOWE, CAROL, Professor Mathematics *HUGHES, THOMAS G., Professor Chemistry HUSTED, MORRIS E., Professor English I ISHIKAWA, CHADWICK K., Professor Counseling J JACKSON, DONALD, Professor Music JAMES, RICHARD E., Professor Physical Education JARVIS, HARRIETTE H., Professor Music, Speech JOHN, RANDY W., Professor Psychology JOHNSON, GARY E., Dean Social Sciences/Humanities JUMP, ELLIS, L., Professor Fine Art K KAJIHARA, HITOSHI, H., Professor Engineering/Mathematics KELLY, ROBERT C., Professor Chemistry KOCH, GERD H., Professor Art KONCZAL, DOLORES, Professor Special Education L LANNING, GEORGE, Vice President Administrative Services LARSEN, GAYLORD D., Professor ITV/AV Media Specialist, Speech LEVEL, HOWARD R., Professor Geology, Geography LEWIS, GARY R., Professor Welding LONG, ROBERT W., President M MALLORY, NORMAN, Professor English 218 - Faculty and Administration Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 MANSON, LAWRENCE H., Professor Reading/English/History *MARSHALL, BRIAN, Professor Physical Education MARQUEZ, GREGORY J., Professor English, English as a Second Language MASON, MARTIN, Professor Physical Education MATLEY, BEN G., Professor Mathematics McCONNELL, JOHN E.W., Professor Chemistry, Department Head; Chemistry McDANNOLD, THOMAS A., Professor Geology, Geography McENROE, WILLIAM, Professor Art McGANN, MICHAEL, Professor Mathematics McNEELY, GEORGE B., Dean Dean of Men, Agriculture McPHERSON, RUTH D., Professor Political Science, History MICHAELSON, PATRICIA J., Professor Instructor/Department Head-Home Economics MORGAN, JEAN M., Professor Director, Instructional Resource Center *MORRIS (Eckel), CATHERINE P., Professor Nursing Education N *NICOLET, ERIC J., Vice President Instruction *NORTHWAY, LYDIA, Professor Home Economics O OHARA, MARICARMEN, Professor Spanish O’NEILL, MARGARET E., Professor Counseling O’NEILL, TERENCE P., Professor History *O’NEILL, THOMAS B., Professor Microbiology/Biology OWEN, EARL BEN, Professor Language Arts P PAILLETTE, DONALD D., Professor History, Political Science PASSNO, PHILLIP E., Professor Physical Education PHELPS, RICHARD W., Professor Fine Arts, Art POPIEL, JON E., Professor English *indicates deceased Q QUINT, RICHARD A., Professor Mathematics R RAGUSE, PATRICIA M., Professor Facilitator, Athletics, Physical Education RAMELLI, WILLIAM F., Professor Geology REDDING, MARGARET ANN, Professor Biology, Physiology RIGBY, LAVAR N., Professor Mathematics RITHNER, ROBERT Y., Professor English ROBINSON, WILLIAM H., Professor Mathematics ROBLES, DAVID O., Professor Counseling RODRIGUES, DONALD F., Professor Agriculture ROE, THOMAS A., Professor Photography ROLFF, KARLA, Professor Anthropology ROLLINS, WILLIAM V., Professor Business *ROSALES, GEORGE, Professor Physical Education/Coach ROSEMOND, HARRY, Professor Reading ROSS, JEANETTE M., Professor Student Health Services Coordinator S SATTLER, FRANCIS J., Professor Automotive Technology SCHEELE, PAUL C., Professor Counseling SCHILLER, HOWARD L., Professor Administration of Justice SCHULTZ, DEANNA, Professor Psychology SEELY, MICHAEL K., Professor Director, Instructional Support Services SIFUENTES, OCTAVIO A., Professor Associate Librarian SLATON, ALICE M., Professor French/Computer Literacy SMITH, DON, L., Professor English SMITH, LeROY, G., Professor Psychology STALLINGS, LARRY, Professor Horticulture, Floriculture STEVENS, L. MILDRED, Professor Psychology STEVENSON, DENI, Professor English T TAUCK, WILLIAM H., Professor Physics TERRY, COLIN, Professor Physics THIEMAN, WILLIAM J., Professor Biology/Biotechnology THOLL, ROBERT B., Dean College Services THOMAS, ELIZA W., Professor Nursing Education TREGURTHA, RITA RAE, Professor English TRUE, BETTY, Professor Home Economics TUCKER, SHIRLEY A., Professor Home Economics TUFTS, ROBERT J., Professor Physical Science TURSE, EMANUEL P. Jr., Professor Counseling V VEDVIK, NORMA M., Professor Physical Education VILLENEUVE, DONALD A., Professor Anthropology, Biology VOLZ, DIANE, Professor Journalism W WASHINGTON, OLA V., Professor African-American/U.S. History WEBSTER, SUSAN A., Professor Counselor for Disabled Students *WEESNER, JAMES M., Professor Counseling WEINSTOCK CAROL, Professor Journalism WEST, STEWART W., Professor Music WHALEN, JAMES A., Professor Physical Education WINTER, LOIS L., Professor Counseling WOLFE, GLEN A., Professor Chemistry WOOLLEY, JOHN L., Vice President Student Services WRIGHT, CLYDIE, Professor Nursing Education Y YOSHIMOTO, HIROKO, Professor Fine Arts Z ZABOSKI, RON, Professor Counseling Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Faculty and Administration -219 CLASSIFIED STAFF Office of the President Angela Marquez Catherine Sanchez Office of Executive Vice President, Student Learning Kim Fuhrmann Office of Vice President, Business Services Reuben Asahan Sharon Stout Admissions and Records Office Susan Bricker, Registrar Celia Rodriguez, Asst. Registrar Reggie Burrier Sandra Gustafson Lori Kramer Patricia Mazuca Isabel Tapia Alternate Text Production Center Michael Bastine, Director Martin Crossley Sandra Greenberg Alice McGary Aquatics Center Bob Anderson Articulation Christina Madrigal Arts and Sciences Division Brenda Griego Jim Mayer William Pettit Lynda Smith Will Smith Claudia Stewart Lester Tong Lynette Young Assessment Steve Manriquez Athletics Programs Mark Chaney Jessie Llamas Peder Nielsen Bookstore (Pirates’ Cove) Rae Ann Lappo Mike McDaniel Norann McDaniel Carl Mahr Chuck Wilson Business, Community Resources and Economic Development, Off- Campus Programs, Matriculation, and ESL, BESL Division Carolyn Allen Joe Reznak Dianne Smith CalWORKs Marilyn Wilson Campus Police Bob Escobedo, Lt. Willis Cameron Christopher Collier Elizabeth Dille Richard Rudas Child Development Center Robin Douglas, Supervisor Liza Cansino Susan Carter Katherine Felter Teri Spiker Sharon Stover Elaine Pepe-Williams Community Education Maureen Eckl Counseling Office Denise Pope Criminal Justice, Music, Public Safety and Technology Division Bill de la Rosa Kelly Kaastad East Campus at Santa Paula Tonia Arias Raul Barraza Marcos Lupian Bob Martin Maiya Rodriguez Martin Ruiz Educational Assistance Center (EAC) Lori Annala Erin Braam Christy Corbett John Elmer Linda Larsen Cathy Mundy Holly Ramsey Enrollment Management Connie Baker Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS) Loreto Hill Laura Hilton Financial Aid Office Dora Washington, F.A. Officer Barbara Barajas Janeen Beard Gerri Cantu Dave Donaldson Eva Gallardo Rita McKinney Valerie Nicoll Alma Rodriguez Fiscal Services Ginnie Atmore, Supervisor Irene Miller Terri Taylor Foundation Susan Klipp Esmerelda Juarez Jovita Valdez Helga vonWebsky Graphics and Publications Chris Garcia Barbara Harvey Health and Human Performance Division Kathleen Gilligan Bonnie Mastiere Human Resources Carolyn Allen Diana Harvey Institute for Community and Professional Development (ICPD) Sharon Dwyer, Director Blanca Barrios Beth Doyle Glenda Gardner Dora Hartman Nora James Kathryn Jameson-Meledy Rhonda Neumann Karen Osher Luann Swanberg Gary Van Meter International Students Office Rosie Stutts Learning Center Patrick King Sharon Oxford Anil Patel Liberal Arts and Learning Resources Division Joan Comstock Erlinda Ispahani Library Sandy Hajas, Supervisor Eleanor Austin Rose Marie Castro Carla Kramer Terri Preston Manufacturing Technology Octavio Garcia Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Virginia Estrella Media Service Center Deborah McDaniels Maintenance and Operations Bob Forest, Director Paul Conley, Supervisor John Arvidson Anton Bartsch Eddie Baugh Jerry Chilcott Ron Cobos Barbara Dalling Salvador Galaviz Wally Hernandez Calvin Hixon Lance Hull David Kramer Manuel Laboriante Jesus Medina Mike Munoz Janet Murdock Martin Navarro Charles Paarmann Sergio Palestina Joe Perez Arnold Reyes Conrad Rieder Ray Rieder John Roach Reynaldo Santos Larry Smithson Jeffrey Stiles Ted Victorio Matriculation Angeles Rodriguez Nursing Program Angela Barnum-Woods Barbara Cogert Emily Colon Lynda Dryden-Barry Karen Kitrell Barbara McGinley Lynn Medart Heidi Vogtmann Pre-Hospital and Emergency Medicine Angelica Ramos-Navarro Public Relations Office Alisa Sparkia Moore Re-entry and Women’s Center Bea Zizumbo Student Activities Mary Louise Verbeck Student Business Office Claudia Baker Cynthia Parish Dickie Talmage Student Development Office Natawni Pringle Student Health and Psychological Services Becky Anderson Irma Lopez Jan Wiley Telephone Operator Donna Johnsen Theatre Willie Eck Abra Paudler Warehouse William Pennicke Rashad Taylor 220 - Faculty and Administration Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 APPENDICES APPENDIX I Student Conduct Code Standards of Student Conduct (E.C.S. 66300) In joining the academic community, the student enjoys the right and shares the responsibility in exercising the freedom to learn. Like other members of the academic community, students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the standards of the college that are designed to perpetuate its educational purposes. Students shall respect and obey civil and criminal law and shall be subject to legal penalties for violation of laws of the city, county, state, and nation. A charge of misconduct may be imposed upon a student for violating provisions of college regulations and the state education and administrative codes. When a student is subject to a charge of misconduct, such charge shall be processed in accordance with the following policy and procedure. Disciplinary action may be imposed upon a student by an instructor, an administrator, or the governing board for proven misconduct or actual violation of specified college rules and state regulations. Instructors and administrators may place students on probation or temporary exclusion with respect to actions in a classroom, on campus, or at a college-sponsored activity within the procedures specified in this document. The Dean of Student Services or designee shall have the power to impose suspension and to recommend expulsion. Students are subject to charges of misconduct for any of the following acts on college-owned or controlled property or at a college-sponsored activity: 1. Willful disobedience to directions of college officials acting in performance of their duties. 2. Violation of college rules and regulations including those concerning student organizations, the use of college facilities, or the time, place and manner of public expression or distribution of materials. 3. Dishonesty, such as cheating, or knowingly furnishing false information to the college. 4. Unauthorized entry to or use of the college facilities. 5. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records or identification. 6. Obstruction or disruption of classes, administration, disciplinary procedures, or authorized college activities. 7. Theft of or damage to property or possession of stolen property belonging to the college, a member of the college community or a campus visitor. 8. Disorderly, lewd, indecent, or offensive conduct. 9. Obscene, libelous or slanderous expression, or expression which so incites students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on the college’s campus, the violation of lawful college regulations or the substantial disruption of the college’s orderly operation. 10. Assault or battery, abuse, or any threat of force or violence directed toward any member of the college community or campus visitor engaged in authorized activities. 11. Use, possession, distribution of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana, or other dangerous drugs; or presence on campus while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana, or other dangerous drugs, except as expressly permitted by law. 12. Possession, while on the college campus or at an on- or off-campus college-sponsored function, of any of the following weapons (except persons given permission by the College President or his or her designated representatives or members of the law enforcement agencies, such as police officers: any instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known as blackjack, sling shot, fire bomb, billy club, sandclub, sandbag, metal knuckles; any dirk, dagger, firearm, (loaded or unloaded), such as pistol, revolver, rifle, etc.; any knife having a blade longer than five inches; any switchblade longer than two inches; any razor with an unguarded blade; any metal pipe or bar used or intended to be used as a club; or any item used to threaten bodily harm. Student Conduct: Disciplinary Action Student conduct must conform to the student rules of conduct established by the Governing Board of Trustees of the Ventura County Community College District in collaboration with college administrators and students. Violations of such rules are subject to the following types of disciplinary actions, which are to be administered by appropriate college authorities against students who stand in violation. The Ventura County Community College District has established due process for the administration of the penalties enumerated here. Penalties are listed in degree of severity. College authorities will determine the appropriate penalty(ies): 1. WARNING* -- Notice to the student that continuation or repetition of specified conduct may be cause for other disciplinary action. 2. REPRIMAND* -- Written reprimand for violation of specified rules. A reprimand serves to place on record that a student’s conduct in a specific instance does not meet the standards expected at the college. A person receiving a reprimand is notified that this is a warning that continued conduct of the type described in the reprimand may result in a formal action against the student. *NOTE: Warnings and reprimands may be appealed directly to the President. They are not subject to a student conduct hearing. 3. DISCIPLINARY PROBATION -- Exclusion from participation in privileges or extracurricular college activities set forth in the notice of disciplinary probation involves notification in writing of the reason for disciplinary probation to the student(s) or president of the student organization involved. 4. RESTITUTION -- Reimbursement for damage or for misappropriation of property. Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damage. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Appendices -221 5. SUMMARY SUSPENSION -- A summary suspension is for purposes of investigation. It is a means of relieving the tension of the student body or individual class due to a serious infraction of student behavior standards, removing a threat to the well-being of the students, or removing for the good order of the college a student or students whose presence would prevent the continued normal conduct of the academic community. Summary suspension is limited to that period of time necessary to insure that the purpose of the summary suspension is accomplished and in any case, no more than a maximum of five school days. Summary suspension is a type of suspension other than that ordinarily invoked by the instructor for disciplinary reasons in the classroom. The College President, Dean of Student Services, or other staff member designated by the President may summarily suspend a student when he or she deems it necessary for the safety and welfare of the college. 6. DISCIPLINARY SUSPENSION -- Disciplinary suspension follows a hearing based on due process. It shall be invoked by the College President, appropriate administrator, or other staff member designated by the President, upon the student for misconduct when other corrective measures have failed or when the seriousness of the situation warrants such action. 7. EXPULSION -- An expulsion is a long term or permanent denial of all campus privileges including class attendance. The governing board may expel a student who has been convicted of a crime arising out of a campus disturbance, or after a hearing by a campus body, and has been found to have willfully disrupted the orderly operation of the campus. Student Conduct: Due Process I. PRELIMINARY ACTION A. The Dean of Student Services or designee shall receive and may issue any charge of alleged misconduct made against a student by another student, faculty member, administrator, or classified personnel. Such person shall sign and submit a written statement specifying the time(s), place(s), and nature of the alleged misconduct. B. The Dean of Student Services or designee shall confer with the student for the purpose of advising the student of the charge, possible sanctions imposed upon him or her and his or her rights under college regulations, state and federal laws. C. The Dean of Student Services or designee may also procure information relating to the charge from the student and other persons or sources. Whenever appropriate, the Vice President/designee of Student Services shall assess, or cause to have assessed, damage to property and injury to persons or other forms of misconduct. D. At this point, the Dean of Student Services or designee may take any of the following actions: 1. Dismiss the charge for lack of merit. 2. Issue a warning or letter of reprimand. 3. Place the student on disciplinary probation, require restitution, place on summary or disciplinary suspension. 4. Recommend expulsion. 5. Remand the case to a student conduct hearing. E. At this time, if the student does not accept the decision of the Dean of Student Services or designee, the Executive Vice President/designee of Student Services shall arrange for the meeting of the student conduct hearing committee following the procedures outlined in sections II and III of this document. II. COMPOSITION OF STUDENT CONDUCT HEARING COMMITTEE The student conduct hearing committee, hereafter referred to as the hearing committee, shall be set up as follows: A. One student, one faculty member, and one administrator (other than the Dean of Student Services or designee and his or her immediate staff). These persons are appointed by the College President. B. The President shall designate the chairperson of the hearing committee. C. A minimum of one committee shall be selected annually. D. Upon notification of the committee composition, each party is allowed one peremptory challenge, excluding the chairperson. E. A quorum shall consist of all three members of the committee. F. The chairperson will allow any proposed member of the committee to decline participation in the hearing. III. FORMAL HEARING PROCEDURES A. A hearing will be called by the chairperson within 15 working days of receipt of the Dean of Student Services or designee request. B. Both parties will be asked to attend the hearing and will be given sufficient notice in writing as to the time and place. Notice shall be given by certified mail at least five working days prior to the hearing date. C. At the time of the hearing, the chairperson shall state the charge. The committee shall hear testimony, examine witnesses and receive all evidence pertaining to the charge. D. Both parties shall have the right to present statements, testimony, evidence and witnesses. Each party shall have the right to be represented by a single advisor but not a licensed attorney. E. The accused person and/or representative may be present as well as the aggrieved person and/or his or her representative. No other persons except scheduled single witnesses and the hearing committee members shall be present. F. The person making the charge shall assume the burden of proof. The rule of confidentiality shall prevail at all stages of the hearing. G. The hearing committee shall judge the relevancy and weight of testimony and evidence. It shall make its findings of fact and limit its investigation to the formal charge. It shall also make a recommendation for disposition of the charge to the College President. Actions in this procedure shall be completed within five working days. H. The hearing committee shall submit its findings of fact and recommend action to both parties and to the President of the College. Upon receipt of the findings and recommendations, the President of the College shall: 1. Concur with the committee’s recommendation, or 2. Not concur with the committee’s recommendation, or 3. Take alternative action. 4. The College President shall state in writing the reasons for the action taken on the committee’s recommendations. The President shall act within ten working days. 222 -Appendices Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 I. If either party does not agree with the decision of the College President at this time, an appeal may be made to the Chancellor of the Ventura County Community College District; if he or she is still dissatisfied with the decision, an appeal may be made to the Governing Board who shall render the final decision. J. Records of all proceedings will be maintained by the College President in accordance with rules of confidentiality and board/state/federal laws, rules, regulations and contracts. Insertion of information regarding a case in an employee’s personnel record will only be made in compliance with board/ state/federal laws, rules, regulations and contracts. APPENDIX II Student Grievance Procedure I. PURPOSE Students are encouraged to pursue academic studies and other college-sponsored activities in order to promote intellectual growth and personal development. In seeking these ends, students should be free from improper interference by other members of the college community. A grievance may be initiated by a student whenever the student believes that he or she has been subject to unjust actions or denied normal student rights as stipulated in college regulations and in the state education and administrative codes. A grievance may be initiated by a student against any other student or any employee of the College. II. DEFINITION A grievance is an allegation of unjust action or denial of student rights. A grievance exists only when a specific educational wrong has occurred to a single student. This wrong must involve an unjust action or denial of student rights as defined in a specified college, college district or superior legal covenant or judgment. A grievance exists only when such an error or offense has some demonstrably correctable result. The outcome of a grievance must produce a tangible benefit to the student complaining or an actual redress of the wrong rather than a punishment for the person or persons found in error. III. PROCEDURES A. INFORMAL PROCESSES When a student believes that a personal injustice has been sustained, an attempt should first be made to resolve the concern by informal means. Consultation should be made with the student, faculty member, administrator or classified person involved in order to seek direct resolution. If this process fails or, for some reason, cannot be accomplished, the aggrieved student should confer with the direct supervisor of the person allegedly causing the problem. If both of these steps are unsuccessful, the aggrieved student should discuss the problem with the Executive Vice President of Student Learning (for all programs and services controlled by this person) or the Dean of Student Services or designee (for all other college programs and services). B. FORMAL PROCESSES If the aggrieved student believes that the informal consultation processes mentioned in Section A have failed, the procedures and rules described below must be followed by both the student and the College. This process represents the formal grievance procedure of the College. However, the entire formal grievance process shall be discontinued at any time the parties can informally agree on a mutually satisfactory result. All formal records will be destroyed in this instance. Resolution of grievances may not abrogate state or federal laws and applicable governing board rules and policies. 1. A College grievance committee shall be established by the College President at the opening of each academic year. This committee shall be composed of one faculty member, one enrolled student and one administrator. The chairperson will be designated by the President. Committee members are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the President. If, in the judgment of either participant in a formal grievance or the President, a conflict of interest or bias exists with any committee member, that member will be excused and a substitute appointed for the case in question only. A formal grievance must be filed with the Dean of Student Services or designee within 90 calendar days of the final event in a sequence of events, if any. The 90-day period shall commence on the day of the event or on the day of first knowledge of the event by the complaining party. Proof of the latter delayed date is the responsibility of the complaining party. 2. A formal grievance exists when the Dean of Student Services or designee receives a signed written charge specifying the time, place and nature of the injury from the aggrieved student. This written charge should be dated and must be on behalf of an individual student only. Group or class action grievances are not permitted. This charge must also clearly specify the informal consultation attempts made and described in Section A. 3. The Dean of Student Services or designee will verify the completeness of the written charge and present the charge to the grievance committee within ten working days of receipt. 4. The grievance committee will review the charges made (section B.2) within five working days and request a response in writing from the person accused. This person must reply within ten working days. Upon receipt of this response, the committee shall meet and recommend to the President that (a) the case be dismissed or (b) reasonable cause for a hearing exists. This action must take place within five working days. 5. The President will then either dismiss the case with the reasons set out in writing to both parties or request that the grievance committee hold a formal hearing. The President must take this action within five working days of receipt from the committee (section B.4). Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Appendices -223 6. Formal hearing procedures: a. A hearing will be called by the chairperson within 15 working days of receipt of the President’s request (section B.5). b. Both parties will be asked to attend the hearing and will be given sufficient notice in writing as to the time and place. Notice shall be given by certified mail at least five working days prior to the hearing date. c. At the time of the hearing, the chairperson shall state the charge. The committee shall hear testimony, examine witnesses and receive all evidence pertaining to the charge. d. Both parties shall have the right to present statements, testimony, evidence and witnesses. Each party shall have the right to be represented by a single advisor but not a licensed attorney. e. The accused person and/or representative may be present as well as the aggrieved person and/or his or her representative. No other persons except scheduled single witnesses and the grievance committee members shall be present. f. The person making the charge shall assume the burden of proof. The rule of confidentiality shall prevail at all stages of the hearing. g. The committee shall judge the relevancy and weight of testimony and evidence. It shall make its findings of fact and limit its investigation to the formal charge. It shall also make a recommendation for disposition of the charge to the College President. Actions in this procedure shall be completed within five working days. h. The committee shall submit its findings of fact and recommended actions to both parties and to the President of the College. Upon receipt of the findings and recommendations, the President of the College shall: (1) Concur with the committee’s recommendation, or (2) Not concur with the committee’s recommendation, or (3) Take alternative action. (4) The College President shall state in writing the reasons for the action taken on the committee’s recommendation. The President shall act within ten working days. i. If either party does not agree with the decision of the College President at this time, an appeal may be made to the Chancellor of the Ventura County Community College District; if he or she is still dissatisfied with the decision, an appeal may be made to the governing board who shall render the final decision. j. Records of all proceedings shall be maintained by the College president in accordance with rules of confidentiality and board/state/federal laws, rules, regulations and contracts. Insertion of information regarding a case in an employee’s personnel record will only be made in compliance with board/state/ federal laws, rules, regulations and contracts. The student grievance appeal is contained in the Board Policy Manual. Appeals to the governing board may be made only when all other steps in the procedure have been completed and when there is an identifiable remedy for the grievance. Appeals to the governing board shall be made in writing and shall specify exactly why the student feels the governing board should review the decision. If it is felt that proper procedures were not properly followed, then the appeal should specify what procedures were not properly followed and how the alleged errors affected the outcome. The governing board shall review the written records of the proceedings and any related materials. The board may, after reviewing all materials, allow individuals to make statements to the board or may request clarification of facts from the President or clarification regarding the committee’s deliberations from the grievance committee chairperson. Appeals of the decision of the Chancellor must be made within 15 days of receipt of the result. APPENDIX III Privacy Rights Governing Student Records Pursuant to the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the California Education Code (section 76240 et al) and the California Administrative Code Title V, the colleges of the Ventura County Community College District establish and maintain information on students relevant to admission, registration, academic history, career, student benefits or services, extra-curricular activities, counseling and guidance, discipline or matters related to student conduct, and shall establish and maintain such information required by law. All such records are maintained under the direction of the Dean of Student Development. The colleges of this District maintain directory information which may be released to the public without the written consent of the student. Directory information shall include: participation in officially recognized activities and sports, including weight, height and high school of athletic team members, degrees, certificates and awards received by students, including honors, school scholarship awards, athletic awards and Dean’s list. Directory information will be released to branches of the United States military services in compliance with the Solomon Act, the National Student Clearinghouse, and may be released to other parties in accordance with section 76240 of the California Ed. Code. No directory information shall be released regarding any student or former student who has notified the District or any college thereof in writing that such information shall not be released. Such requests shall be addressed to the Dean of Student Development. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include: (1) The right to inspect and review the student's education record within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Registrar written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The College official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the College official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed. 224 -Appendices Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 (2) The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes is inaccurate. Students may ask the College to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. Such request shall be made in writing to the registrar, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to appeal regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the appeal procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing. (3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College District in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College District has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a person serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. In compliance with section 76222 of the California Education Code, a log or record shall be maintained of persons, agencies or organizations requesting and receiving information from a student record. Also pursuant to code, such log or record will not include the following: 1. A student to whom access is granted pursuant to Section 76230 to the Ed. Code. 2. Parties to whom directory information is released pursuant to Section 76240. 3. Parties for whom written consent is executed by the student pursuant to Section 76242. 4. Officials or employees having a legitimate educational interest pursuant to section 76243(a). Such record shall be open to inspection only by the student and the college official or his or her designee responsible for the maintenance of students records, and to the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of Education an administrative head of an education agency as defined in Public Law 93-380, and a state educational authorities as a means of auditing the operation of the system. (4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-4605 Students, for a fee determined by the Board, may request copies of their records. APPENDIX IV Academic Freedom The primary purpose of a college is to promote the exploration of ideas and the discovery and dissemination of knowledge and understanding. The college is to be an open forum for ideas and issues to be raised, challenged, and tested. Academic freedom is the cornerstone of a college. Intellectual ferment is absolutely dependent upon academic and intellectual freedom. Freedom in teaching is fundamental for the protection of both faculty and students in teaching and learning. Freedom in research is fundamental to the advancement of knowledge. The 1940 A.A.U.P. statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure with 1970 Interpretative Notes from the American Association of College Professors provides a nationally recognized definition of academic freedom, its protections and its responsibilities. (a) Academic employees are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject, but they should be conscientious regarding teaching subject matter which has no relation to their subject. (b) Academic employees are entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of results, subject to the adequate performance of their other academic duties, but research for pecuniary return should be based upon an understanding with the authorities of the institution. (c) Academic employees are citizens, members of a learned profession, and officers of an educational institution. When they speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As scholars and educational officers, they should remember that the public may judge their profession and institution by their utterances. Hence, they should at all times be accurate, should show respect for the opinions of others, and indicate that they are not speaking for the institution. It is the policy of VCCCD that all academic employees, regardless of their employment status, should enjoy the privileges and exercise the responsibilities inherent in academic freedom as define by the AAUP statement. In addition, all VCCCD employees enjoy the same protection and responsibilities within the context of their obligations. Futhermore, faculty tenure constitutes the strongest procedural safeguard of academic freedom and individual responsibility, and as such, is essential for the maintenance of intellectual liberty and high standards in teaching and scholarship. Reference: BP 4030 Academic Freedom, Title 5, Section 51023; Accreditation Standard 11.A.7. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Appendices -225 APPENDIX V Solicitation The solicitation, selling, exposing for sale, offering to sell, or endorsing any goods, articles, wares, services or merchandise of any nature whatsoever for the purpose of influencing lease, rental or sale at a college is prohibited except by written permission of the District Chancellor, President of the college or the President’s designee. This policy applies to all students, staff and citizens. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to revoke the rights and privileges of students and staff as specifically granted by education code sections and board policy with regard to fund- raising activities, examinations of instructional materials, or other activities sanctioned by federal, state, and local regulations. APPENDIX VI Publicity Code and Information Dissemination Students wishing to post, display, distribute, or otherwise make known an activity, event or other piece of information should seek advance approval from the Student Activities Office. This policy applies to all printed material distributed by students on the Ventura College campus including, but not limited, to all petitions, circulars, leaflets, newspapers, and all materials displayed on bulletin boards, kiosks, signboards, or other such display areas. In no case should printed materials be placed on lamp poles, buildings, windows, doors, retaining walls, painted surfaces, sidewalks, plans, and other such places. All printed materials should be clearly designed to meet the needs of students, staff, and faculty; and the event, activity or program should be of obvious benefit to members of the campus community. All posted materials must display the Ventura College approval stamp. Persons posting materials will be responsible for their prompt removal when the activity or event is concluded. Failure to remove the posted material may result in a withdrawal of future posting privileges. Requests by off-campus individuals or agencies to disseminate materials on the Ventura College campus should be referred to the Student Activities Office. Such material must be of a high campus value and pre-approval is required. Posting of materials on bulletin boards and dissemination of information or petitions will be governed by time, place, situation, and manner requirements. Coercion is not to be used to induce students to accept the printed material or to sign petitions. The Student Activities Advisor will limit the number of students and the number of distribution days for any issue. Individuals or groups are expected to use good taste in their manner of expressing ideas according to current law. Logs shall be maintained at each campus of persons, agencies, or organizations requesting or receiving information from a student record in compliance with section 76222 of the California Ed. Code. The log shall be open to inspection only by the student and the community college official or his/her designee responsible for the maintenance of student records, and to the Controller General of the United States, the Secretary of Education, an administrative head of an education agency as defined in public law 93-380 and state educational authorities as a means of auditing the operation of the system. Contact the Registrar's Office for additional information. Pursuant to section 76222(j) of the California Education Code, students have the right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education concerning an alleged failure by an institution to comply with section 438 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C.A. 1232g). Students may request and receive copies of their records for a fee determined by the District Board of Trustees and published under the "transcripts" section of this Catalog. APPENDIX VII Use of Student Image, Likeness or Voice Captured at Public Events The College often hosts events that are open to the public such as, but not limited to, graduation, athletic competitions, job fairs, speakers, and various activities held at the theatre. Those events are considered news events. Such an event may be photographed, video-taped or Webcast for purposes of archiving the event, educational use, or publicity. Students, staff and faculty who attend those events may have their image or voice captured on video, Webcast or photograph. Due to the nature of the events, the College has no means by which to prevent such photographs, videotaping or Webcastings from including a specific student’s image or voice. By attending the event, a person is granting the College the right to use any such still or motion images or voice recordings in future publicity or publications as needed and without compensation. No release shall be required by the College to utilize in an appropriate manner any images captured during a public event. APPENDIX VIII Parking & Campus Traffic The Governing Board of Trustees of the Ventura County Community College District has authorized promulgation of this regulation to provide for the safe and orderly flow and parking of motor vehicle traffic on the campus of Ventura College pursuant to the California Vehicle Code. It is applicable to all vehicles operated or parked within the legally established and posted boundaries of the public grounds upon which the college is situated. On special occasions, events, or emergencies, the college authorities reserve the right to temporarily suspend these regulations, in whole or in part, as may be necessary to accommodate the situation. Suggestions for change of these regulations or any questions concerning their provisions should be directed to the Office of the Vice President of Business Services or the Chief of College Police. STUDENT/VISITOR PERMIT PARKING AREAS are located about the campus and are restricted to permit parking by students, visitors and staff members. THE VISITOR PARKING AREA is located on South Campus Way. It is a green curb zone. Permits are not required, but the 30 minute time limit is strictly enforced, except during the first two weeks of the fall and spring semesters and the first week of the summer term. During those times, no time limit will be enforced. STAFF PARKING AREAS are posted and restricted to staff member's vehicles that display a valid staff parking permit. Students with a student permit may park in any staff area after 6:50 p.m. and on weekends. 226 -Appendices Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 HANDICAPPED PARKING ZONES are posted and located throughout the campus for restricted parking by vehicles displaying a DMV issued disabled person’s placard, license plates or college issued handicapped permit. Handicap parking areas are enforced at all times regardless of the day or hour. Handicap spaces with signs which read "vans only" are for vans and must not be used by regular vehicles. Vehicles displaying HC placards must also display a valid parking permit (student, staff or visitor). MOTORCYCLE PARKING ZONES are marked and located about the campus and are to be used only for motorcycles and motor scooters displaying valid staff, student, visitor, guest, or special permits. Student/visitor motorcycles are not authorized to occupy an automobile parking stall unless there aren’t motorcycle stalls in that particular lot. Staff members may park their motorcycles in a staff stall since there is no staff motorcycle parking. LOADING ZONES for passengers (white curb) and cargo (yellow curb) are located at designated areas of the campus. Vehicles in the process of loading/unloading do not need a parking permit to stop in these zones. Parking of vehicles is limited to 15 minutes in yellow loading zones. Vehicles may not be left unattended in white curb passenger loading zones. VENDORS needing to park on campus on a regular basis may request a special vendor's permit valid for up to one year. OFF-CAMPUS PARKING without a permit is available on the adjacent city streets and in some surrounding residential areas. If you choose to park in these areas, please be considerate of our neighbors. Do not block their driveways or park in any other manner prohibited by the vehicle code or city ordinance. Parking in the lot immediately south of the Wright Library just east of the campus is restricted to library patrons. Off-campus parking violations are regularly cited by the Ventura City Police Department. Parking Permits The Campus Police Department, in conjunction with the Student Business Office is responsible for issuing and controlling all parking permits for the Ventura College campus. Lost or stolen parking permits must be promptly reported to the Student Business Office. By reciprocal agreement, valid staff and student permits from Ventura, Moorpark, and Oxnard Colleges are recognized for parking in designated and otherwise unrestricted parking zones on any of the three college campuses. Daily permits are valid only on the campus where they are purchased. Regular semester permits and staff permits issued by all three colleges must be affixed to the back of the inside rearview mirror of the vehicle. On motorcycles and motor scooters, the permit must be attached to the left front shock bar. On automobiles guest, visitor, and vendor permits should be displayed on top of the front dashboard inside the front windshield. Permits are issued as follows: REGULAR FULL-TIME STAFF MEMBERS AND PART-TIME CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL may obtain a staff parking permit without charge from the Campus Police Office. A regular staff permit is not be used on any other vehicle except the one it was issued to. A staff parking permit may not be sold, given or loaned to anyone outside of the immediate family of the staff member to whom it was issued. PART-TIME INSTRUCTORS may obtain staff parking permits without charge from the Office of Human Resources in the Administration Building. The same rules that apply to full timers also apply to the evening staff members. TEMPORARY STAFF MEMBERS, CONTRACTORS, AND VENDORS may obtain special parking permits at no charge from the Campus Police Office. FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME STUDENTS may obtain parking permits at the Student Business Office upon payment of the prescribed parking fee. Each semester or term requires a new student parking permit. GUESTS may obtain permits by advance arrangement with the Campus Police Office. DAILY PARKING PERMITS cost $1.00 and may be purchased at any of the three permit machines on the campus. The machines are painted bright yellow and accept dollar bills and coins. One is located by the flag pole next to the Administration building. Another is located in the E-lot just east of the Science building. The third machine is located along East Campus Way just north of the E-lot. Daily permits can also be purchased at the Student Business Office. Daily permits purchased at Ventura College are not valid on the Moorpark or Oxnard campus and vice versa. DISABLED STAFF MEMBERS AND STUDENTS may obtain supplemental handicapped parking stickers at no charge from the Disabled Students Office. These permits are not valid off- campus. OFFICIAL VEHICLES displaying federal, state or county license plates are presumed to be on official business and do not require parking permits. EVENTS OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC (by advance arrangement with the Campus Police Office) may result in the temporary suspension of the enforcement of permit parking requirements in all or part of the campus to allow community attendance. Traffic and Parking Enforcement Any person who brings a vehicle onto the campus is required to comply with all parking regulations and traffic laws of the State of California. The Campus Police Officers and student cadets employed by the Campus Police Department are responsible for enforcing the provisions of these laws. Violations will result in citations being issued with collection or follow-up action on parking citations being taken through the Department of Motor Vehicles. Processing of parking citations consists of a notice-ofdelinquent- parking letter originated by the processing agency informing the violator that failure to respond to the original citation will increase the fine. If the notice-of-delinquent-parking letter is not responded to by the violator within 14 days from the date of the letter, the Department of Motor Vehicles, Sacramento, CA, will be notified. Once such notice is filed with the DMV, the registered vehicle cannot be reregistered in California until the parking violation and administrative fees are paid in accordance with Section 40200 CVC. Traffic flow and vehicle parking on the campus is regulated as follows: THE SPEED LIMIT on the campus is 15 MPH on all roadways and 10 MPH within parking lots and fire lanes. No person shall drive a vehicle on campus at a speed that is greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on and the surface and width of the roadway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property. No person shall operate a motor vehicle or combinations of vehicles in such a manner so as to disturb educational activities in progress on the campus. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Appendices -227 All vehicles shall be operated and parked in conformance with posted or marked one-way traffic patterns. Vehicles shall not be parked against the flow of traffic or backed into diagonal parking stalls. No vehicle shall be parked in a marked or posted no-parking zone or in such a manner so as to obstruct access by emergency vehicles on a fire lane or to a fire hydrant. Parking is not authorized outside of a marked stall or extending into the roadway causing a traffic hazard, or in any other location not specifically designated and/or posted for parking. Vehicles involved in passenger loading/unloading are not to be left unattended in any passenger loading area. No overnight parking of motor vehicles is permitted on the campus without the consent of the Campus Police Office. Only vehicles with a bona fide reason recognized by the College are permitted to park on the campus during other than regular class hours. During regularly scheduled class hours, all motor vehicles parked on the campus must conspicuously display a valid permit, vehicle identification number and license plate. Vehicles not displaying a Vehicle Identification Number or a license plate may be towed. A parking permit is invalid if: 1. Used on a vehicle other than the one to which it was issued; 2. Not plainly displayed so that it can be read from outside of the vehicle; 3. Student semester permit not totally and permanently affixed to the back of the inside rear view mirror; 4. Altered in any manner; 5. Student semester permit issued for a school term other than the one currently in progress. Parking permits are required on the days school is in session in the student lots from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Thursdays, and from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Fridays. Removal of Parked and Abandoned Vehicles In accordance with the California Vehicle Code, Ventura College reserves the right to remove from its grounds any vehicle under the following circumstances for which the owner will be liable for towing and storage charges: 1. Abandoned vehicles: Vehicles parked on the campus without permission from the Campus Police Office are presumed to have been abandoned, if not claimed by their owner within 72 hours. 2. Vehicles impeding the operation of emergency equipment, obstructing traffic flow, or otherwise parked in such a manner so as to create a hazard to the safety of persons or property. 3. Any vehicle which is issued five or more citations to which the owner or person in control of the vehicle has not responded within 21 days. 4. Vehicle with registration expired for over 6 months. 5. Vehicles parked illegally which do not have license plates, vehicle registration or a vehicle identification number displayed. General Parking and Traffic Information The College assumes no responsibility for damage to a vehicle, injury to its occupants, or theft of its contents while it is being operated or parked on the campus. Should your vehicle be involved in any of these contingencies, you are to immediately notify the Campus Police. If your vehicle becomes disabled on campus, contact the Campus Police Office, officers there will assist you in contacting someone who can help you. If your battery is dead, jump-start service is available. Parking assistance and information can be obtained from the Campus Police Office. Please lock your vehicle while it is parked on the campus and remove any tempting items from view to prevent theft. Drive safely and observe all campus traffic and parking rule. Carpool Ventura College has several student and staff carpool areas. All carpool areas are enforced from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., when school is in session and on any regular work day. Special permits are required to park in carpool areas. Students may not park in staff carpool areas prior to 6:50 p.m. (after 6:50 p.m. all staff parking areas revert to regular student parking). Applications for purchasing a carpool permit can be obtained at the Student Business Office. Staff members can obtain a carpool permit at the Campus Police office. Three or more occupants are required per vehicle in order to qualify for a carpool permit. A vehicle must also be occupied by three or more occupants at the time it pulls into a student carpool space. A student who arrives on campus without the required three occupants may park in a regular student lot with their carpool parking permit. Carpool permits are not available for use by evening students. APPENDIX IX Equal Opportunity Statement The Ventura County Community College District is committed to providing equal opportunity in education and to prohibiting discrimination based on race, gender, color, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or Vietnam veteran status. This commitment is in accordance with the requirements of state and federal law. All members of the college community–students, faculty, administrators, staff, and visitors–must be able to study and work in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Indeed, the District is actively committed to creating and maintaining an environment that respects the dignity of everyone. If you feel that you have been subjected to unlawful discrimination based on disability or in violation of the American with Disabilities Act, or if you feel that you may have been subjected to any other form of unlawful discrimination, please contact Dr. Lyn MacConnaire, Student Development, Ventura College, 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003. Telephone: (805) 654-6455 or e-mail: Individuals wishing information concerning Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education, programs, and activities, should direct their inquiries to Dr. Lyn MacConnaire, Student Development, Ventura College, 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003. Telephone: (805) 654-6455 or 228 -Appendices Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 APPENDIX X Student’s Right-to-Know In compliance with the federal Student-Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act (Public Law, 101-524), it is the policy of the Ventura County Community College District and Ventura College to make available its completion and transfer rates to all current and prospective students. Beginning in Fall 2002, a group of all certificate-, degree-, and transfer-seeking first-time, full-time students were tracked over a three-year period. (Approximately 2.6% of all community college students statewide were included in the study.) The completion and transfer rates are listed below, along with a brief description of how these rates are defined. These rates do not represent the success rates of the entire student population at Ventura College, nor do they account for student outcomes occurring after this three-year tracking period. The rates below exclude part-time students, continuing students, students attending Ventura College to obtain or upgrade job skills, improve basic skills, maintain licenses, working toward high school credits, pursuing lifelong learning, etc. The rates below do not include any students who took longer than two years to complete their academic goal. The “transfer rate” does not include any students who first completed a degree or certificate or became “transferred prepared” prior to transferring. The “completion rate” results for the 2002 SRTK study described above was 45.6% for VC. The Statewide completion rate was 36%. The completion rate is the percent of students from the group studied who attained a certificate or degree or became “transferred prepared” during a three year period from Fall 2000 to Spring 2004. Transfer-prepared was defined by the study as having completed 56 transferable units with a minimum GPA of 2.0. The transfer rate result for the SRTK study of Ventura College described above was 22.5%. The Statewide Transfer rate was 29.6%. Caution: the transfer rate does not count students who attained a certificate or degree prior to transferring to another post-secondary institution such as UC or CSU. General information about SRTK is available to the public through the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community College System Web site: Specific information on the most recent cohort for Ventura College is available at VC music student performs for President’s reception APPENDIX XI Policy on Harassment / Discrimination Complaint Procedure for Harassment / Discrimination Members of a college community--students, faculty, administrators, staff and visitors--must be able to study and work in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Ventura County Community College District is actively committed to creating and maintaining an environment which respects the dignity of individuals and groups. The goal of Ventura County Community College District is to be sensitive to the needs of students, staff and those who interact with the college community, while preserving the rights of those against whom allegations have been made. Employees or students of the District who feel that they have been harassed or discriminated against based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, marital status or physical or mental disability have the right to file a complaint. The procedures outlined govern the process for all discrimination complaints filed by employees or students, including sexual harassment. Complaints may be filed: student against student, student against employee, employee against student, employee against employee, visitor against employee, employee against visitor, etc. Complaints must be filed with the District within one year of the alleged harassment or discrimination or within one year of the date on which the Complainant knew or should have known of the facts of the alleged incident. District employees involved in any aspect of investigating or resolving a complaint of harassment or discrimination will have received training from a qualified source in advance of their service. Non-retaliation for filing--no individual will suffer retaliation as a result of filing a claim or being a witness in regard to harassment/ discrimination allegations. Persons engaging in retaliation are subject to disciplinary action. Definitions: Complainant: An individual who believes that he/she has been the victim of harassment or discrimination. Respondent: An individual against whom a claim of harassment or discrimination is made. Complaint: A written allegation that a student, staff member, or other individual who interacts with VCCCD has subjected someone to harassment or discrimination. Responsible District Officer: The person at the District who is responsible for coordinating the investigations of all harassment and discrimination complaints. The District has established the following procedures to resolve charges of harassment or discrimination. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Appendices -229 Informal Process An individual who has reason to believe that he or she has been a victim of harassment or discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or physical or mental disability may resolve the matter through an informal process under this procedure. Participation in the informal process is optional and not a prerequisite to filing a formal complaint. 1. A person who believes that he or she has personally suffered harassment or discrimination should contact the appropriate Intake Facilitator at their location to directly discuss his or her concerns. 2. The Intake Facilitator may inform the Respondent of the possible complaint and shall meet with the Complainant to: a. understand the nature of the concern; b. give to Complainant a copy of the District’s Sexual Harassment Policy brochure and this “Complaint Procedure for Harassment/Discrimination” document; c. inform Complainant of his or her rights under this complaint procedure; d. assist the Complainant in any way advisable. 3. If the Complainant and the Respondent agree to a proposed resolution, the resolution shall be implemented and the informal process shall be concluded. At any time during the informal process, the Complainant may initiate a formal complaint. 4. The Intake Facilitator shall keep a written log of discussions and a record of the resolution. This information shall become part of the official investigation file if the Complainant initiates a formal complaint. If the parties reach a tentative agreement upon resolution of the complaint, a letter summarizing the resolution shall be sent to the Complainant and the Respondent. A copy of this letter shall be sent to Human Resources for approval. 5. Once a complaint is put in writing and signed by the Complainant, the Complaint is considered to be formal and the formal complaint procedures should be followed. Formal Process 1. A person who alleges that he or she has personally suffered harassment or discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, marital status, or physical or mental disability shall complete and sign the District’s Harassment/ Discrimination Complaint Form within one year of the alleged incident or within one year of the date on which the Complainant knew or should have known of the facts of the harassment or discrimination incident. 2. On the complaint form, the Complainant shall describe in detail such alleged harassment or discrimination and the action the Complainant requests to resolve the matter. All written complaints shall be signed and dated by the Complainant, and shall contain at least the name(s) of the individual(s) involved, the date(s) of the event(s) at issue and detailed description of the actions constituting the alleged harassment or discrimination. Names, addresses and phone numbers of witnesses or potential witnesses should also be included, when possible. 3. The Intake Facilitator will review the complaint to determine whether it describes the kind of harassment or discrimination which is prohibited under these procedures and whether the complaint sufficiently describes the facts of the alleged misconduct. If the complaint does not describe the kind of prohibited conduct the District investigates under the procedures, the Complainant will be notified and will be referred to the appropriate process. If the complaint does not sufficiently describe the facts giving rise to the complaint so that a determination can be made regarding whether the alleged misconduct is covered under these procedures, the complaint will be returned and the Complainant will be invited to submit an amended complaint providing enough factual detail to allow the above determination to be made. 4. After a proper complaint is received, the Intake Facilitator shall investigate the charges as stated in the complaint. The Intake Facilitator shall send a copy of the complaint to the Responsible District Officer, who, after consultation with the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and the District Chancellor, shall send a copy to the State Chancellor of the California Community College System. A summary of the complaint and procedures shall also be sent to the Respondent. A copy of the complaint will be maintained in the Office of Human Resources at the District Service Office. 5. The Intake Facilitator shall meet with the Complainant to review the nature of the complaint and identify the scope and the nature of the investigation. If the Complainant fails to meet with the Intake Facilitator within a reasonable time (usually 10 working days), the Intake Facilitator will continue the investigation to the best of his/her abilities based on the written formal complaint. After meeting with the Complainant, the Intake Facilitator shall give the Respondent an opportunity to meet with him/her to receive the Respondent’s answer to the complaint and to review with Respondent the scope and nature of the investigation. Complainant and Respondent may inform the Intake Facilitator of witnesses to contact and may present documents in support of their positions. 6. Prior to completing the investigation, the Intake Facilitator shall meet again with the Complainant and the Respondent separately, to give an overview of the steps taken during the investigation, and to ask Complainant and Respondent for the names of any other individuals the Intake Facilitator might speak with to request any additional information. 7. The Responsible District Officer shall determine whether harassment or discrimination did or did not occur with respect to each allegation in the complaint. The findings shall take into consideration the severity of the conduct, the pervasiveness of the conduct, the pertinent background, and other relevant District policies. If disciplinary action is recommended, appropriate contractual due process and statutory processes will be invoked. If the Responsible District Officer finds there is no evidence to sustain the allegation, the record shall be kept confidential, except to the extent that disclosure may be required by law. The records will be destroyed to the extent the law allows. After completion of the investigation, the Intake Facilitator shall meet with the Responsible District Officer who shall be responsible for reviewing the Intake Facilitator’s report, making factual determinations, reaching a conclusion regarding the charges, and recommending appropriate action, if any. 230 -Appendices Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 8. In the event the complaint is against the Responsible District Officer, the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources shall appoint an investigator to review the complaint. In the event the complaint is against the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, the District Chancellor or designee shall appoint an investigator to hear the complaint, receive the report, and make a determination on any final action. 9. The District shall complete its investigation and forward to the Complainant and Respondent within 90 calendar days of receiving a complaint, and the Chancellor of the California Community College System within 150 calendar days of receiving a complaint, all the following: a. a summary of the investigative report; b. a written notice setting forth: 1. the findings of the District investigator and District Chancellor as to whether harassment or discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, marital status, or physical or mental disability did or did not occur with respect to each allegation in the complaint; 2. a description of actions to be taken, if any, to remedy any discrimination or harassment that occurred and to prevent similar problems from occurring in the future; 3. the proposed resolution of the complaint; 4. the Complainant’s right to appeal to the District Chancellor, then the State Chancellor of the California Community College System; and 5. in the event disciplinary action is recommended for the Respondent, he/she shall be entitled to all due process procedures provided by stature and/ or the employee collective bargaining agreement. Appeal Rights If the Complainant is not satisfied with the results of the formal level administrative determination, the Complainant may appeal the determination by submitting objections to the District Chancellor within fifteen calendar days of the receipt of the determination. Within forty-five calendar days of receiving the Complainant’s appeal, a copy of the final District decision rendered by the District Chancellor shall be forwarded to the Complainant, the State Chancellor of the California Community College System, and, if appropriate, the Respondent. If the District Chancellor does not act within forty-five calendar days, the administrative determination shall be deemed approved and shall become the final District decision in the matter. Complainant shall have the right to file a written appeal with the State Chancellor of the California Community College System within thirty calendar days after the District Chancellor has issued the final District decision or permits the administrative determination to become final. How to File a Complaint 1. A copy of these procedures and the Ventura County Community College District’s Harassment/Discrimination Complaint forms are available in the Office of Human Resources, the offices of the Intake Facilitators on each campus, and in the Executive Vice President’s Office on each campus. 2. Completed complaint forms may either be mailed or delivered to the Ventura County Community College District, Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, 255 W Stanley Ave. Suite 150, Ventura, CA 93001, or to one of the Intake Facilitators on each campus. 3. Complaints must be filed with the District within one year of the alleged unlawful harassment or discrimination or within one year of the date on which the Complainant knew or should have known of the facts of the alleged incident. 4. A person who alleges that he or she has personally suffered harassment or discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, marital status, physical or mental disability, or one who has learned of such unlawful harassment or discrimination, shall invoke the procedures described above. 5. An individual may also file a complaint of unlawful discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2014 “T” Street, suite 210, Sacramento, CA 98514, the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, 50 United Nations Plaza, room 239, San Francisco, CA 94102, or the Department of Fair Employment and Housing may be called at 1-408-291-7352. These additional procedures may be used at the time of filing a complaint, during, or after use of the District harassment or discrimination complaint process. Filing deadlines for the aforementioned offices may vary. Note that the filing deadlines and procedures for each agency may differ. 6. Non-retaliation for filing--no individual will suffer retaliation as a result of filing a claim or being a witness in regard to harassment/discrimination allegations. Persons engaging in retaliation are subject to disciplinary action. Dissemination The District will disseminate the information regarding District policies and appropriate procedures on harassment and discrimination to all employees and students by announcing its existence in prominent places throughout the District including, but not limited to, the College Catalog and Schedule of Classes, appropriate employees and/or student publications, on official District and Union bulletin boards, and by direct communication to District employees. For additional information or to file an incident report or a claim, contact any of the following: David Bransky (805) 654-6487 Lucy Capuano-Brewer, (805) 654-6400, ext. 1272 Alisa Sparkia Moore (805) 654-6462 Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Appendices -231 APPENDIX XII Sexual Assault It is the policy of the Ventura County Community College District to provide an educational, employment and business environment free of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct or communications (including voice and e-mail telecommunications, fax machines, etc.) constituting sexual harassment as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes. California Education Code Section 67385 requires that community college districts adopt and implement procedures to ensure prompt response to victims of sexual assault which occur on campus or during official campus events, as well as providing the victims with information regarding treatment options and services. Ventura County Community College District exercises care to keep its campuses free from conditions which increase the risk of crime. Crimes of rape and other forms of sexual assault are violations of VCCCD standards and will not be tolerated on campus. California statutes and the VCCCD Standards of Student Conduct prohibit sexual assaults. Where there is cause to believe the District’s regulations prohibiting sexual assault have been violated, the District will pursue strong disciplinary actions including suspension or expulsion from the college. Ventura County Community College District is committed to providing prompt, compassionate services to those individuals who are sexually assaulted, as well as follow-up services, if needed. Administrative Regulations and Procedures Concerning Incidents of Sexual Assault on Campus I. INTRODUCTION Education Code Section 67385 requires that the governing board of each community college district adopt and implement clear, consistent and written procedures to ensure that specific victims of sexual assault which occurred on campus property or during college sponsored events shall receive information regarding available treatment options and services, both on and off-campus, as well as to ensure that the colleges will promptly respond to the option selected by the victim. II. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of the legislation, the following definitions are offered: 1. ”Specific population” and “specific victim” include students, faculty and staff. 2. ”Sexual assault” is any kind of sexual activity which is forced upon a person against his or her will. The definition includes, but is not limited to: rape (including “date” or “acquaintance rape”), forced sodomy, forced oral copulation, rape by a foreign object, sexual battery or threat of sexual assault. 3. ”On-campus” is defined quite broadly to include: 1) any building or property owned or controlled by the District within the same reasonable contiguous geographic area and used by the District in direct support of, or related to, its educational purposes; or 2) any building or property owned or controlled by student organizations recognized by the institution. 4. “Official college sponsored events” include, but are not limited to, all classes off-campus, field trips or any event on the college calendar. 5. “Victim” of sexual assault is generally referred to here as being a female, but could also include a male. III. COLLEGE POLICY REGARDING SEXUAL ASSAULT ON CAMPUS Ventura College exercises care to keep the campus free from conditions which increase the risk of crime. Crimes of rape and other forms of sexual assault will not be tolerated on campus as defined. The Ventura County Community College District prohibits sexual assaults, as do California criminal statutes. The Board of Trustees commits the college to taking prudent action to prevent sexual assaults from occurring and to ensure that students, faculty and staff are not adversely affected for having brought forward a charge of rape or other forms of sexual assault. Where there is cause to believe the college’s prohibitions against sexual assault have been violated, Ventura College will pursue strong disciplinary actions which include the possibility of suspension or expulsion from the college. In addition, a student, faculty or staff member charged with sexual assault can be prosecuted under California criminal statutes in addition to being disciplined under the Code of Student Conduct or Education Code, as applicable. Even if prosecution does not take place, the campus may pursue disciplinary action. The Board of Trustees is also committed to provide prompt, compassionate services to those individuals who are sexually assaulted and follow-up services, if needed. Written guidelines for dealing with sexual assault follow. IV. GUIDELINES, PROCEDURES AND PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE FOR RESPONDING TO A SEXUAL ASSAULT INCIDENT. The INDIVIDUAL INITIALLY NOTIFIED about the sexual assault will provide a secure setting for the victim. (This could be an unoccupied office or classroom, a well- lighted area or, ideally, the Student Health and Psychological Services.) If possible, bring the victim to the Student Health and Psychological Services. The Campus Police Office and the STUDENT HEALTH AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR should be notified, if possible. The involved college personnel should then: 1. Listen to the victim’s needs. 2. Assess the situation. Determine the seriousness of the victim’s injuries; call “911” if injuries are severe and transportation is needed by ambulance to a hospital. 3. Ask the victim what she or he wants to do. A consent form (available in English and Spanish) may be completed by the victim for any of the following options: a. Does the victim want to be taken to a hospital or a private doctor’s office? Does the victim want to contact a friend or family member? If the victim does not want to contact anyone, a Campus Police Officer may take the victim to the hospital. If possible, a female should accompany the victim if the officer is male. 232 -Appendices Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 b. Does the victim want to have the Ventura County Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence contacted? The mission of the Coalition is to coordinate and implement services to the victim of sexual assault. (For a further description of the Ventura County Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence Services, see Section VII.) c. Does the victim want to report the incident to the police? NOTE: If the victim is younger than 18, the sexual assault must be reported to the police. If the victim is 18 years or older, it is the victim’s decision whether or not to involve the police (NOTE: California law requires hospitals to report injuries by criminal act to a law enforcement agency.) If the victim of sexual assault decides to involve the police, the CAMPUS POLICE LIEUTENANT will notify the appropriate police department and may request an officer of like gender of the victim for the report. The officer will take a police report, transport, accompany or meet the victim at an appropriate medical facility for the evidentiary examination, may conduct a follow-up interview, and may transport the victim home with consent. The COORDINATOR OF STUDENT HEALTH AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES will notify the parent, guardian, spouse or friend, if appropriate and with the consent of the victim. Upon consent of the victim, the COORDINATOR OF STUDENT HEALTH AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES may arrange for college personnel or a Rape and Sexual Abuse Counseling (RASAC) advocate to accompany the victim, if appropriate, through hospital procedures and encounters with law enforcement agencies. The CAMPUS POLICE LIEUTENANT will complete a confidential incident report and keep records of the incident for statistical purposes. As early as possible in the process outlined above, the DEAN OF STUDENT SERVICES or the administrator on duty at the college should be notified. That individual should go to the victim’s location and assist in the administration of these procedures, as well as notifying other campus and/or District officials, as appropriate. IN THE EVENT THE SEXUAL ASSAULT INCIDENT OCCURS WHEN THE CAMPUS IS NOT OPEN (“AFTER HOURS”), THE INDIVIDUAL INITIALLY NOTIFIED about the sexual assault will notify the Campus Police by calling on any campus phone (ext. 6486). The CAMPUS POLICE LIEUTENANT will follow the same procedures as described above. IN THE EVENT THE SEXUAL ASSAULT INCIDENT OCCURS AT AN OFF-CAMPUS EVENT and it is not possible to contact the CAMPUS POLICE, then the INDIVIDUAL INITIALLY NOTIFIED will contact the LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY if the victim wishes. If, however, the victim is under 18 years of age, the LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY MUST be contacted. FOLLOW-UP PROCEDURES BY COLLEGE STAFF: The DEAN/DESIGNEE OF STUDENT SERVICES and CAMPUS POLICE LIEUTENANT will do a follow-up interview with the victim to inform her/him of the legal options available for filing a civil suit or a criminal action. If she/he wants to pursue criminal action, the appropriate police department will conduct the follow-up criminal investigation. The COORDINATOR OF STUDENT HEALTH AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES will provide the victim with information on the treatment and counseling of sexual assault and provide referrals for appropriate assistance such as the COLLEGE PSYCHOLOGIST (or alternative counseling services) and the COLLEGE PHYSICIAN. The DEAN/DESIGNEE OF STUDENT SERVICES will explain disciplinary procedures and actions available. The ASSOCIATE CHANCELLOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES, if appropriate, will explain disciplinary procedures and actions available in cases involving faculty or staff. The DEAN/DESIGNEE OF STUDENT SERVICES will be responsible for ensuring that all follow-up procedures are completed. V. LEGAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES The reporting of rape and other forms of sexual assault follows the same procedures as the reporting of any crime. No special information is required, but the report needs to include certain standard information such as where the incident occurred, to whom (identified by name and age) and exactly what happened. Once a victim of sexual assault has chosen to notify authorities about the assault and chooses to pursue prosecution, a medical-legal examination should be performed as soon after the assault as possible and within hours for evidence. VI. LIST OF CAMPUS SERVICES AND PERSONNEL AVAILABLE TO ASSIST WITH INCIDENTS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. Campus Police, ext. 6486 Campus Student Health and Psychological Services Office, ext. 6346 Student Services, ext. 6455 Office with evening and weekend responsibility, ext. 6465 VII. LIST OF OFF-CAMPUS SERVICES Hospitals with Specialized Care: Ventura County Medical Center, Ventura, (805) 652-6000 (preferred) Simi Adventist Hospital, Simi Valley, (805) 527-2462 Ventura County Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence [(805) 654-8141; Hotline (805) 656-1111; Spanish only (800) 300-2181]. The coalition was initiated to provide assistance and support to victims of rape and domestic violence. In response to expressed needs from the community, the coalition now provides victim services, advocacy services, follow- up crisis counseling, information and referral, treatment program and post-crisis services. In addition, they also have available prevention and education programs, child abuse prevention programs for schools, outreach programs for business and organizations and professional training to replicate their success. Emergency Shelters: Care and Share, Simi Valley, (805) 522-5676 Catholic Charities, Ventura, (805) 643-4694 Lutheran Social Services, Thousand Oaks, (805) 497-6207 Legal Services: Lawyer’s Referral Services, (805) 650-7599 Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Appendices -233 Counseling/Support Groups: Interface, referrals and counseling, 1-800-339-9597. Ventura County Mental Health, 24-hour referral, (805) 652-6727. Medical Services (for Bilingual/Undocumented persons) Clinicas del Camino Real, Ventura, (805) 647-6322, Oxnard, (805) 483-7563. VIII. PROCEDURES FOR ONGOING CASE MANAGEMENT Follow-up intervention may be provided with the victim’s consent and as needed by the COLLEGE PSYCHOLOGIST for psychological counseling. The DEAN/DESIGNEE OF STUDENT SERVICES will track the victim’s academic progress and will assist, when requested, by arranging academic counseling, tutoring and other services deemed appropriate. ACADEMIC COUNSELORS may assist with developing an education plan. The DEAN/DESIGNEE OF STUDENT SERVICES or ASSOCIATE CHANCELLOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES will initiate disciplinary procedures and inform the victim of the status of any disciplinary actions and the EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT/DESIGNEE OF STUDENT SERVICES will keep the COLLEGE PRESIDENT informed. The following individuals may also be contacted, as appropriate, on a need-to-know basis by the aforementioned administrators: Executive Vice President of Student Learning Coordinator, Disabled Student Services Division Administrators/Chairs Instructors Chancellor Associate Chancellor of Human Resources Public Information Officer IX. PROCEDURES FOR GUARANTEEING CONFIDENTIALITY In all associations with the public, the media, family and friends of the victim, and in accordance with the Family Rights and Privacy Act and the Buckley Amendment, the name of the victim and/or specific details of the assault will be released only when essential to the health and safety of the individual assaulted or that of other members of the campus community. The PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER will be kept informed and will interface with the media, general public, students and staff. Other campus personnel dealing with the incident should refer any inquiries to the Public Information Office. In addition, and in full accordance with Chapter 593 of the Education Code, no person, persons, agency or organization permitted access to student records (including security records about incidents involving the college’s students) shall permit access to any information obtained from those records by any other person, persons, agency or organization WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE STUDENTS INVOLVED. However, the victim of any sexual assault which is the basis of ANY DISCIPLINARY ACTION taken by the community college SHALL BE PERMITTED ACCESS TO THAT INFORMATION in compliance with the Buckley Amendment. Access to this information shall consist of a notice of the results of any disciplinary action taken by the college and the results of any appeal. This information shall be provided to the victim within three days following the said disciplinary action or appeal. X. INFORMATION REGARDING THE EXISTENCE OF OTHER OPTIONS Criminal Actions: Once an incident of sexual assault has been reported to the appropriate police department by college personnel, it is up to the police department to collect information, including the medical/legal exam, and to investigate the matter. The information is then turned over to the District Attorney’s Office to determine if criminal prosecution is appropriate. The District Attorney’s Office has the ultimate responsibility to determine whether the incident is a criminal offense and to bring it before the courts for punitive action against the assailant. Punitive consequences can include fines, probation and incarceration. If there is not sufficient evidence for the case to be passed on to the District Attorney, the police may decide to initiate an investigation to gather the necessary information which could lead to a prosecution. Civil Actions: If the victim of the sexual assault decides that she/he wants to pursue a civil action for damages against the perpetrator, then the victim should consult with an attorney for the civil legal action. The District Attorney’s Office is reluctant to refer to any particular civil attorney, but the Ventura County Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence has a complete referral list of local attorneys with whom they have had experience. In addition, the names of attorneys may be obtained through the Ventura County Bar Association. Disciplinary Process Through the College: Various forms of discipline may be imposed on a student who is guilty of misconduct ranging from reprimand, probation and suspension, to expulsion. The student disciplinary procedures of the College are described in this Catalog (see Appendix I). They are initiated by the DEAN/DESIGNEE OF STUDENT SERVICES. Faculty and staff are subject to the college’s disciplinary action policies. Mediation Services: Mediation between any of the “specific population” involved in a sexual assault incident at the college is available and may be arranged through the DEAN/DESIGNEE OF STUDENT SERVICES. Alternative Housing Arrangements: As Ventura College is a commuter school, there are no student housing facilities such as dormitories on campus or a student housing office to coordinate off-campus housing. To find alternative housing and information about roommates, a victim of sexual assault could consult the housing bulletin board. The Ventura County Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence has information as well about shelter homes for victims. Academic Assistance Alternatives: Academic assistance for victims of sexual assault includes tutoring, switching to different sections or classes, academic counseling, “Incomplete” or “Withdrawal,” or assistance in transferring. 234 -Appendices Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Harassment Restraining Order: Under California law (Section 527.6 of the Code of Civil Procedure), courts can make orders to protect people from being harassed by others. These orders are enforced by law enforcement agencies. A victim who desires to obtain such an order must file an action in the Superior Court. Simplified procedures for obtaining such orders have been established by the courts. An instructional booklet that tells what court orders a victim of harassment can obtain and how to get them is available from the Clerk of the Ventura County Superior Court, Hall of Justice, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, California 93009. APPENDIX XIII Student Financial Services Board of Governors Enrollment Fee Waiver (BOGW) You are eligible to receive a Fee Waiver if you are a California resident and you meet any ONE of the following criteria: 1. Are currently receiving benefits from TANF/CalWORKs, SSI/SSP or General Assistance. 2. Are a dependent student whose parent(s) are currently receiving TANF/CalWORKs or SSI/SSP. 3. Have applied for financial aid at Ventura College and have demonstrated eligibility for a Board of Governor's Fee Waiver. If you do not meet any of the criteria listed above, you may still qualify for a waiver if you: 4. Meet certain income standards (standards available in the Financial Aid Office, EAC, SPVC, BVA, and EOPS Offices). BOGW applications are available in the Financial Aid Office or in the Schedule of Classes each semester. Where the Money Comes from Federal Government The federal government is our largest source of student financial aid today. It allocates funds to the Ventura County Community College District each year after our application for funds has been approved. It is the function of each individual college (Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura) to disburse funds to as many eligible students as possible. The amount of money earmarked by Congress for financial aid can fluctuate from year-to-year so that the amount of aid we offer might also vary. All information is subject to change without advance notification. FEDERAL PELL GRANT PROGRAM: Pell Grants vary in amount based on eligibility criteria such as family contribution and enrollment status. You may qualify if you are an undergraduate student with financial need and are a citizen or an eligible noncitizen. CAMPUS-BASED PROGRAMS: By completing a FAFSA, students will have their eligibility determined for other federal programs. At Ventura College, these include: FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GRANTS (FSEOG): You may be eligible for Federal SEOG if you are at least a halftime undergraduate student (six units or more) with financial need. Grants range from $100 to $600 a year. FEDERAL WORK STUDY (FWS): Our work study program provides jobs for those who have great financial need and are willing to earn a part of their educational expenses. Jobs at Ventura College pay at least the legal minimum wage, and you may work up to 20 hours a week, depending on your need and your academic progress. Most job assignments are on campus. FFELP - FEDERAL FAMILY EDUCATION LOAN PROGRAM: Ventura College offers need-based and non-need based student loans. Mandatory entrance and exit counseling is required. Ventura College reserves the right, in accordance with federal regulations, to deny a student loan or reduce the amount of a student loan. SUBSIDIZED STAFFORD LOANS: These are made to students who are enrolled at least halftime with financial need exceeding the amount which can be awarded by existing college-based programs and other grant programs. This program enables you to borrow from any participating lender such as a bank or credit union. The annual loan limit for first year Ventura College students is $2,625. Repayment begins six months after you graduate or leave school for whatever reason. You are allowed ten years to pay back the loan, and you are charged no interest while in school. UNSUBSIDIZED STAFFORD LOAN: Students may be eligible to borrow a non-need based loan for the difference between the subsidized eligibility and annual loan limits and/or to replace family contribution. Independent students may be eligible to borrow an "Additional Unsubsidized Stafford Loan" of up to $4,000 per year. Total aid, including all loans cannot exceed cost of attendance. FEDERAL PARENT LOAN FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS (PLUS): Parents of dependent undergraduate students may borrow up to the student's cost of attendance minus any other aid. WITHHOLDING OF SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE IN DEFAULT ON A LOAN OR LOANS: The VCCCD shall withhold institutional services from a student or former student for whom the California Student Aid Commission notifies a District college that he/she is in default on a loan or loans under the Federal Family Education Loan Program. The services that may be withheld from the student shall include, but are not limited to, the provision of grades, transcripts, and diplomas. The college shall notify the student in writing at the last known address of the student or former student that he/she is in default on a loan and that records are being withheld and the reason therefor, and shall provide the student with the address of the Student Aid Commission. “Default” means the failure of a borrower to make an installment payment when due, or to meet other terms of the promissory note under circumstances where the guarantee agency finds it reasonable to conclude that the borrower no longer intends to honor the obligation to repay. The District shall not withhold registration privileges of students in default of a loan or loans under the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP). In addition, the District shall not withhold services during the period when the facts with respect to the default are in dispute or when the student or former student demonstrates to the governing board of the district or the Student Aid Commission, or both, that reasonable justification for the delay exists as determined by the institutions. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Appendices -235 State Government The California Student Aid Commission, administers aid programs offered by California except EOPS and BOGW. Additional forms for these programs are available from the Ventura College Financial Aid Office, any high school counselor, or by contacting the Student Aid Commission, EOPS administers. CAL GRANT A: These go to high school seniors or college freshmen, sophomores, or juniors who have financial need and high academic ability as indicated by grades and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores. Cal Grant A’s, annually renewable under commission regulations, pay for any accredited four-year school in California. If you are attending Ventura College and win a state scholarship, it will be held in reserve until you are ready to transfer to a four-year university. CAL GRANT B: You may qualify if you need financial aid to attend any college. Recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated need and grades. Cal Grant B’s are renewable annually, and they range from $200 to $1551 a year for subsistence in the first year of enrollment after high school and may be increased to include tuition up to an additional $5,250 for the second, third, and fourth academic years. CAL GRANT C: These grants are awarded to students who are enrolled in our occupational programs for at least four months and can demonstrate need for aid. Cal Grant Cs pay up to $576 for training-related costs such as special clothing and books. COOPERATIVE AGENCIES RESOURCES FOR EDUCATION (CARE): Under the umbrella of EOPS, childcare, financial assistance may be provided to EOPS, single, head of household, TANF/ CalWORKs recipients with children under the age of fourteen. EXTENDED OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAMS AND SERVICES (EOPS): EOPS is a state-funded program which can provide Ventura College students with financial aid and support services. EOPS grants are available to full-time (12 units or more) Ventura College students who indicate a high financial need. Generally, full-time Ventura College students who come from a family of four whose income was $25,050 or less during the previous year receive consideration for EOPS financial grants. In addition, EOPS students must be identified as educationally disadvantaged according to Title V regulations of the state of California. Information concerning the EOPS Program is available in the Ventura College EOPS Office. Applications are accepted continuously throughout the school year. It is recommended, however, that students interested in EOPS financial grants apply well before they actually enroll in classes at Ventura College. (BOGW): In addition, the State Chancellor’s Office provides funds for the Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGW) to assist qualified students with the enrollment fees. Students who are California residents may qualify to have their enrollment fees paid with a BOGW if: 1. They have already qualified for financial aid, such as a Pell, Cal Grant, or EOPS for that year, or 2. Student or family receives TANF/CalWORKs, SSI/SSP, General Relief or California Veterans Dependents Educational Assistance, or 3. They meet certain income standards. BOGW applications are available in the Financial Aid Office or during registration each semester. How to Apply -- Procedures At Ventura College, the FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Student Aid) is used to collect information necessary to determine a student's need for financial aid. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office each year after January 1st. Students are encouraged to apply online at: Deadline dates for Cal Grants are March 2 and September 2. Further information can be obtained in the Financial Aid Office. How Eligibility is Determined When you submit the FAFSA your financial ability to contribute to the costs of your education at Ventura College is evaluated. The decision to award financial aid rests ultimately with the Financial Aid Officer who informs students whether or not they are eligible for assistance after all information is verified. In the interest of equity and fairness, it is important that you provide accurate and complete information on your FAFSA. Failure to do so may jeopardize your request for assistance. Often, additional information will be requested from students and/or parents to complete a student's financial aid file. How Student Aid is Distributed to Students At Ventura College, grant checks are normally mailed twice per semester. The first grant checks are mailed during the first week of instruction to those students who applied and completed their files on time. Each year, disbursement information is mailed with award notifications. Late applicants must refer to their award notification for their first disbursement dates. Work study and loan checks are distributed at the Student Business Office. Students are required to keep the Financial Aid Office informed of their current mailing address at all times. Satisfactory Academic Progress Federal regulations require that the Financial Aid Office establish a satisfactory academic progress policy that includes minimum standards. These standards include a minimum units requirement, grade point average requirement, and a time frame requirement. Students must enroll in an eligible program (degree, transfer, or one year certificate program) and be making progress toward that goal. These standards apply to all financial aid applicants and the evaluation of progress will apply to all college level coursework taken, including coursework taken prior to applying for financial aid. A copy of the satisfactory academic progress standards is available in the Financial Aid Office. The requirements that a student be making satisfactory progress for financial aid eligibility should not be confused with the institutions “good standing” requirement. Good standing means that a student is allowed by the institution to continue in enrollment. Satisfactory progress means that the student is proceeding in a positive manner toward fulfilling degree or vocational objectives. Location of Office The Financial Aid Office is located on the campus between the Campus Center and the Athletic Event Center. If you would like to call, dial (805) 654-6369. 236 -Appendices Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Important Things to Keep in Mind You must reapply for financial aid each academic year. Applications are available in January of each year. The Financial Aid Office will continue to process applications into the academic year as long as funds are available. It is wise to apply early in the academic year, if you are interested in receiving grant money. Beating the Deadlines It is very important that you meet all our deadlines. Failure to do so may result in your aid being delayed. All applications will be processed in the order in which they are completed. The sooner you complete your file, the sooner you will hear from us. You can help the Financial Aid Office work for you if you: 1. Apply early. 2. Assemble the required supporting documents to complete your file quickly. 3. Respond to the offer of our award shortly after it is received. 4. Interview for work-study placement as soon as your eligibility has been determined. 5. Manage your money to avoid a crisis between disbursement dates. 6. Maintain good standing and satisfactory academic progress. 7. Maintain your total unit commitment. Additional Information: You may be asked to provide additional documents which may include the following: Tax returns: Signed copies of your Federal Income Tax Return may be requested by the Financial Aid Office to complete a financial aid file. When applying for financial aid, if you (or your parents) have not yet filed your tax return, please be sure to provide as accurate an estimate on your application. When you (or your parents) do file, remember to keep a copy! Counselor's Certification Form: All students are required to submit a Counselor’s Certification Form. You must make an appointment with your academic counselor at Ventura College in order to have this form completed. This counselor can include your EOPS, EAC, BVA, SPEC, or general Ventura College counselor. If you have attended other colleges, institutions, or vocational/ technical institutions, a copy of your academic records must be on file with the Counseling Department. Non-High School Grads: If you are not a high school graduate or you do not have the equivalent of a high school diploma (GED, etc.), you will be required to pass an Ability to Benefit Test. Supplemental Data Form: All students are required to submit a Supplemental Data Form available in the Financial Aid Office. HOW YOUR AWARD WAS DETERMINED. Your offer of financial aid is based on a basic budget figure which is our estimate of how much it costs a student in your circumstances to attend Ventura College. Your resources were subtracted from this basic budget figure to determine your financial need. We have two basic budgets which take into account a student’s living situation, costs of fees, books and supplies, housing, food, transportation, medical, and personal expenses. Copies of these budgets are available in the Financial Aid Office. The expected family contribution is computed for all students using a nationally established system for determining a student's and/or parents' education costs. Report Changes Promptly If your situation changes, let the Financial Aid Office know. If you move, get married or divorced, have a baby, get a job, are awarded a scholarship, drop out of school, or have anything happen that even remotely affects your financial situation, it is your responsibility to inform us immediately. All of the foregoing in Appendix XIII is in compliance with the federal regulations of the Student Consumer Information Addition to the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Institutional Refund of Student’s Tuition and Fees If a refund is due a student under the institution's refund policy and the student received any Title IV aid other than Federal Work Study, part of the refund must be returned by the college to the Title IV program(s) as determined by the appropriate refund calculation. The Financial Aid Office will determine the largest applicable refund for the student. A calculation will be used if the student completely withdrew on or before the 60% point time of the enrollment period in which her or she is charged. The institution will use the following definition of withdrawal date: Official is the date the student notifies the school of his or her intent to withdraw. Unofficial withdrawal is the last recorded date of attendance (as documented by the institution). The VC Financial Aid Office is here to help! Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Appendices -237 APPENDIX XIV Student’s Right-to-Know Campus Security and Crime Awareness Ventura College endorses and supports Public Law 101-524, the Student-Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, as amended by Public Law 102-26. The College will make available, upon request, to any interested individual, information on policies regarding the use of the campus facilities, the reporting of criminal actions and/or emergencies which have occurred on campus. Any individual interested in requesting this information may inquire at the Campus Police Office or visit the VCCCD Police Web site: The entire text of this Act is available upon request from the executive vice president in the Administration Building. The security of all members of the campus community is of vital concern to Ventura College. Anyone who is a witness or victim of a crime needs to make a report to Campus Police (805-6546486). It is requested that anyone aware of an unsafe condition (burned out light bulb, etc.) should contact the Office of Business Services (805-654-6354). Ventura College appreciates everyone’s help in keeping the campus safe and secure. Crime Awareness The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 requires institutions to report data for certain criminal acts that occur on campus. The Ventura County Community College District’s Campus Police office reported the following crimes on the Ventura College Campus for the reporting period of January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005. Campus Safety Statistics Murder .............................. 0 Weapons Violations ............ 3 Rape ................................. 0 Vandalism ......................... 29 Robbery............................ 0 Bomb Threats ..................... 0 Aggravated Assault .......... 0 Fraud/Embezzlement .......... 1 Theft (combined) ........... 13 Receiving/Possessing of Auto Theft ........................ 2 Stolen Property ................... 2 Arson ................................ 0 Sex Offenses....................... 1 Misdemeanor Assault ...... 1 Burglary (combined) ........ 13 Narcotics Violations....... 15 Battery................................. 8 Alcohol Violations Computer Crime ................. 1 (including DUI) .......... 10 Miscellaneous*............... 162 *Includes noncriminal incident reports, traffic collisions, and misdemeanor traffic violations. Total reported crimes• YEAR TOTAL 2005 ..................................................... 99 2004 ................................................... 159 2003 ................................................... 102 ..Does not include miscellaneous above. VC Swim and Dive team - winners of the 2005 State Championship 238 -Appendices Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 GLOSSARY OF COLLEGE TERMS The following is offered as an explanation of common terms used at Ventura College. You should be familiar with these key words, terms and phrases since you will read or hear them throughout your college experience. A counselor is also available to answer any questions. A.A., Associate in Arts: general degree granted by California Community Colleges. A.S., Associate in Sciences: general degree granted by California Community Colleges having more emphasis on two- year vocational training than the A.A. degree. Academic Renewal: a process to have previous substandard college work (grades and credits) excluded from computation of the cumulative grade point average. Academic Year: Fall and Spring semesters, beginning with the start of the Fall term in August through the end of the Spring term in mid-May. Add: formally adding a class(es) by completing the appropriate forms online or at the Admissions Office. Adding a Closed Class: students seeking entry to classes that are closed at the time they register are referred to the instructor. Articulation: a connecting link between two or more schools. Ar ticulation agreements between Ventura College and other schools list the courses that transfer and that satisfy certain requirements. Assessment/Placement Test: test given prior to registration for classes. The results are used to help students select appropriate classes. Bachelor’s Degree: degree granted by four-year colleges. Usually the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or the Bachelor of Sciences (B.S.). By Arrangement: courses, or part of courses which include additional hours not yet scheduled. Certificate of Achievement: a document indicating that the graduate has satisfactorily completed the major courses in a program, but not the general education courses. A certificate is not a degree. Certificate of Completion: a document awarded to a student upon completion of a course or a series of courses as designated in the College Catalog. Certificates are issued by selected instructional departments of the College. Consult the instructor for more information. Certificate Program: vocational programs which concentrate only on those courses essential to prepare a student for employment in a selected field. Class Schedule: the listing of courses including hours, instructor and room assignments to be offered each term. (See Schedule of Classes) Collaborative Learning: a method of instruction committed to actively engaging students in their learning using small groups, team and group projects, and providing opportunities for students to share common experiences and solve problems. Community Education Classes: fully fee-funded avocational and recreational classes. These classes carry no credit value. Corequisite: a course or courses in which a student must be concurrently enrolled. A corequisite represents a set of skills or a body of knowledge that a student must acquire through concurrent enrollment. Corequisites are indicated in the Class Listings of the Schedule of Classes and in the College Catalog. Counselor: faculty who assist students with personal, career, avocational and educational planning and development. Course: an organized pattern of instruction in a specified subject offered by the college. Course Description: a brief statement about the content of a particular course. Credit/No Credit: a grading system allowing a course to be taken for a grade of credit/no credit rather than for a letter grade. Please see pages 20-21. Credit: (graded course) course for which units are granted. CSU: California State University system, also called Cal State, consists of 23 campuses statewide. Curriculum: a group of required courses leading to a degree or certificate. Also used to refer to course offerings of the College as a whole. Degree: a diploma granted by a college stating that the student has attained a certain level of ability in a specific field. The most common degrees are: 1) A.A. Associate in Arts; 2) A.S. Associate in Science; 3) B.A./B.S. Bachelors Degree (fouryear). Dismissal: the procedure of dismissing a student from college for poor academic achievement, for incurring excessive withdrawals, or disciplinary reasons. Often, dismissal is temporary, providing the student agrees to certain conditions. See College Catalog, Appendix I for more information. Disqualification: the procedure of dismissing a student from college for poor academic achievement or for incurring excessive withdrawals. Drop: withdrawing formally from a class in which a student is enrolled. It is the student’s responsibility to formally withdraw from a class. A student may drop a class online or in-person, or the instructor may initiate the drop. Contact the Admissions Office for more information and deadlines. Educational Work Load: generally consists of 15 units of work per semester in order to make normal progress towards the A.A./A.S. degree and/or transfer requirements. Elective: a course that is not specifically required for the major but which the student takes for unit credit, and which may count towards the degree. Full-Time Student Status: a student who enrolls in and satisfactorily completes a minimum of 12 units. This status is important for financial aid eligibility and other special program requirements. Limitations apply regarding G.P.A., credit/no credit grades, etc. General Education/Breadth Requirements: courses that all students must satisfactorily complete to obtain a degree. Depending on the degree desired, these requirements vary. Current lists are available at the Counseling Office and the College Catalog, the Schedule of Classes and on the College Web site. Good Standing: indicates that the student’s grade point average is a “C” (2.0 or better.) Grade Point Average (G.P.A.): the average of a student’s grades. See pages 22-23. 240 -Appendices Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Hour: same as “Credit” or “Credit Unit.” See “Credit” and “Unit.” Limitations on Enrollment: a condition of enrollment that limits how students qualify for a particular program. These limitations apply to courses that include public performance or intercollegiate competition where a tryout or audition is necessary. Additionally, some courses require formal admission to a particular program in order to enroll (e.g., Associate Degree Nursing Program). Lower Division: the first two years of college work, i.e., freshman and sophomore years and/or courses. By California law only lower division work can be offered at California Community Colleges. Major: the field of concentrated study a student plans to pursue, e.g., biology, nursing, etc. Matriculation: a process that promotes and sustains the efforts of community college students to achieve their educational goals through a coordinated program of instructional and support services tailored to individual needs. Minor: the field of study a student plans to pursue in addition to the major but with less emphasis. A minor is not usually required. Noncredit Courses: courses that grant no college credit or student grades. A noncredit course should not be confused with the credit/no credit grading option defined above. Open Entry: courses that may be added to program of student throughout the semester. Open Exit: courses that may be completed upon fulfillment of course requirements at any time during the semester. Part-Time Student Status: a student who enrolls in or completes fewer than 12 units. Preparation for the Major Requirements: courses that are required by four-year college and universities before the student begins. See “Major.” Prerequisite: a requirement which must be completed prior to enrollment in a course and without which a student is highly unlikely to succeed. Prerequisites are listed in the course descriptions in the College Catalog and in the Class Listings of the Schedule of Classes. Probation: students may be placed on probation if they fail to maintain progress towards their declared academic goal or if their grade point average drops below a 2.0 for any term. Students on probation are required to meet with a counselor to develop a plan to get off probation. Program Changes: adding or dropping classes after initially enrolling. Program of Study: a planned series of courses. Recommended Preparation: preparation suggested by the faculty to successfully complete a particular course. While encouraged to do so, students do not have to satisfy recommended preparation guidelines to enroll in a course. Registration: the official process of enrolling in courses. The process of registration must be completed by the second week of the semester for Fall and Spring and by the middle of the first week for Summer in order for a student to be officially enrolled and to receive credit for his/her classes. Schedule of Classes: a booklet used during registration, listing the course ID number, title, units, time, instructor and location of classes offered in a particular term. In addition, the Schedule lists other course information (e.g., prerequisites, fees, transfer credit) the registration and deadline calendars. Semester Unit: in general, a semester unit represents one hour of lecture or three hours of laboratory per week for a semester. Graduation requires 60 semester units. One semester unit or one credit hour is approximately three hours of recitation, study or laboratory per week throughout the term. Please see page 20. Semester: one-half of the academic year 16 to 18 weeks duration. Short-Term Course: a class that meets for less than a full semester. Student Education Plan (SEP): a program of study and services needed by the student to enable the student to reach his/her educational objective. The SEP is developed by the student and counselor. TBA: “To Be Announced” is noted in the Schedule of Classes when the time of a class may be arranged independently or when the location or instructor is to be announced after the publication goes to print. Testing: students may expect continuous testing throughout the semester in most class courses. Although a final examination is generally required at the end of each course, there is also continuous evaluation during the semester. Students may contact instructors to see how they are doing during the semester. The grade recorded on the student’s transcript is that which is received at the end of the semester as a result of the testing and other evaluative procedures utilized by the instructor over that semester. Transcript (of record): a copy of a student’s college records prepared by the Admission and Record’s Office. Please see page 14. Transfer: this term generally applies to the student who plans to continue his or her education at a four-year college or university. Transferable Course: a course that is accepted at universities at least for elective credit. Indicated after each course in the Catalog and Schedule under “Transfer Credit.” Transfer Requirements: in order of importance, transfer students must satisfy requirements for admission, preparation in the major, and general education. Admissions requirements, at a minimum, include units, scholarship, and subject area preparation. UC: the University of California system of 10 campuses. Undergraduate: courses in the freshman through senior years of college work. Courses taken up to completion of a Bachelor’s Degree. Units: the basic unit of credit is the semester unit which is equivalent to a credit hour. One credit hour of community college work is approximately three hours of recitation, study or laboratory work per week throughout a term. For practical purposes, the following terms are synonymous: unit, semester unit, semester hours, credit, credit hour. Units Attempted: total number of credit units in the courses for which a student has enrolled. Units Completed: total number of units in the courses for which a student has received a grade of A, B, C, D, F, or Credit/ No Credit. Upper Division: refers to courses taken at the junior and senior class level at the four-year college or university. Withdrawal: the process by which a student officially drops from all classes during the semester. Check with the Admissions Office for the specific requirements and procedures. Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Appendices -241 - INDEX A Absences ................................................ 22 Academic calendar ................................. 21 Academic counseling ............................. 31 Academic freedom policy statement ... 225 Academic honesty .................................. 25 Academic policies .................................. 22 Academic record symbols ..................... 22 Academic renewal .................................. 26 Acceptance of transfer credit ................ 17 Accounting .............................................. 52 Accreditation ............................................. 9 Activities ................................................. 33 Additional degree ................................... 42 Administration, college ................... 1, 213 Admissions information ......................... 13 Advanced placement credit ................... 15 Affirmative action ................................. 228 African American studies......86, 137, 150 Agency services ..................................... 37 Agriculture ................................. 52, 63, 85 Agricultural plant science ...................... 52 Aid (types of) ................................ 32, 235 American Ethnic Studies ........................ 85 Anatomy .................................................. 88 Anatomy/Physiology ............................... 88 Announcement of courses ..................... 81 Anthropology .......................................... 88 Appendices ........................................... 221 Aquatics ......................................... 51, 186 Architecture ..................................... 53, 89 Architecture, multimedia ........................ 63 Art .............................................. 46, 57, 91 Asian American Studies ......................... 99 ASSIST ......................... 46, 70, 75, 78, 82 Assistive Computer Technology ............ 99 Associated students ............................... 32 Associate in Arts ....................... 40, 44, 45 Associate in Science ................. 40, 44, 52 Astronomy............................................. 100 ASVC ....................................................... 34 Athletics ................................... 35, 51, 191 Attendance .............................................. 22 Auditing ................................................... 26 Automotive ............................................ 101 Automotive technology ........................... 53 B Bilingual/cross-cultural studies ............. 46 Bilingual services ................................... 34 Bioinformatics ......................................... 57 Biological sciences ......................... 46, 54 Biology .................................................. 103 Biotechnology ......................................... 54 Bookkeeping ........................................... 52 Building inspection ................................. 58 Business......................................... 54, 107 Business Information Systems.. .... 55, 111 Business management ........................... 56 Business, multimedia ............................. 63 C and C++ languages .......................... 57 Calendar .................................................. 21 California Lutheran University ................ 79 California State University ......... 71, 73, 76 CalWORKs ............................................... 31 Campus map ........................................ 247 CAN (California Articulation Number) ...... 71, 82 Career Center .......................................... 35 Carpool ................................................. 228 Ceramics ................................................. 46 Certificates of Achievement ............ 42-44 Certificates of Completion ............... 42-44 Cheating ......................................... 25, 221 Chemistry .............................................. 114 Chicano Studies .................................... 116 Child Development ........................ 56, 116 Child Development Center ...................... 31 Class cancellations ................................ 82 Classified staff ...................................... 220 Clerical .................................................... 60 Clubs ....................................................... 35 CNC machine operator ........................... 62 Cocurricular activities ............................ 33 Co-designated courses .......................... 81 College district trustees ........................... 1 College Services ....................................... 9 Commercial art ....................................... 57 Communication, speech....................... 203 Community education ............................ 37 Competency requirements .............. 40, 42 Computerized office ............................... 55 Computer Science ......................... 57, 119 Conduct, student .................................. 222 Construction management ..................... 58 Construction Technology .............. 58, 122 Continuous enrollment ........................... 45 Core skill sets for students .................... 39 Corequisites ............................................ 81 Counseling services ............................... 31 Course discipline abbreviations ............. 83 Course identification .............................. 81 Course repetition ............................. 26, 81 Courses not applicable for degree credit ...................................... 82 Courses offered ............................... 81, 83 Courses offered credit/no credit ............ 82 Courses open to enrollment ................... 22 Credit by examination ............................ 27 Credit courses ........................................ 85 Credit/no credit options ......................... 23 Criminal Justice ............................. 59, 125 Curricular and community activities ...... 33 Curriculum, degrees and certificates .... 43 D Dance ....................................... 33, 51, 129 Dean’s list ............................................... 28 Degrees ................................................... 39 Degrees, additional ................................. 42 Design ........................................ 59, 60, 62 Developmental Studies ......................... 131 Disabled students program, see EAC .... 29 Discipline abbreviations ......................... 83 Disciplinary action ................................ 221 Discrimination ....................................... 229 Dismissal ................................................ 24 Double counting ..................................... 45 Drafting ................................................. 131 Drafting technology ................................ 59 Drama ...................................... 33, 51, 205 Dropping a class .................................... 26 E East Campus ........................................... 37 Economics ............................................ 133 Education .............................................. 134 Educational Assistance Center (EAC) ................ 29, 31, 37, 134 Educational counseling .......................... 31 Educational work load ............................ 22 Electronic drafting & manufacturing ..... 59 Eligibility to attend VC ............................ 13 Emergency medical services .......... 60, 68 Emergency Medical Technology .......... 136 Engineering ............................60, 136, 211 Engineering technology .......................... 64 English .................................................. 137 English as a Second Language .. 141, 211 Environmental studies ............................ 46 Equal opportunity ............................ 9, 228 Ethnic studies .................................. 42, 85 Examinations ................................... 24, 27 Executive assistant ................................. 60 Expenses, student .................................. 18 Extended opportunity program and services (EOPS) ................. 31, 235 F Faculty ................................................... 213 Faculty, emeritus .................................. 218 Fashion Design and Merchandising ........................... 60, 143 Fees ......................................................... 18 Fees, refund of ....................................... 19 Fee waiver ...................................... 32, 235 Field trips ................................................ 81 Final examinations .................................. 24 Financial services .......................... 32, 235 Fine art .................................................... 47 Foreign Language Lab ............................ 27 Foreign students .............................. 14, 17 French ................................................... 143 Full-time student ..................................... 16 G Gaming .................................................... 57 General education philosophy ............... 41 General education requirements .................... 40, 41, 73-80 General information .................................. 9 General Liberal Arts and Sciences . 40, 45 Geographic information systems ........... 61 Geography ............................................. 145 Geology ................................................. 146 German ................................................. 147 Glossary ................................................ 240 Goals, College .......................................... 5 Governing board ....................................... 1 Grade changes ....................................... 25 Grade point averaging ............................ 23 Grades, incomplete ................................ 23 Grading standards ........................... 22, 23 Graduation application procedure ......... 42 Graduation requirements ........................ 40 Grants ............................................ 32, 236 Graphics, multimedia ............................. 63 Grievance, student ................................ 223 Guidance Workshops ............ 33, 148, 211 Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Index -243 H Harassment ........................................... 229 Health center .......................................... 35 Health Education .................................. 149 Health information technology ........ 61, 68 Health Science ...................................... 150 Health science administration ............... 61 Health science programs ....................... 66 High school admission program ........... 14 High-tech Center for the Disabled ......... 37 History ................................................... 150 History, College ........................................ 9 Home Economics ..................62, 154, 211 Housing ................................................... 33 How to find Ventura College ................ 246 Humanities ............................................ 157 Human services ...................................... 48 I Incomplete .............................................. 22 Individual sports ................................... 188 Industrial design & manufacturing ........ 59 Instructional support services ............... 29 Intercollegiate athletics ........................ 191 Interdisciplinary Studies .............. 157, 211 International students ...................... 12, 15 International studies ............................... 49 Internship .............................................. 158 Interior design ........................................ 62 Internet .................................................... 28 Intersegmental GE transfer curriculum (IGETC) ............................ 76 Italian .................................................... 158 J Japanese ............................................... 159 Java ......................................................... 57 Journalism ..................................... 50, 159 L Late registration ..................................... 13 Leadership ............................................ 161 Learning Center ...................................... 29 Learning Skills ...................................... 161 Learning skills program ......................... 37 Library Instruction ................................ 163 Library services ...................................... 29 Listening devices .................................... 28 Loans ............................................. 32, 235 M Major requirements ... 40, 45, 52, 70, 75, 77 Management, business .......................... 56 Manufacturing Technology ............ 62, 163 Map, campus ........................................ 247 Mathematics ......................................... 164 Matriculation ........................................... 16 Matriculation exemption policy .............. 16 Mechanical inspection ........................... 62 Medical assistant ................................... 62 Medical transcription .............................. 63 Merchandising ........................................ 60 MESA ...................................................... 38 Microbiology ......................................... 168 Microcomputers ...................................... 55 Military service credit ............................. 15 Minimum unit requirements for benefits ............................................... 16 Mission statement .................................... 3 Multimedia ............................... 57, 63, 168 Music ............................................. 50, 171 Music organizations ............................... 34 N Native American studies ............... 85, 150 Natural resources ................................... 63 Noncredit courses ................................ 211 Nondegree applicable courses .............. 82 Nonmandatory fees ................................ 19 Nonpayment of fees ............................... 19 Nonresident fees ..................................... 19 Nonresident students .............................. 14 Nursing .................................................... 64 Nursing program requirements .............. 66 Nursing Science ................................... 177 P Paramedic ................................ 60, 68, 183 Parking ........................................... 20, 226 Payback penalty for early withdrawal ... 32 Personal counseling ............................... 34 Philosophy ............................................ 183 Phone numbers, college services ......... 11 Photography................................... 51, 184 Physical Education ................ 51, 186, 212 Physical Science .................................. 193 Physical science - engineering technology ...................... 64 Physics ................................................. 193 Physiology ............................................ 195 Plagiarism ............................................... 25 Plan for success .................................... 16 Plant biotechnology ................................ 54 Police, campus .............................. 31, 226 Political Science ................................... 195 Prerequisites ........................................... 81 Privacy rights ....................................... 224 Probation ................................................ 24 Programming multimedia ....................... 63 Programs ................................................ 44 Psychology ........................................... 197 Publicity code ....................................... 226 R Readmission ........................................... 25 Real Estate ............................................ 199 Recommended preparation .................... 81 Recording devices .................................. 28 Recreation ...................................... 51, 199 Refund policy .......................................... 19 Registration procedures ......................... 13 Rehabilitation private services ............... 38 Remedial course limits .......................... 24 Re-entry & Women's Center .................. 34 Residency requirements ......................... 14 S Same as courses .................................... 81 Santa Paula Vocational Center .............. 37 Schedule of Classes ............................... 82 Scholarships and assistance ........ 32, 236 Scholastic standing and achievement ... 13 Secretarial ............................................... 60 Semester unit credit ........................ 22, 81 Sexual assault ...................................... 232 Sign Language ...................................... 199 Social work ............................................. 48 Sociology .............................................. 200 Solicitation ............................................ 226 Spanish .......................................... 46, 201 Special admission for minors ................ 14 Special education .................. 99, 134, 161 Special programs ................................... 37 Special program requirements .............. 66 Speech .................................................. 203 State map ............................................. 245 State university requirements ......... 71, 73 Student activities, extracurricular .......... 33 Student activities program ..................... 34 Student conduct ................................... 221 Student expenses ................................... 18 Student financial services .................... 235 Student government .............................. 34 Student grievance ................................. 223 Student health and psychological services ...................... 35 Student loans ................................. 32, 235 Student organizations ............................. 35 Student Right-to-Know ......................... 229 Student Right-to-Know campus security.238 Student services ..................................... 31 Study Skills ........................................... 204 Supervision .................................... 65, 205 T Team sports .......................................... 190 Textbooks................................................ 20 Theatre Arts ................................... 51, 205 Transcripts, requests for ........................ 17 Transcript requirements ......................... 17 Transfer Center ....................................... 35 Transfer course identification ................ 82 Transfer credit evaluation ...................... 17 Transfer information ............................... 70 Transfer of credits ..................... 17, 70, 82 Transfer requirements ............... 40, 42, 70 Transportation......................................... 35 Tuition ..................................................... 16 Tuition refunds ........................................ 19 Tutoring ................................................... 30 U Units of credit .................................. 22, 81 University of California .................... 71, 76 University of California at Santa Barbara ..................................... 78 University of LaVerne ............................. 80 Use of student images ......................... 226 V Values, college ......................................... 4 Variance petitions ................................... 45 Ventura Promise Program ...................... 32 Veterans benefits .................................... 33 Visual basic ............................................ 57 Vocational agency services ................... 37 Vocational rehabilitation ......................... 38 W Waitlist for closed classes .................... 13 Water Science ............................... 65, 207 Web development & programming ............................... 57, 63 WebSTAR ................................................ 13 Welding ........................................ 208, 212 Welding technology ................................ 65 Withdrawal from class or College ......... 26 Women's studies .................................. 209 Work Experience ................................... 209 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) ........... 38 Workload guidelines ............................... 22 Work-study ............................................. 32 244 -Index Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Locating Ventura, California Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 Ventura College Catalog 2006-2007 " class="hidden">大v店