
澳门皇家赌城在线县社区学院区财政援助办公室根据联邦法规(34联邦法规第668节)建立了令人满意的学业进步标准.34). 为了有资格获得经济援助,学生必须达到或超过这些标准. 该标准适用于所有经济援助接受者和所有大学课程,包括已提交并出现在澳门皇家赌城在线县社区学院区(VCCCD)成绩单上的校外课程. 未能保持这些标准可能会导致失去经济援助资格.


Standard Minimum Requirement
Qualitative Standard A 2.所有课程的最低累积平均绩点(GPA)达到00.
Quantitative Standard A 67% minimum course completion of all coursework attempted.*
Maximum Time Frame 尝试单元不得超过完成教育目标所需单元数的150%.




In determining the above standardsA、B、C、D、P、CR(学分)或CRE(考试学分)的成绩被认为是完成的课程. Grades of F, I (Incomplete), IP (In Progress), W (Withdrawal), EW (Excused Withdrawal)**, MW(军事撤退),NC(无信用),NP(无通行证)和RD(记录延迟) not considered completed coursework. All grades are considered attempted units.

**因COVID-19而颁发的EW成绩不会影响学生的SAP成绩. 《澳门皇家赌城在线》第3509条允许机构将学生由于COVID-19国家紧急情况而无法完成的令人满意的学业进展(SAP)尝试学分排除在定量部分(速度测量)之外.



Enrollment Status Units
Full time 12 or more units
Three-quarter time 9 to 11.75 units
Half-time 6 to 8.75 units
Less Than Half-time 0.25 to 5.75 units

Maximum Time Frame

学生必须在课程长度的150%内完成他/她的教育目标. 他/她的VCCCD成绩单上的所有课程都将计入最大时间框架. 超过此时间范围和/或不能在此时间范围内完成课程的学生, and/or has attained a BA/BS (for student loans only), MA/MS (for student loans only), or beyond (for student loans only), 会被停学,并可能被要求提交一份令人满意的学业进步申诉表格以供评估.

Educational Goal Units Required to Complete Goal* Maximum Attempted Units (150%)*
AA/AS 60 units 90 units
Transfer 60 units 90 units
Certificate of Achievement * *
*Program lengths vary. See college catalog for program length.


When a student fails to achieve a minimum 2.累积平均绩点不等于或高于67%*者,将给予警告处分. 在警告期间,学生有资格获得经济援助. 在警告期结束时,学生的累积平均绩点(GPA)必须为2.并且必须完成所有尝试单元的至少67%*.



申请成功的学生将获得经济援助 Probation. Financial aid is available during this Probation period. However, SAP will be evaluated at the end of the Probation term. During the Probation 学期,学生必须完成所有尝试单元的100%,学期平均绩点为2.00 or better and must be following his/her approved Academic Plan. Failure to follow the terms of the appeal will result in Suspension of financial aid. A student on Probation for a payment period may not receive title IV, HEA(高等教育法)计划的后续付款期的资金,除非学生取得令人满意的学业进步或机构确定学生符合机构在学生学业计划中规定的要求.


Suspension of Eligibility

When a student fails to achieve a minimum 2.累积平均分不超过00分,且成绩不等于或高于67%*,他/她将被分配 Suspension. When a student is placed on Suspension, 他/她将不再有资格获得联邦财政援助,直到他/她 Reinstates or successfully appeals. A student who is Suspended 可以:通过填写一份令人满意的学业进步申诉表提出上诉,或者自费参加,直到学生的累计平均绩点(GPA)提高到2分.00 and attains a 67%* minimum course completion rate. 超过最长时间的学生不能复职.



A student Suspended 未能达到SAP的学生可以通过成功向财务援助办公室提出上诉而重新获得资格. 学生也可以在不接受经济援助的情况下重新获得资格,并且达到最低累积平均绩点(GPA) 2.00 and minimum cumulative course completion rate of 67%* of all attempted coursework. 学生有责任在恢复学籍后以书面形式通知助学金办公室. Reinstatement is not an option for students who have exceeded Maximum Time Frame.


Academic Plan

An Academic Plan 概述学生必须遵守的要求,以保持有资格获得经济援助. The institution develops an Academic Plan for the student that, if followed, 能否确保学生在特定时间内达到学校的学业进步标准, or instead takes the student to successful program completion. Students placed on Academic Plan must complete 100% of all attempted units with a term GPA of 2.0 or better and must be following the approved Academic Plan. A student who has failed the Academic Plan has the right to appeal based on extenuating circumstances. Students must appeal to change the Academic Plan.


Student Educational Plan (SEP)

A student who has been suspended, or has exceeded Maximum Time Frame, 必须与学术顾问会面才能为合格的学习项目制定全面的SEP. SEP必须确保学生在指定的时间点达到SAP标准, 或通过学术计划,反而可以让学生顺利完成课程. 


Program of Study

学生必须从他们的初级学院申报一个合格的学习项目, which is the school granting their degree. 一旦学术计划(SEP)获得财政援助办公室的批准,只有一个重大变更可以应用于上诉.



SAP将在每个付款期(学期)结束时进行评估。. 计算包括累计完成/转移到VCCCD的单位数除以累计尝试/转移到VCCCD的单位数.

SAP is met if a student is achieving a 2.累积平均分达到或超过00分,学习进度等于67%*或更高,学生未达到获得证书所需单元数的150%, degree, or transfer program. Once the calculation is performed, 学生的SAP状态将发布在学生的MyVCCCD门户网站上.


ESL Courses

ESL coursework does not count against remedial units; however, the units do count toward Maximum Time Frame. 在评估学生的总GPA和完成率时,将计算ESL课程的学术进展.


Remedial Courses

如果补习班是进入正规大学课程的先决条件,学生有资格获得补习班的经济援助. 超过30个补救单位不能获得财政援助. 任何超过30个学分的补习课程,将不会被计入学生的助学金. However, 他们仍然会计算在最大时间框架内,并且仍然会包括在学术进展评估中. 学生应参考其原就读学院的学院目录以获取辅导班的清单.


Repeated Coursework

联邦法规禁止财政援助办公室支付已经通过并重复一次以上的课程. 为了将重复的课程计入学生的入学资格,以获得经济援助, 学生只能重修已通过的课程一次(共两次)。. 如果学生第三次参加之前重修并通过的课程, 这门课程将不计入你的经济援助目的.

如果学生收到退学(W)或不及格的成绩,重复的课程可能包括在内. 课程可以按照地区学术标准重复进行, as identified in the college catalog. 所有重复课程都会影响“学业进步满意”的计算. A、B、C、D、P、CR(学分)或CRE(考试学分)的成绩被认为是合格成绩.

暂停和延期上诉不能推翻联邦法规. If a student is in a class that is not eligible for payment, but the class is part of his/her approved Academic Plan, he/she will not be penalized for repeating the class, but he/she cannot receive financial aid for that class.

Check Your SAP Status

Step 1- Log in to your My.VCCCD.edu portal

Step 2 - Go to Tools and expand Financial Aid

Step 3- Click on Financial Aid Dashboard

Step 4 - Click on Satisfactory Academic Progress

Step 5 - Your SAP status will be displayed


Appeal Process

被暂停资助的学生有权提出上诉, based on extenuating circumstances (see below), by submitting a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form. 上诉必须在学生申请援助的学期内提交给经济援助办公室. See Appeal Deadlines below.

Submit your SAP appeal by:

  • Log in to your My.VCCCD.edu portal
  • Go to Tools and expand Financial Aid
  • Click on Financial Aid Dashboard
  • Click on Not Meeting SAP: Log into @ Online Financial Aid Account*

*创建您的帐户(您只需要创建您的帐户一次). 你的大部分经济援助要求都可以在网上提交.

Complete appeal packets consist of the following:

1. GetSAP Counseling Certificate of Completion for the session “令人满意的学业进步(SAP)财政援助申请程序的关键组成部分."

2. Student Educational Plan (SEP)澳门皇家赌城在线的学术顾问和任何额外的咨询表格一起开发.

3.  SAP Appeal (包括情况解释和情况解决两部分).  经济援助办公室希望学生的陈述直接输入PDF可填写表格.

  • The Explanation of Circumstances section on the form must be filled in. Examples of extenuating circumstances include: medical condition or illness of the student; death of an immediate relative; divorce or separation; military service; illness, injury or medical condition of a family member that required care; change in academic major or exceeded time frame; other similar situations that affected academic performance that were beyond the student's control.
  • The Resolution of Circumstances 表格上的部分必须包括学生情况变化的信息,这将使学生在下一次评估中展示令人满意的学术进步, 和/或学生采取了哪些措施来减轻任何障碍(例如, meeting with academic counselor, tutoring, testing, reducing unit load, etc.).
4. Supporting documentation 这支持了学生在他/她的信中所提到的情况的解释(例如, copies of letters from doctors or counselors, divorce decree, medical information related to illness, death certificate, birth certificate, etc.).
Please note:
- Appeals should not include statements based on financial need. Financial need is already assumed.  
- 不完整的申诉包将不被接受或将被自动拒绝.


Appeal Decisions 财政援助上诉委员会将对SAP上诉进行审查.
1. Approval: If an appeal is approved, 学生将获得经济援助试用期,并将收到概述其试用期细节的通知.

2. Denial: If an appeal is denied, 学生将收到通知,概述他/她被拒绝的细节.  Denial decisions of SAP Appeal are final.

Reinstatement: 学生可以在不接受经济援助的情况下重新获得资格,并达到最低累积平均绩点(GPA) 2.最低累计课程完成率为67%*.  学生有责任在恢复学籍后以书面形式通知助学金办公室.  超过最长时间的学生不能复职.


See 学业进展满意(SAP)申请截止日期是什么时候?



澳门皇家赌城在线有各种各样的资源可以帮助你取得学术上的成功. We encourage you to look into all available options. The Student Services page at nursing.promisesurfing.net/departments/student-services lists many programs and services, for example:
